
Archive for the ‘hacking’ Category

12 Articles From Around the World : Charming Relics In The Military, English Still Hate French, Nepal Well Meaning But Not Thinking Right, Voting Machines Harm Democracy, Voting Machines Hackable – Technofascists Tool, Tech Error Is Not Intent, Forced Insurance Without Abstention Options An Undemocratic Lie, Aussies Blame Hungry Man-Eating Sharks For Aussie Overfishing, Iran’s Doublespeak On Display To The World, Nepal Not Very Enlightened In Land Distribution, Technofascist Wiifi To Intentionally Cause Poisonous Chemical Uptake, Classism in Music-Entertainment Industry, Counter-Classism in Music-Entertainement Industry – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 3rd October 2012

In amendments to law needed, best practices, better judgments, better laws, collusion, corruption, critique, Democracy, democratisation, demogoguery, food, France, green, hacking, Iran, land distribution, land sequestration, LGBT, LGBT Hate Groups, media traps, media tricks, Nepal, sex negativism, technofascism, Technology, voting machine, Wealth distribution on October 2, 2012 at 8:23 pm


CREWS: Homosexuals in the military demand special privileges – Toleration doesn’t cut both ways – by Col. Ron Crews – Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The American armed forces exist to defend our nation, not to conduct social science lab experiments in which our troops serve as human subjects. Try telling that to this administration.

The first anniversary of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Sept. 20, has come and gone. Now, there is mounting evidence that proves our warnings were not idle chatter. The threat to freedom posed by this radical sexual experiment on our military is real: It is grave and it is growing.

Activists inside and outside our government who pushed the repeal have deployed a smoke screen around the fact that once the military was forced to exalt homosexuality in the ranks, the all-too-foreseen consequence reared its ugly head.

Senior military officials have allowed personnel in favor of repeal to speak to media while those who have concerns have been ordered to be silent. Two airmen were publicly harassed in a Post Exchange food court as they were privately discussing their concerns about the impact of repeal. A chaplain was encouraged by military officials to resign his commission unless he could “get in line with the new policy,” demonstrating no tolerance for that chaplain’s religious viewpoint. Another chaplain was threatened with early retirement, and then reassigned to be more “closely supervised” because he had expressed concerns with the policy change, again demonstrating no tolerance for that chaplain’s religious viewpoint.

At an officer training service school, a male serviceman sexually harassed another male serviceman through text messages, emails, phone calls and in-person confrontations. The harassing male insisted the two would “make a great couple.” The harassed serviceman reported the harassment, but the command failed to take disciplinary action.

Service members engaged in homosexual behavior protested a service school’s open-door policy for all students that prohibited the closing of room doors for the purpose of hiding sexual behavior. The protesters claimed that they had a right to participate in sexual behavior with their same-sex roommates.

A senior chaplain was stripped of his authority over the chapel under his charge because, in accordance with federal law, he proclaimed the chapel to be a “sacred space” where marriage ceremonies would only be between one man and one woman.

The Navy has allowed sailors openly engaged in homosexual behavior to choose their bunkmates. Imagine in this new age of “tolerance” if a sailor asked to be moved from a close-quarters berthing area because of his concern about another sailor’s sexual appetites. We already know what would happen, because tolerance has never been a two-way street.

Obviously, the recent “study” (aka propaganda) claiming that the repeal went off without a hitch should be shredded post-haste. It has no connection to reality.

This is just the first wave in the first year of the assault on the constitutionally protected freedom of our service members. Remember, the groups that forced their sexual experiment on the armed forces represent the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender community. It’s only a matter of time before a man who claims to be transgender demands to be placed with women during training, in the showers and in the barracks. The women in the units will have no recourse, especially if their objection to living, changing, bathing and bunking with a man is based on sincerely held religious beliefs. They would have two choices: Either accept this outrageous imposition silently or be charged with bigotry, hatred, intolerance and every other name the advocates of this agenda can throw at them. Neither choice is acceptable. When “sensitivity training” is in full force, these women just might face discipline and punitive separation merely for speaking up and requesting a reasonable measure of privacy and protection of their religious freedom.

This outrageous social science lab experiment could have been easily prevented. The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty has worked closely with members of Congress to enact legislation, which has already passed the House, to protect freedom of conscience for chaplains and those they serve.

Even more outrageous is that we have to ask Congress to protect freedom of conscience for chaplains and those who serve in the military. The fact that Congress excluded a religious freedom protection amendment (authored in partnership with Alliance Defending Freedom), to the repeal sends a clear message that our current leadership does not consider, much less respect, the constitutional implications of their actions while they bow in allegiance to the powerful and aggressive lobby of those who supported the repeal.

Col. Ron Crews, a retired Army chaplain, is executive director for Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The colonel needs to get a grip. Much like non-military civvies giving wolf whistles or catcalls to women anywhere in the world do not get reported, the SMS is as discreet as milkitary discipline can expect. One cannot even expect the chaplain to get involved in this sort of communication.

1) The threat to freedom posed by this radical sexual experiment on our military is real: It is grave and it is growing.

The USA needs every able bodied person they can get. There is no luxury of choice at this point. This is not experimental but necessity based.

2) The Navy has allowed sailors openly engaged in homosexual behavior to choose their bunkmates. Imagine in this new age of “tolerance” if a sailor asked to be moved from a close-quarters berthing area because of his concern about another sailor’s sexual appetites. We already know what would happen, because tolerance has never been a two-way street.

Well they should all be allowed to move if needed or choose as well. Both homosexual and non-homosexual personnel should be allowed to choose with ‘away from’ choices on eitrher side given priority. Homosexuality incidentally is a mark of extreme military nature.

3) Senior military officials have allowed personnel in favor of repeal to speak to media while those who have concerns have been ordered to be silent. Two airmen were publicly harassed in a Post Exchange food court as they were privately discussing their concerns about the impact of repeal.  A chaplain was encouraged by military officials to resign his commission unless he could “get in line with the new policy,” demonstrating no tolerance for that chaplain’s religious viewpoint. A senior chaplain was stripped of his authority over the chapel under his charge because, in accordance with federal law, he proclaimed the chapel to be a “sacred space” where marriage ceremonies would only be between one man and one woman.

There is military unit number that needs to be maintained even as USA tries to be the most inclusive nation worldwide, in this case the media will not be friendly and will even allow USA’s enemies to attack and weaken the military. Even if the spiritual purity’ of a soldier is not congruent with sexuality provided by the Church, a soldier still needs spiritual sustenance and should have access to the chapel so long as the soldier is having sex in the chapel or being disruptive and is generally respectful. Of course the chaplain was in the wrong! The soldier has a right to access the chapel regardless of orientation because Man is more than their sexual orientation and the chaplain made the chapel into a place where sexuality was judged above all else.

4) They would have two choices: Either accept this outrageous imposition silently or be charged with bigotry, hatred, intolerance and every other name the advocates of this agenda can throw at them. Neither choice is acceptable.

Men who do seek men for sex, especially the dominant men who consider women too fragile for ‘boisterous’ sex, are the most aggressive and exceptional soldiers of the lot. In Roman times this was a norm and accepted as coming with the territory. Perhaps Xian (hermit) and Victorian (Tory) sensitivities have blunted the martial sense of the Colonel. The USA may not want to be too obvious about this so that is the reason.

5) Even more outrageous is that we have to ask Congress to protect freedom of conscience for chaplains and those who serve in the military. The fact that Congress excluded a religious freedom protection amendment (authored in partnership with Alliance Defending Freedom), to the repeal sends a clear message that our current leadership does not consider, much less respect, the constitutional implications of their actions while they bow in allegiance to the powerful and aggressive lobby of those who supported the repeal.

This Colonel Cres has become an old fashioned gentleman, more aristocrat than a practical officer who knows the value in numbers rather than sexuality of the men, and is evidently aged in mindset to find sexual issues distasteful. These are coarse and iron natured issues that evidently grate on the Colonel’s age acquired sensitivities or upbringing. They bow to nothing, but perhaps the Colonel has already chosen a time warp of choice, and this does not include homosexuality among militarily viable soldiers who do need spiritual sustenance at the chapel, or dropping religion where needed to protect the military from outside (Islamist infiltrated media) influence. These are NOT special privileges but things the Colonel has not and probably lacks the objectivity to think through, probably due to age from/of fixity of mindset. A good man who could advocate the 3 type of unit format I suggested elsewhere :

i) LGBT friendly and mixed with Hetero
iii) non-LGBT and for Hetero only.

Guess which unit will be able to lead ALL in the army? Evidently (i) the LGBT and mixed, simply because this is about war, not sexuality or religion. Fundamentalism is a luxury, and USA must be a nation for everyone not just anyone’s favoured group or in this case unit – so why disallow access to the chapel or complain when fundamentalists are removed from the unit? At least until the above 3 types of units are formed this will continue to be the norm.


‘Get out of decaying France while you can’, campaign warns – France’s youth should leave a “decaying and ultra-centralised country run by old men”, according to a new campaign that has sparked debate on how the country treats its younger generation. – By Henry Samuel, Paris – 6:32PM BST 25 Sep 2012

Young French people should seek work and hope for the future abroad, according to an unlikely trio of influential men in their 30s – entrepreneur Félix Marquardt, rapper Mokless and TV journalist Mouloud Achour, who have launched a campaign dubbed “Barrez-Vous”(“Beat It”).

In a tribune in Libération newspaper earlier this month, they said French young people must face the “embarrassing truth” that they lived in a “sclerotic gerontocracy that is collapsing a little more every day”.

Mr Marquardt, who has US nationality, said France’s failure to teach English better in schools and its obsession with protecting its language was a major obstacle to mobility.

The country’s economic policies have put youth so low on their priorities that one in four people under 25 is out of work, they argue. Meanwhile, France’s ageing political class refuses to let the younger generation in.

Their call followed numerous reports about a rising tide of wealthy and successful French who are leaving the country to avoid the new Socialist government’s plan to tax the country’s highest earners at 75 per cent. David Cameron provocatively offered them the “red carpet” should they choose Britain as their new tax home.

The “Barrez-vous” trio said this was not about “tax evasion, but escape plain and simple” that applied as much to “apprentice restaurateurs, hairdressers and chauffeurs as to bankers”.

They apparently had little time for President François Hollande’s electoral pledge to make youth his top priority and his 2.3 billion-euro programme to create jobs for 150,000 young people without skills.

They received support from Rokhaya Diallo, founder of anti-racism group Les Indivisibles, who said the young felt totally ignored, particularly those from high-immigrant suburbs where unemployment can reach 40 per cent.

“We’re not going to tell young people to be masochists and stay put in a country that clearly doesn’t like them,” she said.

Critics of the campaign were quick to brand the trio unpatriotic and lacking moral fibre.

Michel Sapin, the labour minister, said: “I don’t think the idea of going elsewhere should be an ambition to offer young French people, even if it’s very important to know what’s going on there.”

Right-wing former agriculture minister Bruno Le Maire said: “Beware of provocation. I would say to them: ‘Stay and roll up your shirtsleeves’. France is a wonderful country that we’re in the process of ruining.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

i) In a tribune in Libération newspaper earlier this month, they said French young people must face the “embarrassing truth” that they lived in a “sclerotic gerontocracy that is collapsing a little more every day”.

Not really. France is not Socialist enough to allow land distribution yet. At that point rhetoric has no effect.

ii) Mr Marquardt, who has US nationality, said France’s failure to teach English better in schools and its obsession with protecting its language was a major obstacle to mobility.

French are among the best resistors of English Linguistic colonialism

iii) The country’s economic policies have put youth so low on their priorities that one in four people under 25 is out of work, they argue. Meanwhile, France’s ageing political class refuses to let the younger generation in.

True to a point. Term limitlessness is bad.

iv) Their call followed numerous reports about a rising tide of wealthy and successful French who are leaving the country to avoid the new Socialist government’s plan to tax the country’s highest earners at 75 per cent. David Cameron provocatively offered them the “red carpet” should they choose Britain as their new tax home.

These people have electronic cash like credit cards and bank money. That is not real money or even collectible. Stock markets are not real money. Fiat is not real money though there is some being held.  Profit from trade in non-collectible or not yet landed ‘commodities’ is not real money – many things cannot be collected . . .

Good riddance.

v) They apparently had little time for President François Hollande’s electoral pledge to make youth his top priority and his 2.3 billion-euro programme to create jobs for 150,000 young people without skills.

Hollande is an honest man to this point. Thos who leave are the fifth columnists or zombie citizens France can do w/o.

vi) “We’re not going to tell young people to be masochists and stay put in a country that clearly doesn’t like them,” she said.

English media has never been as hateful or subversive of the French as seen here. Drivel propaganda article insulting of the readers’ intelligence.


Can Lease Hold Forestry in Nepal Benefit People and the Environment? – Policy Brief Number 56-11, July 2011

In Nepal an innovative form of forestry management, known as the Leasehold Forestry (LHF) Programme, is being introduced to protect forest land and help it regenerate. A new SANDEE study analyzes the role of this programme in improving household welfare in Nepal. The study was undertaken to see whether degraded forest land, a resource available to a greater or lesser extent in all low-income countries, can be managed to both improve the environment and enhance socio-economic wellbeing.

The study is the work of Bishnu Prasad Sharma from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. It assesses whether the LHF programme helps households save time collecting forest resources and whether it helps increase household income. It finds that a household participating in the LHF programs saves 33 workdays in the collection of forest resources and that LHF plots provide resources worth approximately 5 percent of household income. The study recommends ways in which the LHF regime could be restructured to increase efficiency and so further improve social welfare.

The Leasehold Forestry Programme

LHF is an innovative kind of property rights regime. It was introduced in 1993 by the Government of Nepal with the twin objectives of regenerating degraded forest land and alleviating rural poverty. There are presently around 4,000 LHF groups in the country. Together these have 36,000 household members and operate in 26 out of 75 districts. The Government of Nepal considers LHF a high priority and the programme has, according to a series of previous studies, succeeded in improving forest cover in previously degraded land.

Under a LHF regime, the Government hands over state-owned, virtually open access, degraded forest land to a group of poor households. These groups are generally less than ten in number and each household receives around one hectare of land in the form of a lease contract. The duration of a LHF lease is 40 years, although this can normally be extended by another 40 years. The state requires households involved in the LHF programme to protect their
forest lands against degradation from open grazing, forest fires, soil erosion, and other threats. They are also expected to replace open grazing on their LHF land by stall feeding of livestock. LHF rules ban the cultivation of cereals on leasehold land and the programme expects households to enhance their income in a sustainable manner from livestock, timber and non-timber forest products. The basic idea is that LHF will enhance forest regeneration while also making it possible for LHF land to meet basic livelihood needs.

Looking at Two Pioneer Districts

This study was conducted in the districts of Makwanpur and Kavrepalanchok (Kavre, for short). These were the first two districts to implement the LHF program in 1993. These districts were selected for two reasons: (a) they would have mature LHF regimes and (b) due to their location in the lower and upper parts of the mid-hill belts, they would be representative of the topographical diversity that exists in the LHF program.

In 2007, Makwanpur and Kavre had 288 and 243 LHF groups, respectively. Since the LHF program is based on the principle of the natural regeneration of forests, only groups that had completed five years of tenure were chosen for the study. These groups would have had time to get their programmes up and running and to have made a difference to their land. Accordingly, the study assessed 245 and 194 LHF groups in the two districts.

Primary data was collected through a questionnaire survey. This was used to collect information on issues such as This policy brief is based on SANDEE working paper no. 61-11, ‘The Welfare Impacts of Leasehold Forestry in Nepal’ by Bishnu Prasad Sharma, Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. The full report is available at:

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Parochial and disempowering policy overall that inculpates expedience and bowing to poitical oppression. The country belongs to the citizens, so why should land be taken away after 40 years? If population of the country increases in 40 years, what will happen if the family that is leased the land AFTER 40 years if no savings were possible during that time? Will the family be thrown off the land after the 40 year period into even denser population by then?

For most of the countries somewhat off the main Silk Road type or land trade routes or popular sea lanes, the liklihood of increase of jobs is just as poor, so jobs are unlikely to congregate in Nepal but elsewhere, and we do know that degree based or high tech jobs are always limited in number as well as executive or paper work positions EVEN in the USA or Europe, the number of degreeless graduates confirms this, Nepal will be even worse off!

This is not a permanent solution unless subsistence suitable sized land for agriculture (as is the moral right of a citizen of any country to claim with larger sized land possible if populations allow) is GIVEN to that famuily and not leased. If the family manages to gather much wealth then fine, but this appears unlikely especially for Nepal being not on or near any major trade areas.

Suggest that those titles be FREEHOLD and if possible ALLODIAL. Size of land though should be subsistence sized for a single family (or larger if population is less), and that Nepal focus on tourism and organic foods, and population controlled paradigms with redistribution of wealth for development of land and acquisition of luxuries for citizen if tourism is profitable. Being the originating country of Buddhism, the Nepalese should understand that the planet and planet’s resources do not really belong to any though overpopulation must be avoided.

Every living being’s birthright which is reasonable living space and perhaps a permanent home, must be assured and the overpopulation that has led to the concept of capitalism or state sequestration of land or plutocratic collusion with government’s nepotists or oligarchs writing laws that CREATES ‘the poor’, rather than ensures welth distribution insted of wealth sequestration as well as land sequestration. if every citizen if equal then all wealth of the nation is a collective shared resource. while the lack of stratification based on wealth should be directed at ethical and moral criteria for acces to trhat same wealth (i.e. the most ethical or moral people will get the most wealth while those who are less than exemplary or downright self serving or even criminal will get the least ‘shares’ of wealth – IN EITHER CASE – this ‘Utopian’ concept must be tempered with maximum quantums of wealth that are not excessive per ‘class’ of preferred citizen types as in example below :

Physical Criminals        Violent Crimes, Destructive                Basic and Minimal Access perhaps half times GDP / 3 times average annual salary sequesterable / 1 star access (Lower Class)
White Collar Criminal    Seeks/Creates Loopholes in Political or Legal System    Normal Access perhaps 1 times GDP / 10 times average annual salary sequesterable / 2-3 star venue access (Middle Class)
Disruptive Non-Violent Crimes (i.e. Invasion fo Privacy)
Legalistic/Ethical Citizen    Does Not Seek Loopholes / Refuses Handout Culture    Quality Access perhaps 2 times GDP / 30 times average annual salary sequesterable / 3-4 star venue access (Upper Class)
Moral/Fundo Citizen        Exemplifies ‘Quaint/Unique’ Civilisational Values        Luxury Access perhaps 3 times GDP / 100 times average annual salary sequesterable / 5 star venue access (Apex Class)

Then there are Negative Freedoms as well that can also be read about throughout the responses in this blog which some religions are unable to reconcile due to fundamentalist attitudes . . .

The above are being applied barely, and only in part or under double standard – based on nepotism, clique politics or race politics as of now, preventing the 99% of citizens from participating in democracy while sequestering even political power and the right to ratify equality type distribution as listed above. Vote properly Joe Publics, if your MPs all decide there is no road tax, insurance or that land is distributed under freehold or even allodial title, or that the state will distribute wealth of the richest to the limit of anything above 100 times annual average salaries (or as suggested by moi a 20 million limit to all sequestered wealth to any and all), or of tertiary education will be FREE, the equality anf freedom of the citizentry will  be that much better and the nation that much stronger.

One might say wealth or military power is the only way, but civilisation values are the key that will underline the right to ‘rule’ oor ‘pontificate’. If all one does is be able to wage war and be wealthy, the world will end up like USA, to a point which is beautifully lower class but has no civilisational values, even as the right to either MUST be maintained and not Theocratically imposed. Balance is lacking, even at the UN these days, and Nepal being ‘Buddhist’ must mke an effort to displace the ‘wealth or war’ paradigm for Nepal’s own citizens first then spreading out the influence of true civilisation from there.

Being so ‘Enlightened’ and the supposed birth-nation of Buddhism, an effort must be made wherever there is oppression or unfair fees (like using the Lese Majeste laws as reasonably as possible, not imposing theocracy on citizens, making sure all citizens have freedom of speech, preventing or ending road tolls – perhaps for foreigners only – including opt out options for military conscription, not penalizing for not having insurance, keeping legal fees down to a 1% tp 10% at very most of any citizen’s annual salary (instead of denying access to legal services except the rich), even ending of road tax or legalising Satellite dishes so that TV companies cannot collude with politicians to enrich the 1%, making passports FREE or water (certain amount) and electricity (certain amount) FREE etc..) regardless of the cynicism or lack of wexemplars. Someone nmeeds to start somewhere even as the rest of the world or even UN stumbles or gove in to fiat convenience.corruption, and give citizens a FREEHOLD right to land in what is their country as much as the next citizen’s, is the only way to go. Not just Nepal is run in a 3rd world manner, but even the st world people fight for democracy and things like the 2nd amendment or term limitless Senators all the time draining salaries and colluding with big business whil ethe rest of the 99% languishes, 40 year leases are CYNICAL to say the least. Those titles be FREEHOLD and if possible ALLODIAL, at least subsistanxce sized as well or larger if there is land to spare. Then spread the enlightenenmt at the UN and free the rest of the landless population worldwide . . .


2 Articles On Why Voting Machines are Not Viable And 3rd World Nations Are Greatest At Risk

Brazil Offering a Model for U.S. Elections? – posted by IFP Contributor Mar 5, 2012

Centralized E-Voting Process that Almost Instantly Records the Ballots of Brazil’s 140 Million Voters has Drawn Interest from Election Officials in Other Countries, Including the U.S.

Delivering voting machines to locations in the Amazon rainforest can take up to 2 weeks by vehicle, boat and on foot, but votes are transmitted instantly via a secure satellite network. (Flickr photo)

Brazil, which has about 20 million fewer registered voters than the United States, is providing a model for other nations with its use of electronic voting machines.

The Latin American country uses compact, portable voting devices and a centralized process to tabulate even close elections within hours. Adding to the system’s efficiency, Brazil’s approximately 140 million voters cast their ballot on the same model of voting machine whether they live in Sao Paulo, Campo Grande or villages deep in the Amazon.

The result is quick and reliable results, according to Brazil’s elections agency. Speed and logistical solutions are part of the reason many countries, including the United States, are looking to Brazil for how to run reliable, secure and efficient balloting.

Brazil implemented an all-electronic voting system more than a decade ago and has made improvements since. The municipal elections in October, for example, will employ an upgraded version of an Intel Atom-based voting machine that incorporates advanced fingerprint identification capacity.

“I know in the United States it’s different,” said Giuseppe Janino, secretary of technology for Brazil’s Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), or in English, Superior Electoral Court. “I realize with so many states it’s difficult to find a way to have a central, single system.”

In Brazil, the move to its present-day method was in response to an outcry from angry and frustrated citizens, according to Janino.

“We had to do something to make the process reliable,” he said. “It took 1 or 2 weeks to show results and outcomes were in doubt through the manual process. It was slow, had a lot of errors — the electoral process was totally untrustworthy.”

Reflecting on similar complaints registered about the 2000 U.S. general election, Janino noted the improbability of his country suffering through a controversy like when George W. Bush and Al Gore battled over hanging chad on Florida ballots.

“That wouldn’t have happened in Brazil because we eliminate the human interaction at all voting sections,” he said. The election secretary added that the absence of paper ballots eliminates the tedious task of recounts, done by hand in the past.

The TSE also hasn’t seen cases of mechanical malfunctions that surface from time to time in the U.S., including the DS200 optical ballot scanner used in Florida, New York, Ohio and Wisconsin. Among other “substantial anomalies,” the scanner is prone to freezes and misreads ballots, according to a recent U.S. Elections Assistance Commission report. The device built by Election Systems & Software was not decertified by the EAC, but the Omaha-based manufacturer is working to remediate the problems.

Brazil’s Nuts and Bolts

Brazil’s machines, or urnas, are designed by the government and manufactured by Sao Paulo-based Diebold Procom, a subsidiary of Ohio-based Diebold Inc. that has had the TSE contract since 1999.

Candidates’ photos are displayed on the screens of Brazil’s electronic voting machines. Source: Brazil TSE  (Flickr photo)

Roughly the size of a small toaster oven, the voting machines have a screen activated by a built-in numerical keypad. Voters punch numbers that correspond to the measures or candidates, the latter often displayed with a headshot. Votes are transmitted via a secure satellite network. Battery life is 9-10 hours, which comes in handy at polling places lacking electrical power. A 2-week delivery by vehicle, boat and on foot is typical for locations hundreds of miles into the Amazon, “no easy task,” Janino said, as about 15 percent of voters live in rural areas, including rainforest that blankets more than half of Brazil.

The voting machine, which weighs 8.8 pounds, is designed so that even people who do not read or those speaking different languages can successfully make their selections. The visually impaired have an option to hear their votes cast through headphones. Voters can identify themselves with only three fingerprints, a feature piloted in 2008 with 60,000 voters and has since grown significantly.

“We are currently in Phase 2 of the biometric identification program and have around 10 million voters who can identify themselves through their fingerprints in this year’s municipal elections,” Janino said. “By 2018 we will have 100 percent of the voters biometrically registered.”

Although the government has not seen any evidence of fraud since e-voting was first employed, Janino and his department aren’t resting on laurels. Hackers are being hired to do their worst to the latest generation of voting system.

“In 2009 we invited hackers to try to get into the system and no one could, so in advance of the next election in October we’re inviting more hackers to try again,” Janino said. “But they won’t be successful.”

Mixed Global Acceptance

Workers prepare for the 2010 Brazilian general election at an urban polling location. Source: Brazil TSE  (Flickr photo)

Brazil began weaning itself off paper ballots with the 1996 municipal election. One-third of the sections, or what the United States calls precincts, blazed the paperless trail that year. Reports of citizens having trouble adjusting to the new equipment were minimal, according to the TSE. Another third made the transition with the 1998 general election, and when the remainder came on board with the 2000 municipal balloting, top vote-getting candidates weren’t the only winners.

“That made Brazil the first country to hold a completely automated election,” Janino said.

The second was India. When 380 million Indians cast votes on more than 1 million machines in May 2004, their country’s election wasn’t the first to be all-electronic, but it was the world’s biggest. India, the globe’s largest democracy, has used e-voting machines exclusively for national and local elections.

Belgium and the Philippines also use technology in either the voting or counting process for all of their national elections. Countries at various stages of piloting or partially using forms of electronic balloting include the United States, Estonia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan and Russia, according to the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.

Some countries are moving in the opposite direction. Germany banned e-voting in 2009 after a court ruled that the automated process used for the previous 10 years was unconstitutional. Citing issues over adequate privacy and security safeguards, the Netherlands in 2008 decertified its e-voting machines and moved back to paper balloting. Machines still tabulate results, but the sentiment, as stated by the government, is “as long as there is no good alternative, Netherlands agrees with pencil and paper.”

Janino shrugs his shoulders when he hears such things. “There are countries that use paper, and people trust that process even if it is manual and slow,” he said.

For countries open to the idea of computerized elections, Brazil is happy to share its knowledge, success and even hardware. Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico have signed agreements to rent the TSE’s voting machines for their own elections.

America also has knocked on Brazil’s door — not for equipment, but know-how.

“Delegations from the U.S. have come to Brazil,” Janino said. “We help them learn about our process, how we implement, what our experiences have been and advise them to find a way to have a central system.”

The latest American delegation to visit was from California, the state with the most registered voters and the greatest number of delegates up for grabs in its June 5 presidential primary.

urna-biometrica.jpgRecent advancements in Brazil’s standardized electronic voting machine include biometric identification. Source: Brazil TSE (Flickr photo)

Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose job includes serving as California’s chief elections officer, has looked closely at electronic voting since 2007 when she commissioned a complete review of software, hardware, source code and documents of voting systems used throughout the state. With the resulting independent scientific analysis as her guide, Bowen supported a system that, as she described, “offers the best of both worlds.”

“I chose to favor the transparency of voter-marked paper ballots, which can readily be recounted, coupled with the accuracy and speed of the computer to do the tedious work of counting multiple races,” Bowen said.

On all the voting systems she recertified following the audit, Bowen placed tighter use conditions on the components of voting systems that the researchers found were the most fundamentally flawed and vulnerable to security breaches. Those concerns are a big reason the secretary of state doesn’t see California being fully automated anytime soon.

“Because of proven technological insecurities and highly publicized government-hacking successes, I don’t see any big push toward all-electronic voting in the near future,” Bowen said. “Right now, with proprietary closed-source voting systems, entire institutions have to hope that unethical people don’t get their hands on source code or software. Our democracy is not built on trust alone; there are checks and balances, and course corrections after lessons are learned.”

While an automated election model mirroring Brazil’s doesn’t seem to be on the horizon for California, all of its 58 county election offices are required by law to provide at least one electronic ballot-marking machine in every polling place. Although generally used by voters with disabilities, the machine may be used by any registrant.

The U.S. agency charged with testing, certifying and overseeing voting systems across the country takes no position on the electronic vs. manual debate.

“The EAC does not endorse any particular type of voting system and state participation in EAC’s program is voluntary,” said agency spokesman Bryan Whitener. “States determine the type of voting system they use according to individual state laws and procedures.”

The EAC, which was created in the wake of the 2000 presidential election turmoil, is established by the Help America Vote Act that sets functional standards for voting systems used in federal elections. These standards will be followed for the third time when America votes for a president in November, be it by human or machine.

Future Now, Hardware, Bits ‘N Bytes, Software Tags: electronic_voting, e-voting, internet_voting, electronic_ballot, voting_machines, ballot_scanning, brazil_elections, election_technology

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Brazil Is NOT Offering a Model for U.S. Elections for the reasons in the article shown below :


It only takes $26 to hack a voting machine : Researchers demonstrated three different types of attacks – by Matt Liebowitz


A voter access card is inserted into an electronic voting machine during a demonstration at the Registrars-Recorder/County Clerk’s headquarters in Norwalk, Calif., in 2003.

Campaigning for the 2012 presidential race has already begun, but what the candidates don’t know is that come election day, hackers could be the ones whose votes have the biggest impact.

Researchers from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois have developed a hack that, for about $26 and an 8th-grade science education, can remotely manipulate the electronic voting machines used by millions of voters all across the U.S.

The researchers, Salon reported, performed their proof-of-concept hack on a Diebold Accuvote TS electronic voting machine, a type of touchscreen Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting system that is widely used for government elections.

(Diebold’s voting-machine business is now owned by the Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems, whose e-voting machines are used in about 22 states.)

In a video, Roger Johnston and Jon Warner from Argonne National Laboratory’s Vulnerability Assessment Team demonstrate three different ways an attacker could tamper with, and remotely take full control, of the e-voting machine simply by attaching what they call a piece of “alien electronics” into the machine’s circuit board.

The electronic hacking tool consists of a $1.29 microprocessor and a circuit board that costs about $8. Together with the $15 remote control, which enabled the researchers to modify votes from up to a half-mile away, the whole hack runs about $26.

Two of the takeovers show the researchers controlling the buttons on the keypad despite what the “real” voter enters. But in what Warner called “probably the most relevant attack for vote tampering,” the researchers were able to blank the e-voting machine’s screen for a split-second after the “vote now” button was pressed. While the screen went dark, they remotely entered their own numbers into the DRE’s keypad.

Johnston explained in the video: “When the voter hits the ‘vote now’ button to register his votes, we can blank the screen and then go back and vote differently and the voter will be unaware that this has happened.”

Johnston and Warner say that the ease with which this type of remote hack could be deployed highlights the need for e-voting machines to be designed better, with not just cybersecurity, but physical security in mind.

“Spend an extra four bucks and get a better lock,” Johnston said. “You don’t have to have state-of-the-art security, but you can do some things were it takes at least a little bit of skill to get in.”

© 2012 SecurityNewsDaily. All rights reserved

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Do not even deal in locks, and get a guard/watchman instead. Much like fiat currency is unmonitorable, only pencil and paper as well as HUMAN watched and UN HUMAN monitored voting will work. With Wii based or Satellite tech based technology, even microprocessors can be ‘overriden’ with signals from an external source. The potential for modification of votes will be as bad as the contrived numerology in Singapore’s election results show. The final vote tally numbers will not reflect reality of actual votes but instead believable sentiment as ‘watched’ by the propaganda ministry of the relevant nation in question which will be ‘matched’ with a numerology inclined number or percentile. This means that propaganda wars and not actual votes will count, with voting machines potentially unneeded and manipulated.


The man who sent sex text in error to ALL his contacts… and ended up in prison – by Paul Bentley – PUBLISHED: 17:05 GMT, 27 September 2012 | UPDATED: 23:33 GMT, 27 September 2012

Craig Evans, 24, had been jailed for 18 months for inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
Freed after judges hear the messages went out to all his contacts including members of his own family

Tripped up by technology: Craig Evans who accidentally sent a sex text to all his contacts and ended up in jail

Craig Evans must have thought things couldn’t get any worse after he accidentally sent a saucy text message intended for a lover to every contact in his phonebook.

How wrong he was!

The 24-year-old swimming coach ended up in prison for sex offences after the text also found its way to two young schoolgirls.

Evans had typed an intimate invitation to his girlfriend asking her if she would like to engage in sex with him ‘skin on skin’.

Excruciatingly, a slip of the fingers on his BlackBerry smartphone resulted in it going out via BlackBerry Messenger to all the numbers on his phone.

But as well as having to deal with the humiliation of his family reading the message, Evans’s mistake led to far more serious consequences.

Among the recipients of the text were two girls aged 13 and 14, which led to Evans, who teaches swimming in a leisure centre, being arrested and charged with causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

He was jailed for 18 months at Birmingham Crown Court in July.

The story unfolded in court this week when his lawyers went to the Court of Appeal in London to have his conviction overturned.

They argued that Evans’s ‘misguided use of his BlackBerry’ made it ‘difficult to conclude that he was targeting anyone’.
Bad mistake: A slip of the fingers on his BlackBerry smartphone resulted in it going out via BlackBerry Messenger to all the numbers on his phone

In the message, Evans, of Birmingham, asked an unknown lover if they would have sex with him ‘skin on skin’ and whether they would prefer it to be ‘fast or slow’.

Granting the appeal, Lord Justice Elias said the circumstances were ‘unusual’ and agreed that Evans had been ‘evidently misguided’ in the use of his phone.

He added: ‘The facts of this case are rather unusual. Messages… were sent to every single contact in his phone, including members of his own family.’

Quashed: Mr Evans walked free from the Court of Appeal in London after judges accepted his ‘misguided use of his BlackBerry’

He added: ‘The fact that they were repeated shows that he was evidently misguided in the use of his BlackBerry.

‘It is difficult to conclude that he was targeting anyone.

‘There were a number of mitigating factors in this case.’

The judge, sitting with Mr Justice Coulson and Mrs Justice Thirlwall, added that the sentence, which he also reduced to nine months, would be suspended ‘given the unusual circumstances’ and freed Evans.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Challenge the judge’s decision in Supreme court. The intention of trhe defendent was not to have sex with younger than legal aged persons but a tech based mistake. A clear apology to the underaged persons and parents should do, not this jail sentence! The judge is not considering these countering facts before passing sentence or deciding the person was guilty! How right he’ll be!


Going nowhere fast… the Ferrari proudly put on display outside police headquarters to deter uninsured drivers – by Daily Mail Reporter – PUBLISHED: 18:07 GMT, 27 September 2012 | UPDATED: 18:07 GMT, 27 September 2012

The driver of this supercar would probably rather be ragging it around a racetrack or attracting admiring glances while cruising down some of London’s most glamorous streets.

But this fluorescent orange Ferrari won’t be going very far at all for the time being – although it still may demand some attention.

The £200,000 vehicle, which has a top speed of 208mph and can go from 0 to 60 in 3.7 seconds, is being used to highlight a major campaign by police to target uninsured motorists.

Seized: The £200,000 Ferrari FF is on display outside New Scotland Yard as part of a campaign to clamp down on uninsured drivers

The 28-year-old owner of the FF model has not yet claimed the car back after it was seized in South Kensington.

The car, which has been placed alongside an £18,000 Mercedes belonging to a disqualified driver, has the phrase ‘uninsured vehicle seized by police’ plastered on its windscreen.

The display comes on the 11th day of action in the campaign – dubbed Operation Cubo – which has so far seized a total of nearly 37,000 uninsured vehicles since it began in October last year.

By this afternoon, a total of 300 vehicles were seized and 30 arrests made for various offences including driving while disqualified, possession of an offensive weapon and possession of class A drugs.

Captured: The Ferrari has been placed next to a £18,000 Mercedes which belongs to a disqualified driver

Clampdown: The two cars are on display outside New Scotland Yard as part of Operation Cubo, a major campaign to target uninsured motorists

While the cars are on display outside New Scotland Yard, a number of seized vehicles will also be on show in prominent positions around London as part of the campaign.

For all to see: Seized vehicles will be on show in prominent positions around the capital while the supercars are displayed to passers-by

During the ten Operation Cubo days held so far, more than 750 people have been arrested for a variety of offences including rape, possession of illegal firearms, money laundering and drugs.

Firearms, other weapons and large quantities of cash and drugs have also been recovered.

Commander Stephen Watson, who is leading the operation, said: ‘Operation Cubo has achieved some outstanding results and we expect another large haul of vehicle seizures today, and more importantly a number of arrests – including arrests for some very serious offences.

‘We are targeting criminals by denying them the use of the roads so it’s much harder for them to commit crime.

‘The overwhelming majority of people who don’t insure their cars are also habitual criminals.

‘We’re also helping to make London’s roads safer as uninsured drivers are more likely to have collisions and less likely to have road-worthy vehicles.

‘By displaying seized vehicles across London, we are sending a strong message to people who choose to drive without insurance that we will seize and possibly sell or crush your vehicle.’

‘Nearly 37,000 vehicles have now been seized since we began our initiative and hundreds of criminals arrested.

‘Cubo uses highly visible, but effective tactics that capture criminals in the act and deter their offending, while reclaiming London’s roads for responsible and law-abiding drivers.’

Crime: During the ten Operation Cubo days held so far, more than 750 people have been arrested for a variety of offences

The comments below have not been moderated.

When you sign your car over to the DVLA, your signing over title ownership of that car to the them, they own it. Read your V5 documents, it clearly states your the registered keeper, not the owner. Now as part of that contract of looking after the car for them, you have to insure it, tax it, mot it every year and have to have a license to drive the thing. When you dont, the can come and take there car away from you. Now could someone lawfully take something away from you, that they didnt own, without your consent? Course not, its called stealing, but when they own it and you break the terms of your contract they can. Good scam hey, shame not many people know, overwise there would be trouble. What would happen if you didnt sign it over, you guessed it, the cars yours again, but you would have to drive on the roads under full liability, maybe make people better drivers. Ive done it, been stopped by the police a few times, but ive always got my car back.,…..because i own it.

– funkychunkylover , milton keynes, 28/9/2012 07:47
Rating   1

– bluejonny , Portsmouth, 28/9/2012 07:45
Rating (0)

They won’t stay there long… Too much of a temptation for someone 🙂

– ghost , Dundee, United Kingdom, 28/9/2012 07:44
Rating   2

Where is the numberplate on the ferrari? Is this a con?

– mick BW , Ilkley, 28/9/2012 07:40
Rating   1

Looks like a good police operation. More like this please. Crush the cars.

– BobCratchet , London, United Kingdom, 28/9/2012 07:39
Rating   4

Should be used by the police as a fast persuit car 🙂 – Puddleduck , This side of the pond, 28/9/2012 07:02 . . . . . . . . That’s not such a far fetched idea. I was in Italy a few years ago and a police Lamborghini Gallardo went speeding past us on the motorway.

– Chris , Guildford, 28/9/2012 07:24
Rating   10

Should be used by the police as a fast persuit car 🙂

– Puddleduck , This side of the pond, 28/9/2012 07:02
Rating   14

How long before those two cars are stolen !

– St.. James , Barbados, 28/9/2012 02:33
Rating   32

Fantastic cartoon-like ‘angry face’ with the headlights and grille on that car!

– J.S. , London., United Kingdom, 28/9/2012 02:21
Rating   16

Insurance is really good for the insurance company. They promote fear inside you to loose your vehicle, but they do not fear to have to pay your damaged vehicle. And they profit a lot…

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Amend the law to REMOVE the need for insurance for cars or even homes (do know the risks of no insurance as well, but a careful person or family will finally have the right to save lots of useful cash). Insurance companies have had it too good and insurance is extremely expensive especially for those who barely earn enough to save. Propose a limit if not remove entirely insurance. If a bank can give only 1% to 8% in interest, then what one earns yearly that can be put to insurance for certain mustt not exceed 0.25% to 2%. Imagine being a bank to the insurance company while earning at a middle or low class job! Impossible and unfair! Limits to insurance charges based on salary annual levels at 0.25% to 2% at most OR complete removal of need for insurance for those to at least be allowed to opt out. Forcing people to pay inmsurance at such levels is the same as protection money rackets except that the state colludes and enforces instead! Thats right! GANGSTERISM! If banks cannot even affford to give more than 8% in interest to the 99%, the 99% sure as hell cannot afford to do the same for insurance companies! Making a living out of fear that is backed by state enforcement is neither civil nor civilised! Take the below examples :

In Malaysia, the annual car insurance premium for a RM28,000 600-850 cc car is RM900+. For a RM40,000 1500 cc, the premium is RM1,200+

That comes to near 80 a month. Does anyone among the 99% actually get to save 80 a month for retirement? If that is impossible they cannot be penalized for merely owning a car, or at least muct be allowed to opt out without the state penalizing them further. Or perhaps insurance can be for a few days at a time so that people on long distance will drive respectfully and yet be covered. In the even nothing happens the insurance company still gets paid!

Try this one from the USA :

When I purchased my ’03 Chevy Monte Carlo two years ago, the people i bought it from at Ford (i bought mine used) set me up with a dealer to do insurance with and it turned out well. I was paying about $217/mo. to start off with. Each month, my insurance kept going lower and lower. One year later, i was paying about $10 less than what i originally started paying for my insurance.

That comes to near 200 a month. Does anyone among the 99% actually get to save 200 a month for

So please vote to have that requirement for insurance be removed. There MUST BE OPT OUT options especially in insurance. The issue of criminal intent to sabotage uninsured owners might be an issue but that sort of thing should be what the police get their cash or penalising from rather than the protection money paradigm above. Vote for MPs who will allow opt outs for insurance! Instead of deterring uninsured drivers, lets deter the state collusion, insurance potential criminals instead. As for insurance industry people dismayed by this article, please, there are many ways to make a living, no decent person would want to be associated with laws or earning money through fear in this manner. Civilisation or police-council revenue from fines is not a quasi-criminal fear based enterprise.

If enough MPs are voted specifically on the basis of promising to remove insurance (insurance companies barely make up 1% of the popularion, why should 99% of us pay them because out MPs collude to give them OUR money?) monthly protection money . . . meaning insurance payments END FOREVER for those who want to opt out. So ask your MP if they will do this and decide who is votable. If no MP wants to do this, then run for election yourself specifically intending to remove the right or power of enforcement to compound a vehicle not involved in any criminal action, but for simply being uninsured which should be an option that is not criminalized.


Jaws no more: Australia to kill sharks – Published: 27 September, 2012, 16:27 (Reuters / Ho New)

Great white sharks have been considered a ‘vulnerable’ species since 1996, but the recent spate of shark attacks off the Australian coast has led the country to announce plans for a cull.

Any shark that poses an immediate threat by straying too close to the Australian coast will be killed. There have been five fatal shark attacks in the last year alone. The Premier of Western Australia, Colin Barnett, said that his state had recorded only 12 shark fatalities over the past 100 years, meaning nearly half have occurred in the last 12 months.

Plans were announced on Thursday for an $6.85 million AUD ($7.12 million) programme to be implemented.

This will include $2 million AUD for the Department of Fisheries, which will be responsible for tracking, catching, and destroying sharks considered to be swimming in dangerous proximity to beachgoers. Over A$4 million will be spent on tagging, study and research.

Earlier this year, there were demands for the fishing ban on great whites to be lifted following the death of surfer Ben Linden, 24, who was mauled by a shark in July, 180 km north of Perth, in western Australia.

The most recent attack was in August on 34 year old Jon Hines, who was approximately 960km north of Perth. He suffered abdominal and arm injuries, after punching and scratching at the shark’s eyes as he was attacked. He was one of the few lucky survivors.

In January 2006, an attack occurred on a 21 year old girl who was swimming in only waist-deep water.

Environmental groups have been protesting against the plans. Great whites are a protected species, but several of the attacks are believed to have been carried out by them. Great whites can grow up to 20 feet long, and develop 3 inch long teeth.

Colin Barnett told ABC radio, that they will “always put the lives and safety of beachgoers ahead of the shark,” reminding listeners that, “this is, after all, a fish – let’s keep it in perspective.”

French authorities recently approved plans for a cull of around 20 sharks after a series of attacks in a surfing hotspot near its island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean.

Experts believe the ‘unprecedented’ increase in attacks to be in line with population growth and the popularity of water sports.

Animals, Health, Australia, Biology, Security

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Ever thought that overfishing made sharks have no choice but to eat humans? The sea is theirs too and when humans take the food from the sea and leave sharks nothing to eat, sharks can hardly be blamed. Who threw the first punch here? Be fair or there will be reparations. Humans eat land food, sharks eat sea food. Humans are encroaching on shark habitat territory and removing their sources of food . . . in this case, regardless of the repair of Levianthanesque Eaters or Sharks needs no urging. Just because sharks do not evolve weapons to defend their borders or have an ability to speak against encroachment of their fishing grounds, does not mean that humans can enter shark habitat, take sharks’ natural food and then kill sharks because there is nothing to eat and humans are the only thing left to eat. Same thing with sonar which are deafening/crippling dolphins and whales with the same encroachment on habitat. Because communication or society or weapons are undeveloped does not mean we have any right to encroach if we are civilised.

Think Red Ameri-Indians or Aztecc/Mayan etc with no advanced weapons being colonized and slaughtered and punished and enslaved for being ‘Pagans’ or not of similar religion (Xianity). Mass commercial fishing should be banned or commercial fish farmed in a manner that do not affect higher and obviously intelligent forms of sea life (sharks have a near 2 century lifespan or more, whales have the larhest brain, dopphins have sophisticated societies, though in similarly, I still recommend collection of carcasses of the same dying of natural causes – after appropriate spiritual consideration/action is given before consumption. But to kill these life forms especially the ungrown or fertile adults of particularly large and obviously intelligent species is wrong.

Where are those meat growing labs? Dozens of worldwide level religions and not an effort towards ‘kill-less’ food. But lots of killings of fellow humans in the name of religion or difference of expression in faith or even sexuality. What makes humans think humanity is civilised? The holyman’s fat bank account while people starve or freeze to death? The willingness to accept a broken and abusive legal and educational system? Drop a few more superquakes and turn the earth inside out with a volcanic-lava/deluge spin cycle to clean up the ‘insane Capitalist-culture’ humans  Bring back the dinosaurs later to clean up the left overs, at least the great lizards murdered without all that insincerity and faux intellect/insanity based justification and actually made use of the carcasses of their prey as food. And now time to drown out the idiot neighbours with the television . . . while the insane ply the roads thinking they are going to be rich or benefit off the pain of people who can at least think properly. Waste of resources supporting the useless eater race of humanity, especially the regress types, racists and fundos . . .


Iran’s President – ATS Members have flagged this thread 96 times – Topic started on 28-9-2012 @ 10:07 AM by Corruption Exposed

I’m sick and tired of the media lying to us about things that are clearly untrue, especially when it comes to demonizing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We all know that all news outlets are agenda driven, but this is just ridiculous!

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All Praise Belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and May Peace and Blessings

be upon the Greatest and Trustworthy Prophet and His Pure Progeny, His Chosen

Companions, and upon all Divine Messengers.

Oh, God, Hasten the Emergence of Your Chosen Beloved, Grant Him Good

Health and Victory, Make us His Best Companions, and all those who attest to His


Mr. President,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I thank the Almighty God for having once more the chance to participate in this meeting. We have gathered here to ponder and work together for building a better life for the entire human community and for our nations.

Coming from Iran, the land of glory and beauty, the land of knowledge, culture, wisdom and morality, the cradle of philosophy and mysticism, the land of compassion and light, the land of scientists, scholars, philosophers,

masters of literature, and writers, the land of Avicenna, Ferdowsi, Hafiz, Maulana, Attar, Khayyam, and Shariar, I represent a great and proud nation that is a founder of human civilization and an inheritor of respected universal values. I represent a conscious nation which is dedicated to the cause of freedom, peace and compassion, a nation that has experienced the agony and bitter times of aggressions and imposed wars, and profoundly values the blessings of peace and stability. I am now here for the eighth time in the eighth year of my service to my noble people in this august assembly of sisters and brothers from across the world, to show to the world that my noble nation like its brilliant past, has a global vision and welcomes any effort intended to provide and promote peace, stability and tranquility which can be only realized through harmony, cooperation and joint management of the world.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

. . . represent a great and proud nation that is a founder of human civilization . . .

Oh yeah? Empty platitudes and a shifty attitude. Ahmadinejad POINTEDLY kept changing the subject whenever the interviewer asked about a 2 state solution for Palestine/Israel. Why? Ahmadinejad also did not want to address the LGBT rights issue instead saying non-Jews can marry Jews. That was not the question posed by the interviewer who obviously out of being affected by the ethos of a person holding Iran’s Presidency (2nd term 8th year?), did not manage to pursue or demnd the question be answered, with Ahmadinejab running off on the non-Jew/Jew marriage tack until the interviewer lost track and was ‘successfully’ diverted.

As for representing an ‘old’ ciivilisation, then why does this ‘Persian’ have an Arab name? 5000 years of Persians are not called Mahmoud or ‘Ahmad’ anything. Does ‘Ahmad’ know how to write or speak in Pahlavi? No? So all that this supposed Iran President guy represents is a genetic REMNANT of Persian peoples (who knows how mixed an ancesry that may not even remember 3 generations back before the Pahlavi surname/family was lost) not even an inheritor who doesn’t even know how to write or even has a Persian name. Iran does not exist, Persia does but is spiritually and culrutally and even linguistically colonized save for the core of elite that still know Zoroastrinism and Pahlavi but who are unfortunately not in power. Arabs have been around for 1400 years and only after 600s did Arabs learn the power of fundo-ism.

Ask if they will get the moral police down on non-Muslims lobbying for a red light district, or if LGBT people are allowed to have their own district. Nudist colonies? 2nd Amendment Rights? To not be affected by the Syariah Court or Hudud practicioners. Or if either district would even be signed into existence. Ask if APOSTASY is legal. Ask if RELIGIOUS APARTHEID will be applied against other faiths. Littering a speech with love and peace words does not change the above facts. I’ll believe Persia when I see Persia. Iran should be ‘reset’ and USA might be the one to do that if the Persians locals can’t. Just look at the fundo mess in the Middle East. Freedom of life does not exist there in Iran and this South East Asian hell I’ve been trying to cure of APARTHEID and greed and fear based HATRED and fundamentalism of various degrees for near the last 2 decades. Send in the marines and for hell turn the most fundo of the damned areas here into a massive reverse-Auswitcz.


Neurosurgeon Shows How Low Levels of Radiation Such As Wi-Fi, Smart Meters And Cell Phones Cause The Blood Brain Barrier To Leak –  Sept 19, 2012 by MARCO TORRES

Neurosurgeon and researcher Dr. Leif Salford has conducted many studies on radio frequency radiation and its effects on the brain. Dr. Salford called the potential implications of some of his research “terrifying.” Some of the most concerning conclusions result from the fact that the weakest exposure levels to wireless radiation caused the greatest effect in causing the blood brain barrier to leak.

Since he began his line of research in 1988, Dr. Leif Salford and his colleagues at Lund University Hospital in Sweden has exposed over 1,600 experimental animals to low-level radiation. Their results were consistent and worrisome: radiation, including that from cell phones, caused the blood-brain barrier–the brain’s first line of
defense against infections and toxic chemicals–to leak.

Researchers in 13 other laboratories in 6 different countries had reported the same effect, but no one had proven whether it would lead to any damage in the long term. In a study published June 2003 in Environmental Health Perspectives, Salford’s team repeated the experiment on 32 additional animals, but this time waited eight weeks before sacrificing them and examining their brains. In those animals that had been exposed to a cell phone, up to two percent of the neurons in all areas of the brain were shrunken and degenerated.

Salford, chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at his institution, called the potential implications “terrifying.” “We have good reason to believe,” he said, “that what happens in rats’ brains also happens in humans.” Referring to today’s teenagers, the study’s authors wrote that “a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects, perhaps as early as in middle age.”

An argument is sometimes made (not necessarily accurately) to those who express concern about radiation from “smart” meters, Wi Fi, etc, that the radiation emitted from these devices is at such a low level that the public needn’t worry about it. However Dr. Salford’s studies showed opening up of the blood brain barrier from very low levels of radiation. In fact, Cindy Sage and Dr. David Carpenter write in a 2008 paper (Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies) it was “the weakest exposure level [which] showed the greatest effect in opening up the BBB [blood brain barrier].”

Dr. Devra Davis, author of “Disconnect” explains the science of cell phone radiation in a very comprehensive way. For example she shows photos of two cells, one whose DNA has been damaged by “gamma” radiation (which is what was emitted in Hiroshima) and another cell damaged by low level pulsing non ionizing radiation (from a cell phone). Both cells look very damaged compared to a normal cell; but she even goes on to say the DNA from the cell exposed to the cell phone radiation looks worse. She also discusses the campaign to discredit reputable scientists and their studies–some of these reputable studies having been around since 1972 (Frey).

In May of 2011, the World Health Organization official recognized that wireless radiation such as emitted by “smart meters” is a possible carcinogen. After decades of corporately-funded, biased research being held up as “industry-standard”, there are hundreds of independent peer-reviewed scientific studies now showing there is a clear health hazard with technology emitting wireless radiation in the range that “smart meters” do. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people with a “smart meter” installed, have contracted illness, insomnia, rashes, headaches, and worse. And many have been forced to leave their homes entirely, due to health effects. What’s more, in apartment buildings where 30+ “smart meters” are installed in a single electrical room, the dangers are even higher. There have been no long-term health studies done on this high level of Electromagnetic Radiation.

PBS Interview with Dr. Keith Black (neurosurgeon) regarding WHO’s classification of RF Elecctromagnetic radiation as a 2b possible carcinogen. “We haven’t had any good studies in the pediatric population. A child’s skull is much thinner. . . .and the amount of radiation that goes into the pediatric brain is much higher than in an adult. So we should be cautious with how we allow our children to use a cell phone. They’re going to be the ones that not only are going to use it at a much younger age but at a much longer duration.”

Let’s start connecting the dots and end this madness to our health and the health of future generations.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

So that fluoride can get into the brain, along with other substances that destroy freewill and autonomy. Neurotech and chemical abuse. Wiifi btw is already in Penang, introduced by DAP political party of Christian term limitless oligarchs and nepotists.


I don’t need to use sex to sell records – Adele – 2012-09-27 09:04

I’m not married – Adele
Adele tunes nursery rhymes for baby
‘I’d get drunk and forget my words’ – Adele
Adele gets married in secret
Adele named UK’s richest young singer

Los Angeles – Adele has criticised pop stars who use sex to sell records.

The pregnant diva has slammed her chart rivals – who include Rihanna, Madonna and Lady Gaga – who strip off in their videos to promote themselves and insists most female singers look very different in real life to how they look on screen.

She said: “They don’t look how they do in magazines or videos. I have seen them up close.

“Exploiting yourself sexually is not a good look. I don’t find it encouraging.”

Adele has always had a fuller figure but she insists she would never go on a diet or change her image to try and be more successful.

The 24-year-old singer – whose last album 21 has sold over 23 million copies worldwide – prefers to just let her music define her.

She is quoted as saying: “I have never seen magazine covers and music videos and thought, ‘I need to look like that to be a success.’

“To sell more records I don’t need to do that. I just stand there and sing. I’m not worried that I’m a ‘plus size’ and so much bigger than other artists.

“No matter what you look like the key is to be happy with yourself.”

– BangShowBiz/Channel24

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Adele has decided to target the middle and upper demographic for music BUT must remember that lower class entertainment is something that the middles and uppers may never understand. The right of the lowers to access such entertainment is sacrosanct and cannot be denied, though the source of money and type of star might well be barred access to the discerning and class conscious leery of ‘blood diamonds’ of the entertainment world (i.e. lazily mixing sex with music or film rather than keeping the 2 separate, connoisseurs or the status conscious would take offense but the general public will not care, does not have energy or time to care).

Private clubs for such things do exist for the proclivities of the rich but when sex becomes the basis of earning of wealth, the people involved will be considered unethical and barred from such and such societies that denounce sex for profit and sex based wealth persons. Adele has somethign there which could raise or at least guard society, and the class conscious will finally have a place and justification for their stuffiness among entertainers.

“No matter what you look like the key is to be happy with yourself.”

Then Adele ends with a positivist NLP, contrary to the idea of dissing sex selling entertainers which is the premise of the rant. Sigh. Well the entertainment-music industry is full of fluff heads so who’s paying attention but the linguistically inclined or careful readers . . .

Lower class sex reliant producers and music houses by association with churning out sex oriented entertainment for wealth will now find themselves on the short end of the ‘snob list stick’ in the sense that a upper class black ball of sorts will be applied. Perhaps the 5 star hotels, luxury brand label cars or vehicles and planes – 1st class ticketing for travel services, or even 5 star neighbourhoods might stop the hogh worth sex based wealth types and promoters or purveyors of the same from gaining access to ‘5 star services’ to proclaim a sense of awareness of ‘sex-money’ much blood diamonds are looked down upon now.

The American ‘aristocracy’ might want to cosy up to Adele, though careful with the ‘Blue Coatism’ that tries to forbid any and all from their entertainments. A wealthy crass citizen is as much as a wealthy classy person, though both have rights to dissociate from each other. Try the below Article 11 on the exact opposite of ‘don’t use sex’ Adele, ‘do use sex’ Gabriella Ellis.


Back to the basic: Made In Chelsea’s Gabriella Ellis strips down as she prepares to launch her music career – by Fehintola Betiku – PUBLISHED: 17:35 GMT, 2 October 2012 | UPDATED: 17:35 GMT, 2 October 2012

She became a household name when she allowed the cameras at E4 to cover all aspects of her life for their hit TV show Made In Chelsea.

But with dreams to be more than a reality star, Gabriella Ellis has stripped down as she prepares to launch her music career.

Stood topless in a pair of distressed daisy dukes, the 24-year-old is going back to basics in the hopes to be recognised for her vocal talent.

Doing it her way: Made In Chelsea’s Gabriella Ellis has stripped down as she readies her music career

In the seductive monochrome images, Gabriella covers up her dignity with one hand as she gazes into the camera lens.

The singer and songwriter, who has had a number one record in Greece with a dance version of Ray Charles’s Hit The Road Jack, smoulders in another shot as she gently tussles her brunette hair.

Currently recording her debut album, Ellis shows off her svelte figure in another still as she turns away camera.

Stunning: The 24-year-old smoulders as she stands topless in a pair of weathered daisy dukes

Despite keeping her latest project under wraps, in the past the ambitious songstress once named Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera as her influences, and is hoping for some chart success in the UK.

In previous episodes of MIC, Gabriella has showcased her vocal range and late last year she released a music video for her single Fight.

Seductive songstress… Gabriella is keeping quiet on her official plans to release any tracks but has been in the studio laying down tracks

But until her new material ready for the world, fans of the TV starlet can look forward to keeping up with the happenings in her life when fourth series of the E4 reality show returns to screens on October 15.

And as anticipation has increasingly been mounting over the new series, producers have unveiled publicity photos of the new cast members.

The new line-up even includes one of Spencer Matthews’ ex-girlfriends, Sophia Sassoon with Rose Cochrane-Stack, Andy Jordan, Sam Cussins and Stevie Johnson completing the new faces.

Set to cause a stir: The new faces set to join the upcoming new series of Made In Chelsea have been unveiled, including Spencer Matthews’ ex Sophia Sassoon (L)

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Some manage or have the stomach or confidence for sex based entertainment, some don’t, others are trapped in societies or poverty that necessitates or prevents, in the rare case BOTH. But all have a right to exist and be entitled to their spaces, though the freedom to boycott or to support must be protected by a MATURED government which is supposed to be neutral. And that is why term limits are important as time as youth is limited to prevent stagnation, at least until technology gives what could be immortality. Ever notice how the typical hateful term limitless politician becomes a corrupted waxwork or democracy destroying dictator? Identity is lost when they become the job . . . hence the public needs to remove such characters from the law making scene. See a society turn fundo? Espouse apartheid? Oppress any ‘fringe’ group? Inflate and go bankrupt to do QEs? That shows time to remove the offending people who allow this.

Adele does not have the overview in ‘dissing’ sex based entertainment, but Gabriella should know that a candles that burns twice as bright . . . gotta love those sex sirens though, twice as stimulating and makes life twice as meaningful, even as their commitment to one demographic prevents them from holding the neutral ground. Immersion for the sake of identity is dangerous! But thanks to extremes like Adele and Gabriella, the 99% of dullards who can’t, will have something to BREATHE by. Keep being  yourselves Adele and Gabriella! At least the world won’t go numb or die of boredom with the discourse such interactions or extreme representations bring!

The challenge is to create an environment or sense of civilisation that allows open carry heavy weapons owners, organic psychedelics users, dogging nudists, cannibals cooking themselves, vegetarians, pork or beef meals being eaten, AND hijab-burkha wearing people, (or a combination of all of the above . . . a pork/beef eating vegetarian (perhaps alternate months being or the third?), Hijab Wearing Nudists (perhaps PuckMonster costume in chiffon with exposing BDSM-wear so effectively naked underneath?), LGBT Heterosexual (???), dogging-asexual (???), carrying a gun/with sword sized bayonet? HEY LOOK! A new religion! I’ll call this ‘Blatant-Coy-ism’ THAT would be something worth discussing and truly a mark of civilisation!

Not to mention same-sex-union-disallowing faithers-Fundos to share the SAME park bench or neighbourhood in the open WITHOUT breaking any laws (meaning the law has made provision for EVERYTHING) getting snarky, or having a argument or fight break out.

Then we could move on to removing taxes (unnecessary impositions and expenses like road tolls, insurance without opt-outs, passports, forced military conscriptions) and who knows death as well (no offense to Death Cultists . . . ) or Death even then! See the inspiration a seemingly meaningless Adele and Gabriella dichotomy can bring? Ok back to my/your/whoever’s favourite subculture(s) – PRIVACY for proclivity types please not hateful fundos of whatever faith installing hidden cameras then deciding the victim needs drugging by the psychiatric establishment . . . P.F.P.T..

Calvin = Gabriella, Hobbes = Adele.