
Archive for the ‘proselytization’ Category

19 Articles From Around the World : Poseur Article with NLPs Incuplating Specific Mindsets, Ethical View on Diaoyu, Subtle Islamisation Agenda Article?, Fundos Everywhere, Psychiatry A Tool of Control – Think For Yourselves and STand For Your Rights to Be Who You Are, The Media Outlet Which Cried Wolf, Names Not Permanent, Spaces for All, A Good Example of Forms and Blogospheres Littered with NLPs, Degrees A Trap And Tool Of Control, Celebration of the Nudists of the 2010s, Who Gives Birth To Who?, Medvedev’s Warnings, US StateGovernments Saving Money, Whale Skin Cocktail, Nursing And The Education Requirement Problem, Singapore’s Doomsday Oriented Construction Activities, China Continues Massive Scale Construction – Fengshui to Diffuse or Harness Energy, EU Flexes Muscles from Brussels at Independent Minded Scotland, Names Chosen by Parents are Not Names Chosen by the Individual, Reuters Slips In Manipulative MSM Article, Various Commentators’ Justification of Beginning A Civilisational War on Islam, Removal of Mubarak is for Egypt, Egyptian Culture, Egyptian Religion and an Egyptian Pharoanate But NOT for Arabist Islamists – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 13th December 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, Abuse of Power, advocacy, Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, amendments to law needed, Animal Rights, animal welfare, as close to original as possible, bad laws, best practices, better judgments, better laws, checks and balances, collusion, colonialism, conflict of interest, Constitution, cost saving, critical discourse, criticism, cult of personality, cyborg, Democracy, democratisation, demogoguery, diversity, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, education as a spiritual weapon, Equitable Distribution, equitable political power distribution, equitable wealth distribution, Ethics, extra-territorial, FGM, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, freedom of speech, gender politics, Health, healthcare, Imperial Europe, Imperial Persia, individualism, Informed Consent, Invasive Laws, Iran, Islam, land distribution, land sequestration, Legal Junta, LGBT, meaningless platitudes, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media sabotage, media traps, media tricks, misrepresentation of facts, Muslims, nature reserve, neglectful functionaries, neo-colonialism, neutral spaces, NLP, non-Muslim rights, nudism, Pharoahnate, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, politics, preventing vested interest, proselytization, public spaces, Riot, Riots, secularism, separation of powers, sex positivism, Sexuality, sneaky proselytization methods, social freedoms, spirit of the law, spiritual fifth columnists, spirituality, taxation method, taxpayer funds, taxpayer monies, undemocratic, unwanted gentrification, vested interest, word of the law, wrong priority on December 12, 2012 at 7:57 pm


Truth By Consensus – How To Control Our Thinking – by Zen Gardner – Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

Funny how this works. People actually think they can arrive at the truth by averaging what they hear. Seriously. That’s how most people are taught to think. I get this argument all the time. It totally explains the power of the mass media. Just think about this dynamic. How do people arrive at conclusions? What information or lack thereof are they deriving them from? Pretty stark reality if you’re willing to look it in the eyes. People are incredibly similar in their outlook and understandings. And hence behaviors. Incredibly so. Like we’re following a script. Look at yourself. How you dress, the expressions you use, what you’re into. No matter what segment of society you’re living in, it’s pretty freaky. I remember when I decided to grow out my facial hair and looking in the mirror thinking, “Am I following some meme being broadcast by these bastards?”

Paranoid? Totally. It’s the only way on this planet. Completely healthy. If you’re not, you’re not awake yet. Truth is Never Popular. While a defined consensus gets established and reaffirms the status quo, “contrary” eddies of thought and realization make their way through the public psyche. These are carefully ferreted out by the watchdog media cabal and portrayed as “fringe” ideas and “conspiracy theories” of course. Carefully and dutifully packaged and sublimated into a negative subconscious arena for the mainstream unawakened. Anything contrary is now anathema, resented; spuriously thrown overboard as wing nut conspiracy talk. Typical. And more importantly…very effective and very efficient.

Getting To the Point

I’ll take Truth over BS fairy tales any day of eternity. No matter the pain and seeming loss of emotional or otherwise investments, bring on the Truth. 9/11 is always the standard reminder of how duped the world can be. Plain as the nose on your face those towers were brought down by some sort of exotic and carefully planned out demolition technique, but what the hell. No one cares. Or very few. At least that’s the portrayal we get and it seems to hold way too much water. People are even afraid to discuss the subject. That’s when you know society has been seriously hemmed in and headed for dismemberment. As obvious as it is, the Truth can just be right there without people being able to see it. It’s the condition of our “race”…we want to believe what we want and will cloak it in “positive thinking” or “idealism” or imposed bottom line security needs whenever we can for peace and comfort. Very, very sad from the Truth perspective, but oh so understandable. Blindness until awakened. What a tale. But behold the awakening in spite of all this!

Enter Psycho-Sexual Addiction

This psychological pandering we’re witnessing is simply a ploy to keep the masses asleep. The populace has been duped, hypnotized, seduced. It no longer can contain, maintain or control itself. It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk.  This addiction is firmly established. Football, advertising, game shows, reality dramas, zombie and vampire horror and sci-fi movies while sucking down addictive, poisonous foods………”Please bring it on! We want more! We want another reality, not our own!” Scantily dressed young girls, sculpted effeminized men, cross sexual weirdness of every type and genre…. …bring it on. Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal. ‘Chaos is the new normal’ is as cognitively dissonant as the ‘war on terrorism’. Orwell, you must be howling!


Know what you “believe” about not only their false structure, but our true reality, to the point it’s not a belief. Please know each of those as facts…not an emotional extension of some hope or sense of idealism. Be sure you’re deciding for yourself and not following anything unconsciously. We’re not used to that kind of truly independent thought, having been taught all our lives to just follow, obey and repeat, so it’s a lot of work and a set of muscles that have to be developed. You’ll see what I mean as it goes along. Affirming our conscious awakening in spirit, word and deed is our primary purpose and most potent weapon. Not only against the usurpers and the ignorance and darkness that seems to rule our current paradigm, but for the development and realization of the true conscious reality that is there to be expressed into this dimension. Get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works. And do it in love. If we can wake up, anybody can. Love, Zen

“If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free.” – Zen

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

. . . It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk. . . . Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal. . . .

Actually savouries or goodies MUST not be considered such. Chaos is not ‘our’ new middle name, Chaos is not mainstream, Chaos is going to take a proper place WITHOUT punishment. There is no way ‘Chaos’ can co-opt you unless you are Chaotically inclined, and given the need of Chaos in evolution per se, I’d say Chaos is the very most important thing to ANY species which wants to move on, even as older structures become increasingly exotic and rarefied to the point of gaining value (in retarded areas of the 3rd world, the rare are villified much like LGBT, in the right places, the rare’d be exotic and invested in to ensure survival . . . ).

Religion would have taken the role of rare, but the overproliferation and low quality of followers, obvious internal rot and abusive nature of religion says that religion is already over-proliferated and people being subconsciously sick of religion, acting whatever in the only way they can, to sabotage religion much like pedo-priests protesting celibacy, Islamists protesting no alcohol and no pork rules by being violent, Buddhists acquiring car collections and much trappings of wealth and gold all around the temple (Temples to rampant-Capitalism and Greed), even as Buddha said to not be materialistic, can we see that the highest ranked in the faith actually do the most opposite? I wonder if I do enough ‘opposite’ I’d be the Ecclesiarch Primifex of the Planet . . .

. . . So get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works.  . . .

Don’t accidentally co-opt what is already known as your own!

@Zen appears to be quite fused with whatever mass mind or community hive @Zen is from (@Zen is less hive minded overall but still enough to identify that the mindset is still hivelike). Truth By Consensus problems as describe above are however correct. Subversive article with a good NLP positive article that disparages ‘Chaos’? Hard to say, but whatever we gravitate to, that is what we truly are, everything else is just nonsense, regardless of whatever laws or social trends, though spaces appropriate to size and facilities must be available to all and sundry in either case.

mini-ARTICLE 1.5

China opposes U.S. bill concerning Diaoyu Islands (Xinhua) 09:09, December 04, 2012

BEIJING, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) — China has expressed serious concern and firm opposition to a U.S. bill that regards China’s territory as under the authority of a U.S.-Japan security pact.

At a regular press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters, “The Chinese side expresses serious concern and firm opposition to the U.S. Senate’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which involves the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets.”

In the bill, which the U.S. Senate passed last week, the United States reaffirmed that it “takes no position” on the ultimate sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. However, the bill notes that Japan has the rights of administration over the territory and that “unilateral actions of a third party” would not affect its position.

Hong said the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets have always been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, and China has undisputed sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

According to the U.S. bill, any armed attack “in the territories under the administration of Japan” would be met under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

Hong called the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan as a “product of the Cold War era”, saying it should not go beyond bilateral scopes, nor undermine the interests of a third party.

Hong said the U.S. side has repeatedly stated that it will not take sides on territory disputes between China and Japan.

He said the U.S. side “should not send out signals that conflict with each other.” He expressed the hope that the U.S. side would “proceed from the general situation of peace and stability of the region”, “keep its words” and “do more things that are conducive to peace and stability in the region.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The islands were part of Chinese territory with an indigenous people that accepted vassalship under the Chinese Emperor until the 8 Foreign Powers invasion and later Japanese expansion in WW1 and 2. USA should understand that sovereignty loss during war cannot have legal continuity under occupiers or aggressors when the war ends. How would USA like for the Native Ameri-Indians to kick them back to Europe?


Ooh Baby It’s a Wild World – by Daniel J. Flynn on 11.30.12 @ 6:08AM

It’s a jungle out there for transanimals.

The humans called Dennis Avner “Stalking Cat.” His kind referred to him as “meow.”

The cat-like Avner, who held the Guinness Book of World Records mark for body modifications — including a bifurcated lip, extensive tiger-stripe facial tattooing, surgically pointed ears, and silicone injections in the cheeks, chin, and forehead — died earlier this month.

The human authorities suspect he killed himself. I suspect humans, threatened that one of their own had defected to the cat community, killed him.

Human nature, alien to Stalking Cat, remains quite familiar with suicide. The dearth of documented cases of self-inflicted felicide raises suspicions. Only an Ace Ventura could definitively answer this whodunit. The one certainty here is that it’s a jungle out there for a person who realizes he, she, or it is an animal trapped in a human’s body.

Dennis Avner never found acceptance among mankind as a felid despite the plastic surgeries, the tattoos, and the silicone injections. He was, in a loose sense, a real-life Philip Nolan — a manimal without a species.

Biology is the new racism. The phobia against transanimals recalls the societal obstinacy regarding transgenders. We exiled them to the “third bathroom,” inscribed pesky reminders of their physiology on their driver’s licenses, and imprisoned them with criminals of the opposite gender. Some men still won’t consider dating a woman who was born a “man” — whatever that antiquated designation means. One surmises that Stalking Cat encountered similar prejudices among potential dating partners of all sexes and species.

Society’s rejection of transanimals results in their rejection of themselves. When a man splits his tongue, amputates his arms, and fuses his legs together to realize his inner serpent, society calls him crazy, a freak, and troubled — instead of what he is: a snake. We will become as sane as they are only when we finally see transanimals as they see themselves.

All this recalls the dark ages when we denied that one biologically born a male who surgically remade herself as female was as much a woman as your mother. Dennis Avner was as much a cat as Chastity Bono is a man.

Yet, many landlords won’t rent to transanimals. Their contracts stipulate “no pets.” Restaurants still post “no dogs allowed” signs. Public parks demand that you keep animals on a leash. Dennis Avner served in the Navy. But he did so in the form of a human being. The ban on transspecies soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines persists despite the obvious intimidation factor that a battalion of tiger-men would impose on the enemy.

What was Stalking Cat supposed to make of the many restrictions, formal and informal, that civilization imposed upon his wild spirit?

Transanimals face a gross double standard vis-à-vis transgenders. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decrees that the Affordable Care Act forbids discrimination against transgendered patients within federally funded programs. U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, a Reagan appointee, has ordered Massachusetts taxpayers to fund gender reassignment surgery for Michelle Kosilek, an inmate convicted of murdering his wife after she caught him in her clothes. Sixteen state governments find a compelling interest in forbidding employers from taking into account a man’s metamorphosis into a woman, or vice versa, when hiring and firing.

By what logic do these states, the federal judge, and HHS, which prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, then permit discrimination based on animal identity?

In fits of self-absolution, tormentors conveniently maintain that the extinction of Stalking Cat, along with a transgender suicide rate 25 times the general population’s, proves that self-mutilation begins a slow self-destruction that ends in one’s ultimate destruction. Society has dysphoria over sexual, and species, dysphoria. We lose some of our humanity when we don’t extend it to gharials, capybaras, and narwhals. Cats are people too.

Mourn Dennis Avner’s tragic demise. But celebrate the miracle of his longevity. While most house cats survive to about 15, Stalking Cat lived to 54. If you last that many years more, you will surely meet others of his kind.

It’s a bestial domain we inhabit. Or, as Cat Stevens — no relation to Stalking Cat — told us, “Ooh baby, baby it’s a wild world.” It’s getting wilder.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Cat Steven became a Muslim. Please don’t use Cat Stevens (now aka Yusuf Islam) as an example if you value your NLP-free/’accidental-proselytization-neutrality’ credentials Daniel. People might wind up thinking you’re a subverted Xian fronting for Muslets hiding behind the controversial topic of bestiality.

mini-ARTICLE 2.5

4 Bodies Found Face-Down Outside California House – by DAISY NGUYEN Associated Press – LOS ANGELES December 2, 2012 (AP)

The bodies of four people who had been shot to death were found face-down Sunday outside a suburban Southern California home that apparently served as an unlicensed boarding house, authorities said.

Los Angeles police were seeking a motive for the attacks at the house in Northridge, in the San Fernando Valley.

Lt. Terri Brinkmeyer said a 911 call led police to the large house around 4:30 a.m. Cmdr. Andrew Smith said the bodies of two men and two women were found face-down on a side yard of the property.

Investigators were questioning several people who were on the property at the time of the shooting, but no one has been detained or arrested.

Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander, who represents the area, said the house was split into several units for rent. He said at least a dozen people lived in the house, which contained several bedrooms, kitchenettes and mattresses on the floor.

“It appears from the nature of things that this was an unlicensed boarding facility,” Englander said from the crime scene. He noted that one bedroom was only accessible through a window.

The house was on street lined with houses, schools and places of worship.

“This is a very safe neighborhood. This type of thing doesn’t normally happen here,” Englander said.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Places of worship is the keyword here perhaps. Fundo alert. Or religion contrived sense of entitlement that caused strife with possible secularists.


‘Asperger’s disorder’ being dropped from psychiatrists’ diagnostic guide by Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press

CHICAGO — The now familiar term “Asperger’s disorder” is being dropped. And abnormally bad and frequent temper tantrums will be given a scientific-sounding diagnosis called DMDD. But “dyslexia” and other learning disorders remain.

The revisions come in the first major rewrite in nearly 20 years of the diagnostic guide used by the nation’s psychiatrists. Changes were approved Saturday.

Full details of all the revisions will come next May when the American Psychiatric Association’s new diagnostic manual is published, but the impact will be huge, affecting millions of children and adults worldwide. The manual also is important for the insurance industry in deciding what treatment to pay for, and it helps schools decide how to allot special education.

This diagnostic guide “defines what constellations of symptoms” doctors recognize as mental disorders, said Dr. Mark Olfson, a Columbia University psychiatry professor. More important, he said, it “shapes who will receive what treatment. Even seemingly subtle changes to the criteria can have substantial effects on patterns of care.”

Olfson was not involved in the revision process. The changes were approved Saturday in suburban Washington, D.C., by the psychiatric association’s board of trustees.

The aim is not to expand the number of people diagnosed with mental illness, but to ensure that affected children and adults are more accurately diagnosed so they can get the most appropriate treatment, said Dr. David Kupfer. He chaired the task force in charge of revising the manual and is a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh.

One of the most hotly argued changes was how to define the various ranges of autism. Some advocates opposed the idea of dropping the specific diagnosis for Asperger’s disorder. People with that disorder often have high intelligence and vast knowledge on narrow subjects but lack social skills. Some who have the condition embrace their quirkiness and vow to continue to use the label.

And some Asperger’s families opposed any change, fearing their kids would lose a diagnosis and no longer be eligible for special services.

But the revision will not affect their education services, experts say.

The new manual adds the term “autism spectrum disorder,” which already is used by many experts in the field. Asperger’s disorder will be dropped and incorporated under that umbrella diagnosis. The new category will include kids with severe autism, who often don’t talk or interact, as well as those with milder forms.

Kelli Gibson of Battle Creek, Mich., who has four sons with various forms of autism, said Saturday she welcomes the change. Her boys all had different labels in the old diagnostic manual, including a 14-year-old with Asperger’s.

“To give it separate names never made sense to me,” Gibson said. “To me, my children all had autism.”

Three of her boys receive special education services in public school; the fourth is enrolled in a school for disabled children. The new autism diagnosis won’t affect those services, Gibson said. She also has a 3-year-old daughter without autism.

People with dyslexia also were closely watching for the new updated doctors’ guide. Many with the reading disorder did not want their diagnosis to be dropped. And it won’t be. Instead, the new manual will have a broader learning disorder category to cover several conditions including dyslexia, which causes difficulty understanding letters and recognizing written words.

The trustees on Saturday made the final decision on what proposals made the cut; recommendations came from experts in several work groups assigned to evaluate different mental illnesses.

The revised guidebook “represents a significant step forward for the field. It will improve our ability to accurately diagnose psychiatric disorders,” Dr. David Fassler, the group’s treasurer and a University of Vermont psychiatry professor, said after the vote.

The shorthand name for the new edition, the organization’s fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, is DSM-5. Group leaders said specifics won’t be disclosed until the manual is published but they confirmed some changes. A 2000 edition of the manual made minor changes but the last major edition was published in 1994.

Olfson said the manual “seeks to capture the current state of knowledge of psychiatric disorders. Since 2000 … there have been important advances in our understanding of the nature of psychiatric disorders.”

Catherine Lord, an autism expert at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York who was on the psychiatric group’s autism task force, said anyone who met criteria for Asperger’s in the old manual would be included in the new diagnosis.

One reason for the change is that some states and school systems don’t provide services for children and adults with Asperger’s, or provide fewer services than those given an autism diagnosis, she said.

Autism researcher Geraldine Dawson, chief science officer for the advocacy group Autism Speaks, said small studies have suggested the new criteria will be effective. But she said it will be crucial to monitor so that children don’t lose services.

Other changes include:

—A new diagnosis for severe recurrent temper tantrums — disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Critics say it will medicalize kids’ who have normal tantrums. Supporters say it will address concerns about too many kids being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with powerful psychiatric drugs. Bipolar disorder involves sharp mood swings and affected children are sometimes very irritable or have explosive tantrums.

—Eliminating the term “gender identity disorder.” It has been used for children or adults who strongly believe that they were born the wrong gender. But many activists believe the condition isn’t a disorder and say calling it one is stigmatizing. The term would be replaced with “gender dysphoria,” which means emotional distress over one’s gender. Supporters equated the change with removing homosexuality as a mental illness in the diagnostic manual, which happened decades ago.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

People are weird and different. The Victorian Era destroyed LGBT and butchered half the world’s indigenous cultures, many of which were LGBT friendly. The Victorian Era also propagated Christianity, which subsumed and destroyed many native faiths as well as subverted many world citizens into colonial mindsets that still persist this day. The English were expelled from the USA, sadly the Christian faith still is afflicting many populations worldwide. The English incidentally were the Angles, a group of GERMANIC outcasts that murdered the Celtic and Nordic cultures of the Isles, occupied thier lands, and butchered all the way through Africa, India and later China destroying lives, cultures and native religions for mere ‘paganism’ (those who didn’t want to belive in ‘god’ were heathens and ‘soulless’ needed to be murdered in those days . . . no end.


Onion: We just fooled the Chinese government! – by the CNN Wire Staff – November 28, 2012 — Updated 1015 GMT (1815 HKT)

Onion editor: Tricking China has a “certain delightfulness”
A Chinese news site takes an Onion satire for a real story
The Onion declares North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “sexiest man alive”
People’s Daily Online runs portions of the Onion story and 55 photos of Kim

(CNN) — China, as one Twitter user wrote Tuesday, has been fooled by the “mysterious Western art of satire.”

The merciless comedy website The Onion has declared North Korean leader Kim Jong Un the “sexiest man alive for 2012.” And it appears China’s People’s Daily Online has taken the story seriously.

“I love this one,” Onion editor Will Tracy told CNN. “It has a certain delightfulness to it.”

The Chinese story reprinted satirical comments describing Kim’s “air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side,” his “impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and,” the story says, “that famous smile.”
A Chinese state-run site was fooled Tuesday by a satirical story that declared North Korea\’s Kim Jong Un the \
A Chinese state-run site was fooled Tuesday by a satirical story that declared North Korea’s Kim Jong Un the “sexiest man alive.”

The story on People’s Daily Online on Tuesday illustrates the mutual backscratching that China and North Korea exercise through their government-run media. The incident also shows foreign media outlets’ difficulty in navigating The Onion’s brand of satire.

The Chinese website had underscored its story by including its own 55-page photo gallery to accompany the text, which was published in both English and Chinese. But the pages and the images were no longer available Wednesday.

A woman responding to a call Wednesday to the office of the website said it was “impossible that the People’s Daily will quote from any unreliable media — we do verify our news and sources.”

The woman, who declined to identify herself, noted that the item had been removed.

The People’s Daily Online has a separate office from the print version of the Chinese Communist Party’s main newspaper.

Tracy said he’s not surprised when legitimate news sites fall for his high-level tomfoolery, but this was the first time The Onion had named a “sexiest man alive.” “We knew it would get a response,” he said “but we didn’t expect it would get life from abroad.”

A satirical post on The Onion congratulated the People’s Daily for its coverage.

The site “has served as one of the Onion’s Far East bureaus for quite some time, and I believe their reportage as of late has been uncommonly fine, as well as politically astute,” said The Onion’s Grant Jones in a e-mail statement. “May our felicitous business association continue for centuries to come.”

Earlier Tuesday, The Onion pointed readers to the Chinese website: “please visit our friends at the People’s Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades.”

Twitter users went wild over the editorial faux pas. “It makes me cry from another room!” Tweeted Francesca Ulivi @fraubass.

“Not sure they know this was a joke,” wrote @loweringthebar.

“Curse of the #Onion again,” said Colin Freeman @colinfreeman99.

Yes. Again. If this scenario sounds familiar it’s because The Onion is no stranger to fooling government-run news outlets.

In September, an Onion satire fooled Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. Fars published an Onion story claiming that a Gallup poll found that rural white Americans preferred Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over President Barack Obama.

On the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo, netizens made their own teasing comments about People’s Daily.

“Foolish foreigners, the party paper was born to be funny,” wrote @sheldon-BaiBai.

“The world was fooled by the People’s Daily, because no Chinese believes this paper,” wrote @Hai_Dao_Wu_Bian.

The Onion never writes its stories with the intention of fooling government agencies, Tracy said. But “it’s great when it happens. We hope it happens more often.”

This prank, he said with obvious glee, may turn out to be the legendary Onion fake story that veterans will talk about for years to come. “We essentially just fooled the government of China.”

CNN’s Jethro Mullen and CY Xu contributed to this report.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Remember the boy who cried wolf? And if this is intended to harrass the foreign media, The Onion is just inviting the Chinese to do the same to foreign media portals. If this becomes rampant, then news on the internet will become rubbish or manipulative unreadable agenda laden nonsesne, and the MSM papers which will still remain propaganda, become more influencial and manipulative of the citizens locally until the dark pre-info-ages take hold again through sheer contrivedness and agenda loaded inaccuracy of articles. The Onion is opening a can of worms that could down all online media or online media accuracy if not careful . . . If the CNN, BBC and Peoples Daily or whatever online media do not remain strictly accurate in reporting, above the fray of b.s., the world will be poorer for the lack of ethics for preference of manipulation to bad ends.


Don’t name your kid Siri – by Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN – December 2, 2012 — Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT)

Sometimes a highly individualistic name for a baby is not good news for a kid, says Dean Obeidallah

Dean Obeidallah: A new list of popular 2012 baby names includes Siri, Mac, Luna
He says it’s not just celebrities with offbeat baby-naming now; it’s spreading to the rest of us
He says studies show distinctive names can spur teasing and mistreatment
Obeidallah: Parents, think twice on names; it could have long-term effect on your child

Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN. He is the editor of the politics blog “The Dean’s Report” and co-director of the upcoming documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” Follow him on Twitter: @deanofcomedy

(CNN) — Siri, Mars, Mac and Luna. I’m not talking Apple products or planetary terms. These are baby names. And not just any baby names but ones that have jumped in popularity in 2012, according to Baby’s just released list.

Baby Siri? Seriously, who would name their bundle of joy after a frustrating Apple product that hardly ever works? And speaking of Apple (see daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin,) that name moved up a whopping 585 places on the list of names for girls born in 2012. So there could conceivably be a family out there with a daughter named Apple and a son named Siri. (Hope that entitles the family to a discount on an iMac.)

There was a time when bizarre baby naming was something only celebrities did to their kids (as if being the child of a celebrity wasn’t challenging enough). There’s Beyonce and Jay Z’s Blue Ivy, Penn Jillette’s son, Moxie Crimefighter, Bono’s daughter Memphis Eve, actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspektor, and the list goes on and on.

But now this “condition” is apparently spreading to the rest of us. In addition to the offbeat names above, 2011 saw babies sporting such names as: Moo, Draper, Graceland and Tequila.

There are even media reports that this past weekend some parents allegedly named their newborn daughter, Hashtag. That one may turn out to be an Internet hoax, but after last year’s story of a child in Egypt being named Facebook (in praise of the role Facebook played in the Egyptian revolution), we can’t be too far from babies named Retweet and Spam Blocker anyway. It truly is only a matter of time until you meet a kid named DVR or Playstation 3.
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Apparently some parents believe that giving their child a jaw-dropping name will make him or her more distinctive. News flash: it’s not the name that makes your child stand out, it’s his or her achievements.

While I don’t want to rain on creativity, let’s be honest — these weird names are more about parents showing off their “cleverness” than about finding a name that fits the child. It’s not like the parents got to know the child first for a few months and then said, “You know this baby really is a little Siri.”
Beyonce, Jay-Z welcome baby Blue Ivy
Jolie: We are all Malala

And do these parents even consider that a baby’s name can cause consequences for the child that the parents never imagined, and in many areas of the child’s life? When I reflect upon my own name, I realize that my life could have been far different if my parents had followed their initial instincts when naming me.

My Palestinian father wanted to name me Saladin after the famous Muslim leader, while my Sicilian mother wanted to name me Dino. Instead they compromised on Dean.

Growing up in North Jersey, Dean was not a common name. But it actually made me feel different in a good way being the only Dean in my class. And even today in looking at the list of baby names for 2012, I was actually happy that Dean was not in the top 100.

Still, the truth is, if I’d been named Dino, I would have certainly been viewed as more ethnic by teachers, potential employers and co-workers. I would have been required to continually overcome cultural stereotypes.

And if I’d been named the very Arabic Saladin Obeidallah, you could just imagine all the “fun” I would have had in post-9/11 America. I would have likely volunteered for “random” security checks at the airport to make it easier for all involved or simply got used to taking the bus cross country.

But there’s a difference between a name that isn’t overly common and naming your child after your favorite appliance. A name is a big part of a kid’s identity. It can trigger impressions about a child even before we meet him or her — a particular problem among the closed-minded of the world, but this is the world your child will have to navigate.

For example, studies have found that children with names that linguistically sound like they come from a lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be recommended by school officials for gifted classes and actually more likely to be labeled as learning disabled.

Other research has revealed that boys with feminine sounding names — such as Shannon or Ashley — have had more disciplinary problems in school because of their response to teasing. Still other studies have found a link between how much people like their own names and their level of self-esteem.

So, parents, keep in mind that your choice of name will have a lasting impact on your child — both for good and bad. And if you insist on picking a bizarre name for the baby, then I propose that your child be empowered to rename you with any name he or she chooses. At least then it’s fair that a child named Hashtag has parents named Angry Birds and YouTube.

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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In the past there were in some cultures NAMING CEREMONIES AT ADULTHOOD. The child would choose a name LATER, and all children knew their names when young were TEMPORARY and that parents chose those names. Sometimes what the child did that was most unique would also decide what that child was RENAMED at adulthood. So ‘Hashtag’ away and legalise/normalise name changing at the age of 21. Knowing that names are temporary and chosen by parents, kids would not be affected by teasing because they knew they were going to change that name, or the teasers would not bother to tease knowing the name would also change by then.


‘If it was offensive then God wouldn’t have given us genitals’: Naked jogger wins High Court appeal after conviction – by Eddie Wrenn – PUBLISHED: 11:29 GMT, 3 December 2012 | UPDATED: 12:06 GMT, 3 December 2012

Shocked complainant said she would never walk her dog in Oropi Park, New Zealand, again
Andrew Pointon, 47, was charged with offensive behaviour for his naked runs
But appeal judge agrees that naked body by itself is not offensive

Freedom to jog naked: Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, won his appeal against offensive behaviour (stock picture)

The right to go jogging in the nude has been upheld by the High Court in New Zealand.

Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, was wearing only a pair of shoes when he was spotted by a woman while running at 8.30am in a forest near Tauranga in August last year.

She called police and he was arrested during another nude run.

Pointon was charged with offensive behaviour and found guilty in Tauranga District Court last December.

An appeal was thrown out in June, but a second appeal has just been upheld by Justice Paul Heath in the High Court at Tauranga.

‘If it was [offensive] then God wouldn’t have given us genitals,’ Mr Pointon told The Dominion Post.

‘It is a win for all libertarians and a setback for all conservatives in the country.’

The judge, Justice Heath, compared the situation to passing ‘gang members’ walking through the park.

He said: ‘It would not be surprising for a person in the position of the complainant to be concerned and discomforted by their presence, and even to feel threatened.

‘However, on any view, their behaviour would not be regarded as offensive behaviour.

‘Should the sight of a naked man, in the circumstances in which the complainant found herself, be treated any differently? I think not.’

He added that he felt Pointon was ‘a genuine naturist’ who had taken measures to avoid disturbing others – such as choosing a time when children would be unlikely to be on the track.

But Family First spokesman Bob McCoskrie said he was disappointed and said Justice Heath’s decision shows ‘double standards’.

He asked: ‘Is it okay for someone to streak through his courtroom? He’d be the first one to put them in the cells.’
Picturesque: The jogger was spotted close to Tauranga harbour in New Zealand

Picturesque: The jogger was spotted close to Tauranga harbour in New Zealand

Naturist Mr Pointon said he enjoyed the freedom of not wearing clothes and began running naked about 18 months ago.

The complainant, who was out walking her dog when she spotted Pointon, said she was so offended that she did not wish to ever return to the Oropi Bike Park.

But Pointon lashed out at the woman who complained.

He said: ‘It’s just ludicrous. Has this person got nothing better to do than wasting everyone’s time?

‘All she saw was a naked man running through the bush. It was just a fleeting moment, which has cost us all.

‘It just shows that it was a stupid decision by police to go ahead … and charge me for something totally irrelevant.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Perhaps a nudist’s track to keep the 2 different groups seperate.


A Good Example of Forms and Blogospheres Littered with NLPs : 2012, I am tired – Topic started on 9-12-2012 @ 02:48 AM by TheAlmo – reply posted on 9-12-2012 @ 03:00 AM by xxshadowfaxx

I just want the date to come. Lots of mystery surround it, lots of theories, but no one knows a damn thing.

If anything is going to happen, its going to be something we haven’t seen before. Something the ancients tracked 25000 years ago. No one alive today can possibly know what it is. We don’t even know for sure if we have the right date. All the math is very precise and it seems that dec 21 is certainly a good possibility, but we may be off by hundreds of years. All we can do is wait and see.

Soon you won’t have to worry about it anymore because it is only 12 days away now. Whatever happens, happens, theres nothing anyone can do about it.

Also, its definitely possible to be love. Love is a state of being, and beneath all your problems, all your thoughts, is a state of love. When you can learn to silence the mind, and learn how to move energy through your chakras, you will find yourself in a state of love. It is beautiful to experience. All the people that talk about are trying to tell you something, and most of us ignore it completely. But the answers to all questions truely do lie within us. Once you be love, once you attain that state, you are given knowledge about who you are, what you are, and what your purpose is. You will experience the divine.

Commentator Response

I am tired you guys. Enough. This is insane.

The amount of 2012 topics on ATS and everywhere is staggering. It seems everyone takes a shot at it. Everyone. You guys turned the year 2012 into a prostitute year that everyone can buy and f*** for a while.

The problem is that I go through phases. Sometimes, I just really don’t pay attention at all and I don’t even try to rationalize or criticize the material I am exposed to. Other times, I find myself so angry about it and digging deep to find every logical fallacy there is. You know why this happens to me? Because:

1- My mood changes from time to time
2- The 2012 shower is an everlasting one that never ever stops.

Therefore, my reaction to the eternal 2012 shower varies depending on my mood.

What do you mean when you say things like:

“The change is coming, embrace it”
“All you have to do is be love”

Why does it have to be so astonishingly ambiguous? Why?

What do you mean if I don’t “embrace” the change I won’t feel anything and December 21 will be just another day?

Can this lunacy get anymore vile and degrading to our intellect? I am sorry, but even the most spiritual practices can be “practicalized” if you know what I mean. You can ask me to actively stop thinking about people that I hate or that I even hate them. I can do that. But what do you mean when you say “Be Love”? How can someone be love? Can you be Batman? A sandwich? I don’t know. Be love? Embrace change? This all reminds me of an incident when I was a kid walking by a public swimming pool and a guy was teaching his 6-ish years old son to swim by saying: maintain your balance… don’t drown.

Yeah… the best thing to say to tell someone who’s drowning: yell at them: don’t drown. dude, not cool, you’re gonna die, maintain your balance. work physics to make it happen.

I am tired of this nonsensical spiritual masturbation.

What about doom and gloom?

Are you gonna tell me where to go? What to do? Or just scream around and run all over the place like a fuc*** moron? What? No place to go? Nothing to do? Where is the warning then? It’s not like you’re gonna say “told you so” later.

I am tired of this. It’s too much. It’s everywhere. Everywhere I go.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Thats the problem with the people. The laws written cause this, so vote for a candidate not of the 1% (plutocrat or political nepotist) or run as candidate yourself if there is no such candidate. Write and ratify laws to distribute national wealth and unused national land (the country belongs to all citizens so why should a handful of GLC cronies get everything, even the land and wealth from natural resources belong to the people and must be shared to reserved for a handful of politicians who can be easily identified if mega-wealthy), and end the raison d’etre for NLP articles. This way there will be enough harmony so that the world need not end, or if the world ends, everyone was happy anyway.


How The Cost of a Degree is Now £100,000 – Posted on December 9, 2012 by Zen-Haven – Author: Paul Gallagher

The true cost of a university degree will rocket to up to £100,000 for today’s students, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

Thousands of people currently studying at university will end up paying that amount over their career because of interest charges and other fees – several times the £27,000 or £36,000 in fees that most three- and four-year courses charge.

The landmark figure, revealed in the Government’s own documents, is far higher than the £70,000 in repayments that it was previously thought students would end up paying over their lifetimes. The Government figures confirm that graduates who find well-paid jobs – in finance and law, for example – will be able to save tens of thousands of pounds by paying off their loans more quickly than the vast majority of their counterparts on middle incomes.

Even before they started in September, every student was hit with a hidden charge: for repayment purposes, the total cost of tuition is backdated to day one, meaning that the majority of the 300,000 three-year students and 117,000 four-year students currently studying will graduate with an extra £3,300 or £5,000 bill respectively, according to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) website. Many students will repay up to four times the cost of their tuition during the 30 years following graduation, after which any remaining debt is written off.

Add in other living costs and average student debt is now predicted to hit £53,000 by graduation. Accountants say billions of pounds of student debt will never be repaid, leaving “a massive tax time bomb” for generations to come.

Based on the Government’s figures, almost 300,000 students – 70 per cent of those studying – who started university in the autumn will repay between £65,000 and £85,000, while those in the highest income bracket pay back less because they will start to pay off their debts sooner. About 10 per cent who are in the “squeezed middle” could end up paying back between £85,000 and £100,000. The 20 per cent of graduates with the lowest lifetime earnings (a group dominated by women) will never come close to repaying their fees and the debt will be written off after 30 years.

The Government’s own projections lay out details of what students and graduates would owe at the start of each year in interest and repayment charges. What graduates pay back each month depends on their earnings: 9 per cent of income above £21,000 a year, independent of both the interest rate and the size of the loan. The amount due increases with time because interest is added. A 28-year-old male beginning a three-year course and whose starting salary of £21,000 quickly rises to £60,000 in year four, and is a six-figure salary by year 15, will settle his bill in 13 years, repaying just over £42,000. A woman who earns less than a third of that in her lifetime and who begins work a few years after graduating repays almost £62,000 over 28 years. A woman in her twenties who earns less than £1m in her career and takes time out to have a family will pay back less than £20,000, leaving an unpaid debt of almost £60,000. Scottish students in Scotland have their fees paid, while students in Northern Ireland pay a maximum £3,575 a year tuition.

Peter West, financial director at Portal, a computer company in Bracknell, Berkshire, said: “No one is aware of the long-term implications of this accounting wheeze. Higher education reform is a victimless crime and a massive tax time bomb. The Government has simply shifted all the debt off the accounting sheet for now – but, my God, will it come back and hit us in 30 years’ time.”

Susan Cooper, professor of experimental physics from the University of Oxford, said: “If the £21,000 repayment threshold doesn’t increase with inflation, the requirement for repayment can become much more onerous over the 30-year period. And maybe the 30 years could be increased as well. The higher the costs, the more the Government has to write off 30 years later. One could have wished for a more thorough thinking through of the consequences before being launched into this experiment.”

The University and College Union general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: “The Government rushed through higher fees without properly considering the financial consequences. We warned at the time that fees close to £9,000 a year would be the norm and that the calculations for repayment by graduates were flawed.”

A spokesperson for BIS said: “Extending the write-off period to 30 years was fully costed as part of the whole repayment system. The new system helps reduce the deficit, is affordable and sustainable for the Government, while offering protection for those who may not go on to high-paid employment.”

Chuka Umunna, Labour business spokesman, said: “Students will never forgive this government for hiking up the costs of going to university. This figures show that, as ever, it is middle- and lower-income families who are being hit hardest.”

The NUS president, Liam Burns, added: “It is shocking that politicians treat the potential of a generation before they have even started their working career with such nonchalance.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The problem is that the establishment (or NWO) has already decided which people friendly to the regime of the day will get the top jobs that can actually influence policy or social culture. So even before enrollment or payment, those who are not on the same wavelength of the Education-STUDENT-DEBT-Financiar Complex (nominlly fused with the dominant religious institutions of the region – if these are not insane or hated or indulging in pedophilia) had better not even bother with ‘Education’ and instead learn how to vote and educate others on how to vote. The system is stacked EVEN at  education level and hardly neutral. Identify this and act accordingly by refusing to spend anything on education. Free spirits beware, the mob mentality of society comprised with useless eaters only enriches the 1% term limitless plutocrats and political nepotists.


Celebration of the Nudists of the 2010s : Ai Weiwei investigated over nude art – Chinese artist says he is under investigation for spreading pornography, after pictures including One Tiger Eight Breasts

Jonathan Watts in Beijing – The Guardian, Friday 18 November 2011 15.54 GMT

The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei poses with nude women in Beijing

Ai Weiwei and female nudists.

Ai Weiwei and female nudists.

Ai Weiwei is under investigation for spreading pornography, the Chinese artist has said, as the authorities turned their attention from political subversion and tax evasion to online images of nudity.

He said police had questioned his cameraman Zhao Zhao on Thursday over pictures Zhao had taken of the artist. “They clearly told him this is an investigation, now, they are doing on me, on pornography,” Ai told the AFP news agency.

One of the pictures, One Tiger Eight Breasts, shows Ai posing nude on a wooden chair flanked by four naked women who are giggling and smiling.

“Netizens came to take photos with me, so we said why don’t we take nudity photos, then everybody agreed so we did it and they were put on the internet, and that’s it, we forget about it,” Ai said.

This year Ai has been held for 81 days in a secret location, questioned about subversion and then accused of tax evasion and given a fine of 15m yuan. Several of his assistants have been detained for lengthy periods and interrogated about Ai’s political beliefs, business and personal life.

His lawyers say the investigations are politically motivated to silence Ai, who has used his high profile to speak out on police brutality, official corruption and human rights violations.

Police have been reluctant to discuss his case and there has been little or no coverage in most domestic media outlets. But the Communist party newspaper Global Times said on Wednesday that dissidents such as Ai could only exist because of the support of the west.

“For 30 years Ai Weiweis have emerged and fallen. But China has kept rising despite their pessimistic predictions. The real social trend is that they will be eliminated in the rising process of China,” said a comment article in the paper.

Ai has attempted to turn the tables by mounting an internet campaign against his accusers. He says 30,000 people contributed a total of more than 8m yuan to his online appeal for loans to challenge his tax fine.

A pornography or obscenity charge based on the pictures revealed so far is likely to incur ridicule and anger among Ai’s supporters. Many Chinese contemporary artists have appeared naked in their work.

Ai said police had previously questioned him about the images, but he doubted they understood art. “If they see nudity as pornography, then China is still in the Qing dynasty,” he told Associated Press.

Ai Weiwei with EVEN MORE nudists.

Ai Weiwei with EVEN MORE nudists. The CPCC and PLA need not fear this wall of human flesh led by a scruffy semi-geezer, fear is in the mind China!

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This is not for everyone BUT, this is an acid test of human rights and civil society. Hey frumpOs, if you had the aesthetic, you’d be as sex positive and body confident enough to use nakeness and beauty as weapons to shame the ugliness of society and the establishment instead of attacking nudism and snarking on morality. So stop victimising naked persons, that counts for MALE body parts too . . . so about a decade ago there was this activist who really didn’t know why until now . . . WHOS STILL WRITING TO END APARTHEID . . . Nudism is COURAGE and PETA is not exactly at the level of anti-apartheid activity.

PETA Nudists.

PETA Nudists.

Perhaps Nelson Mandela should visit Ai Weiwei and learn something missed, though this does not make for mainstream just yet but we early birds are the most well loved birds, so see Israeli women have taken a nude group photo to express solidarity with Aliaa Magda Elmahdy . . . and look at non-Muslims getting arrested for Khalwat in Muslim countries. Monyet dan Anjing! Hunga bunga! Bulaklak!


QUOTE Lursa : ‘Human (nudist) females are so revolting . . . ‘ UNQUOTE – Star Trek Generations 1994, David Carson

Ladies, if you’re a Lursa or a B’etor everyone will understand why the preference to stay covered is there, BUT no understanding will be offered to those who hate on all of the above people who dare to be nudist or go nude for their cause. Same to the narrow gents. What’s YOUR cause Frumpos? Snarking at people who try to change the world? Who try to end apartheid? Who challenge status quo?

Nudists in Russia marching against Putin's 3rd term??? . . .

Nudists Nuns in Russia marching against Putin’s 3rd term??? . . .

The more ‘faithful’ they are the more brittle the faith . . . hence the term ‘cracker’ . . . so go hide your daughters and get out your shotguns. (this is intended to remind those without 2nd amendment rights to know how good hillbillies live in the USA, no other reason . . . ). Aight back to surfing porn and drinking horse, pork and beef flavoured beer . . .

Nudists in Paris.

Nudists in Paris.

Israeli Nudists for St.Alia.

Israeli Nudists for St.Alia.

Pussy Riot - Russia.

Pussy Riot – Russia.

Nudist Zones in China (at least zones exist . . .)

Nudist Zones in China (at least zones exist . . .)

This is not a nudist gathering but rather an English advert.

This is not a nudist gathering but rather an English advert.

So the next time someone is dressed like this, just keep the mouth shut. Bikini's are skimpier and even if out of context, nudism is not even sexual activity per se. The clothes on this woman are actually kinda wholesome, even with the neons . . .

So the next time someone is dressed like this, just keep that mouth shut. Bikini’s are skimpier and even if out of context, nudism is not even sexual activity per se. The clothes on this woman are actually kinda wholesome, even with the neons . . .

mini-ARTICLE 9.5

Woman Has Baby At Upstate New York Zoo : There was no time to get the expectant mother to hospital after she suddenly went into labour on Friday. – 8:33pm UK, Saturday 08 December 2012 – Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York

A New York state zoo has had a surprise visit – from the stork.

A woman went into labour on Friday and gave birth on a path at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse.

The 21-year-old woman, who was visiting the zoo with a group, had a baby girl with help from keepers not far from the bear exhibit.

Zoo worker Liz Schmidt told The Post-Standard that she heard about the situation and rushed to find the woman already pushing out the baby.

“I honestly didn’t expect her to deliver at the zoo,” Ms Schmidt said. “I thought we’d pop her in a wheelchair and she’d be good to go to the hospital.”

Other workers arrived with blankets to keep the mother and baby warm, and the zoo’s elephant expert herded away curious visitors.

An ambulance soon arrived to take the newborn to a hospital. A hospital representative declined to discuss the mother or baby’s medical conditions for privacy reasons.

Zoo Director Ted Fox said the attraction plans to send a gift to the family.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Nice . . . so Penang gets another beast among their ranks what was being snatched? Zoo animals conceiving? Now we understand why cheaters never prosper and why (some) Asians REALLY do not have Human Souls. That which is not one’s may never belong by theft or strength in numbers, more so on the spiritual level. How about another invasion of the 3rd world before the pariahs get too strong. Those who play by the rules need not worry, by now most of the ‘invaders’ should be able to identify the whos who among pariahs and among the rich and politically connected are plenty of pariahs.


Medvedev Makes Strange Off-Air Comments : The Russian prime minister expressed bizarre views on Father Christmas and aliens when the cameras were still rolling. – 9:43pm UK, Friday 07 December 2012

Dmitry Medvedev has been caught making some unusual comments off-air after failing to realise television cameras were still rolling.

The Russian prime minister let his guard down after an interview with five Russian television stations – offering his strange views on Father Christmas and aliens as well as taking a pot shot at President Vladimir Putin and the federal police.

“I believe in Father Frost. But not too deeply. But anyway, you know, I’m not one of those people who are able to tell the kids that Father Frost does not exist,” he said in a jovial reply to a question about Russia’s equivalent of Santa Claus.

He went on to take a jab at Mr Putin for his frequent lateness for meetings after he was more than hour late for an event in southern Russia.

“Colleagues, somebody should be extremely punctual, while somebody else is exhausting all the limits for being late,” he said.

The comments invited a satirical reaction on the Internet which is unlikely to help Mr Medvedev, whose power has been ebbing since Mr Putin took over as president.
RUSSIA-GOVERNMENT-POLITICS-MEDVEDEV The prime minister speaking to the TV stations that caught him off-air

In the interview itself, Mr Medvedev underlined his allegiance to the president in a likely bid to dismiss rumours he is about to be fired.

In an unexpected move, the liberal-leaning prime minister defended Kremlin-backed laws which critics say will be used to stifle dissent.

But in the off-air comments, he was more frank.

When a journalist complained about federal investigators arriving to search the home of a witness in an inquiry early in the morning, Mr Medvedev said: “They are just jerks, so they come at eight in the morning.

“It’s just their set of habits. I know many people who work in the police. They think if they come at seven in the morning they will get everything in the world.”

Another of the journalists asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet,” Mr Medvedev answered playfully.

“Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country…

“More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic,” he said.

None of the television stations that interviewed Medvedev broadcast the off-air comments.

Russians mocked the prime minister on the internet.

“It’s sad when the former president and current prime minister of your country is simply a pathetic person,” Yekaterina Kudinova wrote on Twitter.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Not strange at all but with the kind of Russian subtlty that bore Russia a Marx. Medvedev has a OCCULT (or Techno advanced derived) CONSCIENCE which could be tranlated into OCCULT (or Techno advanced derived) ETHICS which can translate into (or Techno advanced derived) MORALLY AFFLUENT LAWS. This is my strange response to Medvedev’s strange off air comments. Expositions on methodology will lead to spiritual cleanliness and less hive mindedness and less mob mindedness, these many headed “non-individuals” Medvedev is referring to are the true criminals of Humanity that need to have the worst happen to them.

A one-on-one between exes is not the same as mass parasitisation, and we all know where spiritual parasites are going, those who do not produce and only take, as “Useless Eaters” are bound for the Auswictzs’ of the future (and past). In other words, do your own work or (spiritual homework) and choose your fights carefully and with respect, millions of spirits will be seeking their payment for their untimely deaths and that will be the ‘hell’ everyone keeps talking about . . . vote Medevedev for the next Sec. Gen. of the UN and we might see a better world if Medevedev applies entirely such principles within the SPIRITUAL update of the UN Human Rights Charter. Here’s one for the morally affluent non-cops and non-parasites . . . lets shine a light on all degenerates who won’t even think for themselves . . .


Rotting whale in Malibu likely left to nature – by RAQUEL MARIA DILLON | Associated Press

MALIBU, Calif. (AP) — No government agency is taking action to remove the decaying carcass of a whale on a California beach, making it appear the job will be left to Mother Nature.

The corpse of the huge fin whale created a spectacle on Friday as people wandered down the narrow Malibu beach to look at the remains — white bones, rolls of blubber and the tail flukes trailing along the water’s edge.

The homes of movie stars, celebrities and others line the cliffs high above the slender beach.

Looking over the whale, Malibu resident Ben Dossett suggested there was now no need to try to remove it.

“You look at the difference between what it was on Tuesday to what it is today. I think they can just leave it and let nature take its course,” he said.

The smell had largely faded away, but still attached to the shoes of those who came near. Some people took pictures, a boy poked the bones and dogs sniffed it.

“It’s really sad that this is my first time seeing a whale,” said Ingrid De La O, a Malibu resident. “It’s mind-boggling to see this immense huge thing that lives in the water.”

The 40-foot-long, 40,000-pound juvenile male washed ashore Monday near Point Dume, which marks the western end of Santa Monica Bay, about 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles.

“From the evidence that we have so far, it appears that it was hit by a ship,” said Jonsie Ross, marine mammal coordinator for the California Wildlife Center.

James Respondek, a real estate agent who lives in the area, worried that the carcass would draw sharks that could pose a threat to his young daughter, who swims in the cove, and to his favorite surfing spot down the beach. He said he was frustrated that no agency would remove the carcass.

“There seems to be no readiness to take responsibility, to take action, just a lot of excuses. ‘I don’t have a boat, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the resources,’ they all told me,” he said.

Fin whales are endangered, and about 2,300 live along the West Coast. They’re the second-largest species of whale after blue whales and can grow up to 85 feet, weigh up to 80 tons and live to be 90 years old.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Austerity leads to political caution? Cost saving and avoiding use of crony contractors (in this case whale cleaning crews companies which the government cleverly decided not to pay with taxpayer funds by, or where the links were so obvious they did not want to expose their political flank for) is good for the taxpayers and respect of tax fund access, and who knows a clever reference to Kim Schmidt that MSM should play on . . . the cleanup might cost a few thousand which could go to the starving or homeless, instead of  a crony company. The local bars could take a look at the below article btw, a potential money making and indirect clean up courtesy of the local oceanside bars, though killings of mostly endangered whales intentionally by ship owners should be very carefully watched for . . .

mini-ARTICLE 11.5

‘Whale Skin’ Cocktail: London Bar Raided – A ‘Moby Dick’ cocktail allegedly containing illegal whale skin is removed from a trendy Hoxton bar’s menu after a police raid. – 9:43am UK, Sunday 09 December 2012

There is a Europe-wide ban on the sale of whale meat

A London bar has been raided by police for allegedly serving cocktails flavoured with illegal whale skin.

The Metropolitan police targeted the Nightjar bar in Hoxton, East London, where a drink called the Moby Dick was listed in an online menu.

It was described as containing Laphroaig whisky, Drambuie, ale and bitters, along with a “whale skin infusion”.

There is a Europe-wide ban on the sale of whale meat and products, except under strict restrictions in Greenland and Denmark.

Police were tipped-off in October that the bar was serving whale skin illegally, and raided the City Road premises on December 3.

It was carried out by officers from the Met’s Wildlife Crime Unit and an officer from the United Kingdom Border Force.

“One item from the premises was seized,” said a police spokesman. “This has been sent for analysis.”

No arrests have been made.

No-one from the bar was available for comment, however the Sunday Times reported that the bar’s management was unaware the drink may have contained an illegal ingredient until the raid.

The drink no longer appears on the bar’s online menu.

'Muktuk' Whaleskin, fresh from Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna, Alaska.

‘Muktuk’ Whaleskin, fresh from Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna, Alaska.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Mix, shake it cold and pour into an icecube-filled highball glass, top with soda. Drop the soda and use a smaller glass with crushed ice to get a fuller taste. Drape whale skin on edge.


2 1/2 parts Dark rum
1/2 part Galliano
1 part Triple sec
3 parts Lemon juice
2 parts 7-up
wedge of Lemon
whale skin infusion


I wanted to burn down the hospital that let my husband die like a battery hen: MP’s heartbreaking account of NHS neglect – by Frances Hardy – PUBLISHED: 00:50 GMT, 8 December 2012 | UPDATED: 10:28 GMT, 8 December 2012

Owen Roberts was an Oxford graduate, a man of dazzling intellect and gentle wit, who met Ann when they were both young broadcast journalists

Ann Clwyd had presumed that when her husband was admitted to a flagship teaching hospital, the staff charged with caring for him would do just that. It was not an outrageous assumption.

She did not imagine that he would die ‘like a battery hen’, squashed against the bars of his bed.

She did not anticipate that he would deteriorate catastrophically because, she feels, those entrusted to look after him were guilty of ‘indifference, contempt and callousness’.

She had expected that her gentle and genial husband, Owen Roberts, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, would be accorded care and kindness.

Instead, six weeks ago, he died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff, as she sat helpless at his side.

This week, Ann, 75, the Labour MP for Cynon Valley, and a redoubtable campaigner for the rights of the oppressed, steeled herself to make her private grief public.

She did so not for political aggrandisement but to try to spare others similar suffering.

Ann spoke out shortly after Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt admitted that poor standards of care are one of the biggest problems facing the NHS; that in the worst cases, hospital staff are overseeing ‘a kind of normalisation of cruelty’.

And she wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients.

When I met her in her parliamentary office later, she was composed and softly-spoken. Occasionally her eyes blurred with tears, but aside from grief, the emotion that overwhelms her is a quiet, simmering fury.

‘I felt it in the hospital,’ she says. ‘I can’t really remember what happened immediately after Owen died — it’s a blur — but I do remember my anger. Owen did not die from MS. He died from hospital-acquired pneumonia, and from lack of care and attention.

‘I’m still angry, and the anger gets fiercer. I think at one point I felt I’d like to burn down the hospital.

‘I know that people meet in rooms and discuss things and promise it will never happen again. But you know very well that it does. Again and again.

‘Owen was a tall man, 6ft 2in, and he died cramped and squashed against the bars of his bed like a battery hen. He had an oxygen mask that didn’t fit properly and cut into his chin. When I asked for a better fitting one, they said, “Oh, we don’t think so”.

Almost every request I made was ignored or dismissed. His lips were very dry and I couldn’t understand why nobody was moistening them. I used my own lip salve on them.

‘I saw a nurse in the corridor and asked her why my husband wasn’t in intensive care. She just said, “There are lots worse than him”, and walked on.

‘Previously, I had asked another nurse if a doctor had seen him that day, and she said: “No, but we know what to do.”

To me, that meant “We’ll do nothing”. It was almost as if someone, somewhere, had decided they weren’t going to do anything more for Owen, although he was obviously very ill.
Six weeks ago, Owen Roberts died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, pictured

Six weeks ago, Owen Roberts died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, pictured

‘He was very cold, because a patient in the next bed had a fan that was blowing cold air over him and Owen had only thin cotton blankets on his bed.

‘There was no one observing him. You ask yourself: “Where is everyone? Where are the nurses? Why is no one doing anything?”

‘You kick yourself that you didn’t stand in the corridor and scream, but when you’re an MP, you’re concerned about throwing your weight around. And you think, “I’m in a specialist hospital, with people who’ve been professionally trained” — and you assume they know what they’re doing.

‘But a basic element of good care was missing: compassion.

‘Owen lived with great dignity and fortitude, but when he died, he was treated with contempt. And I believe the fact that the nurses and doctors failed in their duty of care contributed to his death.’

Owen Roberts was an Oxford graduate, a man of dazzling intellect and gentle wit, who met Ann when they were both young broadcast journalists. He went on to become a distinguished director and producer on Welsh television.

They had no children and Ann entered politics — and became MP for her Welsh constituency in 1984. She later became Tony Blair’s special envoy on human rights in Iraq.

When Owen died in October, they had been married for 49 years.
Ann Clwyd was the UK special envoy for Human Rights in Iraq from 2003 to 2010. She is pictured during a visit to the Welsh Guards in Iraq

For 30 years he had suffered from MS, but had borne adversity with courage. Two years ago, in 2010, he fractured his leg in a fall and had a partial hip replacement, which left him confined to a wheelchair. But he lived at home in South Wales with Ann, who combined her parliamentary duties with looking after him.

He was ‘spirited, aware and intellectually curious’ and had enjoyed a visit from an old friend, an Oxford professor, just days before he collapsed on October 10 and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

At the hospital, Owen was allocated a bed in an open area of the A&E department, near the nurses’ station. Ann was told he would be kept in for observation, but she did not want to leave him until she had established that he would be sent to a ward.

She recalls: ‘Every time I tried to talk to one of the nurses, they were either on the phone or talking to one another. I know they were busy, but it did not explain how they could completely ignore a patient.

‘Whenever I asked when we’d see someone, the answer was always: “In a minute.” There was busy-ness, laughter, joking?…?but nobody addressed our concerns.

‘A doctor arrived with a tick list. He was brusque, arrogant and rude — he didn’t even introduce himself. When I asked, “What’s your name?”, he looked at me as if I’d said something impertinent. After he’d asked his questions, he just went off.

‘All this time, I hadn’t been offered a chair or a word of explanation. I’d expected at least some reassurance. But it was as if the nurses were in their little world. There was a feeling of total isolation’

Faced with this, Ann sent a text message to her PA, begging her to ask for help on her behalf.

Two-and-a-half hours later, a doctor arrived and assured her that Owen would be sent to a respiratory ward. Ann duly went home — but 24 hours later, her husband was still in A&E.

Meanwhile, Ann became ill herself, with a chest infection, and was unable to visit her husband — who’d now, finally, been transferred to a ward — for fear of infecting him and other patients.

Instead, friends and family popped in every day and she sought reports on his condition by phone. Often, she was thwarted. ‘I’d be told his nurse wasn’t there, or was on a tea break. I asked to speak to him on the phone, but they told me it was a facility they didn’t offer.’
The MP wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients

The MP wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients

Owen was diagnosed with sleep apnoea, a treatable disorder characterised by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. He was, Ann was told, to be given a mask to wear at night to help regularise his breathing. It never materialised.

However, she spoke on the phone to a staff nurse, who offered a hopeful and cheering prognosis, predicting that Owen should be able to return home the following week.

The next day, however, Ann had a call from a consultant, telling her that he was very worried. “We think he’s got pneumonia,” he said.

‘I was stunned; panicked. I rushed in with my niece, and they told me he was not responding to antibiotics.’ Owen’s condition deteriorated sharply. Ann recalls the eight hours she spent at his bedside on the day before he died, on October 23.

‘I took in a catalogue of shirts and ties that had arrived in the post because he loved colourful ties and I thought he’d find it a bit of a joke. I showed it to him and he said, in Welsh, “Tomorrow”. It was the last word he said to me.’

‘I sat by his bed and he was breathing with his oxygen mask on. One of his eyes was inflamed and watering, so I asked for a nurse to wipe it. But no one came. So I got a tissue from my bag.

‘I sat at his bedside from 2.30pm until 10.30pm and, as far as I recall, no one said anything to us. No one asked me if I wanted a cup of tea. It was as if I was invisible.

‘There was one ward round, and I stood in a corridor while they pulled the curtains around Owen’s bed. They were gone in a flash, and I’ve no idea what went on.

‘I tried to reassure him, so that he didn’t feel abandoned. He was very cold — as he had been all the time he was in hospital. I put red socks on him — he always liked red socks — and I sat and held his hand.’

When Ann returned home, she texted a friend: ‘No doctor has been since this morning. Very few nurses around either. Not very happy with the set-up.’ That night, she slept fitfully for a few hours, and was called back to the hospital at 5?am.

‘I was in a state of shock. I got dressed very quickly and put on a red coat that Owen loved.

‘My neighbour Geraldine came with me, and when we got there and found Owen’s knee squashed against the side bars of the bed. We pushed a pillow in between to make him more comfortable. His feet were sticking out of the end of the bed and he was cold. Geraldine got a towel and put it over his feet.

‘I’d once got a bill through parliament to improve the welfare of battery hens, and I remember thinking he looked so cramped and squashed he was just like one.

‘I just sat there and stroked his arm. I was afraid to do anything — but I was in a university teaching hospital and I thought they must know what they were doing.

‘It was all a bit of a haze, but I remember thinking: “Why aren’t they doing anything?” I tried to say encouraging words. I wanted to reassure him, to let him know that I was there.

‘I’d never seen anyone die before, but when I saw the blood draining from Owen’s face, I just knew that he was dead.
As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off – but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time’

As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off – but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time’

‘Just at that moment, a nurse came in with a trolley crying out: “Anyone for breakfast?” It was only a four-bed ward, and she showed indifference bordering on callousness. It was, for me, a very emotionally draining time — and I believe care and dignity were not there. Owen was treated with contempt.’

As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off — but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time.’

A few days after her husband’s funeral, Ann returned to work. Friends had told her that work was the best therapy — but six weeks on, sleep eludes her.

For her, solace comes in the form of campaigning so that others do not suffer as her husband did. ‘This is why I’ve forced myself to speak out. I’ve had hundreds of supportive emails, and one retired GP wrote: “I felt ashamed of my profession and I cried at your distress.”

‘I don’t want any redress for myself, but I want to start a campaign. I just want to flag up the lack of compassion.

‘We all know nurses work under huge pressure, but so many now have degrees, and it seems to me there is more interest in their qualifications than in the qualities they should show to their patients.

‘Care, compassion, concern: this is what is needed. This is the message I want to get across.’

Mr Adam Cairns, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Chief Executive, said he was keen to meet with Ms Clwyd.

‘I would, of course, like to offer my sincere condolences to Ms Clwyd on the loss of her husband. I have been very concerned to learn of her experiences but, unfortunately, to date, and despite repeated efforts, Ms Clwyd has not responded to our offers to meet with her.

‘As a health board, we always accept responsibility when things don’t go well, which is why we really need Ms Clwyd to help us get to the bottom of what happened in the case of her late husband and to allow us to investigate fully the very serious concerns she has raised.

‘I’ve asked for a review of the case to be undertaken, a process which would be much improved by having information first-hand of the circumstances surrounding this case.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Any person can be a nurse without the degree after an informal internship. Somehow, working so hard and saving so much for a degree sucks the very compassion and humanity necessary to be a good nurse and a good citizen. Modern education is EVIL but in a very subtle way. Thats another reason to avoid those who swear by education, especially HIGHER EDUCATION. I had a dozen or so friends that ‘died’ (dehumanized to point of non-viability as friends) after getting educations.

They never seemed the same. As for hospitals, I’d say that my parents who had some reason to be interred, ALSO ‘died’ and became ‘different’ after their stays. Education and healthcare, even working on a salary in general somehow fracture the souls of those they come into contact with or those working at such places. Try talking to people with less education and compare, while the conversations are mostly less interesting or more limited, the sense of humanity is more intact. There might be some sort of ‘contract’ that the spirit seems to be affected by when using such institutions, not easy to place this occult sort of thing, but most of society excepting the people denouncing or untouched by the overall system make for a very difficult case to put forth, yet we still try and the closing thing to a key I’d say is to study Socialism and Marxism FIRST before getting into the Capitalist and Consumerist world. That is all I can offer to those who are afflicted with what I just described. Modern society is a spiritual sickness of sorts. That and high density living which fosters hive minds ad mob mindedness . . . the other thing that changes a person’s objectivity and ‘true self’, is marriage and family, but that will be for another response . . .


Doomsday Plans? Or forewarned of terror by terrorists (and hence complicit)? – Jurong Rock Cavern – Published April 17, 2009

“Jurong Rock Cavern, South-east Asia’s first underground rock cavern for oil storage, with its two access shafts almost completed, will begin its first phase of proper construction at year end, with the first two caverns providing 480,000 cu meters of storage. JRC is located more than 100 meters below Jurong Island’s Banyan Basin and it will provide safe and secure storage for liquid hydrocarbons such as crude oil, condensate, naphtha and gasoil. Locating the JRC just beneath Jurong Island will add more infrastructural support to the major chemical companies operating there such as Chevron Philips, ExxonMobil and Shell. Phase 1 of the project will free up about 60ha of usable land above ground and it will create 1.47 million cu metres of storage space, equivalent to 580 Olympic-sized pools, when completed by 2014. The cavern itself will be up to 27 m high – equivalent to a nine-storey building. This first phase will consist of 8km of tunnels and five caverns housing a total of nine storage galleries. The caverns will be built using a technique that drills and blasts sedimentary rock and for greater stability, the inner wall will be lined with rock bolts. A planned phase 2 of the project will double JRC’s storage capacity. GK-JCPL Consortium, a Jurong International partnership with French engineering firm Geostock, has previously been awarded the contract to in providing basic engineering design and construction management services for the caverns and associated facilities. Jurong International is also previously responsible for many of the heavy infrastructure and engineering projects associated with Jurong Island including its initial formation via reclamation and amalgamation of seven islands.”

Why we need such a deep storage in granite…300 feet below the surface? Just hoping its not for nuclear plant or weapons storage.

Hyundai clinches $890m Jurong Rock Cavern contract – by RONNIE LIM

CONSTRUCTION proper of Singapore’s underground oil storage project is finally set to start with South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering & Construction clinching the main $890 million ‘design and build’ contract this week from JTC Corporation.

Actual building under this contract, for the first phase of Jurong Rock Cavern (JRC), begins at year- end, with the first two caverns providing 480,000 cubic metres of oil storage when ready in the first half of 2013.

The entire phase one, comprising five caverns, will offer a total of 1.47 million cu m when completed by 2014.

This will make the JRC slightly larger than the $470 million, 1.24 million cu m tankfarm of Horizon Terminals, but about two- thirds that of Hin Leong Trading’s $750 million, 2.3 million cu m Universal Terminal – Asia’s largest commercial storage.

The project had earlier run into some delays, although Senior Minister of State for Trade & Industry S Iswaran last month gave the assurance that Singapore was committed to the JRC which would help alleviate the land shortage on Jurong Island.

Investors have not been able to get land there to build more above-ground oil terminals needed by oil refiners and traders to store their oil and petrochemical products.

So despite being behind schedule and slightly above cost, the JRC will provide necessary infrastructure for Singapore’s oil hub, especially once the rebound comes.

The cost for phase one of JRC – being built under Banyan Basin – has run up by about one-third to $940 million from an earlier estimate of $700 million.

This includes the $50 million for two access shafts and start-up galleries – which are almost completed – to facilitate construction.

The chosen operator of the JRC – earlier expected to be announced at the same time as the main construction award – will, however, only be made known by mid-year, JTC officials indicated yesterday.

Existing terminal operators here such as Royal Vopak of Holland and Emirates National Oil Company are known to be vying for this.

The main construction award came 11/2 years after the tender was first called by JTC in late-2007.

Asked why it took that long, given that there were only two bidders (the other being South Korea’s SK Engineering), the spokesman explained that ‘it’s a huge tender which involved a lot of detailed work and is very complex’.

The work is being done 130m below the seabed, and Hyundai – which has experience with such projects in Taiwan and Korea – has to carry out ‘drill and blast’ excavation using explosives, he added.

The entire phase one will involve eight kilometres of tunnels, with five caverns made up of two storage galleries, with each gallery being 340m long, 20m wide and 27m high. (About nine-storeys high, each gallery is large enough to contain water from over 64 Olympic-sized pools).

‘The water pressure will keep the oil contained within the generally unlined rock caves,’ the spokesman said.

The higher project cost arose due to improvements made to the cavern designs to enhance operational flexibility, he explained.

A planned phase two of the JRC could add a further 1.3 million cu m of storage, doubling its capacity.

Asked if this could cost more than phase one, the spokesman said that ‘the complexity is similar, so it depends on the timing (of when the project is done)’.

Commentator Comments :

Default Re: Jurong Rock Cavern To Store What? Scary Thought…Nuclear Plant?

I have a sneaky feeling its for something nuclear. It was mentioned before by our MIWs that Singapore may go nuclear in the future. Since when they tell u the truth about anything until TOO LATE or that we manage to ‘DIG’ things up trawling the internet. I have a real sneaky feeling about this ‘cavern’. Anyone have a map where this 8km cavern is located precisely? Dont want to live above it just in case. It’s in Jurong but where EXACTLY?  “You can fool some of the people some of the time….BUT, you cannot fool ALL the people ALL of the time…

WHICH PARTY’S SLOGAN IS……We Aim To Fool The Majority All The Time?”

Re: Jurong Rock Cavern To Store What? Scary Thought…Nuclear Plant?

Quote Originally Posted by red amoeba View Post

the location for sure will be top secret. No lah, the big lobang is for oil. For weapons or ammo, it would be somewhere else. Instead of hving thse giantic tanks like big targets for terrorist, safer to store them underground. The MIWs have been telling too many lies that its hard to believe them anymore. Even if for oil, there must be air-vents to the surface. i like to know where these air vents are so as not to visit the area too frequently. These air vents should be spewing out invisible chemicals  “You can fool some of the people some of the time….BUT, you cannot fool ALL the people ALL of the time…

WHICH PARTY’S SLOGAN IS……We Aim To Fool The Majority All The Time?”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Kiasu at the taxpayer’s expense? MM 4 million+ yearly, SM 4 million+ yearly, ON TOP of the President and Prime Minister’s posts . . . which 99% of Singaporeans said those salaries were legal? Obama earns 400K a year and USA is 1000s of times more than Singapore? Meritocracy or Institutionalized/Legalized Corruption?


China to flatten 700 mountains for new metropolis in the desert – Lanzhou new area plan to begin with ‘mountain-moving project’, but financial and environmental wisdom of project questioned – Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing –, Thursday 6 December 2012 17.48 GMT

A long, long time ago, an old Chinese peasant named Yu Gong decided to move two inconveniently located mountains away from blocking the entrance to his home. Legend has it he struggled terribly, but ultimately succeeded. Hence the Chinese idiom “Yu Gong moves the mountains.” Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Now Chinese developers are putting old Yu to shame.

In what is being billed as the largest “mountain-moving project” in Chinese history, oneof China’s biggest construction firms will spend £2.2bn to flatten 700 mountains levelling the area Lanzhou, allowing developers to build a new metropolis on the outskirts of the north-western city.

The Lanzhou New Area, 500 square miles (130,000 hectares) of land 50 miles from the city, which is the provincial capital of arid Gansu province, could increase the region’s gross domestic product to £27bn by 2030, according to the state-run China Daily. It has already attracted almost £7bn of corporate investment.

The project will be China’s fifth “state-level development zone” and the first in the country’s rapidly developing interior, according to state media reports. Others include Shanghai’s Pudong and Tianjin’s Binhai, home to a half-built, 120-building replica of Manhattan. China’s state council, its highest administrative authority, approved the Lanzhou project in August.

The first stage of the mountain-flattening initiative, which was reported on Tuesday by the China Economic Weekly magazine, began in late October and will eventually enable a new urban district almost 10 square miles in size northeast of downtown Lanzhou – a small, but important part of the Lanzhou Nnew area project to be built.

One of the country’s largest private companies: the Nanjing-based China Pacific Construction Group, headed by Yan Jiehe, is behind the initiative. The 52-year-old former teacher is portrayed in China as a sort of home-grown Donald Trump – ultra-ambitious and preternaturally gifted at navigating the country’s vast network of “guanxi”, or personal connections.

Yan was born in the 1960s as the youngest of nine children. After a decade of working as a high-school teacher and cement plant employee, he founded his construction firm in 1995 and amassed a fortune by buying and revamping struggling state-owned enterprises. In 2006 the respected Hu Run report named Yan – then worth about £775m – as China’s second-richest man.

His latest plan has evoked a healthy dose of scepticism. Lanzhou, home to 3.6 million people alongside the silty Yellow River, already has major environmental concerns. Last year the World Health Organisation named it the city with the worst air pollution in China. The city’s main industries include textiles, fertiliser production and metallurgy.

Liu Fuyuan, a former high-level official at the country’s National Development and Reform Commission, told China Economic Weekly that the project was unsuitable because Lanzhou is frequently listed as among China’s most chronically water-scarce municipalities. “The most important thing is to gather people in places where there is water,” he said.

Others also pointed to the financial risk of building a new city in the middle of the desert. “All this investment needs to be paid back with residential land revenue, and I don’t see much on returns in these kinds of cities,” said Tao Ran, an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing. “If you have a booming real estate market it might work, but it seems to me that real estate in China is very, very risky.”

In an email interview, a China Pacific Construction Group spokeswoman dismissed criticisms of the project as unjustified. “Lanzhou’s environment is already really poor, it’s all desolate mountains which are extremely short of water,” said Angie Wong. “Our protective style of development will divert water to the area, achieve reforestation and make things better than before.”

Yan’s plans could be considered “a protective style of development, and a developmental style of protection”, she said, adding: “I think whether it’s England or America, or any other country, no one will cease development because of resource scarcity caused by geography.”

A promotional video posted on the Lanzhou new area website shows a digitally-rendered cityscape of gleaming skyscrapers and leafy parks. Against a driving operatic score, the camera zooms out from a large government building to reveal features of the area’s imagined urban topography: a clock tower, a new airport, an oil refinery, a light-rail system, and a stadium packed with cheering fans.

The new area “will lead to an environmentally sustainable economy based on energy-saving industries” including advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemical industries and modern agriculture, wrote Chinese Central Television on its website.

The Lanzhou city government could not be reached for comment.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

There is no such thing as ‘real estate’, this has tremendous occult significance instead. Note the location and surrounding quake zones. This is a fengshui confluence city that looks set to be  filled with life energy if not mistaken or even able to somehow harness the energy at the safe point. Concept of money and real estate is a farce btw. Save for allodial titles backed by force of arms, real goods and real labour/services, or the whimsical entertainments of the RLD, OPZ or Casino city, there is nothing on this planet but evil politicians term limitless and nepotistic, along with plutocrats (those who are BOTH politician and plutocrat are the worst) that sequester wealth and pollute the environment.


Brussels says it would block independent Scotland automatically joining the EU – by Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor – PUBLISHED: 08:57 GMT, 6 December 2012 | UPDATED: 09:02 GMT, 6 December 2012

European Commission letter to House of Lords says Scotland’s membership will ‘cease to apply’ if it breaks away from the UK / Spanish government would block entry, fearing it would embolden Catalonian separatists

First Minister Alex Salmond has insisted an independent Scotland would automatically join the EU – something Brussels disputes

Brussels will refuse to let Scotland automatically join the European Union if voters back Alex Salmond’s plans for independence, it emerged today.

Officials at the European Commission have revealed Scotland’s EU membership will ‘cease to apply’ if it is no longer part of the UK.

The Spanish government has made clear it would ‘veto’ any attempt by Scotland to join.

It is a major blow to claims made by Mr Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister, that Scotland would automatically continue to be in the Euro bloc.

He was ridiculed after claiming in a TV interview that he had obtained legal advice on EU membership but it had to remain secret. He later admitted no advice had been sought.

Now it has emerged that a letter sent to a House of Lords committee warns that that independence ‘would not have a neutral impact’.

Scotland would become a ‘third country’ – outside the EU and have to apply to join the 27-member union, the European Commission told the Lords economic affairs committee.

‘If a territory of a member state ceases to be part of that member state because it has become an independent state then the treaties would cease to apply to that territory,’ according to the letter reported by The Scotsman.

If Scotland did lodge an application it would need to ‘fulfil the usual obligations’ and be ‘accepted unanimously by the members of the council [member states]’.

In a recent debate, Lib Dem Lord Wallace revealed the UK government was clear that any attempt for Scotland to join the EU would meet with difficulties.

‘On the question of Catalonia and Spain, it is entirely clear that the Spanish Government are opposed to any idea of secession and would be likely to veto a Scottish application to join the European Union under current circumstances.

There have been exchanges between the Spanish Government and the European Commission on this exact issue.’

The Spanish government fears that if an independent Scotland gained membership it would bolster calls for Catalonian independence.

It directly contradicts claims made by Mr Salmond’s SNP, who have repeatedly suggested Scotland would automatically join the EU as a new state.
The Scottish independence referendum is being held in autumn 2014, when Mr Salmond hopes to capitalise on a patriotic mood marking 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

The Scottish independence referendum is being held in autumn 2014, when Mr Salmond hopes to capitalise on a patriotic mood marking 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

SNP MP Pete Wishart told the Commons last month: ‘Scotland is a constituent part of the United Kingdom. We are currently a member of the European Union. After independence, we will continue to be a member of the European Union.’

But Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire told the same debate that ‘everything would change’ if Scots vote to go it alone in the referendum due in autumn 2014.

An independent Scotland would not automatically be a member of the EU and would have to ‘start afresh’, he added.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said: ‘Immediately following a Yes vote in Autumn 2014, Scotland will still be part of the UK. Negotiations will then take place on the transfer of powers from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament along with negotiations on the specific terms of an independent Scotland’s continued membership of the European Union.

‘Ministers have always been clear that these negotiations will be needed – but the crucial point is that they will take place from within the EU.

‘Scotland has been an integral part of the European Union for almost four decades and an independent Scotland will continue in EU membership. As legal, constitutional and European experts have confirmed, Scotland is part of the territory of the European Union and the people of Scotland are citizens of the EU, and there is no provision for those circumstances to change upon independence.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

I wouldn’t worry if I were Salmond or Scotland. When Scotland becomes a sovereign state and possibly banking or hub for BRICS, Brussels will change their tone to the effect that automatic joining will be forestalled by going through the motions of ‘starting afresh’. This is terribly manipulative but a face saving necessity.

Scotland presents a great opportunity for BRICS by being sidelined in this manner by EU. BRICS well needs a friendly point to the EU by and if the EU has decided to distance from Scotland then BRICS would certainly find Scotland that much more attractive, not that EU and BRICS are in any spat that Scotland is already not aware of. UN can even drop Scotland, but so long as BRICS is around the multipolar world will balance things out.

An independent Scotland would not automatically be a member of the EU and would have to ‘start afresh’, he added. Well thats just pretentious. And if by some impossibility that Scotland fails to join EU, the BRICS will be very happy to have a new member EVEN IF Scotland becomes the North Korea of the EU. Like a trust fund under guardianship and insulting as hell to Scotland to the tune of a deflated bagpipe gasping a sour note of contrived control. I’m not Scottish but already feel offended on the Scots’ behalf. Incidentally, try the CGI “Brave”, the settings make the Scots into a circus, main characters are ‘fractured’ as hell and an unhealthy role model . . .


Don’t name your kid Siri – by Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN – December 2, 2012 — Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT)

Sometimes a highly individualistic name for a baby is not good news for a kid, says Dean Obeidallah

Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN. He is the editor of the politics blog “The Dean’s Report” and co-director of the upcoming documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” Follow him on Twitter: @deanofcomedy

(CNN) — Siri, Mars, Mac and Luna. I’m not talking Apple products or planetary terms. These are baby names. And not just any baby names but ones that have jumped in popularity in 2012, according to Baby’s just released list.

Baby Siri? Seriously, who would name their bundle of joy after a frustrating Apple product that hardly ever works? And speaking of Apple (see daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin,) that name moved up a whopping 585 places on the list of names for girls born in 2012. So there could conceivably be a family out there with a daughter named Apple and a son named Siri. (Hope that entitles the family to a discount on an iMac.)

There was a time when bizarre baby naming was something only celebrities did to their kids (as if being the child of a celebrity wasn’t challenging enough). There’s Beyonce and Jay Z’s Blue Ivy, Penn Jillette’s son, Moxie Crimefighter, Bono’s daughter Memphis Eve, actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspektor, and the list goes on and on.
Dean Obeidallah

But now this “condition” is apparently spreading to the rest of us. In addition to the offbeat names above, 2011 saw babies sporting such names as: Moo, Draper, Graceland and Tequila.

There are even media reports that this past weekend some parents allegedly named their newborn daughter, Hashtag. That one may turn out to be an Internet hoax, but after last year’s story of a child in Egypt being named Facebook (in praise of the role Facebook played in the Egyptian revolution), we can’t be too far from babies named Retweet and Spam Blocker anyway. It truly is only a matter of time until you meet a kid named DVR or Playstation 3.
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Apparently some parents believe that giving their child a jaw-dropping name will make him or her more distinctive. News flash: it’s not the name that makes your child stand out, it’s his or her achievements.

While I don’t want to rain on creativity, let’s be honest — these weird names are more about parents showing off their “cleverness” than about finding a name that fits the child. It’s not like the parents got to know the child first for a few months and then said, “You know this baby really is a little Siri.”
Beyonce, Jay-Z welcome baby Blue Ivy
Jolie: We are all Malala

And do these parents even consider that a baby’s name can cause consequences for the child that the parents never imagined, and in many areas of the child’s life? When I reflect upon my own name, I realize that my life could have been far different if my parents had followed their initial instincts when naming me.

My Palestinian father wanted to name me Saladin after the famous Muslim leader, while my Sicilian mother wanted to name me Dino. Instead they compromised on Dean.

Growing up in North Jersey, Dean was not a common name. But it actually made me feel different in a good way being the only Dean in my class. And even today in looking at the list of baby names for 2012, I was actually happy that Dean was not in the top 100.

Still, the truth is, if I’d been named Dino, I would have certainly been viewed as more ethnic by teachers, potential employers and co-workers. I would have been required to continually overcome cultural stereotypes.

And if I’d been named the very Arabic Saladin Obeidallah, you could just imagine all the “fun” I would have had in post-9/11 America. I would have likely volunteered for “random” security checks at the airport to make it easier for all involved or simply got used to taking the bus cross country.

But there’s a difference between a name that isn’t overly common and naming your child after your favorite appliance. A name is a big part of a kid’s identity. It can trigger impressions about a child even before we meet him or her — a particular problem among the closed-minded of the world, but this is the world your child will have to navigate.

For example, studies have found that children with names that linguistically sound like they come from a lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be recommended by school officials for gifted classes and actually more likely to be labeled as learning disabled.

Other research has revealed that boys with feminine sounding names — such as Shannon or Ashley — have had more disciplinary problems in school because of their response to teasing. Still other studies have found a link between how much people like their own names and their level of self-esteem.

So, parents, keep in mind that your choice of name will have a lasting impact on your child — both for good and bad. And if you insist on picking a bizarre name for the baby, then I propose that your child be empowered to rename you with any name he or she chooses. At least then it’s fair that a child named Hashtag has parents named Angry Birds and YouTube.

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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In the past there were in some cultures NAMING CEREMONIES AT ADULTHOOD. The child would choose a name LATER, and all children knew their names when young were TEMPORARY and that parents chose those names. Sometimes what the child did that was most unique would also decide what that child was RENAMED at adulthood. So ‘Hashtag’ away and legalise/normalise name changing at the age of 21. Knowing that names are temporary and chosen by parents, kids would not be affected by teasing because they knew they were going to change that name, or the teasers would not bother to tease knowing the name would also change by then.


Michigan weakens union rights in home of auto industry – Michigan passes anti-union law amid protests – by Bernie Woodall – LANSING, Michigan | Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:28pm EST

An anti right-to-work protester is seen outside of Michigan’s state capitol building in Lansing December 11, 2012. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

(Reuters) – Michigan enacted a ban on mandatory union membership on Tuesday, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States.

As more than 12,000 unionized workers and supporters protested at the Capitol in Lansing, the Republican-led state House of Representatives gave final approval to a pair of “right-to-work” bills covering public- and private-sector unions.

Republican Governor Rick Snyder signed the bills into law as soon as they reached his desk, completing in a few days a campaign to make Michigan the 24th U.S. state to prohibit unions from requiring employees to join and contribute dues.

“I view this as an opportunity to stand up for Michigan’s workers, to be pro-worker,” Snyder told a news conference after he signed the bills.

The laws will take effect 90 days after the end of the legislative session, which means they will probably come into force sometime in April. Existing union contracts will not be changed until they expire, according to a provision of the laws.

In a rapid turn of events, Michigan moved from being a bastion of union influence to joining states, mostly in the South, that have weakened local protections for unions.

The Teamsters union national president, James Hoffa, whose father, Jimmy Hoffa, was one of the nation’s most famous labor leaders until he disappeared in 1975 in Michigan, denounced Republican leaders in a speech to the protesters.

“Let me tell the governor and all those elected officials who vote for this shameful, divisive bill – there will be repercussions,” Hoffa said, adding the Republicans could be defeated in the next election.

Unions have accused Snyder of caving in to wealthy Republican business owners and political donors such as the Koch brothers, owners of an energy and trading conglomerate, and Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Michigan-based Amway.

Snyder, a former computer company executive who had said “right-to-work” legislation was too divisive for Michigan, changed course last week and announced his support for it.

While labor leaders decried the legislation, Republican Representative Lisa Lyons said during the debate in the House that such laws were not an attack on unions.

“This is the day Michigan freed its workers,” she said.

Opponents argue that the measures undermine a basic union tenet of bargaining collectively with employers for better wages, benefits and working conditions. They also allow workers to opt out of a union, potentially reducing membership.

By weakening unions, Republicans also could hurt the Democratic Party, which traditionally receives a significant portion of its funding and grass-roots support from unions.

Supporters of right-to-work measures say some unions have become too rigid and workers should be given a choice of whether to join. They also say a more flexible labor market encourages business investment, citing “right-to-work” states where some foreign automakers have put plants rather than in Michigan.


The measures were approved to cries of “shame” from protesters inside the Capitol building, which was closed to visitors when it reached capacity of 2,200, Michigan State Police Inspector Gene Adamczyk said.

An estimated 10,000 more people demonstrated outside in cold and snowy conditions, including members of the United Auto Workers union, and teachers, who shut down several schools in the state to attend the rally.

A few protesters were ejected from the Capitol after they chanted slogans from the gallery during the debate. Protesters tore down two tents set up for supporters of “right-to-work” on the grounds of the Capitol. Adamczyk said six people were arrested after scuffling with officers.

A mixture of pepper spray and tear gas was used on one person, Adamczyk said, although Reuters journalists also saw protesters sprayed with a substance at a government building near the Capitol.

The protests recalled big rallies in Wisconsin nearly two years ago when Republicans voted to curb public-sector unions. Wisconsin never tried to pass “right-to-work” bills.

But Indiana earlier this year became the first state in the industrial Midwest to approve “right-to-work” legislation and several other states are watching the Michigan action closely.


Republicans in Michigan were also emboldened by the defeat in the November election of a ballot initiative backed by unions that would have enshrined the right to collective bargaining in the state constitution.

Michigan is home of the heavily unionized U.S. auto industry, with some 700 manufacturing plants in the state. The state has the fifth highest percentage of workers who are union members, at 17.5 percent

The Detroit area is headquarters for General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler, which is majority-owned by Fiat SpA.

The UAW was founded in Michigan after a 1932 protest at a Ford plant in Dearborn left five people dead, increasing public sympathy for industrial workers during the Great Depression and leading to national legislation protecting unions.

Major automakers, which secured concessions from the UAW after nearly going bankrupt during the recession of 2008-09, were careful not to take sides publicly in the fight.

All of the so-called Big Three domestic automakers said they were “neutral” on “right-to-work,” even though the Michigan Chamber of Commerce strongly supports it.

“At Ford, we are focused on working with all our partners, including the UAW,” the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

Democrats and unions have vowed to challenge the new laws in the courts, to try to overturn them in a ballot initiative and possibly oust through recall elections some Republicans who voted for the measures.

Democratic Representative Douglas Geiss said “right-to-work” laws would lead to a resumption of the battles surrounding the creation of unions decades ago.

“There will be fights on the shop floor if many workers announce they will not pay union dues,” Geiss said.

(Additional reporting by Robert Carr, David Bailey and Deepa Seetharaman; Editing by Greg McCune and Peter Cooney)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Reuters?!? A ban on mandatory union membership *IS NOT*, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States. This protects the workers from mob mindedness or being forced into what become SECRET SOCIETIES that also collect yearly dues or other fees that mosy workers who need a union cannot and would rather not pay! Work unions are powerful and goodly when CONSENSUAL, but when EEVERY WORKER IS FORCED TO JOIN, we end up with ‘Satrapies’ run by tyrants, especially if term limits in the COMMITTEE are not a fact or part of the constitution of the Union in question. This law protects the individual worker by giving OPTIONS. How could Reuters write such news?!?

‘Supporters of right-to-work measures say some unions have become too rigid and workers should be given a choice of whether to join. They also say a more flexible labor market encourages business investment, citing “right-to-work” states where some foreign automakers have put plants rather than in Michigan.’ This says everything.

“There will be fights on the shop floor if many workers announce they will not pay union dues,” Geiss said.

Oh yea? So what if they don;t join or don’t pay. If they don’t want to pay the union mafia, thats their choice. Why should there be any fights at all. Are these unions thugs?


Various Commentators’ Justification of the Civilisational War on Islam : Somewhat censored and telling comments found on :

Blogger mike obrien said…

i fuckin hate this religion ,i grew up in muslim majority country and i can say muslims are full of shitt even though i don’t hate muslims i hate islam “To Muslims it is always a just war if the end goal is to spread Islam. If the war is waged by non Muslims to stop Muslims from marching in to spread Islam inside their land, it is an unjust war…Many Muslims call for da’wa in the West, which technically means “an invitation to Islam.” They present it as a “peaceful” invitation, but they do not tell the West that this is the first step before outright war if their da’wa is rejected. So when Muslims say da’wa, the West should be warned, because they do not want you to know that da’wa is merely the “make nice” first step before preceding outright jihad.” 7:56 PM

Blogger Gabe Del said…

I’m a witness to the ignorance that is Muslim . I’m a US Marine forward deployed on my 5th combat deployment. Four in Iraq and now one in afghanastan . These guys are illiterate and simple minded. The ten percent that can read will twist young Muslims minds to make them believe what ever they want them to believe in their Gods name. Kill, kill, kill is what they teach them against anyone not Muslim. There Koran teaches peace and good will, but I agree, history tells the truth of what kind of people they really are. No need to swear or lower yourself to their level. Muslims are the infection this world so desperately needs a cure for. 10:19 AM

Dead Ted said…

So your saying that the sneak attack on our towers, the pentagon, and the White House is a way to protect their land and people? Good plan worked wonders…some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read 2:38 PM

Blogger Red_Rooster said…

Their minds are f***ed, memorizing the fucking Koran. Their ‘thinking’ part of the brain has gone redundant. They hate the Jews but do everything the Jews do; do not eat pork, cut their dicks, bleed a poor animal to death and call it ‘Hallal’ instead of ‘Kosher’, write backwards and wash their dicks before they start praying. In fact, the dumb muslims, follow the Jewish calender! The first day for the muslims is ‘Yom al Ahed’, meaning the first day. It is the Sunday; the first Jewish day after the Sabath. Yom al Itneen, Yom al thalata, Robo, Khamis and Juma, stand for the second, third, fouth, fifth and sixth day. The muslims 7th. day, is ‘Yom al Septh’; literally meaning, the seventh day. In fact, the Sabath; the day the Jews were told to rest. The muslims only differ from the Jews, is in their day of rest. They rest a day before the Jews. In prayer, physically they are the same, except the Jews literally tell you they are fucking somebody, while the muslims tell you, “Fuck Me!”

samy said…

to Jihan

I know what is written in Quraan , i was forced to read and even memorize it at school when I was living in my mother country before migrate to canada ( thank God), the true islam relegion is violence .. force other people to convert otherwise they will be islam enemy and should be killed .. this is what written in Quraan and you knw it and can not deny it… even in here in canada they are trying to force the stubid islamic belives on other people and their ultimate goal is to take over north america and europ .. I hope that our government to wake up and realise what is going on … WAKE UUUPPPP.., islam is evil , muslims are twisted minded and hate everyone simply because he or she is not muslim !!!! they will be in everlasting HELL.. this is the simple plan truth, so what ever you or any muslim try to say otherwise .. it is a BIGGGGG LIE.!! 10:45 AM

Event_Horizon said…

They are so backward in all aspects of life including commerce, infrastructure or technology. They are a brainwashed nation thirsty for the blood of other successful nations. And the worst part is their fucked up religion acts as a catalyst. It inspires them to wage was over the world. For how long will the world continue to tolerate these freaks of religion? The muslims sole mission in life is to create terror in the world. That is what they live for, that’s what their religion teaches them. They are jealous of the developed countries . . . P.S. Muslims smell bad…..True Story! 12:38 PM

Blogger Pris said…

I love all other religions except islam. Muslims are truly f***** up, but don’t know any better because they are brainwashed and left with no brains. Watch all the muslim countries in the world, none of their economies are doing well. The ones that have oil may have money, but they have no infrastructure, no scientific manpower etc. These assholes come to the west for a better life and then try to force their evil religion, customs, traditions and damn sharia law on the free citizens of the world. If left to thrive these guys will make our western nations deteriorate to the abysmal level of the muslim countries they came from. Their goal is to dominate the world and so they multiply like rats to increase their numbers. Before they become a sizable population in the west we should send these guys, including the ones that were born or converted in the west, to muslim countries and contain them there. Let them over populate muslim countries . . . are contaminating the west and so should be stopped before it is too late. To start off, we need to prohibit building of mosques and islamic schools, and publishing of the unholy koran. We need to unite and end this evil.

Blogger TheDeathBird said…

I know a family who left Lebanon to flee Muslim persecution. One of their grandsons returned to visit. On this trip there was a man yelling on the TV set in his hotel room. The man was protesting being fined a cow for shooting his wife for being outside the house. She had crossed a field and a man on a horse said something to her, since he didn’t get a clear shot at the man. Since he could not prove the man was really talking to his wife they fined him a cow. This is Muslim law this is what the Koran teaches. Also, in the Koran a woman told her husband to stop following Mohamid or she would leave She believed Mo was a bad evil monster. Her husband begged her to not talk bad about Mo but since She wouldn’t stop talking bad about Mohamid and She was Pregnant he cut his unborn child out of her belly. He went to Mo and told him and Mohamid said ” I can find no fault with this man” OK people this Story is in the Koran! can you imagine any other spiritual leader like Jesus or Krishna saying something like that! Only the spawn of hell the son of Satan the true Anti Christ would say such a thing Muslims worship the devil their God lives in hell and eats the faithful Muslims for dinner. While pretending to be God. Let any Muslim tell us that story isn’t in the Koran I read it! they follow this monster Mohamido the vile and say he is good. Anyone who reads the Koran who has any love inside them or spirtuality will be sad such a vile work of hate can be considered a work inspired by God. 7:48 PM

sexyharry said…

these guys(muslims) when small in numbers behave as if they are good (we respect other religions,and our god is tolerant etc.) but reality is there quran teaches to hate,kill people who doesn’t believe in islam, some of muslims are good as they doesn’t follow islam properly…….as muslims number increases they will be no more friend of urs ,they will take the side their muslim brothers and try to implement the shariah law’s,blasts,killing who leaves islam……so,i am a guy from sanathan dharam,in our religion we respect every other religion and our religion doesn’t believe in conversion bcoz god resides in us not by simple conversion…,i love all religions except islam ………4:02 AM

Blogger vsindia said…

Thes muslims are really lowly creatures. all the terrorists in this world are muslims. how can screw muslims ?

– stop giving them jobs
– shun them publicly
– make separate , stricter laws for muslims
– lets convert all their kids after killing the men
– lets creat gas chambers once again – only for muslims/

I hate them so much that my fist clench and jaws go tight when i think of these bastards. They have forcibly thrown out hindus out of kashmir and christians out of bosnia.

4:42 AM

mark said…

not all muslims are bad but I am sick of them. I am sick of them coming to the west and demanding that shariah law be implemented in western nations. if muzzies think shariah law is so great then they should piss off and go live in a muslim nation.

sick of their fantical hate and terrorism.
sick of their demands and sick of their backward ways.
muslims should go and live in muslim nations and keep their shit ways in muslim nations.

10:08 PM

Blogger marine corps captain said…


I have taken significant time to read your Koran. And I would rather wipe my ass with a dirty, dime store novel than waste another minute reading, or listening, to that complete pile of pig cum.
Thank GOD I had the opportunity to kill 19 of your brethren while in Iraq. 19 less jihadists on the move.
It’s not ignorance my camel fucking friend…I completely understand your beliefs, motives and wants for this world. And if given the chance I would end your life as well. And your family’s and friend’s lives if possible.
And please refrain from the old tag line of “That’s not true Islam.” Any individual with a 3rd grade education has the ability to understand your religion of hate, murder, suppresion and penchant for death. Watch your back, Muhhamed…you won’t have a second chance with me. 8:23 AM

Fighting to live said…

Hi guys . I am married to a moslem but I am Greek Orthodox. This is a quite funny mix. Our kids are Christian I made sure . But the Moslems all jokes aside have made and continue to make efforts to convert me. That is quite frightening. My husband offered to convert. So I decided to make him sell everything in Pakistan and the next step is to convert him. Wait and see. Keep up the great work

8:50 PM

Blogger Uncle_Sam said…

this maessage is for the fucking muslims

Long gone are the days when you used to blow yourselves up in the middle of the streets in the countries that you infest with your presence.You forget that we are the ones who created and adopted this so-called human rights but we can also break em! you call yourselves warriors ? Com on up and fight you stinckin’ cowards! we’ll show you what a war means…We’ll show you what everyone felt 65 years ago!We’ll show the Nazi style bitches…we will behead all of your stinckin’ children and your masked-shit-pushed-in wifes… Can u all spell together HOLOCAUST? 3:10 PM

Blogger Red_Rooster said…

sdlfihsdiulkgh54;kuy5b4jgrehthredyth said… This man talks of porn … Tell him to go to Yemen. He can fuck 12 yr. old girls there for free! Three times a day! Free!

I lived in Yemen and I know. All the women go out around noon to eat Kat at their friends’. You just pick these Burka clad women and boy, when they enter your home, the Burka is off in a jiffy! Just like that! Pot luck but fucking lucky evertime I had. I must have fucked over 300 muslim cunts in my 5-year stay there. No worry of husbands. They are all in working in Saudi Arabia; coolies there and their 12 year old brides are getting fucked back home. By the way … all their women have inserted in them, the ‘Copper T’. A muslim Female gynacologist I knew, made a roaring business from inserting these things.

4:35 PM

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The ruder parts of the above have been edited out. The acts of terror are clear enough, but just from a woman’s angle, one doesn’t need to be a woman to want Islam to end in some places, to see how horrible Muslimahs lives are in some places . . . combine with a chastity belt (Christianity) and wallah, a semi-Cyborg . . . how much do some of the very worse among Muslets hate life or procreation that makes them treat women like this, makes the ‘no condoms’ Catholic lot seem humane even though abortion IS A HUMAN RIGHT. . .

In 1998, racial riots against the ethnic Chinese in West Java prompted the production and sale of “anti-rape corsets” (things have cooled off since as China gains further traction in ASEAN . . . ).


Egyptians suffer buyers’ remorse as Morsi drives toward Islamicization – by Araminta Wordsworth | Dec 12, 2012 8:30 AM ET | Last Updated: Dec 12, 2012 8:43 AM ET

Full Comment’s Araminta Wordsworth brings you a daily round-up of quality punditry from across the globe. Today: It’s the statistics, stupid!

There are more than 83 million people living in Egypt, the Middle East’s most populous nation; 90% of them are Sunni Muslims. More than half dwell in small towns and villages in the countryside and tend to be deeply conservative, attached to tradition. There is a small, urban, educated upper-middle class of liberals and left-wingers.

If these people get the vote, guess who the majority would go for? Under these circumstances, the dramatic swing from dictatorship through democracy to dictatorship is all too sadly predictable.

Now, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood member who was elected Egyptian president in June, is showing his true colours — he’s like Hosni Mubarak with a beard. He wants nothing less than an Islamic state, with sharia law and Muslim clerics empowered to render legal opinions.

His idea of reaching out to the opposition is to restate his position, as he did in last week’s speech. This was so devoid of anything resembling reconciliation or fresh ideas, the BBC cut off the live feed after about seven minutes.

Instead, Morsi is calling on the military to do his dirty work, arresting and trying civilians. Brotherhood members have also resorted to torture and the kind of vigilante “justice” that was a feature of the ancient regime. In their view, opponents are Mubarak supporters and/or paid troublemakers.

The Economist for one has seen the writing on the wall.

[Morsi’s actions have polarized Egypt’s exhausted people. The most populous and politically pivotal Arab state stands on the brink of prolonged civil strife, or a descent into a form of veiled dictatorship not unlike the one so recently overthrown, only this time in drab Islamist garb …
The abruptness of the Islamists’ lunge for control has ignited Egypt’s hitherto fractious opposition in outrage, prompting protests on the scale of those during the revolution. A group of former presidential candidates has picked Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel peace prize-winner and former UN official, as their leader, and threatened strikes and continued protests until Mr. Morsi relents. The judges, who usually run such things, plan to boycott the referendum. But he shows no signs of backing down. Tired, impoverished and apprehensive, ordinary Egyptians may be tempted to let the  Muslim Brotherhood have their way.

Reporting for Der Spiegel from Cairo, Matthias Gebauer describes Morsi as the Brotherhood’s poodle.

Morsi remains intent on strictly following the course of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamist group wants to see their man, who won a narrow victory in summer elections, to put Egypt on the path to fundamentalist Islam. And the Muslim Brotherhood is in no mood for compromise. After more than 80 years in the political underground, Brotherhood leaders have decided to seize their chance. And Morsi increasingly looks the part of a fainthearted Brotherhood puppet. He appears to have accepted his country’s descent into violence, making more clashes on the streets of Cairo inevitable.

At The National Review, Andrew C. McCarthy says Egypt’s unravelling was inevitable.

Here’s the late-breaking news: The Muslim Brotherhood is the enemy of democracy. … the Muslim Brotherhood is an innately, incorrigibly Islamic-supremacist outfit. Wherever it establishes a presence, it seeks — as gradually as indigenous conditions require, and as rapidly as they allow — to implement its repressive construction of sharia. Wherever it gets the opportunity to rule, it uses its power to impose this sharia, despite resistance from the society’s non-Islamist factions.

This is not a mere theory. Egypt, the world’s most important Arab country, is violently convulsing before our eyes in direct reaction to the suffocation that is Islamist rule. So, will we finally take the lesson? Will we finally come to understand why democracy and Islamic supremacism cannot coexist? Ebrahim Moosa, an Islamic studies prof at North Carolina’s Duke University, believes the Egyptian president and his Islamic allies badly misjudged the situation.

Mr. Morsi seems to have forgotten the sensitivity that a country freshly freed from decades of despotism might feel towards anything with an odour of dictatorship. Secretive and inward-looking, the Brotherhood appears surprised by the depth of mistrust that many Egyptians, including pious Muslims of every social class, feel towards them. The Islamists’ constituency remains large and their organising power formidable. “They will rally the poor with the slogan: to be a Muslim, vote yes for the constitution and confound the infidels,” predicts Muhammad Nour Farahat, a law professor at Cairo’s Zagazig University. Yet even if Mr Morsi and his Brothers manage to pull this off, a heavy cloud will remain over their rule.

Egypt 2012 Const-Referendem (Note the true culturists wearing their subtle NPPs . . . )

Egypt 2012 Const-Referendem (Note the true culturists wearing their subtle NPPs . . . )

compiled by Araminta Wordsworth

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Why not the military just take over and do away with the Islamist b.s. and revive a BENEVOLENT Constitutional Pharoanate via DNA testing to determine the closest Royal Egyptian bloodline? A BENEVOLENT Grand Vizier from the military would well be tolerated even for LIFE (if all unused state land is redistribited to the landless or homeless in Egypt) while the country RE-EGYPTIANISES. This would be preferable to this potential threat of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist imposition of Hudud or Syariah under Morsi which does not need to be written into the constitution and instead remain seperate from the State. Religion and State are not to be confused into a single item under any Islamist leaning Constitution. Let the Muslets impose their own laws on theselves, LEAVE THE SECULARITY OF STATE ALONE.

WHERE IS THE Pharoah’s Brotherhood or Amon-Ra’s Brotherhood to counter the Muslim Brotherhood? Freemasonry across the world could accept no less!

This is EGYPT and Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, the central symbol of the Egyptian civilisation is THE PYRAMID OF THE PHAROAHS . . . NOT ARABIA and Mecca or Medina,  the central symbol of the Arabian civilisation is THE CUBE OF KABAA.

Egypt is nt Arabia.

Egypt is not Arabia.

Adopt EGYPTIAN NAMES not keep using those ARABIAN NAMES (the wealthier can trace their DNA down to the nobility or even Kings if they try hard enough). Pray and worship at EGYPTIAN Temples. Respect a revived Egyptian Priesthood not a Foreign Priesthood that answers to a foreign Arab King. Wear Egyptian garb. In Egypt, if the Egyptian people have the will, an Egyptian King is even possible (Constitutional Monarch), or an Egyptian Pharoah rather.

Learn Hieratic instead of Arabic and remember that EGYPTIAN culture and polytheistic EGYPTIAN religion (well if the people are as lazy as Akenathan, worship Amon-Ra instead for a while NOT the Kabaa – even as the Aabakian Octohedron Cult arises on the Mecc(h)an Antipode) are well loved the world over, as opposed to Islamism’s monotheistic malaise and penchant for association with oil and terror, rampant disrespectful proselytization and sometimes forced conversions.

Some Egyptians remember who they are . . .

At least some Egyptians seem to remember who they are . . . the Egyptian Pantheon’s first High Priest perhaps? Imhotep! Imhotep! Imhotep II rather . . .

20 Malaysian Articles : Age Catching Up With Objectivity?, Countering Media Spin, High Density Projects May Cancel Spirituality of Batu Caves, 1 Democratic Action vs So Many Undemocratic Ones, More Insults Against th Orang Asli, Orwellian Malaysian Housing Laws Attack Democracy, Kratom – Malaysia’s Coca Under Attack, One Seat Suggestion Is Not Denocracy, More Investment Elsewhere While Uninvestible Malaysia’s Entertainment-Gaming Languishes, A Skewed Racism Debate Article, Malaysian Cults, Anwarista Propaganda Chittera-ra, Kong Cho Ha Takes On Lim Kit Siang, RPK’s NLPs, DAP Hijacked The Political Mandate to Run Penang As Their Family Business, Failure in Gaming Industry In Malaysia, Nurul’s Lip Service, RPK’s Lumping of Disparate Groups of Chinese into a Single Hateful Ethnic Group – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree posted on 30th October 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, 2 term limits, Abuse of Power, amendments to law needed, asset declarations, Bumiputera Apartheid, Democracy, Islam, Land Acquisition Act in Malaysia, land distribution, land sequestration, Law, Legal Junta, Malaysia, media, media collusion, media sabotage, media traps, media tricks, Mercenaries, misplaced adoration, misrepresentation of facts, Muslims, Nepotism, organic psychedelics advocacy, Organic Psychedelics Zone, Orwellian, plutocrat politicians, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, preventing vested interest, proselytization, psychedelics, public spaces, spirit of the law, spirit of the word, unprofessional behaviour, voting methods, voting strategy, Wealth distribution, word of the law on October 29, 2012 at 10:00 pm


Can Asia beat corruption? – by Tunku Abdul Aziz – 27 October 2012 | last updated at 10:30PM

SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS: Countries like Malaysia are wrestling with graft on the national level, but have a better chance of reducing it substantially sooner

A bumper sticker on a taxi in Kuala Lumpur sends an anti-corruption message. The prime minister’s initiatives are a brave new approach to transparent and accountable governance.

Tunku Abdul Aziz on Oct 2,

I was invited to participate in a televised debate on corruption, organised by Channel News Asia as part of its Bridging Asia: The Singapore Debates. The motion before the house was “Can Asia Beat Corruption?”

Professor Mark Thompson, director, Southeast Asian Research Centre at the City University, Hong Kong, teamed up with prominent Singapore anti-corruption lawyer Wilson Ang to try and convince a critical studio audience that Asia could lick corruption, citing cases of countries once at the bottom of the Transparency International Perceptions Index and today showing signs of improvement.

They drew comfort from, and put great store by, the fact that nearly all Asian countries had introduced anti-corruption laws. But they forgot to mention that a million anti-corruption laws would amount to nothing without strong, effective enforcement.

In those countries, and to some extent in Malaysia, enforcement continued to be derisory. Laws are of course required for defining public service behaviour: they are essential for creating institutions, but of themselves, “as a deterrent to unethical public behaviour”, are largely ineffective.

Ann Florini, professor of Public Policy, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University and I were not persuaded that Asia could confront corruption decisively because, unlike Singapore or Hong Kong, there was no evidence of strong political will emerging any time soon in much of Asia.

Good governance was totally absent in seriously corrupt societies where best practices were more observed in the breach than the observance. In such countries, corruption would continue to run its course with little or no prospect of even reducing it marginally.

I said that in the case of Singapore, which was once a very corrupt colonial backwater, if at the time of independence the city state was run by a bunch of crooks instead of Lee Kuan Yew, the course of its history might have been quite different.

Countries in Asia that managed their affairs well and supported their institutions, the likes of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia, while still wrestling with corruption at the national level, apparently had a better chance of reducing corruption substantially over a shorter time frame.

Ann Florini and I won the debate against worthy opponents. The verdict was that as long as Asia continued to pay lip service to fighting corruption in their societies, it would invariably be regarded as a profitable, low-risk enterprise. Corruption would be in robust good health.

Electronic voting was employed by those in the studio as well as those watching at home. I must say they do these things extremely well in Singapore, as indeed we have come to expect. I believe it is the institutions in which they worked that made the difference. Strong institutions produce highly motivated and competent people.

I remain unabashed and unrepentant in my complete support of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s national transformation programmes as I see in his initiatives a brave new approach to transparent and accountable governance for Malaysia, and not a day too soon.

Over the years, we have, largely by default, allowed unprincipled governance to take on a life of its own, with predictable consequences. These comprehensive transformation programmes, covering a whole range of critical social, economic, legislative and governance issues, once implemented, will help ensure for Malaysia a place of honour at the top table, among the “clean” nations of the world. I am confident that as a result of these measures, we would be better armed and equipped to tackle the scourge of corruption head on.

I am happy that the Najib administration has shown great moral strength to resist the temptation of turning the national transformation programmes into a political slogan: they are far too important for the long-term future of our nation to be trivialised and used as a political play thing.

They are not about scoring a political point. They are about getting the country out of its slumber, out of the rut and bouncing back with clear and transparent policies that will grow the economy, unite our people and ensure peace and harmony for all Malaysians.

The government should not be distracted by the mountains of lies and innuendoes spun without a break by the opposition “axis of evil”, with apologies to the junior Bush. Najib must do whatever it takes legally to win big and win well to save the country from the clutches of unprincipled political adventurers, who, lacking experience, would be too risky a gamble to be allowed to govern this country.

Let me remind the Anwars and Guan Engs of this world that it is easier to destroy than to build. On that note, I wish my Muslim readers a blessed Aidiladha.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Well at least there is a critical view (3rd force inclined hopefully?) on the so-called Opposition in Malaysia. But for this part . . . I said that in the case of Singapore, which was once a very corrupt colonial backwater, if at the time of independence the city state was run by a bunch of crooks instead of Lee Kuan Yew, the course of its history might have been quite different . . . is quite nonsensical and propaganda inclined. Lee Kuan Yew has written MANY crook like laws into the Singaporean system.

Extreme salaries worldwide second only to corruption ridden Kenya says alot about Singapore. There is no justification of such extreme salaries, that and many other things often covered up that make Singapore a very corrupt NEO-COLONIAL ‘military base’, that has ** INSTITUTIONALIZED CORRUPTION written into law**.

I think Tunku should hand over his (non-existent) degree in politics to moi (also non-existent degree), simply for not being honestly academic as an academic should be, in a preferably academic article, or simply because Tunku can’t think straight being so afflicted or colluding on the Lee Junta ethos. Honesty please dear Tunku! Friendship does not mean 99.999% of the citizens should suffer so 2 people feel good about themselves! Not at our expense!

Strategic location makes Singapore a military base that foreign powers pretend to pour money into for a sense of normalcy. Apart from unique culture and unique goods local to the region, there is no reason to travel or even trade at all. Port of call issues are no longer viable either due to long range ships etc.. This is one occasion where otherwise useful associations and the myopia of life long friendships end up hampering the truth of the matter. See below link for some unpleasant Singaporean reality that a Beloved Leader junta of a nepotistic and term limitless political careerist family or a privileged member of Royalty can never relate to.


Singapore experiencing a golden age? Let’s not kid ourselves — Romesh Navaratnarajah – October 27, 2012

OCT 27 — Is Singapore really experiencing its golden age, or are we missing a part of the plot?

In a recent commentary, Straits Times Editor Sumiko Tan described what she called ‘Singapore’s Golden Age’, with references to Singapore’s impressive skyline, boasting an array of new developments like Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Flyer, just to name a few.

Citing statistics and surveys, Tan implied that the city-state must be doing something right and is attracting many foreigners to come and work here.

She further stated: “Property is a national preoccupation, but it’s not whether you can afford a roof over your head that Singaporeans fret about. It’s whether or not to get a second property to invest in.”

Sorry Sumiko, but I beg to differ as there are undoubtedly a growing number of Singaporeans who are struggling to buy a decent home for themselves or for their families, let alone purchase a second property.

There was even a recent article which first appeared in The New Paper highlighting how cash-over-valuations (COVs) for resale HDB flats are high, making it more difficult for buyers to acquire units. The report quoted B. Wong, an operations manager, who said that he and his wife would not have been able to pay the S$60,000 (RM150,000) COV for their 11th-storey four-room flat in Punggol had they not sold their previous unit.

Moreover, property prices rose to record levels last quarter amid low interest rates, prompting the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to implement new home loan regulations to prevent a property price bubble.

Private home prices rose 0.5 per cent to a new high in Q3 this year. As for the public housing market, Singapore recently saw its first S$1 million HDB resale flat transaction.

So it is unlikely that the majority of Singaporeans are indeed preoccupied with acquiring more investment properties, especially with the many netizens regularly grumbling about sky-high housing prices.

I don’t argue with the fact that Singapore has seen astounding progress over the last few decades, but it might be time to also accept that not all that glitters is gold. — TR Emeritus

* Romesh Navaratnarajah is the Senior Editor at PropertyGuru.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


300 stage peaceful protest against condo project in Batu Caves – Friday, October 26, 2012 – 19:27

ABOUT 300 people staged a peaceful protest in front of the Sri Subramaniar Swamy Temple here today against the proposed construction of two blocks of 29-storey condominiums close to the Batu Caves limestone outcrop near here.

They gathered at about 10 am, carrying placards with slogans, one of which called read: “Stop the construction and save the Batu Caves natural heritage and the world-renowned religious shrine”.

Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Dhevasthanam chairman Datuk R. Nadarajah said the development of the two blocks of 29-storey condominiums would also lead to the destruction of the world’s tallest Lord Murugan statue situated less than 300 metres from the proposed development.

“The construction would endanger the lives of the devotees and tourists from around the world due to the (possibility of) falling objects as a result of the massive development in the vicinity of the temple,” he told a news conference, here.

“The project must be stopped permanently, not temporarily, and we urge the (Selangor) government to consider our plight,” he said.

Former MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the high-rise construction should be stopped because it could have great adverse impact on the eco-system of the limestone hills there.

“We are not asking for money or land, we are asking to stop the construction permanently because it will also affect many species of animals and plants,” said Samy Vellu, who is Malaysia’s Special Envoy for Infrastructure to India and South Asia.

Malaysian Nature Society secretary Lim Teck Wyn claimed that it was unsafe to locate the proposed development close to Batu Caves.

He recalled an incident of Oct 19, 1973, when a massive piece of rock sheared off the cliff face of Gunung Cheroh in Ipoh and landed on the village of Kampung Kacang Putih, killing 42 people.

Following that tragedy, the Minerals and Geoscience Department (MGD) came up with guidelines for development next to limestone hills.

The Batu Caves cliff face next to the proposed blocks of condominiums has discontinuities and overhangs, which means that the MGD criteria for a very high hazard rating is met.

“The zone surrounding the base of the hill is thus considered to be a very dangerous zone where there should be no houses or permanent buildings,” said Lim. – Bernama

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Hi density areas weaken spiritual energy due to lots of living beings taking the areas Qi or Prana. Also tall buildings block line of sight as well as cause further blockage spiritual energy of having people in the way.


Soi Lek disagrees with Umno ally over hudud – by Ida Lim – October 28, 2012

KUALAL LUMPUR,  Oct 28 — Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has openly disagreed with his Umno colleague in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) that introducing hudud, the strict Islamic penal code, here will not impact non-Muslims, adding to the protracted debate over religious rights in multicultural Malaysia.

“Maybe he did not do his homework. I am disappointed with what he said,” the MCA president was reported as saying today by English-language paper The Sunday Star.

Dr Chua was referring to Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, who had earlier this week said hudud could only apply to Muslims as they come under the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts.

Dr Chua said he was disappointed with Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom’s statement. — File pic
“Therefore, hudud law will not impact non-Muslims,” Jamil Khir, the minister for Islamic affairs, told Parliament in a written reply.

He had based his reply on the Federal Constitution, where Islamic law falls under the jurisdiction of each state and is only applicable to Muslims.

“Therefore, if hudud is to be implemented in Malaysia, then the Syariah Court would only have jurisdiction over those who practise Islam in accordance with the Federal Constitution,” Jamil Khir had said.

Malaysia’s dual-track court system has resulted in an blurring of lines in an increasing number of legal disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims over their constitutional rights.

Dr Chua had last week said many Chinese voters are “also aware that the DAP has been lying when it said that hudud will not affect the non-Muslims”.

MCA has been using the hudud issue to warn non-Muslims, especially the Chinese community, away from voting for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the coming polls, insisting that the pact’s “dominant” partner PAS would insist on its implementation despite its ties with secular DAP and PKR.

Hudud has remained a sensitive touch point in Southeast Asia’s third-largest economy, which has a 60 per cent Muslim population, with political parties continuing to spar over the subject in the run-up to the 13th general election.

The idea of an Islamic criminal code has been used to either scare the minority Chinese voters, or shore up support among the majority Malay-Muslim community.

The Malay community is seen today as split three-ways among the ruling BN’s mainstay and the country’s biggest Malay party, Umno, the opposition’s Islamist PAS, and PKR, which is seen as an urban liberal party.

MCA had also previously warned that Muslim MPs would unite to amend the Federal Constitution in favour of hudud and the Islamic state if PR takes over, but DAP’s Lim Kit Siang had dismissed it as a “lie” to stop the Chinese community from voting for the opposition.

Lim had said that there were only 130 Muslim MPs in the country, while 148 MPs are needed to make up the two-thirds majority for a constitutional amendment.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

PAS would not be the dominant member IF all more than 2 term candidates are dropped, and all more than 2 term candidates vacate their posts and all phenotypically similar sycophants would-be and ‘Phenotypical Nepotists’ as well. Thats about 50% of the Pakatan Coalition required to drop out of the race.

To ensure seperation of powers and distribution of power, to prevent vested interest, an MP must not also be on the committee, or Supreme Council (that should be ex-MPs instead), on top of disallowing family blocs in the MP posts or within the committee or Supreme council. That way cults of personality Gaddafi or Mubarak or Ali Salleh style do not form, that end up biasing the political parties intentions, and affecting the nation’s policies. Consider that after various junior posts in the committee, a member would have spent possibly 5-10 years.

Then a 2 term MP or Assemblyman stint possibly 8 years, then finally a Supreme Council post for 2 terms another 8 years. Thats also a grand total of 26 years which is more than enough for any person. So think when a MP post could have seen 8 MPs over the same period of time, how inappropriate that only 1 member among a political party of MILLIONS got to be MP. How is that fair? This is how dictatorship is like in many 3rd world countries, and if the trend is uncontrolled, we end up with an Egypt, a Libya and a Tunisia in the end where revolution is needed to overthrow power mad people in power too long.

The current or would be politician’s intent to the people can be seen in how long they have been in power (long in power but unable to think cleverly enough to destroy racism or fundamentalism or encourage corruption seems to typify most Malaysian politicians btw), or how they consider the above facts and best practices for political parties, so voters take a closer look at the party of your choice and if all intents of candidates or incumbents are bad, run for candidacy yourselves instead! It’s your country too, and that MP’s seat is for EVERYONE, not just those who refuse to amend laws and demand special funeral funds at tax payer cost and enable Astro type monopolies, no-insurance opt outs, extreme fines for minor offences and corrupt and opaque procurement contracts!

Vote 3rd Force and drop all term limitless nepotists and crony capitalist/fundo colluders like DAP or racists like BN!

Proposed 3rd Force Coalition


GE-13: Manifestos to decide BATTLE OF THE TITANS – Sunday, 28 October 2012 10:14

KUALA LUMPUR, — Manifestos are part and parcel of any general election. They also play a vital role in determining the success or defeat of an electoral candidate or a political party.

The word ‘manifesto’ is being bandied about increasingly in the media and in conversations among the people in the run-up to the 13th General Election, particularly with regard to promises made by political parties prior to the last general election and as to whether they have been delivered or not.

So, what is a manifesto, actually? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “a public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate”.

Che Hamdan Che Mohd Razali, political science lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in Dungun, Terengganu, is of the opinion that a good manifesto is one that can inspire the desire among voters to choose a political party or candidate to represent them.

“Of course, the candidate plays an important role but the voters also want to know what is the manifesto or declaration being offered by the party,” he told Bernama.

And to what extent do all voters remember the declarations or promises made prior to a general election?

In a 2009 study of a group of people aged between 21 and 40, it was found that most respondents had forgotten what was offered to them during the 2008 general election campaign, said Che Hamdan.

“At that time (the general election campaign), voters were excited by what was offered in the manifestos of political parties. But after some time, they forgot the points and only recalled them after certain related issues were raised nearer the general election date,” he said.

Deciding factor

Speaking of the next general election, Che Hamdan, who is also a political analyst, said that apart from the contesting candidates, the offer of an attractive manifesto would be among the deciding factors to determine the success or defeat of a party.

“Informing people of what has been implemented is actually very effective. They’ll then know what has and has not been done.

“I feel that the Barisan Nasional (BN) should increase the dissemination of information on what it has implemented,” he said referring to the “Jelajah Janji Ditepati” (‘Promises Fulfilled’ Tour) which provided a platform for people to obtain the latest update on the government’s efforts to help them.

Lecturer Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussein of the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Social Science Studies Centre, said a manifesto means a declaration or promise which must be presented at any general election.

“Based on political science, there are several elements in a general election, such as campaigns and manifestos. And a manifesto is the main element in any general election,” he said.

The manifesto has a very strong influence in determining the continuity of a party or individual, he added.

A manifesto which fulfills the needs of the people in a particular locality would generally influence the voting pattern,’ he said.

“For example, at the 2008 general election, the opposition had a manifesto which attracted the attention of the people and this allowed them to win in several states,” he said.

However, many of their promises remain unfulfilled, to the point that people were willing to take them to court, he said.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat-led Selangor government was now facing several legal suits brought by consumers over the water subsidy which was promised in the party’s 12th general election manifesto, he said.

Ahmad Atory said voters would also evaluate the ability of a representative to deliver on promises, through the manifesto.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

So, what is a manifesto, actually? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “a public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate”. 90% failed manifesto by DAP renders DAP unvotable, being voted in on a failed manifesto of unkept words, cheating the voters. Vote 3rd Force!


Karpal: Put party before self – by SIRA HABIBU – Monday October 29, 2012

PETALING JAYA: DAP chairman Karpal Singh has hit back at his fellow leaders who thought his “one candidate, one seat” proposal should be an internal party matter.

On the contrary, he said DAP could not risk the rakyat having leaders playing multiple roles as assemblyman, MP and executive councillors.

“We must put the interest of the country and the party before self,” Karpal said.

In the 1970s, Karpal said DAP leaders had to contest multiple seats because it did not have enough candidates of calibre.

“In the 1990s, party strongmen had to contest tough seats and give up safe seats for new or weaker candidates as our strategy was to win as many seats as possible to wrest control of Penang,” he pointed out.

“Now, we must accommodate quite a number of professionals who have joined Pakatan Rakyat,” he said, adding that DAP should also be sensitive to the people’s views on the multiple seats issue.

Karpal was responding to talk that some leaders were against the “one candidate, one seat” policy as they would lose the multiple incomes that could exceed RM40,000 a month.

In Selangor, an assemblyman’s pay is about RM11,700, inclusive of allowances, while that of an executive councillor is about RM25,000 (inclusive of state assembly pay). An MP earns about RM15,000 a month.

National organising secretary Teresa Kok, who is an MP, assemblyman and an executive councillor in Selangor, had described Karpal’s call as an “old story”.

Kok said that the party’s central executive committee had already discussed the issue and that the final decision depended on each and every constituency and state.

Selangor Speaker Datuk Teng Chang Khim had said that it was not wise to air the matter via the media as “it would create unnecessary dispute and problem”.

On Friday, Karpal had urged DAP leaders holding both parliamentary and state seats to publicly express their willingness to give up one.

Besides exceptional figures in Penang and Sarawak, all others should be willing to vie for only a single constituency, he said.

“We secured great victory in the last general election because of political tsunami but we do not expect such tsunami in the coming polls. It’s going to be tough as the public will assess the candidates based on their abilities,” he said, adding that the party should change its strategy accordingly.

Karpal also stressed that his intention was sincere, adding that there was no “sinister motive” and that even party grassroots supported the “single seat” policy.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Few people even decades into any industry earn as much. These salaries are more than 10 times average annual wage and excessive by normal standards. Then consider the term limitless and nepotism issue. Does the Rayat want to support these people for unlimited terms? 2 terms at most then vote for someone else but not that person’s relatives! Term limitless and nepotistic political careerists begats Minister Mentors and Senior Ministers, that turn into Gaddafis, Mubaraks and Ali Sallehs.

At 23K a month (or 4 million in Singapore’s case), MPs won’t need to work anymore after 2 terms or even 1 term if thrifty, so please voters, do give another one of your fellow constituents a chance to enjoy a salary windfall and allow seperation of powers as well – if the salaries are lowered to national annual wage levels, then fully expect only the wealthier and not greedy political careerists to join up in politics. In either case TERM LIMITS ensures distribution of political power to ALL constituents, not just Supremo and nepotistic family members or cliques which is what DAP has sunk to now – another PAP, and likely indulging in NEUROTECH techno-fascism that can be used to ensure people have no inclination to challenge bad laws that they do not want to change or even bad laws being introduced all the time)


Masing’s swipe at Taib? – SPECIAL REPORTS – Monday, 29 October 2012 Super Admin

Parti Rakyat Sarawak has declared itself the “true custodian” of Dayaks in Sarawak, putting a spoke perhaps in Taib’s divide and rule strategy.

Parliamentary election’s is not Taib’s top priority, but state is. Rumours are rife that he’s had a finger in the chaos within SUPP, SPDP and PRS. A divided state coalition allows him to have better control of his ‘partners’ and an increasingly empowered native community courtesy of the opposition.

Free Malaysia Today

SIBU: Was Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president James Masing sending out a message to Chief Minister Taib Mahmud with his speech during the party’s eight anniversary dinner here last Saturday?

Masing’s emphasis on PRS being a “truly Dayak party” and that its elected representatives were “all Dayaks” wasn’t just a frivolous statement. It was tactical.

It comes at a time of the rapid ‘Dayak awakening’ amongst the rural native communities courtesy of the alternative media, Radio Free Sarawak and a brazen opposition.

Fueling this ‘awakening’ is the floundering Barisan Nasional partners – Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) and Sarawak United Peoples party (SUPP) – who can’t seem to get their act together.

The only ‘water-tight’ party appears to be PRS and Taib’s PBB which incidentally is facing simmering discontent within its Bumiputera wing led by the allegedly much spineless Alfred Jabu Numpang.

The next parliamentary election which must be held by April 2013 will be a challenging one for Sarawak BN’s component parties.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is desperately in need of Sarawak’s 31 seats in view of the fluid political situation in Sabah and in the peninsular.

In the last parliamentary elections in 2008, it was Sabah and Sarawak’s collective 56 seats that helped BN retain Putrajaya. Sabah and Sarawak each lost one seat to the opposition, delivering 54 seats to the federal coalition.

But the current scenario is somewhat different. The latest spin from the ground in Sabah is that the Musa Aman-led BN could lose up to 10 if not 12 of the 25 contestable parliamentary seats.

In Sarawak the seat sharing ratio stands at PPB (14), SUPP (seven) PRS (six) SPDP (4)

As it stands, speculations are rife that BN could lose up to seven seats from amongst SUPP, SPDP and PRS.

Taib, on his part, has guaranteed Najib a return on all 14 of PBB’s parliamentary seats and there’s no reason for the PM to doubt his ability especially after his performance in the last state election. Taib is not too concerned about parliament.

PRS truly represents Dayaks

Parliamentary election’s is not Taib’s top priority, but state is. Rumours are rife that he’s had a finger in the chaos within SUPP, SPDP and PRS. A divided state coalition allows him to have better control of his ‘partners’ and an increasingly empowered native community courtesy of the opposition.

Masing is said to be a thorn in Taib’s side. In the run-up to last year’s state election, Masing, unhappy with Taib constantly ignoring his proposals, met directly with Najib and in one instant managed to thwart attempts to allow an ex-PRS incumbent elected representative, Larry Sng, from contesting.

On Saturday, stamping PRS’ sway over Sarawak’s majority Dayak community, Masing said the party was the “custodian” of Dayak interest and that its elected representatives were “duty bound” to protect the race.

“For all intents and purposes, PRS is the party which truly represents rural constituencies where most of the Dayaks happen to reside.

“Therefore, we do not apologise for who we are and the basis of our political stand and struggles,” he said alluding perhaps to the known ‘issues’ between him and Taib.

Masing further warned members to be wary of “attempts” to stir discontent within the party adding that enemies and approaches came in different forms.

“There are people who are envious of our strength and will try to de-stabilise us. They maybe individuals or groups.

“They will (either) contest against us when the general election is called (or) slyly fight us by pretending to our friends or friends of the group and pull us down.

“The other way is to de-stabilise us is by picking on some of our members who exhibit certain weaknesses. This will be a subtle approach and by people who we are familiar with. Thus without realizing it, we will fall into a trap which will eventually break the party’s solidarity,” said Masing.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Pakatan is the custodian of nepotism and term limitless as well as continuation of apartheid. The Dayaks do not need a ‘custodian’, custodianship implies a lack of mental capacity. Do the Dayaks see what an insult Pakatan has offered up to them? The Dayaks will demand equal representation and full 100% disbursement of profits from East Malaysia as well as return of all stolen lands – not this so-called ‘custodianship’. Dayaks in fact could secede and demand a seat at the UN instead of ‘custodianship’. Wake up Dayaks, simply because when someone pretends to talk to you like an adult, that does not mean they respect you or will grant you rights as an equal or allow you the autonomy of an adult – thats like an ADULT ‘pet animal’ being trapped in that cage forever EVEN when adult when their natural preference is to roam the world or set up their own habitates without bars and feeding times or what not . . .

, the Dayaks need to think clearly and fight back against condescension – the contents of the words are those for a child, or in this case mentally inept! Demand equality or leave the Malaysian Federation to form your own nation with a seat at the UN if either caolition BN or PR does not promise via statuary declaration to grant :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;as well as return ALL stolen and illegally occupied lands as well as 100% disbursement right to ALL wealth from East Malaysia as well as 1st class citizenships. Perhaps after the stupid and shameless or selfish Chinese Malaysian voters and politicians see this action by the Orang Asli will APARTHEID of BUMIPUTERA end.


Errant house owners, beware! – Kong See Hoh – – Posted on 28 October 2012 – 09:11pm – Last updated on 29 October 2012 – 10:22am

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 28, 2012): Once the Strata Management Bill 2012 is enacted, the management of a gated community can apply for a court order to seize and auction the property of a delinquent house owner to offset management fee owed.

Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung told Sin Chew Daily in an interview published today that this is because house owners were fully aware when they purchased their property that they had to pay monthly management fee for security service rendered.

This rule also applies to gated apartments and condominiums.

The Strata Management Act 2012 (SMA) is to replace the Building and Common Property Act 2007.

Chor said in fact the Building and Common Property Act 2007 empowers the management of a gated community to take the aforesaid action against delinquent property owners, but many people are not aware of this as it is not clearly defined in the act.

He said he had spent a lot of time and talked to not less than 20 related organisations on this matter to come up with the new act

However, he said, the government cannot do anything if house owners in guarded communities refuse to pay for guards hired to watch over and patrol their areas, as it is not stated in the owners’ sale-and-purchase agreement.

Chor also said that under the SMA, residents of a housing area need only obtain the consent of 51% of the residents to set up a guarded community, compared with 80% under the present law.

“Residents who hire guards to beef up security in a housing estate do it on their free will and out of their own pockets. If the other 49% of the residents believe the housing area is safe, and that they need not pay for additional security, they cannot be forced to do so,” said Chor.

He pointed out that roads within a gated community are private property, and therefore residents within the community have the right to deny access to non-residents.

“On the other hand, roads within a guarded community are public property. The security guards have no right to deny non-residents access to the area.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This is idiotic and democracy destroying. Beware? Which MPs ratified the act? Which people drafted the act? These 20 organisations who proposed or back these abusive laws are a plague upon the ‘conscientious objectors’ of the gated community! Just because some people want guards does not mean others should pay and backed by government as well! The man’s home is their castle but a group of men with castles unless intending to be thugs or warlords cannot STEAL already paid for ownership because others living around them intend to force them to pay for extraneous services that they do not want. The Housing Minister in fact should act to disallow such laws not implement and announce the same.

This empowers the management of the gated community, or even the Resident’s Committee to unprecedented levels in society, into that of local gangsters, and actual gangsters do not even have power to sell off people’s property! This is like Japan selling China’s Diaoyu Islands! Who paid for the unit? The management, so-called Resident’s Committee or the owner? If the mob mentality of the rest of the residents and colluders want the security, that’s their business and they cannot be penalized for living in the area. Those who do not want to be controlled by the doubtless political party backed so-called managment of gated communities however have every right to refuse to pay. This is blatant legalist bullying legalized gangsterism almost, and cannot be allowed, a feudal mentality of anything. Taking away people’s homes simply for refusing to pay for guards is UN unendorsable in law. Absolutely uncivilised and uneducated. No lawyers on this as usual eh? Bunch of legal lap-dogs that UN has somehow seen fit to award . . .

United Nations should be kicked off US soil: US congressman

The Rakyat had better understand the ramifications of such a law that allows a mere management company or group of mob minded residents to sell property that does not belong to them! Vote out the MPs who began this disaster against democracy! The incidental beneficiary of guards cannot legally be beholden to relinquish 100s of 1000s even millions worth properties because the laws make no sense o r are written with collusion in mind. Vote for 3rd force!

This is also another reason why hi-rise and now gated community units are a serious problem especially with law makers like these. The grey area autonomy issues in common spaces end up being abused in this manner which would doubtless be employed against political opponents of any politicians who are inclined to bing term limitless (meaning ganglord type satrapies withuot term limits), and amounts to protection rackets! So for example a handful of people try to pull a fast one in collusion with as many as possible that they want ‘guards’ (doubtless relatives or cronies with aging parents in the security field) and effectively force everyone else to pay up or their unit will be sold off (by all common sense considerations this is unconstitutional) . . . THEN consider if ethnicity is brought into consideration as well! Structural abuse of civilian rights backed by bad laws!

One can imagine the destruction of the sense of nation further and worsening of management gangs or property developers with this sort of mentality (identify which property developers or land bank owners that write up or assent to such abusive powers and you will identify the 1% in Malaysia that will never allow Allodial Titles and keep raising quit rents and maintenance fees AND NOW with new abusive powers to take away entire life savings worth of properties that the courts also back – all for not paying guards that are their cronies and aging relatives?! Wake up voters! Vote for 3rd Force! Kongsi Ho? More like Boho!


Penalise kratom abuse under Dangerous Drugs Act: Pengasih – Posted on 28 October 2012 – 02:28pm

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 28, 2012): Drug rehabilitation organisation Pengasih Malaysia today urged the attorney-general to penalise the abuse of kratom (ketum) leaves under the Dangerous Drugs Act instead of the Poisons Act, and also to regard glue-sniffing under the former law as well.

Pengasih president Datuk Mohd Yunus Pathi said this was necessary to check the abuse of kratom leaves, which were addictive, especially if mixed with certain items.

He said a study by Pengasih found that some adults in their 40s consumed a kratom extract mixed with coffee or other drinks to boost their energy.

“Taking a kratom drink on a regular basis will have an adverse effect on the health of the consumer,” he told reporters at Rumah Pengasih, here.

Mohd Yunus also regarded the sniffing of glue as a serious problem.

“There is no specific law on sniffing glue, although the practice can cause brain damage and lead to crime and social ills,” he said.

He proposed that the aftercare programme for former drug addicts be reviewed as certain aspects were seen as obstacles for them to lead a normal life. – Bernama

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Ridiculous and condescending. Coffee, Sugar and Milk can also be abused. Try over drinking too much of these everyday drinks/condiments and possibly become very ill. Kratom is also liable to be abused in the same manner or could be taken in moderation as well. ‘. ‘God’ gave man the right to the world and the food and plants on the world. Government is but a group of men. Which group of men have a a right to tell another group what they can  or cannot do? Where are those Organics Psychedelics Zones for much like the ones in Amsterdam? Illegal and rare makes for high profit and high fines . . . for victimless crimes? Undemocratic.

Malaysia’s Coca Leaf


Karpal: DAP reps should only contest one seat in GE – by Edmund Lee – – Posted on 26 October 2012 – 04:26pm

GEORGE TOWN (Oct 26, 2012) : Veteran lawmaker Karpal Singh has called on party representatives who hold both parliamentary and state seats to declare that they will only contest one seat in the next general election.

He said that during one of the party’s central executive committee (CEC) meetings, the committee had agreed by consensus that a candidate should only hold two seats in “exceptional” cases.

” I had suggested that Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng should be considered an exception, ” he said at a press conference in Farlim market earlier today.

Karpal said that at present the party has nine representatives holding two seats – three in Penang, two in Perak, one each in Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Kuching and Sibu.

The three who are holding two seats in Penang are Lim, state DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow and Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy.

Lim is currently Bagan MP and Air Putih assemblyman, Chow is Tanjong MP and Padang Kota assemblyman while Ramasamy is the Batu Kawan MP and Prai assemblyman.

Karpal, who is also DAP national chairman said it was up to the CEC to decide which seat the candidate should give up.

He added that there should not be any difficulties in surrendering seats as the DAP was no longer short of candidates.

Chow was recently quoted as saying that the party would allow its candidates to concurrently contest two seats if the situation calls for it.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

After a slew of DAP failures and 90% failed campaign promises as well as a scores of abusive run ins with the local traders and residents over refusals to amend laws, 1 SINGLE move towards best practices in democracy (outweighed by dozens of worst practices) will not make a difference to the voters aware of the undemocratic rubbish DAP now is. Karpal being such a veteran politician should know that this single action cannot change the minds of the educated voters at all because democracy is only for DAP members and no other Rakyat at all. DAP is such a hateful political party, term limitless and nepotistic to boot! Again I post what the voters need to know :

REPOSTED WARNING ABOUT NEPOTISM : Please note the Oligarchs in Pakatan as listed below :

NEPOTISM IN PAKATAN RAKYAT Three of the family blocs below must be challenged so that only a single candidate without relatives remains :

Lim Kit Siang (MP Ipoh Timur – Perak)
Lim Guan Eng (MP Air Puteh – Penang)
Chew Gek Cheng (Assemblyman Kota Laksamana – Malacca) Guan Eng’s wife
Lim Hui Ying Guan Eng’s sister (Vice-Chairman)
Two of the below must be challenged so that only a single candidate without relatives remains :
Karpal Singh (MP Jelutong – Penang)
Gobind Singh (MP Puchong – Selangor) Karpal’s son
Jagdeep Singh (Asssemblyman Dato Keramat – Penang) Karpal’s son
Two of the below must be challenged so that only a single candidate without relatives remains :
Anwar Ibrahim (MP Permatang Pauh, Seberang Prai)
Wan Azizah
Nurul Izzah Anwar(MP Lembah Pantai – Kuala Lumpur)
Anwar’s Daughter Also either Ngeh (Pantai Remis) or Nga (Sitiawan) must go to prevent 2nd degree nepotism and the kind of environment that caused DAP’s Kulasegaran, PKR’s Gobalakrishnan, to be kicked out possibly an act of racism but more likely at the order of the Lim Dynasty clique. BN of course we do not need to discuss, blocs of relatives galore.
Nepotism: Umno controlled by 3 families. – by Patric McClean
MCA, MIC, Gerakan are also littered with nepotism – political parties are not family clan associations (family clan associations being unpopular enough already due to the same politicking as well whu=ich drives same named families away from the same structures . . . ).
For even stronger consideration, I also list seats that HRP demands :
1. Padang Serai (Incumbent: PKR – N Gobalakrishnan)
2. Batu Kawan (DAP – Ramasamy)
3. Sungei Siput (PSM – Dr D Jeyakumar)
4. Ipoh Barat (DAP – N Kulasegaran)
5. Bagan Datoh (BN – Ahmad Zahid Hamidi)
6. Cameron Highlands (BN – SK Devamany)
7. Hulu Selangor (BN – P Kamalanathan)
8. Kuala Selangor (PAS – Dzulkefy Ahmad)
9. Klang (DAP – Charles Santiago)
10. Kota Raja (PAS – Siti Mariah Mahmud)
11. Rasah (DAP – Anthony Loke)
12. Teluk Kemang (PKR – Kamarul Baharin Abbas)
13. Alor Gajah (BN – Fong Chan Onn)
14. Tebrau (BN – Teng Boon Soon)
15. Lembah Pantai (PKR – Nurul Izzah Anwar)
HRP might very well be aware of some things we are not aware of to list some surprising choices as well, do not discount their reasons. PSM’s Jeyakumar appears to have been bought by BN though, so their viability is uncertain until PSM’s clique leadership changes. I have done some probing and casual calls to PSM, they are not very grassroots and quite a clique based outfit very suspicious of outsiders.
DAP of course (also tried earlier) is far worse and absolutely TREACHEROUS and clique based and beholden to SINGAPORE’s PAP. I would not be surprised if the nepotists in DAP are rounded up a 2nd time, for collusions with Singapore to subvert Malaysian Federal authority instead amongst other things like ‘neurotech abuse’.
Everyone else, should meanwhile stand as independents in any constituency with bad assemblymen or MPs or people who do not endorse term limits and asset declarations. Here’s something that will help voters decide if candidacy is not their thing or too expensive :
Barisan – Apartheid, Corrupt and Nepotistic-Oligarchs
Pakatan – Corrupt and Nepotistic-Oligarchs (excepting PAS)
3rd Force – Corrupt Only
Independents – any citizen can be an independent, think you are not a plutocrat (worth less than 20 million), will respect term limits and not write 750K/120K funeral laws in favour of yourself? Not racist? Then run for election! The world needs you!  Here’s something that will help voters decide if candidacy is not their thing or too expensive : Pick the coalition with the least flaws.
BN = 90% Apartheid, 90% Nepotism, 90% Corrupt
PR = 50% Nepotism, 50% Corrupt
3rd Force = 0% Nepotism, 0% Corruption
Pick the coalition with the least flaws. End the APARTHEID ! Destroy the Oligarchs in all political coalitions ! 3rd Force is best. Beware voters, as mentioned many times before, it could be critical that Selangor and Penang MUST be controlled by neutral parties neither BN nor PR dominated, and East Malaysia controlled by local East Malaysian political parties ONLY (not Peninsular Coalitions like BN or PR), with the remainded left for Pakatan Rakyat, OTHERWISE Pakatan Rakyat with its burgeoning nepotists and oligarchs will become a second BN. Vote 3rd Force!
Berjaya Land plans RM9.92bil casino and mall on Jeju Island – by TEE LIN SAY – | Nov 2, 2012Ng: Jeju Resort will create some 4,000 jobsJEJU ISLAND: Berjaya Land Bhd’s (BLand) US$3.2bil (RM9.92bil) Berjaya Jeju Resort will feature the biggest casino and shopping mall in South Korea, along with condominiums, villas, hotels and a landmark building once it is completed.The first phase to be launched will be its 51 villas and 96 “market walk” units with a gross development value of US$250mil, with prices starting from US$1,000 (RM3,300) per sq ft.BLand chief executive officer Datuk Francis Ng is confident of generating 25% return from Phase 1 alone.“In South Korea, we can only start selling the units once we have done 20% of construction works. We should be able to start selling in three to four months. However, our pre-marketing is already starting,” he said.Ng said this at the opening ceremony of BLand’s property gallery here.He added that for the moment, Phase 1 would be fully funded by internal funds, although some financiers had expressed interest to provide loans. The entire Phase 1 should be completed in 26 months.Right now, Jeju Island has the support of the Central Government of South Korea to transform the area into an international tourist destination, matching the likes of Hong Kong and Singapore.BLand’s wholly owned subsidiary Berjaya Leisure (Cayman) Ltd has a 72.6% stake in the project, while Jeju Free International City Development Centre has a 19% stake and Swan Street Partner LLP holds the remaining 8.4%.Ng said the Jeju Resort, which has one kilometre coastline, would create some 4,000 jobs and would help provide more hotel accommodations currently not available on the resort island.“We will have some three hotels in our resort. Right now, we are in talks with Ritz Carlton to be our partner for one of our hotels,” he said.Since venturing into the project in 2008, BLand has pumped in some US$100mil (RM310mil) on the infrastructure works itself. It bought the 75-acre freehold land for US$62mil (RM192.2mil) or US$8 (RM24.80) per sq ft.Currently, buyers who buy properties worth US$500,000 and above in Jeju Island will be entitled to permanent residency in the resort island.On the casino front, Ng said the group was not in a hurry to proceed with the development as presently, the South Korean government had yet to issue domestic casino licences.The local government of Jeju Island is in talks with the Central Government of South Korea to review the liberalisation of this domestic casino licence. Jeju Island is a self governing province in South Korea.Meanwhile, for the shopping mall component, BLand intends to develop it on its own and look for a local partner.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

We don’t NEED another tycoon and another stupid money laundering purposes and inaccessible super casino in ANOTHER country. We want 4D outlets to offer casino games in our street corners. We want casino billionaires to change the law to ensure the rights of non-Muslims to gamble be not interfered with in the above suggestions! Preferably monopoly free and non-relative franchise related!


Malaysian employers practise racial bigotry, study shows – Friday, 02 November 2012 admin-s photo of a Workers’ Day rally in Kuala Lumpur. Two academics found that there is racial discrimination in the hiring process based on an experiment they had conducted.

(The Malaysian Insider) – Malaysian employers tend to favour Chinese job applicants over their Malay counterparts, a recent university study has shown, indicating racial discrimination underscores the hiring process in the private sector labour market.

In their joint research, Universiti Malaya (UM) senior lecturer in development studies Dr Lee Hwok Aun and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) research fellow Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid found that fresh Chinese graduates are more likely to be called for a job interview based on their resumes compared to Malays.

“Our findings suggest that employers are generally predisposed favourably towards Chinese, substantially due to compatibility factors and unobservable qualities not revealed in job applications, and are more selective towards Malays, which results in fewer but considerably qualified applicants getting callbacks,” the duo stated in an abstract of their seminar paper being presented at UM today.

The two academics said they had conducted a field experiment by sending made-up resumes of fresh Malay and Chinese graduates to real job advertisements.

From their research, Lee and Muhammed Abdul found that while both Malay and Chinese graduates who listed Chinese-language proficiency and stated that they graduated from a certain university were likely to increase their chances to be called for an interview, yet employers — especially those that were Chinese-controlled or foreign-run — were significantly inclined to pick the Chinese applicant.

They noted that the racial discrimination was sharper in engineering jobs than in the accounting or finance sector.

They also found that in the engineering industry, Malays were most likely to be rejected by foreign-controlled companies, followed by Malay-controlled companies and lastly Chinese-controlled firms.

However, they said their data does not directly show the motif of the racial discrimination in the hiring process based on the experiment they had conducted.

Lee and Muhammed Abdul are presenting their paper, titled “Does race matter in getting an interview? A field experiment of hiring discrimination in Peninsular Malaysia”, at UM’s Economics and Administration Faculty at 10am.

Malaysia’s mushrooming local higher education institutions churned out a total 184,581 graduates last year, according to the latest statistics released on the Higher Education Ministry’s website. Of that figure, 44,391 people or 24 per cent are unemployed. The Najib administration has set aside some RM500 million in its Budget 2013 to spend on jobless youths to make them marketable.

Read more at:

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The first comment below says quite abit on why this happens.

written by @GetReal, November 02, 2012 20:43:29
There are very poor grounds for the survey to be meaningful. The survey is carried out in a country which practise institutionalised discrimmination. Admission to Government universities are on race base quotas and not merit. Standards have been lowered to accommodate students who were admitted on the basis of the quota. None Malay students are the creme de la creme and have to work hard to justify their father’s scholarship. So we expect vastly different standards in the graduates. The private universities probably produce better graduates as they have genuinely better qualified lecturers. I met a none Malay electronics engineer who helps to design programmable computer chips.. He is paid an annual salary of Rgt.500,000 He says some lecturers in the local Government Uni have a problem understanding his lectures! Race based quota is the cause of race based discrimination.

written by @upsidedown119, November 02, 2012 20:35:33
written by Imprimatur: As an employer in Malaysia, and a foreigner to boot, I have observed middle management with very obvious preferences based not so much on race but on the perceived values that each race allegedly has…….If I had to jump on the racist bandwagon that seems so popular here, I would actually say that the attitude displayed by people like mvinside makes a good case against hiring Chinese employees … nothing worse than staff filled with pride at their race’s perceived strengths and having little else to offer.

Base on the obvious bias in your comment, it’s not hard to conclude that either you or your company is the sub-contractor of a UMNO-BN crony contractor or the manager of a crony company itself. Your comments runs counter to my own observations many members of top management, including of public-listed companies!

But if you are the beneficiary of a UMNO-BN crony contract, then the ‘buta gaji’ for those extraneous engineers are already provided for in the inflated contract price! If not, you are likely to go bankrupt.

written by @EU, November 02, 2012 20:18:23
Why don’t you do a survey on the private malay companies? They almost employed 100% malays, unlike the chinese companies. And from experience, even if two resumes are the same, I can tell you, the chinese can speak better English than the malays because the malays will always answer back in B.M. They refused to speak other languages. Also I know that the malay ladies also will go to prayer room in the afternoon. Friday, Malay guys will be allowed to go to mosques. Employers are looking for profitability. Chinese only takes little time for lunch and work overtime too. Employers are also very wary of dismissing a malay staff even if he or she is not performing. So, the private sectors more likely to call in chinese for interview because they believe their qualifications are real. It is a matter of trust and through experience.

written by @Jimmy Lim, November 02, 2012 19:32:42
Our locally qualified professors are really HP6. cant even think critically, laterally n vertically. writing such utter rubbish.

written by @Jimmy Lim, November 02, 2012 19:23:18
What a lot of crap. Bias n racist study. What about GLC n Govt where 99% are malays?

written by @EU, November 02, 2012 11:51:37
I don’t believe this report. How is it my former china man company employs more malays than chinese. And in my department, out of 15 employees, only 2 are chinese. If the public sectors do not employ chinese and private sectors also will not employ chinese, then, where would the Chinese go. Are they satisfy only when the chinese have no jobs and become beggars. This kind of report is not helpful at all. It only stirred up the races. It is only logical that since more malays are employed in the public sectors, they are less likely to go for the private companies that offer no pensions on retiring. Whereas, there will be more chinese applying for private jobs since they cannot get into the public sectors.

written by @Kiwi, November 02, 2012 18:23:40
Actually the comments are more interesting than the article. What they reveal is why as an outsider I look at Malaysia and shake my head and what bigots so many of you are.

About half the commenters argue that discrimination like this does occur, but it’s justified because Chinese are hardworking/ smarter etc. You ignore that the resumes were identical but only the race was different. But you think that discrimination is acceptable because your stereotype of Malays in general is that they are lazy/ poor workers etc. Well my friends that is the precise definition of racism. You have two identical candidates and you make a judgement that one is inferior to another based on his or her race.
The other half of commenters say that this is discrimination but it’s ok because the Government sector discriminates against non Malays. So two wrongs make a right. Then you go on to suggest that Chinese employers only started discriminating against Malays because of the NEP. Yet you are ignorant of history. The Tunku back in the sixties was speaking with the Australian ambassador from his office in KL. He pointed across the shop lots below and said (I paraphrase) how many of these businesses owned by Chinese will employ a Malay worker – almost none.[[[ *** Response to Comment by @Kiwi *** ]]] So Malay Special Privileges were applied for 15 years after which they were to be reviewed for ending, UMNO did not review. Social Contract broken, the Chinese retaliated. So the reality is that the NEP misused as it may have become was a result of Chinese racism in employment not the cause of it. Want further evidence? Walk through a shopping centre in Australia or NZ and look at the businesses owned by Chinese. How many non-Chinese do they employ? None. Is that the fault of the NEP too?[[[ *** Response to Comment *** ]]] Chinese in Australia has nothing to do with race, but religious habits impacting upon the secular/commercial sphere. Muslims are too religious to do business well (many Malays are forced to be Muslims or lose bumi privileges – or are Muslims by habit if not sometimes violent inculpation by sick minded authoritarian parents – because of the abuse and shame in the childhood coercion to abide religion cases, Muslims are quite closed as a society by necessity and have many inane(insane?) religious rules that impinge on secular society such as loud prayers 5 times daily, Friday halfdays (thats 2 halfdays a 7 day week), MANY Holy days which MUST be holidays that the employer has to bear the brunt of, avoiding pork and alcohol which is served everywhere etc..) with the larger community, so Muslims will always attract less secular customers and employers, which is what Australia and even Malaysia mainly is, secular. Don’t try to create problems by fingering the Chinese when the issue is religious preference caused by the Malays themselves …
written by Babu, November 02, 2012 11:53:48
Have they done the studies in government related jobs? Like the public office, etc? We are not blind you know? I don’t know why the Chinese have to be made like it is something wrong with them for being better, faster or knowledgable. Probably they are good at adapting to the economic environment.Maybe if you put Chinese in the jungle they would be dead in 2 days compared to the native people. It’s all about adaptation to the environment. If your culture blocks your advancement, don’t blame it on the chinese or anyone else. The Chinese have more reasons to blame the NEP and lopsided affirmative actions when it comes to retarding their advancement.
Al-Arqam’s shadow cabinet uncovered – by HARIZ MOHD | 2 commentsKhatijah Am, known to her followers as Ummu Jah, had been living in self-imposed exile in Mecca for the past few years.KUALA LUMPUR: THE banned Al-Arqam movement, 41 ministries, including for souls, death, ritual sex, led by the founder’s wife, Khatijah Am, is said to have formed a “shadow cabinet” with 41 ministries, including the ministry of the netherworld (kementerian alam ghaib).This was part of its plot to overthrow the government and form an Islamic state, according to information compiled by intelligence agencies.Also listed in its shadow cabinet were the ministries of true souls and sects (roh suci dan tariqat), death and the hereafter (kematian dan akhirat) and family and holy sex (keluarga dan seks suci).Intelligence sources said Khatijah, who is the widow of Ashaari Muhammad and has been living in Mecca after his death, had been holding monthly meetings with “top leaders” of the sect in Malaysia via video conferencing.A source said 54 meetings, dubbed “roh parlimen” (soul parliament) by Khatijah, had been held so far.In their “parliamentary meetings”, which had begun in May 2010, Khatijah had assumed the position as their “prime minister”.”To ensure that Al-Arqam leaders and followers stayed with the movement and follow her orders, Khatijah claimed she received direct orders from her late husband,” a source said.

“She had been involved in running the movement even when Ashaari was still alive. Ashaari suffered a mild stroke in 2005.”

The source added that Khatijah, known to followers as Ummu Jah, had been living in self-imposed exile in Mecca for the past few years.

The group, the source said, had received funding from more than 30 welfare homes in Malaysia run by their proxies.

Some homes run by key personnel in Al-Arqam were registered with the Welfare Department and received government funding.

“These welfare homes received donations, not only from the government, but private companies and unsuspecting individuals as well,” said the source.

“From our intelligence reports, only a small portion of the donations received were used for the homes while the remaining went to Khatijah’s accounts,” the source said, adding that Khatijah lived lavishly in a mansion rented for 340,000 riyal (RM276,000) a year.

The mansion, called RSA Palace, has a conference room, an elevator, gymnasium, sauna and a swimming pool. The source said the movement collected an average of RM800,000 in donations every month.

Meanwhile, Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha said they were collecting evidence on the group’s activities.

“We found that the group, through its company, still continues with its deviant teachings. All the claims that Ashaari is Imam Mahdi and Ummu Jah can communicate with her late husband are blatant lies.

“We hope those with information on their activities will come forward to assist in our investigations.”

Al-Arqam was decreed a deviant sect in 1994 by the National Fatwa Council after it was found to have practised Aurad Muhammadiah teachings which was described as misleading Muslims from the true Islamic beliefs.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Al-Arqam is peaceful in the legal physical sense but in the spiritual sense doing much illegal thought via spiritual methods. Ethics also require that the spiritual state of people need to be allowed autonomy. Al-Arqam’s manipulation is much like Malaysian Syariah laws that effectively force Malays via ‘Bumiputra Privilege Removal’ threats to keep Muslims in Islam, or disallow choice to young children in Muslim families to choose their faith.

This is the abuse fostered by Islam that offends the Western and modern world so much, that makes countries like Malaysia into pariahs among nations. Don’t even get into what the worst of the Middle East does to their people. Religion is a tool of control nothing else when applied in this manner. Were children allowed to choose, Islam could well disappear from the planet in as soon as 1 generation. The only way to keep Islam alive is with violence and forced inculpation or bribery with material ‘Islamist’ benefits like in Malaysia’s biased and minority disenfranchising, Malay only – ethnicity based discriminating Bumiputra Apartheid system. If Muslims only seek the afterlife, then why is the entire faith is fillled with money grubbing infidels who care not for the suffering of their fellow Muslims, much less fellow men, what with the extreme wealth some Muslims have and the corruption and lack of ethics everywhere else.


WHY ANWAR IBRAHIM? Time to end race-based politics in Malaysia Featured – written by  John Lee M K – Tuesday, 02 October 2012 13:41

It ignores a simple reality: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has already made history by being the first Malay politician to ever actually win more political support through an explicitly non-racial platform. It is practically impossible to underestimate how Anwar bucked the trend; he has completely turned our understanding of politics in this country on its head.

History has already made it crystal-clear; Malay politicians who try to unite the country by appealing to a common sense of Malaysian-ness inevitably wind up heading into political oblivion. Dato Onn Ja’afar’s political career went up in flames the moment he founded the first multiracial political party in the country, in spite of it having every conceivable advantage – it was literally the incumbent party of the time because of Onn’s towering status in Malayan politics. And it, of course, foundered completely.

Since then nobody has even tried to unite the Malays as Malaysians. Unite the Malays as Malays, of course; Syed Jaafar Albar famously proclaimed in the 1960s that he was a Malay first and a Malaysian second. Syed Hussein Alatas made an admirable attempt to change Malaysian politics through Gerakan, and we all know how that turned out. Literally every Malay leader who has tried to be Malaysian first ever since has risked being branded as a sell-out, a puppet of the non-Malays and a stooge of Lee Kuan Yew.

The one exception was Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who experienced some brief success with his Bangsa Malaysia idea. This only makes sense, considering Dr Mahathir’s iron-fisted handling of anyone who dared to oppose him; it is thus a pity that he never took this policy beyond mere words.

The moment Dr Mahathir handed over the reins to his successor, Malay politicians were up in arms criticising Bangsa Malaysia as a ‘nebulous’ and untenable concept for daring to acknowledge that the non-Malays have a place in this country too.

Brave enough to dump ketuanan Melayu

So here we are today: 51 years after independence, the easiest way to tar a Malay politician next to calling him a Jew-lover is to accuse him of saying this country belongs to the Chinese and Indians too. That is simply how Malaysian politics works; to win the support of the Malays, you need to denounce the non-Malays as foreign squatters, who are only here as a matter of privilege rather than right, a privilege revocable at any time.

And what a coincidence it is – that is exactly how the Malaysian government works too. If you’re not an Indonesian who can be counted as a Malay, your application for permanent residency or citizenship can never hope to see the light of day. If you’re not a Malay, you can expect to hear your fair share of racist remarks in a public national school – and not from students, mind you, but teachers.

As a student you can expect a syllabus which teaches you about the meaning of ketuanan Melayu rather than bangsa Malaysia. As an employee you can expect a civil service where you’re not welcome unless they need you to fulfil their minuscule quota of non-Malay recruits. As an entrepreneur you can expect a government – and many government-linked companies – which will not give you any business unless you are a Malay. Half a century after independence, and that’s what 40% of this country has to look forward to.

And since this is how the government works, up-and-coming politicians and political activists realise this is how politics works too. That is why even though you will never hear the typical Malaysian voicing such sentiments, political activists will readily denounce the non-Malays as foreign squatters here at the behest of a social contract which gives them the privilege, not right, to stay and live here.

Since this is how politics and government have worked since time immemorial, we owe Anwar an incredible debt for nearly single-handedly turning all this – everything – completely on its head.

‘Anak Melayu, anak saya. Anak Cina, anak saya. Anak India, anak saya’

For the past half century, to be a good Malay leader, you have either had to publicly proclaim your support for ketuanan Melayu – and not the mild ketuanan as in strong leadership, but ketuanan as in ‘blood will run in the streets if our demands are not met’ – or you have had to simply avoid commenting on the issue and just hope you can be all things to all people.

Anwar ran on a platform, not of vague meaningless nice-sounding platitudes, but a platform explicitly against everything ketuanan Melayu stands for.

This is a man, mind you, who celebrated the end of his ban on active politics by damning ketuanan Melayu and consigning it to the dust heap of history. This is a man who has publicly and repeatedly proclaimed that his commitment is to the sovereignty of the people – ketuanan rakyat – rather than the dominance of the Malays.

This is a man who has never wavered from his stand that the philosophy of government assistance based on racial origin, rather than economic status, is fundamentally and morally wrong. This is a man who has repeatedly, wherever he goes, whoever he speaks to, driven home the same point, again and again: ‘Anak Melayu, anak saya. Anak Cina, anak saya. Anak India, anak saya.’

And this is a man who has had everything in the traditional playbook of Malaysian politics thrown at him. He’s been labelled a heretic, a sodomite, a liar, a hypocrite, a traitor willing to sell the Malays and Malaysians out at a moment’s notice. The ruling coalition has done everything in their power to make it known far and wide that this is a man committed to non-racialism; committed to a Malaysia where everyone belongs.

Regardless of whether you think he deserves it, or if he was just lucky, credit is due to Anwar: where so many brave Malay leaders have fallen and failed, he has won an incredible victory. Onn Ja’afar was vilified simply for opening up his political party to Malayans of all creeds and colours; Anwar has gone above and beyond, explicitly declaring that this is a country for all Malaysians, whoever they might be. And he has won a resounding victory.

Broke new frontiers

It would be one thing if he scraped through with a majority of less than 5,000 votes in the recent by-election, but the fact is, it was not even close – not with a landslide majority of 15,000, larger even than the majority his wife won before he explicitly condemned ketuanan Melayu. Anwar has succeeded where everyone else has failed; he has carved out a broad base of political support, not on a platform of rights or privileges for one community, but a platform of justice and equality of opportunity for all communities.

Criticise Anwar all you like for his inconsistent and wishy-washy stands on other issues. Criticise his coalition for its internal dissension and strange hypocrisy all you want. You can even say you have no intention of trusting a man who might just stab you in the back the moment he gains power.

The fact of the matter is, you do not have a choice between Anwar and your ideal, committed, consistent, sincere Malaysian leader. Your choice, in the here and now, is between Anwar and a regime built on racism, built on stoking the flames of mistrust and hatred. This regime of hatred has delivered its promise of ketuanan Melayu; why should we expect things to be any worse under a regime promising ketuanan rakyat?

At the worst, it’s the same old shit under a different government; at best, we might finally have a government and a political system which works for all Malaysians rather than whoever yells the loudest and threatens the most blood.

Making the Malaysian dream a reality

As far as taking power is concerned, this is still a long shot. Anwar may yet turn out to be a flop on delivering if he ever gets the chance to govern. But the simple and stark reality is, as far as we who live in the present are concerned, he is our best and only chance to put a stop to this insanity.

Anwar is not the perfect vessel for uniting the country, but there is a reason he scares the powers that be: he is the first real chance we have ever had to unite the country against the demons of racialism and parochialism. And for now, he is our only chance. He is the only one who can cross ethnic barriers to proclaim a commitment to a Malaysia where Malaysians, not Malays, are sovereign, and actually win more support than before.

I am no huge fan of Anwar, but I recognise what he has done, and how far he has come. I support him, not because I like him as a person, but because I believe in the cause he champions, and because I believe that if there is any person in this country who can make that dream a reality, it is Anwar Ibrahim.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Lies. 90% of campaign promises failed by RPK’s reports PKR had 8% quorums for Anwar’s PKR Presidency. Anwar has never mentioned in any clear certain terms (as in the below 3 items) ending apartheid of bumiputra and even has tolerated PAS and DAP’s attempts to implement Hudud. John ‘Chattering Classes’ Lee has been unthinkingly a PKR supporter too long :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;and has not made clear on the above 3 items or showed any inclination to run as an independent candidate.


Rise above politics, reject Lim Kit Siang’s Nepotistic DAP – Kong Cho Ha tells PR MPs – Re-written by – @AgreeToDisagree – Wednesday, 31 October 2012 16:55

In the past 24 hours, two DAP MPs have broken ranks and swung their support for 3rd Force’s call for the immediate suspension of the DAP for ‘campaign promise failure’ offences, pending full study of various public interest issues related to its implementation.

The first to do so is the 3rd Force Youth leader and MP who, after a meeting of the 3rd Force Youth executive council yesterday, called for the government ROS to suspend DAP as a review of the system was necessary to rectify democratic weaknesses in DAP. Today, a 3rd Force MP for Sabah, who is also Deputy Chairman of 3rd Force Backbenchers Club (BNBBC)  also crossed the political divide to back the BN call for suspension of DAP.

The BARISAN state governments have already given approval for the suspension of DAP until conclusion of full study and a proper consultation process with all the relevant stakeholders.

Put public good above all

The question now is whether there is any DAP MP, Deputy Minister or Minister who dare  to break ranks to call for immediate suspension of DAP to produce the first fruit of DAP’s two-year-old “failed campaign promises” or whether all the boasts of “campaign promises” are just bunkum.

Since the DAP Supremo, Lim Kit Siang has refused to listen to the legitimate concerns about the keeping of canpaign promises, I call on all 3rd Force MPs, whether Minister, Deputy Minister or ordinary backbencher; or other 3rd Force component parties; whether from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak, to follow the example of 3rd Forcers to support the call for the immediate suspension of Pakatan Rakyat for failure to decxlare assets as promised, failure to implement Local Council Elections and other abuses of democratic processes.

MPs from both 3rd Force and BN can effect an immediate suspension of the Pakatan Rakyat by adopting a common position during the committee stage of the 2013 Budget debate on the Transport Ministry on 20th November 2012.

3rd Force has 25 political parties and if there are at least another 36 MPs from Barisan Nasional and Independents who support the suspension of the Pakatan Rakyat to make a total of a parliamentary majority, then Lim Kit Siang would have no  choice but to resign as MP of Bandar Melaka and all posts in the DAP Committee and Pakatan Supreme Council as per democratic requirments and limits on terms, if Lim Kit Siang refuses to heed the voice of the majority of MPs to immediately drop all MPs who have family blocs and have breached term limit prohibitions.

While 3rd Force is against the implementation of the AES system alongside Pakatan Rakyat, the severe failure and shamelessly undemocratic, nepotistic and term limitless culture of DAP is unacceptable.

@AgreeToDisagree is the 3rd Force adviser & independent lobby of 3rd force MPs.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

AES implementation has been suspended in Pakatan Rakyat controlled states for now.


Demoguery? People slip in their postings. RPK slips far more often IMHO . . .

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Not all Chinese are interested in power for power’s sake, rather Chinese need the power to ensure Democracy as in the below 3 items, and also to prevent Hudud by weak minded seemingly insane Dhimmifiers of the world which UMNO is and UMNO having continued apatheid in Malaysia against minorities like the Chinese necessitates – THIS IS WHY the Chinese want to kick out the Malay Umno government NOT greed and lust (for money or as the poorly applied NLP indicates – sexuality which we all know RPK has issues about in the LGBT area, even though none are forcing their will on RPK . . . ) :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

RPK should not display this lack of ability to differentiate between the types of Chinese who hold types of mindsets, and not just lump all Chinese into a single group – i.e. Lustful and Greedy. The Chinese? the entire Malay race is probably mixed-half-chinese/half-Orang Asli and RPK isn’t even truly ‘Malay’ anymore . . . stop ethnic profiling, and start reading the Human Rights Charter. Say with me . . . H-U-M-A-N- this is more difficult than teaching an Orang Utan to smoke or wear a monkey-suit. Lazy or senile? Or human rights unaware? Maybe all 3. Whats wrong with you RPK? RPK is getting less and less viable to challenge as an MP despite the finances and networks . . .


RM46mil allocated to four restoration projects in Penang by – | Nov 3, 2012

SINCE George Town received Unesco World Heritage Site (WHS) status in 2008, over RM46.3mil has been allocated to restoration work in four major heritage projects.

The most well-known of these heritage properties restored are the Choong Lye Hock mansion and the Loke Thye Kee building.

The other two restoration projects are by Asian Global Business (AGB) and Public Packages Holdings Bhd involving commercial offices and warehouses built in the early 20th century at Weld Quay and Church Street Ghaut.

The AGB Group is restoring two early 20th century commercial and warehouse properties to be an integrated RM220mil Rice Miller Hotel and Residences, which is an in-fill development project.

An in-fill development involves constructing a project from scratch.

The cost of restoring a heritage project depends on the quality of finishing used and normally ranges between RM300 and RM400 per sq ft.

Sometimes a company spends more for restoration because of the condition and age of the property.

A prime heritage property in George Town can fetch rental of between RM5 and RM10 per sq ft, which means that a 2,000 sq ft heritage property strategically located can generate a rental of RM10,000 to RM20,000 a month, according to Henry Butcher Malaysia (Penang) vice-president Shawn Ong.

The Choong Lye Hock mansion restoration project, located on 48,943 sq ft at Macalister Road, was undertaken by local businessman Datuk Sean H’ng and his wife Datin Karen H’ng.

The Choong Lye Hock mansion belonged to a tycoon and philanthropist, who bought the property in the late-1890s.

Lye Hock is the father of local millionaire Ch’ng Eng Hye and the grandfather of badminton legend Datuk Eddy Choong.

The restored building, now known as Macalister Mansion (MM), has eight hotel rooms, two restaurants called The Dining Room and The Living Room, and two bars called the Bagan Bar and The Den.

Macalister Mansion opened its doors to the public in April 2012.

According to MM public relations director Josephine Leong, the planning and the restoration work for the 17,286 sq ft mansion took about 20 months.

“This is corporate responsibility initiative project to demonstrate that old colonial buildings can be regenerated into useful and practical spaces with a contemporary feel.

“Some eight months were spent on planning the design with a Singapore-based interior design company, Ministry of Design (MOD) to produce stunning interior designs.

“It took us 12 months to restore and reinforce the original columns, staircases and archways, original brick walls and wall cornices.

Leong says the Macalister Mansion project was more about a labour of love.

“The owners want to raise the bar in the boutique hotel scene in Penang. As global travellers, they would like to bring back that differentiated hotel experience where guests get to enjoy a more personalised and intimate level of service within luxurious surroundings,” Leong adds.

Raine & Horne Malaysia director Michael Geh says about RM2mil or about RM630 per sq ft was spent on restoring Loke Thye Kee, known as the oldest restaurant in Penang, at Burmah Road.

According to Geh, a local investment company, Loke Thye, set up by Singaporean investors, bought the double-storey property from a local businessman some about six years ago.

“About two years, which included also the time to obtain the green light from the local authorities for renovation, was spent on restoring the building with approximately 3,200sq ft of built-up area.

“It has been leased to a local company called Food People Sdn Bhd, which plans to set up soon a Hainanese restaurant, and food and beverage outlets,” he says.

Known as the House of Happiness in Hainanese, the Loke Thye Kee restaurant was established by brothers Loy Kok Boon and Loy Kok Dai, who leased the building from local businessman and philanthropist Khoo Sian Ewe.

Loke Thye Kee serves traditional Hainanese and Western cuisine such as curry kapitan, choon piah, and chicken chop.

AGB Group spent RM21.5mil or RM860 per sq ft to restore two heritage commercial and warehouse properties built in the early 20th century at Weld Quay.

AGB chief executive officer Dr Noraini Abdullah says the restoration turned out to be costly because a lot of work had to be done for strengthening the physical buildings, as their conditions were bad.

“About RM16mil was spent for restoring and reinforcing the physical infrastructure of the warehouse building, which serves as the event hall of the Rice Miller Hotel.

“Another RM5.5mil was spent in restoring a 5,000 sq ft colonial commercial building that will serve as the restaurant for the Rice Miller Hotel,” she adds.

The Rice Miller Hotel and Residences project is scheduled for completion next August and scheduled for opening in Dec 2013.

It will comprise 48 hotel suites, 99 city residences, which range between 800 and 2,500 sq ft in built-up, 23 retail lots of 600 sq ft, and two blocks of five-storey office buildings.

“In the past 12 months, we have sold 50% of the retail lots and city residences. Most of the buyers comprise Penangites and investors from Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur,” she adds.

Next to the Rice Miller Hotel and Residences project, Public Packages Holdings Bhd (PPHB) is restoring two heritage double-storey commercial properties with over 39,632 sq ft to be integrated into a RM50mil in-fill heritage hotel cum commercial project located at Church Street Ghaut, off Beach Street, which is popularly known as the central banking district.

PPHB hotel project manager Tony Koay says the group would spend RM15.8mil or RM400 per sq ft to restore the two heritage properties with fittings.

“One of the heritage commercial building with 11,000sq ft will be restored as part of the in-fill heritage hotel.

“The other heritage property with 28,632sq ft will be restored for commercial and office usage,” he says.

Koay says the advantage of carrying out infill development work for the heritage hotel project was that one could maximise the interior of the buildings to suit the needs of modern business usage.

The cost per sq ft to develop a heritage hotel from scratch with furnishings is about RM1,000 per sq ft, says Koay.

“A problem with restoring a heritage building for hotel usage is that the interior of such heritage buildings restricts the utilisation of space,” he says.

Koay adds that the in-fill heritage hotel would have over 150,000 sq ft of built-up area, 150 rooms, a business centre, meeting rooms, two-level of basement car-park, and retail shops on the ground floor.

“The architectural style for the hotel follows the design of late 19th and early 20th century port offices and warehouse buildings in George Town.

“We are targeting the upmarket tourists,” Koay says.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Dishonest 90% failed campaign promises DAP, now disingenuously posing as hardworking. 46 million could be used to file a lawsuit against the Federal Governnment for :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

This restoration b.s. is just Business NGO work, or perhaps Architecture NGO work, and NOT Political party work. Whats a political party for? Fighting for human rights and equality, not pushing ‘restoration projects’ while clinging on to undemocratic nepotism or term limitlessness. Weak and undemocratic!


Compelling ‘Malays’ to be Muslims: Why M’sians should support Nurul Izzah – written by  Gavin Khoo – Monday, 05 November 2012 07:22

Politicians are known to be chameleons and most of them would tailor make their statements according to their audience. Not for Nurul Izzah, an emerging force within the party, Parti Keadilan Rakyat, which was founded to fight against Anwar Ibrahim’s persecution.

At a forum on “Islamic State: Which version; Who’s responsibility?”, she was reported to have said “People should not be compelled to adopt a particular religion and this should also apply to Malays.”

“When you ask me, there is no compulsion in religion… how can anyone say sorry, this (religious freedom) only applies to non-Malays, it has to apply equally.” she said.

She was responding to a question from the floor on whether Malays should have religious freedom like non-Malays.

“Malay” is defined under Section 160(2) of the federal constitution as a person who professes Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language and conforms to Malay customs.

Ultimately, she said, what should be sought is “quality” where Muslims’ faith is strong.

“Even me, being schooled in Assunta (secondary school) with a huge cross in the hall and an active singing Catholic society did not influence me,” she said.

However, Nurul Izzah stopped short of saying that Malays should be legally granted religious freedom, saying: “I am, of course, tied to the prevailing views.”

The position she espouses is unprecedented especially when she is a Muslim and she needs the support of largely Muslim voters in her constituency. She is probably facing one of the toughest political fights in her short political life against a much more established candidate, a federal minister, who has much more resources than what she could have mustered before the next GE.

We need a leader a leader who speaks from her own conscience as a democrat and a proponent of universal human rights. She sees a bigger picture than most leaders who would adopt a narrow religious interpretation which can be manipulated for their own political benefit.

Nurul did not attempt any of these cheap political stunts. She speaks up as a democrat, a true Muslim who holds firmly to her faith and a leader who reaches out to soothe the fear of her fellow Muslims against an often manipulated sense of inferiority and threats against their faith.

For this, Straight Talk would like to urge voters in her constituency, Lembah Pantai, to return her moderate voice and outstanding leadership to the 13th Malaysian Parliament.

If you would like to make contribution to her campaign fund:

Acc. Name: Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai

A/C No: 564128345008Maybank – Bangsar Baru


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

NLP Warning about the title first – Though  the writers may claim bad grammar : Compelling ‘Malays’ to be Muslims: Why M’sians should support Nurul Izzah makes the title of the article an NLP intended to sound like Malaysians should support Nurul BECAUSE of Compulsions of ‘Malays’ (one more NLP here, Malays in quotes can be misread to mean those considered by not actually Malays – subverted minorities perhaps?) to be Muslims.

Otherwise a spot of good news and a slight shift to actual moderation, though structurally and policy wise, still nothing here. Statements hold no water. Laws being changed,  and constitutional amendments forwarded for ratification at Parliament at very least do. ‘Congrats’ (being sarcastic) at FINALLY reaching UFO/Bigfoot sighting level.  Thats 33.3% and still a fail, though at least 1 PKR person bothered to apply for the exam (made a press statement) but didn’t turn up (no attempt to formalise in law/constitutional amendment) . . . whats the MP seat for? Making statements only? Is Nurul just a blogger or a media outlet and with NLP’s considered is Gavin and Khoo in cahoots with Nurul for more Islamic agendas or inmtentionally trying to demonise Nurul with misrepresentation via NLP titles?

Article 18 of the UN Human Rights charter for the Malays, and Article 1  of the UN Human Rights charter for the minorites, 3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75) MEANS Bumiputra Special Privileges ENDS . . . not empty talk. Also, nepotism issues still loom, but there will be plenty of time for that later. 2 term limits, and at 23K a month, thats 540K in 2 years! Let someone earn a living at that seat why don’t you or lower that salary to no more than 3 times annual average wage for Malaysia (around 3-4K a mont) . . . then GTFO after 2 terms, so do whatever is worth doing before 3rd force sweeps the back and forth out of the Dewan! This was responded to with Jamil Khir’s racist rant in below link.


Not a 3rd Forcer after all?

More Article 16 type inability to differentiate AGAIN. Equality is not inconceivable. But those who do not gove others their spaces are unconscionable a create a culture of strife. The above Youtube vid is correct to a point but does some form of ‘lumping’ as well.

Equality is not inconceivable. But those who do not gove others their spaces via legal rights (do not disenfranchise minorities) are unconscionable and create a culture of strife. The above Youtube vid is correct to a point but does some form of ‘lumping’ as well, as not all Muslims will tolerate the lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;with righteous Muslims fighting for the right to apostasy as well as all the entertainments and proclivities every single minority in the world can want represented and given spaces in law.

Arrested youth’s family fear Johor palace interference, urge cops to help – by Clara Chooi, Assistant News Editor – November 04, 2012

Ahmad Abd Jalil is being investigated over allegedly seditious remarks he had made against the Johor Sultan on his Facebook page. – Reuters pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 4 — The family members of Ahmad Abd Jalil, who was arrested on Friday for insulting the Johor Sultan, is pleading with the police not to permit the palace authorities to haul the youth to the royal house for an apology.

The family, responding to talks that Ahmad may be brought personally before the Sultan to apologise for his remarks, expressed fear today over the safety of the 27-year-old if he were to be taken to the palace.

According to an SMS from Ahmad’s sister to one of the family’s lawyer late last night, the police had told her mother that, “if the palace calls, they (the police) would be forced to bring Ahmad to face the Sultan”.

“If they want my son to apologise, bring him to court. Once he enters someone else’s territory, anything can happen and we wouldn’t know who to blame,” Ahmad’s father Abd Jalil Abd Rahman told The Malaysian Insider today.

“Everyone has to respect the due process of the law. And if they want to take my son to court to extract an apology, then so be it.

“Do not force him into palace custody where we have no control over. We are Penangites. We are not used to having a Sultan and we have heard many horror stories. This is our right,” he added.

The 60-year-old former government servant said the police have so far refused all attempts by his family to visit Ahmad, who was arrested in Kuala Lumpur at 8pm on Friday and transferred into the Johor police custody the same night.

As at noon today, Abd Jalil said he will be meeting with the investigating officer in Ahmad’s case.

“We hope to have a positive outcome from the meeting… I just want to see my son,” he said, adding that if it would look bad on the police if they were to forbid him from doing so.

In an SMS to The Malaysian Insider, Ahmad’s older brother agreed with his father in saying that the youth must be kept safely away from the palace compound.

“It is wrong to extract him from the balai/lokap to anywhere. We an apologise but thru proper procedures. Ahmad will apologise openly at court.

“Otherwise, we condone that the system is being used as ‘mode of ugutan (threat)’,” he said in the text message.

Ahmad is being investigated under Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act 1948, believed to be over allegedly seditious remarks he had made against the Johor Sultan on his Facebook page.

He was picked up from his office at around 8pm in Cheras yesterday by several plainclothes policemen before he was brought to the Wangsa Maju police station for questioning.

According to Ahmad’s lawyer Mohd Zakwan Adenan yesterday, the youth was at first not informed of his offence, except that he was allegedly being investigated under the Sedition Act 1948.

“They said they wanted to charge him under the Sedition Act for remarks he made on Facebook but when we asked the police which statement they were referring to, they could not answer,” he said.

Section 4(1) stipulates that any person who utters, prints or publishes any seditious words, on conviction, would be liable for a first offence to a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

After interrogating him for several hours at the Wangsa Maju police station yesterday, the police raided Ahmad’s parents’ house in Damansara Damai before taking the youth with them to Johor.

At 3pm yesterday, Ahmad was taken before a Johor magistrate by the police to obtain a three-day remand order.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The reverse could be said of having the case in Penang and the more urban areas of Malaysia, where the animosity towards all Sultans (who due to tacit approval pf Bumiputra Apartheid contributes in substantial measure to this sort of disafffection, or in some uncommon cases heavy monopoly like involvement in business sectors . . .) could be intentionally used to dismiss the case intentionally to make a salient point about apartheid (minorities) or absolutism (non/anti-royalist Malays) rather than to administer justice which in this case should be an equitable apology to the the measure of insult offered on the social networking site.

Malaysian judges and the legal system in Malaysia are not impartial, and always are politically motivated rather than professionalism or justice motivated, as much as the Bar Council does not address the lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;for the Bar Council’s own political or financial (contract) based profit. I had written on the apartheid issue to every individual Sultan before and had no response whatsoever. Perhaps the letters were intercepted as so many other communications might have been. And due this, or simply crypto-racism, if not authoritarianism on the part of the palace officials if not the post service’s racists or lapdogs,  I received no response on the matter whatsoever, as any civil society might have and issues like the above continue to mar relations between the intended as symbolic rulers and and the masses. Stature and privilege should be enough to even ignore this sort of insult, the palace certainly has the resources to unofficially argue back without getting directly involved but from the looks of this sandiwara which might well have ulterior motives of sounding out the populace’s less well written (also less well read) to identify those who are against the palace, which has chosen to get directly involved instead.

10 Articles – 4 Articles on Tech and Policy, 4 Articles on War and Civilation, 2 Articles On Plutocrat Sheeple Entertainers : Ending the Labour of Driving, Ending Pollutive Energy, Ending Wasteful/Corrupt/Crony-Collusive Air Industry, Ending Road Tax and Road Tolls Entirely, Warmongers Need To Think Clearer, Far Right Yet Right (as in not wrong) – Ending the Tyrannical Among Muslim Mindsets and Handling Subtle Psychological Terrorists Without Contravening Their Rights, War Without Nukes, More on the Active Denial System (Millimetre/Microwave Gun), Fiona Apple and Bristol Palin – 2 Examples of Sheeple Plutocracy – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 27th September 2012

In Abuse of Power, Apartheid, Bumiputera Apartheid, conflict of interest, critical discourse, dhimmi, dhimmitude, diversity, electronic weapons, electrosmog, green, individualism, Informed Consent, Invasive Laws, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Judaism, lack of focus, Law, LGBT, LGBT Hate Groups, non-Muslim rights, non-Muslim Rights in a Muslim country, organic psychedelics advocacy, Organic Psychedelics Zone, Orwellian, political correctness, politics, privacy, product ideas, proselytization, Prostitution, public spaces, sex positivism, Sexuality, social class distinct programmes, social freedoms, spirit of the law, sub-culture advocacy, subculture persecution, technofascism, Technology, TSA, USA, vehicle modification on September 26, 2012 at 9:12 pm


Self-driving cars are now street legal in California – by Tecca | Today in Tech

The state’s governor signs into law a bill explicitly allowing smart vehicles like the ones being developed by Google.

California has become the third state to welcome driverless cars with open arms. Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law today that officially legalized self-driving vehicles, following in the footsteps of Nevada and Florida. The signing event was held at the Google complex in Mountain View, Calif. where engineers have been working on driverless car concepts for years and employees routinely use them to commute to and from work.

Such vehicles weren’t technically illegal to operate before passage of the bill, but Google and others working on similar technology hope that by making their use explicitly legal it will clear up any confusion on the part of law enforcement and limit the chance they might be disallowed in the future. California’s bill reportedly contains fewer restrictions on the cars’ use than other states, such as Nevada where each vehicle must log a certain amount of testing hours before hitting the open road, but the door is open for potential regulations to be amended at a later date.

Google believes that smart cars will prove to be much safer than those with human drivers, in part because they won’t need to worry about distractions and typical reaction times. That belief was given some validity this summer when the search giant revealed that its driverless cars had completed 300,000 miles of testing without a single incident.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Thats the end of the chauffer’s job and the driving lessons for most of the middle and lower wealth classes, but lives of such users will be in the hands of the AI programmers. Non-Orwellian offenders need not bother, but anyone in 3rd world states had best avoid the system until some form or assurances are given. Potential for sabotage is immense.


Tesla Supercharger Stations Let Electric Car Owners Drive Long Distances – AP  |  Posted: 09/24/2012 11:37 pm EDT Updated: 09/25/2012 10:36 am EDT

HAWTHORNE, Calif. (AP) — Tesla Motors Inc. unveiled a solar-powered charging station on Monday that it said will make refueling electric vehicles on long trips about as fast as stopping for gas and a bathroom break in a conventional car.

CEO Elon Musk said at a news conference at the company’s design studio that the company’s roadside Supercharger has been installed at six highway rest stops in California.

The innovation is “the answer to the three major problems that are holding back electrical vehicles, or at least people think are holding back electrical vehicles,” Musk said before a curtain was lifted from a giant model of one of the devices. “One is this question of being able to drive long distances conveniently.”

The free stations are designed to fully charge Tesla’s new Model S sedan in about an hour, and a half-hour-long charge can produce enough energy for a 150-mile trip, he said.

The first six, which were developed and deployed in secret, are in Barstow, Hawthorne, Lebec, Coalinga, Gilroy and Folsom. Tesla spokeswoman Christina Ra said they are open only to company employees, but would be available to the public in early October.

Musk said his Palo Alto-based company planned to have more stations running throughout California and in parts of Nevada and Oregon by the end of the year, and expected to blanket “almost the entire United States” within two years.

Tesla unveiled the Model S, its first mass-market vehicle, in June. The base model costs sells for $49,900 after a federal tax credit.

Along with persuading consumers that electric vehicles are practical, the charging stations were developed with an eye toward alleviating doubts about their environmental effects. Musk said the solar-powered stations in California would produce more clean energy than is needed to keep cars running.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

With solar power, the reliance on oil and coal also ‘terrorist’ states will end. Green and ends funding for terror. Well UN? Make that bulk order of solar panels from China now! Enrich those manufacturers instead of dangerous people who hate the 1st world and freedom!


Via Victoria Monjo: Moller International is planning to launch a “personal vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL)” Vertical Take-Off = What might this news mean for NYC, America’s most vertical city? – By Adrian Covert – Jul 19, 2007 11:08 PM

Family sized and more conventional looking please.

The M200G Volantor will fly around 50mph and cost about $90,000. The Moller M200G Hover-Car In Production and Selling for ~$125k

oller International, creators of that stunning red flyingcar prototype seen web-wide, has started production on the M200G, the consumer-ready derivative of the M200X volantor, and is readying the machine for the open market. Depending on engine costs, the M200G will cost between $90,000-$125,000.

According to the press release, the machine can hover 10 feet off the ground and cruises at a speed of 50 mph. Because the M200G is classified as a recreation device and not an aircraft, it is not subject to FAA regulations and anybody can operate one. No official release date has been announced.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Contact TataNano or some Chinese firm with lost cost labour and get those prices down to 2.5K. Then build family size and limousine form versions or even bus sized versions. This flying car should destroy the overpriced ground car market, end traffic problems, end the need to build and maintain roads, as well as end the aviation industry permanently.

Abit more aesthetic, probably larger.


Road tax facing the axe… but before you celebrate, it is likely to be replaced by pay-as-you drive tolls – by Daily Mail Reporter – PUBLISHED: 10:08 GMT, 23 September 2012 | UPDATED: 10:08 GMT, 23 September 2012

Transport Minister warns of new pricing for every mile travelled
Drivers who use their cars less will be winners in future
Government figures show 50 per cent cut in fuel revenues by 2030

Vehicle tax will be replaced by pay-as-you drive tolls,Transport Minister Norman Baker has predicted.

He warned that a projected fall in Treasury fuel revenues and the growth in electric and greener cars made a new road pricing system inevitable.

Mr Baker said the scrapping of excise duty and a cut in fuel taxes would be evened out by new charges monitored by a ‘black box’ in the vehicles.
Toll: Drivers are charged for using the M6 motorway

Drivers who use motorways would pay more, but those on short local journeys will be the winners if the tolls get the go-ahead nationwide.

Tolls are a common sight in Europe and America, but currently, only the M6 bypass and a small number of bridges and tunnels in the UK charge drivers for using them.

The Liberal Democrat minister’s announcement ahead of the party conference in Brighton this week was last night greeted as ‘hugely significant’ by transport campaigners.

In an interview with the Sunday Express, Mr Baker claimed all parties would have to act to make up for the the billions expected to be lost through carbon tax revenues.

Road charges: A common sight in Europe and America, but there are few road tolls in Britain

‘Every government of every colour will get there, whatever parties say now,’ he said. ‘The Exchequer is not just going to say, ‘Oh, we’ve lost some money’, they’re going to do something about it.

‘So I think we should actually face up to that now in a mature way as a society and address how we’re going to deal with that.’

Minister: Norman Baker want a ‘revenue neutral’ road pricing system in future

The newspaper has seen graphs produced by the Treasury’s Office for Budget Responsibility which show that revenues from fuel duty will almost halve by 2030.

Receipts will fall from 1.8 per cent as a share of GDP in 2010 to 1 per cent by 2030.

Mr Baker claimed that the cost to average motorist would not be higher and wants a ‘revenue neutral’ road tax revolution.

He said there could be system of charging motorists per mile which would be matched by axing road tax and cutting the price of petrol at the pumps.

His comments were described as ‘hugely significant’ by Stephen Joseph, chief executive of the Campaign for Better Transport.

He told the Sunday Express: ‘It’s one of those political realities that no one has been prepared to talk about, so all credit to Norman for raising it, but there are clearly going to be big political acceptability issues.’

But Paul Watters, head of roads policy at the AA, said his members do not trust Governments on  ‘revenue neutral’ road pricing.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

If enough voters vote for MPs who will remove BOTH road tax AND drive tolls, then both will not exist. The country is molded bny the peoples hopes and dreams. In this case freedom of movement without hughway robbery.


3 Reasons the US and Israel are Lying About Iran – Repeated Lies Call for Repeated Truth Regarding Iran. – Tony Cartalucci, Contributor – Sunday, September 16, 2012

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls “for the US to establish a firm ‘red line’ that Iran’s nuclear program can’t cross without risking a military response,” and the West is marched ever closer to war with the Islamic Republic based on tired and repeated lies, three important points must be kept in mind.

Image: Israeli Prime Minister has been granted air-time to dictate US foreign policy to American viewers in the latest indication that interests other than those of the American people drive American destiny. Make no mistake, however; Netanyahu is not in America to represent the Israeli people, but rather the same corporate-financier interests of Wall Street and London that created and sustain him politically.

1. The US and Israel admit in their own policy papers that Iran threatens Western hegemony, not Western security (let alone survival):

The very engineers of US-Israeli policy to subvert and destroy Iran, detailed in the 156-page “Which Path to Persia?” report out of the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution, admit that Iran threatens not the security of Israel or the United States, but the hegemonic geopolitical order the West maintains over the Middle East.

In March 2012’s “Israel & US: Partners in International Crime,” direct quotes from the “Which Path to Persia?” report, as well as excerpts from RAND Corporation documents and else where illustrate these admissions in their entirety.

2. The US and Israel already struck first:

By using US State Department-listed foreign terror organization (#30) Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) , the US and Israel have been waging years of covert war against the Iranian people.

In March 2012’s “US State Department Hands Terror-Cult US Base in Iraq,” the history of MEK as well as advocacy for supporting its terrorist activities inside of Iran is exposed through a series of Western-media reports, government testimony, and US foreign policy papers.

In February 2012’s “US Implausibly Denies Role in Israeli Terror Squads,” reports of both US officials admitting Israel’s backing of MEK terrorists to carry out assassinations inside of Iran, as well as evidence of US support for MEK are exposed.

It should be remembered that political and military subversion of Iran by the West stretches back to “Operation Ajax” in 1953, where the United States and the British overthrew the democratically elected nationalist government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh.

This violent subversion played out long before the current political order in Iran came to power. Iran has been the subject of sovereignty-violating foreign intervention for over half a century – with the West long ago drawing first blood, and continuing to do so up to present day through admitted campaigns of political, economic, and military subversion.

3. Israel’s current leaders have Wall Street-London hegemony, not Israel’s self-preservation, at heart:

Perhaps the greatest myth in regards to US-Israeli policy toward Iran is that it is driven by concerns for national security and the survival of the “Jewish State” of Israel. In reality, the overall foreign policy pursued by Israel’s government has demonstrably run contra to both the Israeli people’s survival and their own prosperity. The Israeli government’s posture toward Iran is perhaps the most dangerous and unhinged manifestation of this.

In August 2012’s “Israel’s Netanyahu Attempts to Shame UN,” it was reported that, “the Israeli government is the greatest enemy of the Israeli people,” because:

Western corporate-financier oligarchs have done more to send both Americans and Israelis to their deaths than any combination of suicide belt-wearing, Kalashnikov-waving ‘terrorists.’ The ‘War on Terror’ is indeed a fraud, and Israel’s government has masterfully played a pivotal role – maintaining a strategy of tension to keep its own people in perpetual fear, while keeping their perceived enemies in perpetual and absolute rage. When enemies are difficult to find, the government of Israel and its corporate-financier backers upon Wall Street and in the city of London create them, including the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas (and here), and Al Qaeda.

The result is a nation at constant war, with an inexhaustible supply of enemies in an unending conflict giving the interests of Wall Street and London – the very interests that created the modern state of Israel to begin with – an excuse to remain perpetually engaged in the Middle East with a military encampment the size of a nation at their constant disposal.

Augmenting this camp are the Israeli people themselves, just as lied to, manipulated, and kept in constant fear as their counterparts in the West to keep the rank and file of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) as full as Wall Street’s American Armed Forces or Europe’s NATO foot soldiers.

The Israeli people are no less well-intentioned, talented, or full of potential as any other people on Earth, but they are likewise just as susceptible to being indoctrinated, misled, and terrorized into taking a course of action in no way beneficial to themselves or their nation. The Israeli government does not pursue a foreign or domestic policy conducive to its own self-preservation, let alone its prosperity as a nation.

Constant warmongering, meddling geopolitically beyond its borders, and the creation and perpetuation of its alleged ‘enemies’ have indeed killed more Israelis than any ‘terrorist.’ The Israeli government and the corporate-financier interests they represent are the Israeli people’s worst enemy. It would be wise for both the Israeli people, and those who perceive themselves to be ‘enemies of Israel’ to remember that and make a clear distinction when moving forward.

Israel should be enjoying standards of living and prosperity amongst the highest on Earth considering Israel’s extensive human resources, but is instead facing austerity and economic hardship as the collective talent and potential of the Israeli people are squandered in the pursuit of armed corporate-financier hegemony instead of peaceful progress. The same could be easily said of the United States, whose vast military supremacy and geographic location makes its narrative of “Iran, the imminent threat” all the more tenuous.

To depict Iran as an irrational enemy of Judaism, rather than simply a rational nation-state responding to and defending against the decades of provocations carried out by the West and its Israeli proxies, does not hold historical or social water. Iran hosts the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel itself, with an ancient and proud Jewish community that has both refused to leave Iran, as well as condemn it for the benefit of Western propaganda campaigns.


PM Netanyahu’s latest propaganda tour of the US is nothing less than a blatant conspiracy against world peace – the premeditated fabrication of a war that puts at risk hundreds of millions of people and the survival of both Israel and Iran itself. Netanyahu and his corporate-financier compatriots hope that fear, terror, and ignorance prevail long before all the myths, lies, and propaganda wear off and the populations of the respective nations involved, Iran, America, and Israel, come to their senses and identify their real enemy – the corporate-financier elite who have driven half a century of conflict with the Iranian people.

When these myths wear off, it will not be wars and the pursuit of hegemony that guide the hands of each nation’s respective people, but a drive to both free themselves from the monopolies of thesecorporate-financier interests, and the pursuit of progress on their own terms, for their own benefit rather than for a manipulative elite.

Tony Cartalucci’s articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at
Land Destroyer Report.   Read other contributed articles by Tony Cartalucci here.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Netanyahu’s government will simply be voted out and a peaceful coalition voted in. Israel is a fraction the size and population of Iran. there is no way the USA is going to put their neck that far out into the Middle East when USA can’t even consolidate (colonise) Iraq. And with the hive minded Muslims (no turban or bee puns please) and Russia or China, and even Pakistan or India lurking in the background, USA cannot afford to get involved. Israel should be able to see this. Perhaps Israel should try to help USA COLONISE Iraq properly for a minimal 3 decades of a controlled Iraq first, THEN consider Iran. Otherwise no go without USA becoming beholden to Russia or others in the region. USA cannot want that so Netanyahu’s faction had better wake up.


French National Front leader Marine Le Pen calls for ban on wearing of the Jewish skullcap in public – ‘in the name of equality’ – By Peter Allen – PUBLISHED: 16:55 GMT, 23 September 2012 | UPDATED: 18:01 GMT, 23 September 2012

Ban on full-face coverings – including the Islamic veil –  came into force in France last year
Marine Le Pen is now calling for a ban on all religious headgear, as well as kosher and halal food in schools

‘What would people say if I only asked to ban Muslim clothing? They would burn me as a Muslim hater’

Far right politician Marine Le Pen has caused outrage across France by calling for the banning of the Jewish skullcap in public.

The leader of National Front won a fifth of the popular vote during the first round of May’s presidential election on a largely anti-Muslim immigration agenda.

Now in an interview she has called not just for a ban on the wearing of Islamic veils in public, but also the kippah – leading to France’s most senior Rabbi to describe her view as ‘deeply deplorable’.

Her inflammatory words come at a time of heightened tensions caused by a Paris satirical magazine’s decision to publish a series of cartoons mocking both Islam and Judaism.

One of the images in Charlie Hebdo shows a Prophet Mohammed character being pushed around in a wheelchair by a Rabbi.

Ms Le Pen told Le Monde that all religious headwear should be banned ‘in shops, on public transport and on the streets’.

‘It’s obvious that if the veil is banned, the kippah should be banned in public as well,’ she said. The French parliament passed a ban on full-face coverings, including the Islamic veil in 2010 and the law came into force last year.

Miss Le Pen, whose infamous father Jean-Marie Le Pen is a convicted racist and anti-Semite, also called for a ban on public prayers.

And she said kosher and halal foods should be outlawed in schools, along with foreign governments being allowed to pay for mosques.

‘Jewish skullcaps are obviously not a problem in our country,’ she said, insisting nevertheless that France has to ‘ban them in the name of equality’.

‘The situation in our country has changed. We used to have a fragile balance between religions, but massive immigration has changed that,’ Ms Le Pen said.

‘Veils and jilbabs are putting us under pressure. France is a victim of sectarian political groups due to the ruling parties’ incapacity to deal with the problem.

‘What would people say if I had only asked to ban Muslim clothing? They would burn me as a Muslim hater.’

President Francois Hollande attacked Ms Le Pen’s comments.

‘Everything that tears people apart, opposes them and divides them is inappropriate,’ he said. ‘We must apply the rules, the only rules that we know – the rules of the Republic and secularism.’
Religious headgear: The kippah, or yarmulke, is usually worn by Orthodox or Hasidic Jews who believe the head must be covered at all times

Religious headgear: The kippah, or yarmulke, is usually worn by Orthodox or Hasidic Jews who believe the head must be covered at all times

On Friday Mr Hollande opened a new Holocaust memorial in Paris, commemorating the thousands of Jews who were sent to their deaths after being held at the Drancy internment camp.

The camp was run by French policemen working alongside the SS, and rolling stock from France’s national railway, SNCF, was used to take victims to Germany.

Jean-Francois Cope, leader of the opposition UMP party, was similarly outraged, saying Ms Le Pen barely knew what secularism was.

Mr Cope said: ‘Marine Le Pen wants to ban any signs of religion on the streets, starting with the veil and the kippah.

‘By doing this, she shows she does not understand anything about secularism. Secularism is not about the eradication of all religious expressions in society.’

Gilles Bernheim, France’s Chief Rabbi, said: ‘Mixing up the tradition of the skullcap and the veil only generates more confusion in people’s minds. I deeply deplore her statement.’

And Richard Prasquier, leader of the  CRIF Jewish council in France, said the Ms Le Pen’s claims showed there were ‘secular fanatics just as there are religious fanatics’.

‘Obviously, I am hostile to both,’ he said.

The CFCM, France’s main Muslim council, meanwhile said that Le Pen wanted to ‘set up a totalitarian regime in France.’

There are around half-a-million Jews in France, many of them living in major cities like Paris, where skull caps have been a familiar sight for centuries.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

How about allowing everything instead of allowing nothing? Bring back the Hijab if Nudists are to also be legal. Like hijabs, if skullcaps are illegal Orwellian government will be what France degenerates into if anything is disallowed, much like the way Malaysia persecutes LGBT culture and practises APARTHEID against near 40% of the population for not being Muslim and not being ethnic Malay.

Set an example of Malaysia as a bad Islamist country, not be punitive, but do condemn and bar from France, Malaysian MPs or even Trade Delegations and even close Malaysian Embassies, who have accepted apartheid or cause apartheid to continue out of sheer hate. One does not have to do the wrong thing to make a point, the right thing though would be to pointedly shame the offending governments at the UN and withdraw the embassies, or make public lists of ‘pariah’ nations or ‘pariah officials who will not be allowed entry into France and the rest of the free world.

That will be better than attacking local citizens who have nothing to do with extremism but wish to be ‘markedly Muslim’ as is their UN human right, much like adult industry or sub-culturist activists in Malaysia need their RLDs, LGBT lifestyles, Nudist Colonies and END OF APARTHEID. Le Pen should know that it’s not impossible to be far right yet not be on the right side of logic. Would Marine Le Pen like to address Malaysia about  the lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;and let those minorities be as Jewish or Muslim as they please? Much like the LGBTs would like to be as campy or the Adult Industry goers/workers would like to be as dacadent as well but do not have proper zones for their activities and can be punished for activities in private properties. A civilisational discussion perhaps?

And if the Muslims identified as trying to dhimmify, do black ball all those who have received degrees from 1st world countries by getting the UN to recommend removing their degrees, their society memberships, using the above suggested methods as well – along with barring them from entering France and naming the same offending people in open lists at UN for being undemocratic domestic terrorists in their own countries.

Malaysia currently is and unconscionably a member of the Human Rights Council, would France like to have Malaysia removed from the Human Rights Council for causing APARTHEID or attacking LGBT rights or oppressing the rights of Adult Industry workers and Adult Industry operators and users, even Organic Psychedelics (suggest zones or ‘using’ areas over seen by local enforcement) users in Malaysia?

Removing Malaysia from UN access because of contravening articles in the UN signatory list? Bar Council in Malaysia has been a disappointment so far, I hope Marine Le Pen will use the above method which is fairer to Muslims and Jews in France and targets the offending persons instead.


World War 3 Conditioning in La La Land – by Zen Gardner – Tuesday, September 25th, 2012. Filed under: Alternative Knowledge Big Brother Consciousness Esoterica media and politics National Emergency Spirituality

The hypno-induced psychotic public can’t even hear the war drums any more, no matter how loud and obvious. They’re intoxicated with intense, repetitive and confusing war propaganda and images of overthrown dictatorships that have only given birth to more chaos.

But that’s OK in La La land.

All the distracted dystopian subjects can hear is that for some reason American boots march unopposed into far regions of the world, protecting liberty and democracy.

So “keep up the good work, boys. Honey, put the game back on, I have to go to f*ing work in the morning and this is my only chance to think…..”
WW3 Conditioning Complete – They Won’t See It Coming

Such is today’s surreal world environment. 11 years of genocidal wars and now these latest barbaric atrocities have made their inroads even broader, not just in the middle east but in the human mind. And as they continue their saber rattling and massive propaganda campaigns, little do people realize these globalist warmongers are garnering a tsunami of unspoken public permission with each passing day.

What few are realizing is that war with Iran will no doubt initiate at least a limited nuclear conflagration, the effects of which will change history forever. Diabolically couched as a preemptive strike on a rogue nation to save Israel and US interests, such a move will inevitably draw China and Russia into the conflict.

Don’t think so? When you come to realize that’s exactly what they want in the end, that’s when you’ll know you’re waking up.

When you know a New World Order is the desired outcome, you realize the old world order needs to be debunked, crippled, smashed and reset.

Our global financial and economic structure has been effectively brought to the brink. Sovereignty is being scuttled worldwide, and the population is taking to the streets.

Need I say more?

The Dire Straights of Hormuz

Since the highly charged first years of OPEC the strategic Straight of Hormuz have been a hot button issue, with scenario after scenario envisioned that would drastically affect the planet.

It’s true.

If they were cut off it would undoubtedly precipitate a crisis. For everyone. And drastic action would be broadcast as inherently justified.

Current news reeks of this pre-framed scenario. It’s been going on for a long, long time..this article is from 5 years ago!

U.S. Vice Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff speaks to journalists in Bahrain, Monday, June 30, 2008. Cosgriff said that any attempt by Iran to seal off the Strait of Hormuz would be viewed as an act of war.

Newser – Is Washington, or its Israeli allies, really ready to attack Iran? “The threats, counterthreats, and counter-counterthreats … have reached new levels of hysteria in recent days,” Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Rumblings of an Israeli strike prompted Tehran threats to close oil-shipping lanes. That would be an “act of war,” declared one US admiral—a statement superiors didn’t back down from.

President Bush reiterated that “all options are on the table,” while the State Department said it couldn’t deter Israel. Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz was more direct, saying: “The Iranians have to believe that we will use force.” So is this a bluff? And could it lead to real war? “It is high stakes,” the chairman of the Joint Chiefs says. “I’d just leave it at that.” Source

Long Time Coming…

The concept of a third world war is rife in historical data and even prophetic writings from the likes of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon, throughout the Bible and even heavily reinforced by those who study the Bible code.

A host of political science analysts who track these trends have also seen this coming. Below is Webster Tarpley, respected researcher and author, on the insanity of the very real possibility of a Third World War.

Be Prepared

Any way you look at it, be forewarned and prepared emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and practically.

While a nuclear world war seems an unlikely horror that sane men and women would want to avoid at any cost, a quick look at history, and especially current events, shows something very ugly and aggressive is marching towards a self defined goal that does not represent you and me. It’s their design, and apparently must be done at any cost.

That, my friend, is a fact of life in the world we’re living in. However, we are conscious humanity and we will triumph despite the death throes they are willing to put themselves and the innocent people of the earth through.

Don’t Despair

We’re all here for a purpose and it’s really a wonderful time to be alive. Only not facing the truth will bring on trauma in the days to come. As we participate in this amazing consciousness shift and spiritual awakening that’s taking place and realize the empowerment it gives us, the very reality of this planet will continue to change.

Their tool is fear, to keep us preoccupied and distracted and living in their projected reality. Turn it completely off.

If we stop participating, stop conforming through fearing and fixating on their projected assaults of their visual and mental states, and separate and expose their falseness, love and truth will manifest in increasingly amazing ways. And each of us then becomes a vessel to help enliven and encourage the brave souls we have the privilege to be with on this wonderful journey!

I know…wild ride, eh? Ha! Laugh in their faces!! We are eternal!

Much love, Zen

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Nukes are lazy, non-tactics based, and irradiative. Try block to block wars with small arms instead. Build better moral and infantry elitism. The other option is to fly an ‘Independence Day’ sized series of ‘UFOs’ equipped with the Active Denial System and park above ALL cities. Not much of a fight either but less loss of life. Since the ‘Total Recall’ (1990 Paul Verhoeven) ‘Richter’ types would prefer mass cullings of the herd on either side though, small arms will probably appeal to the US mindset.

England would use the Active Denial system being all Orwellian and b.s., though carpet bombing with conventionals to the stone age would be just fine as well. But nukes? No thanks. Thats a worldwide ecologgical and humanity suicide scenario from fallout. No slaves to rule, no lands to divvy up for 50K years potentially? Whats the point?


The Pokemon Plot: How One Cartoon Inspired the Army to Dream Up a Seizure Gun – by Spencer Ackerman – September 26, 2012 |

The 1997 episode of Pokemon that triggered hundreds of seizures — and stoked the dreams of Army technologists. Photo: via YouTube

In 1998, a secret Army intelligence analysis suggested a new way to take out enemies: blast them with electromagnetic energy until their brains overload and they start to convulse. Amazingly, it was an idea inspired by a Pokemon episode.

Application of “electromagnetic pulses” could force neurons to all fire at once, causing a “disruption of voluntary muscle control,” reads a description of a proposed seizure weapon, contained in a declassified document from the Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center. “It is thought by using a method that would actually trigger nerve synapses directly with an electrical field, essentially 100% of individuals would be susceptible to seizure induction.”

This wasn’t the only method the Center suggested for taking down combatants. Other exotic, less-lethal weapons included a handheld laser gun for close-range “antiterrorist special operations roles”; a “flood” of network traffic that could overload servers and “elicit a panic in the civilian population”; and radio frequencies that could manipulate someone’s body temperature and “mimic a fever.”

The military needed weapons like these because TV news had hamstrung the military’s traditional proclivities to kill its way to victory: It now lived in a world where “You don’t win unless CNN says you win,” the report lamented. But while the Pentagon still laments the impact of the 24/7 news cycle on the U.S. military, it hardly thinks less-lethal weapons are a solution to it. In fact, the U.S. has kept most of its electromagnetic arsenal off of the battlefield, in part because the idea of invisible pain rays would sound so bad coming out of an anchor’s mouth.

Danger Room acquired this secret study on nonlethal technologies thanks to a private citizen, who filed a Freedom of Information Act request, and now wishes to remain anonymous. By coincidence, Sharon Weinberger wrote a 2008 Danger Room report after independently acquiring a piece of the document – an addendum that described using a “Voice of God” weapon, powered by radio waves, to “implant” a suggestion in someone else’s mind. It wasn’t even close to the strangest suggestion made for exotic weaponry.

Perhaps the most disturbing item on the Army’s nonlethal wish list: a weapon that would disrupt the chemical pathways in the central nervous system to induce a seizure. The idea appears to have come from an episode of Pokemon.

The idea is that seizure would be induced by a specific electrical stimulus triggered through the optic nerve. “The onset of synchony and disruption of muscular control is said to be near instantaneous,” the 1997 Army report reads. “Excitation is directly on the brain.” And “100% of the population” is supposed to be susceptible to the effects — from distances of “up to hundreds of meters” — “[r]ecovery times are expected to be consistent with, or more rapid than, that which is observed in epileptic seizures.”

That’s not a lot of time — the Army’s analysis noted that a grand-mal seizure typically lasts between one and five minutes. But the analysis speculated that the seizure weapons could be “tunable with regard to type and degree of bodily influence” and affect “100% of the population.” Still, it had to concede, “No experimental evidence is available for this concept.”

The document cautioned that the effectiveness of incapacitating a human nervous system with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) “has not been tested.” But the analysis speculated that “50 to 100 kV/m free field of very sharp pulses” would likely be “sufficient to trigger neurons or make them more susceptible to firing.” And a weapon that harnessed an EMP-induced seizure could conceivably work from “hundreds of miles” away. The idea might as well have been stamped “As Seen on TV.”

“The photic-induced seizure phenomenon was borne out demonstrably on December 16, 1997 on Japanese television when hundreds of viewers of a popular cartoon were treated, inadvertently, to photic seizure induction,” the analysis noted. That cartoon was Pokemon, and the incident received worldwide attention. About 700 viewers showed symptoms of epilepsy — mostly vomiting — an occasional, if strange, occurrence with TV shows and videogames due to rapid, flashing lights.

The Army’s interest in the technology doesn’t appear to have gone anywhere. When Danger Room asked the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, the command overseeing the Pentagon’s weapons that can’t kill you, if they had ever developed or explored developing an EMP seizure ray, spokeswoman Kelley Hughes flatly replied, “No.” But at a minimum, it’s bizarre that the U.S. military would entertain the idea of neurological weaponry.

The seizure ray was just one of several futuristic nonlethal weapons the National Ground Intelligence Center envisioned. Another favorite: “handheld laser weapons” for blasting focused light against nearby terrorists. These weren’t supposed to be the sorts of lasers that can burn through steel — after all, nearly 15 years after the Army intel report, the Navy still doesn’t have a laser cannon small enough to mount on a ship. The “point and shoot” lasers were supposed to be dazzlers, to disrupt sensors or even blind assailants from up to 50 meters away. Alas, the paper lamented, causing “permanent blindness” was prohibited by binding international treaties, so development of handheld dazzlers would likely be restricted. (As it would turn out, “gross mismanagement” by U.S. military bureaucracy would be the larger obstacle.)

Then came the cyberweapons. The Army intel report presciently predicted using “information technology as a nonlethal weapon.” It had in mind “a campaign to disrupt a nation’s infrastructure so that they feel they are not ready for a formal conflict.” No, the Army wasn’t thinking of any kind of proto-Stuxnet. It had in mind sending torrents of traffic to “flood” foreign servers until “a panic in the civilian population,” now without internet access, “persuades the [adversary] military not to execute a planned attack.” Pay attention, Darpa and U.S. Cyber Command. Alternatively, the military might disrupt an enemy’s ability to control its forces by flooding the internet with tons of inaccurate information — “either through distribution of disinformation or illegally altering web pages to spread disinformation.” It isn’t clear if the report meant to restrict that “illegal” activity to foreign web pages.

And then came the fever. The report speculated that blasts of radio frequency waves could “mimic a fever” to the point of incapacitating an enemy. (“No organs are damaged,” it assured.) “Core temperatures of approximately 41 degrees Celsius are considered to be adequate” — the equivalent of a 105.8 degree fever, which is frighteningly close to inducing a coma or brain damage.

The idea would involve a “highly sophisticated microwave assembly” that could induce “carefully monitored uniform heating” in “15 to 30 minutes,” depending on someone’s weight and the wavelengths employed. “The subjective sensations caused by this buildup of heat are far more unpleasant than those accompanying fever,” the report assured. Yet the military would have to be careful not to cause any “permanent” organ damage with such a weapon — which would take careful monitoring, as the report noted that increasing someone’s body temperature a single degree Celsius beyond the envisioned 42 degrees would probably be fatal.

As it turned out, the military would develop a microwave weapon — the Active Denial System. That’s a microwave gun that, as I learned first-hand one fateful afternoon, makes victims feel like they’ve stepped into a blast furnace. But its frequencies are too shallow to penetrate the skin, and can’t even pop a bag of popcorn. (It’s been tried.) Still, the idea of being heated with something like that for 15 minutes to a half hour is unbearable: I lasted maybe two seconds before my reflexes forced me to jump out of the way of its beam. And in 2010, the device was recalled from Afghanistan when commanders realized it was a PR nightmare. It has one of the many downsides to these weapons that the Army’s 1998 that report didn’t consider. Of course, few things age worse than predictions for the future.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

They will get the telco grids on the ground to broadcast these waves instead. The entire telco grid likely can be shifted for this use and hapless governments are building or allowing these telco grids to be built. The weapons need not be mounted on a craft, the weapons are already there in almost every Wiifi or cellphone covered area across the world and from what this blogger has experienced, can extract thought out of any person’s head, Orwell style. Electronic/Wiifi/Satellitephone-tech White Zones please! This is a Human Rights Abuse, not giving an opt out option! See below link for ‘White Zones’ (a human and civil right to opt out if anything, much like abstention options in Military Conscriptions) :

Lambton Shores looking at creating white zones

Isolation and Safety Standards for Electronic Instruments

Liberate ‘Zones of Electronic Repression’!


Fiona Apple : I REALLY Regret My Weed Arrest

Fiona Apple desperately regrets her hash and weed arrest last week — because the drug bust is taking ALL the spotlight away from her new album … and she bitched about it last night … on tape.

Fiona was performing at the House of Blues in New Orleans — and before she kicked off her set, she addressed the crowd, saying, “This record with me … I’m really sorry … All the work we did is being overshadowed by this bulls**t.”

Fiona’s obviously referring to her Texas drug bust last week, when she was allegedly popped with a baseball-sized chunk of weed and a bunch of hash. According to cops, Fiona admitted the drugs were hers.

Fiona then ignited a firestorm by publicly blasting 4 police officers for allegedly mistreating her during the arrest. In a bizarre moment on stage the other night … She said she kept a log of the abuses in a “lockbox” and planned to use it against the officers.

But last night she took it all back, saying … “There are no f**king lock boxes. I didn’t make up a code. It was my way to make a parallel between the south. I am not that f**ked up.”


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Sure? Whats with the sarcasm? Don’t go ‘sure’?!? Use of psychedelics should be legalized. Challenge the court by running for local candidacy with your fellow stars, and change the law – legalize. All that money and fame and time but no effort of democratic freedoms? Tsk tsk tsk, someone’s been on the stuff roo long to think straight. If Arnold S. could become Governor (unfortunately ended up writing no policy for the people), no reason why Fiona couldn’t do the same, simply to redress this arrest and regain respect in the community (which looks down on psychedelics simply because that is illegal). Think prohibition and how people frowned on the bottle. Then alcohol became legal. The same frownnig is going on at Fiona, so Fiona should at least be part of the effort to End Prohibition Against Psychedelics. I wrote about this ‘to’ Snoop ‘Lion’ (formerly Dogg), Fiona could stop apologizing and take the b.s. to the lawmakers instead of tacitly accepting ‘Prohibition’.


Bristol Palin Fears Drug Tape! – posted by Adam – Wednesday September 26, 2012

BRISTOL Palin is up in arms over a video showing her using drugs — fearing it’ll ruin her bid to relaunch her showbiz career on Dancing with the Stars.

The daughter of Sarah Palin, 21, is desperate to boost her brand with a second stint on the reality TV competition, insiders say, but she’s terrified the video will ruin her comeback.

“The video was shot in 2006, and Bristol is scared to death that it will surface now,” a source told the National Enquirer.

“Since the first time she was on Dancing in fall 2010, Bristol has lost a lot of weight and had plastic surgery on her jaw line. She’s ready for her close-up, but if that video comes out, it would destroy her!

“The video was filmed right before Bristol’s mom became governor.

“Bristol was parting like a rock star, as usual, and one of our pals was videotaping everyone as they drank and got high.

“At one point, he gets to Bristol and one of her friends holds the pot pipe to Bristol’s mouth and says out loud, ‘And here’s the future governor of Alaska’s daughter!’

“Bristol smiles at the camera, puts her lips around the pipe and inhales deeply. She holds in the smoke for a while, exhales, coughs a few times then laughs uncontrollably.

“With her previous ventures failing miser­ably, this could be it for Bristol. To have her ‘drug party’ tape finally come out would send her back home to Wasilla in shame!”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Use of psychedelics should be legalized. Challenge the court by running for local candidacy with your fellow stars, and change the law – legalize. All that money and fame and time but no effort of democratic freedoms? Tsk tsk tsk, someone’s been on the stuff roo long to think straight. If Arnold S. could become Governor (unfortunately ended up writing no policy for the people), no reason why Bristol couldn’t do the same, simply to redress this arrest and regain respect in the community (which looks down on psychedelics simply because that is illegal). Think prohibition and how people frowned on the bottle. Then alcohol became legal. The same frownnig is going on at Bristol, so Bristol should at least be part of the effort to End Prohibition Against Psychedelics. I wrote about this ‘to’ Snoop ‘Lion’ (formerly Dogg), Bristol could stop fearing and take the b.s. to the lawmakers instead of tacitly accepting ‘Prohibition’. Are you sheep or plutocrat entertainers with a mind of your own? Snoop Lion still quiet as a mouse on Organic Psychedelics Zone Advocacy?

5 Articles on Malaysian Politics : MSM Lies about Non-Discrimination of Malaysian Minorities, Apartheid Ignorant-Nepotists Defending the Indefensible, Shocking Counterspin by Inverse Opposition MSM, Strawmen NGOs that do not act, Strawmen GOs that do not act – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 23rd May 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, Apartheid, Bumiputera Apartheid, dishonest academia, Equality, equitable political power distribution, government, lack of focus, Law, LGBT Hate Groups, Malaysia, media collusion, media tricks, misrepresentation of facts, mob mentality, MPs have not declared assets, Pakatan Rakyat Coalition, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, preventing vested interest, proselytization, sneaky proselytization methods, social freedoms, spirit of the law, sub-culture advocacy, subculture persecution, technofascism, vested interest, voting strategy, waste of mandate, wrong priority on May 22, 2012 at 8:04 pm


BN Govt Does Not Practise Racial Discrimination – Monday, 21 May 2012 00:04

BERA — Bera MP Ismail Sabri Yaakob officially opened the new building of a Tamil school here on Sunday and said the Barisan Nasional (BN) government does not break promises or practise racial discrimination.

The domestic trade, cooperatives and consumerism minister said the government had collected RM100 million to upgrade Tamil schools in the country this year. Two of the schools are in his Bera constituency.

“Now, the pupils of Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Ladang Kemayan and Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Ladang Menteri Triang Bera have new buildings, built at a cost of more than RM1.4 million.

“The pupils of the two schools can study in a conducive atmosphere with new classrooms, computer room and other facilities similar to those of other schools,” he said when opening the new building of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Ladang Menteri Triang Bera.

Ismail Sabri urged the people to continue to support the BN government, saying the opposition parties were only good at making empty promises.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

BN Govt **Does** Practise Racial Discrimination because under BN, Malaysia lacks :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

A single school or 100 schools cannot compared to EQUALITY. Indian voters do not be taken in please!


Stop The Bersih 3.0 Demonisation Campaign – Lim Kit Siang – Monday, 21 May 2012 00:11

BN government should call off the Bersih 3.0 demonisation campaign as the first step to prove to Malaysians that it is capable of responding rationally and responsibly to legitimate demands for clean elections

The Home Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein said in (last) Saturday’s press that Malaysians should view the Bersih 3.0 demonstration in a more rational manner and look at the Government’s concern over what could go wrong if people took to the streets.

Unfortunately, in the past three weeks after the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28, the government as represented by the Home Minister and the Prime Minister Najib Razak have themselves failed this simple test of acting in “a more rational manner” to address the controversies of what went wrong on April 28 resulting in the incidents of violence and brutality, regardless of whether the victims were police personnel, media representatives or peaceful protestors.

Najib and Hishammuddin should call off the Bersih 3.0 demonisation campaign to paint Bersih 3.0, the organizers and participants, in the worst and most sinister light, as the first step for the BN government to prove to Malaysians that it is capable of responding rationally and responsibly to the people’s legitimate demands for clean elections.

The Bersih 3.0 demonisation campaign started with the wild and irresponsible allegation by the Prime Minister that it was an anti-national conspiracy which included a coup attempt by the Opposition to topple the government, which conspiracy theory was immediately given blind and unthinking support by the former Inspector-General of Police Hanif Omar when there was no iota of evidence; culminating in the great lie and spin on TV1 on Sunday when the government station telecast a 30-minute “documentary” entitled “Bersih 3.0 itu Kotor” to poison the minds of viewers about Bersih 3.0.

What the BN spin-masters did not realise is that the hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who gathered peacefully in Kuala Lumpur in response to the call of Bersih 3.0, and the millions who have direct information of what actually happened on April 28, could not identify with TV1 programme or agree that Bersih 3.0 was some grand or evil conspiracy to cause violence, unrest and even toppling of the government!

In fact, they could only be turned off and completely alienated by the TV1 screen which is available on YouTube – not only because it was so untrue but so unfair!

To them, Bersih 3.0 will forever remain a historic, momentous and even liberating experience where Malaysians regardless race, religion, region, class, age or gender came out together in peace and common humanity, out of a deep and abiding sense of patriotism and love for country, in support of the national cause for clean elections for a clean Malaysia.

All that they were armed were salt and water bottles, not to combat the police or topple the government, but to protect themselves in case of police tear gas and chemically-laced water cannon in order to send out the clear and unmistakable message that 54 years after Merdeka in 1957, Malaysians want clean elections and a clean Malaysia!

True, there were deplorable incidents of violence and brutality which marred the Bersih 3.0 rally – but these deplorable incidents took place after 3 pm on April 28.

Before 3 pm, there was absolutely no tension in the air, as the hundreds of thousands who gathered in Kuala Lumpur were peaceful, in great harmony and carnival spirit, to celebrate the unprecedented democratic awakening, empowerment and unity of Malaysians.

This why Malaysians want an impartial, thorough and high-powered inquiry to find out what went wrong on April 28 and who marred the Bersih 3.0 rally – whether it was caused by a handful of protestors or a small group of police personnel, who took the law into their own hands and started a riot against the peaceful public.

This is also why the independent advisory panel headed by former IGP Hanif Omar to inquire into the Bersih 3.0 violence and brutality is completely unacceptable to the majority of thinking and decent Malaysians, not because Hanif was former IGP but for the simple reason that he had prejudged Bersih 3.0 with baseless and biased views after April 28.

If Najib and Hishammuddin want credibility and legitimacy for any findings of a Bersih 3.0 inquiry, they should heed the call which finds resonance in the country as well as in international circles for a completely new inquiry panel and not proceed with the panel headed by Hanif.

Form either a Royal Commission of Inquiry, a Suhakam inquiry or best of all, invite the United Nations rapporteurs, namely Frank La Rue on the promotion and the protection of the right to freedom and expression and Maina Kiai on the right to freedom ofassembly and of association, to carry out independent investigations and present their report to the Malaysian people and government as well as the international community.


(The views expressed above belongs to the author in its entirety and does not represent the opinion of Malaysian Mirror in any way)
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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Lim Kit Siang is a term limitless, Gaddafi-Mubarak-type, undemocratic nepostist that possibly harbours a (possibly?) dangerous fundo inspired dislike towards the LGBT community in solidarity of LGBT-hate with some factions in PAS. Lim Kit Siang runs the DAP political party like a family business and has not kept 90% of the campaign promises that brought DAP to power (MPs have not declared assets, no Local Council Elections etc..) but which has heaped new abuses upon the people like threatening to destroy people’s private property (see Gambier Threat, below pic, where private built awnings in fairly affluent neighbourhoods were threatened with destruction instead of amending abusive bylaws implemented dutring BN’s time – meaning PR has BN mentality . . . ) rather than amend laws, prevent petty traders from ekeing out a living or asking for near 2 times a 401K in funeral funds out of the tax payers’ pockets while IGNORING APARTHEID and extreme religion.

Power mad DAP in action, refusing to amend laws and willingly threatening citizens with antiquated laws which BN also failed to amend . . .

DAP also increasingly looks like a part of the strawman hegelian dialectic intent on misdirecting  the public’s anger at DAP’s failed promises and DAP’s inability or lack of desire to END APARTHEID, or even DAP’s fundo intent as described in the below rather profound (or conspiracy theorist) excerpt found at :

Tragedy at Sekolah Agama Rakyat – Al-Furqan, PAS and Extremism – Monday, 4 April 2011

‘PAS and its extremist cohorts all over the Islamic world are part of the prophecy of Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj) who spread corruptions all over the world with their hate campaigns which produces a religious teacher in Perlis who is sick enough to torture a 7 year old boy. Little wonder PAS supports a porn star like Anwar Ibrahim and PAS  should changed its name to PPP & P. Parti Penyokong Penzina dan Peliwat.

I am not ashamed to say that cause someone must be brave enough to reject extremist like PAS (Islam), DAP (Christianity) and PKR (Zionism, think PAP’s Israel link and the presence of the Jewess Theresa Kok). We must reject these extremist parties who will only bring anarchy in our peace loving society. Let the tragedy at Sekolah Agama Rakyat – Al-Furqan be a start for us to be mindful of the effect of extremism. ‘

Some of us (from experience?), can guess that PR will be quite LGBT unfriendly and will exclude the Polytheistic communities of most Chinese non-Xians, and also Hindu Indians. Note also that the 7th Day Adventist Mormons ARE NOT EXACTLY Xians who  are strongly suspected to have links withe the ‘rogue’ (poisoner) psychiatric establishment, that hold Sabbath on SATURDAYS (day of Saturn – SATAN) instead of Sundays (Day of Sun, 7th day, day of rest) as most other denominations of the Church.

DAP (run by an extremely nepotistic Waco Khoresh type personae), or as some say 1950’s ‘worship me’ cult, and PAS (while exceptionally non-nepotistic – an almost non-existent and much needed quality worldwide except in the very strictest regimes – but unfortunately Hudud loving in a very unfair and unreasonable way to the majority Muslim populace – perhaps won’t affect non-Muslims so ‘kelang kabut’ DAP like any 3rd rate political family business outfit does not care) look potentially DANGEROUS from certain viewpoints, while PKR is merely corrupt and desperate, though less fundo. I’d recommend that Tunku Aziz head 3rd force and also co-opt PKR into their fold while dropping DAP on the below 3 items as a rallying factor :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

Voters, BN is apartheid, corrupt and refuses to use that mandate to better Malaysia, PR is self serving non-pro-active, self glorifying, unable to keep their campaign promises, also very nepotistic, so vote instead for 3rd Force Parties such as : KITA, JATI, MCLM (whats left of MCLM), PCM, Borneo Front, MoCS Sarawak, Konsensus Bebas, HRP/Hindraf and PSM, ABU, PRS, STAR etc..

There are no human rights aware statesmen or men of ethics in DAP, just self serving relics and nepotistic from the riot-era. DAP should be blamed for the neglect of Malaysia’s lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;that led to Bersih. In fact had Pakatan done the job of filing lawsuits and speaking against apartheid and so many human rights abuses, insted of being all limelight ceremah for the last 4 years, Bersih would never have happened. Pakatan while present in the media talking rubbish and irritating the voters all the time, NEVER EVER challenges the apartheid and extreme religion that leads to ‘Bersihs’. Rather than an attempt to end apartheid or file lawsuits or amend laws, Pakatan is a failure thus far, lots of media limelight but zero results or amendments to laws. Dont get too excited readers, as a single independent candidate intent on ending apartheid will be stronger than another 4 years of Pakatan’s so-called ‘governance’ or another 10 more Bersihs which again I stress have no legal basis, just as BN’s apartheid has no legal and even Syariah basis.

CONTACT UN, CONTACT NAM – END APARTHEID. Prepare that Prepare that MLK style delegation (maybe with that nepotism beneficiary, funeral fund loving CM character) to END APARTHEID.

Voters, BN is apartheid, corrupt, has allowed aspects of extreme religion, and refuses to use that mandate BN NOW ALREADY HAS to better Malaysia by granting above 3 items, PR if unable to address the lack of above 3 items, is self serving non-pro-active, self glorifying, unable to keep their campaign promises, also very nepotistic, so vote instead for 3rd Force Parties like : KITA, JATI, MCLM (whats left of MCLM), PCM, Borneo Front, MoCS Sarawak, Konsensus Bebas, HRP/Hindraf and PSM, ABU, PRS, STAR etc..

BN racism and PR nepotism (and technofascism?), clique politics that exclude grassroots, human rights and ethics aware law or political party reformers, real activists and intelligensia, have no place in Malaysia. 3rd Force is the way forward for Malaysia!

Fundamentalism and Nepotism has no place in Malaysia, GTFO of the Dewan you apartheid and extreme religion ignoring nepotists in Pakatan! 50% of Pakatan politicians who are not nepotistic or term limitless are votable, the other 50% who refuse to amend laws or abuse their powers, and refuse to declare assets or keep their word about re-establishing local council elections on technicalities they could override but pretend not to, belong in the rubbish heap of YESTERDAY’S 3rd WORLD POLITICS.

This is not the 1950s, not even the 1980s fundo-creeps, this is the 2010s . . . time to report some psychos posing as politicians to the U.N. . . .

I mean, you seem to want to build a religion around yourself and some 1950’s vision of America. It’s the 1980’s, man! And one man worship-me cults are not allowed, my friend! (Quote by : Maurice Chavez, VCPR, GTA: Vice City.)


Ambiga wins hands down Sunday, 20 May 2012 Super Admin

Her guts have scared politicians, espcially those with much at stake, hence the dirty move to deter her from pursuing her agenda of pushing for free and fair elections.

Jeswan Kaur, Free Malaysia Today

Bersih 2.0 co-chairperson A Samad Said is asking a very pertinent question – why are the detractors not giving him a hard time and are hell bent on harassing his colleague S Ambiga?

“Why are they only targeting Ambiga, they should choose me too,” asked the 77 year-old national laurette.

Samad or better known as Pak Samad has deduced  that the targetted protest against Ambiga could have a “racial or religious” connotation.

“If they continue to only target her, there may be a racial or religious slant which I think is not good,” he had said.

Indeed, Samad has spoken the truth. Had it been an Malay or Chinese woman battling for electoral reforms, would politicians like Ibrahim Ali dare clamour that her citizenship be revoked?

Or for that matter would the MCA or Umno remain silent had it been a Chinese or Malay woman whose life was being made a living hell?

Strangely or regrettably, the MIC has chosen to pander to the fancy of Umno, the dominant force of ruling coalition Barisan Nasional. Not a murmur was made by MIC big-wigs to reprimand those who continue to breach the law and harass the former Malaysian Bar president.

Ambiga spearheaded both the Bersih 2.0 and Bersih 3.0 protests demanding for reforms to the nation’s electoral system. It was the Bersih 3.0 protest with its hundreds of thousands of turnout  that saw detractors attacking Ambiga.

Post-Bersih 3.0, a series of protests that have taken place in front of Ambiga’s residence. On May 10,  a group of burger sellers staged a protest in front of Ambiga’s house by distributing 200 burgers.

Malaysia Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Alliance (Ikhlas), the NGO behind the protest said burger stall owners had suffered losses amounting to RM200,000 due to the April 28 rally.

On May 15,  a group of 15 army veterans carried out butt flexing exercises facing her house. In reaction to the protest she said that it was a “targeted and planned harassment”.

Ambiga had said that since people know where she lives, they have constantly been coming to her house asking for free burgers and merely standing at her gate calling out her name.

On May 18,  there was an attempted break-in at Ambiga’s office in Damansara. She did not rule out intimidation tactics to scare her from pursuing the Bersih cause for clean and fair elections.

Protect the rakyat, stop the tasteless humour

While Ambiga’s privacy continues to be infringed upon, the police does not find it troubling enough to warrant action.

Instead, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar had declared there was nothing wrong with protesting in front of her house as these protesters did not trespass on private property.

Likewise, the police continues to downplay the attempted break-in at her office. Ambiga in her police report had mentioned that two men on a motorcycle have been following her for several days.

Would the police’s reaction be the same had Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s house been the target of those unhappy with his leadership which is riddles with corruption, nepotism and cronyism?

Or is it a case of ‘pilih bulu’ or choosing whom to protect based on their skin colour?

Khalid’s comment that it was not wrong for protesters to demonstrate in front of Ambiga’s house is full of ambiguity. Is creating nuisance outside the residence of a person not unlawful? Also, is it unlawful to sexually harass an individual, albeit the distance involved?

If it is not, then the time has come for such acts to be criminalised. Khalid has to stop making a fool of both himself and the police force.

When non-governmental organisation WargaAMAN said it would set up stall outside Khalid’s house in Ampang on May 20 to distribute thosai for free to the public in an attempt to promote the dish, Khalid found it humorous enough to order a ‘thosai telur’ and suggested that the stall be set up at a nearby field since his house was not a suitable location.

Khalid clearly lacks wisdom in discerning the gravity of an issue. Trying to display his sense of humour which was tasteless at best, he has only reinforced the people’s belief that the police force is on a tight leash of the ‘powers that be’.

As for premier Najib, how can he expect the rakyat’s mandate to rule the country when as a leader who claims that he puts “people first” above all else, he is not the least concerned about the threats and harassment being made against a member of the public?

Najib has also failed the rakyat when he opted to ‘play’ spectator each time Umno and Malay right wing Perkasa demanded that Ambiga’s citizenship be recalled.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Ambiga is not winning anything. Ambiga has put those hands up in surrender because Ambiga has not addressed Malaysia’s lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

And the pity factor does not count though shouldn’t some nice healthy soldiers warm Ambiga’s ‘Rightful MB of Perak Nizar destroying‘ cockles? Memories of voters apparently are very short and proper understanding of Ambiga’s ambivalence and role in Perak’s loss, or her Bersih ‘riot’ methods without lawsuits seem very shallow. Ambiga LOST. Much like PM Najib (that much worse because BN actually has the mandatre to change things but does not), Ambiga failed to address the above 3 items, so don’t encourage ‘Ambivalent’ Ambiga by saying ‘Ambiga is winning’.

Winning is when the above 3 items are implemented. Every other riot, retaliatory butt flex or non-vegetarian burger means nothing to the Rakyat, makes no real difference in law, in black and white on day to day society. Every day lost by Ambiga’s inaction to address the above 3 items is the Rakyat LOSING, a nation divided along lines of race and faith with parasite coalitions on all sides except 3rd force.


Suhakam to probe Bersih 3.0 for police violence – UPDATED @ 11:52:37 PM 21-05-2012 – By Clara Chooi – May 21, 2012

A Bersih demonstrator is surrounded by police officers near Dataran Merdeka, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. — Picture by Jack Ooi
KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 — The Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) has agreed to conduct a public inquiry into the Bersih 3.0 rally, saying today it could “no longer wait” for Putrajaya’s independent panel to release its terms of reference.

The commission, in a brief statement here, added that its decision to conduct the inquiry was made “upon serious consideration”, following its receipt of numerous accusations that excessive police force had been used against civilians during the April 28 event.

“The commission had wanted to, but can no longer wait [for] the release of the terms of reference of the independent panel established by the government as they have yet to be finalised.

“Notwithstanding the investigations to be carried out by the said panel, the commission is obliged to carry out its own public inquiry,” it said.

The commission added that it holds the jurisdiction to conduct such an inquiry under the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia Act 1999.

Suhakam pointed out that its own monitors had observed the electoral reform movement’s third rally for free and fair elections in the streets of the capital. Following the event, it received numerous complaints, reports and memoranda from the public, human rights and professional groups.

Each complaint, it added, came with a call for an independent inquiry into the event.

Apart from opposition party members and Bersih 2.0, the Bar Council had also urged Suhakam to probe the incidence of violence during the rally, insisting that the panel formed by Putrajaya would return biased results.

Their contention is that Putrajaya’s panel is headed by former Inspector-General of Police Tun Hanif Omar, who had, in the days following the rally, called its participants communist sympathisers and alleged that the event was meant to overthrow the government instead of push for free and fair elections.

Suhakam had conducted an inquiry into Bersih 2.0’s July 9 rally last year and found that the police had used excessive force on protesters.

This year’s probe, it said in today’s statement, would be chaired by the commission’s vice-chairman, Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee, and assisted by Commissioners Professor Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Abdul Majid and Detta Samen.

Its terms of reference include determining if there were violations of human rights during and after the April 28 event, and if such violations had occurred, to determine how they transpired, what directives or procedures had contributed to them and which agencies were responsible.

The commission will also recommend measures to be taken to ensure such violations, if any, do not recur.

Suhakam is also calling for public submission of evidence and information regarding claims of excessive use of force during the assembly.

“Members of the public and the media who had witnessed any acts or incidents relating to the allegations of human rights violations, or who believe that they may be able to give relevant information and/or documents and other evidence including video/photo recordings pertaining to these or other such allegations are invited to contact the commission as soon as possible,” it said.

The deadline for public submissions is by 12pm on Monday, June 4.

The commission can also be contacted by telephone (03-26125600), facsimile (06-26125694/5620), email ( or in person at its premises on the 11th floor of Menara TH Perdana, on Jalan Sultan Ismail here.

The April 28 rally, which saw tens of thousands gather at six different locations before heading to Dataran Merdeka, was peaceful until about 2.30pm when Bersih chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan asked the crown to disperse.

But the former Bar Council president’s call was not heard by most of the crowd who persisted around the historic square which the court had already barred to the public over the weekend.

Just before 3pm, some protestors breached the barricade surrounding the landmark, leading police to disperse the crowd with tear gas and water cannons.

Police then continued to pursue the rally-goers down several streets amid chaotic scenes which saw violence from both sides over the next four hours.

Several dozen demonstrators have claimed that they were assaulted by groups of over 10 policemen at a time and visual evidence appears to back their claim, but police also point to violence from rally-goers who also attacked a police car.

The police car then crashed into a building before some protestors flipped it on its side.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

No academics or activists in Suhakam, just low level disinfo power brokers, strawmen and puppets. Suhakam should be blamed for the neglect of Malaysia’s lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

; that led to Bersih. In fact had Suhakam done the job of filing lawsuits and speaking against apartheid and so many human rights abuses, instead of being all armchair blogger for the past 5 decades (at least filing lawsuits in 1975 for the failure to review removal of Special Privileges as per the Reid Commission’s recommended 15 years – almost 60 years now . . . ), Bersih would never have happened. Suhakam only turns up at the last moment and sad to say NEVER EVER challenges the apartheid and extreme religion that leads to ‘Bersihs’. This will be another ra-ra farce and ‘NGO’ fetting exercise rather than an attempt to end apartheid or file lawsuits or amend laws. Suhakam is a failure thus far, dont get too excited readers, as a single independant candidate intent on ending apartheid will be stronger than another 100 years of Suhakam’s so-called ‘probes’ or another 10 more Bersihs which again I stress have no legal basis just as BN’s apartheid has no legal and even Syariah basis.

Just another group of well educated strawmen out to get the limelight but never out to END APARTHEID. Like so many disappointing and self serving outfits, political parties or NGOs, Suhakam sat by and ignored apartheid like so many ‘activists’ while aware of the REAL activists who suffered without any recourse to justice. This probe is a sick SANDIWARA that will result in nothing, much less a lawsuit or a MLK style UN delegation to highlight APARTHEID and EXTREME RELIGION in Malaysia.

Act now Suhakam  to END APARTHEID or confirm that Suhakam is just another member of the self serving hegelian dialectic ignoring UNHCR Article 1 and for Muslims the SIn of Asabiya and Quran’s Surah An Nisa.

CONTACT UN, CONTACT NAM – END APARTHEID. Prepare that Prepare that MLK style delegation (maybe with that nepotism beneficiary, funeral fund loving CM character) to END APARTHEID.

Voters, BN is apartheid, corrupt, has allowed aspects of extreme religion, and refuses to use that mandate BN NOW ALREADY HAS to better Malaysia by granting above 3 items, PR if unable to address the lack of above 3 items, is self serving non-pro-active, self glorifying, unable to keep their campaign promises, alsovery nepotistic, so vote instead for 3rd Force Parties like : KITA, JATI, MCLM (whats left of MCLM), PCM, Borneo Front, MoCS Sarawak, Konsensus Bebas, HRP/Hindraf and PSM, ABU, PRS, STAR etc..


Fallacies spun by critics of the Bar — LoyarBurokkers ( – May 22, 2012

MAY 22 — The Bar Council and the Malaysian Bar (“the Bar”) have been criticised recently as being pro-opposition. This is because of the Bar’s press statements and its extraordinary general meeting resolution regarding the police brutality shown at the Bersih 3.0 sit-down rally. The common theme adopted by critics of the Bar is that the Bar was not fair, or even-handed, as the Bar were more critical of the police than it was of the other parties involved.

Some of the more popular criticisms were summarised in Roger Tan’s article “Unswayed by fear or favour” which was also published in the Sunday Star on May 20, 2012. In summary, he says the following:

1. The Bar in condemning the police brutality must be equally aggressive in its condemnation against the protestors who “behaved like rioters and anarchists”.

2. The Bar had prejudged the issues by passing the resolution because by doing so “the Bar had already come to a conclusion that all those acts listed therein had been committed by the police”.

3. The Bar should have demanded an apology from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim because “it was his men who were reportedly the ones who removed the barrier” which was “the trigger point”.

This statement is written immediately in response to Roger Tan’s article, but also addresses others who have been critical of the Bar on this issue. We intend to address the second criticism first, then the third and first criticisms. Our reason for this will become apparent as our reply develops.

The Bar did not prejudge the issues

In his second criticism, Roger says that the Bar should only pass the resolution condemning police brutality after a finding has been made by an independent body such as Suhakam. However, Suhakam relies on the evidence of witnesses, and often conducts a hearing several months after the event. The Bar based its stance and resolution on the observations of 80 lawyers who formed a team of observers of events during Bersih 3.0. The purpose of assembling and mobilising this monitoring team was precisely so that the Bar would be able to rely on their eyewitness accounts, and not those of friends, media, the police, or post-event photos or videos. The observations of the monitoring team were recorded and compiled within hours on the day itself, and thereafter fine-tuned and completed. We have no reason to doubt the credibility and observations of the team, and neither have we heard of substantiated allegations about them.

Aside from the Bar monitoring team and its report, since that day many other eyewitness accounts have emerged, including photos and videos that speak for themselves. Significantly, on this occasion, even media members were not spared. We even had the embarrassing incident where Al-Jazeera’s reporter Harry Fawcett had to report via Skype from his iPad as his team’s video camera was smashed by police while they were recording police brutality against protestors.

Most importantly, many previous Suhakam inquiries — the November 5, 2001 Kesas Highway Incident, the June 17, 2003 Kundasang Incident, the May 28, 2006 KLCC Incident, the May 27, 2008 Persiaran Bandar Mahkota Cheras 1 Incident, the July 9, 2011 Bersih 2.0 Incident — found that there was excessive use of force by the police, and evidence of police brutality. Numerous complaints by victims led to the said inquiries, the findings of which thereafter vindicated the complaints leading to damning conclusions about police conduct. These many reports do not just show isolated instances of police brutality: Bersih 3.0 was not a one-off. There is a pattern of regular use of excessive force and brutality in violation of human rights by the Royal Malaysian Police Force. Despite these many reports by Suhakam, and despite the findings of the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysia Police, the police have not made any serious attempts to school themselves in the prevention of human rights violations.

Regrettably, Roger is sceptical of the 80 monitors appointed by the Bar Council because they are not named, as he “would certainly like to know their political inclinations” to satisfy himself that they “were independent-minded in their conclusions”. Firstly, five widely-respected senior members of the Bar, who were a part of a “roving” team of monitors, were named and had their observations separately documented: Christopher Leong (vice-president of the Malaysian Bar), Steven Thiru (treasurer of the Bar Council), Datuk Ramachelvam Manimuthu, Ramdas Tikamdas, and Roger Chan Weng Keng. Apparently it is not enough that lawyers of this calibre verify and endorse the report.

More importantly, what does one’s political inclination have to do with stating a fact about whether Malaysian citizens were assaulted and battered by the police, and whether there was excessive use of force in accordance with international human rights standards?

Whilst Roger Tan has left the Bar Council, it is unfair to assume that the Bar Council would not have trained these monitors properly bearing in mind this is not the first assembly monitoring mission dispatched by the council. His flippant remarks greatly disparage those members of the Bar who volunteered to serve on the monitoring team, implying as it does that they would allow their personal prejudice to influence their professional duties. It is part of our job as lawyers to put aside our personal prejudice in order to advance the cause of justice.

Rather conveniently, whilst casting these aspersions on others, Roger himself does not reveal his strong affiliations to a particular political party. Employing Roger’s logic, one wonders, perhaps, whether commentators in The Star, for example, should also be required to divulge their political affiliations and leanings before their opinion pieces are published. But we will not venture into the realm of the fallacy of argumentum ad hominem to discredit the views of others, as Roger disappointingly has.

Roger’s comments suggest that we should not immediately make conclusions even if we see a group of uniformed policemen beating up an unarmed citizen who lies helpless on the ground because there were extenuating circumstances. And even if numerous members of the Bar, members of the public and journalists documented such incidents of brutality. The fact is, the police are supposed to treat each person they arrest as if they are innocent until proven guilty. The police should only use reasonable force in arresting someone. If they have to resort to force, they should only use force that is proportionate to the threat faced, and only enough to ensure the person’s arrest.

Roger cites the example of the Bar postponing its EGM with regards to the VK Lingam video clip scandal while it waited for the Royal Commission of Inquiry to complete its task. Roger however seems to overlook the fact that the video clip sparked the groundbreaking Walk for Justice in September 2007 which saw about 2,000 lawyers marching to the PM’s office. The other difference with that example is that with Bersih 3.0, the Bar monitoring team saw police brutality with their own eyes, and not through a video clip. It is obvious that this is not a comparable precedent.

What is this obsession with Anwar Ibrahim?

In his third criticism, Roger insists that the Bar should similarly demand an apology from Anwar because he was reported to have instigated the removal of the barrier. But Roger must understand that one must distinguish between credible first-hand reports by Bar monitors, and accusations by obviously partisan members of Barisan Nasional and its media.

This is where Roger shows an obvious inconsistency — whilst saying that the eyewitness accounts of the Bar’s monitoring team are insufficient to be relied upon, he says that the Bar should demand an apology from Anwar for an incident that no one on the Bar’s monitoring team witnessed. Despite the many eyewitness blog entries, photos and videos, there has been no compelling evidence either way to show who removed the barriers, or whether their removal was facilitated by the police, public or opposition members. On what basis is Roger suggesting that the Bar demand an apology from Anwar?

Let us for one moment set aside the question whether the court order prohibiting entry into Dataran Merdeka was unnecessary, wrong in law and unconstitutional. Let us also assume the barriers in question were covered by the court order. Even assuming that the order was validly executed by the police, did it necessitate the extreme use of non-lethal force to arrest and disperse the small group of people who breached the barrier? Bearing in mind that the Bar’s resolution was on police misconduct, and not about who removed the barrier, it is even more disconcerting that Roger implies that the police may excessively and disproportionally tear-gas and beat the innocent just to get at those who did breach the barrier.

The Bar need not have condemned the protestors

Finally, Roger develops the basis of the criticism that the Bar is not “independent” by stating the Bar failed to condemn with equal vigour lay members of the public who he says acted “like rioters and anarchists”. Many labour under the misapprehension that to be “independent” an organisation must always be even handed and restrained in one’s remarks. But that is a fallacy. And it is an even greater fallacy when it concerns injustice.

Police brutality is a violation of a human right. A violation of any human right is manifest injustice. Police brutality per se is an injustice. The presence of police brutality has tainted the Royal Malaysian Police as surely as a drop of blood stains a uniform. An injustice perpetrated by even one from an institution set up to serve the cause of justice deserves the harshest condemnation. There cannot be any restraint in condemning abuse of power. As a police force meant to be independent and professional, the Royal Malaysian Police are kept to higher standards than lay members of the public. So the Bar cannot be swayed by fear or favour; it cannot be hesitant or even handed in condemning an injustice that is police brutality. Here is an Executive institution that is well-funded and well-staffed with wide powers taking action against unarmed people. It is state against the individual person, and the Bar stands — must stand — for the latter.

What Roger and many who adopt this line of criticism fail to explain is how the condemnation of police brutality amounts to an endorsement of the opposition. This criticism reveals more of their own political prejudice than that of the Bar. Their criticism strongly suggests a belief that criticism of the police is the equivalent of criticism against the political party in government. Their criticism also reveals that they are the sort who think that perception is reality.

It is only those who are so immersed and drenched in politics that adopt such a worldview. The Bar’s criticism and the facts it relies on are an inconvenience to their perception. Ultimately these popular criticisms against the Bar are not borne of logic or facts, but a need to feel good.

There is one further reason why we would not have voted for a resolution that condemned those members of the public who turned violent. The fact is that most thinking Malaysians who have access to the alternative media — and therefore do not rely solely on the bare-faced propaganda of our mainstream print and broadcast media — are not convinced that these so-called “rioters” are as blameworthy as the police.

The police put razor wire across our city roads, turning Kuala Lumpur into a war zone before any violence had ensued. The police obtained a totally unnecessary court order prohibiting entry for four days into Dataran Merdeka, without any notice or opportunity to the organisers of Bersih 3.0 to present their case despite ample time for them to do this. Then, when the disturbance started, it was the police who shot tear gas behind and in front of retreating protestors so that they were boxed in rather than allowed to disperse. Who ordered the closure of the nearby LRT stations so as to prevent people from dispersing? Who ordered the destruction of cameras belonging to journalists, and the reported censorship of Al Jazeera and the BBC? What justified the four hours of continued attacks on people who were already dispersing or having dinner? All this done against fellow Malaysians, who until the very end had taken part in an almost perfect rally.

As pointed out by Roger, the Bar’s resolution did expressly state that the Bar is concerned with and does not countenance acts of violence by rally participants, and are concerned by reports that police barriers were breached. In our view, that says enough. We did not hear any suggestions made at the EGM to amend the resolution. All the dissenters at the EGM agreed in principle that they were against police brutality. What more needs to be said really, seeing as the police were already actively identifying and hunting down those whom they say committed offences during the rally? The police had even stated that they would conduct a house-to-house search for these individuals. Compare this with the lack of action in identifying, let alone condemning and punishing, the police officers who committed violations of duty and human rights.

The Bar’s resolution was proper

The Bar was entitled and correct to issue the statements it did, and to pass the resolution it did. The resolution is fair in all the circumstances and was carefully worded throughout. The facts that it had gathered itself through the Bar’s own members were set forth frankly and properly, and the urgent action that was needed due to the unprecedented police brutality seen on that day was set out in an appropriate and immediate manner.

We are proud to have supported the Bar’s resolution and have no qualms about the Bar’s continued independence. We believe the vast majority of the Bar are totally in support of the resolution, and the comments against the resolution are the isolated voices of a few in the wilderness given undue prominence by propaganda organisations posing as the mass media.

It is telling that Roger states that “removing the barrier was the trigger point” and adds that it is “common sense” that “whoever first raises his hand against the other is the most blameworthy”. Words do not suffice to describe the disingenuous nature of the suggestion that the removal of the barrier is even remotely comparable to the brutal actions of the police. In any case, there have been no reports of barriers being “breached” in front of the Bar Council, on Leboh Pasar Besar — yet even then, water cannons and tear gas were fired there. Roger fails to acknowledge the clear reality that police reaction was not localised to Dataran Merdeka or to the participants there, and that other than at the Jalan Raja/Tun Perak junction, it was the police who struck first.

The actions of some members of the police force on that day were incidences of injustice that were so blatant that it should be impossible for anyone who purports to stand up for justice to remain silent. We have already seen concerted efforts — by the ruling coalition, the police, and those who are too politically partisan to distinguish clear acts of injustice from their political posturing — to distract from the injustice highlighted by the Bar’s resolution by attacking the Bar and casting aspersions on those who are doing no more than reporting what they saw with their own eyes.

The Bar must continue to fight for those who cannot speak up for themselves, and whose rights are oppressed by the might of the state. That is our duty, and one that we hope members of the Bar will continue to discharge without fear or favour. –

* This response is jointly endorsed by Edmund Bon, Fahri Azzat, Janet Chai, K Shanmuga, Mahaletchumy Balakrishnan, Marcus van Geyzel, Seira Sacha Abu Bakar, and Sharmila Sekaran.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

No Human Rights aware legal degree holders or professionals in Bar Council, just Human Rights ignorant egoists and inactive overeducated overglorified persons not using the Bar Council’s mandate. Bar Council should be blamed (and have their degrees removed by any foreign prestige universities) for the neglect of Malaysia’s lack of :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;that led to Bersih. In fact had Bar Council  done the job of filing lawsuits and speaking against apartheid and so many human rights abuses, insted of being all armchair blogger for the past decade, Bersih would never have happened. Bar Council only turns up at the last moment and sad to say NEVER EVER challenges the apartheid and extreme religion that leads to ‘Bersihs’. This will be another ra-ra farce and ‘lawyer’ fetting exercise rather than an attempt to end apartheid or file lawsuits or amend laws. Bar Council  is a failure thus far, dont get too excieted readers, as a single independant candidate intent on ending apartheid will be strronger than another 100 years of Bar Council’s so-called ‘condemnations’ or another 10 more Bersihs which again I stress have no legal basis just as BN’s apartheid has no legal and even Syariah basis.

Just another group of well educated glorified strawmen out to get the limelight but never out to END APARTHEID. Like so many disappointing and self serving outfits, political party or NGO, Bar Council  sat by and ignored apartheid like so many ‘activists’ while aware of the REAL activists suffered without any recourse to justice. This probe is a sick SANDIWARA that will result in nothing, much less a lawsuit or a MLK style UN delegation to highlight APARTHEID and EXTREME RELIGION in Malaysia.

Act now Bar Council to END APARTHEID or confirm that Bar Council is just another member of the self serving hegelian dialectic.

The Bar’s resolution does not address the above lacks in democracy that have led to abuses and riots through the past few decades, and ALL CITIZENS have MANY qualms about the Bar’s continued independence as long as the Bar Council does not address Malaysia’s lack of the above 3 items. The Bar has not been fighting for those who cannot speak up for themselves, and whose rights are oppressed by the might of the state. That is their duty which could be discharged by addressing Malaysia’s lack of the above 3 items, and one that we THE CITIZENS not of the 1%ter run farcical 14,000+ Bar Council mambers who have never addressed APARTHEID and RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM, lack of social and entertainment freedoms, and the citizens hope members of the Bar will BEGIN to discharge – 1st world Human Rights by amending the Constitution and the Law – without fear or favour (preferably with lowering of election deposits as well so that political posts will not be limited to those of wealth but also be available to even the poorest). – @AgreeToDisagree in response to)

Voters, BN is apartheid, corrupt, has allowed aspects of extreme religion, and refuses to use that mandate BN NOW ALREADY HAS to better Malaysia by granting above 3 items, PR if unable to address the lack of above 3 items, is self serving non-pro-active, self glorifying, unable to keep their campaign promises, alsovery nepotistic, so vote instead for 3rd Force Parties like : KITA, JATI, MCLM (whats left of MCLM), PCM, Borneo Front, MoCS Sarawak, Konsensus Bebas, HRP/Hindraf and PSM, ABU, PRS, STAR etc..

CONTACT UN, CONTACT NAM, Al-Azhar University in Cairo (Sunnite Islam’s Highest Authority), or even BRICS-PIIGS-ALBA – END APARTHEID. Prepare that MLK style delegation to END APARTHEID.

5 Articles on Malaysian Politics : The Price of Pakatan’s Non-Stance om the items, PAS needs to think geopolitically (with Hudud on mind no way), More (hopefully not) Hegelian Dialectic by Pakatan, Red Tape to COunter Red Tape : Hey Bar Council, remove bad or unequal portions of Law and Constitution, not complicate with more regulations to counter existing bad regulations, Treachery via religious agenda against the Rakyat and polytheistic minorities by ‘Spiritual Fifth Columnists’ – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree 5th April 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, 3rd Force, amendments to law needed, Apartheid, Assemblymen have not declared assets, asset declarations, Bad By-Laws, bad laws, best practices, Bumiputera Apartheid, checks and balances, critical discourse, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, equitable political power distribution, hegelian dialectic, intent, Israel, Judaism, Mercenaries, misplaced adoration, MPs have not declared assets, Nepotism, neutral spaces, non-Muslim rights, non-Muslim Rights in a Muslim country, non-Xian rights, Pakatan, Pakatan Rakyat Coalition, PAS, political correctness, preventing vested interest, proselytization, racism, spiritual fifth columnists, term limits, unkept campaign promises, voting methods, voting strategy, waste of mandate, word of the law on April 4, 2012 at 6:17 pm


Anwar refused to resolve Chinese school issue in 1987, says Soi Lek – NEWS/COMMENTARIES – Tuesday, 03 April 2012 Super Admin

(The Malaysian Insider) – Chinese voters should not trust Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to resolve the Chinese school issue as the pact’s leader refused to fix the problem when he was education minister, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said today.

The MCA president said that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had refused to budge on the government’s appointment of non-Mandarin educated principals and senior assistants to vernacular schools in 1987, despite strident protests from Chinese educationists.

By doing so, Anwar, who now leads the opposition, caused Operasi Lalang that same year, he added.

“You must remember that in 1987, Ops Lalang was because of Anwar,” he told reporters at Wisma MCA here after a party presidential council meeting.

“He refused to do anything… So if the Chinese have so much confidence in Anwar, then we should have second thoughts.”

Operasi Lalang saw the arrest of 106 opposition leaders, Umno politicians and Chinese educationists under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

The crackdown — which the government has described as necessary to head-off growing racial tension between the Malays and the Chinese — also saw the printing permits for four papers revoked.

Dr Chua also pointed out that during his time as opposition leader, Anwar “has not said a word” about Chinese education, and claimed the opposition has hijacked the issue for political mileage.

He charged that Chinese education has not been given prominence in PR’s Buku Jingga manifesto, with the exception of some “motherhood statements”.

The Chinese should not be hoodwinked into saying the Chinese education issue is because of MCA. — Chua Soi Lek

The former health minister also hit out at rival party DAP for “hijacking” a rally held on March 25 to protest the shortage of qualified Chinese school teachers in the national education system.

DAP was using the issue to create “hate politics”, he said, which ultimately led to the alleged assault of deputy education minister and MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong by a protester at the rally.

“We condemn the violence and abuse directed at Wee Ka Siong. You may not like it but Wee Ka Siong was selected by the government to head the panel to resolve this issue.

“The Chinese should not be hoodwinked into saying the Chinese education issue is because of MCA,” he said.

Dr Chua added that while education is a federal issue, state governments could still extend their help to Chinese schools by giving land and subsidies for temporary teachers as well as electricity.

He also questioned why opposition-led states have not done more in this regard.

“Why have none of them done that? They only give RM5 million, RM3 million and talk around the whole world,” he said.

“MCA has given more than the Penang government… but we didn’t shout about it because we feel it is our responsibility to do so,” he said.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Anwar needs to endorse the below 3 items FIRST then the Chinese school issue in 1987 can be forgotten. But because Anwar has not endorsed with intent to grant, Chua Soi Lek and BN can still attack Anwar. if PM Najib endorses the 3 items though, Pakatan would be put at severe disadvantage.

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.


Malaysia fast turning into US lackey, slams PAS – Harakahdaily – Wednesday, 04 April 2012 07:45

Malaysia’s decision to stop oil imports from Iran has been described as yet another sign of the country fast moving towards becoming a US lackey, said PAS secretary general Mustafa Ali.

Describing the US-led sanction against Iran as part of Israel’s effort to destroy the Islamic republic, Mustafa questioned the present administration’s policy of bowing to US demands.

Must Malaysia acquiesce to every demand from United States?” he asked.

Reuters earlier reported that national oil company Petronas scurried to stop oil imports from Iran to avoid being punished by Washington. Prime minister Najib Razak, described by political analysts as the most pro-American prime minister the country ever had, had dismissed the impact of the decision saying the 50,000-60,000 barrels it used to buy daily were only “a small amount”.

Mustafa asked if Najib was “forever clinging to American tail coat”.

He recalled that during the premiership of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the country had been known as an outspoken member of the Non-Aligned Movement and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation,

and praised for its stance on issues affecting the developing world.

Although Mustafa strongly disagreed with Mahathir’s domestic policies, he said the latter’s courage to speak out against American foreign policy was commendable.

“I would implore our prime minister to take a leaf from Tun’s stewardship in facing the political hegemony of the world superpowers,” said the veteran PAS leader.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg quoted Petronas CEO Shamsul Azhar Abbas as saying that it was struggling to find alternative sources for its South African refinery.

Petronas’s Engen unit, which operates South Africa’s second-biggest refinery, is getting about 65,000 barrels a day of crude from Iran, he added.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Since UMNO Malays dislike Chinese and Indians enough to keep the Bumi system (even after the Reid Commission expired after 15 years and was not even reviewed), Malaysia needs a military backer that doesn’t like China too much. Russia is China’s friend, Indonesia dislikes Malaysia in many ways due to the maid abuse cases etc., Thailand has half a mind to reconquer Malaysia but lacks the go ahead from USA and has to watch it’s back where Cambodia etc. might take advantage of any Thai invasion . . . so who else but USA who is also China’s biggest trading partner?

Even the Sunni Saudis are close to USA enough to keep quiet if a ‘fellow Muslim state’ Iran gets attacked by Israel. PAS doesn’t know this?


Are you ready – Bersih 3.0 on April 28 at 2pm! – by  Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle – Wednesday, 04 April 2012 11:18

Free and fair elections movement Bersih 2.0 will hold its third rally on April 28 at numerous locations spread across the nation and also the world to enable the Malaysian diaspora to participate in the protest against Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government for refusing to clean up the electoral system before calling for polls.

Najib is widely expected to dissolve Parliament and hold snap general elections soon.

Bersih 3.0 will be held at 2pm and will be themed “Duduk Bantah” or sit-in protest. The Bersih organizers plan to make 8 reform demands as it did in its landmark July 9, 2011 rally.

Act of arrogance

The reform demands are a cleaning of the electoral roll, reforms to postal voting, the use of indelible ink, free and fair access to media, a minimum 21-day campaign period, the strengthening of public institutions, a stop to political corruption, and an end to ‘dirty’ politics.

Just a day ago, Najib’s Umno-BN coalition hammered through Parliament a heavily-watered down proposal from a special elections review committee, but refused to table a minority report expressing strong reservations for the recommendations.

“This is clearly an act of arrogance, denying space for us to explain and bowing to Umno’s demand. The minority report has shown that the Election Commission failed to guarantee rightful voters,” Anwar told reporters at the parliament lobby on Tuesday.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Hey idiot voters, no matter how loud you shout and or long you march or how many MPs and Assemblymen you beat up, nothing changes if your MP or Assemblyman has no intention of granting :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)

;or is corrupt, nepotistic and intends to be term limitless, if you the voter are undiscerning enough to just march and shout but ar e unclear on what policy your MP or assemblyman wants to write or amend for you, nothing will change even by BERSIH 10.0.

If you the marcher and voter will not become an independent candidate to prevent MPs or Assemblymen of the above bad types who refuse to UNAMBIGUOUSLY endorse with intent to grant the above 3 items in a reasonable timeframe, , nothing will change even by BERSIH 10.0.

Don’t bother to March, save your energy, identify what kind of person your MP or Assemblyman is and run for election yourself if your assemblyman or MP is not going to grant the above 3 items or has the bad qualities of nepotism, corruption etc..

Which MPs have voted against the electoral reforms? Vote out that MP. Which cabinet ministers have placed the bureaucrats who have prevented the electoral reforms? Vote out that Minister from their MP’s seat.

And from this voting method, eventually know that MPs do not make good Ministers, wrong academic training, and beholden to political party ‘lines’ make them UNVOTABLE. If refuses to amend bad laws, unable to keep campaign promises, nepotistic and corrupt, even worse.

Run for candidacy, not run around marching . . .

Smiling broadly is fine (well not so fine, as this march may end quite badly for those who get jailed – maybe this lot are smiling because they know the limelight on the backs of the suffering of those imprisoned will be to their benefit, that as high profile figures they will be well treated so they won’t care. This is cynical to say but recall what happened to MB Nizar . . . ), but if this lot has no intentions for the 3 items or qualms about the abuses, instead pretending to be saviours while putting marchers into harms way, then don’t waste time voters. All pictured above should instead be on a high profile delegation to the UN or NAM, or even the highest authority of Sunni Islam, the Islamic University of al-Azhar in Cairo – to demand the 3 items above listed on behalf of all Malaysians.

What is this uncivilised method of marching behind crocodiles that play all sides, that claim credit of on the backs of the efforts of others working in the background making the critical connections? Marching only gives them a chance to arrest voters with the stomach to march but without the smarts to run as candidates. Voting intelligently or challenging the MP for their seat is as important as if not better than marching.

BN = Racism and Corruption, some Nepotism

PR = Corruption and MORE Nepotism

3rd Force = Less Corruption only?(Best Choice)

Potential 3rd Force Parties are :

KITA, JATI, ABU, MCLM (whats left of it, but homophobes could find it a good party that has 20 candidates), PCM, Borneo Front, Konsensus Bebas, HRP/Hindraf and PSM maybe SUPP if SUPP wakes up (much like MCA/MIC and Gerakan will not) and perhaps SAPP and LDP . . .

And any independent candidates as in the list below who can CLEARLY take up the above 3 items (not like mealy mouthed Pakatan who looks preferring to keep the entire term limitless, apartheid system in place to benefit themselves, while refusing to amend abusive by-laws) . . . :

1) Maimun Yusuf

and potential wolves/turncoats in the making :

2) Koon Yew Yin (the plutocrat Civil Engineer who cannot commit to candidacy though suitable),

3) Ummi Hafilda (PKR hater at odds with PKR VP Azmin)

4) Another Auntie Bersih 2.0 the high profile one Ambiga Sreenevasan (who struck down rightful Perak MB Nizar while Bar Council President during BN’s 11th term)

5) Another Auntie Bersih 2.0 Annie Ooi Siew Lan (. . . basking in limelight for being old but not yet running for candidacy, is there a Malay and also Orang Asli Auntie Bersih as well who believes in the 3 items? Step forth and let the equality minded citizens of all races vote . . . )

6) Nobel Laureate Dr. Said Samad (who said he did not want to die useless but can’t find the inclination to run for candidacy at 76 . . . how much better off you are to not commit to offering the people a choice of independent candidate – educated, well loved, comfortably well off, lots of spare time . . . see candidate 1 Pak Samad and think . . .)

7) any plutocrats out there with a conscience ready to fund some 99%ters (especially Malays) to run on the above 3 items .


Race Relations Bill: Public Consultative Process Needed, Consider Equality Commission – 03-Apr-12 10:30 – Current Affairs Podcasts

Last month, Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said that discussions on the fate of the Race Relations Bill, along with other bills set to replace the ISA,  are likely to take place this month. This follows after years of flip-flopping on decision of tabling the Race Relations Bill in recent years.

In the following interview, Lim Chee Wee, president of the Malaysian Bar Council discusses:

– the government’s flip-flopping in pushing the Bill through since 2008

– whether the Race Relations Bill will be able to reconcile with Article 153

– how Bumiputera policies will be affected if the Bill is passed

– lessons to learn from the UK’s implementation of the Race Relations Act 1976 and its more recent Equality Act 2010, and how these lessons can be implemented in Malaysia

– whether the Race Relations Bill has the potential of being abused

– possible hurdles should the Bill be tabled

– whether legislation is the best way to deal with race relations issues in the country

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Bumiputra and Special Privileges should be entirely removed. We all know that the whole system is a crony enrichment system. After all citizens are equal, and if removed, there will not even be a ‘Race Relations Act’ needed since eveyone will be equal with the poorest (regardless of race or faith) gaining benefits and special privileges. The taxpayers are not going to pay the MPs and Assemblymen salaries to write bills for equality that are already implicit in Malaysia’s being a signatory of the Human Rights Charter and Human Rights Council.

UNHCR Article 1

All human beings are born *free* and *equal* in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Surah An Nisa 4:75

And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a *protector* and appoint for us from Yourself a *helper*?” And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a *protector* and appoint for us from Yourself a *helper*?”


MCA returns fire : Stop Boasting Teresa, you hampered construction of a Chinese school – Wednesday, 04 April 2012 18:26 – written by  Chong Sin Woon

Selangor exco Teresa Kok is incapable of fulfilling her responsibility because while she can boast about Pakatan Rakyat state government’s contributions in helping Chinese schools, yet Chinese schools still face many difficulties, including the lack of coordination between the state government and local authorities where she had announced the allocation of land to SJKC Keng Chee.

However, the construction committee of SJKC Kheng Chee were issued a stop-work order form the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ), thus preventing the construction progress of the school.

S’gor turned a blind eye

To make things more difficult for the SJKC Kheng Chee construction committee, the state government had turned a blind eye to this problem. The state government had only announced how concerned they were over the issue of Chinese education, leaving the school committee, parents, children and the construction committee in a dilemma as the project is still unable to proceed as scheduled.

Not only has Teresa Kok disregarded the construction of SJKC Kheng Chee by making things difficult for them through the Subang Jaya Municipal Council, she had also attended the 325 Chinese education rally and had asked the crowd to support DAP, which is prohibited by the rally’s organizers, and had incited the crowd there to humiliate Deputy Minister of Education Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong, thus causing the rally to not reach its objectives.


Chinese education is an important issue to the Chinese community, and Teresa Kok’s actions in politicizing this issue has caused the people to worry about the future of Chinese education.

Although DAP continuously promises to protect the rights of Chinese education, their behaviour during the 325 rally, such as waving political banners and shouting and showing the thumbs-down sign, and calling for the downfall of Barisan Nasional shows that their words are only a scam to secure the votes from the public.

If DAP manages to win the votes of the public, they had better be sincere and determined to solve the problems on Chinese education, because if they do not then the future of Chinese education will be ruined, and if this does happen it will prove to be an expensive mistake for the country.

Chong Sin Woon
MCA Youth Education Bureau chairman

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

By now we should all be clear that Polytheism (i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism etc..) is the antithesis of Monotheistic religions like Islam (PAS), Xianity (DAP) and Judaism.

Now Terasa being a JEWISH Chinese person (and likely the equivalent of the USA’s Jewish lobby in Malaysia – not that Israel should not exist, but being funded by such groups causes Terasa to become a cultic/Monotheist FIFTH COLUMNIST, something the Ruler’s Colleective shuld be very aware of . . . some citizens in Malaysia are parasiting off the populace – BN, others are 3rd Force neutral, yet others intend to proselytise and subvert – PR . . . ), will (if not openly) not want POLYTHEISTIC Chinese culture and Chinese language to dominate and hence try to prevent Polytheism from dominating the faith choice of the minority Malaysians by suppressing Chinese education which is heavily infused with Chinese culture.

Consider deeper that the Hindus who are polytheistic and mostly Indian have ALSO been sidelined wherever possible by Pakatan. In the culture department MCA has the correct mindset, probably much more polytheistic than Pakatan, though in the lapdog-minority-autonomy department, MCA loses out because having benefited from UMNO for decades, MCA somehow feels beholden to UMNO’s apartheid. MCA, this is just equality don;t confuse with money, least of all corrupt money which has no hold over anyone – how about demanding, along with MIC the right to Article 1 of the UNHCR from UMNO to grant the below 3 items :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

;so that the minorities will not end up as a colony of the USA and possibly the Israeli and Monotheistic group instead? This is just equality but PR is waging a religious war of proselytization, and a cultural propaganda war on behalf of the monotheists and Masonic type NWO groups . . . any NORMAL Malaysian want an agenda free political coalition instead of the Hegelian dialectic traitors on either side will vote 3rd Force.

BN = Racism and Corruption, some Nepotism

PR = Corruption and MORE Nepotism

3rd Force = Less Corruption only? (Best Choice)

Of course PM Najib could grant the above 3 items with the mandate BN currently has, and put a stop to all this b.s. . . .

4 Articles on Xians : Mormons and Adventists, Cultic Xians and Caffeine, Xianity and Satanism, Insanity identified in various guises – repostedby @AgreeToDisagree – 26th March 2012

In Abuse of Power, Apartheid, Christian fifth columnists, Church, corruption, dhimmitude, dishonest clergy, Equality, Ethics, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, Fundamentalism, if not contrived, Informed Consent, intent, Malaysia, media, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media sabotage, mental abuse, misrepresentation of facts, non-Muslim rights, non-Xian rights, politics, preventing vested interest, privacy, proselytization, psychiatry, public spaces, racism, separation of powers, social freedoms, soul, spirit of the law, spiritual fifth columnists, spirituality, technofascism, Technology, vested interest on March 26, 2012 at 1:26 am


Park Romney: Why he turned against the Mormon church – by John Sweeney BBC News

The Mormon Candidate is part of the latest series of This World, broadcast on Tuesday 27 March at 19:00 BST on BBC Two    Special report: US 2012

Mitt Romney, the front runner in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination for the White House, is a devout Mormon, but his cousin, Park Romney, also in the past a committed member of the church, now denounces it as a cult.

“I became convinced that it’s a fraud,” Park Romney told the BBC, explaining his reason for leaving the Mormon fold.

The two visions of Mormonism the Romney cousins present could not be more starkly opposed. Park Romney, 56, is a former Mormon high priest, who turned against the church. On the stump Mitt Romney, 65, has avoided mentioning Mormonism, instead talking generally about his faith, but he has been an active lifelong member of the church. [[[ *** Park Romney, those fundies are aiming for you. At Park Road recently, but it made it to Talca . . . if not contrived to sabotage via article, some help here with the lawsuits please? Some people here need a long stint of re-education and that includes entire medical institutions and even portions of the psyche establishment . . . *** ]]]

“If that is what they believe, it’s probably a good thing they leave, because we’re not a cult”

Jeffrey Holland Mormon Church Elder

He was a Mormon missionary to France in the 1960s, studied at the almost-exclusively Mormon Brigham Young university and rose to become first bishop, then “Stake President” (diocesan leader) in his home state of Massachusetts.

He led Sunday services, ran Bible classes for children and looked after a 4,000-strong congregation in Boston for five years in the 1980s.

Like all Mormons, he is expected to give 10% of his annual income – no-one knows how much he is worth, but it is estimated at anywhere from $150 million to $1 billion – to the Church and not drink tea, coffee or alcohol.

Committed Mormons wear special under-garments, and Romney is believed to follow this tenet of his faith too.

Park Romney’s criticisms of the church are fundamental.

Along with other ex-Mormons, he questions founder Joseph Smith’s prophecies – for example Smith’s translation of an Egyptian scroll, part of the Mormon book of Abraham, which Egyptologists say is a fraud.
The Mormon faith

The church was founded in the 1820s in New York State before moving to Utah in 1860
Mormons believe their founder Joseph Smith found golden scripture plates buried by an angel
The church is estimated to have 14 million followers and to be worth $30bn (£18.9bn)
A recent poll said one in four Americans would be less likely to vote for a Mormon candidate

“There’s compelling evidence that the Mormon Church leaders knowingly and wilfully misrepresent the historical truth of their origins and of the Church for the purpose of deceiving their members into a state of mind that renders them exploitable,” says Park.

Such accusations are rarely heard in the US, a nation founded on the principle of freedom of religion.

“It’s not something you’re supposed to talk about,” says Prof Robert Putnam of Harvard Kennedy School.

“Whenever the issue of Romney’s Mormonism has come to the surface, there’s been lots of condemnation across the political spectrum for raising the issue of his religion,” says Putnam.

“I’m not saying it’s not relevant, but it’s not talked about in polite company.”

Mitt Romney’s biographer, Scott Helman, agrees.

“There are plenty of ways in which people try to cause alarm among some voters over it, but it’s not something you’re allowed to say explicitly,” he says.

“But a certain function of reminding voters who might have some predisposed notion about Mormonism that maybe it is strange, maybe it’s weird.”

Ex-Mormons tend to be the church’s most outspoken critics.

One thing that particularly agitates them is “shunning” – allegations that former church members are denied access to family members who remain in the church.

Park claims this has happened to him.

“I am alienated from my family,” he told the BBC.

“Their doctrine, their protocol and their culture as enforced by bishops encourages the families to disassociate themselves from the apostate.”
Mormon worshippers at annual conference – file pic 2009 The Church has its headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah

Mormon Church elder Jeffrey Holland denies shunning occurs.

“We don’t use that word and we don’t know that practice.

“If I had a son or a daughter who left the Church or was alienated or had a problem, I can tell you I would not cut that child out of family life,” he states.

The Mormon Church maintains that it does a great deal of good. Its leaders say they have given more than $1bn in aid around the world since 1985.

The allegation that the Church is a cult, made by Park Romney and other ex-Mormons, is denied by Elder Holland.

“If that is what they believe, it’s probably a good thing they leave, because we’re not a cult.

“I have chosen this church because of the faith that I feel and the inspiration that comes, but if people want to call us a cult, you can call us a cult,” Elder Holland says from behind his desk.

“But we are 14 million and growing.”

Why Mormons Don’t Drink Coffee or Tea – by Lura Lee

Have you noticed that most followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) commonly called Mormons, don’t drink coffee or tea? You’ll see them enjoying herbal teas (tisanes), hot cider, and many true believers even drink caffeinated soda. The casual observer may jump to the conclusion that this is 1) a law, 2) must have something to do with caffeine. Neither is accurate. This article goes into detail to explain the historical significance, context, and modern interpretation of the prohibition/exhortation against coffee and tea for Mormons.

The Word of Wisdom

Followers of the LDS church believe in a book of scripture called The Book of Mormon, and the concept of continuous revelation. They believe that the Holy Spirit continues to communicate with humans. Thus, the prophet Joseph Smith received a spontaneous manifestation of God’s insight for living correctly on February 27, 1833. This insight was written down and incorporated into the Doctrines and Covenants of the Church; specifically, these insights are referred to as the Word of Wisdom. It may be an apocryphal story, but it is said that Joseph Smith was moved to ask for God’s insight on the matter of tobacco, and the revelation that resulted included guidance related to the use of tobacco, “warm drinks”,”strong drinks”, wine, meat, herbs and grains.

A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion-
To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days
Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.
Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation-
That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him.
And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make.
And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies.
And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill.
And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.
And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man-
Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

The common hot drinks of the time were coffee and tea. But this was a dietary shift for Joseph Smith’s contemporaries, the generation of Mormon Pioneers.

No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith by Fawn M. Brodie – Mormon Pioneers

Mormon pioneers had a relatively high literacy rate compared to other people around the world in the 1830s – 1850s. To a large extent, this can be attributed to the fact that they had

Protestant roots and they needed to read Scripture in order to properly practice their religious beliefs. Keep in mind that the United States at this time had no federal program of education for its citizenry. Most states and municipalities didn’t either. Compulsory, standardized, universal education was a reform of the early 1900s. Still, many of the middle-class pioneers were literate, kept diaries and read guide books prior to embarking on the overland journey west to Utah, which came to be known as the Mormon Trail.

The most popular books of the time were: William Clayton’s The Latter Day Saint’s Emigrant’s Guide (1848), and Joseph Ware’s The Emigrant’s Guide to California (1849). All of the guides of the time included recommendations for provisioning the wagons. For example, Andrew Child’s Overland Route guidebook included foodstuff recommendation for three men to include 50 pounds of coffee and 2 pounds of tea, even the LDS leadership recommended packing coffee, tea, and alcohol for the 1846 overland journey. But while they were packing the wagons, they may have contemplated the advantages of quitting any coffee or tea habit they had acquired while living in Illinois. They were fleeing religious persecution, after all, so they intended to minimize contact with non-believers, and coffee and tea won’t grow in Utah. So, to some extent, the rejection of tea and coffee amongst the Mormon Pioneers was a mechanism for building Mormon identity at the most basic, formative, constitutive level.
Next to Godliness?

The current debate over coffee, tea, caffeine, and other “hot drinks” boils down to a difference in interpretation about whether this particular portion of the Doctrines and Covenants is an outright prohibition or merely counsel. During the Temperance movement years, the Mormons referred to the Word of Wisdom to eschew alcohol consumption, and became associated with strict Prohibition reform. Around 1921, the Mormon Church switched from the use of wine in religious ceremony to water. Today, it seems that full participation in the Church (participation in the Mormon Temple) is granted to those who are strict adherents to the Words of Wisdom. But there is still room for debate on the specifics of what it means to “strictly” adhere to the tenets of the Words of Wisdom. Even today, there is a lot of discussion about whether it is just coffee and tea, whether cola is ok, whether decaf coffee and tea are ok, etc.

Essentially, the Church leaders recommend the rejection of any drink that might be habit forming. “With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided.”(Clifford J. Stratton, “Caffeine–The Subtle Addiction,” Tambuli, Mar. 1990, 25)

Now, coffee is seen as part of that slippery slope that leads away from God. Coffee, booze, marijuana, cocaine… all a defilement of the temple that God gave us.
If Not Coffee — What?

So, in lieu of coffee, what hot beverages do Mormons enjoy? Well, they used to drink Postum. They were crazy for Postum. Postum was a roasted grain and molasses drink produced by Kraft foods. It was discontinued from production in 2007. Mormons also favor the following drinks served both warm and cold: herbal tinctures, milk, and non-alcoholic apple drinks. They also enjoy Italian sodas, fruit drinks, and milkshakes.

Will the Next President Drink Coffee?

Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney isn’t interested in highlighting the differences between the LDS Church and other Christians. So he holds meet-n-greets in coffee shops where no one bothers to ask what’s in the coffee mug.

Does Mitt Romney drink coffee?

2011 Update: The site posted a photo of Mitt Romney at a Tampa coffee shop in front of a coffee mug. Did he drink coffee? The author of this article contacted Buddy Brew Coffee and spoke to a barista working duirng his visit. It was confirmed that Mitt Romney did not drink coffee during his visit.

Separate but Together

To a large extent the Mormon decision to not drink coffee or tea is born out of a desire to separate from the common, everyday world. Mormons separate from worldly temptations in order to be closer to God. They also separate from other Christians, Muslims, and Jews in order to bind to one another and establish identity as a group. One tangible way in which they are separate but together is through the tradition of abstaining from coffee and tea.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The occult significance if remembered accurately, (restating is NOT complete and blind belief – this is to remind any psycho-psyche DULLARD uncool people who are ready to ‘report’ ‘insane’ people . . . ) is the access to Satan’s face (lowest chakra point located) based on earlier postulations I made on this. With the aid of psychiatry and neuro suppressive drugs, various implants, control can be established by non-caffeine users against caffeine users? Perhaps tea in fact is another form of suppressant as well, NOT to be used among the working classes, and would appear to have effect on thetans? Is that why the Americans used to cut off the ears of Vietnamese? Do not use tea or coffee in the presence of the psychiatric establishment (who might be popping with psycho-active meds to increase their edge over everyone else etc..)?

Example of helpful medical implants used as instruments of control by the psychiatric and fundo religious establishment.

VNS and Me


1966 or should we say…19666? by  – Texe Marrs

The year 1966 was a banner year for the Prince of Darkness. Approaching the dog days of summer in that momentous year, Anton LaVey, a decadent, ex-circus entertainer, also a Jew, formally founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco. The date: June 6, 1966, or 6-6-66.

Across the nation, in New England at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, a young man spent the year 1966 in his somber new residence, the Tomb. The Tomb is a gothic, mausoleum-like stone building just off campus, adjacent to an ancient cemetery complete with Masonic tombstones, odd-shaped crypts, and what is called the “garden of the dead.”

A New Name for a Jewish Bonesman

The young man’s name was John F. Kerry (really John F. Kohn, Jewish). The Tomb, in fact, is the home of Chapter 322 of the Order of Skull & Bones, a satanic, clandestine lodge of Freemasonry first organized in 1832. Each year, fifteen (15; 1+5=6) carefully chosen young men of preferred bloodlines take up residence inside its thick walls. At their initiation into The Order, each man lies naked inside a coffin and “bonds” with his fellow bonesmen by confessing his sexual thoughts and deeds from birth. Then, each initiate is given, as a memento, a human bone with his new name “inscribed” on it.

Most of the names given the bonesmen are either pagan or else blatantly satanic. The late Averell Harriman, who went on to become Governor of New York State and U.S. Ambassador to Stalin’s USSR, was named “Thor,” after the Viking deity. Henry Luce, prime controller of Time, Life, and other publishing interests, became “Baal,” and McGeorge Bundy, foreign advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson, was tagged “Odin.”

The senior George Bush, at his initiation into Bones, was bequeathed the revealing title, “Magog,” a name identified in the Holy Bible as a chieftain of devils who plays a key role in prophetic events. Strangely, the name given his son, George W. Bush, by the Bonesmen was “Temporary.” I wonder why?

John Kerry speaks to the vicious, anti-Christian group, the Jewish ADL, May 6, 2004. Kerry has said that, if elected President, he will send 40,000 additional troops to Iraq.

It is a certainty that Kerry will fully execute the Illuminati’s agenda to conquer all Arab oil nations and turn over the rich assets of these countries to neighboring Israel. (Order revealing audiotape report, Hidden Agenda: Ten Awful Goals of the Illuminati’s World Zionist Council; $9 postpaid; phone toll free 1-800-234-9673.)

Long Devil Takes The Lead

My sources tell me that John Kerry’s occult, Bones’ name is none other than “Long Devil.” “Long Devil!” Of course, the man’s sizeable height might account for the “Long,” but what of “Devil?” Why did the influential alumni of Skull & Bones decide on this grotesque identity for John Kerry? What did—and do—they know?

Kerry (Yale, Class of ’66) went on to serve in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam, a nation then ravaged with bloodshed and war. Though in-country only four months, young Ensign (later Lt.) John

Kerry played a part in that bloodletting. Some say his refusal to release all his military personnel records indicates Kerry’s desire to cover-up ugly war crimes he personally helped commit.

On April 22, 1971, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a hippie-like, long-haired John Kerry, by then a civilian, told the Senators he had evidence of horrific atrocities and war crimes by Americans—soldiers, sailors, and marines—who had “personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires to human genitalia and turned up the electric power, razed villages reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, and poisoned food stocks…”

Was Kerry himself a perpetrator of some of these satanic crimes?

I use the term “satanic” advisedly, yet, that description is fitting, for truly, Satan was the mastermind behind the tortures, torments, and murders committed in Vietnam, both by Americans and by the Vietnamese.

Christianity to Vanish and Shrink

Yes, ’66 was a classic year for the old Devil. That was also the year that Beatle John Lennon assured the world that Christianity was on the way out:
“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink… I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now.”

Lennon, McCartney, and the other Beatles promptly went over to India to worship Hindu gurus, and they introduced their gurus and other vestiges of Eastern mysticism to western culture.

All done in a haze of marijuana, LSD, and cocaine.

The Illuminati-supervised CIA helped things along. The U.S. intelligence agency put Satanist Jerry Garcia and his Grateful Dead band (Al Gore’s favorite rock group, says Rolling Stone magazine) on its payroll. The CIA, according to Gerald Heard and SRI International, distributed tons of LSD to a spaced-out youth generation. This was a mind control experiment of the Illuminati elite.

The 60s saw Hollywood’s satanic sex classic, Rosemary’s Baby, hit theaters, a movie for which Church of Satan High Priest Anton LaVey acted as a consultant. Actor John Cassavettes, who played Rosemary’s Satan-worshipping husband in the movie, also played in a role in the movie, The Dirty Dozen.

By the end of the indulgent decade of the 60s, America had borne witness to blood murder, sexual kinkiness, and other Satanic mayhem on a truly epic scale, culminating in 1969’s Manson Family murders.  Satanist Charles Manson was inspired by Anton LaVey.

Others, too, were inspired by LaVey. Famous black actor/singer Sammy Davis, Jr., became both a religious Jew and a practicing Satanist, joining LaVey’s macabre congregation of devil cultists. Blonde bombshell Jayne Mansfield also joined the cult, as did scores of other Hollywood and Las Vegas types.

As far as Satan was concerned, ’66 was a very good year. Anton LaVey, a Christ-hating Jew, shown here performing a ritual with disciple, actress Jayne Mansfield, founded the Church of Satan in ’66. Meanwhile, John Kerry (Yale, Class of ’66) was enjoying the benefits of residence at The Tomb, headquarters of the Order of Skull & Bones.

But, let us again return to the subject of our essay: Long Devil, John Kerry.

Joining Hands with Mr. Chappaquiddick, Ted Kennedy

John Kerry has been, as we all know, richly rewarded for his faithfulness to Lucifer’s cause. Pretending to be an Irish Catholic, Kerry first became Massachusetts Lt. Governor, serving under a fellow occultist, super-liberal Governor Michael Dukakis. Then he joined “Mr. Chappaquiddick,” Ted (Catholic and Rosicrucian) Kennedy as a U.S. Senator, being elected from the state popularly known as The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts.

John Kerry seems to like things “Red.” Here he is sitting atop his bright, fire-red motorcycle (Insight magazine, April 13, 2004). He reportedly once took a $10,000 bribe from Johnny Chung, a lobbyist for Red China, and a Communist museum in Vietnam today proudly displays a picture of Senator John Kerry embracing Red Communist leaders. Kerry’s wife, Teresa, is a funder of numerous Red Communist causes. She originally hails from Mozambique, in Africa, a Marxist-led country. Insiders believe that during the Vietnam War, USN-Lt John Kerry aided in Operation Phoenix, whose symbol, or logo, was the red dragon!

All along, Kerry has kept his ties to various Communist front groups. At virtually every campaign stop today, you’ll see Kerry flash the old Communist clenched-fist salute, an enduring symbol of one’s devotion to Marxism/Leninism philosophy.

“Communism is Jewish,” the late Rabbi Stephen Wise proudly proclaimed. Indeed, Gus Hall, the man honored as the Chairman of the Soviet-funded Communist Party U.S.A. for so long, was a Jew. Like Kerry, he had changed his name to hide his Jewish race.

Comrade John Kerry frequently gives the Communist clenched-fist salute. The late Bella Abzug, Communist Congresswoman from New York and feminist gal-pal of Hillary Clinton, also loved displaying the Leninist/Stalinist salute.

The Lubavitchers and Kerry

Kerry’s brother, Cameron, is likewise a Jew, and proud of it. Recently, he marched side-by-side with a leader of the Lubavitcher sect in New York City. The occasion was the “Israel Day

Parade.” The Lubavitchers are a radical Jewish Orthodox sect. Many of them believe their late fuhrer, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, will rise from the dead to become the Jewish Messiah, Dictator of the World. They affectionately call Schneerson their “Rebbe.”

Cameron Kerry (right) sporting a “Pro-Israel, Pro-Kerry” t-shirt, attends an Israel Day Parade with friend, Yankel Wice, influential Lubavitcher leader and lawyer for the National

Association of Jewish Legislators.

If, however, the departed Schneerson does not show in time, John Kerry, the Jews’ new hero, may be just what their Master, the devil, orders. After all, Kerry is not only Jewish, his very name, albeit covert in nature, is “Long Devil.” How very appropriate a name for the antichrist. The Lubavitchers would likely not know him as antichrist. To them, he would probably be received as their beloved “Rebbe.”

Christians to Have Heads Chopped Off

The antichrist, the Bible prophesies in Revelation 13, “will make war against the saints” of God. He will have Christians and other resisters to his New World Order beheaded, say the scriptures.

Not surprisingly, the Lubavitchers—and many other Jewish groups—are big advocates of the Noahide Laws. They once actually got President George H.W. Bush (the senior Bush) and the U.S.

Senate to pass a resolution praising both their beloved Rebbe, Menachem M. Schneerson, and the Noahide Laws. And what, do tell, do the Noahide Laws say?

Well for one thing, the Noahide Laws require all Gentiles (Yes, Gentiles) to be “righteous.” Being righteous is defined as not worshipping idols. And Jesus is declared in the Talmud to be an idol!

In summary, under the Noahide Laws, all Christians who worship Jesus Christ are idolaters and will be duly punished by beheading!

Shouldn’t John Kerry’s Jewish brother, Cameron Kerry, a lawyer and pro-Israel activist and fanatic, be asked about his association with the Lubavitchers and other Jewish Talmudists?

Especially in light of Cameron Kerry’s recent trips to Israel, where he was wined and dined by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the bloodthirsty Butcher of Lebanon?




The United States is a country of many religions. The first words of the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution say: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Therefore, state does not establish, or endorse, or favor a particular form of religion and citizens are free to practice the religion they choose.

This tradition of religious freedom runs deep in America. Many of this nation’s early settlers were religious communities fleeing persecution in Europe; they were seeking a place where they could practice their own religion far from the state-sanctioned religions of their native countries.

America supports over 2000 different religious denominations, and in which more than 60 percent of the citizens can be found at least once a month in one of the almost 500,000 churches, temples and mosques.

Islam is considered one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States today. There are over 1,200 mosques in the United States – more than 60 percent founded in the last 20 years. The typical American mosque is ethnically diverse; nearly 90 percent have some Asian, African-American, and Arab members.

Early in their history, Americans rejected the concept of the established or government-favored religion that had dominated, and divided, so many European countries.

One of the first permanent settlements in what became the North American colonies was founded by English Puritans, Calvinists who had been outsiders in their homeland, where the Church of England was established. The Puritans settled in Massachusetts, where they grew and prospered.

The state of Rhode Island, is well known as a place where everyone enjoyed religious freedom throughout history. Two other states originated as havens for people being persecuted for their religious beliefs: Maryland as a refuge for Catholics and Pennsylvania for the Society of Friends (Quakers), a Protestant group whose members believe in plain living.

Even after the adoption of the Constitution in 1787 and the Bill of Rights (which includes the First Amendment) in 1791, Protestantism continued to enjoy a favored status in some states.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) were jailed in the 19th century for practicing polygamy (subsequently the Mormon Church withdrew its sanction of polygamy). More recently, parents have been convicted of criminal negligence for refusing to obtain medical help for their ailing children, who went on to die, even though the parents’ religious beliefs dictated that they refuse treatment because faith would provide a cure.


Liberal American Protestantism in the 19th century was allied with similar trends in Europe, where scholars were reading and interpreting the Bible in a new way. They questioned the validity of biblical miracles and traditional beliefs about the authorship of biblical books. There was also the challenge of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to contend with. If human beings were descended from other animals, as most scientists came to believe, then the story of Adam and Eve, the biblical first parents, could not be literally true.

What distinguished 19th-century liberal Protestants from their 20th-century counterparts was optimism about the human capacity for improvement. Some of the early ministers believed that the church could accelerate progress by trying to reform society. In the spirit of the gospels, they began to work on behalf of the urban poor. Today’s liberal clergymen — not just Protestants but Catholics and others, too — may be less convinced that progress is inevitable, but many of them have continued their efforts on behalf of the poor by managing shelters for homeless people, feeding the hungry, running day-care centers for children, and speaking out on social issues.

Evangelical Christians favor an impassioned, participatory approach to religion, and their services are often highly charged, with group singing and dramatic sermons that evoke spirited responses from the congregation. The South, in particular, became a bastion of this “old-time religion,” and the conservative Baptist church is very influential in that region. In recent decades some preachers have taken their ministry to television, preaching as “televangelists” to large audiences.

The trend toward removing religious teaching and practices from public schools has prompted some parents to send their children to religious schools and others to educate their children at home.


By the time of the Civil War, over one million Irish Catholics had come to the United States. In a majority Protestant country, they and Catholics of other backgrounds were subjected to prejudice.

Although Catholics were never denied access to public schools or hospitals, beginning in the 19th century they built institutions of their own, which met accepted standards while observing the tenets of Catholic belief and morality. On the other hand, the Catholic Church does not require its members to go to church-run institutions. Many Catholic students attend public schools and secular colleges. But Catholic schools still educate many Catholic young people, as well as a growing number of non-Catholics, whose parents are attracted by the discipline and quality of instruction.


Like Catholics, Jews were a small minority in the first years of the American republic. Until the late 19th century, most Jews in America were of German origin. Anti-Jewish prejudice was not a big problem before the Civil War. But when Jews began coming to America in great numbers, anti-Jewish groups appeared.

Usually, Jewish children attended public schools and took religious instruction in special Hebrew schools. The children of Jewish immigrants moved rapidly into the professions and into American universities, where many became intellectual leaders.

To combat prejudice and discrimination, Jews formed the B’nai Brith Anti-Defamation League, which has played a major role in educating Americans about the injustice of prejudice and making them aware of the rights, not only of Jews, but of all minorities.

By the 1950s Americans were described as coming in three basic varieties — Protestant, Catholic, and Jew. The order reflects the numerical strength of each group: In the 1990 census, Protestants of all denominations numbered 140 million; Catholics, 62 million; and Jews, 5 million.

Today the three-faith formula is obsolete. The Islamic faith also has 5 million, Buddhism and Hinduism are growing with the arrival of immigrants from countries where these are the majority religions. In some cases, inner-city Christian churches whose congregations have moved to the suburbs have sold their buildings to Buddhists, who have refitted them to suit their practices.


America has been a fertile ground for new religions. The Mormon and Christian Science Churches are perhaps the best-known of the faiths that have sprung up on American soil. Because of its tradition of noninterference in religious matters, the United States has also provided a comfortable home for many small sects from overseas. The Amish, for example, descendants of German immigrants who reside mostly in Pennsylvania and neighboring states, have lived simple lives, wearing plain clothes and shunning modern technology, for generations.

Some small groups are considered to be religious cults because they profess extremist beliefs and tend to glorify a founding figure. As long as cults and their members abide by the law, they are generally left alone. Religious prejudice is rare in America, and interfaith meetings and cooperation are commonplace.

Most Americans think religion is a personal matter not usually discussed in everyday conversation. The vast majority practice their faith quietly in whatever manner they choose — as members of one of the traditional religious denominations, as participants in nondenominational congregations, or as individuals who join no organized group. However Americans choose to exercise their faith, they are a spiritual people. Nine out of ten Americans express some religious preference.


The term “cult” is used to describe certain religious groups outside of the mainstream of Western religion. Social scientists divide religious groups into three categories: churches, sects, and cults.

“Churches” are the large denominations with an inclusive approach to life and include such groups as the Roman Catholic Church, the United Methodist Church, the American Baptist Church, the United Church of Christ and the Protestant Episcopal Church.

“Sects” are groups that have broken away from the main church. Sects follow the same pattern as mainstream religion but are more strict in behavioral demands placed upon members and emphasize their separation and distinctiveness from the larger culture.

“Cults” follow a very different religious structure. When social scientists began their discussion of cults in the 1920s, they were aware of only a few cult groups. A survey of religion in America (1949) listed twenty-seven cults.

The Christian approach to cults would include every group which has departed from orthodox Christianity (such as the Church of Christ, Scientist, the Latter Day Saints, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses) as well as those groups which have never made any claim to be Christian.

More recently there have been many debates on cults since the 1970s. The debates involved speaking to parents of people who were concerned with changes in their sons and daughters who had joined particular religious groups. These “cults”–The Children of God, the Church of Armageddon, the Unification Church, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and the Church of Scientology–had, they claimed, radically altered the personality of their children.

Anti-cult groups began to speak of “destructive cults,” groups which hypnotized or brainwashed recruits, destroyed their ability to make rational judgments and turned them into slaves of the group’s leader. Marcia Rudin, a popular anti-cult writer, listed fourteen commonly accepted characteristics of a cult:

Members swear total allegiance to an all-powerful leader who they believe to be the Messiah.
Rational thought is discouraged or forbidden.
The cult’s recruitment techniques are often deceptive.
The cult weakens the follower psychologically by making him or her depend upon the group to solve his or her problems.
The cults manipulate guilt to their advantage.
The cult leader makes all the career and life decision of the members.
Cults exist only for their own material survival and make false promises to work to improve society.
Cult members often work fulltime for the group for little or no pay.
Cult members are isolated from the outside world and any reality testing it could provide.
Cults are antiwoman, antichild, and antifamily.
Cults are apocalyptic and believe themselves to be the remnant who will survive the soon-approaching end of the world.
Many cults follow an “ends justify the means” philosophy.
Cults, particularly in regard to their finances, are shrouded in secrecy.
There is frequently an aura of or potential for violence around cults.

Anti-cult literature reflects a great concern with approximately 15 groups, though as many as 75 to 100 have received passing mention. Only five groups–the Unification Church, the Children of God, the Church of Scientology, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and The Way International–have received consistent coverage over the years of the anti-cult movement’s existence. Everyone who has looked at the cults agrees that the number of alternative religious groups has grown significantly during the twentieth century.

Only a few of the older cults–the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints–have attained a broad membership throughout the nation. Of those groups formed in the twentieth century, only a few, such as the American Muslim Mission (found in 1930), can count their membership in the tens of thousands. The more famous of the contemporary cults, such as the Unification Church (with 5,000 to 7,000 members) or the Hare Krishna (with approximately 2,500 initiated members), can count their membership in the thousands.

The large immigration of Asians in the last half of the nineteenth century brought the first Buddhist and Hindu teachers to the United States and threatened many West Coast residents. California could have become like Hawaii, which is one third Buddhist

The nonconventional religions also vary widely in their recruitment processes. Some, particularly those with Evangelical Christian roots (and a few which are Eastern, but reacting to Christian missionary activity) have an aggressive program of membership enlistment. Most others rely upon the distribution of literature or the sponsoring of introductory classes to which a potential convert must make the initial effort and attend.

Life in a Cult – Once a person joins a nonconventional religious group, he or she must begin to adapt to group life. New recruits will go through a program of education in group beliefs and practices.

Evangelical Christianity has been the mainstream of religion in America. In its attempts to be true to traditional Protestant Christian affirmations, it has been among the most conservative of religious forces and has commanded the largest segment of the religious public.


The Problem of Religion: During the 1970s several trends in American religion came together. Since the American Revolution, this country has been shaken by periods of social protest followed by national religious revivals in which the entire population, regardless of religious affiliation, gave a heightened attention to religious concerns. During such periods, new and alternative religions have been born or given surges of growth while the more traditional churches reaped the bulk of the harvest. Such a national revival occurred in the early 1970s on the heels of the social protests of the 1960s.

The first anticult association was called the Parents’ Committee to Free Our Children from the Children of God (later shortened to “Free the Children of God,” and popularly called “FREECOG”).

From its beginning, the anticult movement focused upon a single problem, the distress of parents whose young adult sons and daughters (to whom the literature typically refers as “children” regardless of age) had abandoned home, career, college, and a “normal” future for membership in a demanding nonconventional religion (i.e., a cult).

The anti-cult movement can point to one clear success. In its first decade of activity it has impressed upon the popular consciousness a negative image of cults. The media gave the anti-cult movement widespread coverage in both magazines and newspapers, which have featured accounts of life in and out of the cults by former members.


Because of its espousal of spiritual healing and its affirmation that Christian Science is incompatible with reliance upon materia medica, the Church of Christ, Scientist has been one of the most important of the nonconventional religions in America as well as a matter of intense controversy from the day of its founding.

The Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1919) who as a young woman had been continually hobbled with poor health. In 1862 she learned of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, a mental healer in Portland, Maine. In October of that year she traveled to Portland and placed herself under his care. She soon experienced some relief of her symptoms which she ascribed to his efforts. She became his student and took the opportunity, when offered, to pass them on to others.


The most successful of the many groups which have been labeled “cult”, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has over two million members and dominates the religious life of the Rocky Mountain area from Boise, Idaho, to Phoenix, Arizona. Started in the early nineteenth century, it has grown steadily worldwide.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, popularly called the Mormons, was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. (born December 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont). As a youth, Smith had moved from Vermont to western New York, near the town of Palmyra.

In 1839 the Mormons established the community at Nauvoo, Illinois which soon grew into the largest city in the state. A new temple was begun, and the Church entered a growth phase. During this period the first of the European mission efforts (later a major source of members) was launched.

They introduced the practice of polygamy and began by setting an example for the other Church leaders. The exact number of Smith’s plural wives is still a matter of conjecture (estimates range from 27 to 84), but there is little doubt that polygamy caused immense problems for the Church.

In 1852 they announced the practice of plural marriage as public doctrine and began a battle with the United States government that was to last for the rest of the century. In 1862 the first federal anti-polygamy bill was passed, and efforts were increased to prevent its practice. These efforts were strengthened in 1882 with the passage of the Edmunds Bill, which disenfranchised all people living in polygamy, and the 5-member Utah Commission established to enforce the provisions.

During the twentieth century polygamy was eradicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but it continued in Mormon territory, especially in Mexico where it was not illegal. A large Fundamentalist (polygamy-practicing community) still exists in the Western United States and Northern Mexico.

Members of the church are expected to refrain from the use of tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol.


Jehovah’s Witnesses are interested in you and your welfare. They want to be your friends and to tell you more about themselves, their beliefs, their organization, and how they feel about people and the world in which all of us live.

The name Jehovah appears almost 7,000 times in the original Hebrew Scriptures. Most Bibles do not show it as such but substitute “God” or “Lord” for it.

In just a century and a half the Seventh-day Adventist Church has grown from a handful of individuals, who carefully studied the Bible in their search for truth, to a world-wide community of over eight million members and millions of others who regard the Adventist Church their spiritual home. The name “Seventh-day Adventist” was chosen in 1860.

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Put 1 and 1 together, and beware of Xian fundo-leaning factions in DAP who’s agenda is not betterment of the Rakyat but self serving parasitisation of the people with a fundo slant, and even PAS’s fundo factions (God knows what these 2 top cliques leaders get up to talking about the Rakyat as if we had no choice in how we should live – DAP and PAS need to amend laws not plot and carve up Malaysia) – that may never want to end apartheid (again kudos to Hadi for sticking to distribution of power principles by not running for MB and sticking to the MP’s posts onlyb (though term limitles issue does arise), very rare this day separation of powers unlike others who hold multiple posts and undemocratically and unethically hold multiple posts (i.e. PM and Finance Minister, Council Chair and CM, MP’s seat and Assemblyman’s seat, etc.. – this is compoiunded by family members in the same position . . . ) . . . but the stand on other things is somewhat unclear to a degree and the public has no access to ask . . . ). Groups like Dong Jiao Zhong should field their own candidates, and those in DAP not of the nepotistic clique, or fence sitters, had better leave DAP if the nepotistic central committee’s family blocs cannot be displaced and join PCM or any 3rd Force parties (BN being too apartheid to vote for).

Does the UN know what is going on here in 3rd world Malaysia? Does this warrant Peacekeepers? An audit and withdrawal (also name and shame to vindicate so many victims) of offending psyche establishment ‘professionals’ degrees, or even other degree disciplines may be needed to keep some of our more ‘vocal activists’ safe from abuse? Some of us want to be among neutral citizens, live in a neutral agenda free world, not among cultists and religious fundos posing as politicians or regular citizens while claiming people they don’t like or who have different beliefs from them as being seriously mentally ill and needing to be put away, while the fundos and psyches themselves need to be put away.

I am sure this whole near 2 decades long episode has exposed a wider network of abuse and abusers that Interpol and even UN can act upon, the good guys and bad guys and their methods are now clearer outlined than ever . . . does the UN do lawsuits on behalf of peoples oppressed or abused in the 3rd world? Otherwise racists and corrupt 3rd world political warlords? Whatever citizens not of the above fundo-psyche abuse-racist types, please make sure you know why you vote for and only by the below criteria :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (anyone favouring any faith is no safe choice)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

4 Articles on Persia : Iran’s Royalty, Cautionary on Autonomy on Iran, Iran riddled with English spies?, A Possible ‘Reset Button’ for Iran (if Ahmadinejad has the guts) – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree –

In as close to original as possible, Ayatollah Khomeini, critical discourse, democratisation, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, House of Saud, if not contrived, Imperial Persia, Iran, Muslims, Orwellian, Padishah Emperor, politics, proselytization, social freedoms, spirituality, Zarathustra, Zarathustrian High Priest, Zoroastrianism on March 23, 2012 at 2:40 pm


Farda Audience Picks Late Shah’s Son As Iran’s Person Of The Year Friday, March 23, 2012 – By RFE/RL

U.S. – Iran’s former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, leading advocate for the campaign of “civil disobedience against the clerical regime,” at a press conference in Washington, DC, 22Jun2009

RFE/RL Radio Farda’s audience has chosen exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, the eldest son of the late deposed Shah of Iran, as the most important and most influential person of the Iranian year.

The selection is the result of an online poll that was timed to coincide with the Persian New Year and included thousands of respondents.

The 51-year-old Pahlavi has called for the prosecution of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on charges of crimes against humanity. He has also said he wants to unite diverse Iranian opposition groups and forces to eliminate the regime in Tehran.

Iranian director Asghar Farhadi, who was awarded an Oscar for best foreign-language film, finished second by just a few votes.

In February, Farhadi became the first Iranian filmmaker to win the prestigious Academy Award for his movie, “A Separation.” He dedicated his award to the Iranian people, whom he described as peace-loving.

His success sparked jubilation among Iranians, but the Iranian government canceled a ceremony that was due to be held in his honor in Tehran, without explanation.

The number three newsmaker of the year, according to those who voted in Radio Farda’s poll, are Iran’s political prisoners. Human rights activists believes several hundred Iranians are jailed in the country over their political activism and dissenting views.

Pahlavi received around 33 percent (4,028 votes) of the vote, while Farhadi followed with 31 percent (3,717 votes) and Iran’s political prisoners received nearly 10 percent of the vote (1,198 votes).

The poll was conducted online on Radio Farda’s website and its Facebook page. Some took part in the poll by sending e-mails and text messages to Radio Farda. In total, Radio Farda received 12,024 votes from Iranians inside and outside the country.

People were asked to vote on a list of 25 Iranian and international personalities chosen by experts, journalists, and intellectuals as the most influential figures of the Iranian year.

Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Musavi, Syrian protesters, jailed human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, and dissident writer and filmmaker Mohammad Nourizad were all in the top 10.

The poll was not intended to be representative of the views of the entire Iranian population.


“The poll was not intended to be representative of the views of the entire Iranian population.” – March 22, 2012 16:07 by: Sey from: World

I love this final line. Of course it’s not meant to represent the entire Iranian population, not even 1/3 of it.

The ones who voted on this poll are the Islamophobic expats and their Westernized counterparts in Tehran and other major cities, where the Westernization of Iran between the 1950s and 1970s is missed by the “modern” Iranians.

Things are not so “modern” in the provinces or pretty much anywhere outside Tehran, where religion and traditions still matter. But everybody always takes 8 million Tehranis as the sole representative for the entire 75 million Iranians.

I simply cannot understand those who want the Islamic regime to be replaced by a Western-friendly regime. Have you got not self-respect at all? I’m not protecting the lunatics who rule Iran today, but does your short memory does not allow you to see how the West treated your country as their game zone, how the Shah you love to protect so much was as oppressive and murderous as the mullahs?

With or without the mullahs and the Islamic republic, Iran would be in the same position it is today if it was ruled by a pro-Iranian nationalist regime, like the one of Mossadegh, whom by the way the West overthrew in most probably the first Iraq-like intervention in history. The West does not like countries that stand up to it and say “No, thank you”. They want silent and condescending slaves upon which they can rule.

Is that what you want for Iran?


A number of observers have written of rumours and allegations that the government of the United Kingdom has secretly supported “mullahs” (Shia clerics) in recent Iranian history, and in particular the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in his successful overthrow of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However, Khomeini rejected the charges.[1]

Beliefs of Iranian public,  Nishan Sahib, flag of the Sikhs – “Stylized Allah” used in Iranian flag

BBC Persian journalist Hossein Shahidi has talked about “the deep-rooted belief” among Iranians “that Britain is behind every move in Iran,” and in particular that the BBC radio is “credited with, or accused of, having brought about the downfall of” both Pahlavi kings, Mohammad Reza Shah and his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi whose thirty-seven-year rule was brought to an end by the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79.[2]

A survey of Iranian expatriates in Southern California found the leading explanation for the 1979 revolution to be foreign plots,[3] as did a recent survey in Isfahan.[4] It has been suggested by some Iranian observers (living outside Iran) that Iranians hostile to the revolution appear to feel more comfortable blaming outside forces than their own compatriots.[5]

A sinister connection between British India, the Iranian flag created after Iranian Islamic revolution, and Khomeini’s ancestry, has been put forth by some secular Iranians (generally expatriates) who opposed the revolution, according to Iranian author Hooman Majd. Khomeini’s paternal grandfather was an Indian who immigrated to Iran (to the town of Khomeini) in the early nineteenth century when India was a British colony. The stylized `Allah` (الله) on the post-Revolutionary Iranian flag, bears (according to the conspiracy theorists) “a remarkable similarity to the symbol of the Sikhs,” who’s historic homeland is the Indian province of Punjab. Majd himself is unconvinced by the resemblance, seeing the issue instead as reflective of “my compatriot’s love of and insatiable appetite for conspiracy theories.” [6] Khomeini has also been accused of having had a British father. According to an article in Persian Journal mentioned in and elsewhere, Khomeini may have been the son of British adventurer William Richard Williamson, a convert to Islam known to Arab Muslims as Haji Abdullah al-Zobair.[7][8]

According to a book by F. William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, a conspiracy to overthrow the Shah was hatched by the British and Americans in 1978 coinciding with the Iranian Revolution.

When “negotiations … under way between the Shah’s government and British Petroleum for renewal of the 25-year old extraction agreement … collapsed”. According to Engdahl, the end of the agreement meant “Iran appeared on the verge of independence in its oil sales policy for the first time since 1953.” To prevent this independence, Engdahl claims “American ‘security’ advisers to the Shah’s SAVAK secret police implemented a policy of ever more brutal repression” against anti-Shah demonstrators, while American President Carter “cynically began protesting abuses of ‘human rights'” caused by the American advisers policy. The British Petroleum company “reportedly” organized a “capital flight” from Iran,” and so on.[9]
[edit] Claims by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi himself asserted that, “If you lift up Khomeini’s beard, you will find MADE IN ENGLAND written under his chin,” in the later days of his reign as monarch.[10] This statement by Pahlavi was an adaptation of another saying, “If you lift a mullah’s beard, you will find ‘Made in Britain’ stamped on his chin.”[11]
[edit] 1978 Ettela’at article

On 7 January 1978[12], the state news agency Ettela’at also published an article accusing Khomeini of being a British agent and a “mad Indian poet.”[13]

According to the article

These days thoughts turn once again to the colonialism of the black and the red, that is to say, to old and new colonialism.

Black referring to feudal forces and red to communist ones. The two groups allegedly had formed an alliance to sabotage the monarchy’s modernization project. The article went on to say that when this alliance went looking for a clerical mouthpiece two decades ago to dupe the devout.

Ruhollah Khomeini was an appropriate agent for this purpose. It was said that he had spent time in India and was in contact there with institutions of English colonialism, and this is how he become known by the name `Seyyed Hindi`

The article further suggested that Khomeini’s opposition to the shah was prompted and paid for by British oil interests.[14]

Supporters of the Khomeini, outraged by the article, organized violent demonstrations in response, which eventually snowballed into the Iranian Revolution and led to the flight of the Shah about a year later.[15]
[edit] Post-revolution

Engdahl quotes Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as blaming not the British but the Americans for his overthrow.

I did not know it then – perhaps I did not want to know – but it is clear to me now that the Americans wanted me out. Clearly this is what the human rights advocates in the State Department wanted … What was I to make of the Administration’s sudden decision to call former Under Secretary of State George Ball to the White House as an adviser on Iran? … Ball was among those Americans who wanted to abandon me and ultimately my country.[9]


Unrest in Iran Inspires Pro-Democracy Activists in the Arab World – June 27, 2009 by TMO

New America Media, Commentary, NAM Correspondent

NAM Editor’s Note: Arab regimes haven’t publicly criticized or even mentioned what is happening in neighboring Iran, triggering much speculation among Arab bloggers as to why that is. The author of this piece wished to remain anonymous due to safety concerns.

Former Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi (the would be Padishah Emperor) speaks about Iran at the National Press Club in Washington June 22, 2009.    REUTERS/Larry Downing

DAMASCUS — Images of bloody protesters and crowds numbering in the hundreds of thousands in the streets of Tehran have been broadcast into living rooms across the Arab world for five consecutive days, enchanting and inspiring pro-democracy activists in a region where pushes for democratic reforms tend to be met with an iron fist.

Meanwhile, Arab regimes have largely remained silent over the contested election. Leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan—the major Sunni powers in the region—haven’t mentioned the elections or allegations of fraud. In normal circumstances, this would be strange — these countries are the regional archenemies of President Ahmedinejad’s Iran.

Some say the reason behind their silence lies in their fear of bolstering pro-democracy movements in their own countries. “The unrest in Iran frightens dictators in the region because it makes it harder for them to justify their own absolute authority,” says Syrian blogger Yasir Sadiq. “If they see tyrannies come down around them, they’ll be afraid.”

Whether or not the Iranian elections were “stolen,” Iran is a long way ahead of most Arab countries when it comes to democracy — the country has a functioning electoral system. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the Gulf states don’t hold elections, and in Egypt and Syria, “elections” are so tightly controlled that the results are always known in advance.

The state controlled media in authoritarian Arab countries have mostly downplayed the events in Iran. Government controlled newspapers like Al-Thawra in Syria, Iran’s strongest regional ally, have kept Iran off the front pages and run headlines like, “The West needs to stop intervening in Iranian elections,” using age-old claims of conspiracies to deflect attention from actual popular desire for democratic reform.

“Governments all over the Arab world accuse pro-democracy movements of serving the west, or of being tools of the CIA or Mosad (Israeli intelligence),” says Syrian freelance journalist Khaled Al-Khetyari. “They are just trying to manipulate people by using this language because the people in power don’t want their populations to analyze what is actually happening in Iran.”

The Obama administration has been relatively silent on the unrest in Iran. On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton said it was up to Iranians to “resolve this internal protest.”

Al-Khatyari says the U.S. administration’s measured distance is a strategy the U.S. should stick to. “The last American administration latched onto any internal opposition to regimes it didn’t like. This always hurts local movements because it connects them to a country that most people here see as harmful to the region and it justifies repression by our governments.”

Syrian blogger Yasir Sadiq says he is encouraged by the Iranian opposition’s seven-point manifesto being circulated on the internet, which calls for the “Dissolution of all organizations — both secret and public — designed for the oppression of the Iranian people.”

“It’s inspiring to see people in the Middle East call for the end of secret services,” Sadiq says. “Organizations like this have oppressed people in the Arab world so much.”

Sadiq is reticent to believe that what he calls Iran’s pro-democracy “intifada” could be exported to Arab countries any time soon. “It’s difficult to hope for this kind of movement in the Arab world. We have a long way to go, but we hope that eventually, something like that will happen here.”

For now, he says, Arab activists will attempt to learn what they can from their counterparts in Iran. For days, Sadiq has been pegged to Twitter, the social networking tool that has allowed Iranians to organize demonstrations while the Iranian government institutes a near blackout of internet services.

“Arab bloggers’ main interest in what is happening in Iran is in figuring out how Twitter can be used to organize and bring our voices forward in our own countries,” he says.

The government in Syria may eventually try to ban it, like they have with other networking sites like Facebook, but Sadiq says he is not deterred. “The more they ban, the more ways we will find to get around their restrictions.”

Filed Under: *The Muslim Observer, 11-27, International, Volume 11
Tagged: Administration, Al-Khatyari, Al-Khetyari, Al-Thawra, Damascus, democracy activists, democracy movements, Egypt, Government, Hillary Clinton, Iran, iranian elections, Jordan, Larry Downing, Middle East, NAM, new america media, President Ahmedinejad, Region, reza pahlavi, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tehran, the Gulf, U.S., Washington, World, Yasir Sadiq

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Hopefully Ahmadinejad is able to digest all of this response to this post. Given the above element of control in the Mullah establishment and link to Orwellian England, and the possibility by the above articles that Ayatollah Khomeni IS indeed a English plant somehow, (see how close the English are to the Saudis in some ways and the selective attacks on certain nations but complete bypass of Sunni nations in general), the autonomy of the Middle East could in fact lie upon Ahmadinejad’s ability to take control of Iran, reinstate the Crown Prince and civil society THEN also not be influenced by NATO and the ‘West’ as well to maintain autonomy while keeping the nation in one piece AND separate in the occult area as well, the greatest danger from a certain clique within UN, influence on behalf of a certain occult group to a degree.

Iran is actually part of the PERSIAN empire which esconced Zoroastrian faith which used Old Persian, but was conquered and converted to Shia Islam AND the Persian language replaced by Arabic language. The autonomy of the unascended Crown Prince Pahlavi must be confirmed, though the linguistic and cultural also religious state of the Persian revival very likely now depends on Ahmadinejad and the general knowledge of the citizentry in who they were before the violent conversions. Granted the old regime had abuses, but Iran as standing now a Theocracy does not look much different. If the proper education is given to those in the region to remember their Persiatic roots, Zoroastrian faith and immensly wealthy Persiatic culture also the Persian language and script, the inevitable freedom of an entirely subsumed people’s faith, language and culture will be effected. Ahmadinejad looks critical in this juncture for the fate of the Middle East. In fact Shia Islam could function alongside the non-theocratic and democratized state as well as per the Article 18 of the UNHCR, giving an opt out option for Iranians who prefer to seek religious refuge in Persia’s original faith of Zoroastrianism instead.

See original Persian script in below link :

Is Ahmadinejad able to do all this then cement the entire action with an immediate withdrawal from politics to let a second liner follower take over in an exceptional gesture unseen before in the power mad Middle East? Great events were never possible by men faint of heart, that refused to use the resources at their hands, and by these actions (if Ahmadinejad is able or daring enough to) from an enemy, Iran’s new Persian Empire constitutionally headed by the reinstated Crown Prince (with ceremonial powers and a reasonable stipend determined by the people of Iran hereon) could well be the reset button than Iran needs that could revive civil society in place of theocracy and potentially dominate the Middle East . . . remember Zarathustra and with the lessons learnt after the fall of the Old Shah, may the spirit of the great Persian philosopher guide Ahmadinejad and Persia’s Crown Prince and perhaps new Padishah Emperor . . . by these actions also Ahmadinejad would have firmly made a mark on the history of mankind as the reviver and protector of the True Persia

If this post offends please inform I will remove if asked.

2 Articles on the Hegelian Dialectic Methodology : Both Sides Unvotable? Then Get the 3rd Force Tea Partiers to GET SERIOUS and stop Teabagging around and get your candidate ready, A Note on CNN – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 11th March 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, 3rd Force, Catholic Church, insularism, intent, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media tricks, Migration, neurolinguistics, NLP, politics, proselytization, social freedoms, spiritual abuse, Teen Pregnancies, USA on March 10, 2012 at 6:49 pm


Teen Mother Humiliated Expelled – The Huffington Post   Laura Hibbard   First Posted: 03/ 7/2012 5:43 pm Updated: 03/ 9/2012 10:38 am

Shantelle Hicks, a 15-year-old from Gallup, N.M., claims she was first forced to leave the Wingate Elementary School and then publicly outed as being pregnant in front of all students and employees, KOB-TV reports.

Wingate Elementary is a public boarding school for Native American children from kindergarten through 8th grade.

Now, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, Hicks has filed suit against the school, claiming they violated her constitutional rights. According to the complaint, school officials kicked Hicks out of school after learning of her pregnancy, but readmitted her four days later when the ACLU of New Mexico informed the school that it’s illegal to deny a student access to education for being pregnant.

But two weeks after her readmission, a school counselor and the director of the middle school forced the teen to stand before the middle school assembly and announced her condition — allegedly before anyone but her sister knew.

“It was so embarrassing to have all the other kids staring at me as I walked into the gymnasium,” said Hicks, according to KOB. “I didn’t want the whole school to know I was pregnant because it’s not their business, and it wasn’t right for my teachers to single me out.”

According to the suit, school officials informed Hicks that she would be a “bad example” to other students, and requested she attend another school, a Washington Post local report states.

“It is outrageous that educators would subject a young woman in their care to such cruelty,” ACLU of New Mexico cooperating attorney Barry Klopfer said, according to the Indian Country Today Community Network.

The girl’s mother, Vicky Hicks, says her daughter’s public humiliation was wrong.

“[Students] shouldn’t be treated differently because they’re pregnant,” Hicks told KOAT-TV.

The lawsuit was filed on March 6th and seeks punitive damages and declaratory relief for violation of constitutional rights to equal protection and of the Title IX prohibition against sex and pregnancy discrimination in education.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Surprised but there are ‘reasons‘. Perhaps there could one day be sample mothers opting to give birth on the school stage (these teen mothers should be able to choose who is allowed to attend, so those who were less than friendly or competitors at whatever will not benefit from the event) to empower and educate future mothers, instead of this humiliate hapless teen mothers thing. Try watching the (very tritely and superfluously presented) valley girl personae (couldn’t they choose a more race neutral type who is less quasi-cool to do the part, Ellen Page kinda killed the lead character . . . ) going about her business in Juno (2007 Jason Reitman). Santorums quip about pregnant mothers is quite an eye opener . . . one would think he’d be more inclusive than to go he’ll ‘kick them in their butt‘. Most of them are kids and got pregnant accidentally, though a small percentage were being disruptive and are indeed destroying society, overall though most are unfortunates who already are pariahs by their state. Whats wrong with you Santorum?


Paul Krugman: Ignorance Is Strength – Posted: 03/ 8/2012 11:21 pm

Students holding placards try to attract other students to their cause during a protest at the California State University of Los Angeles campus on March 6, 2012 in California. (FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images)

One way in which Americans have always been exceptional has been in our support for education. First we took the lead in universal primary education; then the “high school movement” made us the first nation to embrace widespread secondary education. And after World War II, public support, including the G.I. Bill and a huge expansion of public universities, helped large numbers of Americans to get college degrees.

But now one of our two major political parties has taken a hard right turn against education, or at least against education that working Americans can afford.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Read the cynical truth (or postulation on the final unpleasant result of Big Government) in this response.

The GOP wants an underclass, and yet cannot afford the risk of 3rd world labour and the potential for terrorism and overpopulation. They want a pool of trailer trash to use, so they keep education unaffordable. Cynical suppression of upward mobility. Fearfully (also suspiciously) though, the Church by condemning use of prophylactics could actually be CREATING an underclass out of unabortable (3 week max to act before personhood) orphans in orphanages which will further propagate the underclass . . . this will ensure an uneducated poor group which are then AFTER seeding by the Catholic Church, are ‘encouraged’ by the far right Liberals to racially mix and change names and be gay or whatever as well as remain poor and thus take over work that migrants used to do. Hegelian dialectic. Get the picture?

A Note On CNN

Just look at the title above – Ignorance is Strength?!? Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) or coincidental bad scripting? Then try this soundbite from CNN’s advert/interlude : ” . . . can be punished for that opinion” . . . as announcer Richard Quest reads from the script and montage of images. Punished for that opinion?!?

1st Amendment and Freedom of speech, implies that opinions in themselves are not punishable. Much like Voltaire’s right to freedom of speech and by extension right to life. What does CNN mean can be punished (for an opinion)? Any opinion may also be arguable from an ‘existential rights’ standpoint. And people will decide to listen or not to listen, who does the punishing? CNN almost sounds like the devil’s advocate here by flippantly spouting ‘chilling effect’ scripts in their interludes.

All persons are equal so why does voicing an opinion result in punishment?!? Disappointing or more than dangerously ambiguous, CNN!

Richard Quest, like most big name anchors earns 5-10 million yearly and has been doing so for the last 3 decades or more. Wealth distribution and fair treatment of stockholders you networks! A supposed to be serious company like Time Warner (unless crypto-nepotism/proxy-ism enrichment intent), would never pay a mere mouthpiece at such quantums for fear of offending the stockholders. 10 anchors means up to 100 million in salaries yer gits! An ‘anchor’ deserves to retire at no more than 5 times a 401K at most, and even 2.05M for an news reader is excessive by today’s standards! Too damn toff! 1% plutocrat news anchors are an abomination and a blight upon society !!!

3 Articles on Spiritual Issues : Xianity Critiques, Reclaiming Losses in West-East Religious Wars waged by Hollywood (Buddhism being the weapon of choice against Hinduism), Nusantaran Animism of the Orang Asli attacked by Pakatan inspired Monotheism – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree

In as close to original as possible, Buddhist fifth columnists, Christian fifth columnists, colonialism, conflict of interest, critical discourse, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, historical, Hollywood, intentional omissions, media traps, media tricks, misrepresentation of facts, neo-colonialism, proselytization, spiritual abuse, spiritual fifth columnists, spirituality, Straw-women, Strawmen, subtle insults, unprofessional behaviour on March 6, 2012 at 12:18 pm


The Bitter History Of The Man-Made God, page 1 – Topic started on 5-3-2012 @ 09:57 AM by Starchild23

The modern “God”, as defined by man, is a ruthless tyrant, and man a blind race of sheep. I will keep this short, as I don’t feel like providing specific examples. Those of you who have read the Bible, or are familiar with its stories…you who remain utterly faithful to the literal interpretation of its fables…you are the ones I am addressing. You are the blind ones, the ones who believe in the man-defined God (despite the fact that man, as he is, could never hope to understand God) and the ones who will know what I’m talking about as I explain this.

God is a tyrant, and unworthy of our worship (not that we need to worship ANYTHING).

Here is my justification in stating this. God arrogantly created man without the knowledge of good and evil, then demanded that they obey a rule which requires the knowledge of good and evil, then kicked them out when they fail to do so as a result of being inadequately equipped to deal with the issue. Not stopping there, he proceeded to cast Satan out into the same world as them, so that no matter what they did, they would fall into the same trap again and again.

Afterwards, God kills a bunch of people for not paying any attention to him, then plays with them, testing to see what kind of depraved acts they are willing to commit to save their own skins from “damnation”, before going “PSYCHE! got ya! ”

Then God sends his only son to be killed in order to save the people, tricking them into accepting his gift of absorbing all sin, then demanding payment in the form of eternal servitude…the alternative being the fiery pits of hell for all of forever.

And in the end, he will completely ransack the earth, killing half of his blindly devoted servants and making the other half question his sanity, before sending his son back saying, “Did you miss me?” and destroying anyone who ever questioned him. Unless they beg like dogs, of course.

This is the God we have been encouraged to worship for centuries. A loving God, yet a malicious and jealous God. A contradictory, egotistical, whimsical, and highly vindictive all-mighty being.

Is this the entity we are supposed to put our faith in? One that, for all of his power, can think of no other way to erase our sins or redeem our souls than to kill his own son and demand that we serve him for all of eternity?

I call troll. And if you disagree, then you choose to remind faithfully blind. Me, I was given brains for a reason. I’m not choosing ignorance. And let me make it clear that this description (which I firmly believe to be accurate) applies to man’s definition of God. The God we are lead to worship these days is not truly a god, but man’s definition of God. I do not worship a definition. I do not worship a sloppily drawn, crumpled, half burnt image…which is what man’s version of God amounts to. I don’t even believe that the true god desires to be worshiped. I believe that given the choice, the true god would rather have us love each other than Him/Her/It. Because if all it leads to is wars, then why exist at all?

I believe in a god…but not the god that is being pushed upon us by our peers. This is a god who has been constructed, drawn, colored in, and defined by the very men who worship him. Man, who has crippled and despoiled both the world and him/herself. I don’t worship man’s ideals, or anything that has been interpreted by man.

I trust in the true god, not this malicious, vindictive tyrant which the Bible itself says is “jealous and angry.”

Jealousy and anger are not symptoms of true love. And any omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent being would know this.

Wake up, and recognize the true god…the one within you. Namaste.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This article would have been good if not for the proselytizative ‘hail’ FAIL in the form of Namaste at the end of the article. Unsubtle. Just makes people hate Hinduism (not that Hindu is hateful in itself), as much as any ethnically centralized faith does not encompass everyone.

I have often wondered about the bullying nature and innate bloodthirst emanating from the words within some religious texts and dropped Xianity quite quickly because the ‘jealous god’ thing. A jealous god deserves no worship and probably is evil in nature. Whats so godly about god that behaves like a sick minded jealous ‘ex’ or a childish ‘angry’ teen (Sounds like a great ?porn? title  . . . (Jealous and Angry Exes From The Kingdom of God . . . )? Worship occurs of the follower’s free will if the God is good, also needs the follower’s personality to be compatible with the ‘commandments’ of that god. Otherwise no worship for that god. The Christ triple entity was a man, but grew as another might have and still may, into the Son of God after deifying the Mother (who became an immaculate conceiver, this is not unknown in nature and CAN occur in hermaphrodites . . .).

Any man (being an image of God), can grow into Sainthood/Anti-Sainthood via many paths (isolation so as to communicate with the spirit appropriate to one’s nature, tantric practices, sacrifice of others (hence the taste for war and on a civilian scale – murder, serial or otherwise), sacrifice of self, formation of world wide hierarchies, propagation of culture and language (this can be reversed or countered via massive populations or cultural programming, linguistic insularism), military might and proselytization being the lowest and weakest, easiest to displace form of Sainthood), and can if well read enough, eventually begin a new religion to finally claim relations to the existing ‘God’ who will most doubtless make known signs of that attempt’s success.

A Holy Book and body of evidence and life events, some of which becomes Apocrypha that splinter sects take up to justify more claimants to godhead by relation, via forming hierarchies, gathering massive wealth, but the truest form of such attempts when enmired in gross materia rather than spiritia, result in the twisted mobs of insane claiming the status of faithful, others becoming inquisitors to tyrannise the population, and others sacrificing lives via crusading – the first ends up as limited/discriminating Ecclesia that can never encompass all humanity, the second tend to be the mirror opposite of paedophiles (both different sides of the same coin), the third depending on the victory of defeat are intended REVISIONISTS or book burners that will rewrite history and befuddle the minds of future generations as typical barbarians do.

It is well possible that overpopulation with low caste persons lowers spiritual power of man overall, that population needs to be lowered so that other species can grow to balance humanity or somehow have other species match humanity’s growth to balance energic balance, humans per se are not balanced emanators of energy, without the other lifeforms’ emanations – which will gather in spirit (en masse) in HUMANS instead to which any individual’s will (the more balanced the more right being given to determine the destiny of the planet) may express itself.


India constructing larger replica of Angkor Wat – The new version of the landmark is set to become the world’s largest Hindu temple complex – by Zoe Li, Hong Kong Editor 6 March, 2012

Angkor Wat replicaThe symbol of Cambodia, soon to be shared by Bihar, India.

Imitation might be the the sincerest form of flattery, but in the global tourism racket replication is the sincerest form of poaching on someone else’s turf.

There’s the “Eiffel Tower” in Las Vegas, and, of course, the entire Austrian village currently being cloned by a Chinese company.

None of these “if you can’t beat ’em, copy ’em” projects, however, are as audacious as the one now underway in India, where a larger version of Cambodia’s UNESCO World Heritage Site Angkor Wat is being built on the banks of the Ganges in the state of Bihar.

A foundation-laying ceremony for the temple took place on March 5 at the 16-hectare site near Hajipur, about 25 kilometers north of Bihar’s capital Patna.

The Mahavir Mandir Trust will undertake the US$20 million project that will take an estimated 10 years to complete. The trust has built a number of hospitals and temples in Bihar, mainly funded by donations.

“The launch of the project has been timed to coincide with the ongoing centenary year celebrations of the foundation of Bihar,” the trust’s secretary, Acharya Kishore Kunal, told The Hindustan Times.

Angkor Wat is Cambodia’s national icon and was built in the early 12th century by King Suryavarman II.

It was first a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Later it became a Buddhist site.

Bihar’s version of Angkor Wat will be called Virat Angkor Wat Ram temple. It hopes to claim the title of world’s largest Hindu temple complex with the tallest point reaching 67.6 meters, slightly taller than the original.

“The selected site for construction of the temple has mythological significance,” said Kunal of the site in the Vaishali district. “It is believed that the deities Ram, Lakshman and Vishvamitra had visited and were welcomed by King Sumati of the Vaishali kingdom.”

Angkor Wat is Cambodia’s biggest tourist draw and appears on the Cambodian flag. The number of foreign visitors at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat Archaeological Park reached 206,000 in January 2012, nearly 30 percent more than the same month last year.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Occult Theories on what is going on behind a supposedly simple building project.

Look here, the Chola Imperium and other ethnic Indian empires dominated alongside China, the Indo-Chinese region all the way to the borders of China, Australia, up to Zoroastrian Persia (modern Iran, less so Afghanistan, tajikistan and Pakistan though Indian cultural influences are known to have had headways even then – at least until the 2nd Crusade Golden Horde Mongols charged through the region after the first crusade as Hun Mongols possibly . . . ) and controlled even the southern and middle regions of the Malay (Orang Asli) archipelago and the Western parts Indonesia. That is why there was even an Angkor Wat at all. What this building does, is recall and revive the Indian Hindu-cratic Imperium centralised in India. The Cham and other co-opted proto-Malay/Orang-Asli/Aboriginal peoples were very much Hindu for centuries (until the rise of the Malacca Sultanate perhaps?) and mixed with Indian bloodlines in some cases.

This is no copy but a REVIVAL. Who knows the Vaishali Court could be revived as well? If India installs a High Priest at this new temple with the appropriate symbolism and intent etc.. Cambodia could well again be a spiritual colony of India rather than a spiritual PUPPET of the West. Cambodia, you should know that your neighbours are Asians and headed by India and China, why do you attempt to be the Israel of East Asia and try to offend these 2 powers? The more we look at things, Hollywood appears more like a propaganda weapon than anything else, while entertaining, being full of agenda makes the outfit not much pleasure to be around.

if you can’t beat ’em, copy ’em” is inaccurate, India CAN actually beat Cambodia military at any time, and is not copying Cambodia but REMINDING ‘them’ instead where the Angkor Wat structure was conceived. Nepal is where Buddhism came from, India is where Hinduism came from, the architecture in Angkor is HINDU. The Buddhists merely co-opted the structure. Quite rude of CNN to say this is copying, more skewed reporting CNN? If you read Buddhist history, a terrible affront was made to Agni by cobnversion of Agni’s worshippers to Buddhism during the would be egregore Buddha’s early days, and shaving of their hair (which are the gift of the gods).

Occultism wise, this is India’s (and also Hinduism’s) response to the seemingly innocuous ‘The Cradle of Life’ Die Wiege des Lebens 2003 and nominally the ‘Temple of Doom’ Steven Spielberg 1984. Fully expect that Die Wiege des Lebens and Steve Spielberg are BOTH Masons and Occultists, Hindu India is now retaliating and ‘recalling’ if you ask me. Both Buddhism and Hinduism are fighting for dominance with West partly using Buddhism, making spiritual inroads into Indo-China via Cambodia AND Buddhism as well as Tibet AND Buddhism – suffice to say Buddhism is being used as a weapon of ‘Reverse Spiritual Colonisation’ against the East (or the Indian and Chinese members of the BRICS – Russia and the best of Marxism only being partially subverted through Gorbachev).

There’s the “Eiffel Tower” in Las Vegas that is occult in intent (siphoning off the luck of of France to that gambling capital if you ask me), and, of course, the entire Austrian village currently being cloned by a Chinese company is a way to keep tourist dollars back home, and for the poorer Chinese who cannot afford the exchange rate and may never get to go to Europe because it the trip will be too expensive. I think after these series of events, the ether and astral would be conscious and aware of what is happening in film and satellite emissions henceforth. There will be no more trickery of the akhasic and any ‘God-forms’ via these false events that have no reality equivalent in the physical world.

If the colonial powers would be ready to return all stolen physical artifacts as identified throughout this blog, they may yet have a future among the conscientious and honest among mankind whatever their faith system, otherwise Arizona (perhaps the worst of slaughters in NAs???) and California (Hollywood may have brought down that state) and any other locations offending, (for a start at any rate) will be ‘finished’.

TE Lawrence’s diaries – Ubar – location of Iram / Iram- city of Pillars / Iram- city of Pillars

Set in the sweltering Arabic deserts and other locales, Nathan Drake is once again accompanied by Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan in a quest to find the mythical city ‘Iram of the Pillars’ .

The story goes that Iram was a magnificent city that was the jewel of the desert sand. Many ancient kings and kingdoms traded with Iram and it flourished unperturbed until a chance encounter with the Deity, who disapproved of certain practice. According to Islamic texts Legend has it that the King Shahhad defied warnings from a prophet Husd regarding certain practices and God unleashed huis fury on the city. It was driven into the sands, its glory, wealth and its people perishing into the endless sands of the desert. Referred to in some texts as Ubar ( it is the region that is called Ubar and the people Ubarites) Iram is considered forever lost. Westerners become aware of this legendary lost city in the translations of 1001 Arabian Nights. The legendary Lawrence of Arabia himself, TE Lawrence, referred to the city as the ‘Atlantis of the Sands’.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Now here’s a spiritual theory on the spiritual background alongside the comings and goings of political parties and the original peoples of East Malaysia which the village shamans of the Orang Asli, (Orang Asli being the original inhabitants of East Malaysia since 50,000 b.c. or even earlier, with Nusantaran Animism the original faith system 1000s of years old, and Islam only present from the later 1800s onwards for East Malaysia and 1200s for West Malaysia . . . ), could best relate to.

When DAP of the Pakatan Coalition used the ‘Ubah’ puppet (as the ‘initiated’ or those studied know – the mascot has a variable power of sorts – which is why China dropped the 5 cartoon mascots for their own Olympics at the last moment) using the innocuous Hornbill no less, to court the OrangAsli with, DAP was in fact  mounting a spiritual attack on the orang asli’s spiritualism. The intent was to make Ubah the mascot of the Orang Asli, and be extension make Ubah UBAR and thus related that the Orang Asli are a ‘LOST’ people, removing the shamanistic Nusantaran Animist ‘Deitys influence ‘ which doubtless has similarity to the UBAR Deity.

Figured the Pakatan creeps' NLP based modus operandi out?

By making the ‘Deity’ think the Orang Asli were ‘lost’ (as UBAR is mixed up with UBAH) and no longer there, the protection of the Orang Asli mind would be no longer extended (the Deity has alot of work elsehwere on Earth AT ALL TIMES in ALL PLACES) and open up the Orang Asli to conversions by the Christians (DAP) and Muslims (PAS). Once again I remind, Pakatan is no pure minded coalition and with this form of spiritual insult, the Orang Asli might as well vote speecifically ONLY for Orang Asli and Nusantaran Animist candidates. This is no attack on any monotheistic faith but an exhortation to use honesty instead of sneaky proselytization to ‘convert’ and destroy the Nusantaran Animist faith of an already oppressed people who have had much of their land stolen and still no solution to regain what they have lost via rampant, likely illegal issuance of citizenships to specifically people ready to conveniently convert to Islam to ‘occupy’ East Malaysia. Except by voting only Orang Asli and East Malaysian born persons, there is no other way to preserve this spiritual tradition or regain the Orang Asli’s sovereignty.

Finally Borneo likely could be considered a single item and may need a form of autonomy from both Malaysia and Indonesia and union spiritually within the peoples living on Borneo. If this post is offensive, please inform, I will edit and remove if necessary.