
Archive for the ‘Caliphate’ Category

Ahmadinejad’s Iranian Ninja Army of Ninja Babes – Posted by ck on 2/21/2012 in Popalicious

In assassin, Ayatollah Khomeini, best Islamic sects, Caliph, Caliphate, democratisation, House of Saud, Imperial Persia, Islam, non-Muslim rights, non-Muslim Rights in a Muslim country, overkill, Padishah Emperor, women, Zarathustra, Zarathustrian High Priest, Zoroastrianism on February 25, 2012 at 10:49 am

A country ruled by a megalomaniacal leadership, hell bent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction and protected by an army of 3,500 highly trained female Ninja assassins! The plot of an upcoming B movie? No. It’s actually what’s going on in Iran right now! Well, ok maybe not exactly. I mean we do have the megalomaniacal leadership, and it sure likes their Uranium enrichment efforts have a purpose a bit more nefarious than “medical research,” and yes there are in fact 3,500 women training in the art of Ninja in Iran, but that’s where it ends.

It’s really less than likely that these women training to be Ninjas will ever be used as any kind of offensive force against anyone. It’s not even clear that the type of training they are getting is anything more than just silly acrobatics and pseudo martial arts, owing more to Ninja movies than to actual, you know, Ninja power. But, in a society where women’s freedom is as severely curtailed as it is in Iran, it’s nice to see that women have an outlet for physical fitness, socializing and self esteem. Consequently, count me as one of those who are all in favor of the Female Iranian Ninja movement! Go Ninja Go!

Also check out the awesome photography by Caren Firouz of Reuters depicting Iranian women during their Ninja training.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Iran shouldn’t get too caught up in the West’s obsession with masculinisation of women. A heavily bearded middle aged Prince of Persia type is far more threatening. This is just subversive when a honest approach would be better. Honest nations need no to hide behind women acting in teh capacity of ghostly robed assassins if the men of diplomacy have been doing their job or the men of war are strong enough to suppress their enemies . . . Hows the reacquisition of the gems lost from the Peacock Throne when the English occupied Iran, and hows the revival of Zoroastrinism coming along? Hows the extant Persian Padishah King (who would be Padishah Emperor if Persia somehow controlled the Royal House of Saud – doubtless this would be military in action but without the West’s backing, this would be diplomatic easily, the West backed wimps would quickly bow to Iran . . .) who could represent a very strong counterweight in terms of royalty to the various Western Royals, even the Sunnite House of Saud.

As for a potential Caliphate, with Persia’s native faith and religion strongly in mind FIRST, before the Bedouin conquests and conversions of Persians to Islam, (Ayatollah of the Muslim Shiites and Grand Mufti of the Sunnites (King of Arabia) could be BOTH under a single non-sect aligned Caliph who :

For claims of Caliphacy . . . the below is the only qualification among all Muslims of either sect that can justify unity in the Muslim world, any who have raised arms against any other Muslim in the history of Islam have forfeited that right – this means the neutral minority sect Muslims who have never killed another Muslim – or at least was least involved in sect to sect violence and Muslims who consider themselves neither Sunni nor Shiite to prevent subjugation of either who are a minority anywhere, perhaps a Sufi? A revived Khawarij?

;alongside an EQUALLY placed (at Caliph level) Zoroastrian High Priest faith (Zarathusthra wrote the original faith of the Persians). The Malaikat, Djinn and Efreet would be pleased to see such Concord (in a multipolar world) – perhaps ‘Concord’ was lost WITH the French ‘Concorde’ Airplane, though simply renaming that craft should do (let the distinct shape of that French plane again grace the skies in a display of French design . . . )?’

Now put all of these guys together Ahmadinejad initiate gatherings of sect heads, perhaps alongside a multifaith idealogue with Ayatollah Khomeni, the Keeper of the 2 Mosques and the Zarathustra’s High Priest as well, and towards a centralisation of culture and power, who knows a long lived peace, occurs in the Middle East in Iran sufficient enough to deter further depredation by Anglo colonialists via diplomatic-colonialism and financial-colonialism . . . MEANWHILE remember that non-Muslims do need their spaces as well for their Haram entertainments and Haram lifsetyles (Animistic Nusantaranism and Animistic African faithers where valid remember your roots . . . ), don’t turn this into a ‘convert as many people as possible on the back of helpful ideas positivity’ thing.