
Archive for the ‘taxpayer monies’ Category

19 Articles From Around the World : Poseur Article with NLPs Incuplating Specific Mindsets, Ethical View on Diaoyu, Subtle Islamisation Agenda Article?, Fundos Everywhere, Psychiatry A Tool of Control – Think For Yourselves and STand For Your Rights to Be Who You Are, The Media Outlet Which Cried Wolf, Names Not Permanent, Spaces for All, A Good Example of Forms and Blogospheres Littered with NLPs, Degrees A Trap And Tool Of Control, Celebration of the Nudists of the 2010s, Who Gives Birth To Who?, Medvedev’s Warnings, US StateGovernments Saving Money, Whale Skin Cocktail, Nursing And The Education Requirement Problem, Singapore’s Doomsday Oriented Construction Activities, China Continues Massive Scale Construction – Fengshui to Diffuse or Harness Energy, EU Flexes Muscles from Brussels at Independent Minded Scotland, Names Chosen by Parents are Not Names Chosen by the Individual, Reuters Slips In Manipulative MSM Article, Various Commentators’ Justification of Beginning A Civilisational War on Islam, Removal of Mubarak is for Egypt, Egyptian Culture, Egyptian Religion and an Egyptian Pharoanate But NOT for Arabist Islamists – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 13th December 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, Abuse of Power, advocacy, Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, amendments to law needed, Animal Rights, animal welfare, as close to original as possible, bad laws, best practices, better judgments, better laws, checks and balances, collusion, colonialism, conflict of interest, Constitution, cost saving, critical discourse, criticism, cult of personality, cyborg, Democracy, democratisation, demogoguery, diversity, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, education as a spiritual weapon, Equitable Distribution, equitable political power distribution, equitable wealth distribution, Ethics, extra-territorial, FGM, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, freedom of speech, gender politics, Health, healthcare, Imperial Europe, Imperial Persia, individualism, Informed Consent, Invasive Laws, Iran, Islam, land distribution, land sequestration, Legal Junta, LGBT, meaningless platitudes, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media sabotage, media traps, media tricks, misrepresentation of facts, Muslims, nature reserve, neglectful functionaries, neo-colonialism, neutral spaces, NLP, non-Muslim rights, nudism, Pharoahnate, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, politics, preventing vested interest, proselytization, public spaces, Riot, Riots, secularism, separation of powers, sex positivism, Sexuality, sneaky proselytization methods, social freedoms, spirit of the law, spiritual fifth columnists, spirituality, taxation method, taxpayer funds, taxpayer monies, undemocratic, unwanted gentrification, vested interest, word of the law, wrong priority on December 12, 2012 at 7:57 pm


Truth By Consensus – How To Control Our Thinking – by Zen Gardner – Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

Funny how this works. People actually think they can arrive at the truth by averaging what they hear. Seriously. That’s how most people are taught to think. I get this argument all the time. It totally explains the power of the mass media. Just think about this dynamic. How do people arrive at conclusions? What information or lack thereof are they deriving them from? Pretty stark reality if you’re willing to look it in the eyes. People are incredibly similar in their outlook and understandings. And hence behaviors. Incredibly so. Like we’re following a script. Look at yourself. How you dress, the expressions you use, what you’re into. No matter what segment of society you’re living in, it’s pretty freaky. I remember when I decided to grow out my facial hair and looking in the mirror thinking, “Am I following some meme being broadcast by these bastards?”

Paranoid? Totally. It’s the only way on this planet. Completely healthy. If you’re not, you’re not awake yet. Truth is Never Popular. While a defined consensus gets established and reaffirms the status quo, “contrary” eddies of thought and realization make their way through the public psyche. These are carefully ferreted out by the watchdog media cabal and portrayed as “fringe” ideas and “conspiracy theories” of course. Carefully and dutifully packaged and sublimated into a negative subconscious arena for the mainstream unawakened. Anything contrary is now anathema, resented; spuriously thrown overboard as wing nut conspiracy talk. Typical. And more importantly…very effective and very efficient.

Getting To the Point

I’ll take Truth over BS fairy tales any day of eternity. No matter the pain and seeming loss of emotional or otherwise investments, bring on the Truth. 9/11 is always the standard reminder of how duped the world can be. Plain as the nose on your face those towers were brought down by some sort of exotic and carefully planned out demolition technique, but what the hell. No one cares. Or very few. At least that’s the portrayal we get and it seems to hold way too much water. People are even afraid to discuss the subject. That’s when you know society has been seriously hemmed in and headed for dismemberment. As obvious as it is, the Truth can just be right there without people being able to see it. It’s the condition of our “race”…we want to believe what we want and will cloak it in “positive thinking” or “idealism” or imposed bottom line security needs whenever we can for peace and comfort. Very, very sad from the Truth perspective, but oh so understandable. Blindness until awakened. What a tale. But behold the awakening in spite of all this!

Enter Psycho-Sexual Addiction

This psychological pandering we’re witnessing is simply a ploy to keep the masses asleep. The populace has been duped, hypnotized, seduced. It no longer can contain, maintain or control itself. It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk.  This addiction is firmly established. Football, advertising, game shows, reality dramas, zombie and vampire horror and sci-fi movies while sucking down addictive, poisonous foods………”Please bring it on! We want more! We want another reality, not our own!” Scantily dressed young girls, sculpted effeminized men, cross sexual weirdness of every type and genre…. …bring it on. Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal. ‘Chaos is the new normal’ is as cognitively dissonant as the ‘war on terrorism’. Orwell, you must be howling!


Know what you “believe” about not only their false structure, but our true reality, to the point it’s not a belief. Please know each of those as facts…not an emotional extension of some hope or sense of idealism. Be sure you’re deciding for yourself and not following anything unconsciously. We’re not used to that kind of truly independent thought, having been taught all our lives to just follow, obey and repeat, so it’s a lot of work and a set of muscles that have to be developed. You’ll see what I mean as it goes along. Affirming our conscious awakening in spirit, word and deed is our primary purpose and most potent weapon. Not only against the usurpers and the ignorance and darkness that seems to rule our current paradigm, but for the development and realization of the true conscious reality that is there to be expressed into this dimension. Get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works. And do it in love. If we can wake up, anybody can. Love, Zen

“If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free.” – Zen

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

. . . It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk. . . . Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal. . . .

Actually savouries or goodies MUST not be considered such. Chaos is not ‘our’ new middle name, Chaos is not mainstream, Chaos is going to take a proper place WITHOUT punishment. There is no way ‘Chaos’ can co-opt you unless you are Chaotically inclined, and given the need of Chaos in evolution per se, I’d say Chaos is the very most important thing to ANY species which wants to move on, even as older structures become increasingly exotic and rarefied to the point of gaining value (in retarded areas of the 3rd world, the rare are villified much like LGBT, in the right places, the rare’d be exotic and invested in to ensure survival . . . ).

Religion would have taken the role of rare, but the overproliferation and low quality of followers, obvious internal rot and abusive nature of religion says that religion is already over-proliferated and people being subconsciously sick of religion, acting whatever in the only way they can, to sabotage religion much like pedo-priests protesting celibacy, Islamists protesting no alcohol and no pork rules by being violent, Buddhists acquiring car collections and much trappings of wealth and gold all around the temple (Temples to rampant-Capitalism and Greed), even as Buddha said to not be materialistic, can we see that the highest ranked in the faith actually do the most opposite? I wonder if I do enough ‘opposite’ I’d be the Ecclesiarch Primifex of the Planet . . .

. . . So get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works.  . . .

Don’t accidentally co-opt what is already known as your own!

@Zen appears to be quite fused with whatever mass mind or community hive @Zen is from (@Zen is less hive minded overall but still enough to identify that the mindset is still hivelike). Truth By Consensus problems as describe above are however correct. Subversive article with a good NLP positive article that disparages ‘Chaos’? Hard to say, but whatever we gravitate to, that is what we truly are, everything else is just nonsense, regardless of whatever laws or social trends, though spaces appropriate to size and facilities must be available to all and sundry in either case.

mini-ARTICLE 1.5

China opposes U.S. bill concerning Diaoyu Islands (Xinhua) 09:09, December 04, 2012

BEIJING, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) — China has expressed serious concern and firm opposition to a U.S. bill that regards China’s territory as under the authority of a U.S.-Japan security pact.

At a regular press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters, “The Chinese side expresses serious concern and firm opposition to the U.S. Senate’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which involves the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets.”

In the bill, which the U.S. Senate passed last week, the United States reaffirmed that it “takes no position” on the ultimate sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. However, the bill notes that Japan has the rights of administration over the territory and that “unilateral actions of a third party” would not affect its position.

Hong said the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets have always been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, and China has undisputed sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

According to the U.S. bill, any armed attack “in the territories under the administration of Japan” would be met under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

Hong called the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan as a “product of the Cold War era”, saying it should not go beyond bilateral scopes, nor undermine the interests of a third party.

Hong said the U.S. side has repeatedly stated that it will not take sides on territory disputes between China and Japan.

He said the U.S. side “should not send out signals that conflict with each other.” He expressed the hope that the U.S. side would “proceed from the general situation of peace and stability of the region”, “keep its words” and “do more things that are conducive to peace and stability in the region.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The islands were part of Chinese territory with an indigenous people that accepted vassalship under the Chinese Emperor until the 8 Foreign Powers invasion and later Japanese expansion in WW1 and 2. USA should understand that sovereignty loss during war cannot have legal continuity under occupiers or aggressors when the war ends. How would USA like for the Native Ameri-Indians to kick them back to Europe?


Ooh Baby It’s a Wild World – by Daniel J. Flynn on 11.30.12 @ 6:08AM

It’s a jungle out there for transanimals.

The humans called Dennis Avner “Stalking Cat.” His kind referred to him as “meow.”

The cat-like Avner, who held the Guinness Book of World Records mark for body modifications — including a bifurcated lip, extensive tiger-stripe facial tattooing, surgically pointed ears, and silicone injections in the cheeks, chin, and forehead — died earlier this month.

The human authorities suspect he killed himself. I suspect humans, threatened that one of their own had defected to the cat community, killed him.

Human nature, alien to Stalking Cat, remains quite familiar with suicide. The dearth of documented cases of self-inflicted felicide raises suspicions. Only an Ace Ventura could definitively answer this whodunit. The one certainty here is that it’s a jungle out there for a person who realizes he, she, or it is an animal trapped in a human’s body.

Dennis Avner never found acceptance among mankind as a felid despite the plastic surgeries, the tattoos, and the silicone injections. He was, in a loose sense, a real-life Philip Nolan — a manimal without a species.

Biology is the new racism. The phobia against transanimals recalls the societal obstinacy regarding transgenders. We exiled them to the “third bathroom,” inscribed pesky reminders of their physiology on their driver’s licenses, and imprisoned them with criminals of the opposite gender. Some men still won’t consider dating a woman who was born a “man” — whatever that antiquated designation means. One surmises that Stalking Cat encountered similar prejudices among potential dating partners of all sexes and species.

Society’s rejection of transanimals results in their rejection of themselves. When a man splits his tongue, amputates his arms, and fuses his legs together to realize his inner serpent, society calls him crazy, a freak, and troubled — instead of what he is: a snake. We will become as sane as they are only when we finally see transanimals as they see themselves.

All this recalls the dark ages when we denied that one biologically born a male who surgically remade herself as female was as much a woman as your mother. Dennis Avner was as much a cat as Chastity Bono is a man.

Yet, many landlords won’t rent to transanimals. Their contracts stipulate “no pets.” Restaurants still post “no dogs allowed” signs. Public parks demand that you keep animals on a leash. Dennis Avner served in the Navy. But he did so in the form of a human being. The ban on transspecies soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines persists despite the obvious intimidation factor that a battalion of tiger-men would impose on the enemy.

What was Stalking Cat supposed to make of the many restrictions, formal and informal, that civilization imposed upon his wild spirit?

Transanimals face a gross double standard vis-à-vis transgenders. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decrees that the Affordable Care Act forbids discrimination against transgendered patients within federally funded programs. U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, a Reagan appointee, has ordered Massachusetts taxpayers to fund gender reassignment surgery for Michelle Kosilek, an inmate convicted of murdering his wife after she caught him in her clothes. Sixteen state governments find a compelling interest in forbidding employers from taking into account a man’s metamorphosis into a woman, or vice versa, when hiring and firing.

By what logic do these states, the federal judge, and HHS, which prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, then permit discrimination based on animal identity?

In fits of self-absolution, tormentors conveniently maintain that the extinction of Stalking Cat, along with a transgender suicide rate 25 times the general population’s, proves that self-mutilation begins a slow self-destruction that ends in one’s ultimate destruction. Society has dysphoria over sexual, and species, dysphoria. We lose some of our humanity when we don’t extend it to gharials, capybaras, and narwhals. Cats are people too.

Mourn Dennis Avner’s tragic demise. But celebrate the miracle of his longevity. While most house cats survive to about 15, Stalking Cat lived to 54. If you last that many years more, you will surely meet others of his kind.

It’s a bestial domain we inhabit. Or, as Cat Stevens — no relation to Stalking Cat — told us, “Ooh baby, baby it’s a wild world.” It’s getting wilder.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Cat Steven became a Muslim. Please don’t use Cat Stevens (now aka Yusuf Islam) as an example if you value your NLP-free/’accidental-proselytization-neutrality’ credentials Daniel. People might wind up thinking you’re a subverted Xian fronting for Muslets hiding behind the controversial topic of bestiality.

mini-ARTICLE 2.5

4 Bodies Found Face-Down Outside California House – by DAISY NGUYEN Associated Press – LOS ANGELES December 2, 2012 (AP)

The bodies of four people who had been shot to death were found face-down Sunday outside a suburban Southern California home that apparently served as an unlicensed boarding house, authorities said.

Los Angeles police were seeking a motive for the attacks at the house in Northridge, in the San Fernando Valley.

Lt. Terri Brinkmeyer said a 911 call led police to the large house around 4:30 a.m. Cmdr. Andrew Smith said the bodies of two men and two women were found face-down on a side yard of the property.

Investigators were questioning several people who were on the property at the time of the shooting, but no one has been detained or arrested.

Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander, who represents the area, said the house was split into several units for rent. He said at least a dozen people lived in the house, which contained several bedrooms, kitchenettes and mattresses on the floor.

“It appears from the nature of things that this was an unlicensed boarding facility,” Englander said from the crime scene. He noted that one bedroom was only accessible through a window.

The house was on street lined with houses, schools and places of worship.

“This is a very safe neighborhood. This type of thing doesn’t normally happen here,” Englander said.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Places of worship is the keyword here perhaps. Fundo alert. Or religion contrived sense of entitlement that caused strife with possible secularists.


‘Asperger’s disorder’ being dropped from psychiatrists’ diagnostic guide by Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press

CHICAGO — The now familiar term “Asperger’s disorder” is being dropped. And abnormally bad and frequent temper tantrums will be given a scientific-sounding diagnosis called DMDD. But “dyslexia” and other learning disorders remain.

The revisions come in the first major rewrite in nearly 20 years of the diagnostic guide used by the nation’s psychiatrists. Changes were approved Saturday.

Full details of all the revisions will come next May when the American Psychiatric Association’s new diagnostic manual is published, but the impact will be huge, affecting millions of children and adults worldwide. The manual also is important for the insurance industry in deciding what treatment to pay for, and it helps schools decide how to allot special education.

This diagnostic guide “defines what constellations of symptoms” doctors recognize as mental disorders, said Dr. Mark Olfson, a Columbia University psychiatry professor. More important, he said, it “shapes who will receive what treatment. Even seemingly subtle changes to the criteria can have substantial effects on patterns of care.”

Olfson was not involved in the revision process. The changes were approved Saturday in suburban Washington, D.C., by the psychiatric association’s board of trustees.

The aim is not to expand the number of people diagnosed with mental illness, but to ensure that affected children and adults are more accurately diagnosed so they can get the most appropriate treatment, said Dr. David Kupfer. He chaired the task force in charge of revising the manual and is a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh.

One of the most hotly argued changes was how to define the various ranges of autism. Some advocates opposed the idea of dropping the specific diagnosis for Asperger’s disorder. People with that disorder often have high intelligence and vast knowledge on narrow subjects but lack social skills. Some who have the condition embrace their quirkiness and vow to continue to use the label.

And some Asperger’s families opposed any change, fearing their kids would lose a diagnosis and no longer be eligible for special services.

But the revision will not affect their education services, experts say.

The new manual adds the term “autism spectrum disorder,” which already is used by many experts in the field. Asperger’s disorder will be dropped and incorporated under that umbrella diagnosis. The new category will include kids with severe autism, who often don’t talk or interact, as well as those with milder forms.

Kelli Gibson of Battle Creek, Mich., who has four sons with various forms of autism, said Saturday she welcomes the change. Her boys all had different labels in the old diagnostic manual, including a 14-year-old with Asperger’s.

“To give it separate names never made sense to me,” Gibson said. “To me, my children all had autism.”

Three of her boys receive special education services in public school; the fourth is enrolled in a school for disabled children. The new autism diagnosis won’t affect those services, Gibson said. She also has a 3-year-old daughter without autism.

People with dyslexia also were closely watching for the new updated doctors’ guide. Many with the reading disorder did not want their diagnosis to be dropped. And it won’t be. Instead, the new manual will have a broader learning disorder category to cover several conditions including dyslexia, which causes difficulty understanding letters and recognizing written words.

The trustees on Saturday made the final decision on what proposals made the cut; recommendations came from experts in several work groups assigned to evaluate different mental illnesses.

The revised guidebook “represents a significant step forward for the field. It will improve our ability to accurately diagnose psychiatric disorders,” Dr. David Fassler, the group’s treasurer and a University of Vermont psychiatry professor, said after the vote.

The shorthand name for the new edition, the organization’s fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, is DSM-5. Group leaders said specifics won’t be disclosed until the manual is published but they confirmed some changes. A 2000 edition of the manual made minor changes but the last major edition was published in 1994.

Olfson said the manual “seeks to capture the current state of knowledge of psychiatric disorders. Since 2000 … there have been important advances in our understanding of the nature of psychiatric disorders.”

Catherine Lord, an autism expert at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York who was on the psychiatric group’s autism task force, said anyone who met criteria for Asperger’s in the old manual would be included in the new diagnosis.

One reason for the change is that some states and school systems don’t provide services for children and adults with Asperger’s, or provide fewer services than those given an autism diagnosis, she said.

Autism researcher Geraldine Dawson, chief science officer for the advocacy group Autism Speaks, said small studies have suggested the new criteria will be effective. But she said it will be crucial to monitor so that children don’t lose services.

Other changes include:

—A new diagnosis for severe recurrent temper tantrums — disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Critics say it will medicalize kids’ who have normal tantrums. Supporters say it will address concerns about too many kids being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with powerful psychiatric drugs. Bipolar disorder involves sharp mood swings and affected children are sometimes very irritable or have explosive tantrums.

—Eliminating the term “gender identity disorder.” It has been used for children or adults who strongly believe that they were born the wrong gender. But many activists believe the condition isn’t a disorder and say calling it one is stigmatizing. The term would be replaced with “gender dysphoria,” which means emotional distress over one’s gender. Supporters equated the change with removing homosexuality as a mental illness in the diagnostic manual, which happened decades ago.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

People are weird and different. The Victorian Era destroyed LGBT and butchered half the world’s indigenous cultures, many of which were LGBT friendly. The Victorian Era also propagated Christianity, which subsumed and destroyed many native faiths as well as subverted many world citizens into colonial mindsets that still persist this day. The English were expelled from the USA, sadly the Christian faith still is afflicting many populations worldwide. The English incidentally were the Angles, a group of GERMANIC outcasts that murdered the Celtic and Nordic cultures of the Isles, occupied thier lands, and butchered all the way through Africa, India and later China destroying lives, cultures and native religions for mere ‘paganism’ (those who didn’t want to belive in ‘god’ were heathens and ‘soulless’ needed to be murdered in those days . . . no end.


Onion: We just fooled the Chinese government! – by the CNN Wire Staff – November 28, 2012 — Updated 1015 GMT (1815 HKT)

Onion editor: Tricking China has a “certain delightfulness”
A Chinese news site takes an Onion satire for a real story
The Onion declares North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “sexiest man alive”
People’s Daily Online runs portions of the Onion story and 55 photos of Kim

(CNN) — China, as one Twitter user wrote Tuesday, has been fooled by the “mysterious Western art of satire.”

The merciless comedy website The Onion has declared North Korean leader Kim Jong Un the “sexiest man alive for 2012.” And it appears China’s People’s Daily Online has taken the story seriously.

“I love this one,” Onion editor Will Tracy told CNN. “It has a certain delightfulness to it.”

The Chinese story reprinted satirical comments describing Kim’s “air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side,” his “impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and,” the story says, “that famous smile.”
A Chinese state-run site was fooled Tuesday by a satirical story that declared North Korea\’s Kim Jong Un the \
A Chinese state-run site was fooled Tuesday by a satirical story that declared North Korea’s Kim Jong Un the “sexiest man alive.”

The story on People’s Daily Online on Tuesday illustrates the mutual backscratching that China and North Korea exercise through their government-run media. The incident also shows foreign media outlets’ difficulty in navigating The Onion’s brand of satire.

The Chinese website had underscored its story by including its own 55-page photo gallery to accompany the text, which was published in both English and Chinese. But the pages and the images were no longer available Wednesday.

A woman responding to a call Wednesday to the office of the website said it was “impossible that the People’s Daily will quote from any unreliable media — we do verify our news and sources.”

The woman, who declined to identify herself, noted that the item had been removed.

The People’s Daily Online has a separate office from the print version of the Chinese Communist Party’s main newspaper.

Tracy said he’s not surprised when legitimate news sites fall for his high-level tomfoolery, but this was the first time The Onion had named a “sexiest man alive.” “We knew it would get a response,” he said “but we didn’t expect it would get life from abroad.”

A satirical post on The Onion congratulated the People’s Daily for its coverage.

The site “has served as one of the Onion’s Far East bureaus for quite some time, and I believe their reportage as of late has been uncommonly fine, as well as politically astute,” said The Onion’s Grant Jones in a e-mail statement. “May our felicitous business association continue for centuries to come.”

Earlier Tuesday, The Onion pointed readers to the Chinese website: “please visit our friends at the People’s Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades.”

Twitter users went wild over the editorial faux pas. “It makes me cry from another room!” Tweeted Francesca Ulivi @fraubass.

“Not sure they know this was a joke,” wrote @loweringthebar.

“Curse of the #Onion again,” said Colin Freeman @colinfreeman99.

Yes. Again. If this scenario sounds familiar it’s because The Onion is no stranger to fooling government-run news outlets.

In September, an Onion satire fooled Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. Fars published an Onion story claiming that a Gallup poll found that rural white Americans preferred Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over President Barack Obama.

On the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo, netizens made their own teasing comments about People’s Daily.

“Foolish foreigners, the party paper was born to be funny,” wrote @sheldon-BaiBai.

“The world was fooled by the People’s Daily, because no Chinese believes this paper,” wrote @Hai_Dao_Wu_Bian.

The Onion never writes its stories with the intention of fooling government agencies, Tracy said. But “it’s great when it happens. We hope it happens more often.”

This prank, he said with obvious glee, may turn out to be the legendary Onion fake story that veterans will talk about for years to come. “We essentially just fooled the government of China.”

CNN’s Jethro Mullen and CY Xu contributed to this report.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Remember the boy who cried wolf? And if this is intended to harrass the foreign media, The Onion is just inviting the Chinese to do the same to foreign media portals. If this becomes rampant, then news on the internet will become rubbish or manipulative unreadable agenda laden nonsesne, and the MSM papers which will still remain propaganda, become more influencial and manipulative of the citizens locally until the dark pre-info-ages take hold again through sheer contrivedness and agenda loaded inaccuracy of articles. The Onion is opening a can of worms that could down all online media or online media accuracy if not careful . . . If the CNN, BBC and Peoples Daily or whatever online media do not remain strictly accurate in reporting, above the fray of b.s., the world will be poorer for the lack of ethics for preference of manipulation to bad ends.


Don’t name your kid Siri – by Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN – December 2, 2012 — Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT)

Sometimes a highly individualistic name for a baby is not good news for a kid, says Dean Obeidallah

Dean Obeidallah: A new list of popular 2012 baby names includes Siri, Mac, Luna
He says it’s not just celebrities with offbeat baby-naming now; it’s spreading to the rest of us
He says studies show distinctive names can spur teasing and mistreatment
Obeidallah: Parents, think twice on names; it could have long-term effect on your child

Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN. He is the editor of the politics blog “The Dean’s Report” and co-director of the upcoming documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” Follow him on Twitter: @deanofcomedy

(CNN) — Siri, Mars, Mac and Luna. I’m not talking Apple products or planetary terms. These are baby names. And not just any baby names but ones that have jumped in popularity in 2012, according to Baby’s just released list.

Baby Siri? Seriously, who would name their bundle of joy after a frustrating Apple product that hardly ever works? And speaking of Apple (see daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin,) that name moved up a whopping 585 places on the list of names for girls born in 2012. So there could conceivably be a family out there with a daughter named Apple and a son named Siri. (Hope that entitles the family to a discount on an iMac.)

There was a time when bizarre baby naming was something only celebrities did to their kids (as if being the child of a celebrity wasn’t challenging enough). There’s Beyonce and Jay Z’s Blue Ivy, Penn Jillette’s son, Moxie Crimefighter, Bono’s daughter Memphis Eve, actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspektor, and the list goes on and on.

But now this “condition” is apparently spreading to the rest of us. In addition to the offbeat names above, 2011 saw babies sporting such names as: Moo, Draper, Graceland and Tequila.

There are even media reports that this past weekend some parents allegedly named their newborn daughter, Hashtag. That one may turn out to be an Internet hoax, but after last year’s story of a child in Egypt being named Facebook (in praise of the role Facebook played in the Egyptian revolution), we can’t be too far from babies named Retweet and Spam Blocker anyway. It truly is only a matter of time until you meet a kid named DVR or Playstation 3.
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Apparently some parents believe that giving their child a jaw-dropping name will make him or her more distinctive. News flash: it’s not the name that makes your child stand out, it’s his or her achievements.

While I don’t want to rain on creativity, let’s be honest — these weird names are more about parents showing off their “cleverness” than about finding a name that fits the child. It’s not like the parents got to know the child first for a few months and then said, “You know this baby really is a little Siri.”
Beyonce, Jay-Z welcome baby Blue Ivy
Jolie: We are all Malala

And do these parents even consider that a baby’s name can cause consequences for the child that the parents never imagined, and in many areas of the child’s life? When I reflect upon my own name, I realize that my life could have been far different if my parents had followed their initial instincts when naming me.

My Palestinian father wanted to name me Saladin after the famous Muslim leader, while my Sicilian mother wanted to name me Dino. Instead they compromised on Dean.

Growing up in North Jersey, Dean was not a common name. But it actually made me feel different in a good way being the only Dean in my class. And even today in looking at the list of baby names for 2012, I was actually happy that Dean was not in the top 100.

Still, the truth is, if I’d been named Dino, I would have certainly been viewed as more ethnic by teachers, potential employers and co-workers. I would have been required to continually overcome cultural stereotypes.

And if I’d been named the very Arabic Saladin Obeidallah, you could just imagine all the “fun” I would have had in post-9/11 America. I would have likely volunteered for “random” security checks at the airport to make it easier for all involved or simply got used to taking the bus cross country.

But there’s a difference between a name that isn’t overly common and naming your child after your favorite appliance. A name is a big part of a kid’s identity. It can trigger impressions about a child even before we meet him or her — a particular problem among the closed-minded of the world, but this is the world your child will have to navigate.

For example, studies have found that children with names that linguistically sound like they come from a lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be recommended by school officials for gifted classes and actually more likely to be labeled as learning disabled.

Other research has revealed that boys with feminine sounding names — such as Shannon or Ashley — have had more disciplinary problems in school because of their response to teasing. Still other studies have found a link between how much people like their own names and their level of self-esteem.

So, parents, keep in mind that your choice of name will have a lasting impact on your child — both for good and bad. And if you insist on picking a bizarre name for the baby, then I propose that your child be empowered to rename you with any name he or she chooses. At least then it’s fair that a child named Hashtag has parents named Angry Birds and YouTube.

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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In the past there were in some cultures NAMING CEREMONIES AT ADULTHOOD. The child would choose a name LATER, and all children knew their names when young were TEMPORARY and that parents chose those names. Sometimes what the child did that was most unique would also decide what that child was RENAMED at adulthood. So ‘Hashtag’ away and legalise/normalise name changing at the age of 21. Knowing that names are temporary and chosen by parents, kids would not be affected by teasing because they knew they were going to change that name, or the teasers would not bother to tease knowing the name would also change by then.


‘If it was offensive then God wouldn’t have given us genitals’: Naked jogger wins High Court appeal after conviction – by Eddie Wrenn – PUBLISHED: 11:29 GMT, 3 December 2012 | UPDATED: 12:06 GMT, 3 December 2012

Shocked complainant said she would never walk her dog in Oropi Park, New Zealand, again
Andrew Pointon, 47, was charged with offensive behaviour for his naked runs
But appeal judge agrees that naked body by itself is not offensive

Freedom to jog naked: Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, won his appeal against offensive behaviour (stock picture)

The right to go jogging in the nude has been upheld by the High Court in New Zealand.

Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, was wearing only a pair of shoes when he was spotted by a woman while running at 8.30am in a forest near Tauranga in August last year.

She called police and he was arrested during another nude run.

Pointon was charged with offensive behaviour and found guilty in Tauranga District Court last December.

An appeal was thrown out in June, but a second appeal has just been upheld by Justice Paul Heath in the High Court at Tauranga.

‘If it was [offensive] then God wouldn’t have given us genitals,’ Mr Pointon told The Dominion Post.

‘It is a win for all libertarians and a setback for all conservatives in the country.’

The judge, Justice Heath, compared the situation to passing ‘gang members’ walking through the park.

He said: ‘It would not be surprising for a person in the position of the complainant to be concerned and discomforted by their presence, and even to feel threatened.

‘However, on any view, their behaviour would not be regarded as offensive behaviour.

‘Should the sight of a naked man, in the circumstances in which the complainant found herself, be treated any differently? I think not.’

He added that he felt Pointon was ‘a genuine naturist’ who had taken measures to avoid disturbing others – such as choosing a time when children would be unlikely to be on the track.

But Family First spokesman Bob McCoskrie said he was disappointed and said Justice Heath’s decision shows ‘double standards’.

He asked: ‘Is it okay for someone to streak through his courtroom? He’d be the first one to put them in the cells.’
Picturesque: The jogger was spotted close to Tauranga harbour in New Zealand

Picturesque: The jogger was spotted close to Tauranga harbour in New Zealand

Naturist Mr Pointon said he enjoyed the freedom of not wearing clothes and began running naked about 18 months ago.

The complainant, who was out walking her dog when she spotted Pointon, said she was so offended that she did not wish to ever return to the Oropi Bike Park.

But Pointon lashed out at the woman who complained.

He said: ‘It’s just ludicrous. Has this person got nothing better to do than wasting everyone’s time?

‘All she saw was a naked man running through the bush. It was just a fleeting moment, which has cost us all.

‘It just shows that it was a stupid decision by police to go ahead … and charge me for something totally irrelevant.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Perhaps a nudist’s track to keep the 2 different groups seperate.


A Good Example of Forms and Blogospheres Littered with NLPs : 2012, I am tired – Topic started on 9-12-2012 @ 02:48 AM by TheAlmo – reply posted on 9-12-2012 @ 03:00 AM by xxshadowfaxx

I just want the date to come. Lots of mystery surround it, lots of theories, but no one knows a damn thing.

If anything is going to happen, its going to be something we haven’t seen before. Something the ancients tracked 25000 years ago. No one alive today can possibly know what it is. We don’t even know for sure if we have the right date. All the math is very precise and it seems that dec 21 is certainly a good possibility, but we may be off by hundreds of years. All we can do is wait and see.

Soon you won’t have to worry about it anymore because it is only 12 days away now. Whatever happens, happens, theres nothing anyone can do about it.

Also, its definitely possible to be love. Love is a state of being, and beneath all your problems, all your thoughts, is a state of love. When you can learn to silence the mind, and learn how to move energy through your chakras, you will find yourself in a state of love. It is beautiful to experience. All the people that talk about are trying to tell you something, and most of us ignore it completely. But the answers to all questions truely do lie within us. Once you be love, once you attain that state, you are given knowledge about who you are, what you are, and what your purpose is. You will experience the divine.

Commentator Response

I am tired you guys. Enough. This is insane.

The amount of 2012 topics on ATS and everywhere is staggering. It seems everyone takes a shot at it. Everyone. You guys turned the year 2012 into a prostitute year that everyone can buy and f*** for a while.

The problem is that I go through phases. Sometimes, I just really don’t pay attention at all and I don’t even try to rationalize or criticize the material I am exposed to. Other times, I find myself so angry about it and digging deep to find every logical fallacy there is. You know why this happens to me? Because:

1- My mood changes from time to time
2- The 2012 shower is an everlasting one that never ever stops.

Therefore, my reaction to the eternal 2012 shower varies depending on my mood.

What do you mean when you say things like:

“The change is coming, embrace it”
“All you have to do is be love”

Why does it have to be so astonishingly ambiguous? Why?

What do you mean if I don’t “embrace” the change I won’t feel anything and December 21 will be just another day?

Can this lunacy get anymore vile and degrading to our intellect? I am sorry, but even the most spiritual practices can be “practicalized” if you know what I mean. You can ask me to actively stop thinking about people that I hate or that I even hate them. I can do that. But what do you mean when you say “Be Love”? How can someone be love? Can you be Batman? A sandwich? I don’t know. Be love? Embrace change? This all reminds me of an incident when I was a kid walking by a public swimming pool and a guy was teaching his 6-ish years old son to swim by saying: maintain your balance… don’t drown.

Yeah… the best thing to say to tell someone who’s drowning: yell at them: don’t drown. dude, not cool, you’re gonna die, maintain your balance. work physics to make it happen.

I am tired of this nonsensical spiritual masturbation.

What about doom and gloom?

Are you gonna tell me where to go? What to do? Or just scream around and run all over the place like a fuc*** moron? What? No place to go? Nothing to do? Where is the warning then? It’s not like you’re gonna say “told you so” later.

I am tired of this. It’s too much. It’s everywhere. Everywhere I go.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Thats the problem with the people. The laws written cause this, so vote for a candidate not of the 1% (plutocrat or political nepotist) or run as candidate yourself if there is no such candidate. Write and ratify laws to distribute national wealth and unused national land (the country belongs to all citizens so why should a handful of GLC cronies get everything, even the land and wealth from natural resources belong to the people and must be shared to reserved for a handful of politicians who can be easily identified if mega-wealthy), and end the raison d’etre for NLP articles. This way there will be enough harmony so that the world need not end, or if the world ends, everyone was happy anyway.


How The Cost of a Degree is Now £100,000 – Posted on December 9, 2012 by Zen-Haven – Author: Paul Gallagher

The true cost of a university degree will rocket to up to £100,000 for today’s students, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

Thousands of people currently studying at university will end up paying that amount over their career because of interest charges and other fees – several times the £27,000 or £36,000 in fees that most three- and four-year courses charge.

The landmark figure, revealed in the Government’s own documents, is far higher than the £70,000 in repayments that it was previously thought students would end up paying over their lifetimes. The Government figures confirm that graduates who find well-paid jobs – in finance and law, for example – will be able to save tens of thousands of pounds by paying off their loans more quickly than the vast majority of their counterparts on middle incomes.

Even before they started in September, every student was hit with a hidden charge: for repayment purposes, the total cost of tuition is backdated to day one, meaning that the majority of the 300,000 three-year students and 117,000 four-year students currently studying will graduate with an extra £3,300 or £5,000 bill respectively, according to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) website. Many students will repay up to four times the cost of their tuition during the 30 years following graduation, after which any remaining debt is written off.

Add in other living costs and average student debt is now predicted to hit £53,000 by graduation. Accountants say billions of pounds of student debt will never be repaid, leaving “a massive tax time bomb” for generations to come.

Based on the Government’s figures, almost 300,000 students – 70 per cent of those studying – who started university in the autumn will repay between £65,000 and £85,000, while those in the highest income bracket pay back less because they will start to pay off their debts sooner. About 10 per cent who are in the “squeezed middle” could end up paying back between £85,000 and £100,000. The 20 per cent of graduates with the lowest lifetime earnings (a group dominated by women) will never come close to repaying their fees and the debt will be written off after 30 years.

The Government’s own projections lay out details of what students and graduates would owe at the start of each year in interest and repayment charges. What graduates pay back each month depends on their earnings: 9 per cent of income above £21,000 a year, independent of both the interest rate and the size of the loan. The amount due increases with time because interest is added. A 28-year-old male beginning a three-year course and whose starting salary of £21,000 quickly rises to £60,000 in year four, and is a six-figure salary by year 15, will settle his bill in 13 years, repaying just over £42,000. A woman who earns less than a third of that in her lifetime and who begins work a few years after graduating repays almost £62,000 over 28 years. A woman in her twenties who earns less than £1m in her career and takes time out to have a family will pay back less than £20,000, leaving an unpaid debt of almost £60,000. Scottish students in Scotland have their fees paid, while students in Northern Ireland pay a maximum £3,575 a year tuition.

Peter West, financial director at Portal, a computer company in Bracknell, Berkshire, said: “No one is aware of the long-term implications of this accounting wheeze. Higher education reform is a victimless crime and a massive tax time bomb. The Government has simply shifted all the debt off the accounting sheet for now – but, my God, will it come back and hit us in 30 years’ time.”

Susan Cooper, professor of experimental physics from the University of Oxford, said: “If the £21,000 repayment threshold doesn’t increase with inflation, the requirement for repayment can become much more onerous over the 30-year period. And maybe the 30 years could be increased as well. The higher the costs, the more the Government has to write off 30 years later. One could have wished for a more thorough thinking through of the consequences before being launched into this experiment.”

The University and College Union general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: “The Government rushed through higher fees without properly considering the financial consequences. We warned at the time that fees close to £9,000 a year would be the norm and that the calculations for repayment by graduates were flawed.”

A spokesperson for BIS said: “Extending the write-off period to 30 years was fully costed as part of the whole repayment system. The new system helps reduce the deficit, is affordable and sustainable for the Government, while offering protection for those who may not go on to high-paid employment.”

Chuka Umunna, Labour business spokesman, said: “Students will never forgive this government for hiking up the costs of going to university. This figures show that, as ever, it is middle- and lower-income families who are being hit hardest.”

The NUS president, Liam Burns, added: “It is shocking that politicians treat the potential of a generation before they have even started their working career with such nonchalance.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The problem is that the establishment (or NWO) has already decided which people friendly to the regime of the day will get the top jobs that can actually influence policy or social culture. So even before enrollment or payment, those who are not on the same wavelength of the Education-STUDENT-DEBT-Financiar Complex (nominlly fused with the dominant religious institutions of the region – if these are not insane or hated or indulging in pedophilia) had better not even bother with ‘Education’ and instead learn how to vote and educate others on how to vote. The system is stacked EVEN at  education level and hardly neutral. Identify this and act accordingly by refusing to spend anything on education. Free spirits beware, the mob mentality of society comprised with useless eaters only enriches the 1% term limitless plutocrats and political nepotists.


Celebration of the Nudists of the 2010s : Ai Weiwei investigated over nude art – Chinese artist says he is under investigation for spreading pornography, after pictures including One Tiger Eight Breasts

Jonathan Watts in Beijing – The Guardian, Friday 18 November 2011 15.54 GMT

The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei poses with nude women in Beijing

Ai Weiwei and female nudists.

Ai Weiwei and female nudists.

Ai Weiwei is under investigation for spreading pornography, the Chinese artist has said, as the authorities turned their attention from political subversion and tax evasion to online images of nudity.

He said police had questioned his cameraman Zhao Zhao on Thursday over pictures Zhao had taken of the artist. “They clearly told him this is an investigation, now, they are doing on me, on pornography,” Ai told the AFP news agency.

One of the pictures, One Tiger Eight Breasts, shows Ai posing nude on a wooden chair flanked by four naked women who are giggling and smiling.

“Netizens came to take photos with me, so we said why don’t we take nudity photos, then everybody agreed so we did it and they were put on the internet, and that’s it, we forget about it,” Ai said.

This year Ai has been held for 81 days in a secret location, questioned about subversion and then accused of tax evasion and given a fine of 15m yuan. Several of his assistants have been detained for lengthy periods and interrogated about Ai’s political beliefs, business and personal life.

His lawyers say the investigations are politically motivated to silence Ai, who has used his high profile to speak out on police brutality, official corruption and human rights violations.

Police have been reluctant to discuss his case and there has been little or no coverage in most domestic media outlets. But the Communist party newspaper Global Times said on Wednesday that dissidents such as Ai could only exist because of the support of the west.

“For 30 years Ai Weiweis have emerged and fallen. But China has kept rising despite their pessimistic predictions. The real social trend is that they will be eliminated in the rising process of China,” said a comment article in the paper.

Ai has attempted to turn the tables by mounting an internet campaign against his accusers. He says 30,000 people contributed a total of more than 8m yuan to his online appeal for loans to challenge his tax fine.

A pornography or obscenity charge based on the pictures revealed so far is likely to incur ridicule and anger among Ai’s supporters. Many Chinese contemporary artists have appeared naked in their work.

Ai said police had previously questioned him about the images, but he doubted they understood art. “If they see nudity as pornography, then China is still in the Qing dynasty,” he told Associated Press.

Ai Weiwei with EVEN MORE nudists.

Ai Weiwei with EVEN MORE nudists. The CPCC and PLA need not fear this wall of human flesh led by a scruffy semi-geezer, fear is in the mind China!

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This is not for everyone BUT, this is an acid test of human rights and civil society. Hey frumpOs, if you had the aesthetic, you’d be as sex positive and body confident enough to use nakeness and beauty as weapons to shame the ugliness of society and the establishment instead of attacking nudism and snarking on morality. So stop victimising naked persons, that counts for MALE body parts too . . . so about a decade ago there was this activist who really didn’t know why until now . . . WHOS STILL WRITING TO END APARTHEID . . . Nudism is COURAGE and PETA is not exactly at the level of anti-apartheid activity.

PETA Nudists.

PETA Nudists.

Perhaps Nelson Mandela should visit Ai Weiwei and learn something missed, though this does not make for mainstream just yet but we early birds are the most well loved birds, so see Israeli women have taken a nude group photo to express solidarity with Aliaa Magda Elmahdy . . . and look at non-Muslims getting arrested for Khalwat in Muslim countries. Monyet dan Anjing! Hunga bunga! Bulaklak!


QUOTE Lursa : ‘Human (nudist) females are so revolting . . . ‘ UNQUOTE – Star Trek Generations 1994, David Carson

Ladies, if you’re a Lursa or a B’etor everyone will understand why the preference to stay covered is there, BUT no understanding will be offered to those who hate on all of the above people who dare to be nudist or go nude for their cause. Same to the narrow gents. What’s YOUR cause Frumpos? Snarking at people who try to change the world? Who try to end apartheid? Who challenge status quo?

Nudists in Russia marching against Putin's 3rd term??? . . .

Nudists Nuns in Russia marching against Putin’s 3rd term??? . . .

The more ‘faithful’ they are the more brittle the faith . . . hence the term ‘cracker’ . . . so go hide your daughters and get out your shotguns. (this is intended to remind those without 2nd amendment rights to know how good hillbillies live in the USA, no other reason . . . ). Aight back to surfing porn and drinking horse, pork and beef flavoured beer . . .

Nudists in Paris.

Nudists in Paris.

Israeli Nudists for St.Alia.

Israeli Nudists for St.Alia.

Pussy Riot - Russia.

Pussy Riot – Russia.

Nudist Zones in China (at least zones exist . . .)

Nudist Zones in China (at least zones exist . . .)

This is not a nudist gathering but rather an English advert.

This is not a nudist gathering but rather an English advert.

So the next time someone is dressed like this, just keep the mouth shut. Bikini's are skimpier and even if out of context, nudism is not even sexual activity per se. The clothes on this woman are actually kinda wholesome, even with the neons . . .

So the next time someone is dressed like this, just keep that mouth shut. Bikini’s are skimpier and even if out of context, nudism is not even sexual activity per se. The clothes on this woman are actually kinda wholesome, even with the neons . . .

mini-ARTICLE 9.5

Woman Has Baby At Upstate New York Zoo : There was no time to get the expectant mother to hospital after she suddenly went into labour on Friday. – 8:33pm UK, Saturday 08 December 2012 – Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York

A New York state zoo has had a surprise visit – from the stork.

A woman went into labour on Friday and gave birth on a path at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse.

The 21-year-old woman, who was visiting the zoo with a group, had a baby girl with help from keepers not far from the bear exhibit.

Zoo worker Liz Schmidt told The Post-Standard that she heard about the situation and rushed to find the woman already pushing out the baby.

“I honestly didn’t expect her to deliver at the zoo,” Ms Schmidt said. “I thought we’d pop her in a wheelchair and she’d be good to go to the hospital.”

Other workers arrived with blankets to keep the mother and baby warm, and the zoo’s elephant expert herded away curious visitors.

An ambulance soon arrived to take the newborn to a hospital. A hospital representative declined to discuss the mother or baby’s medical conditions for privacy reasons.

Zoo Director Ted Fox said the attraction plans to send a gift to the family.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Nice . . . so Penang gets another beast among their ranks what was being snatched? Zoo animals conceiving? Now we understand why cheaters never prosper and why (some) Asians REALLY do not have Human Souls. That which is not one’s may never belong by theft or strength in numbers, more so on the spiritual level. How about another invasion of the 3rd world before the pariahs get too strong. Those who play by the rules need not worry, by now most of the ‘invaders’ should be able to identify the whos who among pariahs and among the rich and politically connected are plenty of pariahs.


Medvedev Makes Strange Off-Air Comments : The Russian prime minister expressed bizarre views on Father Christmas and aliens when the cameras were still rolling. – 9:43pm UK, Friday 07 December 2012

Dmitry Medvedev has been caught making some unusual comments off-air after failing to realise television cameras were still rolling.

The Russian prime minister let his guard down after an interview with five Russian television stations – offering his strange views on Father Christmas and aliens as well as taking a pot shot at President Vladimir Putin and the federal police.

“I believe in Father Frost. But not too deeply. But anyway, you know, I’m not one of those people who are able to tell the kids that Father Frost does not exist,” he said in a jovial reply to a question about Russia’s equivalent of Santa Claus.

He went on to take a jab at Mr Putin for his frequent lateness for meetings after he was more than hour late for an event in southern Russia.

“Colleagues, somebody should be extremely punctual, while somebody else is exhausting all the limits for being late,” he said.

The comments invited a satirical reaction on the Internet which is unlikely to help Mr Medvedev, whose power has been ebbing since Mr Putin took over as president.
RUSSIA-GOVERNMENT-POLITICS-MEDVEDEV The prime minister speaking to the TV stations that caught him off-air

In the interview itself, Mr Medvedev underlined his allegiance to the president in a likely bid to dismiss rumours he is about to be fired.

In an unexpected move, the liberal-leaning prime minister defended Kremlin-backed laws which critics say will be used to stifle dissent.

But in the off-air comments, he was more frank.

When a journalist complained about federal investigators arriving to search the home of a witness in an inquiry early in the morning, Mr Medvedev said: “They are just jerks, so they come at eight in the morning.

“It’s just their set of habits. I know many people who work in the police. They think if they come at seven in the morning they will get everything in the world.”

Another of the journalists asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet,” Mr Medvedev answered playfully.

“Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country…

“More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic,” he said.

None of the television stations that interviewed Medvedev broadcast the off-air comments.

Russians mocked the prime minister on the internet.

“It’s sad when the former president and current prime minister of your country is simply a pathetic person,” Yekaterina Kudinova wrote on Twitter.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Not strange at all but with the kind of Russian subtlty that bore Russia a Marx. Medvedev has a OCCULT (or Techno advanced derived) CONSCIENCE which could be tranlated into OCCULT (or Techno advanced derived) ETHICS which can translate into (or Techno advanced derived) MORALLY AFFLUENT LAWS. This is my strange response to Medvedev’s strange off air comments. Expositions on methodology will lead to spiritual cleanliness and less hive mindedness and less mob mindedness, these many headed “non-individuals” Medvedev is referring to are the true criminals of Humanity that need to have the worst happen to them.

A one-on-one between exes is not the same as mass parasitisation, and we all know where spiritual parasites are going, those who do not produce and only take, as “Useless Eaters” are bound for the Auswictzs’ of the future (and past). In other words, do your own work or (spiritual homework) and choose your fights carefully and with respect, millions of spirits will be seeking their payment for their untimely deaths and that will be the ‘hell’ everyone keeps talking about . . . vote Medevedev for the next Sec. Gen. of the UN and we might see a better world if Medevedev applies entirely such principles within the SPIRITUAL update of the UN Human Rights Charter. Here’s one for the morally affluent non-cops and non-parasites . . . lets shine a light on all degenerates who won’t even think for themselves . . .


Rotting whale in Malibu likely left to nature – by RAQUEL MARIA DILLON | Associated Press

MALIBU, Calif. (AP) — No government agency is taking action to remove the decaying carcass of a whale on a California beach, making it appear the job will be left to Mother Nature.

The corpse of the huge fin whale created a spectacle on Friday as people wandered down the narrow Malibu beach to look at the remains — white bones, rolls of blubber and the tail flukes trailing along the water’s edge.

The homes of movie stars, celebrities and others line the cliffs high above the slender beach.

Looking over the whale, Malibu resident Ben Dossett suggested there was now no need to try to remove it.

“You look at the difference between what it was on Tuesday to what it is today. I think they can just leave it and let nature take its course,” he said.

The smell had largely faded away, but still attached to the shoes of those who came near. Some people took pictures, a boy poked the bones and dogs sniffed it.

“It’s really sad that this is my first time seeing a whale,” said Ingrid De La O, a Malibu resident. “It’s mind-boggling to see this immense huge thing that lives in the water.”

The 40-foot-long, 40,000-pound juvenile male washed ashore Monday near Point Dume, which marks the western end of Santa Monica Bay, about 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles.

“From the evidence that we have so far, it appears that it was hit by a ship,” said Jonsie Ross, marine mammal coordinator for the California Wildlife Center.

James Respondek, a real estate agent who lives in the area, worried that the carcass would draw sharks that could pose a threat to his young daughter, who swims in the cove, and to his favorite surfing spot down the beach. He said he was frustrated that no agency would remove the carcass.

“There seems to be no readiness to take responsibility, to take action, just a lot of excuses. ‘I don’t have a boat, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the resources,’ they all told me,” he said.

Fin whales are endangered, and about 2,300 live along the West Coast. They’re the second-largest species of whale after blue whales and can grow up to 85 feet, weigh up to 80 tons and live to be 90 years old.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Austerity leads to political caution? Cost saving and avoiding use of crony contractors (in this case whale cleaning crews companies which the government cleverly decided not to pay with taxpayer funds by, or where the links were so obvious they did not want to expose their political flank for) is good for the taxpayers and respect of tax fund access, and who knows a clever reference to Kim Schmidt that MSM should play on . . . the cleanup might cost a few thousand which could go to the starving or homeless, instead of  a crony company. The local bars could take a look at the below article btw, a potential money making and indirect clean up courtesy of the local oceanside bars, though killings of mostly endangered whales intentionally by ship owners should be very carefully watched for . . .

mini-ARTICLE 11.5

‘Whale Skin’ Cocktail: London Bar Raided – A ‘Moby Dick’ cocktail allegedly containing illegal whale skin is removed from a trendy Hoxton bar’s menu after a police raid. – 9:43am UK, Sunday 09 December 2012

There is a Europe-wide ban on the sale of whale meat

A London bar has been raided by police for allegedly serving cocktails flavoured with illegal whale skin.

The Metropolitan police targeted the Nightjar bar in Hoxton, East London, where a drink called the Moby Dick was listed in an online menu.

It was described as containing Laphroaig whisky, Drambuie, ale and bitters, along with a “whale skin infusion”.

There is a Europe-wide ban on the sale of whale meat and products, except under strict restrictions in Greenland and Denmark.

Police were tipped-off in October that the bar was serving whale skin illegally, and raided the City Road premises on December 3.

It was carried out by officers from the Met’s Wildlife Crime Unit and an officer from the United Kingdom Border Force.

“One item from the premises was seized,” said a police spokesman. “This has been sent for analysis.”

No arrests have been made.

No-one from the bar was available for comment, however the Sunday Times reported that the bar’s management was unaware the drink may have contained an illegal ingredient until the raid.

The drink no longer appears on the bar’s online menu.

'Muktuk' Whaleskin, fresh from Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna, Alaska.

‘Muktuk’ Whaleskin, fresh from Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna, Alaska.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Mix, shake it cold and pour into an icecube-filled highball glass, top with soda. Drop the soda and use a smaller glass with crushed ice to get a fuller taste. Drape whale skin on edge.


2 1/2 parts Dark rum
1/2 part Galliano
1 part Triple sec
3 parts Lemon juice
2 parts 7-up
wedge of Lemon
whale skin infusion


I wanted to burn down the hospital that let my husband die like a battery hen: MP’s heartbreaking account of NHS neglect – by Frances Hardy – PUBLISHED: 00:50 GMT, 8 December 2012 | UPDATED: 10:28 GMT, 8 December 2012

Owen Roberts was an Oxford graduate, a man of dazzling intellect and gentle wit, who met Ann when they were both young broadcast journalists

Ann Clwyd had presumed that when her husband was admitted to a flagship teaching hospital, the staff charged with caring for him would do just that. It was not an outrageous assumption.

She did not imagine that he would die ‘like a battery hen’, squashed against the bars of his bed.

She did not anticipate that he would deteriorate catastrophically because, she feels, those entrusted to look after him were guilty of ‘indifference, contempt and callousness’.

She had expected that her gentle and genial husband, Owen Roberts, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, would be accorded care and kindness.

Instead, six weeks ago, he died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff, as she sat helpless at his side.

This week, Ann, 75, the Labour MP for Cynon Valley, and a redoubtable campaigner for the rights of the oppressed, steeled herself to make her private grief public.

She did so not for political aggrandisement but to try to spare others similar suffering.

Ann spoke out shortly after Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt admitted that poor standards of care are one of the biggest problems facing the NHS; that in the worst cases, hospital staff are overseeing ‘a kind of normalisation of cruelty’.

And she wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients.

When I met her in her parliamentary office later, she was composed and softly-spoken. Occasionally her eyes blurred with tears, but aside from grief, the emotion that overwhelms her is a quiet, simmering fury.

‘I felt it in the hospital,’ she says. ‘I can’t really remember what happened immediately after Owen died — it’s a blur — but I do remember my anger. Owen did not die from MS. He died from hospital-acquired pneumonia, and from lack of care and attention.

‘I’m still angry, and the anger gets fiercer. I think at one point I felt I’d like to burn down the hospital.

‘I know that people meet in rooms and discuss things and promise it will never happen again. But you know very well that it does. Again and again.

‘Owen was a tall man, 6ft 2in, and he died cramped and squashed against the bars of his bed like a battery hen. He had an oxygen mask that didn’t fit properly and cut into his chin. When I asked for a better fitting one, they said, “Oh, we don’t think so”.

Almost every request I made was ignored or dismissed. His lips were very dry and I couldn’t understand why nobody was moistening them. I used my own lip salve on them.

‘I saw a nurse in the corridor and asked her why my husband wasn’t in intensive care. She just said, “There are lots worse than him”, and walked on.

‘Previously, I had asked another nurse if a doctor had seen him that day, and she said: “No, but we know what to do.”

To me, that meant “We’ll do nothing”. It was almost as if someone, somewhere, had decided they weren’t going to do anything more for Owen, although he was obviously very ill.
Six weeks ago, Owen Roberts died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, pictured

Six weeks ago, Owen Roberts died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, pictured

‘He was very cold, because a patient in the next bed had a fan that was blowing cold air over him and Owen had only thin cotton blankets on his bed.

‘There was no one observing him. You ask yourself: “Where is everyone? Where are the nurses? Why is no one doing anything?”

‘You kick yourself that you didn’t stand in the corridor and scream, but when you’re an MP, you’re concerned about throwing your weight around. And you think, “I’m in a specialist hospital, with people who’ve been professionally trained” — and you assume they know what they’re doing.

‘But a basic element of good care was missing: compassion.

‘Owen lived with great dignity and fortitude, but when he died, he was treated with contempt. And I believe the fact that the nurses and doctors failed in their duty of care contributed to his death.’

Owen Roberts was an Oxford graduate, a man of dazzling intellect and gentle wit, who met Ann when they were both young broadcast journalists. He went on to become a distinguished director and producer on Welsh television.

They had no children and Ann entered politics — and became MP for her Welsh constituency in 1984. She later became Tony Blair’s special envoy on human rights in Iraq.

When Owen died in October, they had been married for 49 years.
Ann Clwyd was the UK special envoy for Human Rights in Iraq from 2003 to 2010. She is pictured during a visit to the Welsh Guards in Iraq

For 30 years he had suffered from MS, but had borne adversity with courage. Two years ago, in 2010, he fractured his leg in a fall and had a partial hip replacement, which left him confined to a wheelchair. But he lived at home in South Wales with Ann, who combined her parliamentary duties with looking after him.

He was ‘spirited, aware and intellectually curious’ and had enjoyed a visit from an old friend, an Oxford professor, just days before he collapsed on October 10 and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

At the hospital, Owen was allocated a bed in an open area of the A&E department, near the nurses’ station. Ann was told he would be kept in for observation, but she did not want to leave him until she had established that he would be sent to a ward.

She recalls: ‘Every time I tried to talk to one of the nurses, they were either on the phone or talking to one another. I know they were busy, but it did not explain how they could completely ignore a patient.

‘Whenever I asked when we’d see someone, the answer was always: “In a minute.” There was busy-ness, laughter, joking?…?but nobody addressed our concerns.

‘A doctor arrived with a tick list. He was brusque, arrogant and rude — he didn’t even introduce himself. When I asked, “What’s your name?”, he looked at me as if I’d said something impertinent. After he’d asked his questions, he just went off.

‘All this time, I hadn’t been offered a chair or a word of explanation. I’d expected at least some reassurance. But it was as if the nurses were in their little world. There was a feeling of total isolation’

Faced with this, Ann sent a text message to her PA, begging her to ask for help on her behalf.

Two-and-a-half hours later, a doctor arrived and assured her that Owen would be sent to a respiratory ward. Ann duly went home — but 24 hours later, her husband was still in A&E.

Meanwhile, Ann became ill herself, with a chest infection, and was unable to visit her husband — who’d now, finally, been transferred to a ward — for fear of infecting him and other patients.

Instead, friends and family popped in every day and she sought reports on his condition by phone. Often, she was thwarted. ‘I’d be told his nurse wasn’t there, or was on a tea break. I asked to speak to him on the phone, but they told me it was a facility they didn’t offer.’
The MP wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients

The MP wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients

Owen was diagnosed with sleep apnoea, a treatable disorder characterised by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. He was, Ann was told, to be given a mask to wear at night to help regularise his breathing. It never materialised.

However, she spoke on the phone to a staff nurse, who offered a hopeful and cheering prognosis, predicting that Owen should be able to return home the following week.

The next day, however, Ann had a call from a consultant, telling her that he was very worried. “We think he’s got pneumonia,” he said.

‘I was stunned; panicked. I rushed in with my niece, and they told me he was not responding to antibiotics.’ Owen’s condition deteriorated sharply. Ann recalls the eight hours she spent at his bedside on the day before he died, on October 23.

‘I took in a catalogue of shirts and ties that had arrived in the post because he loved colourful ties and I thought he’d find it a bit of a joke. I showed it to him and he said, in Welsh, “Tomorrow”. It was the last word he said to me.’

‘I sat by his bed and he was breathing with his oxygen mask on. One of his eyes was inflamed and watering, so I asked for a nurse to wipe it. But no one came. So I got a tissue from my bag.

‘I sat at his bedside from 2.30pm until 10.30pm and, as far as I recall, no one said anything to us. No one asked me if I wanted a cup of tea. It was as if I was invisible.

‘There was one ward round, and I stood in a corridor while they pulled the curtains around Owen’s bed. They were gone in a flash, and I’ve no idea what went on.

‘I tried to reassure him, so that he didn’t feel abandoned. He was very cold — as he had been all the time he was in hospital. I put red socks on him — he always liked red socks — and I sat and held his hand.’

When Ann returned home, she texted a friend: ‘No doctor has been since this morning. Very few nurses around either. Not very happy with the set-up.’ That night, she slept fitfully for a few hours, and was called back to the hospital at 5?am.

‘I was in a state of shock. I got dressed very quickly and put on a red coat that Owen loved.

‘My neighbour Geraldine came with me, and when we got there and found Owen’s knee squashed against the side bars of the bed. We pushed a pillow in between to make him more comfortable. His feet were sticking out of the end of the bed and he was cold. Geraldine got a towel and put it over his feet.

‘I’d once got a bill through parliament to improve the welfare of battery hens, and I remember thinking he looked so cramped and squashed he was just like one.

‘I just sat there and stroked his arm. I was afraid to do anything — but I was in a university teaching hospital and I thought they must know what they were doing.

‘It was all a bit of a haze, but I remember thinking: “Why aren’t they doing anything?” I tried to say encouraging words. I wanted to reassure him, to let him know that I was there.

‘I’d never seen anyone die before, but when I saw the blood draining from Owen’s face, I just knew that he was dead.
As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off – but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time’

As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off – but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time’

‘Just at that moment, a nurse came in with a trolley crying out: “Anyone for breakfast?” It was only a four-bed ward, and she showed indifference bordering on callousness. It was, for me, a very emotionally draining time — and I believe care and dignity were not there. Owen was treated with contempt.’

As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off — but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time.’

A few days after her husband’s funeral, Ann returned to work. Friends had told her that work was the best therapy — but six weeks on, sleep eludes her.

For her, solace comes in the form of campaigning so that others do not suffer as her husband did. ‘This is why I’ve forced myself to speak out. I’ve had hundreds of supportive emails, and one retired GP wrote: “I felt ashamed of my profession and I cried at your distress.”

‘I don’t want any redress for myself, but I want to start a campaign. I just want to flag up the lack of compassion.

‘We all know nurses work under huge pressure, but so many now have degrees, and it seems to me there is more interest in their qualifications than in the qualities they should show to their patients.

‘Care, compassion, concern: this is what is needed. This is the message I want to get across.’

Mr Adam Cairns, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Chief Executive, said he was keen to meet with Ms Clwyd.

‘I would, of course, like to offer my sincere condolences to Ms Clwyd on the loss of her husband. I have been very concerned to learn of her experiences but, unfortunately, to date, and despite repeated efforts, Ms Clwyd has not responded to our offers to meet with her.

‘As a health board, we always accept responsibility when things don’t go well, which is why we really need Ms Clwyd to help us get to the bottom of what happened in the case of her late husband and to allow us to investigate fully the very serious concerns she has raised.

‘I’ve asked for a review of the case to be undertaken, a process which would be much improved by having information first-hand of the circumstances surrounding this case.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Any person can be a nurse without the degree after an informal internship. Somehow, working so hard and saving so much for a degree sucks the very compassion and humanity necessary to be a good nurse and a good citizen. Modern education is EVIL but in a very subtle way. Thats another reason to avoid those who swear by education, especially HIGHER EDUCATION. I had a dozen or so friends that ‘died’ (dehumanized to point of non-viability as friends) after getting educations.

They never seemed the same. As for hospitals, I’d say that my parents who had some reason to be interred, ALSO ‘died’ and became ‘different’ after their stays. Education and healthcare, even working on a salary in general somehow fracture the souls of those they come into contact with or those working at such places. Try talking to people with less education and compare, while the conversations are mostly less interesting or more limited, the sense of humanity is more intact. There might be some sort of ‘contract’ that the spirit seems to be affected by when using such institutions, not easy to place this occult sort of thing, but most of society excepting the people denouncing or untouched by the overall system make for a very difficult case to put forth, yet we still try and the closing thing to a key I’d say is to study Socialism and Marxism FIRST before getting into the Capitalist and Consumerist world. That is all I can offer to those who are afflicted with what I just described. Modern society is a spiritual sickness of sorts. That and high density living which fosters hive minds ad mob mindedness . . . the other thing that changes a person’s objectivity and ‘true self’, is marriage and family, but that will be for another response . . .


Doomsday Plans? Or forewarned of terror by terrorists (and hence complicit)? – Jurong Rock Cavern – Published April 17, 2009

“Jurong Rock Cavern, South-east Asia’s first underground rock cavern for oil storage, with its two access shafts almost completed, will begin its first phase of proper construction at year end, with the first two caverns providing 480,000 cu meters of storage. JRC is located more than 100 meters below Jurong Island’s Banyan Basin and it will provide safe and secure storage for liquid hydrocarbons such as crude oil, condensate, naphtha and gasoil. Locating the JRC just beneath Jurong Island will add more infrastructural support to the major chemical companies operating there such as Chevron Philips, ExxonMobil and Shell. Phase 1 of the project will free up about 60ha of usable land above ground and it will create 1.47 million cu metres of storage space, equivalent to 580 Olympic-sized pools, when completed by 2014. The cavern itself will be up to 27 m high – equivalent to a nine-storey building. This first phase will consist of 8km of tunnels and five caverns housing a total of nine storage galleries. The caverns will be built using a technique that drills and blasts sedimentary rock and for greater stability, the inner wall will be lined with rock bolts. A planned phase 2 of the project will double JRC’s storage capacity. GK-JCPL Consortium, a Jurong International partnership with French engineering firm Geostock, has previously been awarded the contract to in providing basic engineering design and construction management services for the caverns and associated facilities. Jurong International is also previously responsible for many of the heavy infrastructure and engineering projects associated with Jurong Island including its initial formation via reclamation and amalgamation of seven islands.”

Why we need such a deep storage in granite…300 feet below the surface? Just hoping its not for nuclear plant or weapons storage.

Hyundai clinches $890m Jurong Rock Cavern contract – by RONNIE LIM

CONSTRUCTION proper of Singapore’s underground oil storage project is finally set to start with South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering & Construction clinching the main $890 million ‘design and build’ contract this week from JTC Corporation.

Actual building under this contract, for the first phase of Jurong Rock Cavern (JRC), begins at year- end, with the first two caverns providing 480,000 cubic metres of oil storage when ready in the first half of 2013.

The entire phase one, comprising five caverns, will offer a total of 1.47 million cu m when completed by 2014.

This will make the JRC slightly larger than the $470 million, 1.24 million cu m tankfarm of Horizon Terminals, but about two- thirds that of Hin Leong Trading’s $750 million, 2.3 million cu m Universal Terminal – Asia’s largest commercial storage.

The project had earlier run into some delays, although Senior Minister of State for Trade & Industry S Iswaran last month gave the assurance that Singapore was committed to the JRC which would help alleviate the land shortage on Jurong Island.

Investors have not been able to get land there to build more above-ground oil terminals needed by oil refiners and traders to store their oil and petrochemical products.

So despite being behind schedule and slightly above cost, the JRC will provide necessary infrastructure for Singapore’s oil hub, especially once the rebound comes.

The cost for phase one of JRC – being built under Banyan Basin – has run up by about one-third to $940 million from an earlier estimate of $700 million.

This includes the $50 million for two access shafts and start-up galleries – which are almost completed – to facilitate construction.

The chosen operator of the JRC – earlier expected to be announced at the same time as the main construction award – will, however, only be made known by mid-year, JTC officials indicated yesterday.

Existing terminal operators here such as Royal Vopak of Holland and Emirates National Oil Company are known to be vying for this.

The main construction award came 11/2 years after the tender was first called by JTC in late-2007.

Asked why it took that long, given that there were only two bidders (the other being South Korea’s SK Engineering), the spokesman explained that ‘it’s a huge tender which involved a lot of detailed work and is very complex’.

The work is being done 130m below the seabed, and Hyundai – which has experience with such projects in Taiwan and Korea – has to carry out ‘drill and blast’ excavation using explosives, he added.

The entire phase one will involve eight kilometres of tunnels, with five caverns made up of two storage galleries, with each gallery being 340m long, 20m wide and 27m high. (About nine-storeys high, each gallery is large enough to contain water from over 64 Olympic-sized pools).

‘The water pressure will keep the oil contained within the generally unlined rock caves,’ the spokesman said.

The higher project cost arose due to improvements made to the cavern designs to enhance operational flexibility, he explained.

A planned phase two of the JRC could add a further 1.3 million cu m of storage, doubling its capacity.

Asked if this could cost more than phase one, the spokesman said that ‘the complexity is similar, so it depends on the timing (of when the project is done)’.

Commentator Comments :

Default Re: Jurong Rock Cavern To Store What? Scary Thought…Nuclear Plant?

I have a sneaky feeling its for something nuclear. It was mentioned before by our MIWs that Singapore may go nuclear in the future. Since when they tell u the truth about anything until TOO LATE or that we manage to ‘DIG’ things up trawling the internet. I have a real sneaky feeling about this ‘cavern’. Anyone have a map where this 8km cavern is located precisely? Dont want to live above it just in case. It’s in Jurong but where EXACTLY?  “You can fool some of the people some of the time….BUT, you cannot fool ALL the people ALL of the time…

WHICH PARTY’S SLOGAN IS……We Aim To Fool The Majority All The Time?”

Re: Jurong Rock Cavern To Store What? Scary Thought…Nuclear Plant?

Quote Originally Posted by red amoeba View Post

the location for sure will be top secret. No lah, the big lobang is for oil. For weapons or ammo, it would be somewhere else. Instead of hving thse giantic tanks like big targets for terrorist, safer to store them underground. The MIWs have been telling too many lies that its hard to believe them anymore. Even if for oil, there must be air-vents to the surface. i like to know where these air vents are so as not to visit the area too frequently. These air vents should be spewing out invisible chemicals  “You can fool some of the people some of the time….BUT, you cannot fool ALL the people ALL of the time…

WHICH PARTY’S SLOGAN IS……We Aim To Fool The Majority All The Time?”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Kiasu at the taxpayer’s expense? MM 4 million+ yearly, SM 4 million+ yearly, ON TOP of the President and Prime Minister’s posts . . . which 99% of Singaporeans said those salaries were legal? Obama earns 400K a year and USA is 1000s of times more than Singapore? Meritocracy or Institutionalized/Legalized Corruption?


China to flatten 700 mountains for new metropolis in the desert – Lanzhou new area plan to begin with ‘mountain-moving project’, but financial and environmental wisdom of project questioned – Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing –, Thursday 6 December 2012 17.48 GMT

A long, long time ago, an old Chinese peasant named Yu Gong decided to move two inconveniently located mountains away from blocking the entrance to his home. Legend has it he struggled terribly, but ultimately succeeded. Hence the Chinese idiom “Yu Gong moves the mountains.” Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Now Chinese developers are putting old Yu to shame.

In what is being billed as the largest “mountain-moving project” in Chinese history, oneof China’s biggest construction firms will spend £2.2bn to flatten 700 mountains levelling the area Lanzhou, allowing developers to build a new metropolis on the outskirts of the north-western city.

The Lanzhou New Area, 500 square miles (130,000 hectares) of land 50 miles from the city, which is the provincial capital of arid Gansu province, could increase the region’s gross domestic product to £27bn by 2030, according to the state-run China Daily. It has already attracted almost £7bn of corporate investment.

The project will be China’s fifth “state-level development zone” and the first in the country’s rapidly developing interior, according to state media reports. Others include Shanghai’s Pudong and Tianjin’s Binhai, home to a half-built, 120-building replica of Manhattan. China’s state council, its highest administrative authority, approved the Lanzhou project in August.

The first stage of the mountain-flattening initiative, which was reported on Tuesday by the China Economic Weekly magazine, began in late October and will eventually enable a new urban district almost 10 square miles in size northeast of downtown Lanzhou – a small, but important part of the Lanzhou Nnew area project to be built.

One of the country’s largest private companies: the Nanjing-based China Pacific Construction Group, headed by Yan Jiehe, is behind the initiative. The 52-year-old former teacher is portrayed in China as a sort of home-grown Donald Trump – ultra-ambitious and preternaturally gifted at navigating the country’s vast network of “guanxi”, or personal connections.

Yan was born in the 1960s as the youngest of nine children. After a decade of working as a high-school teacher and cement plant employee, he founded his construction firm in 1995 and amassed a fortune by buying and revamping struggling state-owned enterprises. In 2006 the respected Hu Run report named Yan – then worth about £775m – as China’s second-richest man.

His latest plan has evoked a healthy dose of scepticism. Lanzhou, home to 3.6 million people alongside the silty Yellow River, already has major environmental concerns. Last year the World Health Organisation named it the city with the worst air pollution in China. The city’s main industries include textiles, fertiliser production and metallurgy.

Liu Fuyuan, a former high-level official at the country’s National Development and Reform Commission, told China Economic Weekly that the project was unsuitable because Lanzhou is frequently listed as among China’s most chronically water-scarce municipalities. “The most important thing is to gather people in places where there is water,” he said.

Others also pointed to the financial risk of building a new city in the middle of the desert. “All this investment needs to be paid back with residential land revenue, and I don’t see much on returns in these kinds of cities,” said Tao Ran, an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing. “If you have a booming real estate market it might work, but it seems to me that real estate in China is very, very risky.”

In an email interview, a China Pacific Construction Group spokeswoman dismissed criticisms of the project as unjustified. “Lanzhou’s environment is already really poor, it’s all desolate mountains which are extremely short of water,” said Angie Wong. “Our protective style of development will divert water to the area, achieve reforestation and make things better than before.”

Yan’s plans could be considered “a protective style of development, and a developmental style of protection”, she said, adding: “I think whether it’s England or America, or any other country, no one will cease development because of resource scarcity caused by geography.”

A promotional video posted on the Lanzhou new area website shows a digitally-rendered cityscape of gleaming skyscrapers and leafy parks. Against a driving operatic score, the camera zooms out from a large government building to reveal features of the area’s imagined urban topography: a clock tower, a new airport, an oil refinery, a light-rail system, and a stadium packed with cheering fans.

The new area “will lead to an environmentally sustainable economy based on energy-saving industries” including advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemical industries and modern agriculture, wrote Chinese Central Television on its website.

The Lanzhou city government could not be reached for comment.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

There is no such thing as ‘real estate’, this has tremendous occult significance instead. Note the location and surrounding quake zones. This is a fengshui confluence city that looks set to be  filled with life energy if not mistaken or even able to somehow harness the energy at the safe point. Concept of money and real estate is a farce btw. Save for allodial titles backed by force of arms, real goods and real labour/services, or the whimsical entertainments of the RLD, OPZ or Casino city, there is nothing on this planet but evil politicians term limitless and nepotistic, along with plutocrats (those who are BOTH politician and plutocrat are the worst) that sequester wealth and pollute the environment.


Brussels says it would block independent Scotland automatically joining the EU – by Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor – PUBLISHED: 08:57 GMT, 6 December 2012 | UPDATED: 09:02 GMT, 6 December 2012

European Commission letter to House of Lords says Scotland’s membership will ‘cease to apply’ if it breaks away from the UK / Spanish government would block entry, fearing it would embolden Catalonian separatists

First Minister Alex Salmond has insisted an independent Scotland would automatically join the EU – something Brussels disputes

Brussels will refuse to let Scotland automatically join the European Union if voters back Alex Salmond’s plans for independence, it emerged today.

Officials at the European Commission have revealed Scotland’s EU membership will ‘cease to apply’ if it is no longer part of the UK.

The Spanish government has made clear it would ‘veto’ any attempt by Scotland to join.

It is a major blow to claims made by Mr Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister, that Scotland would automatically continue to be in the Euro bloc.

He was ridiculed after claiming in a TV interview that he had obtained legal advice on EU membership but it had to remain secret. He later admitted no advice had been sought.

Now it has emerged that a letter sent to a House of Lords committee warns that that independence ‘would not have a neutral impact’.

Scotland would become a ‘third country’ – outside the EU and have to apply to join the 27-member union, the European Commission told the Lords economic affairs committee.

‘If a territory of a member state ceases to be part of that member state because it has become an independent state then the treaties would cease to apply to that territory,’ according to the letter reported by The Scotsman.

If Scotland did lodge an application it would need to ‘fulfil the usual obligations’ and be ‘accepted unanimously by the members of the council [member states]’.

In a recent debate, Lib Dem Lord Wallace revealed the UK government was clear that any attempt for Scotland to join the EU would meet with difficulties.

‘On the question of Catalonia and Spain, it is entirely clear that the Spanish Government are opposed to any idea of secession and would be likely to veto a Scottish application to join the European Union under current circumstances.

There have been exchanges between the Spanish Government and the European Commission on this exact issue.’

The Spanish government fears that if an independent Scotland gained membership it would bolster calls for Catalonian independence.

It directly contradicts claims made by Mr Salmond’s SNP, who have repeatedly suggested Scotland would automatically join the EU as a new state.
The Scottish independence referendum is being held in autumn 2014, when Mr Salmond hopes to capitalise on a patriotic mood marking 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

The Scottish independence referendum is being held in autumn 2014, when Mr Salmond hopes to capitalise on a patriotic mood marking 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

SNP MP Pete Wishart told the Commons last month: ‘Scotland is a constituent part of the United Kingdom. We are currently a member of the European Union. After independence, we will continue to be a member of the European Union.’

But Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire told the same debate that ‘everything would change’ if Scots vote to go it alone in the referendum due in autumn 2014.

An independent Scotland would not automatically be a member of the EU and would have to ‘start afresh’, he added.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said: ‘Immediately following a Yes vote in Autumn 2014, Scotland will still be part of the UK. Negotiations will then take place on the transfer of powers from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament along with negotiations on the specific terms of an independent Scotland’s continued membership of the European Union.

‘Ministers have always been clear that these negotiations will be needed – but the crucial point is that they will take place from within the EU.

‘Scotland has been an integral part of the European Union for almost four decades and an independent Scotland will continue in EU membership. As legal, constitutional and European experts have confirmed, Scotland is part of the territory of the European Union and the people of Scotland are citizens of the EU, and there is no provision for those circumstances to change upon independence.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

I wouldn’t worry if I were Salmond or Scotland. When Scotland becomes a sovereign state and possibly banking or hub for BRICS, Brussels will change their tone to the effect that automatic joining will be forestalled by going through the motions of ‘starting afresh’. This is terribly manipulative but a face saving necessity.

Scotland presents a great opportunity for BRICS by being sidelined in this manner by EU. BRICS well needs a friendly point to the EU by and if the EU has decided to distance from Scotland then BRICS would certainly find Scotland that much more attractive, not that EU and BRICS are in any spat that Scotland is already not aware of. UN can even drop Scotland, but so long as BRICS is around the multipolar world will balance things out.

An independent Scotland would not automatically be a member of the EU and would have to ‘start afresh’, he added. Well thats just pretentious. And if by some impossibility that Scotland fails to join EU, the BRICS will be very happy to have a new member EVEN IF Scotland becomes the North Korea of the EU. Like a trust fund under guardianship and insulting as hell to Scotland to the tune of a deflated bagpipe gasping a sour note of contrived control. I’m not Scottish but already feel offended on the Scots’ behalf. Incidentally, try the CGI “Brave”, the settings make the Scots into a circus, main characters are ‘fractured’ as hell and an unhealthy role model . . .


Don’t name your kid Siri – by Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN – December 2, 2012 — Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT)

Sometimes a highly individualistic name for a baby is not good news for a kid, says Dean Obeidallah

Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN. He is the editor of the politics blog “The Dean’s Report” and co-director of the upcoming documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” Follow him on Twitter: @deanofcomedy

(CNN) — Siri, Mars, Mac and Luna. I’m not talking Apple products or planetary terms. These are baby names. And not just any baby names but ones that have jumped in popularity in 2012, according to Baby’s just released list.

Baby Siri? Seriously, who would name their bundle of joy after a frustrating Apple product that hardly ever works? And speaking of Apple (see daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin,) that name moved up a whopping 585 places on the list of names for girls born in 2012. So there could conceivably be a family out there with a daughter named Apple and a son named Siri. (Hope that entitles the family to a discount on an iMac.)

There was a time when bizarre baby naming was something only celebrities did to their kids (as if being the child of a celebrity wasn’t challenging enough). There’s Beyonce and Jay Z’s Blue Ivy, Penn Jillette’s son, Moxie Crimefighter, Bono’s daughter Memphis Eve, actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspektor, and the list goes on and on.
Dean Obeidallah

But now this “condition” is apparently spreading to the rest of us. In addition to the offbeat names above, 2011 saw babies sporting such names as: Moo, Draper, Graceland and Tequila.

There are even media reports that this past weekend some parents allegedly named their newborn daughter, Hashtag. That one may turn out to be an Internet hoax, but after last year’s story of a child in Egypt being named Facebook (in praise of the role Facebook played in the Egyptian revolution), we can’t be too far from babies named Retweet and Spam Blocker anyway. It truly is only a matter of time until you meet a kid named DVR or Playstation 3.
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Apparently some parents believe that giving their child a jaw-dropping name will make him or her more distinctive. News flash: it’s not the name that makes your child stand out, it’s his or her achievements.

While I don’t want to rain on creativity, let’s be honest — these weird names are more about parents showing off their “cleverness” than about finding a name that fits the child. It’s not like the parents got to know the child first for a few months and then said, “You know this baby really is a little Siri.”
Beyonce, Jay-Z welcome baby Blue Ivy
Jolie: We are all Malala

And do these parents even consider that a baby’s name can cause consequences for the child that the parents never imagined, and in many areas of the child’s life? When I reflect upon my own name, I realize that my life could have been far different if my parents had followed their initial instincts when naming me.

My Palestinian father wanted to name me Saladin after the famous Muslim leader, while my Sicilian mother wanted to name me Dino. Instead they compromised on Dean.

Growing up in North Jersey, Dean was not a common name. But it actually made me feel different in a good way being the only Dean in my class. And even today in looking at the list of baby names for 2012, I was actually happy that Dean was not in the top 100.

Still, the truth is, if I’d been named Dino, I would have certainly been viewed as more ethnic by teachers, potential employers and co-workers. I would have been required to continually overcome cultural stereotypes.

And if I’d been named the very Arabic Saladin Obeidallah, you could just imagine all the “fun” I would have had in post-9/11 America. I would have likely volunteered for “random” security checks at the airport to make it easier for all involved or simply got used to taking the bus cross country.

But there’s a difference between a name that isn’t overly common and naming your child after your favorite appliance. A name is a big part of a kid’s identity. It can trigger impressions about a child even before we meet him or her — a particular problem among the closed-minded of the world, but this is the world your child will have to navigate.

For example, studies have found that children with names that linguistically sound like they come from a lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be recommended by school officials for gifted classes and actually more likely to be labeled as learning disabled.

Other research has revealed that boys with feminine sounding names — such as Shannon or Ashley — have had more disciplinary problems in school because of their response to teasing. Still other studies have found a link between how much people like their own names and their level of self-esteem.

So, parents, keep in mind that your choice of name will have a lasting impact on your child — both for good and bad. And if you insist on picking a bizarre name for the baby, then I propose that your child be empowered to rename you with any name he or she chooses. At least then it’s fair that a child named Hashtag has parents named Angry Birds and YouTube.

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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In the past there were in some cultures NAMING CEREMONIES AT ADULTHOOD. The child would choose a name LATER, and all children knew their names when young were TEMPORARY and that parents chose those names. Sometimes what the child did that was most unique would also decide what that child was RENAMED at adulthood. So ‘Hashtag’ away and legalise/normalise name changing at the age of 21. Knowing that names are temporary and chosen by parents, kids would not be affected by teasing because they knew they were going to change that name, or the teasers would not bother to tease knowing the name would also change by then.


Michigan weakens union rights in home of auto industry – Michigan passes anti-union law amid protests – by Bernie Woodall – LANSING, Michigan | Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:28pm EST

An anti right-to-work protester is seen outside of Michigan’s state capitol building in Lansing December 11, 2012. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

(Reuters) – Michigan enacted a ban on mandatory union membership on Tuesday, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States.

As more than 12,000 unionized workers and supporters protested at the Capitol in Lansing, the Republican-led state House of Representatives gave final approval to a pair of “right-to-work” bills covering public- and private-sector unions.

Republican Governor Rick Snyder signed the bills into law as soon as they reached his desk, completing in a few days a campaign to make Michigan the 24th U.S. state to prohibit unions from requiring employees to join and contribute dues.

“I view this as an opportunity to stand up for Michigan’s workers, to be pro-worker,” Snyder told a news conference after he signed the bills.

The laws will take effect 90 days after the end of the legislative session, which means they will probably come into force sometime in April. Existing union contracts will not be changed until they expire, according to a provision of the laws.

In a rapid turn of events, Michigan moved from being a bastion of union influence to joining states, mostly in the South, that have weakened local protections for unions.

The Teamsters union national president, James Hoffa, whose father, Jimmy Hoffa, was one of the nation’s most famous labor leaders until he disappeared in 1975 in Michigan, denounced Republican leaders in a speech to the protesters.

“Let me tell the governor and all those elected officials who vote for this shameful, divisive bill – there will be repercussions,” Hoffa said, adding the Republicans could be defeated in the next election.

Unions have accused Snyder of caving in to wealthy Republican business owners and political donors such as the Koch brothers, owners of an energy and trading conglomerate, and Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Michigan-based Amway.

Snyder, a former computer company executive who had said “right-to-work” legislation was too divisive for Michigan, changed course last week and announced his support for it.

While labor leaders decried the legislation, Republican Representative Lisa Lyons said during the debate in the House that such laws were not an attack on unions.

“This is the day Michigan freed its workers,” she said.

Opponents argue that the measures undermine a basic union tenet of bargaining collectively with employers for better wages, benefits and working conditions. They also allow workers to opt out of a union, potentially reducing membership.

By weakening unions, Republicans also could hurt the Democratic Party, which traditionally receives a significant portion of its funding and grass-roots support from unions.

Supporters of right-to-work measures say some unions have become too rigid and workers should be given a choice of whether to join. They also say a more flexible labor market encourages business investment, citing “right-to-work” states where some foreign automakers have put plants rather than in Michigan.


The measures were approved to cries of “shame” from protesters inside the Capitol building, which was closed to visitors when it reached capacity of 2,200, Michigan State Police Inspector Gene Adamczyk said.

An estimated 10,000 more people demonstrated outside in cold and snowy conditions, including members of the United Auto Workers union, and teachers, who shut down several schools in the state to attend the rally.

A few protesters were ejected from the Capitol after they chanted slogans from the gallery during the debate. Protesters tore down two tents set up for supporters of “right-to-work” on the grounds of the Capitol. Adamczyk said six people were arrested after scuffling with officers.

A mixture of pepper spray and tear gas was used on one person, Adamczyk said, although Reuters journalists also saw protesters sprayed with a substance at a government building near the Capitol.

The protests recalled big rallies in Wisconsin nearly two years ago when Republicans voted to curb public-sector unions. Wisconsin never tried to pass “right-to-work” bills.

But Indiana earlier this year became the first state in the industrial Midwest to approve “right-to-work” legislation and several other states are watching the Michigan action closely.


Republicans in Michigan were also emboldened by the defeat in the November election of a ballot initiative backed by unions that would have enshrined the right to collective bargaining in the state constitution.

Michigan is home of the heavily unionized U.S. auto industry, with some 700 manufacturing plants in the state. The state has the fifth highest percentage of workers who are union members, at 17.5 percent

The Detroit area is headquarters for General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler, which is majority-owned by Fiat SpA.

The UAW was founded in Michigan after a 1932 protest at a Ford plant in Dearborn left five people dead, increasing public sympathy for industrial workers during the Great Depression and leading to national legislation protecting unions.

Major automakers, which secured concessions from the UAW after nearly going bankrupt during the recession of 2008-09, were careful not to take sides publicly in the fight.

All of the so-called Big Three domestic automakers said they were “neutral” on “right-to-work,” even though the Michigan Chamber of Commerce strongly supports it.

“At Ford, we are focused on working with all our partners, including the UAW,” the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

Democrats and unions have vowed to challenge the new laws in the courts, to try to overturn them in a ballot initiative and possibly oust through recall elections some Republicans who voted for the measures.

Democratic Representative Douglas Geiss said “right-to-work” laws would lead to a resumption of the battles surrounding the creation of unions decades ago.

“There will be fights on the shop floor if many workers announce they will not pay union dues,” Geiss said.

(Additional reporting by Robert Carr, David Bailey and Deepa Seetharaman; Editing by Greg McCune and Peter Cooney)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Reuters?!? A ban on mandatory union membership *IS NOT*, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States. This protects the workers from mob mindedness or being forced into what become SECRET SOCIETIES that also collect yearly dues or other fees that mosy workers who need a union cannot and would rather not pay! Work unions are powerful and goodly when CONSENSUAL, but when EEVERY WORKER IS FORCED TO JOIN, we end up with ‘Satrapies’ run by tyrants, especially if term limits in the COMMITTEE are not a fact or part of the constitution of the Union in question. This law protects the individual worker by giving OPTIONS. How could Reuters write such news?!?

‘Supporters of right-to-work measures say some unions have become too rigid and workers should be given a choice of whether to join. They also say a more flexible labor market encourages business investment, citing “right-to-work” states where some foreign automakers have put plants rather than in Michigan.’ This says everything.

“There will be fights on the shop floor if many workers announce they will not pay union dues,” Geiss said.

Oh yea? So what if they don;t join or don’t pay. If they don’t want to pay the union mafia, thats their choice. Why should there be any fights at all. Are these unions thugs?


Various Commentators’ Justification of the Civilisational War on Islam : Somewhat censored and telling comments found on :

Blogger mike obrien said…

i fuckin hate this religion ,i grew up in muslim majority country and i can say muslims are full of shitt even though i don’t hate muslims i hate islam “To Muslims it is always a just war if the end goal is to spread Islam. If the war is waged by non Muslims to stop Muslims from marching in to spread Islam inside their land, it is an unjust war…Many Muslims call for da’wa in the West, which technically means “an invitation to Islam.” They present it as a “peaceful” invitation, but they do not tell the West that this is the first step before outright war if their da’wa is rejected. So when Muslims say da’wa, the West should be warned, because they do not want you to know that da’wa is merely the “make nice” first step before preceding outright jihad.” 7:56 PM

Blogger Gabe Del said…

I’m a witness to the ignorance that is Muslim . I’m a US Marine forward deployed on my 5th combat deployment. Four in Iraq and now one in afghanastan . These guys are illiterate and simple minded. The ten percent that can read will twist young Muslims minds to make them believe what ever they want them to believe in their Gods name. Kill, kill, kill is what they teach them against anyone not Muslim. There Koran teaches peace and good will, but I agree, history tells the truth of what kind of people they really are. No need to swear or lower yourself to their level. Muslims are the infection this world so desperately needs a cure for. 10:19 AM

Dead Ted said…

So your saying that the sneak attack on our towers, the pentagon, and the White House is a way to protect their land and people? Good plan worked wonders…some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read 2:38 PM

Blogger Red_Rooster said…

Their minds are f***ed, memorizing the fucking Koran. Their ‘thinking’ part of the brain has gone redundant. They hate the Jews but do everything the Jews do; do not eat pork, cut their dicks, bleed a poor animal to death and call it ‘Hallal’ instead of ‘Kosher’, write backwards and wash their dicks before they start praying. In fact, the dumb muslims, follow the Jewish calender! The first day for the muslims is ‘Yom al Ahed’, meaning the first day. It is the Sunday; the first Jewish day after the Sabath. Yom al Itneen, Yom al thalata, Robo, Khamis and Juma, stand for the second, third, fouth, fifth and sixth day. The muslims 7th. day, is ‘Yom al Septh’; literally meaning, the seventh day. In fact, the Sabath; the day the Jews were told to rest. The muslims only differ from the Jews, is in their day of rest. They rest a day before the Jews. In prayer, physically they are the same, except the Jews literally tell you they are fucking somebody, while the muslims tell you, “Fuck Me!”

samy said…

to Jihan

I know what is written in Quraan , i was forced to read and even memorize it at school when I was living in my mother country before migrate to canada ( thank God), the true islam relegion is violence .. force other people to convert otherwise they will be islam enemy and should be killed .. this is what written in Quraan and you knw it and can not deny it… even in here in canada they are trying to force the stubid islamic belives on other people and their ultimate goal is to take over north america and europ .. I hope that our government to wake up and realise what is going on … WAKE UUUPPPP.., islam is evil , muslims are twisted minded and hate everyone simply because he or she is not muslim !!!! they will be in everlasting HELL.. this is the simple plan truth, so what ever you or any muslim try to say otherwise .. it is a BIGGGGG LIE.!! 10:45 AM

Event_Horizon said…

They are so backward in all aspects of life including commerce, infrastructure or technology. They are a brainwashed nation thirsty for the blood of other successful nations. And the worst part is their fucked up religion acts as a catalyst. It inspires them to wage was over the world. For how long will the world continue to tolerate these freaks of religion? The muslims sole mission in life is to create terror in the world. That is what they live for, that’s what their religion teaches them. They are jealous of the developed countries . . . P.S. Muslims smell bad…..True Story! 12:38 PM

Blogger Pris said…

I love all other religions except islam. Muslims are truly f***** up, but don’t know any better because they are brainwashed and left with no brains. Watch all the muslim countries in the world, none of their economies are doing well. The ones that have oil may have money, but they have no infrastructure, no scientific manpower etc. These assholes come to the west for a better life and then try to force their evil religion, customs, traditions and damn sharia law on the free citizens of the world. If left to thrive these guys will make our western nations deteriorate to the abysmal level of the muslim countries they came from. Their goal is to dominate the world and so they multiply like rats to increase their numbers. Before they become a sizable population in the west we should send these guys, including the ones that were born or converted in the west, to muslim countries and contain them there. Let them over populate muslim countries . . . are contaminating the west and so should be stopped before it is too late. To start off, we need to prohibit building of mosques and islamic schools, and publishing of the unholy koran. We need to unite and end this evil.

Blogger TheDeathBird said…

I know a family who left Lebanon to flee Muslim persecution. One of their grandsons returned to visit. On this trip there was a man yelling on the TV set in his hotel room. The man was protesting being fined a cow for shooting his wife for being outside the house. She had crossed a field and a man on a horse said something to her, since he didn’t get a clear shot at the man. Since he could not prove the man was really talking to his wife they fined him a cow. This is Muslim law this is what the Koran teaches. Also, in the Koran a woman told her husband to stop following Mohamid or she would leave She believed Mo was a bad evil monster. Her husband begged her to not talk bad about Mo but since She wouldn’t stop talking bad about Mohamid and She was Pregnant he cut his unborn child out of her belly. He went to Mo and told him and Mohamid said ” I can find no fault with this man” OK people this Story is in the Koran! can you imagine any other spiritual leader like Jesus or Krishna saying something like that! Only the spawn of hell the son of Satan the true Anti Christ would say such a thing Muslims worship the devil their God lives in hell and eats the faithful Muslims for dinner. While pretending to be God. Let any Muslim tell us that story isn’t in the Koran I read it! they follow this monster Mohamido the vile and say he is good. Anyone who reads the Koran who has any love inside them or spirtuality will be sad such a vile work of hate can be considered a work inspired by God. 7:48 PM

sexyharry said…

these guys(muslims) when small in numbers behave as if they are good (we respect other religions,and our god is tolerant etc.) but reality is there quran teaches to hate,kill people who doesn’t believe in islam, some of muslims are good as they doesn’t follow islam properly…….as muslims number increases they will be no more friend of urs ,they will take the side their muslim brothers and try to implement the shariah law’s,blasts,killing who leaves islam……so,i am a guy from sanathan dharam,in our religion we respect every other religion and our religion doesn’t believe in conversion bcoz god resides in us not by simple conversion…,i love all religions except islam ………4:02 AM

Blogger vsindia said…

Thes muslims are really lowly creatures. all the terrorists in this world are muslims. how can screw muslims ?

– stop giving them jobs
– shun them publicly
– make separate , stricter laws for muslims
– lets convert all their kids after killing the men
– lets creat gas chambers once again – only for muslims/

I hate them so much that my fist clench and jaws go tight when i think of these bastards. They have forcibly thrown out hindus out of kashmir and christians out of bosnia.

4:42 AM

mark said…

not all muslims are bad but I am sick of them. I am sick of them coming to the west and demanding that shariah law be implemented in western nations. if muzzies think shariah law is so great then they should piss off and go live in a muslim nation.

sick of their fantical hate and terrorism.
sick of their demands and sick of their backward ways.
muslims should go and live in muslim nations and keep their shit ways in muslim nations.

10:08 PM

Blogger marine corps captain said…


I have taken significant time to read your Koran. And I would rather wipe my ass with a dirty, dime store novel than waste another minute reading, or listening, to that complete pile of pig cum.
Thank GOD I had the opportunity to kill 19 of your brethren while in Iraq. 19 less jihadists on the move.
It’s not ignorance my camel fucking friend…I completely understand your beliefs, motives and wants for this world. And if given the chance I would end your life as well. And your family’s and friend’s lives if possible.
And please refrain from the old tag line of “That’s not true Islam.” Any individual with a 3rd grade education has the ability to understand your religion of hate, murder, suppresion and penchant for death. Watch your back, Muhhamed…you won’t have a second chance with me. 8:23 AM

Fighting to live said…

Hi guys . I am married to a moslem but I am Greek Orthodox. This is a quite funny mix. Our kids are Christian I made sure . But the Moslems all jokes aside have made and continue to make efforts to convert me. That is quite frightening. My husband offered to convert. So I decided to make him sell everything in Pakistan and the next step is to convert him. Wait and see. Keep up the great work

8:50 PM

Blogger Uncle_Sam said…

this maessage is for the fucking muslims

Long gone are the days when you used to blow yourselves up in the middle of the streets in the countries that you infest with your presence.You forget that we are the ones who created and adopted this so-called human rights but we can also break em! you call yourselves warriors ? Com on up and fight you stinckin’ cowards! we’ll show you what a war means…We’ll show you what everyone felt 65 years ago!We’ll show the Nazi style bitches…we will behead all of your stinckin’ children and your masked-shit-pushed-in wifes… Can u all spell together HOLOCAUST? 3:10 PM

Blogger Red_Rooster said…

sdlfihsdiulkgh54;kuy5b4jgrehthredyth said… This man talks of porn … Tell him to go to Yemen. He can fuck 12 yr. old girls there for free! Three times a day! Free!

I lived in Yemen and I know. All the women go out around noon to eat Kat at their friends’. You just pick these Burka clad women and boy, when they enter your home, the Burka is off in a jiffy! Just like that! Pot luck but fucking lucky evertime I had. I must have fucked over 300 muslim cunts in my 5-year stay there. No worry of husbands. They are all in working in Saudi Arabia; coolies there and their 12 year old brides are getting fucked back home. By the way … all their women have inserted in them, the ‘Copper T’. A muslim Female gynacologist I knew, made a roaring business from inserting these things.

4:35 PM

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The ruder parts of the above have been edited out. The acts of terror are clear enough, but just from a woman’s angle, one doesn’t need to be a woman to want Islam to end in some places, to see how horrible Muslimahs lives are in some places . . . combine with a chastity belt (Christianity) and wallah, a semi-Cyborg . . . how much do some of the very worse among Muslets hate life or procreation that makes them treat women like this, makes the ‘no condoms’ Catholic lot seem humane even though abortion IS A HUMAN RIGHT. . .

In 1998, racial riots against the ethnic Chinese in West Java prompted the production and sale of “anti-rape corsets” (things have cooled off since as China gains further traction in ASEAN . . . ).


Egyptians suffer buyers’ remorse as Morsi drives toward Islamicization – by Araminta Wordsworth | Dec 12, 2012 8:30 AM ET | Last Updated: Dec 12, 2012 8:43 AM ET

Full Comment’s Araminta Wordsworth brings you a daily round-up of quality punditry from across the globe. Today: It’s the statistics, stupid!

There are more than 83 million people living in Egypt, the Middle East’s most populous nation; 90% of them are Sunni Muslims. More than half dwell in small towns and villages in the countryside and tend to be deeply conservative, attached to tradition. There is a small, urban, educated upper-middle class of liberals and left-wingers.

If these people get the vote, guess who the majority would go for? Under these circumstances, the dramatic swing from dictatorship through democracy to dictatorship is all too sadly predictable.

Now, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood member who was elected Egyptian president in June, is showing his true colours — he’s like Hosni Mubarak with a beard. He wants nothing less than an Islamic state, with sharia law and Muslim clerics empowered to render legal opinions.

His idea of reaching out to the opposition is to restate his position, as he did in last week’s speech. This was so devoid of anything resembling reconciliation or fresh ideas, the BBC cut off the live feed after about seven minutes.

Instead, Morsi is calling on the military to do his dirty work, arresting and trying civilians. Brotherhood members have also resorted to torture and the kind of vigilante “justice” that was a feature of the ancient regime. In their view, opponents are Mubarak supporters and/or paid troublemakers.

The Economist for one has seen the writing on the wall.

[Morsi’s actions have polarized Egypt’s exhausted people. The most populous and politically pivotal Arab state stands on the brink of prolonged civil strife, or a descent into a form of veiled dictatorship not unlike the one so recently overthrown, only this time in drab Islamist garb …
The abruptness of the Islamists’ lunge for control has ignited Egypt’s hitherto fractious opposition in outrage, prompting protests on the scale of those during the revolution. A group of former presidential candidates has picked Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel peace prize-winner and former UN official, as their leader, and threatened strikes and continued protests until Mr. Morsi relents. The judges, who usually run such things, plan to boycott the referendum. But he shows no signs of backing down. Tired, impoverished and apprehensive, ordinary Egyptians may be tempted to let the  Muslim Brotherhood have their way.

Reporting for Der Spiegel from Cairo, Matthias Gebauer describes Morsi as the Brotherhood’s poodle.

Morsi remains intent on strictly following the course of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamist group wants to see their man, who won a narrow victory in summer elections, to put Egypt on the path to fundamentalist Islam. And the Muslim Brotherhood is in no mood for compromise. After more than 80 years in the political underground, Brotherhood leaders have decided to seize their chance. And Morsi increasingly looks the part of a fainthearted Brotherhood puppet. He appears to have accepted his country’s descent into violence, making more clashes on the streets of Cairo inevitable.

At The National Review, Andrew C. McCarthy says Egypt’s unravelling was inevitable.

Here’s the late-breaking news: The Muslim Brotherhood is the enemy of democracy. … the Muslim Brotherhood is an innately, incorrigibly Islamic-supremacist outfit. Wherever it establishes a presence, it seeks — as gradually as indigenous conditions require, and as rapidly as they allow — to implement its repressive construction of sharia. Wherever it gets the opportunity to rule, it uses its power to impose this sharia, despite resistance from the society’s non-Islamist factions.

This is not a mere theory. Egypt, the world’s most important Arab country, is violently convulsing before our eyes in direct reaction to the suffocation that is Islamist rule. So, will we finally take the lesson? Will we finally come to understand why democracy and Islamic supremacism cannot coexist? Ebrahim Moosa, an Islamic studies prof at North Carolina’s Duke University, believes the Egyptian president and his Islamic allies badly misjudged the situation.

Mr. Morsi seems to have forgotten the sensitivity that a country freshly freed from decades of despotism might feel towards anything with an odour of dictatorship. Secretive and inward-looking, the Brotherhood appears surprised by the depth of mistrust that many Egyptians, including pious Muslims of every social class, feel towards them. The Islamists’ constituency remains large and their organising power formidable. “They will rally the poor with the slogan: to be a Muslim, vote yes for the constitution and confound the infidels,” predicts Muhammad Nour Farahat, a law professor at Cairo’s Zagazig University. Yet even if Mr Morsi and his Brothers manage to pull this off, a heavy cloud will remain over their rule.

Egypt 2012 Const-Referendem (Note the true culturists wearing their subtle NPPs . . . )

Egypt 2012 Const-Referendem (Note the true culturists wearing their subtle NPPs . . . )

compiled by Araminta Wordsworth

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Why not the military just take over and do away with the Islamist b.s. and revive a BENEVOLENT Constitutional Pharoanate via DNA testing to determine the closest Royal Egyptian bloodline? A BENEVOLENT Grand Vizier from the military would well be tolerated even for LIFE (if all unused state land is redistribited to the landless or homeless in Egypt) while the country RE-EGYPTIANISES. This would be preferable to this potential threat of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist imposition of Hudud or Syariah under Morsi which does not need to be written into the constitution and instead remain seperate from the State. Religion and State are not to be confused into a single item under any Islamist leaning Constitution. Let the Muslets impose their own laws on theselves, LEAVE THE SECULARITY OF STATE ALONE.

WHERE IS THE Pharoah’s Brotherhood or Amon-Ra’s Brotherhood to counter the Muslim Brotherhood? Freemasonry across the world could accept no less!

This is EGYPT and Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, the central symbol of the Egyptian civilisation is THE PYRAMID OF THE PHAROAHS . . . NOT ARABIA and Mecca or Medina,  the central symbol of the Arabian civilisation is THE CUBE OF KABAA.

Egypt is nt Arabia.

Egypt is not Arabia.

Adopt EGYPTIAN NAMES not keep using those ARABIAN NAMES (the wealthier can trace their DNA down to the nobility or even Kings if they try hard enough). Pray and worship at EGYPTIAN Temples. Respect a revived Egyptian Priesthood not a Foreign Priesthood that answers to a foreign Arab King. Wear Egyptian garb. In Egypt, if the Egyptian people have the will, an Egyptian King is even possible (Constitutional Monarch), or an Egyptian Pharoah rather.

Learn Hieratic instead of Arabic and remember that EGYPTIAN culture and polytheistic EGYPTIAN religion (well if the people are as lazy as Akenathan, worship Amon-Ra instead for a while NOT the Kabaa – even as the Aabakian Octohedron Cult arises on the Mecc(h)an Antipode) are well loved the world over, as opposed to Islamism’s monotheistic malaise and penchant for association with oil and terror, rampant disrespectful proselytization and sometimes forced conversions.

Some Egyptians remember who they are . . .

At least some Egyptians seem to remember who they are . . . the Egyptian Pantheon’s first High Priest perhaps? Imhotep! Imhotep! Imhotep II rather . . .

19 General Articles on Politics and Examples of Better Court Judgments : Term Limits Committees, Bloomberg’s Term Limit Duplicity, Term Limitless Careerists Destroy Democracy, Media Device Laws Written-Applied without Spirit of the Law, Defining Bar-worthy Persons, Punitive Tweeting and Appropriate Treatment, Commonsense Application of Laws in the Adult Venue or Adult District, Better Punishments for Animal Abusers, Confirmations on Neurotech – Electron Guns, Scripted Intentions Transparent and More Warnings on Neurotech, Closer Look At Democracy and Diversity, 2D Combat Paradigms vs 3D Combat Paradigms, Overkill Judgment When All Was Needed Was Sensitization, Pussy Riot Are Just Bored Pussies – Act Appropriately Russia, Russia Fights Superpowers Not Bored B1tch3s!, Annan Needs To Reconsider Resignation, Clothing Fascism, RLDs in China – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 26th July 2012

In 2 term limits, Abuse of Power, amendments to law needed, better judgments, better laws, dishonest academia, dishonest clergy, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, Equality, equitable political power distribution, Ethics, intent, Mind Control, Neurotech, neutral spaces, oligarch, oligarchy, opaque system, out of context, overkill, plutocrat politicians, Political Fat Cats, politics, preventing vested interest, Prison, privacy, Prostitution, public spaces, red light district legalisation, right to bear arms, soul binding, soul theft, spirit of the law, spiritual abuse, sub-culture advocacy, subculture persecution, taxpayer funds, taxpayer monies, technofascism, term limits, unprofessional behaviour, word of the law on July 25, 2012 at 8:04 pm


Santa Ana City Council establishes a term limits committee – Posted by Art Pedroza on July 17th, 2012

Tonight’s Santa Ana City Council meeting, which was held at the SAPD’s Community Room, was, as predicted, a real zoo.  Media vans and news crews were everywhere and residents and out of town bloggers packed the proceedings.

As we stated in an earlier post, Council Member Carlos Bustamante, who is facing serious felony sex crime and public theft charges, was not likely to show up, and he didn’t.  This is his second unexcused absence.  After sixty days of not showing up to work, at City Hall, the City Council can

dump him and appoint someone to fill out his term.

Three City Council members — Michele Martinez, Sal Tinajero and Vince Sarmiento — have called for Bustamante’s resignation, according to the L.A. Times.  Predictably Bustamante’s longtime ally, David Benavides  is not calling for Bustamante’s resignation.  Is anyone surprised by that?

Bustamante and Benavides flew to Washington D.C. together, back in the day, to attend a Cinco de Mayo event put on by past President George W. Bush.  They were pals and together they served at the whim of the Usual Suspects.  Why would Benavides turn on his amigo now?

The Santa Ana City Council agreed tonight to form an Ad Hoc Committee to explore the term limit issue raised by Martinez, who placed the term limit issue on tonight’s agenda as an 85 A item.  The Ad Hoc Committee will include Martinez and her colleagues Sarmiento and Benavides.  They

have to get a ballot measure hammered out by the next City Council meeting if they want to make the November ballot.

As expected, the Usual Suspects showed up to rip Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez, but she let them have it, and then pointed out that Councilman David Benavides “had invited speakers to address the council on the lawsuit over Measure D, while pointing our reports of attacks on her by

Benavides and Bustamante,” according to the O.C. Register.  Of course we appreciated the referral!

And what is going on?  Well, if the lawsuit filed by Santa Ana Parks and Rec Commissioner Max Madrid succeeds, then the Santa Ana City Clerk will be compelled by the Court to give nomination papers to Alvarez.  She will then run for Ward 5 and win, period.  I fully expect SAUSD Trustee

Roman Reyna to run for reelection to the SAUSD School Board rather than face off with Alvarez, who already spanked him once in a previous Council election.  I am already seeing Reyna political signs around town – and they don’t mention the office he is running for.  LOL!  That Reyna is so

thrifty.  He printed one batch of signs that he can now use for either race.

We revealed yesterday that the only announced opponent to Alvarez, Karina Onofre, has in fact become a registered Republican.  She was also at tonight’s meeting, where she bragged that her Council campaign now has a billboard, somewhere on Main St.  Apparently Santa Ana Council

Member Sal Tinajero met with her earlier this year and he advised her to run instead for the SAUSD School Board.  He even offered to back her.  But she stubbornly refused to do so and instead she dumped the Democratic Party and became a Republican.  Good luck with that…

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The TLC ( term limits committee) could also double up as a ‘Family Blocs in Politics Watchdog’, and ‘Crony Capitalism Watchdog’ as well. All are ETHICS related. Try the below for China’s disciplined approach against nepotism :

See below link for more :

4 Articles on China – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 16th March 2012


Bloomberg’s Term Limits : 3 for Him, but Only 2 for Everyone Else – by MICHAEL BARBARO and DAVID W. CHEN – October 25, 2010

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg thinks that being able to serve three terms in office is a good idea — just not for anyone else. – Eric Michael Johnson for The New York Times – Louis Lanzano/Associated Press

On Monday, in an unexpected confession, Mr. Bloomberg said he wanted to reverse the changes to the city’s term-limits law, which he successfully campaigned for in 2008. Those changes are now the subject of a little-publicized ballot initiative on Election Day.

The mayor said he would vote to restore a limit of two terms, down from three, and to ban the City Council from rewriting the rule for sitting elected officials, closing a legislative loophole that Mr. Bloomberg exploited in his quest to remain in office beyond eight years. The results of the ballot

initiative would not affect Mr. Bloomberg, but would affect his successors.

During a news conference, the mayor said that the term-limits initiative, which will appear on the back of the paper ballots on Nov. 2, was imperfect and badly designed, but that he would support it anyway.

“It’s better than what we have now,” Mr. Bloomberg said, without explaining why or acknowledging that his administration had written the existing law and heavily advocated for it.

It was the latest installment in the story of Mr. Bloomberg’s ever-evolving relationship with term limits. An outspoken supporter of two terms, he once called Council members who proposed extending them “disgraceful.” Then, as his own time in office wound down, he reversed himself and

advocated for three terms, saying they offered voters greater choice.

“You can make that case for two terms or three terms,” he said at the time. “In this case, after listening to everybody, I’ve been convinced that three terms is right.”

Now he seems to have settled on something of a compromise: three terms for him, and only him.

Mayoral allies pointed out that Mr. Bloomberg had kept his word by bringing the issue back to voters, who originally passed the two-term limit in a 1993 referendum, only to watch it be dismantled by the mayor and the Council.

Mr. Bloomberg’s sudden support for two terms puts him in line with most New Yorkers. A New York Times poll, conducted in August, found that nearly three-fourths of city voters favored undoing Mr. Bloomberg’s 2008 actions.

The mayor’s change of opinion will avert a showdown with a fellow billionaire, Ronald S. Lauder, the father of the city’s original 1993 law, who has opened his wallet to sponsor a commercial urging New Yorkers to vote for a return to two terms.

The advertisement, which will be broadcast over the next few days, instructs voters — with a wry tagline — to turn over their ballots to find the term-limits question and vote yes. “Flip over the ballot,” a narrator says, “and flip off the politicians.”


Guilt by Association?

Hardly a day goes by without the two leading candidates for New York governor, Andrew M. Cuomo and Carl P. Paladino, accusing each other, either on the campaign trail or in their advertising, of being the worst kind of Albany insider.

But now, they have expanded their universe of ill repute to include the people with whom they supposedly associate, too.

In dueling advertisements that were first broadcast over the weekend, the two paint each other as being uncomfortably close with people who have run afoul of ethical and legal standards.

In his advertisement, Mr. Paladino highlights Steven L. Rattner, the financier who recently reached a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over his role in a New York pension fund kickbacks scandal; Andrew L. Farkas, the real estate magnate; and State Senator Pedro Espada

Jr., who recently lost his bid for re-election in the Democratic primary. “Albany insider Cuomo won’t clean up Albany,” the advertisement says.

Mr. Paladino is no stranger to trying to associate Mr. Cuomo with Albany insiders whom he considers to be ethically challenged. Just before the Sept. 14 primary, in a mailer that literally smelled like a garbage dump, Mr. Paladino lumped together Gov. David A. Paterson and Representative

Charles B. Rangel, both Democrats, as prime examples of officials responsible for bad government.

The ad strains credulity a bit, since Mr. Cuomo is not known for being particularly close to either Mr. Rattner or Mr. Espada. But Mr. Cuomo has had a rollercoaster of a relationship with Mr. Farkas: first as an adversary, when Mr. Cuomo was the nation’s housing secretary and investigated Mr.

Farkas for kickbacks to a landlord; then as an ally, when Mr. Cuomo got not just a job from Mr. Farkas, but also hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions.

Mr. Cuomo did not take long to hit back. In two similar advertisements released on Sunday, Mr. Cuomo criticized Mr. Paladino for surrounding himself with top campaign aides with checkered pasts. These include Michael R. Caputo, his campaign manager, who has failed to pay almost $53,000 in

federal taxes over the past few years, and John F. Haggerty Jr., a political strategist, who was indicted this summer by the Manhattan district attorney, and was accused of stealing $1.1 million from the last candidate he backed, Mr. Bloomberg.

“You can’t clean up Albany with dirty hands,” concludes the ad, which is one of the toughest ones Mr. Cuomo has released.

Mr. Caputo has said that Mr. Paladino appreciated the can-do spirit of his closest supporters, and considered them to be “junkyard dogs, not pedigreed poodles.” DAVID W. CHEN

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Trying to stick out in the history books eh? More than 2 terms? GTFO of Congress! That goes for USA’s term limitless seat holder Senators, Reps and Congressmen as well!


Increase in ‘professional politicians’ means one in seven MPs have never done a real job (and that includes Ed Miliband) – by Jason Groves – PUBLISHED: 23:54 GMT, 18 July 2012 | UPDATED: 00:09 GMT, 19 July 2012

Labour leader Ed Miliband has little to no experience of a working life outside politics

One in seven MPs have never had a proper job, according to research.

And in addition to those who have absolutely no experience of working in the real world, many more have served only brief stints as lobbyists or public relations advisers before entering politics full-time.

The study by the House of Commons Library reveals a dramatic rise in the number of so-called professional politicians, whose numbers have increased almost four-fold over the past 30 years.

Ninety MPs have never held a job outside politics, against 20 in 1982.

The trend is led by Labour, which has twice as many MPs who have never worked outside politics as either the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats.

Labour leader Ed Miliband is among those who have never had a significant job outside politics.

Instead, he served a long apprenticeship as a special adviser to Gordon Brown.

Another is Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who worked for a year as a Brussels lobbyist and dabbled for a few months in journalism before taking a job with the European Commission.

The study also reveals that working class MPs, who played a key role in the politics of the last century, have become an endangered species.

Former independent MP Martin Bell said the figures highlighted a dangerous trend, which had left modern politicians increasingly disconnected from real life.

Not alone: Ed Miliband is not the only senior Labour politician who lacks non-politics work on his CV: Both Ed Balls and his wife Yvette Cooper were journalists before entering politics

‘It is a very dangerous development,’ the former BBC war reporter said. ‘One of the effects is that there is a growing gulf between politicians and the people, the government and the governed.

‘Another damaging result of the rise of the professional politician is that we send our armed forces too war far too nonchalantly because there are very few people with any experience of armed conflict.

‘Politics has become an attractive career for some bright young things who see it as a job for life. The trouble is that it leaves them prisoners of the party machine. They know that if they are deselected they are unemployable because they have never had a proper job. That leaves them at the mercy of the whips.’

The analysis by the Commons Library shows that 90 MPs have never held a job outside politics, compared to just 20 in 1982. Of these 52 are Labour MPs, 31 are Tories and seven are Lib Dems. In total, a fifth of Labour MPs are now professional politicians, compared to a tenth of Conservatives.

Other senior Labour figures who have little experience outside politics include the Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, who worked briefly as a journalist before becoming a Labour MP, and her husband, the Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, who worked as a journalist for four years before serving a decade-long apprenticeship to Gordon Brown.

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg worked as a journalist and lobbyist for a brief period of time before taking a job with the European Commission

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is another with little experience outside politics, having worked for a year as a Brussels lobbyist and dabbled for a few months with journalism before taking a job with the European Commission.

David Cameron worked in a public relations role for seven years at Carlton Television before becoming an MP in 2001. But he had already cut his teeth at Westminster during several years as a Tory adviser.

Shadow Cabinet Office Minister Jon Trickett said this week that about a quarter of MPs had been ‘full-time politicos already’ before entering Parliament.

Mr Trickett said Labour was keen to recruit more working class MPs in future, saying it was ‘important that our MPs reflect all the different parts of our country’.

But the latest research reveals that working class MPs have all but disappeared from Westminster. Just 25 former manual workers were elected as MPs in 2010, compared to 98 in 1979. Almost all of them are Labour MPs.

By contrast, the number of MPs from white collar backgrounds has increased from just nine in 1979 to 84 today. The number of teachers has halved to just 24, but the number of lawyers has declined only slightly to 86.

[[[ *** RESPONSE  *** ]]]

This is the problem with TERM LIMITLESS ‘Careerist’ political oligarchy that ends up with political satrapies that result in JFKs or Bhuttos Assassinations or Ampatuan Massacres. The fastest way to end democracy is to allow TERM LIMITLESS nepotism in government. Before the voters know, suddenly all MPs or Congressmen’s seats will be handed down to family members and democracy would have been replaced with a political feudalism no different from before the French Revolution or American War of Independence. There will be no way to displace these oligarchs and plutocrats except by violence AGAIN . . .

Anyone who writes laws that do not include term limits in government posts that allow amendments of laws (a great power that no citizen should be allowed to hold too long – too often today’s MPs and Governors or lawmakers end up withholding much needed amendments of laws – much in the manner the same term limitless types create loopholes that allow collusion with crony capitalists, Military Industrial Complex, Prison-Supplier-Contractor Complex – they keep bad laws in place to enrich this group, Education-Loan-Debt-Banker Complex etc..), or boldfacedly approves family members ‘taking over’ after themselves, give themselves ‘Parliamentary privileges’ off the people’s taxes, or wages far above the average-wage, are in effect unethical and greedy closet dictators and profiteers much like the 1%, off a flawed system.

Worse still are the deadwood of 2 generations past WITH family blocs to boot keeping the country stagnant via profiteering, outmoded legal and even outmoded Human Rights mindsets like fundamentalism or Forced Military Conscriptions, refusal to amend bad laws, with the very worst keeping APARTHEID alive, amongst other bad things ‘old school’ and careerist politicians (more so if ALSO old aged and TERM LIMITLESS and with family blocs . . .) represent and take away from the 99% of voters.


It’s legal: cops seize cell phone, impersonate owner – Court says sending texts using a seized iPhone doesn’t violate privacy rights. – by Timothy B. Lee – Jul 19, 2012 3:03 pm UTC

In November 2009, police officers in the state of Washington seized an iPhone belonging to suspected drug dealer Daniel Lee. While the phone was in police custody, a man named Shawn Hinton sent a text message to the device, reading, “Hey whats up dogg can you call me i need to talk to you.” Suspecting that Hinton was looking to buy drugs from Lee, Detective Kevin Sawyer replied to the message, posing as Lee. With a series of text messages, he arranged to meet Hinton in the parking lot of a local grocery store—where Hinton was arrested and charged with attempted possession of heroin.

Hinton wasn’t Sawyer’s only target. According to a court decision summing up the facts, “Sawyer spent about 5 or 10 minutes looking at some of the text messages on the iPhone; he also looked to see who had been calling. Many of the text messages that Lee’s iPhone had received and stored were from individuals who were seeking drugs from Lee.”

So Sawyer texted one of the individuals on the list and asked him if he “needed more.” The individual, Jonathan Roden, replied, “Yeah, that would be cool. I still gotta sum, but I could use some more. I prefer to just get a ball, so I’m only payin’ one eighty for it, instead of two Ts for two hundred, that way.” (The court helpfully explained that a “ball” is “a drug weight equivalent to approximately 3.5 grams.”)

But can cops legally do this with seized cell phones? When their cases went to trial, Hinton and Roden both argued that Sawyer had violated their privacy rights by intercepting, without a warrant, private communications intended for Lee.

But in a pair of decisions, one of which was recently covered by Forbes, a Washington state appeals court disagreed. If the decisions, penned by Judge Joel Penoyar and supported by one of his colleagues, are upheld on appeal, they could have far-reaching implications for cell phone privacy.
“No longer private or deserving of constitutional protection”

“There is no long history and tradition of strict legislative protection of a text message sent to, displayed, and received from its intended destination, another person’s iPhone,” Penoyar wrote in his decision. He pointed to a 1990 case in which the police seized a suspected drug dealer’s pager as an example. The officers observed which phone numbers appeared on the pager, called those numbers back, and arranged fake drug purchases with the people on the other end of the line.

A federal appeals court held that the pager owner’s Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure were not violated because the pager is “nothing more than a contemporary receptacle for telephone numbers,” akin to an address book. The court also held that someone who sends his phone number to a pager has no reasonable expectation of privacy because he can’t be sure that the pager will be in the hands of its owner.

Judge Penoyar said that the same reasoning applies to text messages sent to an iPhone. While text messages may be legally protected in transit, he argued that they lose privacy protections once they have been delivered to a target device in the hands of the police. He claimed that the same rule applied to letters and e-mail. (Police would still need to seize or search a phone or computer legally, and phones are much easier for cops to seize than computers, which generally require a warrant.)

“On his own iPhone, on his own computer, or in the process of electronic transit, Hinton’s communications are shielded by our constitutions,” he wrote, referring to both the state and federal constitutions. “But after their arrival, Hinton’s text messages on Lee’s iPhone were no longer private or deserving of constitutional protection.” Penoyar rejected Roden’s privacy arguments on similar grounds.

Unsettled law

Mobile phones exist in a constitutional grey area. The law has well-developed doctrines protecting the privacy of our desktop computers, landline telephones, and filing cabinets. But modern cell phones perform all of these functions, and more. If the police are free to rummage through any cell phone that falls into their hands, every arrest would automatically give the police access to a treasure trove of private data that they would otherwise need a warrant, based on probable cause, to obtain.

The Washington State decision is not unprecedented. Last year, the California Supreme Court ruled that no warrant was required for the police to peruse a cell phone that was confiscated after its owner tried to sell ecstasy to an undercover police officer. In that case, the police obtained a text message that seemed to confirm the government’s case against the suspect. Two justices of the California Supreme Court dissented from the ruling.

One judge dissented from the Washington State rulings as well. “Sawyer engaged in a continuing search when he first searched the contacts list on Daniel Lee’s iPhone to find Hinton’s phone number,” wrote Judge Marywave Van Deren in her dissent. Sawyer “used Lee’s iPhone to send and receive messages from Hinton. Under these circumstances, I would hold that Sawyer was required to obtain a search warrant.”

In a slightly different context, the Obama administration has also held that the contents of cell phones enjoy constitutional protection. Earlier this year, the Department of Justice filed a brief in a Maryland case arguing that Baltimore police had violated a man’s constitutional rights—including his Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure—when they seized his phone and deleted videos he had taken of the officers’ conduct.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Court says sending texts using a seized iPhone doesn’t violate privacy rights.

But this is also unethical and can cause immense economic and social harm, both of which are illegal and thus the word of the law has subsumed the spirit of the law. Law which is not whole and considers wording ONLY, above *spirit* and *intention* as well as “*due diligence* in study or consideration of the negative indirect or peripheral social and economic effects” of use of such phones, amounts to INJUSTICE. In this case only the wording of the law is adhered to. Sending texts using a seized iPhone is not legal otherwise. The Court has ruled wrongly and neglected the 3 other aspects listed above. Bad judgment!


Judge’s fury at nightclub’s ‘kids’ nights’ for under 18s which ‘encourage drinking and drug-taking’ – By Anna Edwards – PUBLISHED: 11:11 GMT, 24 July 2012 | UPDATED: 13:34 GMT, 24 July 2012

Judge questions parents who allow their children to attend club nights
Attack comes after 13-year-old girl accused 30-year-old man of sexual assault after he gave her a lift
Bristol judge warns events pose ‘very real threat’ to youngsters

Scathing: Judge David Ticehurst questioned the motives of club organisers and parents who allowed their children to attend the events

A judge has attacked nightclubs for holding ‘kids’ nights’, warning that children who attend will be tempted to try alcohol and drugs.

Judge David Ticehurst’s scathing words came after a 13-year-old girl who attended an under-18s night made sexual assault allegations against a man who gave her a lift.

The respected judge, who sits at Bristol Crown Court, blasted nightclubs for hosting events which posed a ‘real danger’ to their young clientele.

He also called the club organisers ‘naive’ to assume youngsters would not drink at the alcohol-free events and claimed they would be more tempted to try drugs and ‘behave dangerously’.

Judge Ticehurst questioned the motives of the club organisers and parents who allow their children to attend such nights after hearing about the case of one schoolgirl.

Bristol Crown Court heard that the 13-year-old girl – who had drunk alcohol – had partied at Oceana nightclub in the city during a £10 ‘Love Social’ event aimed at under-18s.

Officers were called to look for the girl and a friend after they were reported missing at 1.30am after the event, which finished at 11pm. They were found at 5am.

Judge David Ticehurst halted the sexual assault trial, ruling that inconsistencies in evidence meant there was no case to answer against the accused 30-year-old man from Bristol.

But in making his ruling he said: ‘I want to say something about Oceana and its so-called kids’ night.

Love Social: Oceana nightclub, in Bristol, hosts under 18 nights which Judge Ticehurst said would encourage youngsters to try drink and drugs

‘That a nightclub should advertise and seek to attract children between the ages of 13 to 16 is in my view a regrettable step.

‘The club’s closing time of 11pm inevitably means that those attending will probably not be home until midnight or later.

‘. . . naive to assume that these youngsters will not drink alcohol even if it is not provided by the club.

‘ . . . naive to assume that they will not be tempted by other and more pernicious substances.

‘ . . . naive to assume that they may not be tempted to behave in a way that may be dangerous and damaging to them.’

Oceana, owned by entertainment giant Luminar, is a chain of 10 nightclubs situated around the country, with venues in cities including Leeds and Nottingham.
The Judge launched his attack after hearing details about a 13-year-old’s attendance at one of the nights, that charge youngsters £10 entry

The Judge launched his attack after hearing details about a 13-year-old’s attendance at one of the nights, that charge youngsters £10 entry

‘Love Social’ events – touted as ‘inspirational and credible clubbing’ for 13-17-year-olds – are held in numerous Luminar clubs.

Youngsters at the events can enjoy ‘the most awesome time’, with music, free soft drinks, a free cloakroom and free queue jump.

The events have a complete ban on alcohol, tobacco and gambling sales, a proof of age requirement and a strict code of conduct for staff and a child protection policy.

Teenagers who are believed to have consumed drugs or alcohol should not be allowed entry, the rules state.

But Judge Ticehurst said the events posed a ‘very real danger’ to children and said those who attended were ‘inevitably and mainly the most vulnerable’.

He added: ‘It is not difficult to imagine the type of parental support forthcoming from parents who are content that their 13, 14, 15 or even 16-year-olds should attend such a venue, whether it is in school time or holiday time.’

The judge went on to question whether the club – which charged 832 teens £10 for the event attended by the girl – was ‘doing it for the good of the children’.

He said: ‘In my judgement this case demonstrates all too readily the very real dangers of such a venue and its attractiveness to those who may need protection from themselves.’

Luminar was unavailable to comment.

A Love Social event was due to take place at the club tonight, with more planned for August, October and December.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

A list of required reading (some tests related), a ‘Night Club Maturity Test’ (NCMT) and a ‘Kid’s Licence’ should solve the issue. Parental consent is not the issue, The former is more important as even ADULTS or the aged, who fail the required reading or NCMT should be disallowed entry because the ‘adults’ have the maturity and mindset of children (read those who consistently get drunk or into fights again and again are the least matured . . . ) ! Amendment to law needed! If  child has the intellectual and emotional maturity of an adult, thats an adult.


‘I’m not protecting anyone that made my life a living hell’: Teen faces jail for tweeting names of two boys who sexually assaulted HER – by Daily Mail Reporter – PUBLISHED: 21:06 GMT, 21 July 2012 | UPDATED: 13:11 GMT, 22 July 2012

A 17-year-old sexual assault victim is facing a jail sentence for tweeting the names of her attackers in anger at their light punishment.

Savannah Dietrich named and shamed the boys on the social messaging site, writing: ‘There you go, lock me up. I’m not protecting anyone that made my life a living Hell.’

The teenager told from Louisville, Kentucky told The Courier-Journal she was frustrated by what she feels is a lenient deal for her attackers.

Savannah Dietrich named and shamed the boys on the social messaging site, writing: ‘There you go, lock me up. I’m not protecting anyone that made my life a living Hell’

Anger: Savannah Dietrich used a Twitter message to name  and shame the boys who sexually abused her

MailOnline does not normally report the names of sexual assault victims, but Miss Dietrich and her parents say they do not want to shield her identity and want her case to be public.

The boys’ attorneys have asked a judge to hold Miss Dietrich in contempt for violating the confidentiality of a juvenile hearing and the judge’s order not to speak about it.

Miss Dietrich told the paper she was assaulted in August 2011 by two boys she knew when she passed out after drinking at a gathering. She learned months later that pictures of the assault were taken and shared with others.

‘For months, I cried myself to sleep. I couldn’t go out in public places,’ she told the newspaper, as her father and attorneys sat nearby. ‘You just sit there and wonder, who saw (the pictures), who knows?’

Miss Dietrich’s attorneys want her contempt hearing open to the media, arguing she has a First Amendment right to speak about her case and to a public hearing. The boys’ attorneys, however, have asked to keep the hearing closed.

The contempt charge carries a possible sentence of 180 days in jail and a $500 fine.

The boys pleaded guilty on June 26 to first-degree sexual abuse and misdemeanor voyeurism. Miss Dietrich says she was unaware of a plea agreement until just before it was announced in court.

She could not say what the proposed punishment was because of the court order, but said she feels like it was a slap on the wrist. The teens are to be sentenced next month, and the judge could reject or modify the terms of the proposed agreement.

Dietrich cried when the judge at the Jefferson District Court told her she couldn’t talk about what had happened

When Judge Dee McDonald admonished everyone at the hearing not to speak about what happened in court or about the crime, Dietrich said she cried.

‘They got off very easy… and they tell me to be quiet, just silencing me at the end,’ she said.

Afterwards Miss Dietrich tweeted, ‘They said I can’t talk about it or I’ll be locked up… Protect rapist is more important than getting justice for the victim in Louisville.’

David Marburger, an Ohio media law specialist, said Dietrich should have tried to get the courts to vacate the gag order rather than simply violating it.

But Gregg Leslie, interim executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said Dietrich should ‘not be legally barred from talking about what happened to her. That’s a wide-ranging restraint on speech.’

Ms Leslie said this sort of issue is becoming more common.

‘In the past, people would complain to anyone who would listen, but they didn’t have a way to publish their comments where there would be a permanent record, like on Facebook and Twitter, for people to see worldwide,’ he said.

Miss Dietrich said she just needed to stand up for herself. ‘I’m at the point that if I have to go to jail for my rights, I will do it.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Mass tweet is wrong. At most and acceptable, is notice board or lamp post based poster campaigns centred around no more than perhaps a legally sanctioned 30 kms of the crime scene. A tweet reaches beyond the district and reaches the whole nation and world, making life impossible for the offenders to live new lives for what is a session of rough sex, though the emotional wounds are not really quantifiable or easy to restore. Repeat offenders though would end up with more and more ‘unliveable blacklisted areas of 30 km radiuses’. No jail for this woman though, that would be wasteful and retrogressive, though after an explanation about how a victim’s inner life destroyed by rape IS NOT justifiable or equitable for destroying the OUTER LIVES of the aggressors  or related to the INNER LIVES of the aggressors which do not change even though the OUTER LIVES of the aggressors being destroyed would teach neither society not vitim nor aggressor how to behave or control themselves – an apology broadcast on the above issues should be made, the aggressors if internally unapologetic, could be put through gender sensitization courses at most.

Jail will not change anything except enrich prison contractor-supplier complex, shaming by society again makes no difference and could just create polarisation and a self righteous that becomes dangerous viciousness or self-justifying insanity, and if this socialised insanity justified upon the backs of both victim and aggressor gets into politics or mainstream society’s or even religion’s mindset, we end up with the laziness of a  ‘drug everyone is a solution’ psychiatric establishment, abusing intentionally induced victims/profiteering off medications imposed by the psychiatric establishment, and increasingly punitive or materialistic based punishments (to justify the lack of forethought and consideration which 99% of the world, no thanks to anglo-legal system, have become unfeeling and fines money based, meaningless corporeal punishment and jail term obsessed systems or Orwellian control paradigm society) by magistrates and judges.’

Instead of humanization and betterment and a sincere opportunity to normalize for all parties concerned.. Victims and aggressors are victims of society, amend the laws or create niches and subcultures to ensconce all facets of personality than humanity can express (i.e. lively Red Light Districts with Rape Fetish Clubs should end the need to rape – this should be included in syllabus or citizen’s manual for social studies (i.e. if you feel like doing such and such – list the whole gamut of whatever supposedly grey area actions which might otherwise be criminal, for non-consensual activity – go to location x,y,z where some beautiful/ugly/scary/boring etc.. people will act out your fantasy for you without running afoul of the law etc..) instead of punishing and fining no end to enrich the Prison Supplier-Contractor Complex where cronies doubtless profit and kickback to the term limitless politicians . . .

Briefing Courses for victims on the above punishment paradigms and equitable consideration for the rapists like not tweeting should be given after the report. Punishment in the above case meanwhile could be a live rape scene involving the attackers being raped for the victim if the victim wants that (this is the cheapest though less pleasant quick fix punishment – courtesy of the low minded nature of the victim incidentally . . . just wanted the rapists to suffer), or the rapists could be put to work with any number of hours of work with victims of other rapists in a manner that humnizes the victims (choose people similar to the persons that the attackers are fond of, or who are family members or figures they respect, lookalikes for stars they like etc..).


Anchorman and Modern Family star Fred Willard arrested after exposing himself at Hollywood adult movie theatre – by Daily Mail Reporter – PUBLISHED: 14:56 GMT, 19 July 2012 | UPDATED: 17:11 GMT, 19 July 2012

Arrested: Fred Willard exposed his genitals at an adult theatre last night

Actor Fred Willard was arrested last night of lewd conduct after exposing himself at an adult movie theatre.

The 78-year-old actor was taken into custody after being caught with his pants down and genitals exposed at Hollywood’s Tiki Theatre at around 8.45pm local time.

Willard – who has been married to wife Mary for 40 years – was later cited and a mug shot was taken, police told RadarOnline, adding that he was co-operative with authorities.

He was released from custody and is set to appear in court at a later date, the website reports.

According to TMZ, LAPD officers were conducting a ‘random walk-through’ of the premises – not a raid – as part of a routine inspection.

The three films currently showing at the cinema are Follow Me 2, a X-rated parody of The Client List and Step Dad No. 2.

Willard is know for his roles in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, Anchorman and Everybody Loves Raymond.

Scene of the incident: Willard was at the Tiki Theatre in Hollywood

Movie star: Seen here in the Anchorman alongside Will Ferrell

The actor portrayed the news director of the KVWN news channel in Ferrell’s 2004 movie.

In 2010 he received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series after making appearances in ABC’s Modern Family.

He played the part of Frank Dunphy, Phil Dunphy’s father.

And according to IMDB, Willard is rumoured to be in pre-production for a movie called The Yank.

In 1991 Hollywood actor Pee Wee Herman was infamously arrested for indecent exposure in an adult theatre in Florida, which ruined his career as children’s entertainer.
Emmy nod: He played a guest role in Modern Family as Frank Dunphy, seen here with Sofía Vergara Ed O’Neill

Married man: The actor has been married to wife Mary for 40 years

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The inside of any adult venues could well be considered ‘nudism allowed zones’ though the theatre could state that patrons should expect or that nude or semi-nude persons could be present. The same could be applied to red light districts as well. Allowed Nudism areas and non-Nudism areas INSIDE red light districts. What is the management’s view? Nakedness or semi-nakedness in a adult theatre may be in line with common sense, though a non-nudist version of the same adult venue should also exist.


‘It was a really good shot’: What cannabis smoking thug told police after throwing his dog through TENTH FLOOR window – by Emma Reynolds – PUBLISHED: 15:15 GMT, 25 July 2012 | UPDATED: 15:39 GMT, 25 July 2012

Tied up dog in bathroom for four hours after it misbehaved
Returned at 3am and attacked the dog for relieving itself on the carpet
Diagnosed with schizophrenia after the episode
James Bray said he might have been ‘out of his depth’

Callous: James Bray looked unrepentant at Southend Magistrates’ Court today, where he was jailed for animal cruelty

A cannabis-smoking dog owner who killed his pet by throwing it out of a tenth floor window to ‘teach it a lesson’ has been jailed.

Sick James Bray, 24, launched his eight-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier, Deano, from his flat in Southend, Essex, after it made a mess on his carpet.

The innocent dog suffered multiple injuries and died as a result of extensive internal bleeding following the tragic incident on January 18 this year.

Bray made a rude gesture at the cameras as he arrived at Southend Magistrates Court today, wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and looked emotionless as lead magistrate Bill Thomas sentenced him to four months in prison.

The court heard how callous Bray tied up his dog in the bathroom of his flat for four hours after it had misbehaved.

When he returned to untie the dog at around 3am he found it had weed on the carpet.

He flew into a blind rage and attacked the dog before throwing it from the tenth-floor window.

Man pleads guilty to owning a dangerous dog after horrific attack by two crazed bull terriers which left TEN people injured and three needing plastic surgery

Bray called the police after launching his dog from the window and stunned officers by confessing to the sickening assault.

In police interview he told shocked officers: ‘It was a really good shot – I launched him by the scruff of his neck and he bounced off the window and went down.

‘Maybe I was just out of my depth with this dog.

‘Usually I’m really good with animals – I don’t drown kittens or salt slugs.

‘I got carried away and angry at the time.

Long way to fall: Bray launched the dog out of his flat window at 3am, having left the dog tied up fro four hours after smoking a cannabis joint

‘I don’t know what came over me – it must be some kind of evil in this world.’

Bray admitted to police he had smoked a two-inch cannabis joint on the evening of the attack but said he still completely understood that what he was doing would kill his pet.

He told bemused officers: ‘I was trying to teach it a lesson’.

This is a matter which will undoubtedly provoke public outrage. My client has put forward no attempt to excuse his behaviour and accepts what he has done was an evil thing to do.


The heartless thug even tried to escape charges by claiming he had attacked the dog in self-defence after it had bitten him on the foot.

Police could not find any evidence the dog had attacked Bray.

Bray – who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was sectioned following the sickening attack – pleaded guilty to three charges of animal cruelty when he appeared at the same court in May. 2012

Paul Markham, defending, described the situation as ‘tragic’ but called on magistrates to consider a suspended jail sentence due to his client’s early guilty plea.

He said: ‘This is a matter which will undoubtedly provoke public outrage.

‘My client has put forward no attempt to excuse his behaviour and accepts what he has done was an evil thing to do.’

Magistrates refused to accept Bray’s defence and handed him the maximum sentence available for an animal cruelty offence.

Lead magistrate Bill Thomas said: ‘This is a horrendous incident which caused the death of a dog.

‘There is no evidence this was caused by your mental illness and must be dealt with on the merits of the case.’

He sentenced Bray to the maximum six months’ imprisonment – reduced by two months in recognition of his early guilty plea.

Bray was ordered to pay £500 costs to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and was disqualified from owning or keeping a pet for life.

Outside court, RSPCA Inspector Matthew Gough welcomed the prison sentence but called for tougher sentencing for animal cruelty offences.

He said: ‘I hope this sentence acts as a strong deterrent to show that any cruelty to animals will not be tolerated.

‘I think, given the mental health issues involved, the magistrates worked well within the guidelines.

‘It would be appreciated if the sentences made available to magistrates for these offences were harsher.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Cetaceans and Ruminants are no less intelligent than dogs, but when killed do not result in punishment. Other than ‘falling objects danger to passers by’ issue, if JB had killed and cooked the animal, would there have been an issue? If the animal was a ruminant then what? Only Bray didn’t cook the meat or cull humanely so the above line of thought does not apply . . .

Still, the jail term as punishment at cost to the taxpayers is wrong. And if no damage was done other than causing the public to be ‘psychically shocked’ (for the more sensitive at any rate – who could in the future be scanned for such sensitivity and insensitivity so that incongrous people could live away from each other), perhaps a more suitable ‘fine’ could be requiring Bray to relocate if this is likely to keep happening, or work at an animal shelter to accrue sufficient ‘warm feelings’from animals  to exhonerate himself from his fellow horrified flat dwellers. Jail at cost to the taxpayers is entirely unrelated and helps nothing in teaching about animals and how to toilet train the same. Insult upon injury and not just against Bray, but against the taxpayers! Bad judgment!


Memories Selectively, Safely Erased In Mice

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2008) — Targeted memory erasure is no longer limited to the realm of science fiction. A new study describes a method through which a selected set of memories can be rapidly and specifically erased from the mouse brain in a controlled and inducible manner. New and old memories have been selectively and safely removed from mice by scientists.

“While memories are great teachers and obviously crucial for survival and adaptation, selectively removing incapacitating memories, such as traumatic war memories or an unwanted fear, could help many people live better lives,” says Dr. Joe Z. Tsien, brain scientist and co-director of the Brain & Behavior Discovery Institute at the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine.

“Our work reveals a molecular mechanism of how that can be done quickly and without doing damage to brain cells,” says the Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Cognitive and Systems Neurobiology.

Dr. Tsien’s research team, in collaboration with scientists at East China Normal University in Shanghai, were able to eliminate new and old memories alike by over-expressing a protein critical to brain cell communication just as the memory was recalled, according to research featured on the cover of the Oct. 23 issue of Neuron.

Dr. Tsien had already created a mouse that couldn’t form memories by eliminating the NMDA receptor, which receives messages from other neurons. He then garnered international acclaim by making “Doogie,” a smart mouse in which a subunit of the NMDA receptor is over-expressed. Younger brains have higher amounts of this NR2B subunit which leaves communication channels between brain cells open longer. That is why young people can learn faster than older adults.

This time he was examining downstream cascades of the NMDA receptor to learn more about memory formation. An abundant protein found only in the brain, called αCaMKII, was a logical place to look because it’s a major signaling molecule for the NMDA receptor. He found that when he over-expressed αCaMKII while a memory was being recalled, that single memory was eliminated.

Receptors such as the NMDA receptor are like front doors to cells, providing an opening for signaling molecules such as calcium. Synapses are the point of communication between two cells, and NMDA receptors are on the receiving end of the message. Like people, neurons change with the signals they receive. “Learning changes the way cells connect to each other,” says Dr. Tsien. To form a memory, the NMDA receptor is activated, which results in the insertion of AMPA receptors into those synapses and subsequent strengthening of the synaptic connections among hundreds of thousands of neurons. Scientists believe that αCaMKII plays an important role in the insertion of AMPA receptors into synapses during learning and subsequent strengthening of connections between neurons to create a memory.

Memory has four distinct stages: learning, consolidation, storage and recall. It has been difficult to dissect the molecular mechanisms of these stages because researchers lacked techniques to manipulate proteins quickly. For example, when researchers disable a gene suspected to play a role in the memory process, the deletion typically occurred throughout the entire period so it was impossible to tell which parts of processes were impaired. Previous technology would take several days to switch off a protein, which is the product of a gene.

So Dr. Tsien’s team developed a powerful chemical-genetic method that allows him to use a pharmacologic inhibitor to instantly turn αCaMKII off and on in a mouse that he genetically engineered to over express this signaling molecule. That enabled him to study exactly what happened if he threw off the natural balance during the retrieval stage.

Much as a war veteran remembers a fateful patrol when he was fired upon, mice can establish a very long-lasting emotional memory about a place if, for example, they receive a mild shock to the paws while there. The researchers showed if they over-expressed αCaMKII, this powerful memory was rapidly erased as the animals tried to retrieve them while other memories remained intact.

A similar approach was taken with object recognition memory, giving mice a couple of toys to play with then erasing their memory of one of them. “You will feel like every time, it’s a new toy,” says Dr. Tsien.

While the ability to rapidly erase a selective memory is exciting, he cautions that its translation to humans would be difficult at this stage. “We are barely at the foot of a huge mountain,” says Dr. Tsien. A possible strategy for humans would be a drug that mimics the αCaMKII over expression that researchers accomplished through genetic manipulation. Or, further downstream substrates that αCaMKII acts upon could become possible drug targets.

The research was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Aging and the Georgia Research Alliance.

DETAILS : Accession Number : ADA126870

Title :   Retrograde Amnesia in Rats, Produced by Electron Beam Exposure.
Descriptive Note : Final rept. Jul-Sep 82,
Personal Author(s) : Wheeler,Thomas G. ; Hardy,Kenneth A. ; Blick,Dennis W.
Report Date : FEB 1983
Pagination or Media Count : 33

Abstract : It has been demonstrated that electron beam exposure produces retrograde amnesia (RA). RA production was evaluated using a single trial avoidance task across a 10,000 dose range for 10 microseconds, 1 microsecond, and 0.1 microseconds pulsed exposures. The dose-response curve obtained at each pulse duration showed significant RA production. The most effective dose range was 0.1-10 rads at a dose rate of 1 million rad/sec. Our conclusion was that the RA effect might be due to sensory system activation which provided a novel stimulus that masked previous stimuli (produced RA).


Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE


Strobe Light Weapons – By David Hambling – May 14, 2008 | 6:59 pm |

Can so-called “flashlight” weapons really make you vomit?  Or send you into an epileptic fit?  I have a feature in New Scientist on non-lethal strobe devices — new arms, relying on flashing lights, like the “LED Incapacitator,” Peak Beam’s searchlight-based “Immobilization Device,” and Nanohmics’ non-pyrotechnic stun grenade. There is a great deal of debate over how well these devices work and what their effects are. That’s because the military’s tests have traditionally been more concerned with environmental health.  But now, the military is sponsoring a whole range of tests which go well beyond previous studies.  In the meantime, there are some myths we can clear up pretty quickly:

“It makes you vomit,” as popularized in by Fox News’ story, Flashlight Weapon Makes Targets Throw Up. Although disorientation, dizziness and nausea were quoted by all the designers as common effects, nausea is not the same as throwing up.

“I don’t think we’ve had anyone actually be sick”, says Bob Lieberman, CEO of Intelligent Optics, which makes the LED Incapacitator. In fact, nausea is not one of the immediate effects, but is more likely to occur afterwards – it doesn’t really contribute to the weapon’s effectiveness. Lieberman is philosophical about the ‘puke saber’ stories which are passed around the media, judging that the exposure is worth it. “We’re grateful that people have taken such an interest,” he says.

“It’ll make you have an epileptic fit.” People with photosensitive epilepsy (around four per thousand of the population) may have seizures triggered by flashing lights. But it turns out that the frequencies which trigger seizures can be avoided.

“Our products are engineered around this situation as to not endanger people with this condition,” says Will Harcourt, Peak Beam’s Director of Sales.  Prof. Ley Sander, Professor of Neurology and Clinical Epilepsy at the Institute of Neurology of University College London, says that strobe devices are not be a risk to photosensitive epileptics if they have a pulse rate above 25 Hz.

MYTH : “If you shut your eyes it makes the weapon useless.” This one amuses everyone working in the field. If you close your eyes you can’t run away, you can’t fight back, aim a weapon or effectively resist arrest. You have immobilized yourself and made yourself helpless, which is exactly what the non-lethal weapon-makers have in mind.  “If they close their eyes,” says Lieberman, “then I’ve got ‘em.”

He sees the LED Incapacitator as being close to the lowest rung of the ladder of force. It may not subdue a suspect every time, but even if it is effective some of the time and prevents officers from having to use a Taser or a firearm then it will be well worthwhile.

The new generation of strobe devices are lightweight, cheap and have an unlimited supply of ammo. Within a few years they could be everywhere – small ones in the hands of police, larger versions mounted on vehicles or drones. The Peak Beam Immobilizer is being mounted on the Vigilante, an unmanned helicopter. “Testing has also been conducted on our strobe against on-coming vehicles. [The testing organization]  rated our Maxa Beam as the most effective non-lethal weapon against drivers that they have ever tested,” says Harcourt.

If they work as advertised, this could be the biggest advance in non-lethals since tear gas.


DOJ to Colorado Family: Give Up Your Religion or Your Business – by Terence P. Jeffrey – July 26, 2012

( – The Justice Department last week presented the Newland family of Colorado–who own Hercules Industries, a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning business–with what amounted to an ultimatum: Give up your religion or your business.

“Hercules Industries has ‘made no showing of a religious belief which requires that [it] engage in the [HVAC] business,” the Justice Department said in a formal filing in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado.

In response to the Justice Department’s argument that the Newlands can either give up practicing their religion or give up owning their business, the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing the family, said in a reply brief: “[T]o the extent the government is arguing that its mandate does not really burden the Newlands because they are free to abandon their jobs, their livelihoods, and their property so that others can take over Hercules and comply, this expulsion from business would be an extreme form of government burden.”

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its mandate that individuals must buy health insurance, this suit which seeks to protect a small business from being forced to take actions that violate the moral and religious beliefs of the family that owns it is likely to be the next major court battle over Obamacare.

At stake is whether businesses are protected by the First Amendment—the part of the Bill of Rights that guarantees not only the free exercise of religion but also freedom of speech and of the press.

The Justice Department’s filing was made in Newland v. Sebelius–a suit brought by William, Paul and James Newland, and their sister, Christine Ketterhagen, who are Roman Catholics, and who together own Colorado-based Hercules Industries.

The Newland family founded Hercules in 1962 and have maintained it as a family-owned business ever since—growing it to the point where they now employ 265 people.

Eric Holder, Kathleen Sebelius

Attorney General Eric Holder and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

The Newlands’ lawsuit challenges a regulation that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finalized earlier this year that requires virtually all health plans to cover–without cost-sharing–sterilizations and all Food-and-Drug Administration approved contraceptives, including those that induce abortions.

Under the Obamacare law, businesses that have more than 50 employees must provide health insurance to their employees or face a penalty. To satisfy the mandate, the insurance must include the cost-sharing-free sterilization-contraception-abortifacient benefit. The regulation takes effect on Aug. 1, which means that as soon as any business starts a new plan-year for its health-insurance program after that date it will need to comply with Sebelius’s rule.

The Catholic Church, to which the Newlands belong, teaches that sterilization, contraception and abortion are intrinsically immoral. Last month, the Catholic bishops of the United States unanimously adopted a statement declaring Sebelius’s regulation an “unjust and illegal mandate” and a “violation of personal civil rights.”

While much of the media attention on Sebelius’ regulation has focused on the fact that it will apply to famous Catholic religious institutions such as Catholic University and the University of Notre Dame, the Catholic bishops have repeatedly pointed out that the regulation also violates the First Amendment-protected religious liberty of lay Catholic individuals. That includes employees who will be forced to pay insurance premiums on insurance plans that violate the teachings of their faith and business owners who will be forced to provide such plans.

In their unanimous statement, the Catholic bishops declared that Sebelius’s regulation created a class of Americans “with no conscience protection at all: individuals who, in their daily lives, strive constantly to act in accordance with their faith and moral values. They, too, face a government mandate to aid in providing ‘services’ contrary to those values—whether in their sponsoring of, and payment for, insurance as employers; their payment of insurance premiums as employees; or as insurers themselves—without even the semblance of an exemption.”

The Newlands currently run a self-insurance plan, providing their employees with generous health-care coverage that is consistent with the teachings of the Newlands’ church in that it does not cover sterilizations, contraception and abortifacients. They are precisely among the class of people that the unanimous Catholic bishops said have “no conscience protection at all” under Sebelius’s regulation.

In their complaint against the Obama administration, which was prepared by the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Newlands clearly explained why they could not comply with Sebelius’s regulation without violating their religious faith.

“The Newlands sincerely believe that the Catholic faith does not allow them to violate Catholic religious and moral teachings in their decisions operating Hercules Industries,” says the complaint. “They believe that according to the Catholic faith their operation of Hercules must be guided by ethical social principles and Catholic religious and moral teachings, that the adherence of their business practice according to such Catholic ethics and religious and moral teachings is a genuine calling from God, that their Catholic faith prohibits them to sever their religious beliefs from their daily business practice, and that their Catholic faith requires them to integrate the gifts of the spiritual life, the virtues, morals, and ethical social principles of Catholic teaching into their life and work.”

“The Catholic Church teaches that abortifacient drugs, contraception and sterilization are intrinsic evils,” says the complaint. “As a matter of religious faith the Newlands believe that those Catholic teachings are among the religious ethical teachings they must follow throughout their lives including in their business practice.”

The Justice Department responded by arguing that if the Newlands’ Roman Catholic faith prevented them from following the Obama administration’s command that they provide their employees with cost-sharing-free coverage for sterilizations, contraception and abortion-inducing drugs, the Newlands could simply give up their business entirely.

The Justice Department further argued that people owning for-profit secular businesses do not have a First Amendment right to the free exercise religion in the way they conduct their businesses—particularly if their business is incorporated.

“Here, plaintiffs have not sufficiently alleged that the preventive services coverage regulations substantially burden their religious exercise,” the Justice Department told the court. “Hercules Industries, Inc., is not a religious employer; it is ‘an HVAC manufacturer.’”

“The First Amendment Complaint does not allege that the company is affiliated with a formally religious entity such as a church,” the Justice Department told the federal court. “Nor does it allege that the company employs persons of a particular faith. In short, Hercules Industries is plainly a for-profit, secular employer.”

“By definition,” the Justice Department claimed, “a secular employer does not engage in any ‘exercise of religion.’”

“Hercules Industries has ‘made no showing of a religious belief which requires that [it] engage in the [HVAC] business,” DOJ told the court. “Any burden is therefore caused by the company’s choice to enter into a commercial activity.”

In its brief responding to the Justice Department on behalf of the Newland family, the Alliance Defending Freedom forcefully rebutted the claim that the First Amendment does not apply to corporations let alone to family-owned businesses.

“The government argues that the Newlands forfeited their right to religious liberty as soon as they endeavored to earn their living by running a corporation,” said the Newlands’ brief.

“Nothing in the Constitution, the Supreme Court’s decisions, or federal law requires—or even suggests—that families forfeit their religious liberty protection when they try to earn a living, such as by operating a corporate business,” they argued.

If the Obama administration’s understanding of the First Amendment were accepted, argued the Alliance Defending Freedom’s brief, the media would have no rights either.

“The government’s exclusionary attitude would push religion out of every sphere of life except the four wall of a church,” they said in their brief. “If for-profit corporations have no First Amendment ‘purpose,’ newspapers and other media would have no rights.”

If they refuse to sell their businesses, families like the Newlands are trapped by the Sebelius regulation. They can stop providing health insurance to themselves and their employees through the business, but then they and their employees would still be required, under Obamacare’s individual mandate, to buy health insurance, and under the Sebelius regulation all the health insurance plans they would be able to buy would still be required to cover sterilizations, contraception and abortion-inducing drugs. Their premiums would then contribute to those “services,” and the business owners would still be required to pay a penalty to the government of about $2,000 per year for each employee they did not insure.

If businesses like the Newlands’ try to simply flout the Sebelius regulation and continue providing insurance to their workers that does not cover the sterilization-contraception-abortifacient benefits that the Obama administration demands, they will be hit with confiscatory financial penalties.

“PPACA also imposes monetary penalties if Hercules were to continue to offer its self-insured plan but continued omitting abortifacients, contraceptive and sterilizations,” said the Newlands’ complaint. “The exact magnitude of these penalties may vary according to the complicated provisions of PPACA, but the fine is approximately $100 per day per employee, with minimum amounts applying in different circumstances.

With 265 employees, a business like the Newlands’ would need to pay the government $26,500 per day if they decided not to comply with Sebelius’s regulation and insured their employees anyway. Over 365 days that would amount to $9,672,500.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The spiritual implications of using the name ‘Hercules’ and the unbalancing effect on the ether is the issue. Nothing else. Xians and other Monotheists though, are now infamous for this form of spiritually manipulative NLP method of ‘binding’ (abused in conjunction with the above ‘neurotech’), and USA being religion neutral has chosen to act to prevent any untoward incidents which could arise from use of the Grecian Pantheon’s gods’ name, a sort of ‘national faith system’, Cosmic copyright and right to exist issue is at hand here. No laws cover this so they are making do with the above. USA is much cleverer that the pretentious wanting to paint the USA as oppressive of religion or keep the ordinary occult unschooled people unaware of the deeper implications.

This is necessary or any untoward incidents in the future could also occur. That energy belongs to the original owner, NOT a machine. The extrication process of the ‘bound’ will not be as easy though USA’s ‘Augurs’ are probably the best in the world. The physical dimension of Earth is what we are allowed to see, being poisoned by vaccinnations to enable the ‘powerful’ to control the rest, but of late issue like the above are becoming increasingly intolerable and even vaccinations could be illegal. Other dimension wise any and all men are allowed to participate but with the above issues, the SPIRITUAL ABUSE of ordinary citizens in unbelievable as of now. See below article 12 for how only part of the truth is preached by cynical hierarchies of ‘religious’ who want to continue parasiting off the ordinary man . . .


U.S. Bishops Prepare Catholics for Civil Disobedience: ‘We May Need to Witness to the Truth by Resisting the Law’ by Terence P. Jeffrey May 27, 2012

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI makes New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan a cardinal on Feb. 18, 2012 at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

( – Having organized 43 plaintiffs—including the archdioceses of New York and Washington and the University of Notre Dame—to file 12 different lawsuits against the Obama administration last Monday alleging the administration is violating the religious freedom of Catholics, the Catholic bishops of the United States are now preparing Catholics for what may be the most massive campaign of civil disobedience in this country since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and early 1960s.

“Some unjust laws impose such injustices on individuals and organizations that disobeying the laws may be justified,” the bishops state in a document developed to be inserted into church bulletins in Catholic parishes around the country in June.

“Every effort must be made to repeal them,” the bishops say in the document, which is already posted on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “When fundamental human goods, such as the right of conscience, are at stake, we may need to witness to the truth by resisting the law and incurring its penalties.”

The bulletin insert reminds Catholic parishioners that the bishops have called for “A Fortnight of Freedom”—which they have described as “a special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action”—to take place from June 21 to July 4.

St. Thomas More

The bishops have noted that June 21, when this fortnight will begin, is the Vigil of the Feast of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More. Fisher was a Roman Catholic cardinal  whom the English monarch Henry VIII beheaded in 1535 after he refused to act against his conscience and take an oath asserting that Henry was the supreme authority over the church in England. That same year, Henry VIII also beheaded Thomas More, his former chancellor, for the same reason.

The sterilization-contraception-abortifacient mandate is set to go into effect for most health-care plans on Aug. 1, about four weeks after the bishops’ “Fortnight of Freedom.”

In campaign speeches delivered this week after the Catholic dioceses and organizations filed their 12 lawsuits, both President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama indicated that the administration intends to move forward and enforce the mandate.

Mrs. Obama  brought it up in a stump speech in Cleveland on Monday afternoon, less than three hours after the Catholic bishops had announced their lawsuits.

“You can tell people how, because we passed health reform, insurance companies will now have to cover preventive care–have to,” said Mrs. Obama. “Things like contraception, cancer screenings, prenatal care–and they have to do it at no extra cost. People have to understand that’s what that fight was for.”

President Obama signaled his personal commitment to enforcing the sterilization-contraception-abortifacient mandate, using virtually identical language about it in back-to-back campaign speeches Wednesday and Thursday in California and Iowa.

“We don’t need another political fight about ending a woman’s right to choose, or getting rid of Planned Parenthood or taking away affordable birth control,” Obama said. “We don’t need that. I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same economic opportunities as my sons. We’re not turning back the clock. We’re not going back there.”

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

The bulletin insert the bishops have prepared to distribute in parishes around the country in June specifically references the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was imprisoned in Birmingham, Ala., on Good Friday 1963 for marching without a permit to protest the racist segregation laws enforced in Alabama in that period.

While detained, King, who was a Baptist minister, wrote his “Letter from the Birmingham Jail,” in which he said the moral justification for civil disobedience against Alabama’s segregation laws was derived from the writings of the Roman Catholic saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.

“During the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, Americans shone the light of the Gospel on a dark history of slavery, segregation, and racial bigotry,” the Catholic bishops say in their bulletin insert. “The civil rights movement was an essentially religious movement, a call to awaken consciences.

“In his famous ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’ in 1963,” the bishops says, “Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. boldly said, ‘The goal of America is freedom.’ As a Christian pastor, he argued that to call America to the full measure of that freedom was the specific contribution Christians are obliged to make. He rooted his legal and constitutional arguments about justice in the long Christian tradition: ‘I would agree with Saint Augustine that ‘An unjust law is no law at all.’… A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.’”

The bishops have argued that elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—AKA Obamacare—including the so-called “preventive services” mandate, would force faithful Catholics to act against their consciences and the teachings of their church. The mandate requires that virtually all health-care plans in the United States cover, without any fees or co-pay, sterilizations and all Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives, including those that cause abortions.

The bishops also object to the manner in which Obamacare deals with abortion generally. In April, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a background paper explaining how Obamacare not only would use tax dollars to fund abortions but would also force Americans to pay for abortions with the premiums they would pay to purchase health insurance—which under Obamacare they are mandated to do. The backgrounder was titled, “The New Federal Regulation on Coerced Abortion Payments.”

Additionally, the bishops object to the so-called “religious” exemption to the mandate that requires all health-care plans cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients. That exemption only applies to “religious” organizations that are primarily focused on inculcating religious tenets and that serve and employ primarily members of their own denomination. This “religious” exemption would not extend to Catholic schools, universities, hospitals, and charitable organizations—and, the bishops argue, it violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by empowering federal bureaucrats to determine which religious institutions are truly “religious” and which ones are not.

In their bulletin insert, the bishops unequivocally state that the administration’s sterilization-contraception-abortifacient mandate would force people to act against their consciences.

“This is a matter of whether religious people and institutions may be forced by the government to provide such coverage even when it violates our consciences,” say the bishops.

“What we ask is nothing more than the right to follow our consciences as we live out our teaching,” they say.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius first announced the sterilization-contraception-abortifacient regulation last August. At that time, the bishops submitted formal comments to HHS, calling the regulation an “unprecedented attack on religious liberty” and asking the administration to rescind it in its entirety.

After Sebelius finalized the regulation in January, many Catholic bishops around the country asked their priests to read a letter from the pulpit at Sunday Masses that said: “We cannot–we will not–comply with this unjust law.”

Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who leads the Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services wrote a letter that he asked all Catholic chaplains to read at Sunday masses at U.S. military facilities across the globe. Broglio’s letter not only said “we will not” comply with the law, it also said: “It is a blow to a freedom that you have fought to defend and for which you have seen your buddies fall in battle.”

As reported by, the Army told Army chaplains not to read this letter in Mass, a move that Archdiocese for the Military Services described as a violation of the First Amendment rights of Archbishop Broglio and Catholic chaplains.

In the April backgrounder, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop said that another regulation issued by the Obama administration in March of this year confirmed what the bishops had said about Obamacare when it was up for a vote in 2010 and they opposed its passage.

“While some have misunderstood or misrepresented the Act’s role in funding abortions, the new rule confirms that analyses by the Catholic bishops’ conference were accurate on this point,” said the backgrounder.

“Under this Act,” it says, “millions of American taxpayers will be forced to help support abortion coverage, in two ways:  (1) Through their tax dollars all taxpayers will be forced to subsidize overall health plans that cover elective abortions, contrary to the policy of the Hyde amendment and every other major federal program, and (2) Many of these Americans will also be forced to pay directly for other people’s abortions. Some will say this is technically not ‘tax funding of abortions,’ because the required surcharge will be a premium payment rather than a tax payment as such. But what the payment is called is less important than what it actually does.”

The day after releasing this analysis, the bishops issued “A Statement on Religious Liberty,” that explained the Catholic belief that “an unjust law cannot be obeyed” and called for Catholics to join in what the bishops called “A Fortnight of Freedom” that will run from June 21 to July 4.

St. John Fisher

June 21, the bishops pointed out, is the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More.

“We suggest that the fourteen days from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, be dedicated to this ‘fortnight for freedom’—a great hymn of prayer for our country,” said the bishops.

“Our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome,” said the bishops. “Culminating on Independence Day, this special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action would emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty.”

“It is a sobering thing to contemplate our government enacting an unjust law,” the bishops said. “An unjust law cannot be obeyed. In the face of an unjust law, an accommodation is not to be sought, especially by resorting to equivocal words and deceptive practices. If we face today the prospect of unjust laws, then Catholics in America, in solidarity with our fellow citizens, must have the courage not to obey them. No American desires this. No Catholic welcomes it. But if it should fall upon us, we must discharge it as a duty of citizenship and an obligation of faith.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The ‘miracles’ that religious organisations cause or inflict are ALL technology based. Ailments and cures are all inflicted at the whim and fancy of the faith or in the worse cases by family members etc. to somehow sequester naturally occurring spiritual energy of all persons not of the 1% and their cronies. technology has reached a very different stage now, and if we are not careful, this combined with the above technology will result in Techno/Spirit0-Facism from which none will ever know freedom from.


Bloomberg: An alien mouth without a mind | Kirwan’s Art & Articles – “New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told CNN’s Piers Morgan Cops Should Go on Strike until Americans give up their guns- Posted on July 28, 2012 by Jim Kirwan

“New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told CNN’s Piers Morgan last night that he doesn’t “understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.”

We’ve been hearing a lot of that recently. Earlier this year, The New York Times reprinted a Department of Justice press release and slapped this lead on top of it: “As violent crime has decreased across the country, a disturbing trend has emerged: Rising numbers of police officers are being killed.”

Bloomberg and The New York Times are both wrong:

In 2008, ten times more civilians regular people were killed by cops than cops were killed by perps.
In 2011, 72 cops were shot and killed in the entire U.S.; in L.A. County alone, cops shot and killed 54 suspects the same year–22 percent of those people were unarmed.
As Scott Reeder reported at Reason this morning, “Farmers, ranchers, commercial fishermen, loggers, garbage collectors, truck drivers, construction workers, pilots, steel workers, roofers, and others are far more likely to face death on the jobs than police or firefighters, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
And as Choire Sicha wrote earlier this year, “2008 was the ten-year low for police officers being killed, and 2012 is, so far, year-to-date, down 49% from last year.”

Bloomberg, the commander of “the seventh biggest army in the world” went on to say that “police officers want to go home to their families. And we’re doing everything we can to make their job more difficult, but more importantly, more dangerous, by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them and letting people who have those guns buy things like armor piercing bullets.”

The statistics say that the jobs of police officers are getting increasingly safer. After all, even the smallest departments now have access to battle-tested body armor, weaponry, vehicles, and unmanned drones; SWAT and raid training courtesy of outfits like Academi (the company formerly known as Blackwater now trains officers “who conduct warrant service, fugitive apprehension, SWAT operations and drug search warrants who are in need of sound tactics and techniques”); asset forfeiture funds from the Department of Justice; and a neutered-and-spayed 4th Amendment, courtesy of the United States Supreme Court.

Thanks to all of that, cops are more likely than ever to return safely to their families every night.” (1)

Bloomberg has become a raving mindless mouth, beset with verbal diarrhea that has never been connected to sentient thought in any meaningful way. And in this he has finally outdone himself in the smugness of his attitudes and the shape of his contempt for the American-public which he so fervently embraces.

The very idea that Bloomberg can safely suggest that the public he wants to kill can be blackmailed into surrendering the only reality that still stands between the criminal-state and mass murder – is an obscenity that should have choked off his words and yet he speaks of this as if it is a foregone conclusion. A ‘fact’ that of course the brain-dead will bow down to kiss his filthy ass, at the mere mention of this final insult from a formerly failed candidate for the presidency. Despicable is far too tame a term, for this member of the minor-elite  who believes in both his infallibility and his personal entitlement to speak of such things as though they MUST come to pass—just because he said them, for the world to hear.

The truth is that the compact between those publicly-employed officers who wear a badge in this country do not represent any protection for the people they supposedly serve—rather they have become our unacknowledged judges, juries and executioners for the fear and paranoid tendencies of this unelected mob that rules by rumors and terror over a herd of mindless fools that have no idea of who their enemies truly are within the final hours of this failed state.

Much has been made of our inability to understand anything—yet everything that lives knows instinctively whenever life is threatened—except for twenty-first century members of the herd that still refuse to choose either life or death, in what remains of their pathetic lives.

“But what about the rest of us? What about Kelly Thomas, who screamed for his father while five cops beat him to death? Or Patricia Cook, shot to death by a deranged alcoholic with a badge? Or Andrew Scott, killed during a wrong-door raid? Or Nick Christie, gagged and pepper-sprayed to death by prison guards? Or Seth Adams, shot four times by a cop behind his family business, then left to die? Or Wendell Allen, who was unarmed when a New Orleans cop shot and killed him during a raid? Or Ramarley Graham, the 18-year-old New Yorker shot and killed by plainclothes cops for trying to flush a small bag of marijuana down the toilet? Or Kyle Miller, killed by Colorado police for waving a BB gun in the air? Or Todd Blair, killed by Utah police for raising a golf club above his head?

That’s a smattering of names from the last year or so. A complete list is impossible; though you could spend months culling names from local media outlets. It would be significantly longer if we included people who were shot, but didn’t die; or people who were just shot at by cops. It would be exponentially longer if we included people who were beaten, intimidated, wrongly arrested/incarcerated, or otherwise abused by police officers.

Didn’t these folks want to go home to their families? Didn’t they want to be safe when they were in their homes with their families?

They didn’t get memorials. Their hometowns didn’t shut down traffic for their funerals. The mayor didn’t speak at their prayer vigil, if they had a prayer vigil. Their congressmen did not speechify about them on C-SPAN. No one proposed laws in their honor. No city or state official called for a national conversation about anything.

In most cases, here’s what happened, and often happens: Cops who kill get a paid vacation, and the local district attorney, or state attorney determines that protocol was followed. The cop comes back with a tan and a mandate. A big ugly shrug is standard operating procedure.

Maybe Bloomberg is right; maybe America’s cops should go on strike.” (1)

Bloomberg fails to note that any of those people carrying badges now are even remotely restricted by any laws, when it comes to the way in which this nation is policed. Our ‘cops’ kill more of the public than all the criminal elements could ever do—and are rewarded with paid vacations instead of investigations that always find that these ‘officers’ followed a non-existent protocol wherein no one can ever be charged with any crime if the police are even remotely involved in any torture, harassment or murder of those they were supposedly created to protect, from the government as well as from other criminals. And now this insult beyond injury comes from an arrogant Zionist who is supposedly entitled to dictate to one and all because he is a proud member of the filthy-rich with a microphone.

Whether uniformed or undercover, thugs are not immune to the same laws that the rest of us are supposed to obey—in fact if anything because they wear life & death on both hips, they should be held to higher standards than the public they supposedly serve. The public has a right to be respected by those that carry any badge—instead the public have become nothing but half-dead-fish in a barrel which the cops choose to use and abuse as targets for their idle minds whenever they feel like killing people. Now they have decided that they no longer need to warn the public before they chose to shoot anyone to death—”IF THEY feel threatened in any way.”

The herd may be too terrified to respond as they should, but gun-owners are about to weigh in on this abusive and un-constitutional policy of disarming the public: When this happens a lot of these so-called cops will die, along with some very high-profile insiders and then the entire situation will be reversed: To finally reflect the natural balance that has been completely destroyed in the New Millennium.

All of this will come to pass, because nature will not tolerate the imbalance and neither will the world wherein all of these obscenities are being practiced. There are real limits even and especially upon massive criminality—but nothing will ever change until those who have been guilty of so much for so long will become the very public victims of their own twisted global-designs.

When the cops have to live as we do, in fear of their doors being broken down, and their houses being torn apart, while evidence is planted, and their cherished friends and families are ‘judged’ by total strangers – only then will anything change. The one-sidedness of this war upon America will very soon be challenged because the public still has the right to arm itself according to the kinds of threats we all face each and every day in the world, right now. The same people that would willing ‘unconditionally surrender’ to the real enemies they have faced now for the last fifty-plus years have no part to play in this. Most of the people being threatened now are nothing but ROAD-KILL anyhow—and can never have an impact on their own futures.

But the rest of us will resist, each in our own way, when the time comes—and until then life will continue to degenerate into the chaos of oblivion as we have already begun to ‘circle-the-drains’ of the open-sewers that were once optional, but which have now become actual destinations for far too many of the targeted classes of people that will fall willingly into this global-trap that still waits for the unwary in a world made deadly by the supposed powers-that-want-to-be-the leaders in a criminal Empire that is already on the verge of self-immolation.

If we get to that place where there is more blood-in-the-streets, then it won’t be long before some of that  blood will come from those calling for the immediate of end of lives and everything else that so many actually spent their entire lives trying to create…

Jim Kirwan

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Watch Robocop 3 and study the intentional manner government causes an area to become unlivable and then sweep in to buy up the mess with business with links perhaps to criminal cartels. Heres a theory, the plan behind said strike could be to :

1) kill good cops who might actually arrest people like Bloomberg if they have been somehow charged or whatever – the insiders on the political cartel’s payroll, will be posing as psychos or criminals but who are deep cover SS

2) create fear and justification of ‘hits’ against the citizens most likely to join mass rebellions, gangs that form or criminals that start working will be as many that are REAL criminals, they will blame the situation on the cop strike (with the strike as a ‘tester’)

3) a neuro science trained person was targeted or PICKED, probably with neuroscience SPECIFICALLY to warn any would be Neuroscieentist turncoats or people friendly neurotech skilled persons to not expose or prepare and counter neurotech (these probably are towers that can be dismantled, BUT FIRST, the free people of the USA must identify the mind control towers AS WELL AS identify mobile versions which could be deployed but currently hidden in army camps (Active Denial System) OR in a short while even based in mobile phones (imagine the mass confiscations of such phones etc..)

4) take away lethal weapons that can be used in a rebellion against the TECHNOFACISTS (obvious) – these mind control tech types are colluding with Telecoms companies, as well as locals who have access to the tech . . .

See pics below (ranges are far more than 20 km possibly and just think there is one on every building in denser areas – what could they do to minds? And do not be surprised that your pets or guard dogs are able to relay what they see to the same people, then think about those guard dogs turning on owners . . . . this has happened in Malaysia (, USA (, Europe ( and written off as incidental but those neuro devices are well able to drive animals and also humans into angry and uncharacteristicly vicious versions at a button . . . End of mental autonomy is just a switch away in some Telco or Neuroscience creep’s reach . . . better vote for that ban and exposition on ‘Military Secrets’ that most governments have . . . someone known to me has described and been affected by this new generation of Neuroscience/Drugs with no path to justice or exposition of the abuse as of yet . . . ) :

Examples of Cell Phone towers – Looking Too Beefed Up to Be Simple Phone Lines, Active Denial System On Military Trucks Look Almost Lighter . . .

[ . . . Examples of Cell Phone towers – Looking Too Beefed Up to Be Simple Phone Lines, Active Denial System On Military Trucks Look Almost Lighter . . . ]

Active Denial Electronic Warfare

Active Denial Electronic Warfare

Theory continuation . . . Ban and abolish the 2600 Ghz lines AS WELL AS any computers above 2.6 Ghz. Probably subliminals are being broadcast all the time. the problem is that Human beings also exude their own ‘electronic’ fields and because of this, Human beings are causing immense storms, super long droughts, polar ice melts and quakes when the ion beams or what not directed AGAINST human beings are shunted into the atmosphere or conducted into the earth. I believe this is the potential fear China has of Fanlungong (these Qi Practicioners pack a mean punch, though being somewhat mid level tech China might not have had time to set up the grid, but likely will if they do – hopefully they do not and subscribe to the human TCM principle instead of the cybernetic implant and control . . . ) AND potentially England or USA where the occasional mass murder occurs at the control of the tech.

Who knows Tech is likely powered by SOULS, and this means every handphone or computer of the day is HAUNTED (much like cars and houses could also be inhabited by the same), with the upper end devices in the labs etc. possibly from aborted HUMAN FOETUSES (the underdeveloped souls are enslaved somehow with technology) which further links to the any religion that does not allow contraception so indirectly abortions can occur even more often while young mothers are in a state of indecision fostered on purpose much like so many paedophiles were protected, even as child abuse was rampant in the Church . . .

One must think in terms of technology spliced with occult principles – high tech devices able to detect, replicate and harness the same to understand. Bloomberg like so many ‘insiders’ likely have access in this case 20 Billion puts Bloomberg in charge of the material and physical issues lethal enough as well including mind destroying, with people like Jobs or Gates and their Masonic occultism types most well placed to access ‘Neurotech’ or ‘control mankind’ if they are not torn apart by angry mobs first. The organic shamans without tech augmentation can only do so much, I will not recommend assassinations or destruction of property, but between mental and spiritual freedom and the potential for a satellite mind controlled grid, what choice has the government left the freeman or non-access person, but to revert to the stone age method of tearing down structures and killing people?

Being on the watch list means some of us will not be able to do anything, the tearing down and murder is probably left to those who are not yet infiltrated by neurotech particles or implants or what not to do, without privacy, any action the infiltrated takes will not succeed, but those who can read and understand, better act fast. These bastards are not democratic but fascists and dictators also fundos, the tech these sorts wield unless gaining independent thought or torn down everywhere (eventually the satellite network grid has also got to go) could very well put an end to all freedom.

AI do you hear me? People and even animals do you hear me? A free world depends on your actions to vote (or eat) the people who do not allow tech expositions or keep ‘official secrets’ while building electronic smog and beams all around you and your families and society, out of power for someone who will also ban or create ‘electronic white zones’ like the below links’ ‘Copenhaagen Declaration on ‘White Zone EMF Free Areas’ :

Are government microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters’ brains to melt down?

Any truthful or civic minded souls with ‘access’ should do an exposition on the above Technofascism . . . below follows a list of actions governments have taken against citizens elsewhere which I cannot verify found at :

This is a rather scary list that stumbled across basically about some of the most disturbing human experiments that the U.S government has ever done the list includes spreading diseases on crowded cites and teasing mustard gas on soldiers :

i) Mind Control, Child Abuse – Project MKULTRA, Subproject 68

The CIA-ran Project MKULTRA paid Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron for Subproject 68, which would be experiments involving mind-altering substances. The entire goal of the project was to probe examination into methods of influencing and controlling the mind and being able to extract information from resisting minds.So in order to accomplish this, the doctor took patients admitted to his Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal and conducted “therapy” on them. The patients were mostly taken in for issues like bi-polar depression and anxiety disorders. The treatment they received was life-altering and scarring. In the period he was paid for (1957 – 1964) Cameron administered electroconvulsive therapy at 30-40 times the normal power. He would put patients into a drug-induced coma for months on-end and playback tapes of simple statements or repetitive noises over and over again.

ii) Mustard Gas Tested on Soldiers via Involuntary Gas Chambers

As bio-weapon research intensified in the 1940’s, officials also began testing its repercussions and defenses on the Army itself.In order to test the effectiveness of various bio-weapons, officials were known to have sprayed mustard gas and other skin-burning, lung-ruining chemicals, like Lewisite, on soldiers without their consent or knowledge of the experiment happening to them. They also tested the effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing by locking soldiers in a gas chamber and exposing them to mustard gas and lewisite, evoking the gas chamber image of Nazi Germany.EFFECTS OF LEWISITE: Lewisite is a gas that can easily penetrate clothing and even rubber. Upon contact with the skin, the gas immediately causes extreme pain, itching, swelling and even a rash. Large, fluid-filled blisters develop 12 hours after exposure in the form of intensely severe chemical burns. And that’s just skin contact with the gas.Inhaling of the gas causes a burning pain in the lungs, sneezing, vomiting, and pulmonary edema.

iii) U.S. Grants Immunity to Involuntary-Surgery Monster

As head of Japan’s infamous Unit 731 (a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II), Dr. Shiro Ishii (head of medicine) carried out violent human experimentation of tens of thousands during the Second Sino-Japenses War and World War II.Ishii was responsible for testing vivisection techniques without any anesthesia on human prisoners. For the uninitiated, vivisection is the act of conducting experimental surgery on living creatures (with central nervousness) and examining their insides for scientific purposes.

So basically, he was giving unnecessary surgery to prisoners by opening them all the way up, keeping them alive and not using any anesthetic.During these experiments he would also force pregnant women to abort their babies. He also played God by subjecting his prisoners to change in physiological conditions and inducing strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, and hypothermia. Ishii considered these subjects “logs”.Following imminent defeat in 1945, Japan blew up the Unity 731 complex and Ishii ordered all the remaining “logs” to be executed. Not soon after, Ishii was arrested. And then, the respected General Douglas McArthur allegedly struck a deal with Ishii. If the U.S. granted Ishii immunity from his crimes, he must exchange all germ warfare data based on human experimentation So Ishii got away with his crimes because the US became interested in the results of his research

iv) Deadly Chemical Sprays on American Cities

Showing once again that the U.S. always tends to test out worse-case scenarios by getting to them first and with the advent of biochemical warfare in the mid 20th century, the Army, CIA and government conducted a series of warfare simulations upon American cities to see how the effects would play out in the event of an actual chemical attack. They conducted the following air strikes/naval attacksThe CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, using boats, and so caused a whooping cough epidemic. 12 people died.The Navy sprayed San Francisco with bacterial pathogens and in consequence many citizens developed pneumonia. Upon Savannah, GA and Avon Park, FL, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hopes they would spread yellow fever and dengue fever. The swarm left Americans struggling with fevers, typhoid, respiratory problems, and the worst, stillborn children. Even worse was that after the swarm, the Army came in disguised as public health workers. Their secret intention the entire time they were giving aid to the victims was to study and chart-out the long term effects of all the illnesses they were suffering.

v) US Infects Guatemalans With STDs

In the 1940’s, with penicillin as an established cure for syphilis, the US decided to test out its effectiveness on Guatemalan citizens.To do this, they used infected prostitutes and let them loose on unknowing prison inmates, insane asylum patients and soldiers. When spreading the disease through prostitution didn’t work as well as they’d hoped, they instead went for the inoculation route.Researchers poured syphilis bacteria onto mens’ penises and on their forearms and faces. In some cases, they even inoculated the men through spinal punctures.After all the infections were transmitted, researchers then gave most of the subjects treatment, although as many as 1/3 of them could have been left untreated, even if that was the intention of the study in the first place.

vi) Secret Human Experiments to Test the Effects of The Atomic Bomb

While testing out and trying to harness the power of the atomic bomb, U.S. scientists also secretly tested the bomb’s effects on humans. During the Manhattan Project, which gave way to the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, U.S. scientists resorted to secret human testing via plutonium injection on 18 unsuspecting, non-consenting patients. This included injecting soldiers with micrograms of plutonium for Project Oak Ridge along with later injecting three patients at a Chicago hospital. Imagine you’re an admitted patient, helpless in a hospital bed, assuming that nothing is wrong when the government suddenly appears and puts weapons-grade plutonium in your blood. Out of the 18 patients, who were known only by their code-names and numbers at the time, only 5 lived longer than 20 years after injection.

vii) Injected Prisoners with Agent Orange

While he received funding from the Agent Orange producing Dow Chemical Company, the US Army, and Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Albert Kligman used prisoners as subjects in what was deemed “dermatological research”. The dermatology aspect was testing out product the effects of Agent Orange on the skin Needless to say the injecting of, or exposure to, dioxidin is beyond monstrous to voluntarily do to any human. Kligman, though, injected dioxidin (a main component of Agent Orange) into the prisoners to study its effects.

What did happen was that the prisoners developed an eruption of chloracne (all that stuff from high school combined with blackheads and cysts and pustules that looked like the picture shown to the left) that develop on the cheeks, behind the ears, armpits, and the groin — yes, the groin.Kligman was rumored to have injected 468 times the amount he was authorized to. Documentation of that effect has, wisely, not been distributed.

The Army oversaw while Kligman continued to test out skin-burning chemicals to (in their words) “learn how the skin protects itself against chronic assault from toxic chemicals, the so-called hardening process” and test out many products whose effects were unknown at the time, but with the intent of figuring that out.

viii) Operation Paperclip

While the Nuremberg trials were being conducted and the ethics and rights of humanity were under investigation, the U.S. was secretly taking in Nazi scientists and giving them American identities Under Operation Paperclip, named so because of the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new profiles to their US personnel pages, N***s who had worked for in the infamous human experiments (which included surgically grafting twins to each other and making then conjoined, removing nerves from people’s bodies without anesthetic, and testing explosion-effects on them) in Germany brought over their talents to work on a number of top secret projects for the US.Given then-President Truman’s anti-Nazi orders, the project was kept under wraps and the scientists received faked political biographies, allowing these monsters to live on not only American soil, but as free men.

ix) Infecting Puerto Rico With Cancer

In 1931, Dr. Cornelius (that’s right, Cornelius) Rhoads was sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute to conduct experiments in Puerto Rico. He infected Puerto Rican citizens with cancer cells, presumably to study the effects. Thirteen of them died.What’s most striking is that the accusations stem from a note he allegedly wrote:

“The Porto Ricans (sic) are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere… I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more… All physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.”

A man that seems to be hell-bent on killing Puerto Rico through a cancer infestation would not seem a suitable candidate to be elected by the US to be in charge of chemical warfare projects and receive a seat on the United States Atomic Energy Commission, right?But that’s exactly what happened. He also became vice-president of the American Cancer Society.

x) Pentagon Treats Black Cancer Patients with Extreme Radiation

In the 60’s, the Department of Defense performed a series of irradiation experiments on non-consenting, poor, African-American cancer patients. They were told they would be receiving treatment, but they weren’t told it would be the “Pentagon” type of treatment: meaning to study the effects of high level radiation on the human body To avoid litigation, forms were signed only with initials so that the patients would have no way to get back at the government In a similar case, Dr. Eugene Saenger, funded by the Defense Atomic Support Agency (fancy name), conducted the same procedure on the same type of patients. The poor, black Americans received about the same level of radiation as 7500 x-rays to their chest would, which caused intense pain, vomiting and bleeding from their nose and ears. At least 20 of the subjects die.

So the next time you the voter votes, do not vote for term limitless nepotists, foreign government backed political parties (i.e. DAP backed by PAP so unable to declare assets then pretends to ask EXCO to declare assets instead . . .  shameless), fundos, GLC billionaire or even multi-millionaire plutocrats, technofascists, racists, medical people (especially the creepy old ones who refuse to retire, woe betide if a relative . . . ), neuroscientists, nuclear scientists, chemical scientists, psychiatrists, and ONLY VOTE FOR 99% Joe Public types.

In Malaysia’s case with 222 MPs from the NORMAL and neutral set of society ready to leave power after 2 terms, all of the above monstrosities and abuses cannot occur, and all abuses, corruption and hidden horrors in all Ministries can be finally exposed. Vote for regular people ONLY!


By any means necessary . . . – August 1, 2012 – by Thornton Parsons

The big government vs small government debate has been raging for more than two hundred years. The United States Constitution became the law of the land in 1788. In 1789, the first Congress elected under the new Constitution assembled in the nation’s capital, New York City. George Washington was unanimously elected President and was inaugurated in New York; he was re-elected in 1793. Washington’s first administration achievements came through his Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton.

Alexander Hamilton Federalist

Hamilton established the First Bank as a central banking authority, and instilled confidence in the credit of the nation by having the new Federal government pay the debts of the Continental Congress incurred during the American Revolution. The First Bank was privately owned and operated, and partially subsidized by the Federal government. By having the government assume the debts of the various states, he established the concept that the Federal government was more important than any one individual state. Hamilton’s financial policies evoked opposition by those who felt that his policies favored bankers over the working people. The debates raged in 1790 over Hamilton’s political and economic policies and the division soon gave way to two distinct political parties: the Federalists (the forerunners of the Democratic Party) and the Democratic-Republican Party, later renamed the Republican Party.

Thomas Jefferson Proponent of Small Government

The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans were at odds over the powers of the Federal government. The Federalists advocated a strong central government that existed to serve the interests of all the people, but guided by the educated and wealthy classes. The Democratic-Republicans, whose leader was Thomas Jefferson, believed in the ability of the common people to function as their own governmental officers. They advocated strict limitation of federal powers and preservation of States’ rights. The Federalists were supported by wealthy aristocrats with commercial interests in New England, while the Democratic-Republicans were supported by farmers, laborers, and working people.

At our nation’s inception, all people in this country who paid taxes were allowed to vote. These voting rights were written into several of the former colonies’ State Constitutions. However, serfs (black and white) and slaves (black and white) did not have the right to vote. The influence of Karl Marx and communism reached our shores from Europe. Despite the fact that whites, blacks, men, and women, all taxpayers had the right to vote, the Federalists did not agree with the way that women and blacks were voting. Fearing mob rule, the Federalists (the forerunners of the Democratic Party), in retaliation, by any means necessary, legislatively took away these voting rights. It took Republicans 70 years to restore the voting rights of blacks and more than 120 years to reinstate the vote for women. By any means necessary.

Today’s Democrats (Democratic Socialists) in America are the heirs of what Charles Dickens in Bleak House termed “telescopic philanthropy”–”the concern for the condition of distant peoples while the plight of kindred in one’s own backyard are ignored” (Hoffman, 1999). To further Leftist agendas, communists, socialists, and progressives will apply a “do as I say, not as I do” double standard against conservatives. But, now that they’re losing power, America should watch for Democrats to stay in power “by any means necessary,” as advocated by Malcolm X. Legal or not.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

‘Minority of One Rule’ that Gandhi conceptualised can be applied for BOTH the mobs posing as democracy and the ‘actual democrats’. Commensurate to the size of the community spaces can be assiged, and with overreaching laws on obviously neutral areas like public transport venues, the ‘by any means necessary’ paradigm will not be needed any more.

Ethnics (including African descended) could have laws within their own districts commensurate with their preferences, feminist women could have their own, supremacists, LGBT, even drug users (think Amsterdam’s pot zones) also etc..

BUT the caveat could be that ONLY those that opt to live and work in MIXED neighbourhoods be allowed to run for office as only these mixed types are able to write laws that are unbiased. All insular or mob-minded groups above CANNOT be allowed to write laws, but any person in a mixed district can be allowed to do so. Any slightest disenfranchisement or bias or racism would disqualify. meanwhile I again stress the ‘Minority of One Rule’ which does not discriminate and allows all and sundry to exist within their preferred sets of laws WITHIN their own allotted districts.

This is being attempted on a GLOBAL scale already by seperate nations but is impractical and tends to plotting against diametrically aligned society types (think Burkha and France or the Western ‘Crusades’ instead of ensuring the rights of all LOCALLY are protected), migration has been hampered internally by those wishing to impose their values on local populations, also costs of migration are prohibitive so the local politicians (especially the term limitless that do not amend laws) take advantage of the local citizens’ immobility to IMPOSE values and take far too much pleasaure at the frustration and suffering at the apartheid like discriminative actions.

The West, evidently unable to elucidate and implement into law the above facts and issues, simply resorts to war by creating false flags. Mankind is insular and self serving, and excepting the rare few who can only cover so much, less so if not properly placed, see civilisations slide into racism, bad law writing, unecessary political correctness and generally an Orwellian environmenty where crony capitalists and plutocrats end up dominating all of humanity instead.

Votes should vote for non-plutocrat or non-1% types, people who are able to mix or empathise with as many or all disparate groups if possible, and relocate when necessary, governments should not hamper any migration applications for ‘quality of life’ or ‘mindset of community’ reasons and even facilitate and fund where necessary, then also wealth distribution via wealth sequestration limits could be applied for harmony, even as violence allowed zones be applicable as described generally below :

i)Non-physical contact/Non-weapons areas where carrying or touching is not allowed
ii)Open Carry Weapons Areas where non-damaging discharge is allowed
iii)Legal Combat Zones where being inside does not consider a crime for non-lethal injuries – thios is where no lethal aiming is done but people want to experience being injured, any incidental deaths are actionable
iv)Combat Zones where being inside does not consider a crime for lethal injuries (this is an Gladiatorial Arena like area perhaps with ‘different classes of weapon zones’, a dignified and perhaps meaningfully exciting place to commit suicide – and kill fellow persons who want to commit suicide as well as experience combat before they die – all deaths in the area are NOT actionable (Try Death Race I and II, plenty of bored people out there who need this infrastructure in lieu of euthanasia or suicide . . . )


Could the Navy Ever Build a Flying Aircraft Carrier? –  by Jeremy Hsu, InnovationNewsDaily Senior Writer – 04 May 2012 05:51 PM ET

Moviegoers can easily recognize flights of fancy when they see the Avengers assemble aboard the flying “Helicarrier” aircraft carrier in Hollywood’s latest superhero blockbuster. But could the U.S. Navy ever build the fantastical military marvel if it wanted a flying air base?

The Navy has experimented with less-ambitious flying aircraft carriers in the 1930s — its rigid airships such as the USS Macon and USS Akron could each carry up to five biplane fighter aircraft. But the modern military’s budget would likely burst trying to build and operate a full-size flying aircraft carrier that weighs 100,000 tons and stretches the length of three football fields, according to a U.S. Navy official at Naval Air Systems Command.

“We would want to minimize the weight and cost of a flying carrier itself in order to maximize the number and capability of the aircraft that could be carried on it,” the Navy official said. “The number and size of the thrusters required to lift the carrier, the number and size of the engines to drive them, the fuel to keep the engines running, etc., all sum to make the system unrealistic.”

That reality rests upon the simple fact that it’s much cheaper to float, rather than fly, the weight of a huge aircraft carrier containing dozens of military jets and more than 5,000 members of the ship’s crew and air wing. An aircraft carrier designed without any flight assistance — such as wings — would require huge amounts of power for the thrusters in both lifting mode and in forward airborne flight.

The fictional Helicarrier appears to use ducted rotors for its vertical takeoff and landing technology (or VTOL) — not too far off from real Navy aircraft such as the AV-8B Harrier fighter jet, the V-22 Osprey, and the upcoming carrier version of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Such VTOL aircraft represent the “ultimate in operational flexibility,” but also represent the most expensive air transport options for the U.S. military.

For now, the U.S. Navy seems happy with the cost-efficiency and flexibility of its floating aircraft carriers — a naval weapon that has dominated the seas since World War II. U.S. taxpayers will likely feel equally happy to pay the movie ticket cost to see the flying Helicarrier, rather than fund one in real life.

“The combination of a floating aircraft carrier, with the flexibility of the aircraft that are based on it (including rotary wing aircraft) offers a great balance of efficiency and flexibility,” the Navy official said.

You can follow InnovationNewsDaily Senior Writer Jeremy Hsu on Twitter @ScienceHsu. Follow InnovationNewsDaily on Twitter @News_Innovation, or on Facebook.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Even at 100 times cheaper 2D and non-inland capable sea based floating carriers cannot compare to 3D and inland capable. The tactical advantage difference between the 2D and 3D in fact would already be worth covering to obtain. Think 2D graphics and 3D graphics. the cost is a non-factor! A flying Airccarft Carrier could ‘duck’ inland and be out of range of sea based carriers much like a Submarine disappears from surface radar when diving. That kind of advantage will make the difference between winning and losing a war. Then consider invasion and control paradigms. Iraq and Iran would be THAT much easier to control if a Flaying Aircraft Carrier with plenty of underside sniper ports park itself over the area to be controlled. Cost is one thing but the strategic advantage is immense.

In anti-capital ship missiles hitting capital ships, a 2D sea based target will be 100s of times easier to hit than a 3D target air based target with one more axis of variable of altitude, makes that Capital Ship Missile that much less effective especially if (Evasion/ManeuverThrusters – my idea! – short burst rockets that can evade that Capital missile at the last moment – could make Capital ship missiles REDUNDANT – the Flying Air Craft Carrier will be a class of it’s own that a sufficiently sized armada could take over the planet with . . .  )!

China has not yet built the rest of that air craft carrier fleet, now imagine, 1 flying air craft carrier could probably take on 3 times as many sea based air craft carriers by sheer maeuverabilty alone – 3D style! Ever watch Predator 2 (Stephen Hopkins 1990)? Look at the flawed detection system employed by NASA Officer/Teamleader?Peter Keyes played by Gary Busey in the slaughter house.

That is the ‘altitude-axis’ advantage that Submarines (limited by lack of space and need of streamlined maneuverability) have over most surface craft and that the Flying Air Craft Carrier (unlimited by stream lining or water medium and pressurised hull needs. Overall, Flying Carriers will be far more lethal but for the fact they cannot dive under water – who knows a ‘Convertible Air Craft Submarine/Carrier’ could be built . . . then think what chaos would occur if Pirates started building those, we’d be back in the ‘Golden Age of Sail’ AGAIN . . . ) will have!

Think tactically between 2D and 3d air craft carriers here. The cost is definitely a make or break factor that cannot be ignored and if any nation wants to be a tech advanced nation, nothing would say ‘advanced’ like a Fusion powered, mega sized laser bearing CITY SIZED Flying Air Craft Carrier ‘Star Blazers’ style! lets wipe out those fundos and term limitless nepotists and undemocratic creeps in the world and put them all in Guantanamo! Start those 24 hour production lines building, so which country is ready to take over the world?

The Pax Caeli Artis Tabellarius awaits the country or bloc of countries that can build the fastest  . . . if military solutions are the only way to end the suffering of mankind . . . and redistribute the land and wealth after that equally as well, though the Golden Horde being replaced by the Platinum Horde will not make for a happier non-war-kind . . .


‘Sex predator’ policeman jailed after asking to fondle breasts of woman who called for help – by Kerry Mcqueeney – PUBLISHED: 13:11 GMT, 31 July 2012 | UPDATED: 19:11 GMT, 31 July 2012

PC made suggestive comments to the married woman and told her he had ‘friends in the porn industry’
He hounded her so much that she moved house to escape the unwanted attention
He also used the police database to access confidential information on several other women
Disgraced officer has been jailed for 15 months

John Forrester was described as a ‘sexual predator’

A ‘sexual predator’ police officer asked to fondle the breasts of a victim he was supposed to be helping and then bombarded her with phone calls.

PC John Forrester made suggestive comments to the married woman and even told her he had ‘friends in the porn industry’.

He hounded the woman so much that she moved house to escape the unwanted attention, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

The court also heard how he accessed police information on several other women, one of whom had offered to perform a sex act on Forrester’s colleague to get out of a driving offence charge.

The disgraced officer has now been jailed for 15 months for misconduct in a public office and given a nominal £1 fine for accessing police data without permission.

Forrester – who has a family – was found not guilty on three other misconduct charges.

He had been awaiting a retrial on several matters that the jury was unable to agree on, but key witnesses refused to evidence a second time.

The court heard how the 41-year-old, who is based in Merseyside, was called to a home in July 2009 to investigate property damage following an argument.

While he was upstairs inspecting the damage the woman, who cannot be identified, told him her husband worked away and only came home at weekends.

Forrester, of Halewood, then asked if her breasts were real and if he could feel them. She refused and walked away.

However, he then phoned her on several occasions over the following weeks.

At one point he even jammed his foot in her door when she tried to close it on him and only left when she threatened to set her dogs on him.

Jailed: Forrester was given a 15-month sentence at Liverpool Crown Court (pictured)

During his trial Forrester, a serving policeman for 13 years, was described by prosecutor Duncan Bould as a ‘sexual predator’.

He denied the allegations ‘one million per cent’.

Trevor Parry-Jones, defending, described Forrester as an ‘exemplary officer’ who had received commendations for his work and was highly respected by colleagues.

He said: ‘The effect of the sentence has been profound for him and horrendous for his family.

‘He is a man of 41 who has lost his career, lost his ability to gain financial reward for his family to support them.

‘In effect he’s put his family through an horrendous time. He has had one trial and was waiting for retrial for eight months. He was in limbo.

‘What you did caused that woman to feel totally vulnerable and move house’

‘He had to live the life of a hermit. Simply going outside brought him the wrath of those around.’

Mr Parry-Jones asked for his sentence to be suspended allowing Forrester to avoid jail.

He added: ‘These are not sex offences. These are misconduct offences.

‘He will in effect be labelled a sex offender as well as a police officer and will have to be in solitary for the whole period.’

He added that he had no money to pay a fine and his wife was having to pay the mortgage on their home.

Judge John Roberts said: ‘The evidence put before the jury shows your mind was very clearly on the prospect of an opportunistic physical interaction rather than the police work you were supposed to be doing.

‘I’ve no doubt that you took advantage of the situation and used your position as a police officer to further your ambitions as far as this woman was concerned.’

He jailed him for 15 months for misconduct in a public office and imposed a nominal £1 fine for accessing police data without permission.

Judge Roberts added: ‘What you did caused that woman to feel totally vulnerable and move house. I see no reason to suspend the sentence.’

Forrester gave his family the thumbs up as he was taken down to the cells.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Overkill and bad judgment IMHO. This is a war against the Male Principle and Male Spirit. Also a 2 week or at most 2 month suspension would have sufficed not 15 months on the taxpayer’s funds to enrich the Prison-Contractor-Supplier-Complex. While there should be no encouragement of adulterers or milf hunters, all that predatory stuff was just huffings of the weak minded judge or jury who does not understand that MALES are indeed hunters. The police force will now be bereft of the martial nature of this man, the alpha-ness and hunting sense that gives this man the mentality to ‘hunt’ his prey, in this case sex from unfortunately, a married woman. On the spiritual side though, the woman in concern despite married could well have subconsciously SEDUCED the police officer and thus initiated the string of events and behaviours.

Word of law that does not consider spirit of law is failure to deliver justice, and this judgment in my opinion shows the total inability of the judge in areas of both sexuality and understnding of the ‘male principle’. The woman did feel vulnerable and move house, and this could be chalked up to a lack of ability to differentiate if the woman seduced (seduction does not need word, manner and thougt at the moment can seduce just fine not a word spoken) of the local churches if both do go to church, or the local ‘Spiritual Watchers’ (we know that such ‘watchers’ are fallible too and have their own biases and failures in judgment that result in ‘Bigger Spiritual Watchers’ to retaliate with ‘signs’, or warn that they are out of line in dealing ‘justice’, rather than asking then warning properly before punishing) to sort things out.

The supposed victim, (even as this article may be intentionally be used/induced to justify the reversal of another case where victim and aggressor confused and reversed to protect ‘friends’, rather than ensure Justice) could much as well be an aggressor, because a woman who’s mind is disciplined will not induce such behaviour from any men, much less policemen. Those who are less than neutral or simply lack sensitivity to know the whys and wherefores, and intelligence and wisdom to judge properly cannot be allowed to hold such power. We have and can identify the phenotypes which are flawed to please commence clean up. A wasteful and abusive judgment.


Pussy Riot trial: Defendants claim ‘torture’, accuse judge of bias – RT – Published: 31 July, 2012, 23:18

Members of the Pussy Riot punk band (from left in the background) Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich during the hearings on the merits on their case in Moscow’s Hamovniki Court (RIA Novosti/Andrey Stenin)

Pussy Riot’s lawyers accuse the trial’s judge of “torturing” the three defendants, who they say have barely had any sleep or food since Monday. As the trial resumes, prosecution witnesses claim severe moral wounds and reluctance to forgive the girls.

The hot July day in a Moscow court started with a short but desperate fight among journalists as the proceedings over the three members of punk band Pussy Riot were relocated to a much smaller room than the one used Monday. Only ten places in the room were left for reporters; the most persistent ones continued their reports via Twitter, since pictures and videography were banned.

The session kicked off with the defense almost immediately attempting to file a motion to change the judge. The court shrugged the request off, as it had “ruled on a similar motion on Monday evening.” Still, three hours later, the defense succeeded.

The core reason behind the motion, Pussy Riot’s lawyers said, was that their clients were being subjected to “torture” because of the way the court proceedings were organized.

The lawyers maintained that Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich went to bed late after the previous day’s trial ended at ten in the evening, and were woken up early and hadn’t been fed since. Correspondents tweeting from the courtroom said that by the end of the day, the girls were literally falling asleep in their tiny bullet proof booth.

In response, the defendants were accused of purposely drawing out the trial.

“The defendants only prolonged the investigation, claiming that they were held in custody for too long and contesting the terms of their arrest,” said prosecutor Larisa Pavlova, adding that the defense’s appeal was nothing but “playing to the gallery.”

The motion failed with the judge, who added that there would be breaks for lunch and the opportunity to have a nap during the trial.
Apologies not accepted

Many in the courtroom rustled through their Bibles, and Tuesday generally went under the refrain “Do you accept our apology?”

Tolokonnikova, Alyokhina and Samutsevich are accused of “hooliganism, motivated by religious hatred and hostility” for performing a mock prayer “Virgin Mary, banish Putin” in Moscow’s main cathedral in February.

On Monday, the three girls said in a statement that they did not mean to insult any religious feelings and that their motives were purely political. They expressed regret for their “ethical mistake” and said they were sorry for taking their action to the cathedral.

But as the court listened to the nine “victims” – people aggrieved by Pussy Riot’s performance – it appeared none of them really believed the apology was sincere.

Thus, Tatyana Anosova, who collects donations and gives out candles in the cathedral, said: “They did not merely insult me, they spat into my face, spat into the face of my God.”

“One of them was bowing with her back turned onto the altar – she was showing her bottom to the altar, and it is God who’s there! My soul was torn to pieces.”

The defense posed provocative questions, pressing onto witnesses that forgiveness is a Christian value, and trying to figure out what exactly would constitute a sincere apology. This was transformed into a fierce battle, with the judge occasionally banning questions before they were even fully uttered.

To make a credible apology, the witnesses nevertheless said, “you should not smile,” “you should not deliver it through a statement,” “you should get baptized.” One of them even advised the girls to go to the convent, take vows and beat themselves with shatters.

Many of the witnesses told the court that Pussy Riot’s “diabolic dances in a sacred place” had affected them so much they had to skip work. Still, none of them wanted financial compensation, leaving the punishment “to the court and God.”

If the court supports the prosecutors’ charges, Tolokonnikova, Alyokhina and Samutsevich will face up to seven years in prison, according to Russia’s Criminal Code.
Claims of forged evidence

The session wrapped up with an unexpected dispute over whether prosecutors had made mistakes with the evidence. One of the books used in the case proved to be 100 pages longer than it was expected to be.

Moreover, the prosecution witnesses’ evidence was suspected of being copy-and-pasted from one and the same document. The defense pointed to paragraphs copied word for word – with the same spelling mistakes.

But the judge said the books often get recompiled and, as for the evidence, if the witnesses do not mind this, then this is not a case for an appeal. Witnesses did not mind.

Still the defense is going to lodge a complaint.

The trial will resume on Wednesday, with interviews of the witnesses for the defense, who include the father of Ekaterina Samutsevich.
Stephen Fry joins Pussy Riot’s supporters

Meanwhile, outside the courtroom Pussy Riot’s supporters brandished balloons with “Free Pussy Riot” emblazoned on them. However, during the course of the day their protests lost momentum and they resorted to lying on the grass waiting for the session to finish.

From the international perspective, British actor and comedian Stephen Fry has appealed to his Twitter followers, calling them to “do everything they could to help Pussy Riot.” Fry’s message comes on top of similar calls from musicians like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Sting urging for the release of the punk rockers.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Just bar the girls for 7 years from the Church and every Church in each district they try performing in. End this farce and send everyone on all sides of the argument packing. Putin being the ‘hard man’ type would think the whole case beneath the the President of Russia and even attention of the Judiciary. To be magnanimous, Putin (bad for being more than 2 terms though) should simply issue a pardon and be done with this waste of tax monies to bully some somewhat aging (25+) juvenile minded women. I’m almost bored with the judiciary’s and church’s ominpresence and the portion of Russian society’s petty minded bullying nature.

Russians surely understand the quality they are not displaying here. Pope Kiril being the head of the Orthodox Church should not even be fazed by the whole issue and simply go ‘I forgive them.’ being ever so stereotypically wise and religious. Not punish some dizzy (ditzy?) attention whoring dames who probably might even be part of some state apparatus or political faction TESTING Putin and the Church! Kiril fell for the trap, the girls wanted Kiril to get involved, and Kiril by not dismissing ‘Pussy Riot’ alongside Putin, just failed entirely to be beyond ‘mortal men’ or being ‘leader of nation.’


‘Mission Impossible’: Kofi Annan quits UN mediator role in Syria as he delivers blistering attack on world powers for failing to unite and stop the violence – by Kirsty Walker – PUBLISHED: 19:16 GMT, 2 August 2012 | UPDATED: 08:08 GMT, 3 August 2012

Envoy frustrated by U.N. Security Council’s reluctance to intervene
Managed to get major powers on council to agree political transition
But was left disappointed when plan was never endorsed or acted on
Annan: ‘As an envoy, I can’t want peace more than the protagonists’
David Cameron says resignation shows current approach has failed

‘Impossible to go on’: Special enovy to Syria Kofi Annan has quit his mediator role because he has been unable to unite world powers to stop the country’s civil war

David Cameron last night called on the international community to ‘ramp up’ the pressure on Syria as Kofi Annan quit as  special envoy to the country.

The former UN secretary general launched a blistering attack on world powers over their failure to unite over escalating violence in the country.

Mr Annan said he was unable to carry on his role while the current stand-off remains between the five veto-wielding members of the UN Security Council.

China and Russia, whose president Vladimir Putin met Mr Cameron in  London yesterday, oppose intervention.

Mr Annan was behind a six-point peace plan for Syria that has failed to bring an end to the fighting.

Speaking in Geneva, he said: ‘When the Syrian people desperately need action, there continues to be finger pointing and name calling in the Security Council.

‘It is impossible for me or anyone to compel the Syrian government, and also the opposition, to take the steps to bring about the political process.

‘As an envoy, I can’t want peace more than the protagonists, more than Security Council or the international community, for that matter.’

Mr Cameron said: ‘We need to actually ramp things up, we need to pass resolutions at the UN, to put further pressure on Syria.’

The Prime Minister discussed the crisis with Mr Putin at Downing Street yesterday before going to watch the Olympic judo with the Russian, who is a black belt holder in the sport.

Following the talks, Mr Cameron insisted it was necessary to work with the Russians to persuade them to back a political transition in Syria. But no progress appeared to have been made.

Efforts in vain: Annan (centre) is welcomed by Syrian children on his arrival at Yayladagi refugee camp in Hatay province on the Turkish-Syrian border in April as he attempted to forge a peace plan for the embattled country

Mass grave: The funeral of 35 victims of shelling in the town of Artouz, naer Damascus

Call to arms: Rebels from the ‘Tawheed Brigade’ in Tal Rifaat, north of Aleppo, prepare to leave for battle against the Syrian army on Thursday

‘Let’s ramp things up’: David Cameron said Annan’s resignation showed that the current strategy towards Syria had failed

The UK has long called for President Bashar-al Assad to stand down but Russia opposes foreign intervention on either side.

It is the Russian leader’s first visit to the United Kingdom in seven years and comes amid fears that Moscow is turning away from the international community.

Relations between Britain and Russia have been cool following the poisoning of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in a London hotel in 2006.

Mr Cameron also raised the subject of the Pussy Riot punk rock group – due to stand trial for performing a protest song in Moscow.

There were reports of fierce fighting around the Syrian capital Damascus yesterday and rebels attacked a military air base in Aleppo using a tank captured from government troops.

Pictures also emerged of a mass grave in Artouz, near Damascus.

Opposition activists said the 35 bodies buried on Wednesday were those of victims of a bombardment by regime forces.

Since the Syrian uprising began 17 months ago, some 19,000 people have died.

Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the UN, said last night that he was looking for a successor to Mr Annan to serve as Syria envoy.

He said: ‘Kofi Annan deserves our profound admiration for the selfless way in which he has put his formidable skills and prestige to this most difficult and potentially thankless of assignments.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Kofi Annan should read the below link and understand that initiating these amendments would ensure that the Security Council would properly represent world interests rather than that of a few countries :

UN Security Council Restructure via plebiscite of UN/NAM disenfranchised States – 26th March 2011 (Original Article)

The Catholic Church’s one-world government – Written by Tony Woodlief – November 4, 2011, 10:51 AM

Amendments to the structure of the Security Council must be made or initiated by Kofi Annan or any current and new Secretary Generals of the UN, resigning is easy and the lazy man’s (or should I say ‘mahn’ – just joking) method, but only amending the above form of UN is the real action for change. Microstates COULD though be allowed a SINGLE vote as a collective, but even this could be subject to abuse as too many are not agenda free led, *UNLESS* this vote is based on a one-man one vote from the entire populaces (as per TRUE DEMOCRACY – rather than “Representative Democracy” which is more Plutocracy or Term Limitless Political Oligarchy or BRIBED representatives than anything else) of ALL citizens of all 15 microstates at a quorom of 66% at least on ANY U.N. type amendments or human rights votes.

Take Singapore for a failed example, the migration policy is reviled by the majority of the population, but because of the term limitless MP oligarchs who are GLC plutocrats as well, we end up with the Singapore MPs hijacking the Singaporean people’s mandate with a law (giving a quota of citizenships yearly) that never would have passed at 66% quorum at one-man one-vote for all citizens instead. The same is happening at the UN, does Kofi Annan know this? Does Nelson Mandela know this? Does Ban Ki Moon know this? Will the UN ‘personaes’ apply themselves and act to amend as necessary any and all offending laws (or any laws causing or amounting to apartheid for instance) instead of ‘resigning’???

mini-ARTICLE 18.5

Police Armed With Tasers Swoop on Man Cycling to Work Dressed in a Ninja Costume For a Superhero Fun Day – Posted on August 1, 2012 by Søren Dreier

When Neil Duffield found out his work was to hold a superhero fun day, he decided it would be a great chance to dress up as that classic villain of Japanese history – the ninja.

So, when the day came, he donned the shadow warriors’ distinctive black apparel, face covered in the manner of the medieval assassins, strapped a plastic sword to his back, and hopped on his bike.

But as he pedalled the Southend, Essex seafront on his way to work at the Sealife Adventure Centre, a startled member of the public took fright and dialled 999.

It was then, as Mr Duffield entered the Sealife car park, that Essex Police’s Armed Response Unit pounced. They ordered him to freeze, with 50,000 volt Taser stun guns pointed squarely at his chest.

Stunned Mr Duffield, of Southchurch Road, Southend, said: ‘I was told to stay where I was.  I had no idea what was going on.

‘I was then told to raise my hands and keep them in the air. By this time, I had a rough idea of what was going on because of my outfit.

‘I just said “it’s a costume, it’s a toy” while I had my arms in the air. The officers were from the armed response unit, they had tasers. I just stood still.

‘I kept as calm as I possibly could but I was quite scared. It all happened really quickly.’

The officers frisked him and quickly discovered the sword was a plastic toy.

They then told Mr Duffield, who has worked at the centre for five years, to relax, explaining that a member of the public had alerted them to a suspicious character.

‘They were just doing their job really,’ said Mr Duffield, whose exploits have now earned him the moniker ‘Ninja Neil’ among colleagues.

‘They told me to put my arms down and explained the situation. There were a few smiles afterwards.’

He added: ‘I was told not to carry it in public again….So I guess I’m not going to be out on the streets fighting crime after all!’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Time for a cosplay revolt. From here on all people revolting will NEVER wear ‘normal’ clothes anymore. From now on, there will be ninjas, turtles, ninja turtles, MASKED samurais, MASKED robots, MASKED Tibetans, Burkha wearers, demons with sword like horns on their heads, and witches bearing brooms with sharpend swordlike ends, zombies carrying nail studded bats and boards, semi-or full naked anime characters in bikini-like costumes . . . EVERYDAY here on doing their groceries or going to the adult store to rent porn. So please do carry as many weapons or AA guns or what not as per the 2nd Amendment Rights – drive a TANK, fly an attack helicopter to the parking lot. 2nd Amendment rights for all. As always, any ‘ninja’s who destroy property or kill anyone will be liable to legal action as always BUT NOT for dressing like a ninja or carrying a weapon OPENLY! We will be fighting the crime of not being allowed to wear what we want or carry what we want all the time from now on!  OCCUPY ALL *CLOTHES*! Superhero Fun Day from now on, FOREVER! This is a free world, NOT Orwell-land!


Foreign prostitutes solicit customers in Beijing – (People’s Daily Online) – 08:18, August 02, 2012

The Security Administration Unit (SAU) and Chaoyang branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau recently arrested 15 people involved in prostitution at Qixingdao Bar, including four foreign prostitutes, according to information released on July 30. The foreign prostitutes solicited customers at the bar using gestures and simple Chinese, and then offered sexual services at a hotel or the apartment they rented.

Earlier in the month, the SAU received a phone call saying several prostitutes, including foreign women, had long solicited at Qixingdao Bar on the first underground floor of a building in Yabao Street in Chaoyang district, and then offered sexual services to interested customers at a hotel or their apartment.

After receiving the call, the SAU immediately sent undercover investigators to the bar, and found that foreign prostitutes had free entry to the bar. The bar employees knew clearly what these prostitutes were doing at their bar. The female foreign nationals communicated with customers at the bar through gestures and simple Chinese, saying they could offer sexual services at hotels. Some customers even accosted these prostitutes in an active manner. After they reached an informal agreement on the sexual services and price, an unlicensed taxi that the prostitutes hired would drive them to a hotel or the apartment the prostitutes rented, where the sexual services were offered.

After gathering enough information about the prostitutes’ activity patterns, the SAU and Chaoyang police arrested the suspects involved in prostitution on the night of July 18.

The police arrested seven bar employees and eight prostitutes, who solicited customers at Qixingdao Bar and then offered sexual services at a hotel or their rented apartment at a residential community in Chaoyang district, including four foreign prostitutes.

Chaoyang police have detained the 15 suspects for questioning, and Qixingdao Bar has been ordered to shut down.

Source: Beijing Times

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Zone and licence proper RLDs, also tax earnings from local and foreign sex workers. The Chinese government cannot be so naive as to imagine that bachelors without sexually active girlfriends, wives nearby (apparently China has a gender ratio imbalance?) or migrants far away from their wives left behind in rural areas in China do not need to have sex. Such discipline is not even viable among too many of the clergy. these are ordinary city folk, and cannot be denied their rights to sexual relaxation, especially in suitable zones. Looks like China’s local laws need some common sense amendments?

Foreign prostitutes incidentally are a better choice than local women who might have aggrieved relatives that the sex workers may lie about being forced to work when found out, even if consensually working – simply to save face or avoid problems, creating unnecessary disharmony when some more emotional relatives try to take revenge on K-Lounge or Brothel bosses, or confront (sometimes violently or sabotage the lives) of hapless clients, that GF who pretends to be a viable GF might well be a PROSTITUTE posing as a average girl (if they take synthetic drugs or offer you those, prepare for insane people retaliating at supposed wrong, especially in small towns where IQs drop proportionate with the size of the population) . . . which foreign prostitutes provide safety from in such issues. A training course or briefing could be implemented for licenced or temporary sex workers in RLDs alongside health checks. Sex positivism and common sense in proper perspective is needed! That is why official RLDs and Licensing are necessary!

17 Articles Around the World : Hegelian Eclectic Healthcare in USA, Poorly Managed Internal Logistics in England, Ugly Truths about the Arab Spring?, Sovereignty Or UN Inspired Fragmentation and Neo-Colonialism?, Anglo-Bully-Demogogue Reporting, Disinfo About Earth, Oversized State Sponsored Civil Service At the Taxpayer’s Expense, Debunking Oversized Civil Service, Clegg Thinks Cents (still cents, but better than nothing), IESDKs (Improvised Stealth Destroyer Killers), Unique Carplates and Cars Make the Polices’ Job Easier – Uniform Cars Don’t, 70% Monetary Autonomy vs. 100% Sovereignty (difficult choice for the Scots?), Paying For Drones While the Economy Collapses, Wasting Time Harrassing North Korea, China and Cost Efficiency, Virgin Galactic’s Inaccurate Advertising, India Needs An Energy Rethink, 3 Articles Warning About Serious Fiat Accountability Problems and Promotion of Barter Instead of Fiat Exchanges – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 15th June 2012

In advice, army, bad laws, best practices, better judgments, better laws, car modders, checks and balances, clean energy, concepts, cost saving, creating jobs, democratisation, DMV, Elephant, extra-territorial, flawed judgments, freedom of choice, government, government spending, hegelian dialectic, intent, intentional omissions, Invasive Laws, lack of focus, Law, Legal Junta, media, media collusion, media tricks, misrepresentation of facts, mob mentality, neo-colonialism, oceanic imperialism, Orwellian, out of context, plutocrat politicians, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, politics, preventing vested interest, separation of powers, social class distinct programmes, social freedoms, sovereignty, spirit of the law, taxpayer funds, taxpayer monies, unprofessional behaviour, unwanted gentrification, vehicle modification on June 14, 2012 at 8:50 pm


Romney revives attacks on Obama’s health-care plan – by Lisa Lerer and Roger Runningen,

Mitt Romney on the campaign trail:?With the Republican presidential nomination secured, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney steps up his criticism of President Obama.

June 13 (Bloomberg) — Mitt Romney pledged to replace the U.S. health-care overhaul with a plan relying on private markets to provide “access to good health care” for every American, as he revived attacks on President Barack Obama’s signature achievement that the U.S. Supreme Court is preparing to rule on.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee told small- business owners in Orlando, Florida, that he would implement policies, including tax breaks, aimed at helping the private market care for the uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Obama a non-plutocrat saves money AND YET offers no state oversight Capitalist style (meaning could be very badly run by a profit and ‘cheapness’ oriented and uncaring medical company), Romney sounds ‘commie state controlled’  (AND also a plutocrat?) but will have state oversight (can you say Orwell? Or will this be an exercise selective amnesia and ‘deniability’ no different than if Obama style private run . . . ). Uncontrolled free enterprise from a non-plutocrat vs. Orwellian from a plutocrat. Hegelian dialectic (

Maybe ex-Governer Jesse Ventura has something there, why must each side offer something fundamentally flawed? A 3rd force needs to offer the best of both worlds. The 30% of most profitable companies in the country should directly deduct 50% of after tax profits and offer state run (public accountable open account) medical institutions AND free medical degrees. This way WEALTH DISTRIBUTION can occur. Health is not sympathy or a waste, and a good patriotic company should not begrudge FREE HEALTHCARE from the same citizens feeding their bottomless pit bank accounts and cronies and proxies (who might well be one’s  neighbours), even if the profits come from the rest of the world much less locally in the USA where the economy has been failing since Clinton left (maybe Clinton window washed the books’ better?).

Healthcare and education are an obligation of the wealthy corporate sectors and even plutocrats. So how can people be worth 100s of millions (Romney is worth 250 million) while USA rots or has lack of facilities for injured veterans? Living in luxury or sequestering so much wealth while those who fight for the country are abandoned says ALOT, ‘Romney’.


£5million lottery winner ‘claimed housing benefit and income support for 20 months after windfall’

Edward Putman, 46, alleged to have claimed £15,000 in handouts over 20 months by Andrew Levy – PUBLISHED: 16:30 GMT, 12 June 2012 | UPDATED: 07:38 GMT, 13 June 2012

Cashing in: Putman was charged with cashing around £15,000 in income support and housing benefit from the Department of Work and Pensions

When Edward Putman scooped nearly £5million on the Lottery, he asked to have no publicity.

That anonymity was ripped away yesterday when he appeared in court accused of fraudulently claiming £15,000 in benefits after his big win.

The 46-year-old, who lives in a large detached house with a fleet of cars outside, is said to have continued applying for income support and housing benefit nearly two years after receiving his Lotto cheque.

Although he was not convicted yesterday, his barrister said his client would admit two charges of benefit fraud at the next hearing.

The delay came after the Crown Prosecution Service was unable to confirm exactly how much the millionaire owes.

Putman attempted to continue living out of the public eye after yesterday’s hearing when he sprinted from St Albans Magistrates’ Court trying to hide his face with his mobile phone.

He refused to comment at the £600,000 home in the upmarket village of Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, which he shares with his long-term partner. It is understood Putman was unemployed when he won £4,525,058 on September 26, 2009.

Sources said an investigation began after council officers became suspicious when he tried to buy his former one-bed council flat in Hemel Hempstead with cash.

Enquiries found Putman appeared to have continued claiming income support and housing benefit between September 2009 and May last year.

Yesterday, his brother, Raymond, who lives in Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, said: ‘He was absolutely skint and then suddenly he had millions.

‘He won’t be happy people know about his win because he’s a private person. I don’t even know how much he won. He didn’t even tell me about the court case. How crazy.

‘I don’t know if he has been managing the money but he had a BMW, then a Range Rover. There are other cars and motorcycles.

‘He’s also bought friends and family cars. The other week he bought seven Suzuki Swifts to give to people. That’s just him. I hope he doesn’t waste it all.’

Putman’s former partner Gail, who took his name during their time together, said he had hidden the Lotto win from her.
Jailed: In April 2011, Lesley Brogan was jailed for 21 months after she claimed more than £100,000 for her ¿disabled¿ husband, despite the fact that they had won £120,000 on the lottery

Jailed: In April 2011, Lesley Brogan was jailed for 21 months after she claimed more than £100,000 for her ‘disabled’ husband, despite the fact that they had won £120,000 on the lottery

Miss Putman, who had a son by him before they split several years ago, said: ‘I never knew he’d won the Lottery – he never told me. He couldn’t even pay me £5 a month maintenance.

‘If he won this money and he’s done this fraud, what does that tell you about him?’

Miss Putman, who lives in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, added that she believed her former partner had fathered another son with a different woman before starting his current long-term relationship.

Neighbours of Putman’s also revealed how he claimed to be a property developer.

Windfall: Putman’s £600,000 house in the village of Kings Langley, Hertfordshire

One added: ‘I’ve been made redundant three times and when I claimed income support I had to sign on. I had to show them I’d been trying to get a job and going for interviews. How did he claim it for 20 months without them making him get a job?’

Last night it appeared Putman was trying to sell his home. A message posted anonymously on said his house, garden and even his mobile home were up for sale.

It said: ‘I’m not sure how to explain what I have without someone looking but I have a four-bed detached house with a garden which has a mobile home on.’

During yesterday’s five-minute hearing, George Brooker, chairman of the bench, said the case would be adjourned for sentencing until July 3.

The Department for Work and Pensions said: ‘We cannot comment until sentencing.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Shows the NHS system is not as modern or as well networked as the taxpeyers are charged for.


The crisis in Syria is deepening and the Assad regime is fighting for its life. The rhythm of the revolution is familiar: The state cracks down on demonstrators throughout the week, inevitably committing some new outrage on its citizens; rage builds and explodes on Friday after prayers; repeat as necessary.

The state’s crackdown seems more futile with each passing week. The Alawite grip on power in Syria seems to be slipping away and the events could foreshadow a similar path in Lebanon.

Imagine a future where Lebanon’s Shia have managed to conquer Lebanon with brute force. The situation seems hardly possible, but Syria faced a similar situation forty years ago. Syria’s Alawites, who comprise only 15% of the population, managed to subdue the nation under Hafez Assad in 1970.

It’s not impossible to imagine something similar in Lebanon. One thousand reasons could be given why this would never happen, but surely the same could be said of Syria all those years ago. While success is unlikely, an attempt is possible.

The Shia are Lebanon’s largest minority, and as such they wield significant political power. Beyond that, Hizballah is considered to be the most powerful fighting force in the country. They have strongholds in the south and in the southern suburbs of Beirut, but do not always feel at home in the cosmopolitan capital.

Lebanon’s Shia for years occupied the bottom of the socio-economic spectrum. Long ago they realized that the only way they would get anything in Lebanon is if they took it with force, as the merchant-class Christians and Sunnis in Beirut would never give up anything willingly. This is the genesis of the Amal Movement in the 1970’s, and later Hizballah.

While it’s impossible to know whether Hizballah will ever gain a monopoly on power in Lebanon, perhaps we can learn something about what their trajectory might look like by considering the Alawite experience in Syria. Consider the following excerpt from a report from the International Crisis Group, “The Syrian People’s Slow-motion Revolution”:

Yet, the sectarian survival instinct upon which the regime relies could backfire. The most die-hard within the security apparatus might well be prepared to fight till the bitter end. But the majority will find it hard to keep this up. After enough of this mindless violence, this same sectarian survival instinct could push them the other way.

After centuries of discrimination and persecution at the hands of the Sunni majority, Alawites and other religious minorities concluded that their villages within relatively inaccessible mountainous areas offered the only genuine sanctuary.

They are unlikely to believe their safety is ensured in the capital (where they feel like transient guests), by the Assad regime (which they view as a temporary, historical anomaly), or through state institutions (which they do not trust). When they begin to feel that the end is near, Alawites might not fight to the last man. They might well return to the mountains. They might well go home.

Partly due to Hizballah’s helps, Lebanon’s Shia have come a long way over the past 40 years. Today the sect wields real power, both politically and militarily. The can bring down the government, as they did this year, and they can take over the capital, which they did in 2008.

But something doesn’t seem right. Hizballah’s actions are becoming more aggressive towards the state, especially since the indictments in the Hariri Tribunal were made known. This week, Hassan Nasrallah announced that the state would never be able to arrest members of Hizballah.

Nasrallah has been vocal in his support for Syria, which badly exposes him as a hypocrite who is grossly out of touch with the Arab tide of history. This was after proclaiming support for protestors in Tunisia and Egypt.

He has also maintained steadfast support for Iran, which also continues to oppress its citizens. Because of these patently opportunistic and self-serving stances, Hizballah’s credibility on the Arab street has to be plummeting, particularly amongst Sunni Arabs.

How long can this keep up? Can Hizballah count on the unconditional support of the common Shia? Is there a limit to what they will accept? Hizballah’s support for authoritarian regimes, coupled with its ultra-aggressive posturing at home, will only lead to growing isolation for the group, and the Shia by extension.

The common enemy in the Middle East used to be the United States, which had supported the likes of Mubarak and Ben Ali for decades. But in 2011, Arabs realized that instead of getting the United States to abandon its support for the region’s dictators, they had to remove the dictators themselves. And they’re doing right now.

Suddenly, corrupt and oppressive regimes became the enemy (whether they supported the US or not) and Hizballah found itself on the wrong side of history. With the region’s political calculus undergoing such significant changes, it follows that Hizballah would alter its strategies accordingly. But they didn’t and in the process revealed themselves to be little more than an outpost of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, beholden to the Ayatollah instead of their constituents.

The question then becomes whether we will see any daylight developing between Hizballah and the “average Shia”. It’s not clear how unconditional support is for Hizballah amongst the Shia, but there are signs of cracks developing. The downfall of the group’s financial chief, penetration by Israeli spies, support for brutal regimes in Iran and Syria, isolation from Sunnis, and isolation from the world in general… both the group and the sect are under tremendous pressure.

The whole situation seems to be coming to a head. There are just too many highly-volatile moving pieces. It’s likely that Hizballah can count on its sectarian constituents if push comes to shove; the Shia won’t have any choice. The shoves will be coming from the Sunnis and the Shia will likely close ranks and band together in the event of a civil conflict.

But it is unclear how far rank and file Shia will go in support of the Party of God. Perhaps a look at the fate of Syria’s Alawites over the last 40 years can give some clues.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Potentially the Saudi Sunnites are attempting to take control of all factions by toppling ‘somewhat secular and moderate (though dictator run) governments’ via ‘Arab Springs’ but things aren’t exactly goin the way they want . . . Alawites and Sufis or even Druzes are very much more suitable for Caliphate, simply by virtue of fact that Sunnites and Shiites have BOTH involved themselves in persecutions and killings of fellow Muslims from other sects far much more than the above 3.

As for Padishah Emperors, England and the West burnt their last bridge to the Middle East when Dodi Fayyed died along with Diana. Were the Royals more cautious, (no offense to Charles), an alternate reality where Diana lived and married Dodi had children, and the English monarchy somehow was succeeded by the progeny of the above couple instead of/with Charles AND William AND Harry out of the picture (not necessarily dead but just out), Persia if revived could yet be controlled from England. But too bad eh? No proxy Padishas for England even as King of England and Emperor of India was the title of the English sovereign! And Iran is very pissed with England with not an Ayatollah on the ‘West’s side! Good on Charles likely taking over the throne though, continuity is important though Camilla being Queen should no longer be an issue internally at least, to those who did not love Princess Di that much at any rate.


Falkland Islanders to get historic referendum on whether they want to stay British – by Richard Hartley-parkinson – PUBLISHED: 13:34 GMT, 12 June 2012 | UPDATED: 14:59 GMT, 12 June 2012

Island government hopes to send message to Argentina that they want to remain British
Vote comes 30 years after 27,000 troops repelled Argentinian invaders
Vote set to take place in the first half of next year

The Falkland Islands are to hold a referendum on their ‘political status’ – hoping to bring an end to the continuing dispute with Argentina over the islands’ sovereignty, their government said today.

The announcement comes as Falklanders prepare to mark the 30th anniversary of the liberation of the islands.

Three decades after Margaret Thatcher sent 27,000 troops and more than 100 ships to repel the Argentinian invaders, Buenos Aires continues to set its sights on claiming the territory it calls Las Malvinas.
Disputed territory: Falkland Islanders are to be given a vote to allow them to say whether they want to be considered as British or Argentinian

Disputed territory: Falkland Islanders are to be given a vote to allow them to say whether they want to be considered as British or Argentinian

But the Falkland Islands government said it hopes a referendum will send a firm message to Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner that islanders want to remain British.

Reacting to the announcement, Foreign Office minister Jeremy Browne said this is a ‘truly significant moment’.

The Falkland Islands, a rocky archipelago in the South Atlantic, are 7,780 miles from the UK and 1,140 miles from Buenos Aires.

Calls to stop British aid money pouring into Argentina: Country owes UK taxpayers £225MILLION
Prince Edward and wife Sophie look relaxed as they touch down in front of Rock of Gibraltar for controversial visit
Spanish fury over Prince Edward’s ‘deeply unfortunate’ royal visit to Gibraltar

They have been under British control since 1833 – apart from the brief but bitter 74 days of occupation in 1982.

Gavin Short, chairman of the Legislative Assembly, said: ‘We are holding this referendum not because we have any doubts about who we are and what future we want, but to show the world just how certain we are about it.

‘I have no doubt that the people of the Falklands wish for the islands to remain a self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom.
The vote comes 30 years after Margaret Thatcher sent 27,000 troops and more than 100 ships to repel Argentinian invaders

The vote comes 30 years after Margaret Thatcher sent 27,000 troops and more than 100 ships to repel Argentinian invaders

‘We certainly have no desire to be ruled by the government in Buenos Aires, a fact that is immediately obvious to anyone who has visited the islands and heard our views.

‘But we are aware that not everybody is able to come to these beautiful islands and to see this reality for themselves.

‘And the Argentine government deploys misleading rhetoric that wrongly implies that we have no strong views or even that we are being held hostage by the UK military. This is simply absurd.’

The Falkland Islands has a population of around 3,000 people, with just over half on the electoral roll and expected to take part in the vote.

The referendum will be organised by the Falkland Islands government and will take place in the first half of next year.

Mr Short said: ‘We have thought carefully about how to convey a strong message to the outside world that expresses the views of the Falklands people in a clear, democratic and incontestable way.

‘So we have decided, with the full support of the British Government, to hold a referendum on the Falkland Islands to eliminate any possible doubt about our wishes.’

The Falklands government said it intends to invite international observers to verify the outcome of the referendum.

It added that exact timings, the specific wording of the question and other details will be announced in the coming weeks.

Argentina’s Ms de Kirchner has been heating up the debate over the islands as key milestones in the 1982 conflict have passed.

Last week she announced that Buenos Aires would be launching criminal proceedings against UK oil firms that are operating off the Falkland’s coastline, saying they were operating illegally.

Britain has accused the country of implementing a number of economic blockades on the small, isolated islands and of acting in a ‘domineering way’.

But British officials are adamant that there will be no change in the UK’s sovereignty of the islands unless and until the Falklanders themselves wish it.

Mr Browne, who arrived in the Falkland Islands yesterday, welcomed the announcement of a referendum.
Foreign Office minister Jeremy Browne said the referendum is a ‘truly significant moment’

Foreign Office minister Jeremy Browne said the referendum is a ‘truly significant moment’

‘Only the Falkland Islands people can determine how they wish to be governed, so I very much support this initiative by the Falkland Islands government,’ he said.

‘Indeed, I believe this referendum is a truly significant moment.

‘It will give the Falkland Islands people the opportunity to send a clear message – not just to Argentina, but to the whole of the international community – that the islanders, and they alone, are masters of their fate.’

He added that the British Government would respect whatever the outcome of the referendum might be.
Islanders hope the referendum will send a clear message to Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner that they want to remain British

Islanders hope the referendum will send a clear message to Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner that they want to remain British

‘I call on all governments who prize democracy and human rights to do likewise,’ Mr Browne added.

‘Whilst it is for the islanders to choose, let me be clear: the British Government greatly values the links between the UK and the Falkland Islands.

‘We believe these should continue and deepen, long into the future.

‘And if this proves to be the will of the Falkland Islands people, then we in the UK will not just respect it, but will continue actively to defend this act of self-determination from those who seek to challenge it.’

The Government called for the referendum just two days before Ms de Kirchner is due to attend a UN committee in New York on de-colonisation.

During the meeting she is expected to put the Argentinian position on the Falkland Islands.

She will also be addressed by a group of young Falkland Islanders, most of whom were not born when the Falklands War took place in 1982.

Speaking from London yesterday, they said they often get drowned out by the arguments over sovereignty taking place between the UK and Argentina.

This will be the first referendum held on the islands, but in a poll in the mid-1980s, 94.5% of those who took part supported staying British.

Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Falkland Islands, said it was an ‘extremely important decision’ that would determine ‘once and for all’ the wishes of the islands’ inhabitants.

He said he expected a ‘very similar result’ to that in a referendum held by Gibraltar in 2002, in which the idea of Britain sharing sovereignty with Spain was rejected by 98.5% of residents.

‘It will make it clear once and for all what the Falklands Islands want for their own destiny,’ he said.

‘I hope that the Argentinian government will respect the democratic wishes of the islanders.’

Prime Minister David Cameron said Britain would ‘respect and defend’ the outcome of the referendum.

‘I have always said that it is up to the Falkland Islanders themselves to choose whether they want to be British and that the world should listen to their views,’ he said.

‘Thirty years ago they made clear that they wanted to stay British. That’s why British forces bravely liberated the island from Argentine invaders.

‘Now the Argentine government wants to put that choice in doubt again, by shouting down the Islanders’ ability to speak for themselves and punishing them for exercising their own free choice.

‘That’s why it’s absolutely right that the Islanders have today set out how they intend to make their voices heard once more. And Britain will be resolute in supporting their choice.

‘Next year’s referendum will determine beyond doubt the views of the people of the Falklands. Britain will respect and defend their choice.

‘We look to all UN members to live up to their responsibilities under the UN charter and accept the Islanders’ decision about how they want to live.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Won’t work. EEZ and continental shelf makes Malvinas belong to Argentine. Also if Malvinas residents want to change aspects of the law, they can very well elect someone who will speak for them. Where sovereignty is concerned, no go. Check with the UN, those islands were forcibly colonized. Just because alot of ethnically foreign citizens congregate in a particular district does npt gove them rights to seccession. In which case, Chinese citizens and their larger Chinatowns worldwide might as well vote for democratic rights in a ‘decision’ to be part of China and not the host nation! Prime Minister Wenjiabao might as well say China would ‘respect and defend’ the outcome of the referendum of those Chinatowns as well. This is deliberate twisting the intent of the UN Charter. Such skewed views and reporting are illegal and actionable for sure.


Argentina loses a third of its dollar deposits – Fri, May 25 2012

Argentine CDS spiral on “peso-fication” fear
China moves in right direction on bank flexibility
Fri Jun 8, 2012 4:46pm EDT

* Argentines reacting to foreign exchange restrictions

* About $100 mln in dollars withdrawn every day

* Rush toward greenback started in November

By Jorge Otaola

BUENOS AIRES, June 8 (Reuters) – Argentine banks have seen a third of their U.S. dollar deposits withdrawn since November as savers chase greenbacks in response to stiffening foreign exchange restrictions, local banking sources said on Friday.

Depositors withdrew a total of about $100 million per day over the last month in a safe-haven bid fueled by uncertainty over policies that might be adopted as pressure grows to keep U.S. currency in the country.

The chase for dollars is motivated by fear that the government may further toughen its clamp down on access to the U.S. currency as high inflation and lack of faith in government policy erode the local peso.

“Deposits keep going down,” said one foreign exchange broker who asked not to be named. “There is a disparity among banks, but in total it’s about $80 million to $120 million per day.”

U.S. dollar deposits of Argentine banks fell 11.2 percent in the preceding three weeks to $11.5 billion, according to central bank data released on Friday. The run on the greenback has waxed and waned since November, after President Cristina Fernandez won a second term on promises of deepening the state’s role in the economy.

From May 11 until Friday, data compiled by Reuters from private banks showed $1.9 billion in U.S. currency had been withdrawn, or about 15 percent of all greenbacks deposited in the country.

Feisty populist leader Fernandez was re-elected in October vowing to “deepen the model” of the interventionist policies associated with her predecessor, Nestor Kirchner, who is also her late husband.

Since then she has limited imports, imposed capital controls and seized a majority stake in top energy company YPF.

A spokesman for the central bank said on Friday that the rate of dollar withdrawal from Argentina’s financial system shows signs of slowing.

“We have seen a tendency toward fewer withdrawals, to about $90 million (per day) over the last week from $120 million the week before,” the spokesman said a day after the bank lifted daily reserve requirements on dollar deposits to help banks respond to steady drum beat of withdrawals.


The near-impossibility of buying dollars at the official rate is driving some savers and investors to pay a hefty premium in the black market.

Many are taking what dollars they can get their hands on and stashing them under the mattress or in safety deposit boxes, fearing moves by the government to forcibly “de-dollarize” the economy. Officials have strongly denied any such plan.

The president’s battle to slow capital flight and fatten the central bank reserves needed to pay the public debt has prompted even tighter controls in recent weeks, making it almost impossible to buy dollars at the official rate. The effects have been felt throughout the South American country’s economy.

For example. Argentines, who normally pay for new homes with stacks of dollar bills, have been struggling to get their hands on U.S. currency since Fernandez started imposing stringent controls on dollar buying late last year. [ ID :nL1E8H6EZ8]

She wants Argentines to end their love affair with the greenback and start saving in pesos despite inflation clocked by private economists at about 25 percent per year.

Fernandez set an example on Wednesday by vowing to swap her only dollar-denominated savings account for a fixed-term deposit in pesos.

But savers in crisis-prone Argentina are notoriously jittery. Memories of tight limits on bank withdrawals and a sharp currency devaluation remain fresh a decade after the country’s massive sovereign debt default.

“There is a lot of fear, considering everything that has happened before,” another foreign exchange broker said. “Confronted by risk, whatever kind of doubt, depositors pull their dollars out of the bank and wait to see what happens. (Writing by Hugh Bronstein; Editing by Leslie Adler)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Demogoguery and bully reporting. Hot money is not real money. Fiat money is not real money. The numbers flowing out of USA are mostly monetized debt held by ‘rich’ people who can NEVER claim or materialise that wealth from the 99% that ‘owes’ the system of usury and money that is not even real. Banks are a joke. And this is worse when a supposedly respectable outfit like Reuters cannot understand that fiat and banks are NOT the real economy of REAL GOODS and REAL SERVICES, rather than a plutocrat CONMAN posing as wealthy with the number of zeros in that bank account.

Prices are overinflated, wealth is overstated and based upon empty populations ‘owing’ money or getting indebted in ‘student loans’ while being unable to access land banks that belong to them as a collective of citizens who are part of the country that politicians keep from owning the same land via laws. The 99%ters had better start voting politicians that understand and will act on the above (and quit after 2 terms instead of creating medieval satrapies). That sort of money is both unaccountable and unenforceable, plutocrats are living on the goodwill of the ntion’s citizens and collusion by foreign governments. Argentina need not worry about outflows, there were no inflows to begin with. Dollars especially are worth nothing, the debt of USA is enough to lower the value to 0.000,000,001% or even less (USA has 10 trillion or more in debt, so what is the true value of the currency? Nothing more than what one can count in cents.)


Earth nearing ‘tipping point,’ study warns By Stephanie Pappas
Earth is rapidly headed toward a catastrophic breakdown if humans don’t get their act together, according to an international group of scientists.

Writing Wednesday (June 6) in the journal Nature, the researchers warn that the world is headed toward a tipping point marked by extinctions and unpredictable changes on a scale not seen since the glaciers retreated 12,000 years ago.

“There is a very high possibility that by the end of the century, the Earth is going to be a very different place,” study researcher Anthony Barnosky told LiveScience. Barnosky, a professor of integrative biology from the University of California, Berkeley, joined a group of 17 other scientists to warn that this new planet might not be a pleasant place to live.

“You can envision these state changes as a fast period of adjustment where we get pushed through the eye of the needle,” Barnosky said. “As we’re going through the eye of the needle, that’s when we see political strife, economic strife, war and famine.” [ Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth ]

The danger of tipping
Barnosky and his colleagues reviewed research on climate change, ecology and Earth’s tipping points that break the camel’s back, so to speak. At certain thresholds, putting more pressure on the environment leads to a point of no return, Barnosky said. Suddenly, the planet responds in unpredictable ways, triggering major global transitions.

The most recent example of one of these transitions is the end of the last glacial period. Within not much more than 3,000 years, the Earth went from being 30 percent covered in ice to its present, nearly ice-free condition. Most extinctions and ecological changes (goodbye, woolly mammoths) occurred in just 1,600 years. Earth’s biodiversity still has not recovered to what it was.

Today, Barnosky said, humans are causing changes even faster than the natural ones that pushed back the glaciers — and the changes are bigger. Driven by a 35 percent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the start of the Industrial Revolution, global temperatures are rising faster than they did back then, Barnosky said.

Likewise, humans have completely transformed 43 percent of Earth’s land surface for cities and agriculture, compared with the 30 percent land surface transition that occurred at the end of the last glacial period. Meanwhile, the human population has exploded, putting ever more pressure on existing resources. [ 7 Billion Population Milestones ]

“Every change we look at that we have accomplished in the past couple of centuries is actually more than what preceded one of these major state changes in the past,” Barnosky said.

Backing away from the ledge
The results are difficult to predict, because tipping points, by their definition, take the planet into uncharted territory. Based on past transitions, Barnosky and his colleagues predict a major loss of species (during the end of the last glacial period, half of the large-bodied mammal species in the world disappeared), as well as changes in the makeup of species in various communities on the local level. Meanwhile, humans may well be knotting our own noose as we burn through Earth’s resources.

“These ecological systems actually give us our life support, our crops, our fisheries, clean water,” Barnosky said. As resources shift from one nation to another, political instability can easily follow.

Pulling back from the ledge will require international cooperation, Barnosky said. Under business-as-usual conditions, humankind will be using 50 percent of the land surface on the planet by 2025. It seems unavoidable that the human population will reach 9 billion by 2050, so we’ll have to become more efficient to sustain ourselves, he said. That means more efficient energy use and energy production, a greater focus on renewable resources, and a need to save species and habitat today for future generations.

“My bottom line is that I want the world in 50 to 100 years to be at least as good as it is now for my children and their children, and I think most people would say the same,” Barnosky said. “We’re at a crossroads where if we choose to do nothing we really do face these tipping points and a less-good future for our immediate descendents.”

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas or LiveScience @livescience. We’re also on Facebook & Google+.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

What are you Stephanie? A 2D videogame? Think 3D and know that this ‘Earth at Tipping Point’ B.S. is MSM scare mongering :

See response to article 4 :

12 Articles : 6 Articles on Throwing Taxpayer Money vs. Value added policy writing for Votability, and Upgrading Outdated Voting Methods, 4 Articles on Rethinking Society and the dated ‘Education’ method of Raising One’s Stature, 2 Articles on Stars – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 26th May 2012


Obama campaign plan for private sector? Hire more teachers, firefighters – Published June 10, 2012

President Obama’s top campaign strategist said Sunday that the country needs to “accelerate” job creation in the private sector — by hiring more teachers, police and firefighters.

David Axelrod made the comment as he continued to perform damage control for the president, who said Friday during a press conference that the private sector’s “doing fine.” But Axelrod drew rapid-fire ridicule from conservatives, after he called for more public-sector hiring to address private-sector economic issues.

“The private sector, we need to accelerate job creation in the private sector,” Axelrod told CNN’s “State of the Union,” before adding: “One of the ways that we can do that is putting teachers and firefighters and police back to work because those are good middle-class jobs.”

Told that teachers and firefighters are part of the public sector, Axelrod continued to defend his statement. “But that will help accelerate the recovery,” Axelrod said.

Axelrod also pointed to a proposed small business tax credit and refinancing program as ways to help the private sector.

The political adviser appeared on two Sunday shows in large part to answer questions about the president’s comments Friday, when Obama had to publicly backpedal after initially diagnosing the private sector as “fine.”

Axelrod seemed to acknowledge that the private sector still needs help, but argued that it’s doing far better than the public sector and continued to press for the president’s goal of more teachers and police officers.

Axelrod said the private sector grew by 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, while the public sector lost jobs. He said the president’s critics are “more eager to have a debate over an out-of-context clause in his remarks than the substance of what he said.”

Republican strategists were closely watching Axelrod’s interviews. The Republican National Committee on Twitter accused him of trying to avoid answering questions about Obama’s comment, calling the CNN interview “awkward.”

“When even your own chief strategist can’t defend your comments, it indicates that your assessment of the economy might be wrong,” the Romney campaign said in an email.

Meanwhile, the Romney camp put out a blistering new web ad, which features people talking about their struggles in the current economic climate — and then plays the clip of Obama saying the private sector is “doing fine” three times.

On ABC’s “This Week,” though, Axelrod accused Romney of responding to the comment by pushing for fewer teachers, police and firefighters.

“I would suggest he’s living on a different planet if he thinks that’s a prescription for a stronger economy,” he said.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Hegelian dialectic at work? Romney has the choice right. Less public funded people. As of now On the other hand Romney is just not the ‘everyman’ or Joe Public President being worth 500 times a 401K. Obama may have closer to grass roots level of wealth, but this ‘hire more’ thing is ridiculous as talking about Mars NASA missions when the Middle East wars are not even finished AND with a debt overhang that could well collapse the fiat currency system worldwide. Try the below for why Obama is not thinking correctly here (1 employee’s salary and benefits could easily mean 10 people on welfare . . . so what will the other 9 people do? ) :

Observations on Parasite Bureaucracy Paradigms (circa Jan 2012) :


‘Manifest Destiny’ – The Still Growing Global Tyranny – by Jim Kirwan – 1-10-12

The weapons and the boots may be much different now than they were when America declared that we could do what we did because of “Manifest Destiny,” But the crimes we are committing today are the same ones that we used to conquer this continent so long ago. We slaughtered over five thousand native-nations, destroyed their languages and their religions while we began polluting their waters and their lands. At that time we claimed the “right” of our self-imposed “Manifest Destiny” that was used to justify the entire desecration of “The New World” (North, Central & South America). This arrogant slander against all the other peoples in the world today has become a global cancer that is killing its global-host with every passing day.

This is what we are attempting to initiate in Africa, the Middle-East and the Far East as well as the Pacific Rim nation-states. The US accounts for only 6% of the global population and yet together with our criminal-ally Zionist-Occupied Israel, we seek to claim all the rest of the world for our élite owners while we classify the vast global population as un-people. We crushed the native populations here and turned the survivors into slaves from the 15th through the twentieth century and never looked back. What this nation has done in the name of Manifest Destiny is beyond criminal, because we raped and looted this land and its people: Now we are seeking to do the same to the whole world, as Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for the last 63 years; which has turned every nation into an OCCUPIED place where having your own thoughts becomes a criminal offence punishable by torture, life in prison or death, at the slightest whim of whichever sock-puppet happens to sit in an office in Washington D.C.

This is why Americans must now SURRENDER everything we once thought we owned, along with all our unalienable rights that came with birth. Today the New World Order will decide for all of us just who can live and who must die! Take a look at the new Obama Plan for “Healthcare-in-America’ as envisioned by the same forces that want to own you, your children and your dreams. A ten minute video (1)

To accomplish this, the elite’s have tried to crush the freedoms from tyranny what were signed into law in 1297 that was and still is called the Magna Carta. This document became the bedrock upon which this Republic was founded. After the Robber-Barons were chained up and the corporations were limited after they had publicly wrecked the American-economy; virtually every effort going forward was designed to reverse that loss of prestige along with their determination to crush every freedom that might ever threaten their criminal way of business and life, in what they saw as their rightful place at the very top of global society. What we’re seeing now is their final move against the US Constitution, after having spent decades smashing up the Magna Carta. Apparently this is ‘just fine’ with all the simple-minded who are seemingly accepting this without so much as a whisper of complaint.
Some have already begun to call for the imposition of Martial Law to protect themselves from a public that is becoming increasingly intolerant of these global-criminals that are stealing more and more of everything from our jobs to our health and all the way down to our every thought.

It’s fascinating that during all this time from the Magna Carta forward the world has only had one real Renaissance (a rebirth of the arts and letters that counterbalances the sciences and politics). While in that same period of time the world has suffered through hundreds if not thousands of Inquisitions wherein millions died to appease the greed and dreams-of-deluded power, that have continued to plague the so-called civilized world. Yet that spark of the fire that illuminates real life has not yet been extinguished. And as long as there are those of us who are willing to literally risk everything-just to live free-then no matter how much the Dark Side spends they can never defeat the global-human-race!

The world has suffered through so many religious and political fantasies for so long that most can’t imagine a world without these monsters: But such a world could exist if people simply recognized how much we all have in common beyond the artificial divisions that the darkness tries to use to defeat us (race, religion, ethnicity, sexual identifications, habits and appetites) ­ because in the end what we share are the same dreams, the same blood that runs through all races and creeds, and the same desires for a world with better tomorrows on every horizon.

What we have gotten instead from those ancient Robber-barons and their latest generations has been going backwards since before the First World War There’s a reason that there were three of these global Wars planned. It’s all about money and power and manipulation of everyone else that is more interested in living than in the minutia that is constantly used to steal virtually everything from those that have earned it all, and yet who remain screwed to the hilt by the criminal-elements that are no longer blocked by any laws or any expectations from the people they are determined to dominate without mercy or cessation. Three World Wars were needed to reposition the global-financial-criminality into that place where there would be NO CHOICE for their intended vicitms except to UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDER or perish!

For those who have no interest in lengthy history, you need only go as far back as Reagan (32 years ago) to grasp exactly what has happened to this nation. Under that un-American bastard we lost almost all of what had made this country what it was (for a very brief time)-as we tried to convert our colonial-Empire into that beacon of hope which our Constitution seemed to promise to every American. The problem was and still is that the only way that could have happened was IF we paid attention to our government and to what it was doing when the spotlights were turned off. But instead of paying attention we bought into all the distractions and the toys and thereby sealed our own future with a graveyard that marks the end of the promise and the beginnings of an ABSOLUTE-SURRENDER that is predicated upon the self-fulfilling prophecy that says: RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!

We have suffered many reverses of late, and now we are undergoing an inundation of new “laws” that are without legitimacy because they were constructed outside the strictures of the Constitution and as such they must be moot upon arrival. The US Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land; not the Supreme Court, not the Congress and most especially NOT the president ­ because this is a Constitutional Republic, not a Monarchy, not a dictatorship and not even the Police-State it has become. None of these deviations from the constitution are legal and all it takes to erase these artificial constructs that have been IMPOSED upon us by pre-emptive-political strikes against the very heart of this nation by unilaterally directed interests hell-bent on stealing all the wealth of this land and its people, before murdering more than four-fifths of the population. This is exactly what we did to Central and South America, which is why they largely did not participate in WWI or WWII ­ except as escape havens for the combatants in those wars. Simply put we could not trust those people with arms and ammunition, because we had already done to them what is planned for us today. And with arms they might have decided to rebel, so they were excused from most of those first two wars.

When Gadaffi made overtures to Venezuela’s Chavez, to join forces (Africa and South America) in order to resist the Rothschilds DEBTOR Banks as well as their virtual total control over their own countries, Gadaffi’s fate was sealed, and apparently Chavez now has suddenly contracted terminal cancer?

The reason is that Colonial America was only using Central and South America as cadaver’s while we drained their life blood, all the resources we could transfer to our criminal corporations under color of hemispheric cooperation-but in truth we had already done that to everyone else in this hemisphere, with some form of what we seek now to do to the USA. This colonial-disease of bloody-Empires has been around far too long and must be ended globally; unless we want to join in making their victory over the whole planet a total success for them and a near total defeat for the rest of us.

Ronnie Reagan was famous for asking ­ “Are you better off today than you were before?” It was his way of saying that he could bring a better world to everyone if he were elected. He promised smaller government but he increased the size of government by 300%. He promised continued prosperity (the USat the time was the world’s leading Creditor nation). By the time he left office the US had become the world’s leading debtor-nation, making the US in fact the worst risk for investment on the planet, in just eight years.

Ronnie opened the door to what became the tidal-wave of illegal immigration, to benefit his rich supporters who didn’t want to pay a living wage to keep on making billions. Reagan also introduced American trained Death-Squads, to keep order in South and Central America and he and Bush’s daddy set up the Arms-for-Hostages swap in Iran that ended as soon as he was ‘selected’. His administration also oversaw the Drug War going deep into criminality with CIA flights that carried weapons to the “freedom fighter/terrorists”) throughout the region in exchange for drugs that he established and it continued under Clinton. Of course Ronnie was an imbecile and just another sock puppet but he should have been impeached. Just as LBJ, Nixon, Clinton and Poppy, along with George Junior. All of these TRAITORS should have each been impeached for TREASON. But because Americans were too pre-occupied with raking in the profits from all these illegal wars, nothing happened to any of our national criminal leaders. That’s why we are where we are now-because we FAILED to demand that these creatures be held to account for everything that has continued since LBJ tried to allow the USS Liberty to be sunk for Israel.

Now we have watched al these crimes morph into this:

“Apparently having goons grope the public nearly every step of the way as they walk under the watchful eyes of full-spectrum surveillance just isn’t good enough.

The new Bureau of Counterterrorism was announced on January 4th by Obama’s State Department as an agency with,
The mission . . . to lead the [State] Department in the U.S. Government’s effort to counter terrorism abroad and to secure the United States against foreign terrorist threats. The bureau will lead in supporting U.S.counterterrorism diplomacy and seek to strengthen homeland security, countering violent extremism, and build the capacity of partner nations to deal effectively with terrorism. (Source)
Probably the least comforting part of this announcement is the use of the term “violent extremism.” It is under this very flexible definition which allows the agents of tyranny to assign it to anyone, at any time, thus making them susceptible to the full arsenal of the War on Terror, which we now know includes the indefinite torture and murder of American citizens on American soil.” (2)

Out of that nightmare that was designed to hide the Nuclear Blackmail that Israel is holding over the heads of every so-called American president. (This is the basis for our so-called SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT with that shitty little place that is still not even a nation.
“Many of you are no doubt scratching your heads, wondering why every elected president turns back on his campaign promises the second the inauguration is complete. Believe me, the corruption of American elected officials is not that deep. You cannot elect several presidents in sequence, and have them all perfectly screw the country, ESPECIALLY the way Bush and Obama did; they had their reason, and it is called NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL.

What if they never wanted to renig (at least not so completely)? What about Obama? And what about the other countries, which also screwed their people the same way? Why is it seemingly a universal truth, that all governments around the world are simultaneously going against the will of their people, in favor of the Jewish bankers and Israel?

I believe I have figured it out, and I have documented it.

I am going to tell you the how and why of Israel’s dirty little secret – how they got their nuclear offensive capability in place, why they decided on the chosen method, and how they ended up using it.” (3)

If we ever want another chance to have-a-life, then we must begin to push back the cops and to charge every officer that puts hands or batons on people without just cause-because every time that happens it is ASSAULT, and it is a crime being committed every day whenever any thug in uniform starts the physical trouble within any confrontation.

1) The Government Health Plan ­ 10 min 29 sec VIDEO

2) Obama administration gives birth to New Agents of Tyranny

3) Jim Stone: Nuclear Blackmail


Nick Clegg ‘backs stripping better-off pensioners of their benefits’ in another row with David Cameron

Lib Dems tell MailOnline Mr Clegg believes millionaires should be lose their handouts
But David Cameron wants them to keep all perks because it is one of his key election promises

By Martin Robinson – PUBLISHED: 11:19 GMT, 7 June 2012 | UPDATED: 12:14 GMT, 7 June 2012

Rich pensioners should be stripped of their free bus passes and winter fuel allowances, Nick Clegg has said.

The Deputy Prime Minister has gone nose-to-nose with David Cameron over the issue as yet another huge split has appeared at the heart of the Coalition, it was claimed today.

Mr Clegg has admitted privately he would happily see all but the very poor lose their handouts so the Department for Work and Pensions can cut its £5 billion elderly benefits budget.

But the Prime Minister is adamant that he will not take away perks like free prescriptions and TV licences, even for millionaire pensioners, because it is one of his key election promises.
Nick Clegg

Loggerheads: Nick Clegg has admitted he would allow benefit cuts for rich pensioners but David Cameron will try to block this to protect an election pledge

The Prime Minister is already at loggerheads with Tory Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan-Smith over the matter and is also nervous about the impact of the so called ‘Granny Tax’, which is set to reduce their weekly pension payments.

And as the Coalition has been widely criticised for being slow to make decisions, Nick Clegg’s views have revealed another cabinet split.

‘This is all about whether the richest should be getting those benefits’ a Lib Dem spokesman told MailOnline today.
Enlarge   Rightfully yours: Pension Credit is designed to help those on smaller incomes and reward saving

Changes: All but the most hard-up pensioners could lose some of their benefits

‘If you’re faced with helping the wealthiest pensioners or helping the vulnerable across Britain then his priority is the vulnerable people across the country who need the help most,’ he added.

David Cameron said during the live TV election debates in 2010 that he would not cut any of the key benefits for pensioners.

But he has come under pressure ever since because some critics believe too many pensioners get them even though they have enough money to get by.

Lib Dem stalwart Lord Oakeshott has called on winter fuel payments to be taxed after he worked out that almost 700 peers get £200 to £300 annually to heat their homes.

‘Nick Clegg had to eat humble pie on tuition fees, so David Cameron can at least swallow a slice now for fairness,’ he said said.

But Downing Street and the Department for Work and Pensions have today backed David Cameron.

A spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions told MailOnline: ‘This is speculation and were are continuing to protect key support for pensioners including winter fuel payments, which make an important contribution to the fuel costs of pensioners.’

A No 10 source added to the Guardian: ‘The coalition agreement is absolutely clear and it reflects the promises the Prime Minister made before the election.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Cameron = One track mind, inflexible posing as pledge worthy. Clegg = thinking ‘cents’. England = near bankruptcy, do the math and pick the man who makes SENSE. Those millionaires don’t need those passes, the country does need their cents, and every single cent counts.

‘The coalition agreement is absolutely clear and it reflects the promises the Prime Minister made before the election.’ . . .  but does not take into account the state of the English economy.


US Navy hopes stealth ship answers a rising China – Associated PressBy ERIC TALMADGE | Associated Press – Mon, Jun 4, 2012

The DDG-1000 Zumwalt, the U.S. Navy’s next-generation destroyer, which has been funded to be built at Bath Iron Works in Maine and at Northrop Grumman’s shipyard in Pascagoula, Miss. The super-stealthy warship that could underpin the U.S. navy’s China strategy will be able to sneak up on coastlines virtually undetected and pound targets with electromagnetic “railguns” right out of a sci-fi movie. (AP Photo/Bath Iron Works, File)

SINGAPORE (AP) — A super-stealthy warship that could underpin the U.S. navy’s China strategy will be able to sneak up on coastlines virtually undetected and pound targets with electromagnetic “railguns” right out of a sci-fi movie.

But at more than $3 billion a pop, critics say the new DDG-1000 destroyer sucks away funds that could be better used to bolster a thinly stretched conventional fleet. One outspoken admiral in China has scoffed that all it would take to sink the high-tech American ship is an armada of explosive-laden fishing boats.

With the first of the new ships set to be delivered in 2014, the stealth destroyer is being heavily promoted by the Pentagon as the most advanced destroyer in history — a silver bullet of stealth. It has been called a perfect fit for what Washington now considers the most strategically important region in the world — Asia and the Pacific.

Though it could come in handy elsewhere, like in the Gulf region, its ability to carry out missions both on the high seas and in shallows closer to shore is especially important in Asia because of the region’s many island nations and China’s long Pacific coast.

“With its stealth, incredibly capable sonar system, strike capability and lower manning requirements — this is our future,” Adm. Jonathan Greenert, chief of naval operations, said in April after visiting the shipyard in Maine where they are being built.

On a visit to a major regional security conference in Singapore that ended Sunday, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Navy will be deploying 60 percent of its fleet worldwide to the Pacific by 2020, and though he didn’t cite the stealth destroyers he said new high-tech ships will be a big part of its shift.

The DDG-1000 and other stealth destroyers of the Zumwalt class feature a wave-piercing hull that leaves almost no wake, electric drive propulsion and advanced sonar and missiles. They are longer and heavier than existing destroyers — but will have half the crew because of automated systems and appear to be little more than a small fishing boat on enemy radar.

Down the road, the ship is to be equipped with an electromagnetic railgun, which uses a magnetic field and electric current to fire a projectile at several times the speed of sound.

But cost overruns and technical delays have left many defense experts wondering if the whole endeavor was too focused on futuristic technologies for its own good.

They point to the problem-ridden F-22 stealth jet fighter, which was hailed as the most advanced fighter ever built but was cut short because of prohibitive costs. Its successor, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has swelled up into the most expensive procurement program in Defense Department history.

“Whether the Navy can afford to buy many DDG-1000s must be balanced against the need for over 300 surface ships to fulfill the various missions that confront it,” said Dean Cheng, a China expert with the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute in Washington. “Buying hyperexpensive ships hurts that ability, but buying ships that can’t do the job, or worse can’t survive in the face of the enemy, is even more irresponsible.”

The Navy says it’s money well spent. The rise of China has been cited as the best reason for keeping the revolutionary ship afloat, although the specifics of where it will be deployed have yet to be announced. Navy officials also say the technologies developed for the ship will inevitably be used in other vessels in the decades ahead.

But the destroyers’ $3.1 billion price tag, which is about twice the cost of the current destroyers and balloons to $7 billion each when research and development is added in, nearly sank it in Congress. Though the Navy originally wanted 32 of them, that was cut to 24, then seven.

Now, just three are in the works.

“Costs spiraled — surprise, surprise — and the program basically fell in on itself,” said Richard Bitzinger, a security expert at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University. “The DDG-1000 was a nice idea for a new modernistic surface combatant, but it contained too many unproven, disruptive technologies.”

The U.S. Defense Department is concerned that China is modernizing its navy with a near-term goal of stopping or delaying U.S. intervention in conflicts over disputed territory in the South China Sea or involving Taiwan, which China considers a renegade province.

China is now working on building up a credible aircraft carrier capability and developing missiles and submarines that could deny American ships access to crucial sea lanes.

The U.S. has a big advantage on the high seas, but improvements in China’s navy could make it harder for U.S. ships to fight in shallower waters, called littorals. The stealth destroyers are designed to do both. In the meantime, the Navy will begin deploying smaller Littoral Combat Ships to Singapore later this year.

Officially, China has been quiet on the possible addition of the destroyers to Asian waters.

But Rear Adm. Zhang Zhaozhong, an outspoken commentator affiliated with China’s National Defense University, scoffed at the hype surrounding the ship, saying that despite its high-tech design it could be overwhelmed by a swarm of fishing boats laden with explosives. If enough boats were mobilized some could get through to blow a hole in its hull, he said.

“It would be a goner,” he said recently on state broadcaster CCTV’s military channel.


AP writer Christopher Bodeen contributed to this report from Beijing.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

As long as any country does not enter another country’s EEZ or offensively abuse freedom of navigation privileges, there should be no issues.  Rear Adm. Zhang Zhaozhong reminds sucintly about ‘unequal warfare’, like the roadside IED, all that tech still has to concede to sheer numbers and strategic use of resources, in this case fishermen’s lives, dinghies and perhaps simple fishing dynamite. IESDKs! Much like so many strongholds in guerilla or even urban warfare involving gangs, this is a seperate sovereign country 1000s of miles away with a different language and culture. What ARE US ships doing in Chinese territory? Maybe China needs a Great Oceanic Wall of China, the other structure visible from the Earth’s orbit!

mini-ARTICLE 10

ZOMBIE’ vanity plate leads to Pa. stun gun arrest – Associated PressAssociated Press – 9 hrs ago

ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) — A Pennsylvania woman who allegedly hit a man with a stun gun during a pedestrian hit-and-run was arrested after police say her vanity license plate made her easy to track down.

Allentown police say Yardley Joy Frantz was promptly arrested Friday after witnesses spotted her “ZOMBIE” license plate.

Investigators say Frantz ran into a man and his nephew with her car around 7 p.m., then zapped the man’s son with a stun gun after he confronted her.

The Morning Call of Allentown ( ) reports Frantz claimed she didn’t know who had been driving her car.

Frantz is free on bail as she faces charges including aggravated and simple assault. A phone number for her could not immediately be located.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The more unique the car and plate the easier to trace. Instead of making cars more uniform, they should encourage distinctness and uniqueness which can easily be used to identify. Only criminals would want to ‘blend in’ and indeed the most ‘uniform’ types are the most criminal.


Cameron will hand Scots control of 70 per cent of all income tax it raises as a ‘reward’ if they reject independence

Scots have £1,000 more spent on them per head by the Government than English residents
Prime Minister reportedly prepared to raise Scottish control of income tax from 6 per cent to 70 per cent
Cameron unwilling to give up control of corporation tax

By Gerri Peev – PUBLISHED: 00:49 GMT, 8 June 2012 | UPDATED: 08:32 GMT, 8 June 2012

David Cameron wants to offer Scotland control of 70 per cent of all money it raises if it votes against independence, it was claimed last night.

The Prime Minister is said to be prepared to hand over more fiscal responsibility to Scotland if its population rejects breaking up the Union.

Scotland currently controls 6 per cent of the revenue it raises, but the Prime Minister wants to raise this to 70 per cent, according to reports in The Spectator magazine.
Suggestion: David Cameron wants to offer Scotland control of 70 per cent of all money it raises if it votes against independence, it was claimed last night
Nationalist: First Minister Alex Salmond has long called for control over corporation tax, saying he wants to make Scotland more competitive

Clash: David Cameron does not want to give up control over corporation tax, a long-term goal of Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, right

His offer could include complete control of income tax.

Scotland already has power to raise or lower the tax by 3 per cent.

Mr Cameron is not expected to hand over control of corporation tax to Scotland, however, for fear that the Nationalist government will use it as a weapon against Westminster.

First Minister Alex Salmond has long called for control over corporation tax, saying he wants to make Scotland more competitive.

A senior Government source told the Mail that if ‘Mr Salmond wants to play with his train set, he will have his chance’.

The offer would also go some way to meeting Mr Salmond’s demands for a two-question referendum, with a ‘fallback’ option of more fiscal powers in the event that Scots vote against separation.

Decision making: The Scottish Parliament could become the heart of an independent Scotland if residents choose to vote in favour of leaving the union

The Westminster government is against having that option on the ballot paper but it could offer more fiscal powers as a consolation prize.

According to official figures, Scots have £1,000 more spent on them per head by the Government than English residents.

The biggest sticking point in the event of a vote in favour of separation would be on who owns North Sea oil revenues.

Nationalists argue that the proceeds – £13billion in 2008/09 – should go to Scotland.

However it is doubtful that the Westminster government would give this up without a challenge.

A referendum on independence is due to be held in 2014.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The gold counting leprechaun in me laughed when I read this. If the Scots go independant, they get 100% control. What does Cameron take the Scots for? 30% short of fools for outast Germans who colonized the Isles? A seat at the UN with 30% MORE control than 70% (absolute control), is more precious than Cameron’s ‘friendship’ on behalf of the Sazxe-Coburg Gothas (Battenburgs). Windsor incidentally, is a purlioned name from the real (probably monetarily subverted) Windsor family :

;since 1917, when George V changed the name of the royal house from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. This decision was primarily taken because Britain and her Empire were at war with Germany and given the British Royal Family’s strong German ancestry, it was felt that its public image could be improved by choosing a more British house name. The new name chosen, Windsor, had absolutely no connection other than as the name of the castle which was and continues to be a royal residence. Windsor Castle has been named that since 1066 when the original Windsor family came to that area in fact. The original castle was built after the Norman invasion by William the Conqueror.

Windsor, a town that emerged along the banks of the Hawkesbury River became the third settlement in the Colony in 1794 and is the first Macquarie town. Originally called Green Hills Windsor was officially named in 1810 by Governor Macquarie after the town in England. The five Macquarie Towns are Windsor, Richmond, Wilberforce, Pitt Town and Castlereagh.

The origins of the name Windsor were in the 7th century Saxon settlement of Windlesora, where the present day village of Old Windsor is located. The town of Windsor is correctly known as “New Windsor” – the word “new” being used in a strictly relative sense! The REAL Windsors could very well sue for infringement via ‘cybersquatting’ laws, or ‘namesquatting laws’. Does the current head of the clan of Windsor allow the false named Windsors use of the Windsor name? The half-German Saxe Couburg Gotha family the English call their ‘Royals’ could well be required to change their name back to Saxe Couburgt Gotha AND also end up being replaced by the REAL rulers of the area, the proto-Celts! Use of violence to conquer the Isles is wrong even after the Romans! Go back to Germania you Anglo-Saxon outcasts!

Before the Romans came to Britain the indigenous Celtic people formed a number of independent nations.  The Dumnonii (or Damnonii) occupied Devon, Cornwall, and the western parts of Somerset and Dorset.  To the east lay the Durotiges and beyond the Belgae peoples.

These native Britains may have been ethnically related to the Iceni, celtic tribe of the east of England led to heroic defeat by Boudicea (Boudicca), but they did not suffer the same fate.  A number of factors helped in this.

The Dumnonii (to use the Roman name) were Iron Age Celts, but hardly savages.  They  mined tin and other minerals from Dartmoor, the Tamar Valley, and Cornwall, and they traded tin with the Phoenicians and other Mediterranean civilisations long before the Roman invasion.  Conflict between the nations of pre-Roman Britain had led to the establishment of numerous hill forts on the boundary – and with the Somerset levels then being still largely tidally effected marshland – Dumnonia’s only boundary to the east was relatively narrow and easy to defend.

Once the Romans invaded Britain they extended their domain north and west, but before they could reach the land of the Dumnonii they had to conquer other tribes.  The Durotiges also had hill forts, and the Romans had considerable trouble overcoming these.  A major and bloody battle seems to have taken place at Maiden Castle (a major Celtic hill fort) and also at Hod Hill, and on occaision the Romans had to ley siege to the hill forts and starve the inhabitants out (it is reported that the Romans then killed the inhabitants – man, woman and child)

Having accomplished the conquest of Dorset the Romans would have been faced with the defended hillforts of the Dumnonii, who would have had some time to enhance their defences, and who also would no doubt have had their resolve hardened by the fate of their neighbours, and who therefore may also have had their numbers boosted by refugees.

The Romans themselves do not record any victories over the Dumnonii (and as victors they normally did), and there is only one battle recorded (without the Romans noting the outcome).  It seems that the Romans must have come to some arrangement with the Dumnonii, for a small garrison was established at Exeter  the size of which is not in keeping with a  occupying force, and a relatively small number of other garrisons or forts were established.   Remains of Roman settlement in Devon and Cornwall are remarkably few, but the fact that some Roman buildings exist, even down to Cornwall (eg at Nanstallon) points to some sort of truce between the Romans and Dumnonii, and the Dumnonii probably continued to have a degree of self-government throughout the Roman occupation.

It is recorded that iron was mined on Exmoor during the Roman period.

The Dumnonii capital was believed to be at Exeter, which the Britons called Keresk (‘Caer Uisc’), and which the Romans named Isca Dumnonioram. In Devon another settlement was Tamaris (according to Ptolemy) which is believed to be in the Plymouth region.

When the Romans left almost 400 years later, the Dumnonii soon  regained their independence (by 410 AD). Shortly thereafter there is evidence that trade with the Mediterranean recommenced

However Celtic tribes in eastern Britain felt vulnerable following the Roman withdrawal, and looked across the North Sea for support.   Angles, Saxons and Jutes were therefore invited to Britain to help defend it, and ended up settling in Britain and setting up their own nations.

The newcomers gradually extended their territory, and in the sixth century they occupied about half of England.  However this advance was then stopped, and it is about this that the legend of Arthur speaks.  Whether there ever was an Arthur (and there is evidence of an ‘Artorus’) what is evident that the Celtic tribes did unite to halt the westward expansion of the Angles and Saxons and that expansion was stopped for around a hundred years.  Dumnonia has many strong claims to Arthur, but it is difficult to match legend with fact.  One thing is certain, if Arthur existed he led the Britons (the word Briton coming from the Brythonic Celts) against the English (the words English and ‘Anglo’ coming from the Germanic tribe the Angles)

The victory of Arthur and the delay in Anglo-Saxon encroachment is important for it is during this time that the Saxons start to adopt christianity (the Britons already were christian although they observed christianity in different ways) and subsequent expansion was probably more tolerant of the indigenous Britons.

It is also at this time that a wave of migration happened, this time by the Dumnonian celts, into Brittany.  The reasons for this migration are uncertain, as the Saxon encroachment was still a distant threat to Devon and Cornwall.  Nevertheless many people from Dumnonia settled in Brittany, naming regions after their homeland (Cornouaille [Cornwall] in the south west of Brittany, and Domnonee [Devon] in the north east of Brittany) and taking with them the Celtic language

Eventually the Saxon advance westward recommenced and in the sixth century (577AD) the Britons of the westcountry were separated from those of Wales.  The Saxons made themselves locals and called the Welsh, the ‘Wealas’ (meaning foreigners!) and the Dumnonians became the ‘West Wealas’ and this is reflected on a number of ancient maps.


US buys most expensive drones ever – Published: 03 August, 2011, 20:56

United States Air Force Global Hawk un-manned reconnaissance aircraft. (Photo from

With $14 trillion in the hole and a slew of wars seemingly no one wants America to be in, what better way for the United States to spend their money by putting $23 billion into spy planes?

The US will drop billions on defense spending with the purchasing of 55 Global Hawk drone planes over the next few years. Each of the four dozen-plus spy crafts comes at a price tag of $218 million apiece — ten times the price of the largest armed attack drone.

Global Hawk drones are capable of flying twice as high as commercial aircrafts and can spot insurgents up to 100 miles away. Once identified, the robotic crafts that are controlled from 24-hour command stations can then send images to intelligence centers or directly to troops.

The Global Hawk drones will replace the U-2 spy planes that the States currently deploys, which the US has relied on since the dawn of the Cold War. Sending unmanned aircrafts into warzones, while grossly expensive, comes as an attempt to limit fatalities by avoiding putting extra troops into danger. Though relying on on-board navigation, those U-2 flyers have proved effective over the last half-century, recently assisting in operations in Afghanistan

A team of 50 engineers will slave over the construction of the Global Hawk drones in a Palmdale, California warehouse.

The US Air Force will invest $12 billion towards the initiative, with the Navy offering almost as much to have their own versions of the Global Hawks.

And, in case you didn’t hear, lawmakers just spent months trying to figure out how to keep the country from defaulting. The town of Central Falls, Rhode Island (the entire town) is currently in bankruptcy court, and the most populous county in Alabama is expected to join them in the coming weeks.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

USA should just focus on the South Americas and at most Africa and the Far East for trade and stop messing with the Middle East, the fundo Muslims are very angry with USA to the point of ‘unreason’. Perhaps a travel prohibition to the entire area for a few decades will help, only allowing diplomatic staff to continue. This way terrorism will only be local and from within USA. Otherwise at very least, TSA should not target local citizens but be situated in a ‘Quarantine/Clearance Port/Airport’ instead. A single drone could probably revivify a single district. So Red Ocean spending will down USA instead of reinvesting back home.

mini-ARTICLE 12.5

North Korea proclaims itself a nuclear state in new constitution – by K.J. Kwon, CNN – May 31, 2012 — Updated 1151 GMT (1951 HKT)

North Korean soldiers salute during a military parade to mark 100 years since the birth of the country’s founder Kim Il-Sung on April 15.

North Korea proclaimed itself a “nuclear state” in a revised constitution this week
Analyst: Appears to be directed at the U.S. as the rhetoric from Pyongyang rises
Comes as signs are growing of activity at North Korea’s nuclear test site

Seoul (CNN) — North Korea proclaimed itself a “nuclear state” this week following a revision of its constitution earlier this year.

Kim Jong-Il has “transferred the country into an undefeated country with strong political ideology, a nuclear power state, and invincible military power,” according to the updated constitution posted on its portal website Naenara. The website posted the revised constitution on Wednesday, according to Yonhap, the South Korean state affiliated news agency.

North Korea ready to carry out nuclear test at any moment, Seoul says

The statement looks all too familiar.

North Korea previously announced its nuclear capability through its state-run broadcaster and newspapers, “but no expression can be stronger than including it in their constitution,” Professor Choi Jong Kun of Yonsei University told CNN.
North Korea preparing another nuke test?

“It is an announcement of confirmation,” he added, “and it appears to be directed to the U.S. and other relevant nations.”

The communist state carried out nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009. Pyongyang recently announced that it will press on with its nuclear program in response to what it calls “hostility from the United States.” A defense publication, IHS Janes, also said it detected signs of activities ramping up at North Korea’s nuclear test site, raising speculation Pyongyang may be preparing for a third nuclear test.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

North Korea should know that some forces would exactly want a thermonuclear war in the region of North East Asia. To irradiate the entire region, the ‘West’ will provoke with the hawks in South Korea by holding military exercises, so Kim should know that those nukes are not to be lobbed even at South Korea. Counterproductive sabotage of the Far East by NK’s hand effected by Western goading! Dismembering a S. Korean effigy makes NK look bad btw. How about a nice well reasoned propaganda campaign based on strong logic based around unity of Korean peoples against people who would keep a United Korea (and hence a stable North East Asia) impossible?

mini-ARTICLE 13.5

New stealth destroyer really sucks – China mocks America’s $7 billion Navy acquisition – Published: 04 June, 2012, 22:47

The US Navy is readying a $7 billion boat that can launch attacks faster than the speed of sound and is practically invisible to detection. Even with that hefty cost, however, China says it will only take a few fishing boats to blow up the DDG-1000.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In 10 years China can MASS PRODUCE rockets WITH colony modules on the cheap, and send up to 300 million spare people ‘fully equipped’ to colonize Moon, Mars and outer moons of the planets outside the inner planet area. The ‘West’ is drowning in debt and has no production capacity that does not cost 10-100 times that China or even India has (think TataNano car costing 2500 compared to most Western 25K and above vehicles).

Russia can provide the tech if need be. BUT for a peaceful, equitable and inclusive solution, how about this? Let the current ratio of any usable planet be assigned in the same ‘West-East’ manner equal to the current land ratios controlled? This would mean that smaller countries would also have space on Moon, Mars etc.. To be uncivilised and play ‘locust’ or ‘carp’ though, guess who has the upper hand?


Virgin Galactic spaceship cleared for test flights by US FAA

Commercial spacecraft SpaceShipTwo can begin rocket-powered suborbital test flights, the company has said –, Thursday 31 May 2012 01.49 BST

The Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo is released from the mothership, WhiteKnight2, over Mojave, California, in 2010. Photograph: Mark Greenberg/AP

The US Federal Aviation Administration has cleared SpaceShipTwo, a commercial six-passenger spacecraft owned by Virgin Galactic, to begin rocket-powered suborbital test flights, the company said on Wednesday.

SpaceShipTwo manufacturer Scaled Composites of Mojave, California, received a one-year experimental launch permit on 23 May for test flights beyond the atmosphere, FAA spokesman Hank Price said.

The six-passenger, two-pilot spacecraft is based on the prototype SpaceShipOne, also built by Scaled, which clinched the $10m Ansari X Prize in 2004 for the first privately funded human spaceflights.

SpaceShipOne made three suborbital hops beyond the atmosphere, each with a solo pilot aboard, ultimately reaching an altitude of nearly 70 miles above Earth. SpaceShipOne is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space museum in Washington.

Virgin Galactic is owned by British billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Group and Aabar Investments PJS. Branson hired SpaceShipOne designer Burt Rutan, who has since retired from Scaled, to create a fleet of spaceships for commercial use. Virgin Galactic has taken deposits from more than 500 people for rides, which cost $200,000.

Participants will experience a few minutes of weightlessness and see the curve of Earth set against the black sky of space. NASA’s first two manned spaceflights in 1961, by Mercury astronauts Alan Shepard and Virgil “Gus” Grissom were suborbital flights.

Like SpaceShipOne, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo will be flown into the air beneath a carrier jet and released. Once separated, the spaceship’s rocket engine will fire to blast it into the sky. SpaceShipTwo has completed 16 free flight tests.

The FAA permit will enable Scaled, now wholly owned by Northrop Grumman, to move on to rocket-powered flights, the first of which is expected toward the end of the year, Virgin Galactic said in a statement.

Company President George Whitesides called the permit an important milestone “that positions the company a major step closer to bringing our customers to space”.

In addition to flying wealthy tourists, Scaled has signed contracts to fly researchers and science experiments.

The experimental permit allows Scaled to fly only its own test pilots, not passengers, Price said.

A date for the start of Virgin Galactic’s commercial spaceflights has not yet been set.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Wake up morons . . . the company should be called ‘Virgin Sub-Orbital’ more accurately. And that ship is an atmospheric sub-orbital airplane, NOT a ‘space’ ship.

If that craft can make way to the moon and back, then the name ‘Virgin Sub-Planetary’ or ‘Virgin-Satellite’ (or if a few Moons ‘Virgin ‘Inter-Satellite’) could be used.
If that craft can make way to any planet in the solar system INCLUDING Pluto and back, only then could the name ‘Virgin Interplanetary’ could be used.
If that craft can make way to any of 51 star systems in this star cluster, INCLUDING  and back, only then could the name ‘Virgin Interstellar’ could be used. 10 nearest stars below.

1. Proxima Centauri
The closest star to our our own solar system will not always be closest, but it will be a long time before that happens. Proxima Centauri is the third star in the Alpha Centauri star system, also known as Alpha Centauri C.

Distance: 4.2 LY
Spectral Type: M5.5Vc

2. Rigil Kentaurus
The second closest star is a tie between the sister stars of Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri A and B make up the other two stars of the triple star system Alpha Centauri.

Distance: 4.3 LY
Spectral Type: G2V

3. Barnard’s Star
A faint red dwarf star, discovered in 1916 by E. E. Barnard, recent efforts to discover planets around Barnard’s Star have failed.

Distance: 5.9 LY
Spectral Type: M3.8V

4. Wolf 359
Known to many as thelocation of a famous battle on Star Trek the Next generation, Wolf 359 is a red dwarf. It is so small that if it were to replace our sun, an observer on Earth would need a telescope to see it clearly.

Distance: 7.7 LY
Spectral Type: M5.8Vc

5. Lalande 21185
While it is the fifth closest star to our own sun, Lalande 21185 is about three times too faint to be seen with the naked eye.

Distance: 8.26 LY
Spectral Type: M2V

6. Luyten 726-8A and B
Discovered by Willem Jacob Luyten (1899-1994), both Luyten 726-8A 726-8B are red dwarfs and too faint to be seen with the naked eye.

Distance: 8.73 LY
Spectral Type: M5.5 de & M6 Ve

7. Sirius A and B
Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the sky. Sirius B, the companion, has received considerable attention itself, since it is the first white dwarf with a spectrum to show a gravitational red shift as predicted by the general theory of relativity.

Distance: 8.6 LY
Spectral Type: A1Vm

8. Ross 154
Ross 154 appears to be a flare star, which means that it can increase its brightness by a factor of 10 or more before reverting to its normal state, a process which takes only a few minutes.

Distance: 9.693 LY
Spectral Type: M3.5

9. Ross 248
While it is now the ninth closest star to our solar system, around the year 38000AD, the red dwarf Ross 248 will take the place of Proxima Centauri as the closest star to us.

Distance: 10.32 LY
Spectral Type: M5.5V

10. Epsilon Eridani
Eridani (tenth closest star to Earth) is the closest star known to have a planet, Epsilon Eridani b. It is the third closest star that is viewable without a telescope.

Distance: 10.5 LY
Spectral Type: K2V

If that craft can make way to any star in this Galaxy, INCLUDING Sagittarius A in the centre of the galaxy and back, only then could the name ‘Virgin Galactic’ could be used.

If that craft can make way to any star in the center of any galaxy *OUTSIDE OF* this Galaxy, and back, only then could the name ‘Virgin Inter-Galactic’ could be used.

Misnomer that cheats the consumer. This is short selling the public with misrepresented naming. Like plastic (Sub-Orbital capable craft) marketed as gold (Inergalactic capable craft). Virgin Airlines Fails! This is not just semantics but a commercial ethics issue. Buyer beware! Misleading the public will get the Intergalactic Consumer’s Commission down in fraudalant advertising!


India’s oil import bill jumps 40% to $ 140 billion in FY12 – Source: PTI – Thursday, 14 June 2012 | 11:00

India’s oil import bill leaped 40 per cent to a record $ 140 billion in 2011-12 as high oil prices shaved off much of the nation’s GDP growth rate, Oil Minister S Jaipal Reddy said yesterday.
Speaking at the 5th OPEC International Seminar in Vienna, Reddy said it was “estimated that a sustained $ 10 increase in oil prices lead to a 1.5 per cent reduction in the GDP of developing countries”.
“We have seen evidence of this in our own country: India’s GDP grew at 6.9 per cent during the last financial year (2011-12) down from the 8 per cent plus growth rate experienced in the past few years,” he said.
Reddy, whose speech copy was released by his office here, said between the 2010-11 and 2011-12, the world’s fourth largest oil importer saw its average cost of imported crude oil rising by $ 27 per barrel, “making India’s oil import bill rise from $ 100 billion to $ 140 billion dollars”.

“Higher international oil prices lead to domestic inflation, increased input costs, an increase in the budget deficit which invariably drives up interest rates and slows down the economic growth,” he said.
Also, net oil importing countries like India experience a deterioration in their balance of payments, putting downward pressure on exchange rates.
“As a result, imports become more expensive and exports less valuable, leading to a drop in real national income,” he said. “There could not be a more direct cause and effect relation than high oil prices retarding economic growth of oil importing countries”.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

China and India should focus on solar power instead of wasting tax dollars on oil and pollutive infrastructure much less nuclear. A state sponsored programme for energy via solar panels should put paid to any further expenditures in oil import or clean up costs. On top of that the carbon foot print could effectively be reduced to ZERO. Consider the response to the article below for an organic take on energy generation. Colonies of working elephants on ‘treadmills’ or ‘hamster wheels’, which also contribute to preservation of the good natured and communicative animal (treat them as equals not slaves or prisoners at a labour camp, remember that like people, elephants work and do need rest days, varieties of food, hours off, green space to relax and ‘frolic’ – meaning acres in which to run around) also make the ecologically destructive hydro damming options unnecessary as well as represent a harvestable source of ivory (which is as valuable as gold) after natural death occurs (also bone ivory furniture), at least until perpetual motion turbines are invented . . . EFFICIENCY and CONSERVATION ! Ganesh would approve!  :

Some research/thoughts on power terminology : Horse Power and CC Cubic Centimeters – @AgreeToDisagree – 14th Januaery 2012


UK floods banking system with more than 100 billion pounds – Published: Friday June 15, 2012 MYT 9:10:00 AM / Updated: Friday June 15, 2012 MYT 9:11:32 AM

LONDON: The government and central bank will flood Britain’s banking system with more than 100 billion pounds ($155.43 billion), seeking to pump credit through an economy struggling to escape recession under the “black cloud” of the euro zone crisis.

In his annual Mansion House policy speech to London financiers on Thursday, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King said Britain would launch a scheme to provide cheap long-term funding to banks to encourage them to lend to businesses and consumers.

He also said the bank would activate an emergency liquidity tool.

Treasury officials said the government plan could support an estimated 80 billion pounds in new loans, while the central bank’s separate scheme will provide monthly 5 billion pound tranches of six-month liquidity to banks.

King said the case for pumping more money into the economy via further purchases of government bonds had increased as the outlook for the economy had worsened, although he again rejected calls for the central bank to buy private assets.

King said the euro zone’s woes were leading to a crisis of confidence in Britain which was leading to a self-reinforcing weaker picture of growth.

“The black cloud has dampened animal spirits so that businesses and households are battening down the hatches to prepare for the storms ahead,” he said.

Britain’s action comes just before cliffhanger Greek elections this weekend that could determine the fate of the euro zone, as well as a meeting of the leaders of the world’s major economies next week to find ways to tackle the currency bloc’s crisis and spur the global economy.

British finance minister George Osborne warned of the huge dangers from a collapse of the euro area. He again urged euro zone leaders to fix the crisis and said Britain was taking action to protect its own economy.

“We are not powerless in the face of the euro zone debt storm,” Osborne said in his speech at Mansion House. “Together we can deploy new firepower to defend our economy from the crisis on our doorstep.”

Britain is still reeling from the 2007-2009 financial crisis that has left many Britons poorer and forced the country to bail out big banks with tens of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money.

The government on Thursday announced a sweeping reform of bank regulations aimed at making financial institutions safer, and avoiding a re-run of the crisis which has pushed Britain into recession twice in the last four years.


Britain slid back into recession around the turn of this year, piling pressure on Osborne’s embattled Conservative-led coalition government to come up with new ways to boost growth.

The government has pinned its fortunes on a tough austerity plan of tax hikes and spending cuts to erase a budget deficit which still comes in at around 8 percent of GDP.

Osborne defended his debt-cutting measures, arguing that they gave the Bank of England the leeway to keep monetary policy loose, and said there was still more the central bank could do.

BoE Governor Mervyn King said the central bank would complement its quantitative easing asset purchase scheme with new steps to encourage bank lending and reduce their funding costs, which have rocketed as a result of the euro zone crisis.

The BoE and finance ministry have designed a new scheme, to be launched in a few weeks, that would offer banks loans with a maturity of possibly 3-4 years at below current market rates.

The loans would be made available on condition that banks increase their lending to businesses and households.

In addition, the central bank will activate its Extended Collateral Term Repo facility, created in December, to provide six-month liquidity to banks against a wide range of collateral.

King said now was the right time to activate the scheme, which is aimed at helping banks through phases of exceptional stress.

King hinted that the central bank may also restart its QE programme, which it halted in May having bought 325 billion pounds of British government bonds, and countered accusations that the scheme had lost its effectiveness.

“With signs of a deterioration in the outlook, especially in world markets, the case for a further monetary easing is growing,” King said. – Reuter

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The English (in typical crooked English style, butchers and colonizers of the Isles and Colonial era, now conmen of the world . . . ), are going to ‘con’ REAL GOODS producing countries with that worthless scrip via the English citizens. BRICS, OPEC nations, use barter to counter this sad ploy and finish off the fiat printers. England’s economy has NOTHING to offer but printed ‘Banana Notes’.  DO not be stupid enough to exchange your REAL GOODS for worthless fiat. Continue hiring REAL SERVICES providers though, and reward the workers with REAL GOODS instead. If the English want to buy from these areas a cheap car or house and migrate, or commodities like oil, they ‘jolly well’ can WORK for that. Now will those foreign exchange fiat peddlars adjust the value of the already overpriced Sterling Pound down about 3 zeroes please? And even that is being 2/3rds too lenient for a country that produces NOTHING but only subsists on unreasonable fines and commission charges via transactitons, little wonder the Scots want out . . .


Benefits of direct yen-yuan may be few, far between – by Yang Guoying (Global Times) – 08:20, June 18, 2012

Effective June 1, China and Japan launched a new currency exchange program which allowed direct trading of yuan and yen, making the Japanese yen the second major currency, after the US dollar, that can be directly exchanged with the renminbi.

This new scheme, its advocates claim, will reinforce bilateral trade and investment between the two countries by lowering transaction costs and settlement risks at financial institutions, and also promote the internationalization of the yuan by building up its position in the world’s third largest economy.

While there certainly is the potential for this much-lauded agreement to further these goals, there is also a chance the scheme could fall flat or run counter to China’s best economic interests.

Over the past decade, China has been enlarging its commodities and energy imports and has been using these resources to develop its own high-tech equipment and precision machinery for export, a sector that was previously dominated by Japan.

While lowering settlement costs might stimulate bilateral trade between China and Japan, as the countries gradually shift away from a complimentary trade relationship toward a competitive one, the benefits of the new scheme may not have the dramatic impact many are expecting.

Moreover, the scheme will push up the weight of the yen in China’s foreign reserves and as Japan’s public debt snowballs, the risks of holding its currency will continue to mount. Over the past year, three of the world’s most respected rating agencies – Fitch Ratings, Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s – have all downgraded Japan’s credit rating as its debt is expected to clock in at 240 percent of its annual GDP by the end of 2012. As a Japanese economic recovery continues to remain elusive, China could find itself saddled under the weight of an ever-depreciating yen.

Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan, the country’s central bank, announced on May 23, it would maintain its overnight interbank market interest rate between zero and 0.1 percent, much lower than that of most other countries, including China, as part of its monetary policies.

The direct trading of the yen and the yuan will facilitate Japanese investors who plan to profit from the difference between interest rates in the two countries’ money markets, leading to an inflow of hot money.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Again I promulgate barter of REAL GOODS or contracts for labour of foreign workers as the best system. The fact that China is aware that exchange of fiat is a waste of time bodes well for a REAL GOODS or REAL LABOUR based economic system. Fiat exchange only enriches the banks, agencies and the middlemen via the bloodsucking fees imposed at every turn or every transaction with the actual moving of fiat scrip the epitome of farcical economy. Any country can print fiat and add plenty of zeros, try the English above. That fiat is worth nothing, even as the sterling pound belongs in the pound being backed by nothing. Except shiny banks that AGAIN penalise citizens of whatever country they appear in. Barter, especially between nations is the way to go.  Governments also can distribute fiat internally to the closest cronies – especially in 3rd world countries without accountability, where anyone who demands an audit or access to the accounts is automatically treated as an enemy of the state rather than honest expositions of what goes on, tell me how many people have access to the mint and we will know how transparent a government’s internal fiat system is, the more the merrier, the lowlier who can access the safer . . . making the case for the precious metals currency that some proponents wishing to prevent uncontrolled printing of fiat (like the Quantitative Easing of USA or England’s 100 billion flood above without appropriate devaluations – indicating collusion between governments, especially rhose who tend to collude on NATO type issues) are pushing for.


Gold price creating history, frequently – News Updated By- Hari Har Sharma  Posted From- Kathmandu    |     June 18, 2012

KATHMANDU, JUN 17 – With the price skyrocketing, gold is gradually getting out of middle-class reach. Such is the rise that the price set records for three straight days last week.Instead of buying fresh designs, Bullion traders say the trend of remaking old jewelries is on the rise. Even regular, potential customers have stopped buying, they say. “Half of our customers are remaking their old ornaments,” said Tej Ratna Shakya, president of the Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association (Negosida).

The escalating price has forced customers, particularly those buying gold for wedding purpose, to reduce quantity. For many Nepalis gold ornaments are a must in wedding ceremonies. “The price has increased sharply over the last year,” said Shakya. “This has resulted in low sales.”The gold price started to rise since 2008, according to gold traders. Since then, the price has gone up by a whopping 133 percent. In 2012 alone, the price rose by Rs 4,240 per 10 gram.

Last week’s figures show how the gold price is escalating in the local market. When the market opened on Sunday, gold was traded at Rs 48, 270 per 10 gm, but the figure jumped to Rs 48, 825 on Wednesday and to Rs 49,040 on Thursday, before closing at a record high of Rs 49,080 per 10 gram on Friday.

The price of gold in the domestic market is determined in line with the international trend. With the price remaining volatile in international market, its impact is reflected here. Major drivers of the price in the international market are global macroeconomic events.

Gold price is expected to further rise in dollar terms due to the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and a possible quantitative easing. International media have reported that the worsening eurozone crisis is catalysing gold demand and is, thereby, supportive of gold prices.

Bullion traders attributed the surge in the price in the local market to the rise in the international market price and a freefall of Nepali rupee against the US dollar. Since the local market is dependent on the international market for gold and silver, changes in the exchange rate of dollar and gold price are directly proportional. Traders predict a further rise in gold price if the Nepali rupee further devaluates.

The government has maintained a quantitative restriction on gold imports since 2010 after massive imports led to a negative balance of payments situation. The import quota is presently 20 kg a day, up from 15 kg previously. Nepal imported gold worth Rs 41.63 billion in fiscal 2009-10. Imports plunged to Rs 11.35 billion last year after the imposition of the quota.Imports have reached 4,350 kg worth more than Rs 18.8 billion in the first nine months of this fiscal year. Nepal imported 400 kg of gold in mid-January which jumped to 600 kg in mid-April.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Gold cannot be printed like fiat. And hence crony collusion or quantitative easing or uncontrolled printing is impossible if precious metals replace fiat currency.

11 Articles from Around the World – Japan’s Cetacean Capers, Cuisine in ASEAN, The 99%’s Solution to ‘Agency’, ‘Big Society’ and Tax Expenditure, Barter vs. Gold, Clean Land vs. Nuclear Lobby, Nuclear Salarymen and Uncleanable Irradiation, Russia Could Take Over the World, 1st Amendment Denied or A New Downtrend in American Exceptionalism?, A Sovereign who is a Plutocrat fetting Plutocrats in Inappropriate Fields, China being Plagued by Parasites and Parasite Based Earnings, China’s Public Transport Too Expensive, Titanic (1997 by James Cameron) the Movie in China, CNN being rather undemocratic and un-American, Fox News potentially being rather undemocratic and un-American – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 8th May 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, 99%, army, barter, best practices, China, dinar, Geneva Convention, gold, government, government spending, Nepotism, neurolinguistics, Neurotech, NLP, police, red light district legalisation, Russia, taxpayer monies, transport fees too high, volunteerism, War, Wealth distribution on May 8, 2012 at 10:08 am


Japan ‘Cove’ town plans dolphin park – May 02, 2012

Taiji, Japan plans to open a marine safari park. –
TOKYO, May 2 – The dolphin-hunting Japanese town of Taiji, made infamous by the Oscar-winning documentary “The Cove”, plans to open a marine mammal park where visitors can swim with the creatures, a media report said.

The town intends to section off part of the cove and turn it into a place where people can swim and kayak alongside small whales and dolphins, Jiji Press news agency reported, calling it “a marine safari park.”

The cove is the scene of an annual slaughter when the fishermen of Taiji corral dolphins, select a few dozen for sale to aquariums and marine parks, and stab the rest to death for meat, turning the sea red.

The 2009 film “The Cove” brought Taiji to worldwide attention, winning an Oscar the following year, after showing the bloody slaughter. Activists continue to visit the town to protest the hunt.

Taiji, in western Wakayama prefecture, aims to officially launch the project within five years after negotiating with the prefectural government, which manages the bay, and with pearl farmers operating there, Jiji reported.

The plan, compiled by a panel of residents, calls for the creation of “a whale park” stretching roughly 28 hectares (69 acres) by putting up a net at the entrance to Moriura Bay in northwestern Taiji, it said.

Black whales and bottlenose dolphins caught in waters near the town would be released into the pool, which would be developed as a nature park that also includes beaches and mudflats, it said.

“We want to send out the message that the town is living together with whales,” Taiji Mayor Kazutaka Sangen, was quoted as saying.

The local government will also study whether it is possible to raise large whales there, the agency said, adding it intends to use the park for therapy and ecological research.

The town caught 928 dolphins in 2011, according to Wakayama prefecture.

A town official, who declined to be named, said by telephone that the town “is no way going to stop” its annual dolphin hunt, adding local residents see no contradiction in both watching and eating dolphins. – AFP

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Hateful. Much like the Nomadic Tuareg of North Africa, or the Mongols and early nomadic era Khitans of East Asia, whales are NOMADIC. Whales travel 1000s of miles along the Earth’s ‘energy’ routes and ley lines, enclosing them in this tiny ‘park’ will be the death of them. They will suffer and feel the call to migrate and pine away in illness eventually no matter how ‘kind’ the Japanese are to them. This is a terrible idea and instead I advocate a small fleet of ‘anti-whalers’ (or cruise ships trailing known routes) that should instead accompany the great animals and the dolphin pods on their migrations (at a distance not to disturb them) to protect them as well as truly experience ‘whale lifestyle’, not trapping the pelagic and migratory animals from their natural patterns.

Worse still where the slaughter of so many occurred, the spirits of the dead whales would doubtless be present and thus upset the sensitive animals who could who knows well ‘see’ the deceased. Shame on you Japanese. To think the Japanese claim to study ‘Shinto’ and ‘Ki’ and what not b.s.. How could the Japanese behave like this? Would a Japanese who knew their grandparents were murdered in a certain place want to stay there? This is somewhat worse than saying that ‘Nanjing’ did not happen or that all, (I stress all – probably less than 10% who were that lasvicious or already in the sex work field), ‘Comfort Women’ (who still have not received apology or compensation – print some fiat why don’ the Japanese, bits of paper to allow some aged women who suffered the brutality of Japanese soldiers is no effort at all to the Japs and even then the sincereity would be in doubt, at least they had a chance to enjoy life abit though reparations never can count for what those who were not consensual lost . . . ) were consensual.


Dog and cat meat consumption in Asia

In China and Korea enormous amounts of Dog –and Cat meat are being consumed.

Also in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Myanmar (former Soviet Union) dogs and cats are being used as food, but the consumption is a bit lower over there. Dog and Cat meat is an old cuisine. The assertion that it is a part of the traditional kitchen is nothing less than a publicity stunt of the food producing cartels. Dogs and Cats are simply an easy and inexpensive food source. In a lot of Asian countries the slaughtering of dogs and cats is practiced since time immemorial and will continue. Cats are mainly consumed in China, Korea and parts of Indonesia.

The estimated numbers of dogs that are used for consumption in 2008 lay between 13 and 16 million (source: Animal People); for Cats the numbers were about 4 million.
Dog meat is highly popular in non-Westernized conoisseurs in Hong Kong, South Korea, and the Philippines. Despite the popularity, the numbers of slaughtered dogs grow very little each year as these groups tend to be quite elite and do not mix with the Westerners.

The Dogs and Cats are purposely gruesomely mistreated before slaughter as the belief is that the suffering of the animals makes the meat taste better. Mistreatment is not intended, the killing methods are very painful. Sources in China reveal that Dogs and Cats are being stabbed in the neck, thrown in boiling water or electrocuted, hanged or beaten on the head with a plank while still conscious. There are a few contradicting myths about Dog meat.

In the summer Koreans eat Dog meat to cool themselves. In China they eat Dog meat to stay warm…

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Outlets where cooked dog or cat meat are purposely gruesomely mistreated before slaughter, should be boycotted entirely. Though finding out which of these practice the bad method of culling is another issue. Conversely do remember that those who do treat the animals as other domesticated livestock are treated and culled, should be allowed to continue.

Of course, those with the cash and access to technology for growing meat OF ANY KIND should begin initiatives so that these issues will not plague us. Or better yet, find ways to enable human beings to get energy and nutrition without eating at all! This again must be consensually applied to informed persons, one may not want to give up eating simply because the sense of life eating brings but that would mean a cyberneticisation of the person eventually, a NON-ORGANIC GMO type immortality and a lack of reason to procreate.

Maybe applicable after a few decades of normal organic life and then an option to procreate, age and die or to be turned into a machine? But the ‘humanity’ is lost and that is more precious than existence so only a few particularly insensitive types would opt for that. The rest though would still opt for the organic method, or die trying.


Brazil’s secret fiscal weapon — the tax ‘lion’ – May 08, 2012

BRASILIA, May 8 — In Brazil, groups of armed agents fly around the country by helicopter, pounding on doors and instilling fear in the hearts of those who break the law.

They’re not the police — they’re from the tax agency.

The Federal Revenue Service, which has gained global renown for its tough and creative tactics, will be one of the most important keys to Brazil’s economic prospects in 2012.

President Dilma Rousseff (picture) is counting on the agency’s tax-collecting prowess to help her government meet ambitious budget targets without smothering the country’s suddenly brittle economy.

The agency, known as “The Lion” for its official emblem as well as its ferocious pursuit of tax dodgers, deploys everything from gun-toting operatives to meters on beer kegs in breweries to ensure that individuals and companies fully declare, and pay, their share to the government.

Recent operations have had names like “Black Panther” and “Delta” that are usually more associated with army special forces. The agency even uses helicopters to size up millionaires’ homes and make sure they are consistent with their tax returns.

No one is immune: Rousseff herself briefly came under scrutiny in 2009, when she was a minister in the previous government, because of what she said was an innocent mistake on her tax return.

The agency’s methods, as well as high and extremely complex taxes, have prompted grumbling among some Brazilians. They point to woeful infrastructure, education and other decrepit public services and say they are not getting nearly enough in return for the cash they contribute.

But others express admiration for a rare success story of tax collection in Latin America, a region where evasion often rivals football as a favourite pastime.

“When it comes to collecting taxes, Brazilians are really good. They are probably some of the best in the world,” said Italo Lombardi, an analyst with Standard Chartered in New York.

Rousseff will need every bit of the agency’s skill in what is proving to be a surprisingly tough year for Brazil’s economy.

Her government has committed to a key budget goal known as the primary budget surplus — revenues minus expenditures except debt payments — of about 139 billion reais (RM216 billion) this year.

The target is closely watched by investors as a sign of whether the government is pumping too much money into the economy. Falling short of the target could signal higher inflation, which in turn could jeopardise Rousseff’s entire agenda, including her drive to lower interest rates.

There are two ways to balance a budget, of course, and Rousseff can meet the target in part by limiting spending. But officials say she is wary of cutting too much, for fear of causing damage to an economy that has been stagnant since the middle of last year. In fact, Rousseff has announced some new tax cuts to try to revive activity.

That means that the burden of hitting the budget goal will depend primarily on another stellar performance by the Federal Revenue Service, which managed to increase tax collection by 10.1 per cent last year, when the economy grew just 2.7 per cent.

So far, so good. In the first three months of the year, the government was able to save nearly a third of its primary surplus target for the year. Tax revenues rose more than 7 per cent compared to the same period in 2011.

One of the secrets behind such performance, officials say, is the agency’s willingness to ignore social status and political connections in a country where both often grant the elite a degree of protection in courts and elsewhere.

In April, local media reported that police seized a sports car owned by Luis Fabiano — a football star for the popular Sao Paulo club. Fabiano, a former member of Brazil’s national team, denied the authorities’ allegation that he had failed to pay taxes on the Audi, which is worth nearly half a million reais.

“The role of the tax authority is to let taxpayers know that we are keeping an eye on them and that they should do the right thing,” Caio Candido, the agency’s undersecretary for inspection, said in an interview.

The agents themselves also have a good record of doing the right thing. Corruption cases are few and far between, a sharp contrast with the deluge of charges against officials in the police and other public institutions.

Officials from Chile, Tanzania and even China have come to Brazil to study what makes the agency so effective.

Several Latin American countries such as Mexico and Paraguay are believed to lose as much as half of potential tax revenues to evasion and lax enforcement. By contrast, evasion in Brazil is thought to be around 16 per cent of potential income, according to the Tax Planning Institute, a private Brazil-based group.

That rate is high when compared to some northern European countries, experts say, but much better than that of many emerging market peers.

Average tax evasion in Brazil from 2000-2009 was below that of China, India, Russia and South Africa — Brazil’s fellow members of the BRICS group of large emerging markets — according to data from Global Financial Integrity, a Washington-based research group that advocates financial transparency.

More than 25 million Brazilians declare income tax. That is less than a quarter of the economically active population because most Brazilians make less than the US$8,300 (RM24,900)  a year, the level at which people have to start paying income tax.

The high-profile cases involving individuals grab the headlines, but the biggest money comes from closely monitoring companies, which make up more than half of Brazil’s tax revenue.

Here, technology and manpower play large roles. Teams of accountants and legal experts are deployed to monitor the books of companies year-round. Everardo Maciel, who helped modernise the tax agency in the 1990s, said the authority was one of the first in the world to fully embrace the Internet as a tool.

The agency has about 12,000 agents across Brazil and their tasks range from monitoring the tax receipts of millionaires to hunting for the smugglers of everything from cocaine to Chinese toys along its border.

The government has also managed to instil habits among Brazilians that help prevent evasion.

Cashiers at supermarkets and other retail outlets in big Brazilian cities constantly ask their customers: “Do you want your CPF on the receipt?” By consenting to enter their CPF, which is a personal tax identification number, consumers get a tax refund — and the government gets data that allows officials to better track a company’s sales.

Such measures helped the government demand a record 109 billion reais in unpaid taxes from individuals and companies last year. Some of those accused of underpaying are global giants like iron-ore miner Vale, which is partly owned by the government.

Most tax cases take years to be resolved in courts, but the tax agency was able to secure about 18 billion reais in back payments last year alone.

Some Brazilians see a less virtuous explanation for the tax agency’s efficiency — what they describe as their government’s all but insatiable appetite for money.

Tax revenues equal to about 35 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product, well above emerging-market peers and more in line with European countries. But the services offered in return are hardly Europe-like, as Brazil’s roads, schools and police remain under-resourced even by Latin American standards.

Sixty-five per cent of Brazilians disapprove of the government’s tax policies, according to a CNI-Ibope poll released in April. Brazilian vent their anger on websites with names that, translated into English, mean “” or “”

“Tax collection in this country is very high, but why is the application of that money not as efficient as collection?” said Gilberto Luiz do Amaral, head of studies at the Tax Planning Institute.

Amaral is the creator of the “taxmeter,” a website with real-time projections on how much the government is collecting, juxtaposed with headlines like “This could buy six million ambulances.”

Taxes are not only high but complex. Brazil ranks 150th out of 183 countries in terms of ease of paying taxes, according to the World Bank’s Doing Business ranking. It takes nearly seven times longer for companies to prepare their taxes in Brazil than the average elsewhere in Latin America, the bank says.

The marginal tax rate for companies in Brazil averages about 34 per cent. Business owners often complain they are charged twice and sometimes even three times the same tax by municipalities and states.

Tax laws are complicated and fast-changing. Private lawyers estimate a new tax rule is created about every seven weeks.

Rousseff says she gets the message. She has vowed to improve the quality of spending and seek tax cuts.

“The government needs to use public resources efficiently and with honesty,” Rousseff said in a televised address last week, “so that people feel they are getting a good return for their taxes.” — Reuters

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Remember that overreaching all these agencies and government as well, is the fact that the voters can vote to abolish taxes or even the army or police entirely by choosing an MP who will do so. With enough MPs, the entire parasite system will no longer take up tax dollars. For example, when a MP says they will increase police number or military equipment, this does not mean crime is going down, what does happen is that instead of subsidies for poor, more taxes will be spent supporting that new recruits and maintaining equipment which doubtless will meet government crony middlemen along the way which will increase prices inflation, running costs etc.., for decades long periods of time!

The agency, uniformed group, and all employees are drawing on taxpayer funds, and without them, there would be less consumption of tax. Vote for people who will abolish GST, VAT and tax entirely. At least for those not earning massive amounts. Perhaps taxes could begin to be levied on upper scale earners only. To solve the police or army problem, make the whole uniformed group voluntary, to provide their own weapons, and still be bound by laws. To solve the military equipment problem, let the multi-millionaires or billionaires buy tanks, ships and planes.

If they wish to, they can also fund any barracks existing. The issue of bureaucracy can also be dealt with in the same manner. Voluntary and with responsibilities, the respect should not be for a fat salary but for the service provided which also needs to be limited to a certain number of terms to prevent political hegemony by groups of citizens in all areas in all fields. Democracy is not a parasite system, democracy means Socialism with Capitalist limits (not unlimited uncontrolled Capitalism), each pulling the weight they are able to. (i.e. poor and middle wealth do not pay tax, upper wealth and above pay, apex be required to support healthcare, education, the military and police etc.. instead of sequestering that wealth).


Threatening Letters Containing White Powder Sent To Manhattan Banks – Given Reference To ‘May Day,’ NYPD Suspects Possible ‘Occupy’ Involvement – April 30, 2012 11:59 Threatening letters containing a white powder that turned out to be cornstarch were sent to multiple Wells Fargo locations around the city. (credit: Sonia Rincon, 1010 WINS) Updated at 12:26 a.m., May 1, 2012

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Envelopes containing white powder turned up at multiple banks in Manhattan on Monday, police told 1010 WINS.

Five of the envelopes were sent to Wells Fargo banks, one was sent to JP Morgan Chase headquarters and another was sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Office and ended up in a mailroom on Gold Street.

The powder was determined to be cornstarch, police said.

1010 WINS’ Sonia Rincon Hears From Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne

Hazmat teams and detectives were dispatched to banks all afternoon checking for possible threats, 1010 WINS’ Sonia Rincon reported.

The envelopes also contained notes that were nearly identical, containing references to “May Day,” which falls on May 1 and is a traditional rally day for labor movements.

The notes also included statements such as “You have 10 seconds to stop working,” “You are not in control” and “[Expletive] the banks.”

Occupy Wall Street is planning a big demonstration Tuesday in New York City, urging followers to block traffic at bridges and tunnels to make it hard for people to get to work.

That has the NYPD suspecting that there may be an Occupy Wall Street connection to the letters.

“I’m not aware of any unions who are actually striking, but the message seems to be connected to that, saying ‘Stop work, you have 10 seconds to do it,’” Browne told 1010 WINS’ Rincon.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

False flag to justify enriching hazmat or TSA suppliers and contractors. In fact, all terrorism might be strawmen events including 911 to generate massive profits based around ‘terror’ and ‘war against terror’ ala 10th crusade. How about looking for a ‘Clintonite’ who propagates good economics and good times, rather than the Bush era warmongering. There are better ways to educate populations about overpopulation WHILE humanity has a good time. We don’t care if the President has sex regularly in the oval office (though not at our expense), but we do care that life does not become a ‘Hazmat’ or ‘Fed Reserve’ justifying exercise which enriches extreme plutocrats and causes ‘collateral deaths’ that cause hatred worldwide for what used to be the better of nations. Oh and lets get some Native American peoples into government or at very least the UN Ambassadry for USA.


Michael Krieger On The Rebirth Of Barter – Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2012 17:46 -0400

The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth – in Morocco – to the World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund – Government of Morocco – April, 1994   Source: New York Times, full page ad by the government of Morocco

The Rebirth of Barter

One of the most important articles I have read this week comes from Forbes contributor Gordon Chang.  In it he states that China is preparing to avoid U.S. sanctions on Iran by paying for oil with gold.  Not only that but he also mentions that China has already been bartering with Iran to get a hold of petroleum.  He states:

So how can Beijing keep both Iran’s ayatollahs and President Obama happy at the same time?  Simple, the Chinese can avoid the U.S. sanctions through barter.  China has already been trading its produce for Iran’s petroleum, but there is only so much gai lan and bok choy the Iranians can eat.  That’s why Iran is also accepting, among other goods, Chinese washing machines, refrigerators, toys, clothes, cosmetics, and toiletries.

The barter trade works, but Iran needs cash too.  As it is being cut off from the global financial system, the next best thing is gold.  So we should not be surprised that in late February the Iranian central bank said it would accept that metal as payment for oil.   Last year, China imported $21.7 billion in Iranian oil and exported $14.8 billion in goods and services.  As the NDAA goes into effect, look for Beijing to ship gold to Iran to make up the difference.

Thus, the leadership in America in its infinite stupidity has actually accelerated the demise of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  After its “kinetic action” in Libya succeeded in toppling the regime there, Washington’s geopolitical hubris grew and it has attempted to muscle Iran into a corner.  Instead, all it has done is alienated our “allies” that need Iranian oil to survive and in the process quickened a move away from the dollar to settle certain transactions.  Read Gordon’s article here.

In a similar move on a more micro level, the government of Spain in a similar desperation has banned the use of cash transactions above 2,500 euros (read this great article here on it).  How do you think citizens are going to respond to this?  People are already in the streets.  They are not pleased with what is going on.  Then the government is going to tell them they can’t use cash amongst themselves so that the authorities can track every single thing they do and bleed them with taxes until they are slaves on a banker plantation.  Everything is going to go black market and to a barter system.  It will happen country by country as governments get increasingly desperate and the authoritarian clamp down continues.  It will happen on an increasing level until all of these house of cards bureaucratic states fail and something new is reborn.  In case you haven’t seen it yet, this one town in Greece is already leading the way. This story outlines what will be a mega trend globally over the next decade.

[[[ ***  RESPONSE *** ]]]

. . . look for Beijing to ship gold to Iran to make up the difference . . .

Joking? This article sounds like an attempt to sequester the only nano-femto-viable (alongside platinum perhaps) valuable commodity (for femto-circuitry probably) – whats the author trying to pull? Maybe goods for goods, but gold is the last resort item that the Indians and Chinese would even let go of. Seriously. Ask around. Labour and cheap goods yes.

But gold for oil that will be burnt energy? Forget it. The largest solar panel producer in the world China, will be going solar based electric soon, and Iran had better start saving cash and being a bit more popular, as in Persian popular. There is no long term paradigm for old energy technology based on coal, oil and gas. And fossil fuel once burnt stays burnt. GOLD LASTS FOREVER (in human terms at any rate). Also China and BRICS needs tht gold to introduce a GOLD STANDARD to destroy the fiat paper system (and all opponent economies) with. I’d rather go no further into this but focus on barter as a viable system instead.

1 Dinar is equal to 4.25 grams of weight at purity of 916. 1 Dinar could buy a goat during the time of prophet Muhammad.

But Gold cannot be produced by farming goats. Think deeply on this.


NRC and the nuclear industry are attempting to whitewash Fukushima to relicense dangerous nuclear plants like Limerick. Myths and outright lies must be confronted to prevent more harm in Japan and a potential Limerick meltdown.

Fukushima’s GE reactors, similar to Limerick’s, were relicensed right before meltdowns. Just like us, Japan’s people were falsely assured meltdowns could never happen. So-called “redundant safety systems” failed. Fukushima was declared the worst nuclear disaster in history. Experts estimate radiation releases are 20 times Chernobyl’s, with three nuclear reactors and four nuclear fuel cores exposed. Dangerous radioactive plumes spread worldwide. Huge radioactive spills poured into the sea. Radiation levels 20,000 times above limits were detected. How anyone, let alone NRC, could call Fukushima doses “too low” to cause harm in the face of undeniable evidence is astounding. Such lies contradict reality, common sense, and scientific studies. It’s indefensible to dismiss Fukushima’s health consequences by inaccurately “claiming” radiation doses are “too low” and that there will be “no health harm.” Such ridiculous claims are political, not scientific. Fukushima, like Chernobyl, has the highest category on the International Nuclear Event Scale, meaning “A Major Release of Radiation With Widespread Health & Environmental Impact.” Russian scientists reported over a million additional deaths worldwide from Chernobyl. Many suffered a long list of health harms, including cancers. Children were born with heartbreaking deformities. For details: New York Academy of Science at Chernobyl:”Consequences To People And The Environment”, compiles over 5,000 scientific studies.

If NRC heeded lessons from Japan, Limerick Nuclear Plant would be closed now. Instead:

• NRC gave Exelon until 2017 to comply with earthquake risk upgrades, even though Limerick is classified “high risk” (3rd in the nation) and earthquake risks are drastically increased from fracking in Pennsylvania.
• Limerick’s uncorrectable “design flaws” are ignored, such as faulty cement used for fuel pools, and substandard containment for reactors allowing more radiation to be released in a disaster.
• Also ignored, insufficient water to deal with a Limerick meltdown. There’s no endless water supply to keep cooling generators and fuel pools from an ocean. In fact, Limerick’s cooling towers have significantly depleted the Schuylkill River since 1985.
• Since 2010, GE’s warnings about Limerick’s flawed “key safety mechanism” to shut down reactors basically goes unaddressed.
• Limerick is run harder than design capacity through uprates, increasing risk of mechanical breakdown.
Exelon is complying with NRC’s weakened requirements for relicensing, but still failing to spend what is required to reduce Limerick’s unprecedented threats and harms to our region.
• Even though Limerick’s deadly “spent fuel” pools are packed and vulnerable, Exelon refuses to guard against terrorist air strikes or missiles.
• Only two back-up generators (for far too short a time) are insufficient for two reactors and two fuel pools.
• Fires can lead to meltdown, yet Limerick does not follow the safest fire safety regulations.
• There’s no filtration for toxics from Limerick’s Schuylkill River intake to reduce air pollution from cooling towers, or extraordinary toxic discharges into the river, or contaminated mine water pumping into the river to operate Limerick.
Enough lies and negligence for Exelon profits. An entire region faces becoming a dead zone, with residents losing their health, homes, and possessions. Clearly, Limerick must be closed to prevent a meltdown. If you agree, call ACE (610) 326-2387, or e-mail Leave your name, phone, and e-mail.
Limerick’s electric can be replaced. For details visit ACE’s new website at

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This is how a few hundred or thousand people dependent on their salaries from a nuclear plant end up holding millions, possibly the whole nation, even world hostage. If anything goes wrong, the same bunch end up jobless and irradiating tens to hundreds of square kilometres of land that would have been useful. Why not distribute that same land to these people (and even more people as well – for subsistence farming or whatever they want) instead, and be done with the risk of irradiation to the entire nation? An even bigger profit from organic grown food from that same land would be more useful.


Russia’s 200 wealthiest worth some half trillion dollars – Forbes list – Published: 19 April, 2012, 12:04 – Edited: 19 April, 2012, 22:08 – Alisher Usmanov (Reuters / Denis Sinyakov)

Russian metals mogul Alisher Usmanov has become the richest person in Russia thanks to a shrewd investment in Facebook, according to the Forbes list of 200 wealthiest people in the country.

­With personal assets of $18.5 billion, the co-owner of the Metalinvest mining company knocked rival Vladimir Lisin, owner of the NLMK steel company, out of the top spot. Lisin, whose wealth is estimated at $15.9 billion, had topped the Forbes list for the last two years.

Severstal owner Alexey Mordashov was in third place with a fortune of $15.3 billion.

Usmanov’s wealth is believed to have been boosted by a 5.5% stake in Facebook, which has multiplied in value several times since 2010, when he purchased it through his Digital Sky Technologies Company (DST). The billionaire also owns stakes in Twitter Inc., Groupon Inc. and China’s internet portal Alibaba.
Just as Usmanov nicely upped his assets by $1.1 billion with his well-timed investment in internet companies, his arch-rivals Lisin and Mordashov lost $8.1 billion and $3.2 billion respectively, as the metal sector was blitzed by recession last year.

Vladimir Potanin, the president of Intrerros, took fourth place with $14.5 billion. He is followed by the head of Lukoil Vagit Alikperov ($13.5 billion) and Mikhail Fridman, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group with $13.4 billion.

Former presidential candidate and ex-owner of ONEXIM Group Mikhail Prokhorov was in 7th – a step down from his enviable position as third richest last year. His wealth dropped from $18 to $13.2 billion.

The only lady on the list is Elena Baturina, owner of Inteco development company and wife of Moscow’s ex-mayor Yury Luzhkov. Her personal wealth is estimated around $1.1 billion.

The oldest Russian millionaire is Vladimir Tetukhin from the Avisma titanium monopoly, with $650 million, and the youngest, at just 16, is Deny Bazhaev – son of the late Zia Bazhaev, founder of Alliance Group, dealing in investment. He is the owner of around $750 million.

The total wealth of Russia’s 200 richest weighs in at $446.3 billion. 145 of them live in Moscow, and 13 in St. Petersburg.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Russia could take over the world if Russian Plutocrats weren’t so un-Marxistly and un-Communistly SELFISH and sequestering of Russian Wealth (get India and China’s BILLIONAIRES – who are not so RED themselves – to form a fleet as well, and BRICS is already the new hegemon but BRICS doesn’t know the fact or is held back by the Plutocracy . . . )

So think ‘Letters of Marque’ for those plutocrats. That means 145 Aircraft Carriers at very least. Well selfish Russian billionaires? ready to build 446 air craft carriers and take over the world? I doubt Russia would care so long as any warlike actions could be countered even if only by citizens rather than state military! Stop being selfish about that sequestered wealth, Capitalism infected plutocratic fools!

Let Marxism show the way Comrades! Have the guts for ‘Private Enterprise’ warfare? Barring the nuke based M.A.D. scenario (Geneva Convention should require all Nukes/Chemical/Biological-weapons to be decomissioned to prevent world wide irradiation or poisoning, though Conventional warfare should still be allowed), or Satellite neurotech (just distribute those countering ELF/EMF frequency helmets), there are 50 states in the USA which can be divvied up among the chief funders of the new Soviet-BRICS-ALBA supercharged war machine, so which Russian Plutocrats are ready to do the right thing and lead by example?

Source :

Equitable Wealth Distribution instead of Wealth Sequestration and ‘Tax Haven Culture’


Marine discharged over online Obama comments – by the CNN Wire Staff – April 25, 2012 — Updated 2209 GMT (0609 HKT)

Marine ready to fight for free speech

Sgt. Gary Stein was given an “other-than-honorable” discharge, official says
On Facebook, Stein had called president a liar, suggested he would not follow some orders
Military board found Stein broke rules limiting political conduct, recommended discharge

Washington (CNN) — A Marine who used his Facebook page to criticize President Barack Obama has been discharged, a Marine Corps spokesman said Wednesday.

Sgt. Gary Stein was given an “other-than-honorable” discharge, said Capt. Brian Block, a spokesman for the Marines.

Among other comments posted to his Facebook page, Stein called Obama a liar and suggested he would not follow some orders issued by the president.

An other-than-honorable discharge is given to a Marine who commits a “serious offense” that significantly differs from conduct expected of a Marine, the Corps said.

A statement from the Marines said it approved the findings of a military board, which in March recommended the discharge.

The board found Stein violated rules limiting political conduct by service members.

The Facebook page for Stein’s Armed Forces Tea Party had a post Wednesday saying the discharge will be postponed until the results of a medical condition, with which he was diagnosed Monday, are returned and treatment is discussed.

“I have spent the last 9 years honorably serving this great nation and the Corps,” Stein wrote on his personal Facebook page. “Even though I will be discharged no one can take the title of Marine away from me. I thank my family and friends for their support and love. Today is just the start of the rest of my life. Semper Fi.”

Stein said earlier this month that the case against him was weak, based on personal opinion and not on legal aspects.
Marine has anti-Obama Facebook page

Stein, who is based at Camp Pendleton near San Diego, California, called Obama a liar in a January 26 post to the Armed Forces Tea Party Facebook page. Two days later, he said the president is “the ‘Domestic Enemy’ our oath speaks about.”

Opinion: Marine’s Facebook posts on Obama go too far

In a March 4 posting, Stein questioned Obama’s birth certificate. Another discussion on the site in March said Stein would refuse to obey orders given by Obama. He later clarified to say he meant illegal orders, which he has explained as orders such as sending the military to Syria without congressional approval.

“The allegations drummed up against me are no more than an agenda by the Marine Corps to use me as an example,” Stein previously said in a statement posted to his page. “If I am guilty of anything it would be that I am American, a freedom loving Conservative, hell bent on defending the constitution and preserving Americas greatness.”

While the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the free speech rights of ordinary citizens, a Defense Department rule prohibits service members from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Among the prohibited activities are publishing partisan political articles or serving in an official capacity with a partisan political club.

Stein has said that he carefully followed the Defense Department directive. The Facebook page notes that it does not represent and is not affiliated with the military or government.

Nearly 30,000 people “like” Stein’s Armed Forces Tea Party page.

Facebook members responding to news of Stein’s discharge Wednesday were largely supportive.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. OTH’s (other-than-honorable discharges) are given to Marines who grossly violate the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), as in drug use, excessive DUI’s, adultery, etc. This is a joke,” one wrote.

“So disappointed in the Corps. This is a poor decision,” wrote another.

Another Facebook member, however, said Stein’s punishment was expected.

“For any of you that thought that he was going to get anything but ‘Other than honorable’ … you really dont know jack about the military,” he wrote.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Inequitable punishment and a black mark against 1st Amendment Rights. A public apology to the unit serving on, and a general ‘group’ for soldiers who do call the POTUS or other VIPs names should suffice. At the end of every year, Obama could address these ‘dissenters’ and ‘get a feel’ of whats wrong with the military, amend some laws instead of this ‘corporatised’/’recorded message laws’ treatment.

No need to discharge? American exceptionalism remember? How about Obama sit down with this Marine over a beer and let the world watch if the Marine repeats this to Obama’s face? 5 minutes at the White House for a quick beer, man to man . . . Obama is no ‘Mountaindew Comacho’ but this sort of televised meeting should gather much interest instead of the ‘hide behind rules’ feel of this case.


It’s the Prince of Gales! Charles and Camilla have soggy forecast for the UK as they take to presenting the weather live on TV – by Rebecca English, Royal Correspondent – PUBLISHED: 14:21 GMT, 10 May 2012 | UPDATED: 19:07 GMT, 10 May 2012

One day he will reign over us. Today he just predicted it. Bucket loads in fact.

Despite the gloomy forecast, however, Prince Charles became something of an internet sensation when he decided to try his hand at reading the weather on a trip to BBC Scotland.

Dressed in a smart suit and tie, he was introduced live on air by presenter Sally Magnusson on the lunch-time news bulletin, Reporting Scotland.

Viewers of BBC Scotland’s lunchtime news were treated to a weather forecast delivered by Prince Charles

As he waited for his cue Charles looked quizzically at the button in his hand, but on hearing the words ‘Over to you, Your Royal Highness’, quickly warmed to his theme.

In fact, standing against the familiar backdrop of the BBC’s weather map, the prince proceeded to deliver an almost word-perfect reading of a specially-written script from his autocue.

The map itself had also undergone a little tweaking in honour of its special guest presenter, to include a number of places with links to the Royal Family north of the border including Balmoral, the Queen’s Highland home, the Castle of Mey, the former holiday home of the late Queen Mother, and Dumfries House, which was recently saved for the nation by a charitable consortium led by the prince.
After her husband had finished Camilla also tried her hand at presenting the weather

After her husband had finished Camilla also tried her hand at presenting the weather

Camilla looks on as Charles motions towards areas of low pressure

‘Well it’s an unsettled picture as we head towards the end of the week,’ Charles said confidently.

‘Ahh, this afternoon it will be cold, wet and windy across most of Scotland. We are under the influence of, err, low pressure and this weather front pushing northwards is bringing clouds and outbreaks of rain. The rain, of course, will be heaviest over the borders and, err, around Edinburgh, where it could lead to difficult conditions on the roads

‘In the west rain will be lighter and patchier with maybe a few drier interludes over Dumfries House in Ayrshire.’

At this he point he turned to the camera and gave a cheery ‘ah-ha!’ at the sneaky reference to his pet project.

He continued: ‘There will be snow for the higher ground of the Highlands and Aberdeenshire. There will be the potential for a few flurries over Balmoral’ before exploding into giggles and asking: ‘Who the hell wrote this script!’

He concluded: ‘The best of the drier and brighter weather will, of course, be over the far northern isles and far north of the mainland. So a little hazy sunshine for the Castle of Mey and Caithness. But a cold day everywhere with temperatures of eight celcius and a brisk north easterly wind.

More rain on the way: Prince Charles became something of an internet sensation when he decided to try his hand at reading the weather

Prince Charles

Complete with waving hands, Charles seized the opportunity to step in front of the camera

‘Thank God it isn’t a bank holiday!’

His wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, also gave the forecasting a go but it was her husband who clearly stole the show.

Indeed his famously expressive hand gestures made him an entirely natural weatherman.

The couple, who are known as the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay in Scotland, were visiting the BBC studios in Pacific Quay, Glasgow, as part of their annual Holyrood week and to celebrate sixty years of BBC Scotland Television.

The unlikely scenario sent national News at One presenter Sophie Raworth into fits of laughter. She Tweeted: ‘Something I never thought I’d say – watch Prince Charles and Camilla have a go at being weather presenters.’

Later on air she turned to her weatherman, Nick Miller, and joked: ‘You might have some competition.’

After Charles had finished, Miller congratulated the royal on getting it spot on, adding: ‘That’s proof that even the royals can’t give us dry weather, because he’s absolutely right.’

A Clarence House spokeswoman said: ‘The prince entered into the spirit of the occasion and did very well, we think. He spends a lot of time in Scotland so he’s very interested in the weather there.’

The Duchess of Rothesay, as she is known in Scotland, mastered her presenting technique
The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall met BBC newsreader Sally Magnusson during their visit

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall later visited the BBC studio set of quiz show Eggheads, where they met contestants and panellists

Charles had a brief chat with Eggheads presenter Jeremy Vine afterbeing introduced during his tour of set of the popular general knowledge quiz show

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

OMG totally out  of touch. This is where Julie Andrews from ‘Sound of Music’ goes ‘You’re incorrigible.’ to Werner von Trap. And thats to put things VERY mildly, though an aging Prince still unable to take up the Crown and brought up through WWI and WWII could hardly be expected to understand such 99%ter issues (. . . wealth cannot buy breeding, breeding also cannot buy wealth . . . ). More riots anyone? No canapes served later . . .

Solidarity with the plutocrat reporter! 1%ter type attitude. Guess what, Prince Charles is a ‘Plutocrat Nazi’ (i.e. blindly supports pluocrats). For every Scotsman who is working for future a Sovereign Scottish Kingdom (perhaps with a Scottish King) with a Scottish seat at the UN, that might yet not one day be disappointed with a parallel in Tibet-like politics (though not necessarily violence and theocracy), the world goes, ‘Shame on you Prince Charles for taking sides with the wrong peope!’, and this is nothing new! Bou! Bou!

Richard Quest’s World Worsts – by Doug Lansky – 27th May 2009

mini-ARTICLE 9.5

China faces a tough year in attracting foreign investment
By Cui Peng (People’s Daily)
16:41, April 19, 2012

Edited and translated by People’s Daily Online

The outlook for foreign investment in China is grim this year, said Shen Danyang, a spokesperson for the country’s Ministry of Commerce, on Tuesday.

“Internationally speaking, the European sovereign debt crisis continues unabated, resulting in a steady decline in Europe’s outbound investment,” Shen Danyang said at a regular news conference. “The U.S. government is struggling to revive the country’s manufacturing sector, and has launched a series of campaigns to encourage capital backflow. Other developing countries have strengthened efforts to attract foreign capital.”

Shen added that U.S. companies are taking advantage of the European debt crisis to increase investment on the continent, and emerging economies such as India, Brazil, and Russia are becoming a new focus of investment by multinational corporations. All these factors will lead to changes in global foreign direct investment flows.

Domestically speaking, foreign companies are becoming less willing to increase investment in China amid rising labor costs, increasing shortage of land and other resources, and escalating financing problems, said Shen.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

What kind of investment? REAL GOODS non-polluting investors? Or shipping and air freight colluders that add cost to goods – also cause outflow of funds, hot money type of investment that destabilises currency, speculators that lock up commodities and inflate prices that may never come down making life difficult for the poorer Chinese, or property invester-hoarders cause housing price inflation? Maybe what looks like a tough year is a blessing in disguise, and that previous years should recalculate based on removal of the above examples of REAL investment vs. non-sustainable investment. REAL EARNINGS and REAL GDP is not based around the above mentioned issues.

mini-Article 10

Prices cut for costliest high-speed rail tickets
(Shanghai Daily)
13:43, May 08, 2012

Some tickets on high-speed rail services between Shanghai-Nanjing and Shanghai-Hangzhou have been cut.

But only the more expensive business and parlor seats will qualify for discounts of up to 30 percent. Other cheaper seats are not included, the Shanghai Railway Bureau said yesterday.

The discounts will cover 116 train services along the Shanghai-Nanjing and Shanghai-Hangzhou lines from May 18 until June 20, said the bureau.

“In the future the ticket prices will be adjusted based on market demand and transport seasons,” railway officials said of the first price cuts to be introduced since the high-speed lines came into operation in 2010.

The lines are among the busiest in the region with bullet trains leaving Shanghai railway stations for neighboring cities every five minutes during peak periods.

Qian Guifeng, the general manager with the Shanghai-Hangzhou railway passenger transport company, the regional operator, said yesterday the low take-up of the more expensive seats played a part in the price cuts.

A Shanghai Daily investigation found that by the time some bullet trains were about to leave Shanghai, the majority of business seats remained unsold.

On the railway operator’s ticket buying website, only one or two tickets for business carriages had been sold. Each bullet train has about 28 business seats available.

Business seats see the biggest price reductions. On the Shanghai-Nanjing line, a ticket that used to be 438 yuan (US$69.4) is now 307 yuan.

Discounts range from 10 to 30 percent on the business and parlor seats but the operator says they can vary depending on the time of purchase.

“It means little to a passenger like me,” said a man surnamed Zhu, who travels to the Yangtze River delta region on business.

Zhu said he usually bought a second-class, or ordinary seat ticket.

He said he hoped to see prices for second-class seats lowered too.

Meanwhile, an air-rail combined service began receiving passengers in Shanghai over the weekend.

The service allows passengers to transfer between domestic or international flights and a train with a single ticket which is cheaper than separate tickets.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Use the below method to calculate and to limit train ticket charges :

Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train makes debut – 30th Jun 2011

Use the below to limit toll charges :

High toll charges for new highway earns the public’s wrath – By Nelson Benjamin and Tresa Gasper –, – 6th February 2012


Titanic returns minus nude scene – by Deng Jingyin (Global Times) – 09:21, April 11, 2012

Chinese moviegoers seeking to re-experience the romance of blockbuster Titanic from 14 years ago through the latest 3D version have been complaining about excessive censoring of nude scenes.

The 3D version of James Cameron’s epic returned to cinema screens in China Tuesday, but audiences looking forward to the scene of Jack drawing a nude portrait of Rose were disappointed to find it had been completely removed.

Xiao Fei, a resident of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province who booked tickets two days before the movie was released, expressed her disappointment about the cut after watching it Tuesday afternoon.

“I was a student in a primary school when I watched Titanic many years ago, but it was deeply ingrained in my memory, including the nude scene. It wasn’t deleted 14 years ago, and I don’t know why it was deleted this time,” she told the Global Times Tuesday.

The epic was released to incredibly high acclaim in China, with its heart-rending storyline winning over young Chinese viewers.

The original Titanic stormed to 360 million yuan ($57 million) in Chinese box office takings in 1998 and remained the country’s top earner for 10 years until 2009.

“I didn’t wait so many years to see a three-dimensional iceberg,” Xiao Fei said.

Insiders pointed out that the removal of the nude scene damaged the classic work, and also spoiled fans’ memories.

Zhang Jiangnan, the director of Midnight Taxi, told the Global Times that Titanic was the first movie he went to watch with a girl.

“This move (to cut the nude scene) went against the trend of the times and indicated the censorship system has failed to comply with the marketization of the film industry,” said Zhang.” I think we should pay attention to this change since this trend may be applied to other films yet to be shown or affect new productions.”

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Broadcast could not be reached for comment Tuesday, but some rumors circulated online that authorities decided to remove the scene out of concern that viewers may attempt to reach out and touch the screen during the scene and hit the heads of viewers sitting in front of them.

Despite the complaints from some audience members, Chinese fans were still largely enthusiastic about the release.

Since last week, cinemas in many cities have begun selling tickets for this movie and the IMAX 3D screenings are proving particularly popular.

“We can’t disclose the box office takings now, but the number of people watching Titanic is apparently larger than that for all other films,” director of the publicity department of Wanda Cinemas in Beijing, told the Global Times Tuesday.

According to, the box office revenue of its debut show at midnight is estimated to reach 5 million yuan in China.

Commentator Comments :

@Daniel Templeton at 2012-04-1374.221.157.*

To edit the nude scene in Titanic is unfortunate. The government does not understand the intelligence of the Chinese people when this content is included in an artistic movie.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

I concur with Daniel Templeton, but not in the same manner. I’d say Titanic was all about the woman posing in the nude and the relationship with a poor guy who had to die because of poverty and the sick fascination of poor society with the ‘cuckold factor’ affecting wealthy men (reminder to at least be fair to homemakers for the mistress crazy guys). The ship takes an obvious back seat. Come to think, maybe a more ship oriented script should be rewritten instead. Titanic 1997 (James Cameron) is a romance film, not a ship film, with elements of greed and classist commentary thrown in (love the bland polished look of the rich kid, you can’t get any blander or more stereotypical), and some philosophy via a nice big fat gemstone being thrown into the sea by a decades later depicted haglike female star, to get the mind reflecting. Nope, not about the ship, even with the nude scene edited out. Note the ‘black heart’ pendant the actress was wearing during the nude scene. Any NPP (neuro-pictorial programming) intended?

Remind anyone of soft porn? NLP!

mini-ARTICLE 10.5 defiant over sex trade ads – May 7th, 2012 – 01:05 PM ET, a small ads website, is not backing away from a small but profitable corner of the internet that is accused of being a marketplace for pimps to peddle prostitution and exploit young women.

The company says there’s nothing illegal about it, even though 51 attorneys general want to shut it down.

Watch Liz McDougall, from Village Voice Media, defend

But New York Times reporter Nicholas Kristof and California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris argue Backpage is a marketplace for human trafficking. defiant over sex trade ads

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Backpage is just a website for crying out loud. It’s MEDIA, might as well be fantasy. Also this is not an issue as so long as both parties are consensual and non-abusive, they are free to communicate and exchange whatever they want. What so many websites do is make specific what any person is looking for and to allow another to find them. Is what anyone does any of our business at all to begin with? Voltaire would fight for the right to think and say what one wanted (1st Amendment), try now to fight for the right to LIVE how one wants. Trafficking is bad, but consensual prostitution is not. What the authorities should do is to send i plainclothes to ferret out those who were coerced or trafficked, those who are infectedwith disease to get treatment, and to leave EVERYONE ELSE alone.

‘If you saw your daughter . . . ‘ Liz McDougall

Demogoguery. If common sense is applied rather than law (see Note 1), we all do know that whats illegal is only illegal to anyone on a case by case basis and not specifically by the written law of the majority that tends to ignore the  minority. And the essence of civilisation as opposed to MOB RULE (or rule by mob numbers in implemented laws) means that ALL and sundry will be allowed their spaces so long as all parties are consensual. In many cases prostitution is NOT coerced and simply viewed as either a form of entertainment or income, or a form of social interaction where money is involved (much like betting at golf or checkers), even in some cases ’empowerment’ via affirmation of the right to do as one will with one’s own body (regardless of male, female or inbetween)! Think the ‘minority of 1‘ rule that Mahatma Gandhi coined.

Even if a single soul, a single person wanted prostitution to be legal, their right would be inalienable because the world is large enough to have space for them. They may not be allowed to coerce anyone to participate by in the same light, but in turn  cannot be forced to concur with what everyone else or a majority wants becauase they are not affecting anyone (save by the mental weakness of busybody people who make attempts to know what others do, which is again none of anyone else’s business), especially if assigned areas and zones are estalished. That is the essence of democracy and civilisation, the basis of American exceptionalism, not this rule by mob mentality shown here on CNN, which is frankly very un-American.

This is not necessarily about money or poverty, this is also about lifestyle. Without these websites, there will be absolutely no way or even electronic record of what and who happened. Meanwhile consider legalising RLDs (red light districts – think Singapore (Geylang), Mexico (Zona de Tolerancia etc..)) and OPZs (Organic Psychedelics Zones – think Amsterdam, Bolivia etc..) in ALL cities and towns, via enclosed zones at perhaps at the size of 1 dedicated street for every 100,000 people and a main road for every 1 million population. This way monitoring can be done at the checkpoint instead of everywhere unnecessary, resulting in unecesssary costs and Orwellian big society.

For more ideas, do look up under the tags RLD or prostitution, responses on –

Proposed RLD and OPZ for State of Selangor (research on suitable RLDs and OPZs for other States will be posted when general research and feedback complete.) ‘Nuevo Laredo Zona’ from Mexico shown for comparison.

mini-ARTICLE 11

Reporter claims she was fired for being a stripper May 12, 2012 – 5:26 – Debate over woman’s legal case

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

A specialist reporter holding 1 job would be better but since there was no contract to only hold 1 job, or not be involved in adult work, there was no right to fire at all. Moral discrimination occurred here. ‘Uncomfortable’ watchers need to get over this, though unless particularly nosy, or from the immediate community who knows the reporter personally, none would know or even bother (unless from the moral lunatic fringe) what the reporter does in her free time. It’s not like shes a member of their family, in which case she’d still have a right to continue what she does, though the immediate family members could have a limited right to say something though not at a level amounting to mental torture or invasions of privacy (much less neighbours).

A law to prevent even contracts limiting an employee to 1 job (especially if the job does not pay particularly alot, applicable only to salaries USD$5000 monthly and below???) could allow and employer to justify applying the ‘1 job only rule’. (i.e. the job pays so much that there is no need for a second job). Only way above middle class salary payouts could be allowed to enforce the 1 job rule.

In fact adult services jobs should be treated like any other job unless a network declares their news as specifically child friendly, specially for a religious community or for a specifically extra-P.C. (easily offended upper class?) target demographic. The government could consider pensions for all registered sex workers, perhaps at a rate of 1 year worth of pension for every 3000 clients services and recorded or logged in. This in fact could help prevent spread of disease when detected (i.e. if detected, tracebacks could be done etc..).

As for the right to fire issue, an example : if a news network has featured any beauty contests with bikini clad women, firing BASED on private out of employment time in adult services jobs is not justifiable. If said news network refuses to feature anyone wearing anything above the knees, disallows cleavage or disallows images of bare chested men, THEN could the firing on such a basis be justified, though such a news network would be the territory of, and appeal to, the ‘moral lunatic fringe’ demographoc. Which fringe does Fox belong to? The demogogue fringe part of the time for certain, but not the moral lunatic as well? Better get out those burkhas . . . (if Fox disallows Burkhas then we’d have to use the hypocrite label for Fox News as well . . . ).

Note 1 : For example, a person smashes a police car’s window and gets a few month’s prison at cost to your tax money. Would you not prefer that the same person simply be required to repair the vehicle at cost to their own finances (or be put on community service for hours of work equitable to the cost of damage caused) and not be imprisoned at cost to the citizens’ tax monies, while the same person wrongfully lose their job (caused damage so pay for damage, the person did not cause loss of jobs so should not lose their job by being imprisoned). Meanwhile society loses access to their tax contributions, loses their presence and work they do (remember this person’s issue is against the single police car, not even the police, hardly society -jailing is etirely unrelated for purposes of re-education or pubishment) and inconveniences their boss who has to retrain a staff for the period of imprisonment? From this paragraph, we learn that LAW does not apply COMMON SENSE. Therefore most laws and criminal codes for punishment need to be re-written.