
Archive for the ‘education as a spiritual weapon’ Category

19 Articles From Around the World : Poseur Article with NLPs Incuplating Specific Mindsets, Ethical View on Diaoyu, Subtle Islamisation Agenda Article?, Fundos Everywhere, Psychiatry A Tool of Control – Think For Yourselves and STand For Your Rights to Be Who You Are, The Media Outlet Which Cried Wolf, Names Not Permanent, Spaces for All, A Good Example of Forms and Blogospheres Littered with NLPs, Degrees A Trap And Tool Of Control, Celebration of the Nudists of the 2010s, Who Gives Birth To Who?, Medvedev’s Warnings, US StateGovernments Saving Money, Whale Skin Cocktail, Nursing And The Education Requirement Problem, Singapore’s Doomsday Oriented Construction Activities, China Continues Massive Scale Construction – Fengshui to Diffuse or Harness Energy, EU Flexes Muscles from Brussels at Independent Minded Scotland, Names Chosen by Parents are Not Names Chosen by the Individual, Reuters Slips In Manipulative MSM Article, Various Commentators’ Justification of Beginning A Civilisational War on Islam, Removal of Mubarak is for Egypt, Egyptian Culture, Egyptian Religion and an Egyptian Pharoanate But NOT for Arabist Islamists – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 13th December 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, Abuse of Power, advocacy, Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, amendments to law needed, Animal Rights, animal welfare, as close to original as possible, bad laws, best practices, better judgments, better laws, checks and balances, collusion, colonialism, conflict of interest, Constitution, cost saving, critical discourse, criticism, cult of personality, cyborg, Democracy, democratisation, demogoguery, diversity, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, education as a spiritual weapon, Equitable Distribution, equitable political power distribution, equitable wealth distribution, Ethics, extra-territorial, FGM, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, freedom of speech, gender politics, Health, healthcare, Imperial Europe, Imperial Persia, individualism, Informed Consent, Invasive Laws, Iran, Islam, land distribution, land sequestration, Legal Junta, LGBT, meaningless platitudes, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media sabotage, media traps, media tricks, misrepresentation of facts, Muslims, nature reserve, neglectful functionaries, neo-colonialism, neutral spaces, NLP, non-Muslim rights, nudism, Pharoahnate, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, politics, preventing vested interest, proselytization, public spaces, Riot, Riots, secularism, separation of powers, sex positivism, Sexuality, sneaky proselytization methods, social freedoms, spirit of the law, spiritual fifth columnists, spirituality, taxation method, taxpayer funds, taxpayer monies, undemocratic, unwanted gentrification, vested interest, word of the law, wrong priority on December 12, 2012 at 7:57 pm


Truth By Consensus – How To Control Our Thinking – by Zen Gardner – Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

Funny how this works. People actually think they can arrive at the truth by averaging what they hear. Seriously. That’s how most people are taught to think. I get this argument all the time. It totally explains the power of the mass media. Just think about this dynamic. How do people arrive at conclusions? What information or lack thereof are they deriving them from? Pretty stark reality if you’re willing to look it in the eyes. People are incredibly similar in their outlook and understandings. And hence behaviors. Incredibly so. Like we’re following a script. Look at yourself. How you dress, the expressions you use, what you’re into. No matter what segment of society you’re living in, it’s pretty freaky. I remember when I decided to grow out my facial hair and looking in the mirror thinking, “Am I following some meme being broadcast by these bastards?”

Paranoid? Totally. It’s the only way on this planet. Completely healthy. If you’re not, you’re not awake yet. Truth is Never Popular. While a defined consensus gets established and reaffirms the status quo, “contrary” eddies of thought and realization make their way through the public psyche. These are carefully ferreted out by the watchdog media cabal and portrayed as “fringe” ideas and “conspiracy theories” of course. Carefully and dutifully packaged and sublimated into a negative subconscious arena for the mainstream unawakened. Anything contrary is now anathema, resented; spuriously thrown overboard as wing nut conspiracy talk. Typical. And more importantly…very effective and very efficient.

Getting To the Point

I’ll take Truth over BS fairy tales any day of eternity. No matter the pain and seeming loss of emotional or otherwise investments, bring on the Truth. 9/11 is always the standard reminder of how duped the world can be. Plain as the nose on your face those towers were brought down by some sort of exotic and carefully planned out demolition technique, but what the hell. No one cares. Or very few. At least that’s the portrayal we get and it seems to hold way too much water. People are even afraid to discuss the subject. That’s when you know society has been seriously hemmed in and headed for dismemberment. As obvious as it is, the Truth can just be right there without people being able to see it. It’s the condition of our “race”…we want to believe what we want and will cloak it in “positive thinking” or “idealism” or imposed bottom line security needs whenever we can for peace and comfort. Very, very sad from the Truth perspective, but oh so understandable. Blindness until awakened. What a tale. But behold the awakening in spite of all this!

Enter Psycho-Sexual Addiction

This psychological pandering we’re witnessing is simply a ploy to keep the masses asleep. The populace has been duped, hypnotized, seduced. It no longer can contain, maintain or control itself. It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk.  This addiction is firmly established. Football, advertising, game shows, reality dramas, zombie and vampire horror and sci-fi movies while sucking down addictive, poisonous foods………”Please bring it on! We want more! We want another reality, not our own!” Scantily dressed young girls, sculpted effeminized men, cross sexual weirdness of every type and genre…. …bring it on. Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal. ‘Chaos is the new normal’ is as cognitively dissonant as the ‘war on terrorism’. Orwell, you must be howling!


Know what you “believe” about not only their false structure, but our true reality, to the point it’s not a belief. Please know each of those as facts…not an emotional extension of some hope or sense of idealism. Be sure you’re deciding for yourself and not following anything unconsciously. We’re not used to that kind of truly independent thought, having been taught all our lives to just follow, obey and repeat, so it’s a lot of work and a set of muscles that have to be developed. You’ll see what I mean as it goes along. Affirming our conscious awakening in spirit, word and deed is our primary purpose and most potent weapon. Not only against the usurpers and the ignorance and darkness that seems to rule our current paradigm, but for the development and realization of the true conscious reality that is there to be expressed into this dimension. Get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works. And do it in love. If we can wake up, anybody can. Love, Zen

“If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free.” – Zen

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

. . . It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk. . . . Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal. . . .

Actually savouries or goodies MUST not be considered such. Chaos is not ‘our’ new middle name, Chaos is not mainstream, Chaos is going to take a proper place WITHOUT punishment. There is no way ‘Chaos’ can co-opt you unless you are Chaotically inclined, and given the need of Chaos in evolution per se, I’d say Chaos is the very most important thing to ANY species which wants to move on, even as older structures become increasingly exotic and rarefied to the point of gaining value (in retarded areas of the 3rd world, the rare are villified much like LGBT, in the right places, the rare’d be exotic and invested in to ensure survival . . . ).

Religion would have taken the role of rare, but the overproliferation and low quality of followers, obvious internal rot and abusive nature of religion says that religion is already over-proliferated and people being subconsciously sick of religion, acting whatever in the only way they can, to sabotage religion much like pedo-priests protesting celibacy, Islamists protesting no alcohol and no pork rules by being violent, Buddhists acquiring car collections and much trappings of wealth and gold all around the temple (Temples to rampant-Capitalism and Greed), even as Buddha said to not be materialistic, can we see that the highest ranked in the faith actually do the most opposite? I wonder if I do enough ‘opposite’ I’d be the Ecclesiarch Primifex of the Planet . . .

. . . So get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works.  . . .

Don’t accidentally co-opt what is already known as your own!

@Zen appears to be quite fused with whatever mass mind or community hive @Zen is from (@Zen is less hive minded overall but still enough to identify that the mindset is still hivelike). Truth By Consensus problems as describe above are however correct. Subversive article with a good NLP positive article that disparages ‘Chaos’? Hard to say, but whatever we gravitate to, that is what we truly are, everything else is just nonsense, regardless of whatever laws or social trends, though spaces appropriate to size and facilities must be available to all and sundry in either case.

mini-ARTICLE 1.5

China opposes U.S. bill concerning Diaoyu Islands (Xinhua) 09:09, December 04, 2012

BEIJING, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) — China has expressed serious concern and firm opposition to a U.S. bill that regards China’s territory as under the authority of a U.S.-Japan security pact.

At a regular press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters, “The Chinese side expresses serious concern and firm opposition to the U.S. Senate’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which involves the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets.”

In the bill, which the U.S. Senate passed last week, the United States reaffirmed that it “takes no position” on the ultimate sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. However, the bill notes that Japan has the rights of administration over the territory and that “unilateral actions of a third party” would not affect its position.

Hong said the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets have always been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, and China has undisputed sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

According to the U.S. bill, any armed attack “in the territories under the administration of Japan” would be met under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

Hong called the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan as a “product of the Cold War era”, saying it should not go beyond bilateral scopes, nor undermine the interests of a third party.

Hong said the U.S. side has repeatedly stated that it will not take sides on territory disputes between China and Japan.

He said the U.S. side “should not send out signals that conflict with each other.” He expressed the hope that the U.S. side would “proceed from the general situation of peace and stability of the region”, “keep its words” and “do more things that are conducive to peace and stability in the region.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The islands were part of Chinese territory with an indigenous people that accepted vassalship under the Chinese Emperor until the 8 Foreign Powers invasion and later Japanese expansion in WW1 and 2. USA should understand that sovereignty loss during war cannot have legal continuity under occupiers or aggressors when the war ends. How would USA like for the Native Ameri-Indians to kick them back to Europe?


Ooh Baby It’s a Wild World – by Daniel J. Flynn on 11.30.12 @ 6:08AM

It’s a jungle out there for transanimals.

The humans called Dennis Avner “Stalking Cat.” His kind referred to him as “meow.”

The cat-like Avner, who held the Guinness Book of World Records mark for body modifications — including a bifurcated lip, extensive tiger-stripe facial tattooing, surgically pointed ears, and silicone injections in the cheeks, chin, and forehead — died earlier this month.

The human authorities suspect he killed himself. I suspect humans, threatened that one of their own had defected to the cat community, killed him.

Human nature, alien to Stalking Cat, remains quite familiar with suicide. The dearth of documented cases of self-inflicted felicide raises suspicions. Only an Ace Ventura could definitively answer this whodunit. The one certainty here is that it’s a jungle out there for a person who realizes he, she, or it is an animal trapped in a human’s body.

Dennis Avner never found acceptance among mankind as a felid despite the plastic surgeries, the tattoos, and the silicone injections. He was, in a loose sense, a real-life Philip Nolan — a manimal without a species.

Biology is the new racism. The phobia against transanimals recalls the societal obstinacy regarding transgenders. We exiled them to the “third bathroom,” inscribed pesky reminders of their physiology on their driver’s licenses, and imprisoned them with criminals of the opposite gender. Some men still won’t consider dating a woman who was born a “man” — whatever that antiquated designation means. One surmises that Stalking Cat encountered similar prejudices among potential dating partners of all sexes and species.

Society’s rejection of transanimals results in their rejection of themselves. When a man splits his tongue, amputates his arms, and fuses his legs together to realize his inner serpent, society calls him crazy, a freak, and troubled — instead of what he is: a snake. We will become as sane as they are only when we finally see transanimals as they see themselves.

All this recalls the dark ages when we denied that one biologically born a male who surgically remade herself as female was as much a woman as your mother. Dennis Avner was as much a cat as Chastity Bono is a man.

Yet, many landlords won’t rent to transanimals. Their contracts stipulate “no pets.” Restaurants still post “no dogs allowed” signs. Public parks demand that you keep animals on a leash. Dennis Avner served in the Navy. But he did so in the form of a human being. The ban on transspecies soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines persists despite the obvious intimidation factor that a battalion of tiger-men would impose on the enemy.

What was Stalking Cat supposed to make of the many restrictions, formal and informal, that civilization imposed upon his wild spirit?

Transanimals face a gross double standard vis-à-vis transgenders. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decrees that the Affordable Care Act forbids discrimination against transgendered patients within federally funded programs. U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, a Reagan appointee, has ordered Massachusetts taxpayers to fund gender reassignment surgery for Michelle Kosilek, an inmate convicted of murdering his wife after she caught him in her clothes. Sixteen state governments find a compelling interest in forbidding employers from taking into account a man’s metamorphosis into a woman, or vice versa, when hiring and firing.

By what logic do these states, the federal judge, and HHS, which prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, then permit discrimination based on animal identity?

In fits of self-absolution, tormentors conveniently maintain that the extinction of Stalking Cat, along with a transgender suicide rate 25 times the general population’s, proves that self-mutilation begins a slow self-destruction that ends in one’s ultimate destruction. Society has dysphoria over sexual, and species, dysphoria. We lose some of our humanity when we don’t extend it to gharials, capybaras, and narwhals. Cats are people too.

Mourn Dennis Avner’s tragic demise. But celebrate the miracle of his longevity. While most house cats survive to about 15, Stalking Cat lived to 54. If you last that many years more, you will surely meet others of his kind.

It’s a bestial domain we inhabit. Or, as Cat Stevens — no relation to Stalking Cat — told us, “Ooh baby, baby it’s a wild world.” It’s getting wilder.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Cat Steven became a Muslim. Please don’t use Cat Stevens (now aka Yusuf Islam) as an example if you value your NLP-free/’accidental-proselytization-neutrality’ credentials Daniel. People might wind up thinking you’re a subverted Xian fronting for Muslets hiding behind the controversial topic of bestiality.

mini-ARTICLE 2.5

4 Bodies Found Face-Down Outside California House – by DAISY NGUYEN Associated Press – LOS ANGELES December 2, 2012 (AP)

The bodies of four people who had been shot to death were found face-down Sunday outside a suburban Southern California home that apparently served as an unlicensed boarding house, authorities said.

Los Angeles police were seeking a motive for the attacks at the house in Northridge, in the San Fernando Valley.

Lt. Terri Brinkmeyer said a 911 call led police to the large house around 4:30 a.m. Cmdr. Andrew Smith said the bodies of two men and two women were found face-down on a side yard of the property.

Investigators were questioning several people who were on the property at the time of the shooting, but no one has been detained or arrested.

Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander, who represents the area, said the house was split into several units for rent. He said at least a dozen people lived in the house, which contained several bedrooms, kitchenettes and mattresses on the floor.

“It appears from the nature of things that this was an unlicensed boarding facility,” Englander said from the crime scene. He noted that one bedroom was only accessible through a window.

The house was on street lined with houses, schools and places of worship.

“This is a very safe neighborhood. This type of thing doesn’t normally happen here,” Englander said.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Places of worship is the keyword here perhaps. Fundo alert. Or religion contrived sense of entitlement that caused strife with possible secularists.


‘Asperger’s disorder’ being dropped from psychiatrists’ diagnostic guide by Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press

CHICAGO — The now familiar term “Asperger’s disorder” is being dropped. And abnormally bad and frequent temper tantrums will be given a scientific-sounding diagnosis called DMDD. But “dyslexia” and other learning disorders remain.

The revisions come in the first major rewrite in nearly 20 years of the diagnostic guide used by the nation’s psychiatrists. Changes were approved Saturday.

Full details of all the revisions will come next May when the American Psychiatric Association’s new diagnostic manual is published, but the impact will be huge, affecting millions of children and adults worldwide. The manual also is important for the insurance industry in deciding what treatment to pay for, and it helps schools decide how to allot special education.

This diagnostic guide “defines what constellations of symptoms” doctors recognize as mental disorders, said Dr. Mark Olfson, a Columbia University psychiatry professor. More important, he said, it “shapes who will receive what treatment. Even seemingly subtle changes to the criteria can have substantial effects on patterns of care.”

Olfson was not involved in the revision process. The changes were approved Saturday in suburban Washington, D.C., by the psychiatric association’s board of trustees.

The aim is not to expand the number of people diagnosed with mental illness, but to ensure that affected children and adults are more accurately diagnosed so they can get the most appropriate treatment, said Dr. David Kupfer. He chaired the task force in charge of revising the manual and is a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh.

One of the most hotly argued changes was how to define the various ranges of autism. Some advocates opposed the idea of dropping the specific diagnosis for Asperger’s disorder. People with that disorder often have high intelligence and vast knowledge on narrow subjects but lack social skills. Some who have the condition embrace their quirkiness and vow to continue to use the label.

And some Asperger’s families opposed any change, fearing their kids would lose a diagnosis and no longer be eligible for special services.

But the revision will not affect their education services, experts say.

The new manual adds the term “autism spectrum disorder,” which already is used by many experts in the field. Asperger’s disorder will be dropped and incorporated under that umbrella diagnosis. The new category will include kids with severe autism, who often don’t talk or interact, as well as those with milder forms.

Kelli Gibson of Battle Creek, Mich., who has four sons with various forms of autism, said Saturday she welcomes the change. Her boys all had different labels in the old diagnostic manual, including a 14-year-old with Asperger’s.

“To give it separate names never made sense to me,” Gibson said. “To me, my children all had autism.”

Three of her boys receive special education services in public school; the fourth is enrolled in a school for disabled children. The new autism diagnosis won’t affect those services, Gibson said. She also has a 3-year-old daughter without autism.

People with dyslexia also were closely watching for the new updated doctors’ guide. Many with the reading disorder did not want their diagnosis to be dropped. And it won’t be. Instead, the new manual will have a broader learning disorder category to cover several conditions including dyslexia, which causes difficulty understanding letters and recognizing written words.

The trustees on Saturday made the final decision on what proposals made the cut; recommendations came from experts in several work groups assigned to evaluate different mental illnesses.

The revised guidebook “represents a significant step forward for the field. It will improve our ability to accurately diagnose psychiatric disorders,” Dr. David Fassler, the group’s treasurer and a University of Vermont psychiatry professor, said after the vote.

The shorthand name for the new edition, the organization’s fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, is DSM-5. Group leaders said specifics won’t be disclosed until the manual is published but they confirmed some changes. A 2000 edition of the manual made minor changes but the last major edition was published in 1994.

Olfson said the manual “seeks to capture the current state of knowledge of psychiatric disorders. Since 2000 … there have been important advances in our understanding of the nature of psychiatric disorders.”

Catherine Lord, an autism expert at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York who was on the psychiatric group’s autism task force, said anyone who met criteria for Asperger’s in the old manual would be included in the new diagnosis.

One reason for the change is that some states and school systems don’t provide services for children and adults with Asperger’s, or provide fewer services than those given an autism diagnosis, she said.

Autism researcher Geraldine Dawson, chief science officer for the advocacy group Autism Speaks, said small studies have suggested the new criteria will be effective. But she said it will be crucial to monitor so that children don’t lose services.

Other changes include:

—A new diagnosis for severe recurrent temper tantrums — disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Critics say it will medicalize kids’ who have normal tantrums. Supporters say it will address concerns about too many kids being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with powerful psychiatric drugs. Bipolar disorder involves sharp mood swings and affected children are sometimes very irritable or have explosive tantrums.

—Eliminating the term “gender identity disorder.” It has been used for children or adults who strongly believe that they were born the wrong gender. But many activists believe the condition isn’t a disorder and say calling it one is stigmatizing. The term would be replaced with “gender dysphoria,” which means emotional distress over one’s gender. Supporters equated the change with removing homosexuality as a mental illness in the diagnostic manual, which happened decades ago.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

People are weird and different. The Victorian Era destroyed LGBT and butchered half the world’s indigenous cultures, many of which were LGBT friendly. The Victorian Era also propagated Christianity, which subsumed and destroyed many native faiths as well as subverted many world citizens into colonial mindsets that still persist this day. The English were expelled from the USA, sadly the Christian faith still is afflicting many populations worldwide. The English incidentally were the Angles, a group of GERMANIC outcasts that murdered the Celtic and Nordic cultures of the Isles, occupied thier lands, and butchered all the way through Africa, India and later China destroying lives, cultures and native religions for mere ‘paganism’ (those who didn’t want to belive in ‘god’ were heathens and ‘soulless’ needed to be murdered in those days . . . no end.


Onion: We just fooled the Chinese government! – by the CNN Wire Staff – November 28, 2012 — Updated 1015 GMT (1815 HKT)

Onion editor: Tricking China has a “certain delightfulness”
A Chinese news site takes an Onion satire for a real story
The Onion declares North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “sexiest man alive”
People’s Daily Online runs portions of the Onion story and 55 photos of Kim

(CNN) — China, as one Twitter user wrote Tuesday, has been fooled by the “mysterious Western art of satire.”

The merciless comedy website The Onion has declared North Korean leader Kim Jong Un the “sexiest man alive for 2012.” And it appears China’s People’s Daily Online has taken the story seriously.

“I love this one,” Onion editor Will Tracy told CNN. “It has a certain delightfulness to it.”

The Chinese story reprinted satirical comments describing Kim’s “air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side,” his “impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and,” the story says, “that famous smile.”
A Chinese state-run site was fooled Tuesday by a satirical story that declared North Korea\’s Kim Jong Un the \
A Chinese state-run site was fooled Tuesday by a satirical story that declared North Korea’s Kim Jong Un the “sexiest man alive.”

The story on People’s Daily Online on Tuesday illustrates the mutual backscratching that China and North Korea exercise through their government-run media. The incident also shows foreign media outlets’ difficulty in navigating The Onion’s brand of satire.

The Chinese website had underscored its story by including its own 55-page photo gallery to accompany the text, which was published in both English and Chinese. But the pages and the images were no longer available Wednesday.

A woman responding to a call Wednesday to the office of the website said it was “impossible that the People’s Daily will quote from any unreliable media — we do verify our news and sources.”

The woman, who declined to identify herself, noted that the item had been removed.

The People’s Daily Online has a separate office from the print version of the Chinese Communist Party’s main newspaper.

Tracy said he’s not surprised when legitimate news sites fall for his high-level tomfoolery, but this was the first time The Onion had named a “sexiest man alive.” “We knew it would get a response,” he said “but we didn’t expect it would get life from abroad.”

A satirical post on The Onion congratulated the People’s Daily for its coverage.

The site “has served as one of the Onion’s Far East bureaus for quite some time, and I believe their reportage as of late has been uncommonly fine, as well as politically astute,” said The Onion’s Grant Jones in a e-mail statement. “May our felicitous business association continue for centuries to come.”

Earlier Tuesday, The Onion pointed readers to the Chinese website: “please visit our friends at the People’s Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades.”

Twitter users went wild over the editorial faux pas. “It makes me cry from another room!” Tweeted Francesca Ulivi @fraubass.

“Not sure they know this was a joke,” wrote @loweringthebar.

“Curse of the #Onion again,” said Colin Freeman @colinfreeman99.

Yes. Again. If this scenario sounds familiar it’s because The Onion is no stranger to fooling government-run news outlets.

In September, an Onion satire fooled Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. Fars published an Onion story claiming that a Gallup poll found that rural white Americans preferred Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over President Barack Obama.

On the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo, netizens made their own teasing comments about People’s Daily.

“Foolish foreigners, the party paper was born to be funny,” wrote @sheldon-BaiBai.

“The world was fooled by the People’s Daily, because no Chinese believes this paper,” wrote @Hai_Dao_Wu_Bian.

The Onion never writes its stories with the intention of fooling government agencies, Tracy said. But “it’s great when it happens. We hope it happens more often.”

This prank, he said with obvious glee, may turn out to be the legendary Onion fake story that veterans will talk about for years to come. “We essentially just fooled the government of China.”

CNN’s Jethro Mullen and CY Xu contributed to this report.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Remember the boy who cried wolf? And if this is intended to harrass the foreign media, The Onion is just inviting the Chinese to do the same to foreign media portals. If this becomes rampant, then news on the internet will become rubbish or manipulative unreadable agenda laden nonsesne, and the MSM papers which will still remain propaganda, become more influencial and manipulative of the citizens locally until the dark pre-info-ages take hold again through sheer contrivedness and agenda loaded inaccuracy of articles. The Onion is opening a can of worms that could down all online media or online media accuracy if not careful . . . If the CNN, BBC and Peoples Daily or whatever online media do not remain strictly accurate in reporting, above the fray of b.s., the world will be poorer for the lack of ethics for preference of manipulation to bad ends.


Don’t name your kid Siri – by Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN – December 2, 2012 — Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT)

Sometimes a highly individualistic name for a baby is not good news for a kid, says Dean Obeidallah

Dean Obeidallah: A new list of popular 2012 baby names includes Siri, Mac, Luna
He says it’s not just celebrities with offbeat baby-naming now; it’s spreading to the rest of us
He says studies show distinctive names can spur teasing and mistreatment
Obeidallah: Parents, think twice on names; it could have long-term effect on your child

Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN. He is the editor of the politics blog “The Dean’s Report” and co-director of the upcoming documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” Follow him on Twitter: @deanofcomedy

(CNN) — Siri, Mars, Mac and Luna. I’m not talking Apple products or planetary terms. These are baby names. And not just any baby names but ones that have jumped in popularity in 2012, according to Baby’s just released list.

Baby Siri? Seriously, who would name their bundle of joy after a frustrating Apple product that hardly ever works? And speaking of Apple (see daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin,) that name moved up a whopping 585 places on the list of names for girls born in 2012. So there could conceivably be a family out there with a daughter named Apple and a son named Siri. (Hope that entitles the family to a discount on an iMac.)

There was a time when bizarre baby naming was something only celebrities did to their kids (as if being the child of a celebrity wasn’t challenging enough). There’s Beyonce and Jay Z’s Blue Ivy, Penn Jillette’s son, Moxie Crimefighter, Bono’s daughter Memphis Eve, actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspektor, and the list goes on and on.

But now this “condition” is apparently spreading to the rest of us. In addition to the offbeat names above, 2011 saw babies sporting such names as: Moo, Draper, Graceland and Tequila.

There are even media reports that this past weekend some parents allegedly named their newborn daughter, Hashtag. That one may turn out to be an Internet hoax, but after last year’s story of a child in Egypt being named Facebook (in praise of the role Facebook played in the Egyptian revolution), we can’t be too far from babies named Retweet and Spam Blocker anyway. It truly is only a matter of time until you meet a kid named DVR or Playstation 3.
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Apparently some parents believe that giving their child a jaw-dropping name will make him or her more distinctive. News flash: it’s not the name that makes your child stand out, it’s his or her achievements.

While I don’t want to rain on creativity, let’s be honest — these weird names are more about parents showing off their “cleverness” than about finding a name that fits the child. It’s not like the parents got to know the child first for a few months and then said, “You know this baby really is a little Siri.”
Beyonce, Jay-Z welcome baby Blue Ivy
Jolie: We are all Malala

And do these parents even consider that a baby’s name can cause consequences for the child that the parents never imagined, and in many areas of the child’s life? When I reflect upon my own name, I realize that my life could have been far different if my parents had followed their initial instincts when naming me.

My Palestinian father wanted to name me Saladin after the famous Muslim leader, while my Sicilian mother wanted to name me Dino. Instead they compromised on Dean.

Growing up in North Jersey, Dean was not a common name. But it actually made me feel different in a good way being the only Dean in my class. And even today in looking at the list of baby names for 2012, I was actually happy that Dean was not in the top 100.

Still, the truth is, if I’d been named Dino, I would have certainly been viewed as more ethnic by teachers, potential employers and co-workers. I would have been required to continually overcome cultural stereotypes.

And if I’d been named the very Arabic Saladin Obeidallah, you could just imagine all the “fun” I would have had in post-9/11 America. I would have likely volunteered for “random” security checks at the airport to make it easier for all involved or simply got used to taking the bus cross country.

But there’s a difference between a name that isn’t overly common and naming your child after your favorite appliance. A name is a big part of a kid’s identity. It can trigger impressions about a child even before we meet him or her — a particular problem among the closed-minded of the world, but this is the world your child will have to navigate.

For example, studies have found that children with names that linguistically sound like they come from a lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be recommended by school officials for gifted classes and actually more likely to be labeled as learning disabled.

Other research has revealed that boys with feminine sounding names — such as Shannon or Ashley — have had more disciplinary problems in school because of their response to teasing. Still other studies have found a link between how much people like their own names and their level of self-esteem.

So, parents, keep in mind that your choice of name will have a lasting impact on your child — both for good and bad. And if you insist on picking a bizarre name for the baby, then I propose that your child be empowered to rename you with any name he or she chooses. At least then it’s fair that a child named Hashtag has parents named Angry Birds and YouTube.

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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In the past there were in some cultures NAMING CEREMONIES AT ADULTHOOD. The child would choose a name LATER, and all children knew their names when young were TEMPORARY and that parents chose those names. Sometimes what the child did that was most unique would also decide what that child was RENAMED at adulthood. So ‘Hashtag’ away and legalise/normalise name changing at the age of 21. Knowing that names are temporary and chosen by parents, kids would not be affected by teasing because they knew they were going to change that name, or the teasers would not bother to tease knowing the name would also change by then.


‘If it was offensive then God wouldn’t have given us genitals’: Naked jogger wins High Court appeal after conviction – by Eddie Wrenn – PUBLISHED: 11:29 GMT, 3 December 2012 | UPDATED: 12:06 GMT, 3 December 2012

Shocked complainant said she would never walk her dog in Oropi Park, New Zealand, again
Andrew Pointon, 47, was charged with offensive behaviour for his naked runs
But appeal judge agrees that naked body by itself is not offensive

Freedom to jog naked: Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, won his appeal against offensive behaviour (stock picture)

The right to go jogging in the nude has been upheld by the High Court in New Zealand.

Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, was wearing only a pair of shoes when he was spotted by a woman while running at 8.30am in a forest near Tauranga in August last year.

She called police and he was arrested during another nude run.

Pointon was charged with offensive behaviour and found guilty in Tauranga District Court last December.

An appeal was thrown out in June, but a second appeal has just been upheld by Justice Paul Heath in the High Court at Tauranga.

‘If it was [offensive] then God wouldn’t have given us genitals,’ Mr Pointon told The Dominion Post.

‘It is a win for all libertarians and a setback for all conservatives in the country.’

The judge, Justice Heath, compared the situation to passing ‘gang members’ walking through the park.

He said: ‘It would not be surprising for a person in the position of the complainant to be concerned and discomforted by their presence, and even to feel threatened.

‘However, on any view, their behaviour would not be regarded as offensive behaviour.

‘Should the sight of a naked man, in the circumstances in which the complainant found herself, be treated any differently? I think not.’

He added that he felt Pointon was ‘a genuine naturist’ who had taken measures to avoid disturbing others – such as choosing a time when children would be unlikely to be on the track.

But Family First spokesman Bob McCoskrie said he was disappointed and said Justice Heath’s decision shows ‘double standards’.

He asked: ‘Is it okay for someone to streak through his courtroom? He’d be the first one to put them in the cells.’
Picturesque: The jogger was spotted close to Tauranga harbour in New Zealand

Picturesque: The jogger was spotted close to Tauranga harbour in New Zealand

Naturist Mr Pointon said he enjoyed the freedom of not wearing clothes and began running naked about 18 months ago.

The complainant, who was out walking her dog when she spotted Pointon, said she was so offended that she did not wish to ever return to the Oropi Bike Park.

But Pointon lashed out at the woman who complained.

He said: ‘It’s just ludicrous. Has this person got nothing better to do than wasting everyone’s time?

‘All she saw was a naked man running through the bush. It was just a fleeting moment, which has cost us all.

‘It just shows that it was a stupid decision by police to go ahead … and charge me for something totally irrelevant.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Perhaps a nudist’s track to keep the 2 different groups seperate.


A Good Example of Forms and Blogospheres Littered with NLPs : 2012, I am tired – Topic started on 9-12-2012 @ 02:48 AM by TheAlmo – reply posted on 9-12-2012 @ 03:00 AM by xxshadowfaxx

I just want the date to come. Lots of mystery surround it, lots of theories, but no one knows a damn thing.

If anything is going to happen, its going to be something we haven’t seen before. Something the ancients tracked 25000 years ago. No one alive today can possibly know what it is. We don’t even know for sure if we have the right date. All the math is very precise and it seems that dec 21 is certainly a good possibility, but we may be off by hundreds of years. All we can do is wait and see.

Soon you won’t have to worry about it anymore because it is only 12 days away now. Whatever happens, happens, theres nothing anyone can do about it.

Also, its definitely possible to be love. Love is a state of being, and beneath all your problems, all your thoughts, is a state of love. When you can learn to silence the mind, and learn how to move energy through your chakras, you will find yourself in a state of love. It is beautiful to experience. All the people that talk about are trying to tell you something, and most of us ignore it completely. But the answers to all questions truely do lie within us. Once you be love, once you attain that state, you are given knowledge about who you are, what you are, and what your purpose is. You will experience the divine.

Commentator Response

I am tired you guys. Enough. This is insane.

The amount of 2012 topics on ATS and everywhere is staggering. It seems everyone takes a shot at it. Everyone. You guys turned the year 2012 into a prostitute year that everyone can buy and f*** for a while.

The problem is that I go through phases. Sometimes, I just really don’t pay attention at all and I don’t even try to rationalize or criticize the material I am exposed to. Other times, I find myself so angry about it and digging deep to find every logical fallacy there is. You know why this happens to me? Because:

1- My mood changes from time to time
2- The 2012 shower is an everlasting one that never ever stops.

Therefore, my reaction to the eternal 2012 shower varies depending on my mood.

What do you mean when you say things like:

“The change is coming, embrace it”
“All you have to do is be love”

Why does it have to be so astonishingly ambiguous? Why?

What do you mean if I don’t “embrace” the change I won’t feel anything and December 21 will be just another day?

Can this lunacy get anymore vile and degrading to our intellect? I am sorry, but even the most spiritual practices can be “practicalized” if you know what I mean. You can ask me to actively stop thinking about people that I hate or that I even hate them. I can do that. But what do you mean when you say “Be Love”? How can someone be love? Can you be Batman? A sandwich? I don’t know. Be love? Embrace change? This all reminds me of an incident when I was a kid walking by a public swimming pool and a guy was teaching his 6-ish years old son to swim by saying: maintain your balance… don’t drown.

Yeah… the best thing to say to tell someone who’s drowning: yell at them: don’t drown. dude, not cool, you’re gonna die, maintain your balance. work physics to make it happen.

I am tired of this nonsensical spiritual masturbation.

What about doom and gloom?

Are you gonna tell me where to go? What to do? Or just scream around and run all over the place like a fuc*** moron? What? No place to go? Nothing to do? Where is the warning then? It’s not like you’re gonna say “told you so” later.

I am tired of this. It’s too much. It’s everywhere. Everywhere I go.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Thats the problem with the people. The laws written cause this, so vote for a candidate not of the 1% (plutocrat or political nepotist) or run as candidate yourself if there is no such candidate. Write and ratify laws to distribute national wealth and unused national land (the country belongs to all citizens so why should a handful of GLC cronies get everything, even the land and wealth from natural resources belong to the people and must be shared to reserved for a handful of politicians who can be easily identified if mega-wealthy), and end the raison d’etre for NLP articles. This way there will be enough harmony so that the world need not end, or if the world ends, everyone was happy anyway.


How The Cost of a Degree is Now £100,000 – Posted on December 9, 2012 by Zen-Haven – Author: Paul Gallagher

The true cost of a university degree will rocket to up to £100,000 for today’s students, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

Thousands of people currently studying at university will end up paying that amount over their career because of interest charges and other fees – several times the £27,000 or £36,000 in fees that most three- and four-year courses charge.

The landmark figure, revealed in the Government’s own documents, is far higher than the £70,000 in repayments that it was previously thought students would end up paying over their lifetimes. The Government figures confirm that graduates who find well-paid jobs – in finance and law, for example – will be able to save tens of thousands of pounds by paying off their loans more quickly than the vast majority of their counterparts on middle incomes.

Even before they started in September, every student was hit with a hidden charge: for repayment purposes, the total cost of tuition is backdated to day one, meaning that the majority of the 300,000 three-year students and 117,000 four-year students currently studying will graduate with an extra £3,300 or £5,000 bill respectively, according to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) website. Many students will repay up to four times the cost of their tuition during the 30 years following graduation, after which any remaining debt is written off.

Add in other living costs and average student debt is now predicted to hit £53,000 by graduation. Accountants say billions of pounds of student debt will never be repaid, leaving “a massive tax time bomb” for generations to come.

Based on the Government’s figures, almost 300,000 students – 70 per cent of those studying – who started university in the autumn will repay between £65,000 and £85,000, while those in the highest income bracket pay back less because they will start to pay off their debts sooner. About 10 per cent who are in the “squeezed middle” could end up paying back between £85,000 and £100,000. The 20 per cent of graduates with the lowest lifetime earnings (a group dominated by women) will never come close to repaying their fees and the debt will be written off after 30 years.

The Government’s own projections lay out details of what students and graduates would owe at the start of each year in interest and repayment charges. What graduates pay back each month depends on their earnings: 9 per cent of income above £21,000 a year, independent of both the interest rate and the size of the loan. The amount due increases with time because interest is added. A 28-year-old male beginning a three-year course and whose starting salary of £21,000 quickly rises to £60,000 in year four, and is a six-figure salary by year 15, will settle his bill in 13 years, repaying just over £42,000. A woman who earns less than a third of that in her lifetime and who begins work a few years after graduating repays almost £62,000 over 28 years. A woman in her twenties who earns less than £1m in her career and takes time out to have a family will pay back less than £20,000, leaving an unpaid debt of almost £60,000. Scottish students in Scotland have their fees paid, while students in Northern Ireland pay a maximum £3,575 a year tuition.

Peter West, financial director at Portal, a computer company in Bracknell, Berkshire, said: “No one is aware of the long-term implications of this accounting wheeze. Higher education reform is a victimless crime and a massive tax time bomb. The Government has simply shifted all the debt off the accounting sheet for now – but, my God, will it come back and hit us in 30 years’ time.”

Susan Cooper, professor of experimental physics from the University of Oxford, said: “If the £21,000 repayment threshold doesn’t increase with inflation, the requirement for repayment can become much more onerous over the 30-year period. And maybe the 30 years could be increased as well. The higher the costs, the more the Government has to write off 30 years later. One could have wished for a more thorough thinking through of the consequences before being launched into this experiment.”

The University and College Union general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: “The Government rushed through higher fees without properly considering the financial consequences. We warned at the time that fees close to £9,000 a year would be the norm and that the calculations for repayment by graduates were flawed.”

A spokesperson for BIS said: “Extending the write-off period to 30 years was fully costed as part of the whole repayment system. The new system helps reduce the deficit, is affordable and sustainable for the Government, while offering protection for those who may not go on to high-paid employment.”

Chuka Umunna, Labour business spokesman, said: “Students will never forgive this government for hiking up the costs of going to university. This figures show that, as ever, it is middle- and lower-income families who are being hit hardest.”

The NUS president, Liam Burns, added: “It is shocking that politicians treat the potential of a generation before they have even started their working career with such nonchalance.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The problem is that the establishment (or NWO) has already decided which people friendly to the regime of the day will get the top jobs that can actually influence policy or social culture. So even before enrollment or payment, those who are not on the same wavelength of the Education-STUDENT-DEBT-Financiar Complex (nominlly fused with the dominant religious institutions of the region – if these are not insane or hated or indulging in pedophilia) had better not even bother with ‘Education’ and instead learn how to vote and educate others on how to vote. The system is stacked EVEN at  education level and hardly neutral. Identify this and act accordingly by refusing to spend anything on education. Free spirits beware, the mob mentality of society comprised with useless eaters only enriches the 1% term limitless plutocrats and political nepotists.


Celebration of the Nudists of the 2010s : Ai Weiwei investigated over nude art – Chinese artist says he is under investigation for spreading pornography, after pictures including One Tiger Eight Breasts

Jonathan Watts in Beijing – The Guardian, Friday 18 November 2011 15.54 GMT

The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei poses with nude women in Beijing

Ai Weiwei and female nudists.

Ai Weiwei and female nudists.

Ai Weiwei is under investigation for spreading pornography, the Chinese artist has said, as the authorities turned their attention from political subversion and tax evasion to online images of nudity.

He said police had questioned his cameraman Zhao Zhao on Thursday over pictures Zhao had taken of the artist. “They clearly told him this is an investigation, now, they are doing on me, on pornography,” Ai told the AFP news agency.

One of the pictures, One Tiger Eight Breasts, shows Ai posing nude on a wooden chair flanked by four naked women who are giggling and smiling.

“Netizens came to take photos with me, so we said why don’t we take nudity photos, then everybody agreed so we did it and they were put on the internet, and that’s it, we forget about it,” Ai said.

This year Ai has been held for 81 days in a secret location, questioned about subversion and then accused of tax evasion and given a fine of 15m yuan. Several of his assistants have been detained for lengthy periods and interrogated about Ai’s political beliefs, business and personal life.

His lawyers say the investigations are politically motivated to silence Ai, who has used his high profile to speak out on police brutality, official corruption and human rights violations.

Police have been reluctant to discuss his case and there has been little or no coverage in most domestic media outlets. But the Communist party newspaper Global Times said on Wednesday that dissidents such as Ai could only exist because of the support of the west.

“For 30 years Ai Weiweis have emerged and fallen. But China has kept rising despite their pessimistic predictions. The real social trend is that they will be eliminated in the rising process of China,” said a comment article in the paper.

Ai has attempted to turn the tables by mounting an internet campaign against his accusers. He says 30,000 people contributed a total of more than 8m yuan to his online appeal for loans to challenge his tax fine.

A pornography or obscenity charge based on the pictures revealed so far is likely to incur ridicule and anger among Ai’s supporters. Many Chinese contemporary artists have appeared naked in their work.

Ai said police had previously questioned him about the images, but he doubted they understood art. “If they see nudity as pornography, then China is still in the Qing dynasty,” he told Associated Press.

Ai Weiwei with EVEN MORE nudists.

Ai Weiwei with EVEN MORE nudists. The CPCC and PLA need not fear this wall of human flesh led by a scruffy semi-geezer, fear is in the mind China!

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This is not for everyone BUT, this is an acid test of human rights and civil society. Hey frumpOs, if you had the aesthetic, you’d be as sex positive and body confident enough to use nakeness and beauty as weapons to shame the ugliness of society and the establishment instead of attacking nudism and snarking on morality. So stop victimising naked persons, that counts for MALE body parts too . . . so about a decade ago there was this activist who really didn’t know why until now . . . WHOS STILL WRITING TO END APARTHEID . . . Nudism is COURAGE and PETA is not exactly at the level of anti-apartheid activity.

PETA Nudists.

PETA Nudists.

Perhaps Nelson Mandela should visit Ai Weiwei and learn something missed, though this does not make for mainstream just yet but we early birds are the most well loved birds, so see Israeli women have taken a nude group photo to express solidarity with Aliaa Magda Elmahdy . . . and look at non-Muslims getting arrested for Khalwat in Muslim countries. Monyet dan Anjing! Hunga bunga! Bulaklak!


QUOTE Lursa : ‘Human (nudist) females are so revolting . . . ‘ UNQUOTE – Star Trek Generations 1994, David Carson

Ladies, if you’re a Lursa or a B’etor everyone will understand why the preference to stay covered is there, BUT no understanding will be offered to those who hate on all of the above people who dare to be nudist or go nude for their cause. Same to the narrow gents. What’s YOUR cause Frumpos? Snarking at people who try to change the world? Who try to end apartheid? Who challenge status quo?

Nudists in Russia marching against Putin's 3rd term??? . . .

Nudists Nuns in Russia marching against Putin’s 3rd term??? . . .

The more ‘faithful’ they are the more brittle the faith . . . hence the term ‘cracker’ . . . so go hide your daughters and get out your shotguns. (this is intended to remind those without 2nd amendment rights to know how good hillbillies live in the USA, no other reason . . . ). Aight back to surfing porn and drinking horse, pork and beef flavoured beer . . .

Nudists in Paris.

Nudists in Paris.

Israeli Nudists for St.Alia.

Israeli Nudists for St.Alia.

Pussy Riot - Russia.

Pussy Riot – Russia.

Nudist Zones in China (at least zones exist . . .)

Nudist Zones in China (at least zones exist . . .)

This is not a nudist gathering but rather an English advert.

This is not a nudist gathering but rather an English advert.

So the next time someone is dressed like this, just keep the mouth shut. Bikini's are skimpier and even if out of context, nudism is not even sexual activity per se. The clothes on this woman are actually kinda wholesome, even with the neons . . .

So the next time someone is dressed like this, just keep that mouth shut. Bikini’s are skimpier and even if out of context, nudism is not even sexual activity per se. The clothes on this woman are actually kinda wholesome, even with the neons . . .

mini-ARTICLE 9.5

Woman Has Baby At Upstate New York Zoo : There was no time to get the expectant mother to hospital after she suddenly went into labour on Friday. – 8:33pm UK, Saturday 08 December 2012 – Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York

A New York state zoo has had a surprise visit – from the stork.

A woman went into labour on Friday and gave birth on a path at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse.

The 21-year-old woman, who was visiting the zoo with a group, had a baby girl with help from keepers not far from the bear exhibit.

Zoo worker Liz Schmidt told The Post-Standard that she heard about the situation and rushed to find the woman already pushing out the baby.

“I honestly didn’t expect her to deliver at the zoo,” Ms Schmidt said. “I thought we’d pop her in a wheelchair and she’d be good to go to the hospital.”

Other workers arrived with blankets to keep the mother and baby warm, and the zoo’s elephant expert herded away curious visitors.

An ambulance soon arrived to take the newborn to a hospital. A hospital representative declined to discuss the mother or baby’s medical conditions for privacy reasons.

Zoo Director Ted Fox said the attraction plans to send a gift to the family.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Nice . . . so Penang gets another beast among their ranks what was being snatched? Zoo animals conceiving? Now we understand why cheaters never prosper and why (some) Asians REALLY do not have Human Souls. That which is not one’s may never belong by theft or strength in numbers, more so on the spiritual level. How about another invasion of the 3rd world before the pariahs get too strong. Those who play by the rules need not worry, by now most of the ‘invaders’ should be able to identify the whos who among pariahs and among the rich and politically connected are plenty of pariahs.


Medvedev Makes Strange Off-Air Comments : The Russian prime minister expressed bizarre views on Father Christmas and aliens when the cameras were still rolling. – 9:43pm UK, Friday 07 December 2012

Dmitry Medvedev has been caught making some unusual comments off-air after failing to realise television cameras were still rolling.

The Russian prime minister let his guard down after an interview with five Russian television stations – offering his strange views on Father Christmas and aliens as well as taking a pot shot at President Vladimir Putin and the federal police.

“I believe in Father Frost. But not too deeply. But anyway, you know, I’m not one of those people who are able to tell the kids that Father Frost does not exist,” he said in a jovial reply to a question about Russia’s equivalent of Santa Claus.

He went on to take a jab at Mr Putin for his frequent lateness for meetings after he was more than hour late for an event in southern Russia.

“Colleagues, somebody should be extremely punctual, while somebody else is exhausting all the limits for being late,” he said.

The comments invited a satirical reaction on the Internet which is unlikely to help Mr Medvedev, whose power has been ebbing since Mr Putin took over as president.
RUSSIA-GOVERNMENT-POLITICS-MEDVEDEV The prime minister speaking to the TV stations that caught him off-air

In the interview itself, Mr Medvedev underlined his allegiance to the president in a likely bid to dismiss rumours he is about to be fired.

In an unexpected move, the liberal-leaning prime minister defended Kremlin-backed laws which critics say will be used to stifle dissent.

But in the off-air comments, he was more frank.

When a journalist complained about federal investigators arriving to search the home of a witness in an inquiry early in the morning, Mr Medvedev said: “They are just jerks, so they come at eight in the morning.

“It’s just their set of habits. I know many people who work in the police. They think if they come at seven in the morning they will get everything in the world.”

Another of the journalists asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet,” Mr Medvedev answered playfully.

“Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country…

“More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic,” he said.

None of the television stations that interviewed Medvedev broadcast the off-air comments.

Russians mocked the prime minister on the internet.

“It’s sad when the former president and current prime minister of your country is simply a pathetic person,” Yekaterina Kudinova wrote on Twitter.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Not strange at all but with the kind of Russian subtlty that bore Russia a Marx. Medvedev has a OCCULT (or Techno advanced derived) CONSCIENCE which could be tranlated into OCCULT (or Techno advanced derived) ETHICS which can translate into (or Techno advanced derived) MORALLY AFFLUENT LAWS. This is my strange response to Medvedev’s strange off air comments. Expositions on methodology will lead to spiritual cleanliness and less hive mindedness and less mob mindedness, these many headed “non-individuals” Medvedev is referring to are the true criminals of Humanity that need to have the worst happen to them.

A one-on-one between exes is not the same as mass parasitisation, and we all know where spiritual parasites are going, those who do not produce and only take, as “Useless Eaters” are bound for the Auswictzs’ of the future (and past). In other words, do your own work or (spiritual homework) and choose your fights carefully and with respect, millions of spirits will be seeking their payment for their untimely deaths and that will be the ‘hell’ everyone keeps talking about . . . vote Medevedev for the next Sec. Gen. of the UN and we might see a better world if Medevedev applies entirely such principles within the SPIRITUAL update of the UN Human Rights Charter. Here’s one for the morally affluent non-cops and non-parasites . . . lets shine a light on all degenerates who won’t even think for themselves . . .


Rotting whale in Malibu likely left to nature – by RAQUEL MARIA DILLON | Associated Press

MALIBU, Calif. (AP) — No government agency is taking action to remove the decaying carcass of a whale on a California beach, making it appear the job will be left to Mother Nature.

The corpse of the huge fin whale created a spectacle on Friday as people wandered down the narrow Malibu beach to look at the remains — white bones, rolls of blubber and the tail flukes trailing along the water’s edge.

The homes of movie stars, celebrities and others line the cliffs high above the slender beach.

Looking over the whale, Malibu resident Ben Dossett suggested there was now no need to try to remove it.

“You look at the difference between what it was on Tuesday to what it is today. I think they can just leave it and let nature take its course,” he said.

The smell had largely faded away, but still attached to the shoes of those who came near. Some people took pictures, a boy poked the bones and dogs sniffed it.

“It’s really sad that this is my first time seeing a whale,” said Ingrid De La O, a Malibu resident. “It’s mind-boggling to see this immense huge thing that lives in the water.”

The 40-foot-long, 40,000-pound juvenile male washed ashore Monday near Point Dume, which marks the western end of Santa Monica Bay, about 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles.

“From the evidence that we have so far, it appears that it was hit by a ship,” said Jonsie Ross, marine mammal coordinator for the California Wildlife Center.

James Respondek, a real estate agent who lives in the area, worried that the carcass would draw sharks that could pose a threat to his young daughter, who swims in the cove, and to his favorite surfing spot down the beach. He said he was frustrated that no agency would remove the carcass.

“There seems to be no readiness to take responsibility, to take action, just a lot of excuses. ‘I don’t have a boat, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the resources,’ they all told me,” he said.

Fin whales are endangered, and about 2,300 live along the West Coast. They’re the second-largest species of whale after blue whales and can grow up to 85 feet, weigh up to 80 tons and live to be 90 years old.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Austerity leads to political caution? Cost saving and avoiding use of crony contractors (in this case whale cleaning crews companies which the government cleverly decided not to pay with taxpayer funds by, or where the links were so obvious they did not want to expose their political flank for) is good for the taxpayers and respect of tax fund access, and who knows a clever reference to Kim Schmidt that MSM should play on . . . the cleanup might cost a few thousand which could go to the starving or homeless, instead of  a crony company. The local bars could take a look at the below article btw, a potential money making and indirect clean up courtesy of the local oceanside bars, though killings of mostly endangered whales intentionally by ship owners should be very carefully watched for . . .

mini-ARTICLE 11.5

‘Whale Skin’ Cocktail: London Bar Raided – A ‘Moby Dick’ cocktail allegedly containing illegal whale skin is removed from a trendy Hoxton bar’s menu after a police raid. – 9:43am UK, Sunday 09 December 2012

There is a Europe-wide ban on the sale of whale meat

A London bar has been raided by police for allegedly serving cocktails flavoured with illegal whale skin.

The Metropolitan police targeted the Nightjar bar in Hoxton, East London, where a drink called the Moby Dick was listed in an online menu.

It was described as containing Laphroaig whisky, Drambuie, ale and bitters, along with a “whale skin infusion”.

There is a Europe-wide ban on the sale of whale meat and products, except under strict restrictions in Greenland and Denmark.

Police were tipped-off in October that the bar was serving whale skin illegally, and raided the City Road premises on December 3.

It was carried out by officers from the Met’s Wildlife Crime Unit and an officer from the United Kingdom Border Force.

“One item from the premises was seized,” said a police spokesman. “This has been sent for analysis.”

No arrests have been made.

No-one from the bar was available for comment, however the Sunday Times reported that the bar’s management was unaware the drink may have contained an illegal ingredient until the raid.

The drink no longer appears on the bar’s online menu.

'Muktuk' Whaleskin, fresh from Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna, Alaska.

‘Muktuk’ Whaleskin, fresh from Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna, Alaska.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Mix, shake it cold and pour into an icecube-filled highball glass, top with soda. Drop the soda and use a smaller glass with crushed ice to get a fuller taste. Drape whale skin on edge.


2 1/2 parts Dark rum
1/2 part Galliano
1 part Triple sec
3 parts Lemon juice
2 parts 7-up
wedge of Lemon
whale skin infusion


I wanted to burn down the hospital that let my husband die like a battery hen: MP’s heartbreaking account of NHS neglect – by Frances Hardy – PUBLISHED: 00:50 GMT, 8 December 2012 | UPDATED: 10:28 GMT, 8 December 2012

Owen Roberts was an Oxford graduate, a man of dazzling intellect and gentle wit, who met Ann when they were both young broadcast journalists

Ann Clwyd had presumed that when her husband was admitted to a flagship teaching hospital, the staff charged with caring for him would do just that. It was not an outrageous assumption.

She did not imagine that he would die ‘like a battery hen’, squashed against the bars of his bed.

She did not anticipate that he would deteriorate catastrophically because, she feels, those entrusted to look after him were guilty of ‘indifference, contempt and callousness’.

She had expected that her gentle and genial husband, Owen Roberts, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, would be accorded care and kindness.

Instead, six weeks ago, he died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff, as she sat helpless at his side.

This week, Ann, 75, the Labour MP for Cynon Valley, and a redoubtable campaigner for the rights of the oppressed, steeled herself to make her private grief public.

She did so not for political aggrandisement but to try to spare others similar suffering.

Ann spoke out shortly after Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt admitted that poor standards of care are one of the biggest problems facing the NHS; that in the worst cases, hospital staff are overseeing ‘a kind of normalisation of cruelty’.

And she wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients.

When I met her in her parliamentary office later, she was composed and softly-spoken. Occasionally her eyes blurred with tears, but aside from grief, the emotion that overwhelms her is a quiet, simmering fury.

‘I felt it in the hospital,’ she says. ‘I can’t really remember what happened immediately after Owen died — it’s a blur — but I do remember my anger. Owen did not die from MS. He died from hospital-acquired pneumonia, and from lack of care and attention.

‘I’m still angry, and the anger gets fiercer. I think at one point I felt I’d like to burn down the hospital.

‘I know that people meet in rooms and discuss things and promise it will never happen again. But you know very well that it does. Again and again.

‘Owen was a tall man, 6ft 2in, and he died cramped and squashed against the bars of his bed like a battery hen. He had an oxygen mask that didn’t fit properly and cut into his chin. When I asked for a better fitting one, they said, “Oh, we don’t think so”.

Almost every request I made was ignored or dismissed. His lips were very dry and I couldn’t understand why nobody was moistening them. I used my own lip salve on them.

‘I saw a nurse in the corridor and asked her why my husband wasn’t in intensive care. She just said, “There are lots worse than him”, and walked on.

‘Previously, I had asked another nurse if a doctor had seen him that day, and she said: “No, but we know what to do.”

To me, that meant “We’ll do nothing”. It was almost as if someone, somewhere, had decided they weren’t going to do anything more for Owen, although he was obviously very ill.
Six weeks ago, Owen Roberts died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, pictured

Six weeks ago, Owen Roberts died, aged 73, of pneumonia he had contracted while at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, pictured

‘He was very cold, because a patient in the next bed had a fan that was blowing cold air over him and Owen had only thin cotton blankets on his bed.

‘There was no one observing him. You ask yourself: “Where is everyone? Where are the nurses? Why is no one doing anything?”

‘You kick yourself that you didn’t stand in the corridor and scream, but when you’re an MP, you’re concerned about throwing your weight around. And you think, “I’m in a specialist hospital, with people who’ve been professionally trained” — and you assume they know what they’re doing.

‘But a basic element of good care was missing: compassion.

‘Owen lived with great dignity and fortitude, but when he died, he was treated with contempt. And I believe the fact that the nurses and doctors failed in their duty of care contributed to his death.’

Owen Roberts was an Oxford graduate, a man of dazzling intellect and gentle wit, who met Ann when they were both young broadcast journalists. He went on to become a distinguished director and producer on Welsh television.

They had no children and Ann entered politics — and became MP for her Welsh constituency in 1984. She later became Tony Blair’s special envoy on human rights in Iraq.

When Owen died in October, they had been married for 49 years.
Ann Clwyd was the UK special envoy for Human Rights in Iraq from 2003 to 2010. She is pictured during a visit to the Welsh Guards in Iraq

For 30 years he had suffered from MS, but had borne adversity with courage. Two years ago, in 2010, he fractured his leg in a fall and had a partial hip replacement, which left him confined to a wheelchair. But he lived at home in South Wales with Ann, who combined her parliamentary duties with looking after him.

He was ‘spirited, aware and intellectually curious’ and had enjoyed a visit from an old friend, an Oxford professor, just days before he collapsed on October 10 and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

At the hospital, Owen was allocated a bed in an open area of the A&E department, near the nurses’ station. Ann was told he would be kept in for observation, but she did not want to leave him until she had established that he would be sent to a ward.

She recalls: ‘Every time I tried to talk to one of the nurses, they were either on the phone or talking to one another. I know they were busy, but it did not explain how they could completely ignore a patient.

‘Whenever I asked when we’d see someone, the answer was always: “In a minute.” There was busy-ness, laughter, joking?…?but nobody addressed our concerns.

‘A doctor arrived with a tick list. He was brusque, arrogant and rude — he didn’t even introduce himself. When I asked, “What’s your name?”, he looked at me as if I’d said something impertinent. After he’d asked his questions, he just went off.

‘All this time, I hadn’t been offered a chair or a word of explanation. I’d expected at least some reassurance. But it was as if the nurses were in their little world. There was a feeling of total isolation’

Faced with this, Ann sent a text message to her PA, begging her to ask for help on her behalf.

Two-and-a-half hours later, a doctor arrived and assured her that Owen would be sent to a respiratory ward. Ann duly went home — but 24 hours later, her husband was still in A&E.

Meanwhile, Ann became ill herself, with a chest infection, and was unable to visit her husband — who’d now, finally, been transferred to a ward — for fear of infecting him and other patients.

Instead, friends and family popped in every day and she sought reports on his condition by phone. Often, she was thwarted. ‘I’d be told his nurse wasn’t there, or was on a tea break. I asked to speak to him on the phone, but they told me it was a facility they didn’t offer.’
The MP wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients

The MP wept in the House of Commons this week when she asked the Prime Minister what he intended to do about nurses who fail to show compassion for their patients

Owen was diagnosed with sleep apnoea, a treatable disorder characterised by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. He was, Ann was told, to be given a mask to wear at night to help regularise his breathing. It never materialised.

However, she spoke on the phone to a staff nurse, who offered a hopeful and cheering prognosis, predicting that Owen should be able to return home the following week.

The next day, however, Ann had a call from a consultant, telling her that he was very worried. “We think he’s got pneumonia,” he said.

‘I was stunned; panicked. I rushed in with my niece, and they told me he was not responding to antibiotics.’ Owen’s condition deteriorated sharply. Ann recalls the eight hours she spent at his bedside on the day before he died, on October 23.

‘I took in a catalogue of shirts and ties that had arrived in the post because he loved colourful ties and I thought he’d find it a bit of a joke. I showed it to him and he said, in Welsh, “Tomorrow”. It was the last word he said to me.’

‘I sat by his bed and he was breathing with his oxygen mask on. One of his eyes was inflamed and watering, so I asked for a nurse to wipe it. But no one came. So I got a tissue from my bag.

‘I sat at his bedside from 2.30pm until 10.30pm and, as far as I recall, no one said anything to us. No one asked me if I wanted a cup of tea. It was as if I was invisible.

‘There was one ward round, and I stood in a corridor while they pulled the curtains around Owen’s bed. They were gone in a flash, and I’ve no idea what went on.

‘I tried to reassure him, so that he didn’t feel abandoned. He was very cold — as he had been all the time he was in hospital. I put red socks on him — he always liked red socks — and I sat and held his hand.’

When Ann returned home, she texted a friend: ‘No doctor has been since this morning. Very few nurses around either. Not very happy with the set-up.’ That night, she slept fitfully for a few hours, and was called back to the hospital at 5?am.

‘I was in a state of shock. I got dressed very quickly and put on a red coat that Owen loved.

‘My neighbour Geraldine came with me, and when we got there and found Owen’s knee squashed against the side bars of the bed. We pushed a pillow in between to make him more comfortable. His feet were sticking out of the end of the bed and he was cold. Geraldine got a towel and put it over his feet.

‘I’d once got a bill through parliament to improve the welfare of battery hens, and I remember thinking he looked so cramped and squashed he was just like one.

‘I just sat there and stroked his arm. I was afraid to do anything — but I was in a university teaching hospital and I thought they must know what they were doing.

‘It was all a bit of a haze, but I remember thinking: “Why aren’t they doing anything?” I tried to say encouraging words. I wanted to reassure him, to let him know that I was there.

‘I’d never seen anyone die before, but when I saw the blood draining from Owen’s face, I just knew that he was dead.
As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off – but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time’

As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off – but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time’

‘Just at that moment, a nurse came in with a trolley crying out: “Anyone for breakfast?” It was only a four-bed ward, and she showed indifference bordering on callousness. It was, for me, a very emotionally draining time — and I believe care and dignity were not there. Owen was treated with contempt.’

As Ann’s husband died, there was a sudden flurry of activity. ‘People rushed in, tore his mask off — but it was too little too late. And I suspect it had been for some time.’

A few days after her husband’s funeral, Ann returned to work. Friends had told her that work was the best therapy — but six weeks on, sleep eludes her.

For her, solace comes in the form of campaigning so that others do not suffer as her husband did. ‘This is why I’ve forced myself to speak out. I’ve had hundreds of supportive emails, and one retired GP wrote: “I felt ashamed of my profession and I cried at your distress.”

‘I don’t want any redress for myself, but I want to start a campaign. I just want to flag up the lack of compassion.

‘We all know nurses work under huge pressure, but so many now have degrees, and it seems to me there is more interest in their qualifications than in the qualities they should show to their patients.

‘Care, compassion, concern: this is what is needed. This is the message I want to get across.’

Mr Adam Cairns, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Chief Executive, said he was keen to meet with Ms Clwyd.

‘I would, of course, like to offer my sincere condolences to Ms Clwyd on the loss of her husband. I have been very concerned to learn of her experiences but, unfortunately, to date, and despite repeated efforts, Ms Clwyd has not responded to our offers to meet with her.

‘As a health board, we always accept responsibility when things don’t go well, which is why we really need Ms Clwyd to help us get to the bottom of what happened in the case of her late husband and to allow us to investigate fully the very serious concerns she has raised.

‘I’ve asked for a review of the case to be undertaken, a process which would be much improved by having information first-hand of the circumstances surrounding this case.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Any person can be a nurse without the degree after an informal internship. Somehow, working so hard and saving so much for a degree sucks the very compassion and humanity necessary to be a good nurse and a good citizen. Modern education is EVIL but in a very subtle way. Thats another reason to avoid those who swear by education, especially HIGHER EDUCATION. I had a dozen or so friends that ‘died’ (dehumanized to point of non-viability as friends) after getting educations.

They never seemed the same. As for hospitals, I’d say that my parents who had some reason to be interred, ALSO ‘died’ and became ‘different’ after their stays. Education and healthcare, even working on a salary in general somehow fracture the souls of those they come into contact with or those working at such places. Try talking to people with less education and compare, while the conversations are mostly less interesting or more limited, the sense of humanity is more intact. There might be some sort of ‘contract’ that the spirit seems to be affected by when using such institutions, not easy to place this occult sort of thing, but most of society excepting the people denouncing or untouched by the overall system make for a very difficult case to put forth, yet we still try and the closing thing to a key I’d say is to study Socialism and Marxism FIRST before getting into the Capitalist and Consumerist world. That is all I can offer to those who are afflicted with what I just described. Modern society is a spiritual sickness of sorts. That and high density living which fosters hive minds ad mob mindedness . . . the other thing that changes a person’s objectivity and ‘true self’, is marriage and family, but that will be for another response . . .


Doomsday Plans? Or forewarned of terror by terrorists (and hence complicit)? – Jurong Rock Cavern – Published April 17, 2009

“Jurong Rock Cavern, South-east Asia’s first underground rock cavern for oil storage, with its two access shafts almost completed, will begin its first phase of proper construction at year end, with the first two caverns providing 480,000 cu meters of storage. JRC is located more than 100 meters below Jurong Island’s Banyan Basin and it will provide safe and secure storage for liquid hydrocarbons such as crude oil, condensate, naphtha and gasoil. Locating the JRC just beneath Jurong Island will add more infrastructural support to the major chemical companies operating there such as Chevron Philips, ExxonMobil and Shell. Phase 1 of the project will free up about 60ha of usable land above ground and it will create 1.47 million cu metres of storage space, equivalent to 580 Olympic-sized pools, when completed by 2014. The cavern itself will be up to 27 m high – equivalent to a nine-storey building. This first phase will consist of 8km of tunnels and five caverns housing a total of nine storage galleries. The caverns will be built using a technique that drills and blasts sedimentary rock and for greater stability, the inner wall will be lined with rock bolts. A planned phase 2 of the project will double JRC’s storage capacity. GK-JCPL Consortium, a Jurong International partnership with French engineering firm Geostock, has previously been awarded the contract to in providing basic engineering design and construction management services for the caverns and associated facilities. Jurong International is also previously responsible for many of the heavy infrastructure and engineering projects associated with Jurong Island including its initial formation via reclamation and amalgamation of seven islands.”

Why we need such a deep storage in granite…300 feet below the surface? Just hoping its not for nuclear plant or weapons storage.

Hyundai clinches $890m Jurong Rock Cavern contract – by RONNIE LIM

CONSTRUCTION proper of Singapore’s underground oil storage project is finally set to start with South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering & Construction clinching the main $890 million ‘design and build’ contract this week from JTC Corporation.

Actual building under this contract, for the first phase of Jurong Rock Cavern (JRC), begins at year- end, with the first two caverns providing 480,000 cubic metres of oil storage when ready in the first half of 2013.

The entire phase one, comprising five caverns, will offer a total of 1.47 million cu m when completed by 2014.

This will make the JRC slightly larger than the $470 million, 1.24 million cu m tankfarm of Horizon Terminals, but about two- thirds that of Hin Leong Trading’s $750 million, 2.3 million cu m Universal Terminal – Asia’s largest commercial storage.

The project had earlier run into some delays, although Senior Minister of State for Trade & Industry S Iswaran last month gave the assurance that Singapore was committed to the JRC which would help alleviate the land shortage on Jurong Island.

Investors have not been able to get land there to build more above-ground oil terminals needed by oil refiners and traders to store their oil and petrochemical products.

So despite being behind schedule and slightly above cost, the JRC will provide necessary infrastructure for Singapore’s oil hub, especially once the rebound comes.

The cost for phase one of JRC – being built under Banyan Basin – has run up by about one-third to $940 million from an earlier estimate of $700 million.

This includes the $50 million for two access shafts and start-up galleries – which are almost completed – to facilitate construction.

The chosen operator of the JRC – earlier expected to be announced at the same time as the main construction award – will, however, only be made known by mid-year, JTC officials indicated yesterday.

Existing terminal operators here such as Royal Vopak of Holland and Emirates National Oil Company are known to be vying for this.

The main construction award came 11/2 years after the tender was first called by JTC in late-2007.

Asked why it took that long, given that there were only two bidders (the other being South Korea’s SK Engineering), the spokesman explained that ‘it’s a huge tender which involved a lot of detailed work and is very complex’.

The work is being done 130m below the seabed, and Hyundai – which has experience with such projects in Taiwan and Korea – has to carry out ‘drill and blast’ excavation using explosives, he added.

The entire phase one will involve eight kilometres of tunnels, with five caverns made up of two storage galleries, with each gallery being 340m long, 20m wide and 27m high. (About nine-storeys high, each gallery is large enough to contain water from over 64 Olympic-sized pools).

‘The water pressure will keep the oil contained within the generally unlined rock caves,’ the spokesman said.

The higher project cost arose due to improvements made to the cavern designs to enhance operational flexibility, he explained.

A planned phase two of the JRC could add a further 1.3 million cu m of storage, doubling its capacity.

Asked if this could cost more than phase one, the spokesman said that ‘the complexity is similar, so it depends on the timing (of when the project is done)’.

Commentator Comments :

Default Re: Jurong Rock Cavern To Store What? Scary Thought…Nuclear Plant?

I have a sneaky feeling its for something nuclear. It was mentioned before by our MIWs that Singapore may go nuclear in the future. Since when they tell u the truth about anything until TOO LATE or that we manage to ‘DIG’ things up trawling the internet. I have a real sneaky feeling about this ‘cavern’. Anyone have a map where this 8km cavern is located precisely? Dont want to live above it just in case. It’s in Jurong but where EXACTLY?  “You can fool some of the people some of the time….BUT, you cannot fool ALL the people ALL of the time…

WHICH PARTY’S SLOGAN IS……We Aim To Fool The Majority All The Time?”

Re: Jurong Rock Cavern To Store What? Scary Thought…Nuclear Plant?

Quote Originally Posted by red amoeba View Post

the location for sure will be top secret. No lah, the big lobang is for oil. For weapons or ammo, it would be somewhere else. Instead of hving thse giantic tanks like big targets for terrorist, safer to store them underground. The MIWs have been telling too many lies that its hard to believe them anymore. Even if for oil, there must be air-vents to the surface. i like to know where these air vents are so as not to visit the area too frequently. These air vents should be spewing out invisible chemicals  “You can fool some of the people some of the time….BUT, you cannot fool ALL the people ALL of the time…

WHICH PARTY’S SLOGAN IS……We Aim To Fool The Majority All The Time?”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Kiasu at the taxpayer’s expense? MM 4 million+ yearly, SM 4 million+ yearly, ON TOP of the President and Prime Minister’s posts . . . which 99% of Singaporeans said those salaries were legal? Obama earns 400K a year and USA is 1000s of times more than Singapore? Meritocracy or Institutionalized/Legalized Corruption?


China to flatten 700 mountains for new metropolis in the desert – Lanzhou new area plan to begin with ‘mountain-moving project’, but financial and environmental wisdom of project questioned – Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing –, Thursday 6 December 2012 17.48 GMT

A long, long time ago, an old Chinese peasant named Yu Gong decided to move two inconveniently located mountains away from blocking the entrance to his home. Legend has it he struggled terribly, but ultimately succeeded. Hence the Chinese idiom “Yu Gong moves the mountains.” Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Now Chinese developers are putting old Yu to shame.

In what is being billed as the largest “mountain-moving project” in Chinese history, oneof China’s biggest construction firms will spend £2.2bn to flatten 700 mountains levelling the area Lanzhou, allowing developers to build a new metropolis on the outskirts of the north-western city.

The Lanzhou New Area, 500 square miles (130,000 hectares) of land 50 miles from the city, which is the provincial capital of arid Gansu province, could increase the region’s gross domestic product to £27bn by 2030, according to the state-run China Daily. It has already attracted almost £7bn of corporate investment.

The project will be China’s fifth “state-level development zone” and the first in the country’s rapidly developing interior, according to state media reports. Others include Shanghai’s Pudong and Tianjin’s Binhai, home to a half-built, 120-building replica of Manhattan. China’s state council, its highest administrative authority, approved the Lanzhou project in August.

The first stage of the mountain-flattening initiative, which was reported on Tuesday by the China Economic Weekly magazine, began in late October and will eventually enable a new urban district almost 10 square miles in size northeast of downtown Lanzhou – a small, but important part of the Lanzhou Nnew area project to be built.

One of the country’s largest private companies: the Nanjing-based China Pacific Construction Group, headed by Yan Jiehe, is behind the initiative. The 52-year-old former teacher is portrayed in China as a sort of home-grown Donald Trump – ultra-ambitious and preternaturally gifted at navigating the country’s vast network of “guanxi”, or personal connections.

Yan was born in the 1960s as the youngest of nine children. After a decade of working as a high-school teacher and cement plant employee, he founded his construction firm in 1995 and amassed a fortune by buying and revamping struggling state-owned enterprises. In 2006 the respected Hu Run report named Yan – then worth about £775m – as China’s second-richest man.

His latest plan has evoked a healthy dose of scepticism. Lanzhou, home to 3.6 million people alongside the silty Yellow River, already has major environmental concerns. Last year the World Health Organisation named it the city with the worst air pollution in China. The city’s main industries include textiles, fertiliser production and metallurgy.

Liu Fuyuan, a former high-level official at the country’s National Development and Reform Commission, told China Economic Weekly that the project was unsuitable because Lanzhou is frequently listed as among China’s most chronically water-scarce municipalities. “The most important thing is to gather people in places where there is water,” he said.

Others also pointed to the financial risk of building a new city in the middle of the desert. “All this investment needs to be paid back with residential land revenue, and I don’t see much on returns in these kinds of cities,” said Tao Ran, an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing. “If you have a booming real estate market it might work, but it seems to me that real estate in China is very, very risky.”

In an email interview, a China Pacific Construction Group spokeswoman dismissed criticisms of the project as unjustified. “Lanzhou’s environment is already really poor, it’s all desolate mountains which are extremely short of water,” said Angie Wong. “Our protective style of development will divert water to the area, achieve reforestation and make things better than before.”

Yan’s plans could be considered “a protective style of development, and a developmental style of protection”, she said, adding: “I think whether it’s England or America, or any other country, no one will cease development because of resource scarcity caused by geography.”

A promotional video posted on the Lanzhou new area website shows a digitally-rendered cityscape of gleaming skyscrapers and leafy parks. Against a driving operatic score, the camera zooms out from a large government building to reveal features of the area’s imagined urban topography: a clock tower, a new airport, an oil refinery, a light-rail system, and a stadium packed with cheering fans.

The new area “will lead to an environmentally sustainable economy based on energy-saving industries” including advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemical industries and modern agriculture, wrote Chinese Central Television on its website.

The Lanzhou city government could not be reached for comment.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

There is no such thing as ‘real estate’, this has tremendous occult significance instead. Note the location and surrounding quake zones. This is a fengshui confluence city that looks set to be  filled with life energy if not mistaken or even able to somehow harness the energy at the safe point. Concept of money and real estate is a farce btw. Save for allodial titles backed by force of arms, real goods and real labour/services, or the whimsical entertainments of the RLD, OPZ or Casino city, there is nothing on this planet but evil politicians term limitless and nepotistic, along with plutocrats (those who are BOTH politician and plutocrat are the worst) that sequester wealth and pollute the environment.


Brussels says it would block independent Scotland automatically joining the EU – by Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor – PUBLISHED: 08:57 GMT, 6 December 2012 | UPDATED: 09:02 GMT, 6 December 2012

European Commission letter to House of Lords says Scotland’s membership will ‘cease to apply’ if it breaks away from the UK / Spanish government would block entry, fearing it would embolden Catalonian separatists

First Minister Alex Salmond has insisted an independent Scotland would automatically join the EU – something Brussels disputes

Brussels will refuse to let Scotland automatically join the European Union if voters back Alex Salmond’s plans for independence, it emerged today.

Officials at the European Commission have revealed Scotland’s EU membership will ‘cease to apply’ if it is no longer part of the UK.

The Spanish government has made clear it would ‘veto’ any attempt by Scotland to join.

It is a major blow to claims made by Mr Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister, that Scotland would automatically continue to be in the Euro bloc.

He was ridiculed after claiming in a TV interview that he had obtained legal advice on EU membership but it had to remain secret. He later admitted no advice had been sought.

Now it has emerged that a letter sent to a House of Lords committee warns that that independence ‘would not have a neutral impact’.

Scotland would become a ‘third country’ – outside the EU and have to apply to join the 27-member union, the European Commission told the Lords economic affairs committee.

‘If a territory of a member state ceases to be part of that member state because it has become an independent state then the treaties would cease to apply to that territory,’ according to the letter reported by The Scotsman.

If Scotland did lodge an application it would need to ‘fulfil the usual obligations’ and be ‘accepted unanimously by the members of the council [member states]’.

In a recent debate, Lib Dem Lord Wallace revealed the UK government was clear that any attempt for Scotland to join the EU would meet with difficulties.

‘On the question of Catalonia and Spain, it is entirely clear that the Spanish Government are opposed to any idea of secession and would be likely to veto a Scottish application to join the European Union under current circumstances.

There have been exchanges between the Spanish Government and the European Commission on this exact issue.’

The Spanish government fears that if an independent Scotland gained membership it would bolster calls for Catalonian independence.

It directly contradicts claims made by Mr Salmond’s SNP, who have repeatedly suggested Scotland would automatically join the EU as a new state.
The Scottish independence referendum is being held in autumn 2014, when Mr Salmond hopes to capitalise on a patriotic mood marking 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

The Scottish independence referendum is being held in autumn 2014, when Mr Salmond hopes to capitalise on a patriotic mood marking 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

SNP MP Pete Wishart told the Commons last month: ‘Scotland is a constituent part of the United Kingdom. We are currently a member of the European Union. After independence, we will continue to be a member of the European Union.’

But Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire told the same debate that ‘everything would change’ if Scots vote to go it alone in the referendum due in autumn 2014.

An independent Scotland would not automatically be a member of the EU and would have to ‘start afresh’, he added.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said: ‘Immediately following a Yes vote in Autumn 2014, Scotland will still be part of the UK. Negotiations will then take place on the transfer of powers from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament along with negotiations on the specific terms of an independent Scotland’s continued membership of the European Union.

‘Ministers have always been clear that these negotiations will be needed – but the crucial point is that they will take place from within the EU.

‘Scotland has been an integral part of the European Union for almost four decades and an independent Scotland will continue in EU membership. As legal, constitutional and European experts have confirmed, Scotland is part of the territory of the European Union and the people of Scotland are citizens of the EU, and there is no provision for those circumstances to change upon independence.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

I wouldn’t worry if I were Salmond or Scotland. When Scotland becomes a sovereign state and possibly banking or hub for BRICS, Brussels will change their tone to the effect that automatic joining will be forestalled by going through the motions of ‘starting afresh’. This is terribly manipulative but a face saving necessity.

Scotland presents a great opportunity for BRICS by being sidelined in this manner by EU. BRICS well needs a friendly point to the EU by and if the EU has decided to distance from Scotland then BRICS would certainly find Scotland that much more attractive, not that EU and BRICS are in any spat that Scotland is already not aware of. UN can even drop Scotland, but so long as BRICS is around the multipolar world will balance things out.

An independent Scotland would not automatically be a member of the EU and would have to ‘start afresh’, he added. Well thats just pretentious. And if by some impossibility that Scotland fails to join EU, the BRICS will be very happy to have a new member EVEN IF Scotland becomes the North Korea of the EU. Like a trust fund under guardianship and insulting as hell to Scotland to the tune of a deflated bagpipe gasping a sour note of contrived control. I’m not Scottish but already feel offended on the Scots’ behalf. Incidentally, try the CGI “Brave”, the settings make the Scots into a circus, main characters are ‘fractured’ as hell and an unhealthy role model . . .


Don’t name your kid Siri – by Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN – December 2, 2012 — Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT)

Sometimes a highly individualistic name for a baby is not good news for a kid, says Dean Obeidallah

Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN. He is the editor of the politics blog “The Dean’s Report” and co-director of the upcoming documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” Follow him on Twitter: @deanofcomedy

(CNN) — Siri, Mars, Mac and Luna. I’m not talking Apple products or planetary terms. These are baby names. And not just any baby names but ones that have jumped in popularity in 2012, according to Baby’s just released list.

Baby Siri? Seriously, who would name their bundle of joy after a frustrating Apple product that hardly ever works? And speaking of Apple (see daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin,) that name moved up a whopping 585 places on the list of names for girls born in 2012. So there could conceivably be a family out there with a daughter named Apple and a son named Siri. (Hope that entitles the family to a discount on an iMac.)

There was a time when bizarre baby naming was something only celebrities did to their kids (as if being the child of a celebrity wasn’t challenging enough). There’s Beyonce and Jay Z’s Blue Ivy, Penn Jillette’s son, Moxie Crimefighter, Bono’s daughter Memphis Eve, actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspektor, and the list goes on and on.
Dean Obeidallah

But now this “condition” is apparently spreading to the rest of us. In addition to the offbeat names above, 2011 saw babies sporting such names as: Moo, Draper, Graceland and Tequila.

There are even media reports that this past weekend some parents allegedly named their newborn daughter, Hashtag. That one may turn out to be an Internet hoax, but after last year’s story of a child in Egypt being named Facebook (in praise of the role Facebook played in the Egyptian revolution), we can’t be too far from babies named Retweet and Spam Blocker anyway. It truly is only a matter of time until you meet a kid named DVR or Playstation 3.
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Apparently some parents believe that giving their child a jaw-dropping name will make him or her more distinctive. News flash: it’s not the name that makes your child stand out, it’s his or her achievements.

While I don’t want to rain on creativity, let’s be honest — these weird names are more about parents showing off their “cleverness” than about finding a name that fits the child. It’s not like the parents got to know the child first for a few months and then said, “You know this baby really is a little Siri.”
Beyonce, Jay-Z welcome baby Blue Ivy
Jolie: We are all Malala

And do these parents even consider that a baby’s name can cause consequences for the child that the parents never imagined, and in many areas of the child’s life? When I reflect upon my own name, I realize that my life could have been far different if my parents had followed their initial instincts when naming me.

My Palestinian father wanted to name me Saladin after the famous Muslim leader, while my Sicilian mother wanted to name me Dino. Instead they compromised on Dean.

Growing up in North Jersey, Dean was not a common name. But it actually made me feel different in a good way being the only Dean in my class. And even today in looking at the list of baby names for 2012, I was actually happy that Dean was not in the top 100.

Still, the truth is, if I’d been named Dino, I would have certainly been viewed as more ethnic by teachers, potential employers and co-workers. I would have been required to continually overcome cultural stereotypes.

And if I’d been named the very Arabic Saladin Obeidallah, you could just imagine all the “fun” I would have had in post-9/11 America. I would have likely volunteered for “random” security checks at the airport to make it easier for all involved or simply got used to taking the bus cross country.

But there’s a difference between a name that isn’t overly common and naming your child after your favorite appliance. A name is a big part of a kid’s identity. It can trigger impressions about a child even before we meet him or her — a particular problem among the closed-minded of the world, but this is the world your child will have to navigate.

For example, studies have found that children with names that linguistically sound like they come from a lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be recommended by school officials for gifted classes and actually more likely to be labeled as learning disabled.

Other research has revealed that boys with feminine sounding names — such as Shannon or Ashley — have had more disciplinary problems in school because of their response to teasing. Still other studies have found a link between how much people like their own names and their level of self-esteem.

So, parents, keep in mind that your choice of name will have a lasting impact on your child — both for good and bad. And if you insist on picking a bizarre name for the baby, then I propose that your child be empowered to rename you with any name he or she chooses. At least then it’s fair that a child named Hashtag has parents named Angry Birds and YouTube.

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[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

In the past there were in some cultures NAMING CEREMONIES AT ADULTHOOD. The child would choose a name LATER, and all children knew their names when young were TEMPORARY and that parents chose those names. Sometimes what the child did that was most unique would also decide what that child was RENAMED at adulthood. So ‘Hashtag’ away and legalise/normalise name changing at the age of 21. Knowing that names are temporary and chosen by parents, kids would not be affected by teasing because they knew they were going to change that name, or the teasers would not bother to tease knowing the name would also change by then.


Michigan weakens union rights in home of auto industry – Michigan passes anti-union law amid protests – by Bernie Woodall – LANSING, Michigan | Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:28pm EST

An anti right-to-work protester is seen outside of Michigan’s state capitol building in Lansing December 11, 2012. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

(Reuters) – Michigan enacted a ban on mandatory union membership on Tuesday, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States.

As more than 12,000 unionized workers and supporters protested at the Capitol in Lansing, the Republican-led state House of Representatives gave final approval to a pair of “right-to-work” bills covering public- and private-sector unions.

Republican Governor Rick Snyder signed the bills into law as soon as they reached his desk, completing in a few days a campaign to make Michigan the 24th U.S. state to prohibit unions from requiring employees to join and contribute dues.

“I view this as an opportunity to stand up for Michigan’s workers, to be pro-worker,” Snyder told a news conference after he signed the bills.

The laws will take effect 90 days after the end of the legislative session, which means they will probably come into force sometime in April. Existing union contracts will not be changed until they expire, according to a provision of the laws.

In a rapid turn of events, Michigan moved from being a bastion of union influence to joining states, mostly in the South, that have weakened local protections for unions.

The Teamsters union national president, James Hoffa, whose father, Jimmy Hoffa, was one of the nation’s most famous labor leaders until he disappeared in 1975 in Michigan, denounced Republican leaders in a speech to the protesters.

“Let me tell the governor and all those elected officials who vote for this shameful, divisive bill – there will be repercussions,” Hoffa said, adding the Republicans could be defeated in the next election.

Unions have accused Snyder of caving in to wealthy Republican business owners and political donors such as the Koch brothers, owners of an energy and trading conglomerate, and Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Michigan-based Amway.

Snyder, a former computer company executive who had said “right-to-work” legislation was too divisive for Michigan, changed course last week and announced his support for it.

While labor leaders decried the legislation, Republican Representative Lisa Lyons said during the debate in the House that such laws were not an attack on unions.

“This is the day Michigan freed its workers,” she said.

Opponents argue that the measures undermine a basic union tenet of bargaining collectively with employers for better wages, benefits and working conditions. They also allow workers to opt out of a union, potentially reducing membership.

By weakening unions, Republicans also could hurt the Democratic Party, which traditionally receives a significant portion of its funding and grass-roots support from unions.

Supporters of right-to-work measures say some unions have become too rigid and workers should be given a choice of whether to join. They also say a more flexible labor market encourages business investment, citing “right-to-work” states where some foreign automakers have put plants rather than in Michigan.


The measures were approved to cries of “shame” from protesters inside the Capitol building, which was closed to visitors when it reached capacity of 2,200, Michigan State Police Inspector Gene Adamczyk said.

An estimated 10,000 more people demonstrated outside in cold and snowy conditions, including members of the United Auto Workers union, and teachers, who shut down several schools in the state to attend the rally.

A few protesters were ejected from the Capitol after they chanted slogans from the gallery during the debate. Protesters tore down two tents set up for supporters of “right-to-work” on the grounds of the Capitol. Adamczyk said six people were arrested after scuffling with officers.

A mixture of pepper spray and tear gas was used on one person, Adamczyk said, although Reuters journalists also saw protesters sprayed with a substance at a government building near the Capitol.

The protests recalled big rallies in Wisconsin nearly two years ago when Republicans voted to curb public-sector unions. Wisconsin never tried to pass “right-to-work” bills.

But Indiana earlier this year became the first state in the industrial Midwest to approve “right-to-work” legislation and several other states are watching the Michigan action closely.


Republicans in Michigan were also emboldened by the defeat in the November election of a ballot initiative backed by unions that would have enshrined the right to collective bargaining in the state constitution.

Michigan is home of the heavily unionized U.S. auto industry, with some 700 manufacturing plants in the state. The state has the fifth highest percentage of workers who are union members, at 17.5 percent

The Detroit area is headquarters for General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler, which is majority-owned by Fiat SpA.

The UAW was founded in Michigan after a 1932 protest at a Ford plant in Dearborn left five people dead, increasing public sympathy for industrial workers during the Great Depression and leading to national legislation protecting unions.

Major automakers, which secured concessions from the UAW after nearly going bankrupt during the recession of 2008-09, were careful not to take sides publicly in the fight.

All of the so-called Big Three domestic automakers said they were “neutral” on “right-to-work,” even though the Michigan Chamber of Commerce strongly supports it.

“At Ford, we are focused on working with all our partners, including the UAW,” the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

Democrats and unions have vowed to challenge the new laws in the courts, to try to overturn them in a ballot initiative and possibly oust through recall elections some Republicans who voted for the measures.

Democratic Representative Douglas Geiss said “right-to-work” laws would lead to a resumption of the battles surrounding the creation of unions decades ago.

“There will be fights on the shop floor if many workers announce they will not pay union dues,” Geiss said.

(Additional reporting by Robert Carr, David Bailey and Deepa Seetharaman; Editing by Greg McCune and Peter Cooney)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Reuters?!? A ban on mandatory union membership *IS NOT*, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States. This protects the workers from mob mindedness or being forced into what become SECRET SOCIETIES that also collect yearly dues or other fees that mosy workers who need a union cannot and would rather not pay! Work unions are powerful and goodly when CONSENSUAL, but when EEVERY WORKER IS FORCED TO JOIN, we end up with ‘Satrapies’ run by tyrants, especially if term limits in the COMMITTEE are not a fact or part of the constitution of the Union in question. This law protects the individual worker by giving OPTIONS. How could Reuters write such news?!?

‘Supporters of right-to-work measures say some unions have become too rigid and workers should be given a choice of whether to join. They also say a more flexible labor market encourages business investment, citing “right-to-work” states where some foreign automakers have put plants rather than in Michigan.’ This says everything.

“There will be fights on the shop floor if many workers announce they will not pay union dues,” Geiss said.

Oh yea? So what if they don;t join or don’t pay. If they don’t want to pay the union mafia, thats their choice. Why should there be any fights at all. Are these unions thugs?


Various Commentators’ Justification of the Civilisational War on Islam : Somewhat censored and telling comments found on :

Blogger mike obrien said…

i fuckin hate this religion ,i grew up in muslim majority country and i can say muslims are full of shitt even though i don’t hate muslims i hate islam “To Muslims it is always a just war if the end goal is to spread Islam. If the war is waged by non Muslims to stop Muslims from marching in to spread Islam inside their land, it is an unjust war…Many Muslims call for da’wa in the West, which technically means “an invitation to Islam.” They present it as a “peaceful” invitation, but they do not tell the West that this is the first step before outright war if their da’wa is rejected. So when Muslims say da’wa, the West should be warned, because they do not want you to know that da’wa is merely the “make nice” first step before preceding outright jihad.” 7:56 PM

Blogger Gabe Del said…

I’m a witness to the ignorance that is Muslim . I’m a US Marine forward deployed on my 5th combat deployment. Four in Iraq and now one in afghanastan . These guys are illiterate and simple minded. The ten percent that can read will twist young Muslims minds to make them believe what ever they want them to believe in their Gods name. Kill, kill, kill is what they teach them against anyone not Muslim. There Koran teaches peace and good will, but I agree, history tells the truth of what kind of people they really are. No need to swear or lower yourself to their level. Muslims are the infection this world so desperately needs a cure for. 10:19 AM

Dead Ted said…

So your saying that the sneak attack on our towers, the pentagon, and the White House is a way to protect their land and people? Good plan worked wonders…some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read 2:38 PM

Blogger Red_Rooster said…

Their minds are f***ed, memorizing the fucking Koran. Their ‘thinking’ part of the brain has gone redundant. They hate the Jews but do everything the Jews do; do not eat pork, cut their dicks, bleed a poor animal to death and call it ‘Hallal’ instead of ‘Kosher’, write backwards and wash their dicks before they start praying. In fact, the dumb muslims, follow the Jewish calender! The first day for the muslims is ‘Yom al Ahed’, meaning the first day. It is the Sunday; the first Jewish day after the Sabath. Yom al Itneen, Yom al thalata, Robo, Khamis and Juma, stand for the second, third, fouth, fifth and sixth day. The muslims 7th. day, is ‘Yom al Septh’; literally meaning, the seventh day. In fact, the Sabath; the day the Jews were told to rest. The muslims only differ from the Jews, is in their day of rest. They rest a day before the Jews. In prayer, physically they are the same, except the Jews literally tell you they are fucking somebody, while the muslims tell you, “Fuck Me!”

samy said…

to Jihan

I know what is written in Quraan , i was forced to read and even memorize it at school when I was living in my mother country before migrate to canada ( thank God), the true islam relegion is violence .. force other people to convert otherwise they will be islam enemy and should be killed .. this is what written in Quraan and you knw it and can not deny it… even in here in canada they are trying to force the stubid islamic belives on other people and their ultimate goal is to take over north america and europ .. I hope that our government to wake up and realise what is going on … WAKE UUUPPPP.., islam is evil , muslims are twisted minded and hate everyone simply because he or she is not muslim !!!! they will be in everlasting HELL.. this is the simple plan truth, so what ever you or any muslim try to say otherwise .. it is a BIGGGGG LIE.!! 10:45 AM

Event_Horizon said…

They are so backward in all aspects of life including commerce, infrastructure or technology. They are a brainwashed nation thirsty for the blood of other successful nations. And the worst part is their fucked up religion acts as a catalyst. It inspires them to wage was over the world. For how long will the world continue to tolerate these freaks of religion? The muslims sole mission in life is to create terror in the world. That is what they live for, that’s what their religion teaches them. They are jealous of the developed countries . . . P.S. Muslims smell bad…..True Story! 12:38 PM

Blogger Pris said…

I love all other religions except islam. Muslims are truly f***** up, but don’t know any better because they are brainwashed and left with no brains. Watch all the muslim countries in the world, none of their economies are doing well. The ones that have oil may have money, but they have no infrastructure, no scientific manpower etc. These assholes come to the west for a better life and then try to force their evil religion, customs, traditions and damn sharia law on the free citizens of the world. If left to thrive these guys will make our western nations deteriorate to the abysmal level of the muslim countries they came from. Their goal is to dominate the world and so they multiply like rats to increase their numbers. Before they become a sizable population in the west we should send these guys, including the ones that were born or converted in the west, to muslim countries and contain them there. Let them over populate muslim countries . . . are contaminating the west and so should be stopped before it is too late. To start off, we need to prohibit building of mosques and islamic schools, and publishing of the unholy koran. We need to unite and end this evil.

Blogger TheDeathBird said…

I know a family who left Lebanon to flee Muslim persecution. One of their grandsons returned to visit. On this trip there was a man yelling on the TV set in his hotel room. The man was protesting being fined a cow for shooting his wife for being outside the house. She had crossed a field and a man on a horse said something to her, since he didn’t get a clear shot at the man. Since he could not prove the man was really talking to his wife they fined him a cow. This is Muslim law this is what the Koran teaches. Also, in the Koran a woman told her husband to stop following Mohamid or she would leave She believed Mo was a bad evil monster. Her husband begged her to not talk bad about Mo but since She wouldn’t stop talking bad about Mohamid and She was Pregnant he cut his unborn child out of her belly. He went to Mo and told him and Mohamid said ” I can find no fault with this man” OK people this Story is in the Koran! can you imagine any other spiritual leader like Jesus or Krishna saying something like that! Only the spawn of hell the son of Satan the true Anti Christ would say such a thing Muslims worship the devil their God lives in hell and eats the faithful Muslims for dinner. While pretending to be God. Let any Muslim tell us that story isn’t in the Koran I read it! they follow this monster Mohamido the vile and say he is good. Anyone who reads the Koran who has any love inside them or spirtuality will be sad such a vile work of hate can be considered a work inspired by God. 7:48 PM

sexyharry said…

these guys(muslims) when small in numbers behave as if they are good (we respect other religions,and our god is tolerant etc.) but reality is there quran teaches to hate,kill people who doesn’t believe in islam, some of muslims are good as they doesn’t follow islam properly…….as muslims number increases they will be no more friend of urs ,they will take the side their muslim brothers and try to implement the shariah law’s,blasts,killing who leaves islam……so,i am a guy from sanathan dharam,in our religion we respect every other religion and our religion doesn’t believe in conversion bcoz god resides in us not by simple conversion…,i love all religions except islam ………4:02 AM

Blogger vsindia said…

Thes muslims are really lowly creatures. all the terrorists in this world are muslims. how can screw muslims ?

– stop giving them jobs
– shun them publicly
– make separate , stricter laws for muslims
– lets convert all their kids after killing the men
– lets creat gas chambers once again – only for muslims/

I hate them so much that my fist clench and jaws go tight when i think of these bastards. They have forcibly thrown out hindus out of kashmir and christians out of bosnia.

4:42 AM

mark said…

not all muslims are bad but I am sick of them. I am sick of them coming to the west and demanding that shariah law be implemented in western nations. if muzzies think shariah law is so great then they should piss off and go live in a muslim nation.

sick of their fantical hate and terrorism.
sick of their demands and sick of their backward ways.
muslims should go and live in muslim nations and keep their shit ways in muslim nations.

10:08 PM

Blogger marine corps captain said…


I have taken significant time to read your Koran. And I would rather wipe my ass with a dirty, dime store novel than waste another minute reading, or listening, to that complete pile of pig cum.
Thank GOD I had the opportunity to kill 19 of your brethren while in Iraq. 19 less jihadists on the move.
It’s not ignorance my camel fucking friend…I completely understand your beliefs, motives and wants for this world. And if given the chance I would end your life as well. And your family’s and friend’s lives if possible.
And please refrain from the old tag line of “That’s not true Islam.” Any individual with a 3rd grade education has the ability to understand your religion of hate, murder, suppresion and penchant for death. Watch your back, Muhhamed…you won’t have a second chance with me. 8:23 AM

Fighting to live said…

Hi guys . I am married to a moslem but I am Greek Orthodox. This is a quite funny mix. Our kids are Christian I made sure . But the Moslems all jokes aside have made and continue to make efforts to convert me. That is quite frightening. My husband offered to convert. So I decided to make him sell everything in Pakistan and the next step is to convert him. Wait and see. Keep up the great work

8:50 PM

Blogger Uncle_Sam said…

this maessage is for the fucking muslims

Long gone are the days when you used to blow yourselves up in the middle of the streets in the countries that you infest with your presence.You forget that we are the ones who created and adopted this so-called human rights but we can also break em! you call yourselves warriors ? Com on up and fight you stinckin’ cowards! we’ll show you what a war means…We’ll show you what everyone felt 65 years ago!We’ll show the Nazi style bitches…we will behead all of your stinckin’ children and your masked-shit-pushed-in wifes… Can u all spell together HOLOCAUST? 3:10 PM

Blogger Red_Rooster said…

sdlfihsdiulkgh54;kuy5b4jgrehthredyth said… This man talks of porn … Tell him to go to Yemen. He can fuck 12 yr. old girls there for free! Three times a day! Free!

I lived in Yemen and I know. All the women go out around noon to eat Kat at their friends’. You just pick these Burka clad women and boy, when they enter your home, the Burka is off in a jiffy! Just like that! Pot luck but fucking lucky evertime I had. I must have fucked over 300 muslim cunts in my 5-year stay there. No worry of husbands. They are all in working in Saudi Arabia; coolies there and their 12 year old brides are getting fucked back home. By the way … all their women have inserted in them, the ‘Copper T’. A muslim Female gynacologist I knew, made a roaring business from inserting these things.

4:35 PM

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The ruder parts of the above have been edited out. The acts of terror are clear enough, but just from a woman’s angle, one doesn’t need to be a woman to want Islam to end in some places, to see how horrible Muslimahs lives are in some places . . . combine with a chastity belt (Christianity) and wallah, a semi-Cyborg . . . how much do some of the very worse among Muslets hate life or procreation that makes them treat women like this, makes the ‘no condoms’ Catholic lot seem humane even though abortion IS A HUMAN RIGHT. . .

In 1998, racial riots against the ethnic Chinese in West Java prompted the production and sale of “anti-rape corsets” (things have cooled off since as China gains further traction in ASEAN . . . ).


Egyptians suffer buyers’ remorse as Morsi drives toward Islamicization – by Araminta Wordsworth | Dec 12, 2012 8:30 AM ET | Last Updated: Dec 12, 2012 8:43 AM ET

Full Comment’s Araminta Wordsworth brings you a daily round-up of quality punditry from across the globe. Today: It’s the statistics, stupid!

There are more than 83 million people living in Egypt, the Middle East’s most populous nation; 90% of them are Sunni Muslims. More than half dwell in small towns and villages in the countryside and tend to be deeply conservative, attached to tradition. There is a small, urban, educated upper-middle class of liberals and left-wingers.

If these people get the vote, guess who the majority would go for? Under these circumstances, the dramatic swing from dictatorship through democracy to dictatorship is all too sadly predictable.

Now, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood member who was elected Egyptian president in June, is showing his true colours — he’s like Hosni Mubarak with a beard. He wants nothing less than an Islamic state, with sharia law and Muslim clerics empowered to render legal opinions.

His idea of reaching out to the opposition is to restate his position, as he did in last week’s speech. This was so devoid of anything resembling reconciliation or fresh ideas, the BBC cut off the live feed after about seven minutes.

Instead, Morsi is calling on the military to do his dirty work, arresting and trying civilians. Brotherhood members have also resorted to torture and the kind of vigilante “justice” that was a feature of the ancient regime. In their view, opponents are Mubarak supporters and/or paid troublemakers.

The Economist for one has seen the writing on the wall.

[Morsi’s actions have polarized Egypt’s exhausted people. The most populous and politically pivotal Arab state stands on the brink of prolonged civil strife, or a descent into a form of veiled dictatorship not unlike the one so recently overthrown, only this time in drab Islamist garb …
The abruptness of the Islamists’ lunge for control has ignited Egypt’s hitherto fractious opposition in outrage, prompting protests on the scale of those during the revolution. A group of former presidential candidates has picked Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel peace prize-winner and former UN official, as their leader, and threatened strikes and continued protests until Mr. Morsi relents. The judges, who usually run such things, plan to boycott the referendum. But he shows no signs of backing down. Tired, impoverished and apprehensive, ordinary Egyptians may be tempted to let the  Muslim Brotherhood have their way.

Reporting for Der Spiegel from Cairo, Matthias Gebauer describes Morsi as the Brotherhood’s poodle.

Morsi remains intent on strictly following the course of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamist group wants to see their man, who won a narrow victory in summer elections, to put Egypt on the path to fundamentalist Islam. And the Muslim Brotherhood is in no mood for compromise. After more than 80 years in the political underground, Brotherhood leaders have decided to seize their chance. And Morsi increasingly looks the part of a fainthearted Brotherhood puppet. He appears to have accepted his country’s descent into violence, making more clashes on the streets of Cairo inevitable.

At The National Review, Andrew C. McCarthy says Egypt’s unravelling was inevitable.

Here’s the late-breaking news: The Muslim Brotherhood is the enemy of democracy. … the Muslim Brotherhood is an innately, incorrigibly Islamic-supremacist outfit. Wherever it establishes a presence, it seeks — as gradually as indigenous conditions require, and as rapidly as they allow — to implement its repressive construction of sharia. Wherever it gets the opportunity to rule, it uses its power to impose this sharia, despite resistance from the society’s non-Islamist factions.

This is not a mere theory. Egypt, the world’s most important Arab country, is violently convulsing before our eyes in direct reaction to the suffocation that is Islamist rule. So, will we finally take the lesson? Will we finally come to understand why democracy and Islamic supremacism cannot coexist? Ebrahim Moosa, an Islamic studies prof at North Carolina’s Duke University, believes the Egyptian president and his Islamic allies badly misjudged the situation.

Mr. Morsi seems to have forgotten the sensitivity that a country freshly freed from decades of despotism might feel towards anything with an odour of dictatorship. Secretive and inward-looking, the Brotherhood appears surprised by the depth of mistrust that many Egyptians, including pious Muslims of every social class, feel towards them. The Islamists’ constituency remains large and their organising power formidable. “They will rally the poor with the slogan: to be a Muslim, vote yes for the constitution and confound the infidels,” predicts Muhammad Nour Farahat, a law professor at Cairo’s Zagazig University. Yet even if Mr Morsi and his Brothers manage to pull this off, a heavy cloud will remain over their rule.

Egypt 2012 Const-Referendem (Note the true culturists wearing their subtle NPPs . . . )

Egypt 2012 Const-Referendem (Note the true culturists wearing their subtle NPPs . . . )

compiled by Araminta Wordsworth

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Why not the military just take over and do away with the Islamist b.s. and revive a BENEVOLENT Constitutional Pharoanate via DNA testing to determine the closest Royal Egyptian bloodline? A BENEVOLENT Grand Vizier from the military would well be tolerated even for LIFE (if all unused state land is redistribited to the landless or homeless in Egypt) while the country RE-EGYPTIANISES. This would be preferable to this potential threat of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist imposition of Hudud or Syariah under Morsi which does not need to be written into the constitution and instead remain seperate from the State. Religion and State are not to be confused into a single item under any Islamist leaning Constitution. Let the Muslets impose their own laws on theselves, LEAVE THE SECULARITY OF STATE ALONE.

WHERE IS THE Pharoah’s Brotherhood or Amon-Ra’s Brotherhood to counter the Muslim Brotherhood? Freemasonry across the world could accept no less!

This is EGYPT and Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, the central symbol of the Egyptian civilisation is THE PYRAMID OF THE PHAROAHS . . . NOT ARABIA and Mecca or Medina,  the central symbol of the Arabian civilisation is THE CUBE OF KABAA.

Egypt is nt Arabia.

Egypt is not Arabia.

Adopt EGYPTIAN NAMES not keep using those ARABIAN NAMES (the wealthier can trace their DNA down to the nobility or even Kings if they try hard enough). Pray and worship at EGYPTIAN Temples. Respect a revived Egyptian Priesthood not a Foreign Priesthood that answers to a foreign Arab King. Wear Egyptian garb. In Egypt, if the Egyptian people have the will, an Egyptian King is even possible (Constitutional Monarch), or an Egyptian Pharoah rather.

Learn Hieratic instead of Arabic and remember that EGYPTIAN culture and polytheistic EGYPTIAN religion (well if the people are as lazy as Akenathan, worship Amon-Ra instead for a while NOT the Kabaa – even as the Aabakian Octohedron Cult arises on the Mecc(h)an Antipode) are well loved the world over, as opposed to Islamism’s monotheistic malaise and penchant for association with oil and terror, rampant disrespectful proselytization and sometimes forced conversions.

Some Egyptians remember who they are . . .

At least some Egyptians seem to remember who they are . . . the Egyptian Pantheon’s first High Priest perhaps? Imhotep! Imhotep! Imhotep II rather . . .

22 Articles on Malaysian Politics : DJZ could (and should) wipe out MCA *AND* DAP With Independent Candidates, MCA/Johor UMNO Drama to misdirect from ending APARTHEID, DAP Making Lots of Drama but not a single bad law changed or any nearer to ending APARTHEID, Weak Attack on Najib by PAS, Jenna’s Maserati Rental Spat Says Malaysia’s Too Expensive, Corporate Raiding Pot Calls Kettle Black – Fettes the PAP Junta, Demogoguery or Skewed Worldview of the Privileged, Take Aim At The Right People Activists!, Malaysia Uses Subtle Terror Against Citizens, UN’s Skewed Awarding Criteria, 1 Stolen Can of Milk Leads to Near 50,000 in costs – 100s of Manhours of Enforcement and Judiciary, Environmental Pollution in Raub Covered Up By BN and PR, BN is a Stagnant Coalition Stuck in the Race Riot Era, Womenfolk (of which one is a TERM LIMITLESS Betty Chew) Issues in Both MCA and DAP But Not a Word On Ending Apartheid, Malaysia’s Biggest crypto-Colonial Strawman Speaks for BN, UMNO’s Rare (also Flawed) Gem Politicians, Likely A Title Based NLP Bodek by Malaysian Chronicle, Shameless-Destructive Nepotism and Family Blocs in BN, GLC-Proxy Collusion Asian Style, Bunking the Un-educatedness of Lim Guan Eng, The Pathetic State of Land Surveying and the Pathological Land Surveying ‘Professional’ in Malaysia (Original) – reposted by AgreeToDisagree – 3rd July 2012 Updated on 15th July 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, 2 term limits, Apartheid, Assemblymen have not declared assets, asset declarations, bad laws, Bumiputera Apartheid, conflict of interest, critical discourse, dhimmi, dhimmitude, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, education as a spiritual weapon, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, Fundamentalism, hudud, if not contrived, intentional omissions, Islam, Malaysia, meaningless platitudes, media collusion, media sabotage, media tricks, Mercenaries, misplaced adoration, misrepresentation of facts, mob mentality, MPs have not declared assets, Muslims, Nepotism, neurolinguistics, NLP, PAP, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, politics, pretentious, preventing vested interest, Singapore, Strawmen, too damn high, transport fees too high, unkept campaign promises, USA, vested interest, voting methods, waste of mandate, women on July 2, 2012 at 9:48 pm


MCA condemns Dong Zong – Posted on 1 July 2012

They hope the Chinese will not support us. – Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek

(The Star) – MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has condemned the United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong) for bringing up an alleged agreement in the 1960s between the party and the Government to limit the number of Chinese independent schools.

“Dong Zong talks about this issue to frighten the Chinese community so they will hate the MCA and Barisan Nasional.

“They hope the Chinese will not support us,” he said.

He said that although MCA was not perfect, it was undeniable that the party was doing its best for Chinese education.

Citing an example, Dr Chua said Malaysia was the only country in the region that had a complete Chinese education system from primary to university level.

He was speaking to reporters after a ground-breaking ceremony for a double-storey building with 12 classrooms at SJK (C) Karas here yesterday.

Also present at the event were Labis MP and Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Deputy Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong and Johor exco member Tan Kok Hong.

Dr Chua said whether or not the agreement existed in the 1960s was not important anymore as it had become history.

“The country needs more trilingual talent to increase its trade volume and the trade volume between Malaysia and countries that use Chinese as their main language is about 20% of the total.

“That’s why we need to train more people to have good English, Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin,” he said.

“Today, Malaysia has a good relationship with China and the trade volume between the two countries has reached US$100bil (RM318bil),” he added.

On another matter, Dr Chua said Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had failed to answer if Pakatan Rakyat was going to build more Chinese primary schools, Chinese independent schools, institutionalise allocations for Chinese schools and recognise the Unified Examination Certificate should Pakatan take over Putrajaya.

“I have been waiting for the answer for the past two weeks,” he said. Dr Chua said Dong Zong should get the answer for the sake of Chinese education.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Dong Jiao Zhong if running on the below issues :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;could provide REAL organic independent candidates (possibly funded by most righteous businessmen – M.R.B.) from the powerful and experienced YET non-plutocratic teachers of DJZ’s ranks to displace MCA’s term limitless lapdogs. I’d vote for a DJZ candidate ANY DAY over MCA (lapdog, plutocrat) or even DAP (nepotistic abusive, undemocratic like Singapore). DJZ how about fielding candidates from retired teachers IN EVERY MCA and even EVERY DAP constituency with clear intent to leave after 2 terms and address the immense collusion by both MCA and DAP sacrificing ending apartheid and the entire minority community for a mere few undemocratic political careerists to parasite off MP and Assemblyman salaries and extreme plutocrat businessmen? Ethics is lacking in MCA and DAP, DJZ needs to do some TEACHING – grassroots style!

Any other plutocrats in BN you cowards! Billions worth enough to hire armies of thugs and guards and not a word against apartheid? Against a backdrop of homelands 100s of times larger and more powerful than the wrong minded racists to be taken as lapdogs by a handful of racists? Undemocratic and term limitless but no attempt to end apartheid? Let DJZ take over ALL Chinese majority constituencies! MCA lapdogs and DAP careerist undemocratic nepotists have had their chance and FAILED . . . lead 3rd Force, DJZ, perhaps with Tunku Aziz which DAP idiotically sacked, might lead the minorities to grant the above 3 items with DJZ . . .


Soi Lek flays Johor Umno rep over hudud proposal – NEWS/COMMENTARIES – Monday, 02 July 2012 Super Admin

(The Malaysian Insider) – MCA will never agree to any implementation of hudud for non-Muslims, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has said.

The MCA president was responding to a Johor Umno state assemblyman’s recent proposal that the Islamic penal law be implemented to cover all residents in the state.

“The Johor Umno Adun must have run out of ideas and out of his mind 2 propose hudud in Johor including non-Muslims. MCA will definitely object it,” Dr Chua said on micro-blogging site Twitter last night.

Umno’s Kemelah state assemblyman Ayub Rahmat was quoted by online news portal Malaysiakini as saying he wished to see Johor to become the first state to implement “true hudud law”, which he claimed would differ from PAS’s version.

Ayub said his version of hudud law would be non-discriminatory as the adherents of all religions would be subjected to it in Johor.

“The Syariah Criminal Code (II) 1993 State of Kelantan does not reflect the true requirements of Islam. It creates discrimination in terms of execution (among Muslims and non-Muslims),” Ayub had said.

The Umno assemblyman, who made the proposal on the June 20 sitting of the Johor state assembly, said his proposal would help non-Muslims understand the implementation of hudud law, while accusing PAS of having failed to do so.

Hudud is a contentious issue in multicultural and multireligious Malaysia. It is often used as fodder by political parties either to engender support or attack ideological opponents.

So divisive is the topic that it even pits close allies against one another.

Within the Pakatan Rakyat opposition pact, PAS leaders have publicly stated their support for the implementation of such laws, while the DAP has argued that it went against the spirit of the Federal Constitution.

written by Voice of Reason, July 02, 2012 21:01:35
It was only a matter of time when certain educated Malays were going to ask “What makes you so special that you get to escape from hudud and we have no choice but to suffer?” and demands it be implemented on everyone or no one..

written by j lee, July 02, 2012 19:25:59
Surely that can be challenged, right up to the International Courts of Justice, if need be. This is just and ignorant’s view, just ignore him. Unless it is a plan to create a non-issue so that MCA can then be seen like a champion of the people.

written by Bean, July 02, 2012 17:02:59
If they implement hudud for all races in Johore, BN sure to lose. The chinese girls like to wear hot pants, mini skirts, have very short hair and men like to go to pub to drink. Chinese girls will not wear the tudung. What about eating pork? Even if BN will to win, the chinese will start migrating to other states, and the economy of Johore will decline.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

See the above sandiwara and no mention of END OF APARTHEID? Read below and understand that they have the mandate but will not use the mandate to end apartheid :

Troll Jousting

Troll Jousting is the act of retorting comments on blogs that have been placed by trolls, or paid commentators who place comments to support a particular vested interest. The Troll Jouster places comments that show the falseness of the Troll

Wow nice Troll Jousting dude, you really bitch slapped that Troll.

Yeah, thanks eh brah! I couldn’t believe that Pro Nuke Troll was actually saying that radiation can be beneficial to your health. I had to slap ’em back in case some innocent bystander saw that Troll comment and believed it.

Well, good work dude, keep up the Troll jousting on that blog, and remember, there are NO innocent bystanders.

BN is unvotable and now stages ‘Troll Jousting’ drama to misdirect from the BUMIPUTRA APARTHEID ISSUE so that UMNO and MCA and even MIC or whatever member party gets to continue parasiting off the Rakyat.


When all else fails, will Umno turn to ASSASSINATION: Perkasa physically attacks Guan Eng

The failure by police to immediately arrest Perkasa members involved in violence not just against members of the public and reporters but also make direct threats against my personal safety has only confirmed fears that Perkasa can do no wrong because they are supported by UMNO and BN.

Police should review their hands-off approach towards Perkasa to avoid public perception that they condone the violent tactics by Perkasa to intimidate PR leaders.

Yesterday’s incident in Teluk Bahang market, where Perkasa members were allowed to conduct a demonstration and throw anti-Lim Guan Eng posters close to me, only shows that whilst there was police presence the police just stood by and watched.

The inaction by the police probably emboldened a Perkasa member to suddenly charge up behind me and succeeded in brushing hard against me. Even though the Perkasa member had brushed hard against me, I escaped injury.

But if not for a PR local leader bravely dragging the Perkasa member away, I could have been injured. Dragging the Perkasa member away from threatening my safety should have been the duty and responsibility of the police, not PR local leaders.

No arrests – why?

The failure of the police to offer adequate protection was followed by the failure of the police to immediately arrest the Perkasa member involved. Just imagine how harsh police reaction would have been if this had involved the Prime Minister and not the Chinese PR Chief Minister.

This unfortunate incident had happened even though the Speaker of the Penang State Assembly, Dato Abdul Halim bin Hussain had informed police of the demonstration by Perkasa and ask for adequate protection and stern action.

However despite a record of serial violence against the public, reporters and even PR leaders by Perkasa, Perkasa can still behave in a violent manner without fear of punishment.

Despite recording the second highest reduction in crime index as at May 2012(a reduction of 23%), police have been under scrutiny in Penang due to several high profile crime incidents in Penang in the heritage, tourist and some housing areas.

The failure to even adequately protect the Chief Minister will not lend public confidence in the ability of the police to ensure public safety when they can not act quickly against those who threaten the safety of the Chief Minister.

Lim Guan Eng is the Penang Chief Minister and DAP sec-gen (Brought to you by Carls Jr.)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Politicians who fail to keep election promises have already assassinated themselves politically. Just baiting for the physical assassination when they keep pretending campaign promises were kept and abusing by-laws that should be amended but do not. The Rakyat will move on to politicians that can keep their word and not miss those who committed political suicide by failing to keep election promises. The dirty work of physical assassination is but an after thought, like failed beneficiaries of nepotism that destroy democracy and put down the general public, refuse to amend laws and claim credit for the good works of others by being self serving parrots. Lets hope PERKASA moves faster so that the next generation of 2 term politicians have space to move into politics. take out the nepotistic political blocs PERKASA, and be sure to know that BN’s own nepotists and failed apartheid politicians will also suffer the same fate as ‘refuse to amend law’, ‘become CM without quorum’, ‘lie about declaring MP asset’, ‘fail to keep promise for local election’, etc.. trash politician here.

2 terms and nothing done, means no longer viable! And on the back of quorumless nepotism! GTFO of the Dewan! And at least in this case, cheers for PERKASA! Maybe Lim Guan Eng is expressing a subconscious desire to have a dramatic end, or more likely perhaps is just indulging in more ‘Funeral Demogoguery’ AGAIN, where 750K requests for funerals failed and were met with sh1t cakes on the trail of failed campaign promises . . .


Polls delay or not, Najib is ‘in a mess’ – Monday, 02 July 2012 19:43

PAS Murshidul Am Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has described the delay in general election as a morale booster for Pakatan Rakyat.

Saying he was not sure the reason behind the continued reluctance by prime minister Najib Razak (left) to dissolve the parliament, Nik Aziz said the UMNO president was “in a mess”.

“One thing we are sure is that Najib is in a mess,” he said, adding that Najib’s fear could be due to growing opposition strength in UMNO bastion Johor as was seen during PAS’s Green Rally to Putrajaya in the state last Friday.

“In Johor, we have never witnessed before so many people. This proves awareness among people there and the existence of a wave of change,” added the Kelantan Menteri Besar.

PAS vice president Mahfuz Omar meanwhile reminded Najib that the five-year mandate given to Barisan Nasional at the Federal level was under his predecessor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

As such, Mahfuz said it was wrong to suggest that Najib was ‘honouring’ the mandate from the people by going for a full term.

Najib had earlier argued that holding snap elections was “shortening the period given by the people” to BN.

“For us, what is important is to show our ability to continue to champion the people,” Najib said.

In an about-turn, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who had advised Najib to hold polls after the fasting month, has agreed to the delay.

Prior to this, Najib had hinted that the elections could be called during the Hajj season, when some 30,000 Malaysians on their pilgrimage to Makkah could not vote.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

All Najib needs to do is to grant :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;and PAS because of Hudud (Why the advocacy of irrevocable limb hacking violence for the immatured, impulsive or poor, Tok Guru??? Those limbs will not grow back when those punished by Hudud grow up . . . ) stance, PKR because of nepotism and clique politics, DAP for nepotism and Singaporean term limitless ‘Junta-mindedness’ will be ‘in a mess’.PM Najib, will BN not use that mandate to grant the above? 3rd Force ready to put down these 2 dinosaur coalitions otherwise? BN will always be able to use that mandate (currently not using and angering the voters immensely, with the occasional death fueling more flames to never vote for BN again . . . ) to grant the above 3 items as a final ditch defense to ensure a BN win, so don’t say BN is in a mess, BN can yet survive albeit only by the above 3 items.

Jenna Jameson Sued : Give Our Maserati Back!!! Exclusive

Jenna Jameson is currently driving around in a stolen Maserati — this according to the company that leased it to her … and now, it’s suing to get the car back.

Maserati Financial Services filed the lawsuit against Jenna in Orange County Superior Court, claiming it leased a Maserati Quattroporte S to the porn legend back in 2010 for $2,299 a month — but Jenna stopped paying in January.

MFS says it’s been trying to repossess the car to no avail — so now it’s going after Jenna in court, demanding she return the vehicle ASAP … AND pay $107,000 in damages.

Calls to Jenna’s people were not returned.

Jenna Jameson

Maserati Quattroporte S

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Thats around RM7000 a month or RM233 a day (USD$70 therabouts – keep in mind US citizens earn USD$ . . . so Malaysia should also be RM70) for a supercar. Consider in Malaysia where a mid-tier car not even a fraction of the value of a Maserati (not even a low end luxury vehicle) rents at 100-500 a day (with low end luxury or sports vehicles up to 1000 a day much less RM7000 for 1 month) and understand that Malaysia is a RIP-OFF country compounded by the crony favouring Vehicular-AP system and near 300% taxes on ALL vehicles. The smallest vehicles in Malaysia are near 15K USD, while in USA that can get you a medium sized vehicle. In India the prices are about HALF of the above.

So any MP that will not REMOVE Vehicular AP or lower import taxes to 10 times less that what currently is in Malaysia DOES NOT deserve to be voted. Ask your MP if they will lower those import duties and road tax. If they seem unsure or uncertain or do not comment, understand that the MP is unvotable and profiteering off the collusion with vehicle companies. Meanwhile pornstars like Jenna get to enjoy fabulous rental prices in USA, a country that is equally as bankrupt as Malaysia! Too damn high!

See response to article 4 on below link for a look at what our TERM LIMITLESS nepotist and racist satrap politicians have been up to :

4 ARTICLES ON FREEDOM TO MODIFY ONE’S OWN PROPERTY (Vehicles and Homes Specifically) – various sources – 14th November 2011

Vote only for MPs who will forward and ratify a bill to lower import duties and road tax! Also remember :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

More telling comments below :

A Bentley Mulsanne will cost USD 285,000 (RM 962,588) when it arrives on U.S. shores next year. By the time it reaches Malaysia, the price tag would balloon to RM 3.17 million, according to the 329 percent of duties imposed on a car in this category.  Chauffer courses in the USA range from USD$99, in Malaysia such courses can easily begin at USD$300. And guess who is at fault? The 222 MPs (which the idiot voter keep voting that also impose crony benefiting Vehicular-AP on top of that) who refuse to lower tax duties or even bother to ABOLISH road taxes (USA has no road tax, though has road toll concessionaires in some money grubbing states . . . ) :

@shawn says:

January 19th, 2010 at 12:30 pm

I know this is old but I can’t resist from posting this. Import Cars = Sells for a much higher price than overseas (yes even after conversion it is more than 2:1 difference)

Gas Price = Producers My Ass
Toll = Overkill
Road Tax = Overkill

Other countries like USA do not have road tax. The price of gas covers road tax. If you have no idea about how the system works in other countries dont blog about it. Malaysia taxes for import cars, road use and fuel. Other country chooses 1 out of the 3 or maximum 2 out of the 3 charge. Malaysia has all 3 + an impossible amount of tax + horrible road conditions. If you have not been overseas and lived there and/or researched their terms of funding. Don’t blog about it. You’re making urself look stupid. (F— @shawn for snarking about going overseas to live there . . . that is NOT NECESSSARY for ‘research’, but stand for election as a 3rd Force independent candidate @shawn, independent candidates are needed to end this money grubbing farce or colluding plutocrats we call government . . .)

@jo says:

January 27th, 2010 at 11:54 am
you are so right Shawn Bro,,,,Malaysia is taking its own people as guinea pig…..

On top of the abusive tax system which our unvotable MP’s refuse to address, Malaysians are not even allowed to tint their cars for privacy or from the extreme tropical heat, and also not allowed to modify our vehicles which are PRIVATE PROPERTY. So idiot citizens of Malaysia who vote BN or even PR who’s MPs look set to continue APARTHEID or implement hudud, disallow tinting, please run for election as independent 3rd Forcers if you can afford to on the above issues. If 222 independent MPs who decide to abolish Firced Military Conscriptions, Road Tax, Toll Concessionaires AND allow extreme Car Modding (much less merely even tinting), the highways at least would have been freed.

By the second term, the 222 independent MPs would have made Malaysia into the best place in the world to migrate to (abolish road tolls, forced conscriptions, has allodial titles, abolishes eminent domain, end vehicular AP, allows extreme car-modding, . . . so DO NOT VOTE BN (racist and stagnant) or PR (nepotist), and finally remember, kick ALL MPs (even 3rd Forec MPs) out of power after 2 terms! Vote 3rd Force!


Corruption blocking Malaysia’s leap into higher-income status, says Nazir Razak – NEWS/COMMENTARIES – Monday, 02 July 2012 Super Admin

(The Malaysian Insider) – Malaysia must overcome corruption and carry out more market-oriented reforms if it is to move up from being a middle-income economy, CIMB Group chief Datuk Seri Nazir Razak and younger brother to the prime minister has told Financial Times (FT).

The youngest son of the country’s second prime minister, Tun Razak Hussein, also told the FT that his eldest brother had “a hell of a task” because “worldwide, no one has really been able to reform from incumbency”.

Nazir’s elder brother and the country’s sixth PM, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, has been sprearheading a slew of governmental, economic and social reforms to transform the country, but Malaysia’s top banker seemed to suggest that it was not enough in an interview published in the international business paper today.

“(Corruption) remains a problem and it is something that needs to be combated,” he told FT.

Nazir (picture) told the paper that Malaysia could consider granting an amnesty for those involved in minor corruption, as has been done in Hong Kong and other countries, an idea that the Najib administration has resisted.

“You could argue that when you do that, you will get a lot less resistance from the vested interests, which is always the problem; then say, the past is the past and we all start from scratch. I still believe that’s what is needed,” Nazir was quoted as saying.

He highlighted that there was “still a need to strengthen market forces in general and that is about rolling back government in business, both in terms of bureaucracies but also in terms of its direct involvement.”

Nazir told the paper Putrajaya must push reforms that give more free rein to market forces and roll back government ownership of business through privatisations, such as the public listing of Malaysian palm oil giant Felda Global Ventures Holdings last week, which would also draw in major world business players like Axiata.

The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government, which Najib heads, has repeatedly come under fire for its less-than-transparent and lavish spending on government procurement projects in areas ranging from agriculture to defence, resulting in scandals such as the RM250 million National Feedlot Centre that failed to cut the country’s beef imports and the multibillion ringgit spent on buying submarines and naval patrol boats.

Malaysia’s score in Transparency International’s corruption perception index has slipping for the fourth year running; on a 10-point scale, where 10 represents no corruption, Malaysia dropped from 5.1 in 2008 to 4.5 in 2009, 4.4 in 2010 and 4.3 in 2011.

The country’s ranking also fell to 60 out of 183 countries — between Saudi Arabia and Cuba — from 56 out of 178 last year.

Malaysia remained the third-least corrupt nation in Asean after Singapore (9.2) and Brunei (5.2), with Thailand (3.4) and Indonesia (3.0) following in fourth and fifth places respectively.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

True, but NEPOTISM and being a beneficiary of nepotism is part of corruption as well, Mr.Brother of the PM. Then read the below comment :

written by uxzee, July 02, 2012 14:25:57
“worldwide, no one has really been able to reform from incumbency”.

Nazir does not understand what he is talking about and is blindly defending his brother Najib. People like Nazir are the corrupted cronies who sweep all the lucrative mega contracts for his CIMB. Will Nazir or CIMB dare to compete strictly on merits and in an open market ? Then we can really see how incompetent Nazir is. It is really sick to give stupid advise when Nazir is in the position of a favoured crony and taking full advantage of it.

And I think Nazir has a skewed view. No need to look worldwide – just look at our neighbour Singapore which has reformed and transformed into a thriving economy and is the largest investor in Malaysia and in most South East Asian countries.

Talk about high-income status, reduce corruption, improve standard of education, improve efficiency, meritocracy, ? – go learn from Singapore. Don’t be shy.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Singapore is no different from Malaysia with relatives everywhere and family blocs as well. The citizens are suffering from parasite oligarch families turning democracies into satrapies and feudal business monopolies. Singapore is a MILITARY BASE which USA has invested in. Singapore is of no value (more so when the Ithsmus of Kra Canal – Devil they designated this your ‘neck’, but Lucifer surely spans all Creation, presumptuous to claim an Ithsmus as his neck???) otherwise but IS a pretext location for US state linked businessmen to justify a strategic military base in ASEAN.

Reformed and transformed? More like colluded and media spun, with the lame excuse of a supposed benevolent dictator . . . USA needs to re-examine their principles and REMOVE term limitless oligarch politicians for REAL love of the increasingly wise world at large. No more are world citizens east european borats, sand niggers, pakees and gooks, the 99% is ready to kick anyone’s ass for lying or overstepping fair authority or throwing fiat scrip at ‘poor countries’ . . .


Spread of deviant religious teachings worries Selangor Sultan – July 02, 2012

PUTRAJAYA, July 2 — The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has called on Muslims to raise their level of knowledge, understanding and imbibing of Islamic teachings to protect themselves from being influenced by deviant religious teachings.

The Sultan (picture) said deviant religious teachings were actively being spread by certain groups in the country who regarded Prophet Muhammad’s companions as infidels and their religious teachers as prophets, and approved acts that were contrary to true Islamic teachings.

“This is worrying me as the deviant teachings are being insidiously disseminated through certain organisations.

“As the head of Islamic religion in the state, I do not want deviant religious teachings to influence the minds of the young in schools and higher learning institutions, as well as the community at large.

“Therefore, I hope the fatwa (edicts) that have been gazetted can be effectively enforced, taking into consideration the existing syariah legal provisions,” the Sultan said in his speech in conjunction with the Pemier Islamic Forum at Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS) in Bandar Baru Bangi near here tonight.

The Sultan said he wanted issues like lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals (LGBT), apostasy, religious pluralism, insulting and criticising Islam and other acts which could create conflicts and chaos to be immediately but decorously dealt with.

Sultan Sharafuddin said based on studies carried out, more and more Muslims were involved in LGBT activities which received the support of several non-governmental organisations and through the Internet and social media like Facebook as a medium for communication and interaction.

“I do not want to see the Muslim community divided and weak.

“I urge the Muslim community, particularly the Malays, to be united in protecting the sanctity and position of Islam as the official religion of the federation, so that it will continue to be respected and held in high esteem by all,” he said.

The Sultan also urged Muslims to maintain good relations with the other communities in the country so that peace, harmony and prosperity could prevail.

“The turbulence in some countries of late shows us that disunity will

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Single track minds are a luxury (if not cynical use as tools of control of already generally respectful populations) to behold . . .

This is a genetic issue not a social or religious issue. Nature (or Allah for the Muslims) has designed all of these expressions of humanity both to show us what is wrong and right, and even allows the state of apostasy as is Man’s right to free will that Malaysian Syariah Law ignores – ask the Al Azhar Islamic Universirt at Cairo if denying right to apostasy is correct or reasonable by any country that is supposed to be a Muslim country. Man not state has no right to demand any other to follow and children who have not reached maturity to CHOOSE to be Muslims can hardly be fairly considered Muslims as they would have to reach adulthood first BEFORE choosing to be Muslim, consider facing the prophet or if no real Muslim at all, there is no point.

Though any parents could bring any children up as Muslims, the  choice of these children MUST NOT be  taken from them – sad to say too many Muslims in Malaysia are of the former sort who have never been given a chance to choose , worse still are those being lured with the opportunity to oppress non-Muslims instead of choosing of free will and out of love of Islam per se. Their reasons for being Muslims are to abuse non-Muslims not because they are pious or fear Allah!

The sanctity and position of Islam as the official religion of the federation will always be viable in those who want to follow. Those who do not or cannot have nothing to do with Islam’s sanctity and hudud or violence must never be used against them! What would the gentle Prophet have done? Hudud is inapplicable, know the difference between REAL Muslims and those who lack the will to challenge a flawed system that entices with evil minded and disenfranchising, racist paradigms.

Shame on those who call themselves pious or Muslim but do not understand or consider the above! No good Muslim or even world citizen will deny any other :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)


Britain blamed for Indian Malaysians’ ‘plight’ in ex-colony IANS | Jun 30, 2012, 08.00PM IST

LONDON: An exiled Indian Malaysian human rights lawyer plans to file a lawsuit against the British government for failing to provide adequate safety to the community under the rule of Malay-Muslim majority when independence was granted to the former colony.

London-based Waytha Moorthy claims that the then British Harold MacMillian’s government failed to provide protection to Indian Malaysians when independence was granted to the former colony in 1957.

The 46-year-old lawyer was expected to re-issue a class action lawsuit at the High Court Monday. He is claiming a sum of $1 million in compensation for each one of Malaysia’s 1.8 million Indians.

Originally launched in 2007, but never heard and now out of time, Moorthy’s claim is on behalf of Indian Malaysians who he said face human rights abuses and live unprotected and in “continuous colonisation”.

The then British government gave the Muslim population special rights and privileges, effectively establishing a system of apartheid ever since, he said in a statement.

“In India, at the time of partition, the British government gave rights to minorities.

“In Malaysia, minority racial and religious groups were hung out to dry. The result is that 45 percent of the population is still being marginalised, humiliated and discriminated against when it comes to jobs, education and finance,” said Moorthy, chair of

HINDRAF, an NGO advocating equal rights for Indian Malaysians.

The organisation is banned in Malaysia and Moorthy has been jailed on numerous occasions in that country.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Another strawman? The Malaysian government cannot be left out of this kind of lawsuit even as the English are no longer responsible though the English did initiate the Special Privileges via the Reid Commission which clearly stated only a 15 year period before review for abolishment of what has now become APARTHEID. The Malaysian MPs of whatever race or party who have kept the special privileges in place here the actual offenders. The Malaysian MPs who refuse to bring up or ratify a bill abolishing apartheid are at fault, not the English. Conversely, the English could speak ON Moorthy’s side at this angle condemning Malaysian MPs who refuse to remove apartheid privileges applicable only for 15 years. At the same time, Moorthy could fairly also demand that the ‘Eye of Brahma’ Black Diamond (currently in 3 parts, amongst other stolen treasures held by England) be returned to India.

The true criminals are the Malaysian MPs, also appropriate Ministerial portfolio members of cabinet, (of all races and faiths) who refuse to give or address or acknowledge :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

That has led to feelings of disenfranchisement that have led to emotional distress and social persecution of those politically aware as well as political activists in Malaysia who should be compensated for any suffering they were made to endure during the entire period of the ILLEGAL (after 1976 at any rate) Special Privileges. Could the UN, Human Rights Council (which Malaysia is unsuitably a member of)  and also Sunnite Islam’s highest authority (on the issue of Asabiya) please arbitrate and order that the obviously ILLEGAL and APARTHEID Special Privileges be ended immediately as well?


S’gor water: Game of chicken is scaring residents? – Thursday, 05 July 2012 08:26

BN VIEWPOINT THERE is so much news of an impending water problem in the Klang Valley that it got me worried. I am not sure if it will be due to less rain, more development or politics — or all of the above.

In the Klang Valley the threat of water shortage began in 2008 when the Pakatan Rakyat government decided to take on the water companies, alleging they were inefficient and were getting sweetheart deals from the federal and previous state governments.

While the current state government is not responsible for higher water consumption, it nevertheless can be taking us to a water crisis in a hand basket.

The decision by the Selangor government to give free water soon after getting sworn into office in 2008 was the beginning of the politicising of water, just as some would politicise religion or education.

The desire of Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim to impress the people of Selangor, and score political points, too, with benevolence is understandable. What better way to do so than with free water.

Khalid often claims that the free water does not see an increase in usage. That may be true, but he misses the point, entirely.

Water is a finite and valuable resource. Even if we can afford to give it away for free, we must not, since it will lessen its value to some people. Furthermore, it costs money to treat and make water potable, and people must know so.

An irony in the Selangor free water initiative is that many of those living in low-cost flats, for example, do not benefit from it, while those who can afford homes, do.

The standoff with the water companies and the Federal Government has a populist ring to it and would of course be politically rewarding. Selangor also put on hold several water-related projects on the premise of protecting the state from unfair deals.

It has been four years of relative inactivity, water-wise. At the same time the Klang Valley has expanded by dramatic proportions. Puchong, for instance, has turned into a major residential and commercial area, rivalling Subang Jaya, which is also expanding. Everywhere, new residential, commercial and industrial developments have, and are taking place.

As a result, the carrying capacity of the greater Klang Valley, with a population some estimate to be close to eight million, that is the heartbeat of the nation, is being stretched.

For water especially, this can already be felt by long-time residents who are experiencing lower water pressure these days. Some reports suggest if the margin of reserve is as thin as it is now, and if drought were to hit us, then we would be in trouble. The massive water shortage of the late 1990s is also fresh in our minds.

Khalid and his supporters on the other hand claim that there is no such thing as a water problem in Selangor and that the scaremongering is the work of political opponents. The claim that the Klang Valley would have a water crisis by 2014 is also a cry wolf.

Regardless, logic has it that if demand keeps increasing and supply were to remain the same, at some point, we would be in trouble.

At the moment I do not really care who is right or wrong. The state’s steadfastness over the issue is no longer admirable, but is verging on foolhardiness.

Stop politicising water. Klang Valley residents should not have to pay for political grandstanding, by anyone. This high-stake game of chicken, waiting for who will blink first is getting close to ridiculous — especially with the prospect of dry taps for millions of people.

– New Straits Times

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Knowing what rubbish Malaysia can degenerate into, there can be no harm in buying a week or few worth of water and food supplies for future use. That way water ‘threats’ won’t be effective in swaying votes. And don’t use plastic bottles or tanks as your ‘private reservoir’ – plastic sloughs off into the water. If anyone in Dewan has half a mind to riot to cause a lockdown or ‘Emergency’, the citizens will be ready to hold out until the ASEAN or NATO Peacekeepers get here.

On a side note incidentally, for all the farcical harm Mahathir Mohammed has caused Malaysia via Vehicular AP and Toll Both System, stolen lives and lands from Orang Asli indigenous peoples, racism against the Indians and Chinese, how could the UN even give that nepotistic old dictator (who bailed out childrens’ shipping failures) an award – Rafik Hariri UN-Habitat Memorial award, for ‘accomplishments in areas that include leadership (dictatorship is not leadership); statesmanship and good governance (Ops Lallang and Judicial Crisis are massivce failures that UN can hardly ignore); construction and reconstructions of settlements and communities (destructionof Orang Asli habitats – alienations of OrangAsli lands and forced resettlement without choice is NOT construction) ; and human resource development (breeding cronyism and corruption – ask ANY Malaysia EVEN the cynical UMNO party the old creep Mahathir is from – for any idea on how Malaysia feels about Mahathir . . . .’ SOCIAL development?

UN whats wrong with you? I propose that the entire awards committee or vetting panel for the Rafik Hariri UN-Habitat Memorial award BE SACKED, and all others ‘awards vetters’ be audited for potential BRIBERY and corruption. UN is fast becoming redundant when awards can be given to the most criminal of people who did the exact opposite of what the worst most unstatesmen like 3rd world cults of personality for awards like the above. One even begins to wonder if Rafik Hariri was another criminal to begin with now! NAM and BRICS or ASEAN or UNASUR will indeed have to play UN’s role in ‘counter-vetting’ now. Lets see what the above non-UN organisations say about the award to determine what the above non-UN organisations are worth. Perhaps USA would like to comment? After all UN HQ is currently in the USA, and if USA concur with the Rafik Hariri UN-Habitat Memorial award being correctly awarded to one of the worst people in ASEAN, then USA is as bad as the person disgracefully awarded . . . just shocking . . .

Mini-Article 9.5

Dr M gets UN-Habitat award for contributions – Saturday July 7, 2012

Contributions? More like Reductions and value deductions against Malaysian citizens . . .


A sentencing guide? – Posted on 3 July 2012 – 09:22pm – Last updated on 3 July 2012 – 09:29pm – R. Nadeswaran

MORE than three decades ago, I sat in the public gallery at the magistrate’s court as a pregnant woman was brought in to the dock with her hands cuffed behind her back. The interpreter read the charge to her and asked: Mengaku salah atau tidak?

“She pleads guilty, your honour,” the interpreter said and asked her if she had anything to say in mitigation. “Saya ambil susu itu untuk anak saya.” (I took the milk for my child.) For shoplifting a tin of powdered milk and some other items, she was sent to the slammer for six months.

Two days later, before another magistrate, a 22-year-old man pleaded guilty to committing criminal breach of trust of RM20,000 belonging to his employer. After pleading guilty, his counsel stood up and mitigated, playing up his client’s good values and how his client ended up in wrong company and was forced to steal from his employer. He was bound over on a good behaviour bond.

In the month that followed, my then colleague Au Foong Yee, who was covering the PJ courts reported about a man who caused injury to a victim while committing robbery. He was bound over but the minor report did not escape the eyes of Justice N. H. Chan who was a sitting High Court judge. He called up the case for review and imposed a custodial sentence.

In the years that followed, I continued to read about the rich and famous getting away with slaps on their wrists but yet could do nothing, especially cases involving white collar crimes. These two incidents, though, left me pondering over what I perceived as unfair and unequal sentences. On more than one occasion, I had used the pregnant woman’s sentence in this column. Very much later, in the university library in England, I came across a publication called Sentencing Guidelines.

The foreword was compelling reading. Sentencing, it says, is a complex and difficult exercise. It can never be a rigid, mechanistic or scientific process. Consistency of approach by sentencers is essential to maintain public confidence. But perfect consistency in outcome is impossible to achieve because of the infinite variety of circumstances with which, even in relation to one kind of offence, the courts are presented.

“In choosing a fair and just sentence in a particular case, judges and magistrates, within the parameters established by Parliament, must have regard to the gravity of the offence, its impact on the victim, the circumstances of the offender and the wider public interest. In relation to all these matters they must exercise judgment and discretion,” wrote Lord Justice Rose, vice-president, Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) and the deputy chairman, Sentencing Guidelines Council.

That was seven years ago and sentencing is still a fascination and court reports are closely followed. Last week, there was cause to have reason to be happy because a seldom-heard-of custodial sentence was imposed by the Court of Appeal for a white collar crime.

Even the Securities Commission called it a landmark decision as a former Fountain View Development Bhd company director, Datuk Chin Chan Leong, was sent to prison to serve a 12-month jail sentence for a share manipulation offence in Bursa Malaysia committed between 2003 and 2004.

Chin, who pleaded guilty to shares manipulation two years ago, was initially given a one-day jail sentence and RM1.3 million fine for the offence. A three-member Appeals Court panel enhanced (Chin’s) custodial sentence to 12 months’ jail after ruling that the one-day jail imposed by the sessions court did not reflect the seriousness of the offence.

We are often reminded that laws are sets of moral codes which have been put on paper for ease of enforcement. Hence, those who commit crimes against fellow citizens, must be appropriately punished. So, can we expect a set of guidelines for magistrates and judges to use?

R. Nadeswaran is editor (special and investigative reporting) at theSun and can be reached at:

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Try the one in the ‘Gambier Threat’ where the laws are not amended and fines imposed on everyone FOR offenses committed on their own private property. the amount of suffering created and fines imposed far outstrips 1 can of powdered milk. At the police level after reporting, a simple talk with the/a local Ombudsman and a gifting of another can of milk by the local list of billionaires or millionaires (in turn so that the pain will be shared – one can of milk is nothing to too many of us) should be where this ends. Not wasting more resources and then allowing the prison contractor system to profit AGAIN.

The court magistrate or who knows even the arresting officer should be offended enough to dismiss the case instantly, (after gifting the woman money for milk? Who will take care of the woman’s child?) and not even waste the taxpayer’s time and funds much less punish the woman at 1000s of times the cost to taxpayers for 1 can of milk – inquitable and wasteful hence unjust. Where are the days when the local big shot or state apparatus would just distribute milk so that people who do need to steal like this won’t have to and just turn up at the ‘food stamp centre’ every month instead? The planet’s English based modern legal and punishments system is the most inefficient system in nature and any civilisation in this universe. We civilised persons aware, should be ashamed at the greed and selfishness plutocrats and the punitive nature of judgements which burden society and taxpayer. Magnanimity and wasteful lack of creative treatment of problems typifies Malaysians.


Poison of Cyanide in Bukit Koman, Raub, Pahang – Monday, June 16, 2008

Bukit Koman a small village situated in the district of Raub, Pahang became famous over a hundred years ago because of its godl mine. There are about 400 households and a population of about 3,000. Life was peaceful and serene until early August, 2006 when the issue of “Cyanide” brought fear and anxiety.

August 21st, last year, the London listed company known as Peninsular Gold Limited wholly own subsidiary, Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd., has obtained the written approval from the Mineral and Geosains of Pahang to mine gold using Cyanide at the vicinity of the gold mining site in Bukit Koman without the knowledge of the villagers. It is known that they have built up the infracture for gold mining already.

Cyanide (CN) is the most toxic chemical, that can stop human cells from consuming exygen. Anyone who inhales concentrated Hydrogen Cyanide Gas ould drop dead instantly. In using Cyanide to extract gold, the yield is high as 97% which made the venture very attractive. Since 1960, the use of Cyanide in gold mining becama very common.

In october 1st 2006, the Gold Mining Company disclosed the approval letter for Cyanide gold mining form the State Government to the Bukit koman Committee members over lunch in one of the Raub Restaurant. They claimed that it is safe and the health of the villages will not be affected. After the Bukit Koman Committee members broke the news to the villagers, some went online to find out more about Cyanide. It is confirmed that the Cyanide is a deadly chemical. The villagers decided to from a committee to protect themselves. They seek the assistance of “Sahabat Alam Malaysia” (SAM) and with its help, an Anti-Cyanide Committee was formed. An all residents Anti-Cyanide compaign were mobilized.

As Bukit Koman New Village is situated just right at the side of the gold mine, the villages are very unhappy that the Pahang Mine And Geology Department has surreptitiously approved the use of Cyanide in gold mining without deu considerations.

Our Malaysia Government and Environmental Minister has always stressed the importance of relocating the small, medium and big industries with either smoke or non-smoke to be at least 5 km away from town area and all the environmental wastes must be treated very carefully. All the villagers, young and old alike are frightened and anxious and angry at the total disregard to their health and well being.

The nearest house, No. 74-A in Bukit Koman is only two meters away from the mining site and most of the houses in the village are only separated by a village road.

Question being asked, how and why did The Pahang Mine and Geology Department able to grant and approve the use of Cyanide in the mining of gold here when there are houses and small industries (Mee, Tau Foo, Groundnuts) so close to the mine.

There is a river flowing through the mining site. If the river overflows during floods, the water will seep into the gold mining infrastructure and can lead to Cyanide leadage and resulting in disastrous conssequences.

This has already happened in advanced and developed countries that used Cyanide to extract gold. Should that happen here, not only Bukit Koman villagers are danger but also the whole Raub population as well.

River pollution will definetely lead to “The Raub Oil Mill” and Oil Palm plantations by the Koman River. The mill uses the water for the manufacturing of Palm Oil products. These products are meant for markets both locals and overseas.

Polluted water will definitely lead to Lipis District also because the water flows to Sungai Dong and there on to Sungai Lipis and on and on.

A resident by the name of Gan Chew Yen, presently doing her Master Degree in Chemistry, pointed out that when Cyanide solution is slightly Acidic, it can turn to Cyanide Gas which is extreamely toxic and when Cyanide solution is Alkaline, the Cyanide will not break down. So either in the air or water, this chemical is extremely toxic to the environment.

Robert Moran, a Geo-Chemical expert, has found Cyanide contaminated sediments at a Cobalt-Nickel mine in Missouri that contained many milligrams per kilogram of total Cyanide more than 25 years after all processing had ceased. Samples of bricks, concrete palster and mortar from buildings at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps collected 45 years after all use of Cyanide ceased still showed detectable concentrations of Cyanide, presumably as Iron Cyanides.

History of accidents did happen; Cyanide and heavy metal leaks from the Summitville gold mine killed all aquatic life along a 27 kilometer stretch of the Alamosa River in the San Juan Mountains of Southwestern Colorado. By the time the fold mine was shut down in December 1992, the total clean-up costs have exceeded US$150 million.

In North-Western state of Montana, November 3, 1998, banned the use of Cyanide to extract gold. After years of suffering and dozens toxic leaks from the local mines, the indigenous assiniboine and Gros Ventre peoples had to battle for years in court to force Pegasus, a Canadian gold mining company, to clean-up Cyanide Waste on the Fort Belknap reservation in the Little Rocky Mountains of Montana. Although the community won the lawsuit in 1996, the company declared bankruptcy the following year thwarting clean-up efforts.

The community of Bergama, Turkey, was the first to win a legal ban on Cyanide. In May, 1997, the highest Turkish administrative court overturned approval given by the Department of Environment for the proposed Eurogold project after a rally by 10,000 local poeple with 1,000 tractors occupied the mine site. The judgement was based on the Turkish Constitution and its guarantee of a healthy and intact environment. The court found that the Cyanide based mining technology was at odds with these constitutional rights.

There were “seven wells” left behind by the Raub Australian Gold Mining company when they mined gold underground many years ago. The Australian started mining gold in Raub and Bukit Koman since 1898 to 1963. These seven wells are situated along a straight line from “Raub Well” near the present Chung Ching Secondary School in Raub to the “Malacca Well” in Bukit Koman at the present gold mining area. The depths of these wells range from 600 ft. to 1,200 ft. underground. These wells are accessible by underground tunnels, which included the three wells now under the waste mining lake (tailings).

If the waste tailings and water containing Cyanide seeps into ground and into the waste mining lake, the whole of Raub District will be Cyanide contaminated by way of the underground water, interconnected by these tunnels.

Pollution would not only have a serious repervussion on the 3,000 villages of Bukit Koman but the whole population of Raub District.

The villagers have been very sincere in asking The Pahang State Government, Parliment and State Assemblyman to consider their humble request and look into their plight. It is the villagers hope that the “Letter of Authority To Mine” No. Phg. 14/2006 dated 21/8/2006 using Cyanide / Carbon In-Leach by the Mineral and Geosains of Pahang, on the study that was based some 10 years ago be revoked from the gold mining company. Last but not least we would like the Government of the day to treat this matter with urgency and not to one gold mining company that overrides the population of Raub.
Posted by Choong Siew onn at Monday, June 16, 2008
1 comment:

Jiaxin said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
July 18, 2009 7:37 PM

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Typical. 1 comment and DAP sees fit to remove. Malaysia Chronicle a pro-DAP outfit also does the same, did that so much I stopped posting more or less there. This being the MP’s site, doesn’t surprise at all. Would Raub citizens want to field an independent candidate who will shut all gold mines immediately? Consider one of those retirees who will also stand for :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

The local MP is probably on the take from RAGM and pretending to be sending samples and what not. A really decisive MP would have shut down the whole area by declaring the whole constituency ‘Agriculture and Residential only’. Would the voters in Raub want to vote for a candidate that would be able to not be tempted by gold or buyoffs and just shut every offending mine down as is the MP’s power and right to represent the locals rather than collude against the locals? Independent candidates and 3rd Forcers, activists, want to write 1 law (which is more than that CM of Penang character did) for the entire 1st term stint which abolishes use of cyanide or any dangerous chemical ENTIRELY in all gold mining operations at least? Voters should know who has the mind to do that . . .


‘Umno does not own BN’ – Wednesday, 04 July 2012 Super Admin

A MIC leader says the the days of the ‘Big Brother’ syndrome is over and component parties should not quit BN if it disagreed with Umno.

(FMT) – Barisan Nasional is made up of various partners founded on the principle of power sharing and no party can claim to be the sole proprietor of the coalition, said a MIC leader.

Therefore, S Vell Paari stressed that if Umno crossed the line then the other parties should come together to discuss the matter and find a solution.

In the past, he said Umno leaders had called for the withdrawal of component parties from BN whenever it was deemed that the line was not toed.

“So why is it that whenever a controversial issue arises concerning Umno it is the component parties which threaten to quit BN? This should not be the case.

“No one party has a monopoly in BN and decisions are based on consensus. Gone are the days of the ‘Big Brother’ syndrome,” he told FMT.

The MIC central working committee member also disagreed with the description of Umno being the backbone of BN, saying that the title belonged to the people.

The son of former MIC president S Samy Vellu was responding to the warning from MCA’s Young Professionals Bureau head Chua Tee Yong.

Tee Yong, the son of MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek, said his party would quit BN if Umno attempted to implement the Islamic hudud law.

He was reacting to Johor Umno state assemblyman Ayub Rahmat who suggested that hudud be implemented in the state to cover all races.

Ayub had put MCA in a spot as the hudud issue had been one of the Chinese-based party’s most potent weapon against its Chinese-predominated rival DAP over the latter’s association with the Islamic PAS.

Time to be more aggressive

Meanwhile, Vell Paari was confident that Umno would not push for the implementation of hudud but stated that the controversy necessitated certain points to be made clear.

He said MIC and MCA’s problem with Umno in the past was that its previous leaderships refused to acknowledge or even compromise with the two parties.

This, he noted, led to the inequality between the races, which in turn bred the resentment of the Chinese and Indian communities towards BN.

“I am not against the development of the majority but at the same time, the minorities should not have been left out in terms of education, employment and so forth,” he said.

However, Vell Paari said the situation was different now under the stewardship of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

“He is a prime minister who is willing to listen and he even had the courage to apologise for the coalition’s past mistake. Whatever said and done, I respect the man for that,” he said.

On the same note, Vell Paari said MIC and MCA must be more aggressive in fighting for the rights of the communities which the parties represented.

“The hard and cold fact is that our respective communities chose to turn their backs on us because we were seen as toothless tigers. And true enough, we were bullied into a corner.

“We must make a stand to show that we are not second or third fiddle in BN and our leaders are not there to attend functions and savour the kuih alone,” he said.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Don’t talk and use the mandate BN already has to grant :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

There is nothing BN can offer the Rakyat now, and all BN MPs are millionaires and billionaires already. Who needs this sort of MPs or inequality? Use that mandate to grant the above 3 items and stop expecting the citizens to vote for BN! Why should anyone vote for a coalition that does not use the mandate they already have to end apartheid?


Battle of scandals: Guan Eng vs Soi Lek – Wednesday, 04 July 2012 Super Admin – RK Anand, FMT

In declaring his fidelity and denying his wife assaulted him or the other woman, the DAP leader slips in an attack against the MCA president, who then retaliates.

In the latest chapter of the tussle between DAP and MCA, Lim Guan Eng has been accused of sharing an intimate relationship with a former staff and thus earning the wrath of his wife. His enraged wife Kota Laksamana (Malacca) assemblywoman Betty Chew, alluded MCA, had then assaulted both Lim and the woman, who had since been transferred. In a media statement this afternoon, the DAP secretary-general denied the allegation that his wife had beaten him or the woman.

Launching a vitriolic salvo against his opponents, Lim, who denied indulging in an extra-marital affair, also seized the opportunity to revisit MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s scandalous past.

He dared Malacca MCA chairman Gan Tian Loo, who raised the matter in the state assembly on Monday, to repeat his claim outside the House without hiding behind the cloak of immunity.

Lim said this would allow his wife and him to drag Gan to court and prove that he (Lim) was not like the MCA president.

“DAP never indulges in gutter politics,” he pointed out.

“DAP never abused parliamentary privilege and proceedings to attack the MCA president when he was caught in a video tape having an extra-marital affair with another woman,” he added.

Lim regretted that while DAP chose to exercise restraint, MCA was willing to stoop low.

Taking another swipe at the MCA president, the Penang chief minister said he would not ask Chua to direct Gan to repeat his allegation outside the House since the former had no moral authority to do so given his own scandal.

Instead, he wanted Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to issue the order.

Training his guns on Gan, Lim said if the latter failed to repeat his allegation, it would prove that he was a coward who was unfit to be a leader.

“Worse, he will show himself unworthy to be a husband and father… who can make false allegations against another to destroy not just his political career but also the family’s happiness.

“What kind of leader is Gan when he is willing to be used as a lackey of Umno to play such gutter politics?” he asked.

Chua: I have courage, you don’t

Retaliating, the MCA president agreed that Lim was not like him as there was a stark difference between the two, which was courage.

“I have the courage to be responsible and bear the consequences [for my actions],” he said in a media statement.

Chua asked if Lim would be brave enough to admit his mistake, apologise and resign from his posts as he did.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The Rakyat does not care who sleeps with who in DAP and MCA or if DAP and MCA has orgies every weekend with their political interns. Thats for the wife or husband to sue. The Rakyat only cares about having :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;and that TERM LIMITS are respected, that democracy and equality is upheld. Morality is NOT the same as good policy writing or conscientious amendments to bad laws or ending apartheid. Have orgies all you want DAP and MCA, but not use a mandate to end apartheid or use those legislative powers to amend laws, and the Rakyat will have no further use for any political party, BOTH Lim Guan Eng and Chua Soi Lek will be useless to the voter if they talk about their sex lives instead of amending laws and ending apartheid. 2 terms, AND equality, then GTFO of Dewan for the other citizens to participate in bettering the nation instead of talking about whos sleeping with who. Focus on the issue and use those 2 term limited powers!


To understand today you need to know yesterday – Wednesday, 04 July 2012 Super Admin – by John Roberts, WSWS.ORG

Many of you were not in the scene back in 1997/1998 when Malaysia was hit by a financial crisis and Anwar Ibrahim made his move to oust Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It was a classic case of the hunter becoming the hunted and how Dr Mahathir turned a losing hand into a winning hand. It may be time to revisit what happened 14-15 years ago considering that many of these players are now re-emerging as the power-brokers for the coming general election.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Malaysian government instigates a politically motivated ‘anti-corruption’ drive

Malaysian economic regulatory authorities—the Securities Commission and the central bank, Bank Negara—have initiated an extensive crackdown in the corporate sector in the name of ending corrupt practices. However, questions have been raised by opposition figures and in financial circles about the selective, political nature of the measures that have targeted businessmen connected to opponents of the Malaysian government.

On August 12, the Malaysia’s Sun newspaper reported that the Securities Commission had handed the Immigration Department a list of 70 names of businessmen and their senior advisors to prevent them from leaving Malaysia. The Securities Commission admitted taking the action, claiming only that the number was lower.

Among those already arrested and facing charges are some of the most prominent figures in the country’s corporate sector. On April 30, Ismail Zakariah, a former chief executive of the Sime Bank, a major Malaysian bank, was charged with breaking lending guidelines under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act by lending $M175 million ($US46 million) against the instructions of the bank’s board.

On July 24, KFC managing director Ishak Ismail and Abrar Corporation executive chairman Wan Hasni Wan Sulaiman were charged with offences under the Securities Act. The KFC director, who became a major corporate figure after gaining control of Idris Hydraulic in 1991, is charged with providing false information in 1996 when submitting a plan for Securities Commission approval. Wan Hasni Wan Sulaiman has been charged over allegedly using a plan to cheat investors in 1997.

On August 4, Datuk Tony Thiah Thee Kian, executive of TA Securities, the country’s largest retail brokerage firm, and his sister-in-law, Kimmy Khoo Poh Kim, the company secretary, were charged with aiding the political and business figure John Soh Chee Wen in defrauding the now defunct Omega Securities of $M424.9 million. If convicted Tiah and Khoo could face jail sentences of up to 10 years and fines of up to $M1million. The authorities have initiated an international manhunt for Soh.

Opposition figures have accused Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of directing the crackdown against businessmen connected to the deposed and jailed former deputy prime minister and financial minister Anwar Ibrahim. Similar concerns have been voiced by bankers and businessmen quoted in Hong Kong and Singapore-based newspapers.

Members of Parti Keadilan Nasional (National Justice Party), established this year by Anwar’s wife Wan Azizah, have denounced the measures saying they are aimed at smearing and intimidating opposition supporters in the lead-up to the national elections. One of the government’s aims, they say, is to cut off funds for opposition parties.

The poll is due to be held by the middle of next year, but there is widespread speculation in the press that Mahathir will call an early election.

The government claims the crackdown is not politically motivated but has been initiated by the Securities Commission in response to calls from foreign investors, fund managers, business and the media for moves against corrupt business practices. Mahathir said the regulating authorities were acting independently of the government. Securities Commission chairman Ali Abdul Kadir commented: “We are not concentrating on any particular sector, party, of friends of anybody.”

Mahathir’s assertions appear to be rather hollow, as a number of those facing charges are well known for their connections to Anwar.

For 10 years until 1991, Datuk Ishak Ismail was secretary of the ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) division of Permatang Pauh—Anwar’s constituency in Penang. After 1991 he remained a committee member. His political closeness to Anwar is apparent from an interview in which he said Anwar “is my mentor and I learnt a lot from him. I felt privileged to serve under him in his division. I have great respect for him. He is a leader of high integrity.”

Wan Hasni Wan Sulaiman was also a strong Anwar supporter. He was deputy chief of the UMNO young organisation in Kelantan until Anwar was deposed in last September. In October, he was expelled from UMNO for “anti-UMNO activities” as part of a purge of 300 to 400 Anwar supporters.

Ismail Zakaria was known to be close to both Mahathir and Anwar when the latter was Finance Minister. He was being considered as a future governor of the Bank Negara.

Furthermore, the roundup of Anwar supporters comes in the aftermath of fresh allegations by the jailed Anwar of corrupt practices by close supporters of Mahathir. In the course of July, he lodged police reports accompanied by supporting documents alleging that:

* Mahathir, in collaboration with the attorney-general’s chambers, blocked the criminal prosecution of international trade and industry minister Rafidah Aziz over charges that she had favoured her son-in-law in an allocation of shares.

* Mahathir, and not managing director Eric Chia, was largely responsible for $M3 billion in losses at the state-owned steel corporation Perwaja.

* Present Finance Minister and business tycoon Daim Zainuddin received money and shares from three prominent businessmen — Halim Saad, controlling shareholder of the giant Renong corporation; Tajudin Ramli, Malaysian Airlines chairman and principal shareholder; and Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah, chairman of the property group Land & General. Daim is one of Mahathir’s closest political associates.

While Anwar’s allegations have received little publicity and are unlikely to be pursued by the police, they appear to have rattled the Mahathir government. “The Anwar reports have put the government back on the defensive. They seem to be in a bind on how to react,” Jomo Sundaram, an economics professor, commented.

The crackdown by the Securities Commission is part of Mahathir’s answer as he considers whether to call an early election. The UMNO general assembly, held from June 18 to 20, was used by the party leadership as a virtual election rally. Claiming that the government’s regulatory policies were working, Mahathir and Daim branded the IMF’s policies as moves by the “ethnic Europeans” to recolonise Malaysia, and Anwar and his supporters as the lackeys of foreign capital.

The government has also put Anwar on trial for a second time, on charges of sodomy. He is already serving a six-year sentence on corruption charges. The trial has proceeded despite evidence that witness statements against Anwar were coerced by the police. The police have just admitted this week that they rewrote the charges when it was discovered that the apartment block in which the offenses were supposed to have taken place had not even been built at the time.

As well as the publicity surrounding the trial, Mahathir is counting on an improved economy to assist him winning an early election. But the so-called recovery in Malaysia has largely been fueled by government spending and is rather shaky. There has been little foreign investment in the country. Export growth in April and increased foreign reserves occurred against the backdrop of an economic contraction of 7.5 percent last year. Banks have refused to increase lending by the 8 percent demanded by the government.

Anwar’s expulsion last year and his subsequent jailing were not simply the product of a personal falling-out between the prime minister and his former deputy, but reflected deep rifts in ruling circles in the wake of the Asian economic crisis. Anwar demanded that the UMNO-led government respond by adopting the economic policies required by the IMF, a process he had begun as finance minister. He was seeking to further open up the economy to foreign investment and maintained a high interest rate regime, which was threatening to bring down major Malaysian corporations, including some closely allied to Mahathir and Daim.

Last September Mahathir responded by sacking the Bank Negara head and implemented a series of capital and currency controls including the suspension of offshore trading of the Malaysian ringgit, a fixed exchange rate and restrictions on the repatriation of profits by foreigners in share trading. When Anwar refused to accept the changes and refused to resign, Mahathir sacked and then expelled him from UMNO. After Anwar launched a nationwide campaign calling for Mahathir’s removal, he was arrested under the Internal Security Act and then finally changed with corruption and sexual misconduct.

The bitter dispute first surfaced in the June 1998 at the general assembly of UMNO. Anwar tried to appeal to the resentment of smaller Malay business interests who were going to the wall, while those close to UMNO were being bailed out by government money. He and his supporters called for the government to “cleanse society of collusion, corruption and nepotism”.

Mahathir responded at the time by producing a list of business interests connected to Anwar, who had benefited from state largesse. The message was clear: pursue this anti-corruption campaign and you will end up being investigated for financial malpractice. A little over a year later, the Mahathir government seems to be carrying out the threat.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Re-emerging RPK says? What a joke. 2 terms over? A plutocrat from being in politics? NO RE-EMERGENCE then. GTFO of Dewan you term limitless nepotists plutocrats! Will the independent candidates step forward and remove al;l these -re-emergers? The last thing we need is pre-1997 politicians taking the stand AGAIN. 1990s where the MOST UMNO dominated, least transparent era of nepotist Mahathir and Kris waving Home Ministers . . . RPK really has lost his mind. How could RPK fette deadwood from a dead era who are so wealthy and term limitless over young Malaysians who are not complicit on not challenging the apartheid system in Malaysia, but tacit approval and n ot challenging the apartheid special privileges which are also anathema in Islam?

Re-emerging politicians? No thanks. The nasi lemak or kuih seller (who does not believe in apartheid), sweeper or petty trader at the roadside has a better chance than any billionaire or even millionaire plutocrat much less the term limitless nepotist MPs trying to become plutocrats by stealing from the other citizens the rights to award contracts for the better of the country – NOT themselves to become plutocrats with. We’d rather such politicians NEVER re-emerge and be crushed by society (not voting them or keeping 2 term limits in place by dropping candidates after 2 terms) for the harm they have done with their bodeking and corrupt or racist behaviour, floundering on ending apartheid.

All Najib needs to do is to grant :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

;and we don’t need to hear about who’s f—ing who in MCA or DAP or RPK’s b.s. here . . .


Umno lost its way under Najib, says Tamrin Ghafar – NEWS/COMMENTARIES – Saturday, 07 July 2012 Super Admin

(The Malaysian Insider) – Already facing possible expulsion, Tamrin Ghafar, the son of former deputy prime minister and Umno strongman Tun Ghafar Baba, has again criticised the party’s leadership for straying from its “original struggle”.

The former Bukit Berendam MP told The Malaysian Insider last night that, under Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s leadership, Umno has been trampling on the rights of Malaysians instead of defending them.

“Umno has strayed from the original struggle of its forefathers, who had prioritised the people more.

“Under Najib, Umno has stolen its people’s rights, instead of defended it,” he said.

He expressed disappointment that, since Najib succeeded Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2009, both the directions of Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno have changed drastically.

Tamrin, who has recently been active on Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) political stage, confirmed he had received a show-cause letter from Umno’s disciplinary committee on June 26 demanding he explain his criticisms against Najib’s leadership.

He has declined to reply, however, saying he would prefer to meet with the committee to explain his reasons “face to face”.

“I’ve been given 14 days to respond. But I refuse to do so in writing. Instead, I am seeking to meet with the committee to explain my actions to them personally,” he said, despite acknowledging that this may result in his sacking.

When asked of his plans to join other parties should he be sacked, Tamrin said he was yet to make a decision.

“Let’s wait for the committee’s decision first. I have not thought about joining other parties yet,” he added.

Tamrin first made an appearance in an opposition-backed event during a pre-Bersih 3.0 rally held in April at Kelab Sultan Sulaiman in Kampung Baru here.

Since then, the leader has been an active participant of PR events, and has even written to Najib to air his views on how Umno could recapture public support.

Tamrin’s father, Ghafar, had been deputy prime minister during the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s administration and had served under four prime ministers, including Tun Abdul Razak, who is Najib’s father.

The late Ghafar had also been the Malacca chief minister for some eight years from 1959 to 1967 although he had originally declined the post offered to him by Tunku Abdul Rahman.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Here’s one of those very rare UMNO guys with the ethical or reform mindset of Semangat 46. Shahrir Samad (indepnendant minded enough to throw away UMNO’s style of politics, but formerly indulged in at least 1 or 2 corrupt acts), Tengku Razaleigh (glacial action on apartheid and crony politics in the past, talking about lots of embroyonic stuff but nothing concrete – Kuli is not exactly young and have been term limitless, how about doing something for this term or GTFO of Dewan for a more pro-active Tunku!) and Tamrin Ghafar (a man can turn down a CM’s post is exceptional indeed – deserves a Tunship but since Tamrin is too proud to lobby Tamrin probably got nothing . . . , Ghafar is a true STATESMAN not a mere political animal clinging to power) could well form the core of a new BN, with the likes of reform minded but (thus far) unable to speak up on APARTHEID types like Ong Tee Keat.


Mahathir, a racist and Malay chauvinist – TRUE OR FALSE? – Written by Christopher Fernandez, Malaysia Chronicle – Friday, 06 July 2012 09:14

The nation of Malaysia has reached the crossroads after years of suffering much anguish and pain in the hands of being ruled by Barisan Nasional. The extent of anguish and pain that Malaysians have suffered in the hands of BN cannot be fully quantified or assessed as yet.

However, what is certain is the way and manner of governing Malaysia since the days of the establishment of the Mahathir regime which has definitely witnessed a major blow and setback for democracy and race relations.

The real “pengkhianat Bangsa Melayu”?

It is an undeniable fact that while Mahathir governed Malaysia with impunity, he was also guilty of being a racist and a Malay chauvinist.

By often calling upon and using the racial card, he caused gullible and unsuspecting Malays and other bumiputras to believe that their common enemy is the non-bumiputras especially the Chinese and Indians.

But the blow to his racial ploy was only apparent with the return of globalisation to the fore.

When the world decided to go global, Mahathir’s racial ploys backfired and blew up in his face. The Malays were found not to have the competitive edge in being able to compete in a globalised environment as they were rendered weak by being fully dependent on the BN government for assistance and aid.

By causing Malays and bumiputras to become soft in their belly, an underclass society actually, it is really Mahathir Mohammad who is truly the “pengkhianat Bangsa Melayu” (the traitor to the Malays), and not Anwar Ibrahim, which Perkasa should take note.

Played his cards badly

Many Malays after this went into a dither, upon globalisation taking place, and if they are managing today, it is because of the continued and able support being given by non-bumiputras to them.

In reality, the Chinese and the Indians are pragmatic and wise in seeing that if the Malays and bumiputras become unbalanced economically there will be chaos in the country.

Mahathir however played his cards very badly. He instilled in Malays and bumiputras a fear that the real threat to their well being are the Chinese and Indians who are out to rob them of their share of the economic pie.

This caused race relations to go back to the dark ages with Mahathir behaving more Malay than the Malays themselves in wanting to seemingly safeguard and defend them.

Created a situation where he did not have to answer to anyone

Mahathir went out of his way to dispel any notion that he has links with Indian ancestry in an attempt to be seen as the sole champion and custodian of Malay rights. In doing so, he used the Chinese and Indians as the bogeys to frighten the Malays and bumiputras.

By promoting racism and Malay chauvinism, Mahathir was able to secure the Malay vote bank and win general elections over the years of his rule with commanding victories.

However, the fallout with his deputy, Anwar Ibrahim, over the devaluation of the Malaysian ringgit because of Mahathir gambling with funds obtained from Bank Negara Malaysia in the currency market spelt the beginning of the end of his so-called legacy.

Mahathir caused Anwar to be the scapegoat to cover for his misdeeds and acts of blatant corruption as he governed Malaysia without having to be answerable or accountable to anyone. He was governing Malaysia as a man above the law.

Cronyism and cronyism

During the tenure of his premiership, Mahathir established a BN-crony network to create the minority elite in this country while most Malays and bumiputras looked forward to a token value of financial progress.

Besides this, he staffed and employed most Malays by absorbing them into the civil service and offering them terms and conditions of service that were second-to-none despite a poor and low productivity rate and output by the civil service.

This was another of his ploys to curry favour with the Malays and to assure himself of their votes. As it stands, the racial composition of the staffing and employment of the overly-bloated civil service in this country is a blatant example and reflection of his acts of racism and chauvinism.

This is why more and more ordinary Malaysians have come to the realisation and recognition that Mahathir is perhaps more to be known as Bapa Rasuah (the father of corruption) than Bapa Pembangunan (the father of development).

A legacy of evil?

Mahathir’s skewering and tinkering with the politics and policies in this country has caused rising anger and resentment against him owing to numerous allegations of atrocities and abuses committed by him and his henchmen in the country.

Only by him and his cronies being brought before an international tribunal of justice can Malaysians be assured that the crimes he committed in this country towards Malaysians can come to the fore without people being fearful of reprisal.

While expecting justice and fair play by a competent court of justice in this country or even establishing a Royal Commission of Inquiry into his crimes and misdeeds might not lead to justice being seen to be done, Malaysians must bring him to book in an independent court abroad where his reach and influence is not there.

While Mahathir claims he does not fear death but evil, the evil he has spawned in this country is enough to convince and convict right-thinking Malaysians that his evil legacy is already in tatters for the coming generations to study as facts of history.

Malaysia Chronicle

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

At this point of time, someone even asks ‘True of False’ about Malaysia’s worst confirmed dictator? Malaysia Chronicle has turned strawman . . . If not wrongly read, Christopher Fernandez should be ashamed to even attempt manipulative NLP (neurolinguistic programming) against the citizen readers via this article’s title – only the title is an NLP – the content of the article is just fine. Even on the 1 single count of Ops Lallang against Malaysians (not to mention Ops Lallang, Vehicular AP, Toll Concessions, Orang Asli Land Alienations, Crony Capitalism etc..) is Mahathir damned on ‘True False’ basis. Can’t ‘True False’ so obvious an offender! Selling soul to the media by disrespectfully throwing NLP at the public is not a way to earn a living ‘Chris’. Try apartheid and how Mahathir is the only Mamak in Malaysia who is a bumiputra, then know where you stand ‘Chris’ . . .

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism (Article 1 Human Rights Charter)
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (Article 18 Human Rights Charter)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution. (Surah An Nisa 4:75)

Will PM Najib impose TERM LIMITS on MPs to remove all the nepotists and oligarchs and plutocrats, putting the RAMAN series of apartheid PM’s to a high end note, exhonerate UMNO and raise Malaysians to a state of equality? Use that mandate or BN is finished and PR might try to destroy BN’s ‘personalities’ after winning (including C4 users . . . ) End the Sin of Asabiya and comply with the UNHCR Articles. End the Apartheid of Bumiputra as a righteous PM might do so . . .


SHOCKING parenting by Dr M: Tells Marina to behave herself and be sensitive to Mukhriz Featured Written by  Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle – Friday, 29 June 2012 17:21

Fresh from publicly endorsing his son Mukhriz for the Kedah chief minister’s seat, former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad next trained his sights on his daughter – Marina.

Urging the sometimes outspoken Marina to be ‘sensitive’ of how her often liberal behavior could affect her brother’s political chances, the 86-year-old Mahathir revealed for the first time his parenting skills to the nation.

And it is clear, as far as the Mahathir family goes, politics come first.

“I do hope she will realise what she is doing is not good for herself, not good for the government party at least. She should also be sensitive about her brother who is contesting in the election,” Mahathir said during an interview with online television station The Malaysian Observer (MobTV).

He had been asked to comment on Marina, an AIDS/HIV activist and open supporter of the Bersih rallies for clean elections – two issues that Mahathir is openly and vehemently against but which Marina apparently endorses.

Drawing a line

Just a day ago, Mahathir warned that allowing the LGBT community rights would lead to the end of ‘mankind’.

Today, he publicly warned his daughter not to get carried away with her volunteer work and end up fighting for the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender folk.

“She never said she supports this; I hope she doesn’t. She cared for this people but she has to draw a line between them and the idea that being homosexual is okay, or men marrying men is okay,” said Mahathir.

The former PM who ruled Malaysia for 22 years from 1981 to 2003 also let slip he did not like Marina to associate herself with Bersih, the movement for free and fair elections as he believed it had been hijacked by the opposition.

However, Mahathir skirted the issue of whether he supported the principle of clean polls. This is not surprising given that his critics have often accused him of massive gerrymandering and even offering citizenship to foreign workers if they voted to keep his Umno-BN coalition in power.

Typical big-mouth Asian dad?

And in reminding Marina to be ‘sensitive’ for Mukhriz’s sake, Mahathir revealed his own insensitivity not only by putting his daughter’s interests lower than her brother’s, but also by blaring to the public that she had “no ambition”.

“She doesn’t care about what people think. I care about what people think. If not, I won’t get anywhere,” said Mahathir.

“Maybe it’s because she has no ambition so she speaks her mind. I cannot agree with the things she is doing, but nowadays you cannot tell your children ‘please stop this, please stop that’; they have a mind of their own.”

Marina is Mahathir’s eldest child and despite his current obsession in making sure Mukhriz lands the Kedah chief minister’s post, it is well-known that she is his favorite offspring and their father-and-daughter relationship enviably strong.

Nonetheless, it would be interesting to ask Marina what she thinks of her dad’s latest comments – has his thinking become antiquated with age or is he just another Asian dad, cherishing the sons as serious business and the daughters – mere decoration!

Malaysia Chronicle

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

False flag argument intended to ‘suck in’ those who fall for this nepotistic lot. Marina is playing ‘good cop’ for the Iskandar Kutty family. Mahathir Iskandar Kutty Jr plays bad cop. At the end of the day this is ANOTHER family bloc with Marina living comfortably off Mahathir’s corruption begotten wealth while the rest of the country struggles. Family is just that biased and this is why there are ethical concerns about family member infested parliaments – any family should know this and families in politics is just nonsense. Marina wins either way has already benefiteds off the taxpayers’ funds that Mahathir took –  AND if the readers read on any headings in this blog about Marina, the readers will find that Marina is a crypto-racist who has withheld commitment of any clear word against apartheid along side cynical though well informed ‘top blogger’ RPK.


No Reason For KLIA2 To Cost RM5 Billion – Friday, 06 July 2012 00:09

KUALA LUMPUR — Suggestions that KLIA2, the new low-cost terminal at Sepang, near here, will cost RM5 billion because of cost overruns appear to be misguided, say sources close to the project.

They said that costs could rise to RM5 billion if certain parties dictated terms to Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) to build additional facilities not in the current plan.

“As of now, everything is under control and the cost of construction will remain at RM3.9 billion,” said one of the well-placed sources.

On claims that the airport would not be completed by its deadline of April 2013, the sources said that construction was on schedule and it was not a question of whether the airport would be ready on time but whether the operators of low-cost airlines could get their act together by then.

It is understood that certain systems for the check-in counters have yet to be submitted to MAHB although the deadline was June 15 this year.

In addition, there are also questions whether facilities undertaken by other parties (not MAHB) like hotels and office buildings would be ready by the second quarter of next year.

The sources said KLIA2 could have been completed this year if not for last-minute requests by certain quarters which consequently extended the schedule.

They said that the costs had also gone up from the original RM2 billion because of requests for additional facilities.

Originally, KLIA2 was to be only a two-storey high building, but this has been increased to an equivalent of nine storeys for a three-level terminal comprising separate departure, arrival and ground support equipment areas.

This meant that the gross floor area of the terminal building has been increased by 71 per cent to 257,000 sq metres from the original 150,000 sq metres.

The sources said the KLIA2 would be the world’s largest purpose-built low- cost terminal with a capacity to accommodate 45 million passengers annually.

They said it was also being built at the lowest cost per passenger with aerobridges and enhanced passenger convenience.

“With the aerobridges, passengers need not walk on the apron anymore,” they added.

They said although industry standards dictated that 55 boarding gates would be sufficient to handle 30 million pasengers annually, MAHB had accommodated requests to increase the number of boarding gates to 68.

MAHB had also made provisions for a fully automated baggage handling system although there had been earlier requests for a non-fully automated one.

To cater for higher passenger traffic, MAHB had even drew up plans to accommodate the superjumbo Airbus 380 aircraft as well as premium lounges for enhanced passenger comfort.

Under its current construction plan, MAHB had also provided for the construction of four hotels and a public shopping mall next to the terminal.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Greedy politicians and proxy middlemen, taking taxpayer monies to fill their pockets. And that terminal will not be of much more use because Malaysia is already not a very interesting place to visit and is also full of apartheid and occasional fundos. So please vote carefully for your MP and drop all the term limitless nepotists, rich businessmen or rich politicians and also fundos and apartheid racists who will continue stealing taxpayer’s money for themselves through crony contractors and use bumiputra apartheid to abuse citizens and control Malays with extreme Islam, oppress non-Malays with.


Don’t Resort To Insults, Guan Eng! – by Tee Siew Kiong – Thursday, 05 July 2012 16:58

Lim Guan Eng’s description of MCA Duyong assemblyman Gan Tian Loo as “uneducated” as reported in Chinese dailies yesterday is regretful, as he is a representative of the people and is responsible for making inquiries on issue which need clarification in the state assembly. Obviously, the Penang Chief Minister was caught in a humiliating situation and is now confused and helpless.

DAP’s style has always been to criticise, create lies and to incite the people to be against the ruling party. MCA has never insulted the opposition party leaders by calling them “uneducated”. However, it is interesting the Guan Eng will label elected representatives who pose questions to him during the state assembly as “uneducated.”

DAP will always heavily publicise any events which are favourable to them by they themselves try to prevent others from questioning them and when an issue turns out to be bad for their publicity they will then impose gag orders. DAP constantly finds creative ways to ensure that they look good in the news, but never has MCA labeled them as uneducated.

Therefore, DAP’s double standard behaviour is such that when they bring up issues involving BN they will call it democratic, but when provoked by BN they will refer to us as uneducated.

In DAP’s eyes, MCA is always wrong. But within DAP itself, there have been dissatisfaction. One example is the resignation of Tunku Abdul Aziz, formerly DAP Vice-Chairman, who in a radio interview had said that Guan Eng had attempted to get him to stay with a new job with a RM50,000 salary. Tunku Aziz also claimed that he had found this move insulting and was the main factor as to why he had decided to resign as he is unable to work with Guan Eng anymore.

This so-called ‘uneducated’ person from DAP has now expressed disappointment with DAP, thus proving that MCA members have more restraint while Guan Eng and his fellow DAP comrades are quick to insult their own members who have left.

Guan Eng must be careful and not simply insult the elected representatives of the people who are only seeking the truth. The circumstances surrounding this incident must be clarified before the rumours will stop circulating.

TEE SIEW KIONG is MCA National Organising Secretary

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Uneducated is accepting a CM’s post without quorums that your father ‘gives’ you which rightfully belongs to the people and needs a quorum. Uneducated is accepting APARTHEID without demanding inequality. Uneducated is not keeping campaign promises. 3rd Force leads the way.


Land Survey System Nonsense and Unprofessionalism in Malaysia

More sh1t cake responses for the sh1t eating CMs and the so-called professionals who want to partake of ‘the cake’ (Any ‘hungry’ professionals should insult PERKASA, maybe they will send sh1t cakes . . . ). This government has set such a bad example that the bottom feeders like the above types have a false sense of where they stand, and need to be taken out of the system. Perhaps I’d file a complaint, but will need to install a recording system on the phone (look out for future audio posts here online where first hand rudeness will be on display). Rude and greedy ‘professionals’ need to eat what they spew, and believe me, potty mouthed surveyors do not deserve business but probably would fawn and kiss a$$es of bigger sh1t eaters who expect this sort of ‘bodek’ thing . . . and we all know how fat and corrupted some of these shameless unethical ‘downlines’ can get. 2 tongues and attitudes, one for each wealth set, boycott the worst of the so-called ‘professionals’ . . .

Being a professional body, the ethics behind acceptance of all jobs profitable, or non-profitable (larger jobs have economy of scale but smaller jobs do not) IS professional conduct. Porfessionalism thus demands that service must be provided to all citizens especially for access to something as basic as land survey services – the system does not have recommended timeframes and fee structures based around the land value, so professionals are in fact licensed to profiteer rather than serve the people.

More mentally ill posing as sane behind uncontrolled systems that allow unreasonable fees badges of professionalism will be described today . . . an uncivil Mr. ‘Eat Sh1t K’ (a land surveyor who  – speaks ‘officious ‘slick/slimy” and was named after the cuss term . . . probably aligned to our Sh1t Eating CM who knows . . . keep saying that favourite word ‘K’ and maybe someday K too will get sh1tcakes, and without needing to ask for 750K funerals . . . ) who insisted that the system was corrupt, and that Land Surveyors do not serve professionally if your land plot is not large enough. maybe K wanted to eat sh1t on behalf of the real sh1t eaters so threw that corupted mentality dead weight behind the term limiteless nepotists . . .

There must be legal provisions (which appear to be missing in Malaysia’s incomplete laws on registered profesional bodies) to protect and ensure access to such services for small estate holders as if the Land Survey Office does not allow unlicensed surveying and greedy among private Land Surveyors or other professionals are only interested in large jobs, ) is not something that the Rakyat in general is aware of or even needs to or is able or even properly positioned in a suitable socially fetted position (Malaysian value system is skewed so that none with the proper values are fetted somehow) to teach a supposed professional about. Professional bodies should understand the ethics behind this. Consider that when a neutral party person contacts a professional they expect not the face of blind greed, polarized politics but PROFESSIONALISM.

Others (one S.U.A. initialed company) were polite enough to decline outright (again still unprofessional but at least not ‘sh1t eating’ rude, this is not about money but about service) and being part of society and the only people doing such work Land Surveyors need to have laws that require Land Surveyors to charge according to the value of the land (not more than 1-2% at most, much like sales commission – they are merely sureying the land not even selling the land for you . . . ) regardless of the size – THAT would be professionalism – sickening 3rd worlders do not understand, sadly nor does the government which has not placed such requirements (much less understand or think about possibly) of ‘professionals’ to end up with a society favouring only ‘large jobs’ and making small holder’s lives impossible. Anything more than a sales agent’s 1-2% sales fee for survey is excessive. If a piece of land is worth 100K, charging 3K to 10K for demarcation or boundary stone laying is excessive. Timeframes for responses in Malaysia’s land offices btw are 3 mths, timeframes for demarcation and stone laying should be no more than 2 weeks to be reasonable, but in Malaysia we have cases going back 20 years . . . truly 3rd world.

One must be aware that in the land survey industry there are professionals that are propping up the apartheid system, intent on frustratiung the public at large with their ill inclined natures while hiding behind a professional’s status. Let’s put the whole issue this way, Professionals get the bulk of the cash from big  player owners and by means of service and even at a loss provide the small owners the same service on cognizance that the profits from high paying large owners will outweigh the losses from (probably less cost effective, may not even be losses here) small owners overall. A professional does not pick and choose, a professional does ALL jobs and that is the basis for ‘professionalism’. Watch those little graduates who grow into the above nuisances that choke up society, identify the same and do not allow them to profit off the voters!

More ‘Malaysiana’, courtesy this time of the so-called ‘professionals’ among Malaysian Land Surveyors, no thanks to a Land Survey Office that does not survey so that the ‘professionals’ can abuse citizens with extreme fees and a lack of seperation of online and real life scenarios and behaviours . . . we learn more everyday, and again Malaysians and Malaysia does not fail to disappoint.

12 Articles : 6 Articles on Throwing Taxpayer Money vs. Value added policy writing for Votability, and Upgrading Outdated Voting Methods, 4 Articles on Rethinking Society and the dated ‘Education’ method of Raising One’s Stature, 2 Articles on Stars – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 26th May 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, advice, age is in the mind, amendments to law needed, Bad By-Laws, bad laws, best practices, better judgments, checks and balances, cost saving, critical discourse, cult of personality, Democracy, democratisation, Education, education as a spiritual weapon, Equality, equitable political power distribution, equitable wealth distribution, feminist saboteurs, gender politics, hegelian dialectic, media, media traps, media tricks, mindless consumerism, mob mentality, moving up, neglectful functionaries, neutral spaces, one level up, out of context, Plutocracy, political correctness, preventing vested interest, social class distinct programmes, social freedoms, spirit of the word, Technology, unprofessional behaviour, women, word of the law, wrong priority on May 25, 2012 at 6:55 pm

6 Articles on Throwing Taxpayer Money vs. Value added policy writing for Votability


Cut tax to flat 30% rate, axe stamp duty and ditch national insurance: An expert’s plan to boost the economy – by Political Correspondent – PUBLISHED: 00:08 GMT, 21 May 2012 | UPDATED: 09:48 GMT, 21 May 2012

George Osborne has faced calls for a flat rate of income tax. The Chancellor should introduce a flat rate of income tax and abolish levies such as national insurance, stamp duty and inheritance tax to boost the economy, experts have said. They are calling for a single income tax rate of 30 per cent and the abolition of eight major taxes, including corporation tax and air passenger duty. The 2020 Tax Commission, a joint project from the Institute of Directors and the TaxPayers’ Alliance, says the changes would lead to a tax cut of £3,400 for the average two-earner household. A 400-page report from the group concludes that the measures could lead to an 8.4 per cent increase in the UK’s gross domestic product after 15 years – the equivalent of lending £5,000 to each family.

Allister Heath, chairman of the commission, said: ‘It is time for Britain to make a vital choice between tweaking the status quo and letting our economy continue to be crippled by complex and punitive taxes, and drastically changing course with a radical but realistic plan for a tax system fit for the 21st century.’ Under the plans, both employee and employer national insurance contributions would be scrapped and replaced with a single 30 per cent rate of tax on income, with a £10,000 personal allowance.

Plans: Allister Heath, the chairman of the 2020 Tax Commission, says the current tax rate is ‘crippling’ the economy

Corporation tax and capital gains tax would be replaced with a 30 per cent tax on dividends, interest and rent, and inheritance tax and stamp taxes on land and shares would be dropped, as well as air passenger duty. Fuel duty would be cut by 5p.

Overall, taxation would be limited to a third of national income – as would public spending. The proposed flat-rate income tax would increase the budget deficit by £49.1billion in its first year if the changes were not phased in, or if there were no further cuts to public spending. However, the commission predicts that the boost to the economy would result in a £35billion fall in annual borrowing after 15 years. It says the measures would result in a tax cut of around £3,400 for a two-earner household with an income of £28,000.

¦ Collecting taxes costs as much now as it did 50 years ago, figures show. Despite technological advances, bureaucracy accounts for £1.14 of every £100 collected, compared with £1.16 in 1958. A report from the TaxPayers’ Alliance, based on data from the Paris-based Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, revealed that since 2001 the annual cost has been less than 1 per cent of tax income just once.

Commentator comments :

Is the DM stupid or what… I’d quite like to live in la-la land where tax is zippo %… There is Bob Hope, no hope and envelopes chance of the government making the average person £3k better off. Purely because it’s 3k they wouldn’t have!

– silvertail, midlands, 21/5/2012 12:12

Once again, a proposal to stick it to families that scrimp and save to allow one parent to stay home with the children. Traditional families are apparently evil and must be stopped. Such a statement about this country.

– anon, uk, 21/5/2012 12:11

So, a two-earner household benefits, and pensioners pay 50% more tax than at present. There seems to be a concerted effort to solve the aging problem by starving the elderly to an early death. In a few years time they will wonder why they have thousands of old people on the streets begging for coppers. Oh, but those who don’t retire until 2016 will get bigger pensions, so it’s just those of us who got caught in the middle who will suffer. Thanks a lot!

– PAJ, Sussex, 21/5/2012 12:11

Angy Anderson 11.50 Who really knows where our money goes and what it is used for. When I began work at seventeen I was told I would pay tax and national Insurance. I would be entitled to a weekly payment if I lost my job and I would receive a pension at sixty. I would also receive treatment on the NHS and dental treatment on the NHS. I am not getting a pension at sixty so the government has broken a contract with me and thousands of others like me. Tax and National Insurance is all the same, forced to pay but get little out of it.

– Mrs Iri-Tated, UK, 21/5/2012 12:11

Until the suits understand the simple concept of *sharing* things will never change.

– june, bedworth, 21/5/2012 12:08

And the rich get richer.

– Barking Mad, Lancashire, 21/5/2012 12:05

The suffering 99% should all be given a course in basic economy . Atleast their mind will not get agitated and confused when they suffer . Unless the rich and the wealthy get richer and wealthier , how can the 99% pick up more crumbs from under the table, silly ? It is for the good of the 99% only that it is important that the rich and the wealthy should become richer and wealthier . For the orderly existence of the universe we all should have an all- powerful God , for the orderly existence of the world we should have one superpower. Similarly, for the orderly existence of the superpower , we should have a 1% or even less number of the super-rich ! It’s Nature’s Law…Elementary , dear Watson!

– Zeitgeist, London , uk, 21/5/2012 12:05

Looking at the worst comments, I see a lot of people don’t understand how percentages work…

– Sres, Chorley, 21/5/2012 12:02

THis is an EXCELLENT IDEA and has been mooted more than the ONCE. THis type of scheme WORKS as the rate of tax is low enough to not AVOID or EVADE. THus everyone will pay as it is not worth avoiding. It will be easy to collect and thus we can get rid of a lot of Tax Collectors!!! This has happened in some of the Eastern Eurpoean countires and they soon found that they were running a positive budget and had to cut the rate of tax so as too not build up too much SURPLUS. It will take a TOUGH GOVERNMENT TO TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS and iMPLIMENT but it would be fantastic !!! LET THE PEOPLE CHOOSE HOW THEY SPEND THEIR MONEY not the fools in charge !!!!

– Tel BOY, Bromley Kent, 21/5/2012 11:58
Rating   2

Bill Crawley West Sussex. I don’t agree with the proposals but you have forgotten that you will stop paying NI contributions that are currently around 12% of earnings above £146 per week.

– Puzzled, Southampton UK, 21/5/2012 11:57

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Politicians (2 terms only, or no votes for the Oligarch MP in question) could try this below tax strategy for ‘winnability’ in politics :

Profit margins of Telecommunications companies (also ALL companies) may not exceed 10 times overhead costs once the CEO has reached wealth level of 20 million. All excess profit must be returned to the state for re-distribution. Maximum sequesterable funds by a company is at a quantum of 10 times whatever the total invested by shareholders. Excess may not be sequesterable if insufficient.

Penalties may not be levied by banks for early repayment. Interest is waived from point of early payment.
Housing Developers may not be affiliated to lawyers or financing firms.


‘Cut interest rate to zero’: IMF calls on Bank of England to go below 0.5% to boost Britain’s faltering economy – By James Chapman – PUBLISHED: 11:11 GMT, 22 May 2012 | UPDATED: 11:41 GMT, 22 May 2012

Christine Lagarde has said that the move will be good for UK homeowners and businesses
A zero rate would be the first in the Bank of England’s 300-year history

Tough: Christine Lagarde has told the Bank of England to cut the record rate even lower to help Britain’s ailing economy. The head of the world’s economic watchdog today delivered an extraordinary call for the Bank of England to slash interest rates even further to try to boost the economy. Christine Lagarde, of the International Monetary Fund, said the Bank should ‘reassess the efficacy’ of cutting rates below the current record low of 0.5 per cent to reduce the cost of borrowing for businesses and homeowners. Her intervention raises the prospect of the first zero per cent interest rate since the Bank of England was founded in 1694. Japan cut rates to zero in the 1990s when it suffered a decade-long depression. Mme Lagarde also suggested that the Bank considers a fresh round of money printing — so-called ‘quantitative easing’ – to stimulate growth. Both measures would be grim news for savers, who have already been hit hard by low interest rates and earlier rounds of QE.

The IMF boss, in London to deliver her annual assessment of the UK economy, delighted Chancellor George Osborne with a strong endorsement of the coalition’s deficit reduction measures. She said that when she looked back to the last election in May 2010, and tried to imagine what would have happened to the British economy without the Government’s austerity programme: ‘I shiver.’  Pressure: The Bank of England has held interest rates at 0.5% for several years but is being asked to go further.

Mme Lagarde backed a suggestion by David Cameron that the Government should consider using hard-won credibility on the international money markets, which mean Britain is able to borrow at record lows, to do more to underwrite infrastructure and housing projects and loans to small businesses. The IMF also suggested there was scope for the Government to boost growth through higher spending on infrastructure projects, which would increase employment and demand within the economy and could be funded within existing budgets by imposing further public sector wage restraint or reforming property taxes. If the UK recovery fails to take off, ministers must be prepared to use temporary tax cuts and more infrastructure investment to give the economy a shot in the arm, even if this means reining in the Government’s austerity programme, the watchdog added. Chancellor George Osborne says the IMF report is backing the Coalition’s economic strategy

Welcoming the report, Chancellor George Osborne said: ‘The IMF couldn’t be clearer today. Britain has to deal with its debts and the Government’s fiscal policy is the appropriate one and an essential part of our road to recovery. ‘I welcome the IMF’s continuing support for the UK deficit reduction plan. They agree that, in their words ‘reducing the high structural deficit remains essential’ and make clear in their statement that they consider the current pace of fiscal consolidation to be appropriate. Mr Osborne said the eurozone was reaching a ‘critical point’ and confirmed that Britain was preparing to deal with the shock of a failure in the single currency. ‘In the UK, we have a flexible exchange rate and an independent monetary policy which allows us to ease the process of fiscal adjustment with a lower exchange rate and supportive monetary policy,’ he said.

‘But in the eurozone, indebted countries have to deal with high budget deficits without that support. ‘It is clear that we are now reaching a critical point for the eurozone. ‘Eurozone countries need to stand behind their currency or face up to the prospect of Greek exit, with all the risks that that could involve. ‘The British Government is doing contingency planning for all potential outcomes. It is our responsibility to ensure that while we work for the best, we prepare for something worse. ‘The IMF must also prepare for the consequences if members in Europe don’t follow its advice.’

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Interest rates based on earnings :


Microbloggers post Locke’s assets online – by Xu Tianran (Global Times) – 08:22, May 16, 2012

Chinese Web users have posted details of US ambassador to China Gary Locke’s personal assets to their microblogs after a Beijing newspaper demanded Locke disclose his personal assets. Richard Buanga, spokesman of the US embassy in China who uses the Chinese name Bao Riqiang, also responded to the newspaper yesterday by uploading the foreign services salary table issued by the US Department of State. The Guangdong-based New Express Daily first reported the episode Monday, saying many Web users are encouraging the Beijing newspaper to make the same demand of officials in the capital. Beijing Daily, official newspaper of the municipal Party committee, demanded on its Sina Weibo that US ambassador to China Gary Locke announce his personal assets on Monday.

“Gary Locke, please declare your assets,” the microblog post commented, after reposting a microblog user’s opinion that read, “Gary Locke lives in the US embassy which costs billions of US dollars. He commutes in a bullet-proof Limousine…can this be called modesty? And why does Gary Locke not announce these facts to the public? …So cut the show of incorruptibility!”

The newspaper ran an editorial early this month criticizing Gary Locke for traveling in economy class and using coupons to buy coffee, among other things that drew the attention of the Chinese public, as a way of promoting his image. However, the newspaper’s latest Weibo posts immediately became a new focus for the Chinese online community. Despite the fact that the newspaper’s microblog filters comments, tens of thousands of Web users managed to make sarcastic remarks by reposting the original content. Observers said a foreign ambassador’s residence or expenditure has nothing to do with the host country’s taxpayers in the first place. But Web users showed more interest in why the practice of asset disclosure has not been applied to Chinese officials. A Central Party School newspaper said yesterday that China needs 10 years to implement asset declaration by officials. Government officials in China are now required to submit annual reports about their incomes, assets and information about their spouses and children. But the information is kept within related government departments. The Beijing Daily deleted its original post yesterday without elaborating on the reason. The Sina Weibo also began to manage the information flow yesterday by encrypting Web users’ comments.

Though the government is pushing forward the idea of making officials’ assets more transparent, it still needs years to be fully realized. And obviously Chinese people are more interested in the wealth of Chinese officials than that of foreign officials, said Lin Zhe, a professor at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Though the government is pushing forward the idea of making officials’ assets more transparent, it still needs years to be fully realized.

Years? This would mean all assets would have been spread out to relatives, hidden or transfered to easily moved items like diamonds and gold by then. I really hope this is the last generation of plutocrats that have benefited from being in government. Otherwise, if honest, all declarations should be done in as soon as 1 week voluntarily on public sites. A disappointing reality that could still be identifiable and corrected. How about just declaring then re-distributing immediately if above USD$ 20 million? China is Communist Red not Capitalist Green. No plutocrats until the rest of the nation catches up.


Levitating cars already here – Note the below advert :

Levitating Globe on Stage – Innovative levitating world globe continuously rotates in midair.
May 2012 Sale       $99.99     Free shipping & handling         Retail $109.00
Featuring a 3” globe that is awash in the brilliant  light of 8 LED lights, this handsome desktop decoration will transform your workspace at home or the office. Developed with the latest Levitron Anti Gravity technology. Electromagnetic base uses minimal power to create Real Levitation with continuous rotations of the globe. Suspended in mid-air, this globe defies gravity – inspiring wonder and amazement.

Platform can levitate up to 3 ounces. Low voltage adapter included. Observe Earth levitate and revolve in space – only touching air! Dimensions: Globe Diameter:  3″ (10 cm)

– to levitate 3 oz costs USD$99
– to levitate 63493.131 oz (or 4000 lbs the reegular weight of a car) the cost will b 6 million +
– consider the use of (hellium infusion augmented) bamboo and rattan entirely in the vehicle to lower to 10% of the weeight and hence price = 600,000 million

For 600,000 a FRICTIONLESS ‘REVERSE LEVITATING’ vehicle (probably powered by limitless Fusion) will be possible.

Consider the height of levitation and we could actually get a FLYING CAR. I really hope those governments will stop oppressing and start redistributing. Imagine caravans (or evenlarge craft) of people flying off to wherever has the laxest laws or is not governed by any government. Barring the MOST BASIC and common sense of religious laws (Self applied 10 comandments type laws, I am not referring to Hudud or whippings here, nor pedophile priests, not forced national service etc.. . . . ), WHO NEEDS GOVERNMENT OR LAWS? The only last issue will be overpopulation and redistribution of wealth and ownership of goods or food. Exciting times? But only if the best of Marx and Capitalism is used  . . . Utopia is within reach via – Capitalism with Socialist Limits . . . with the identification of phenotypes and adherence to ‘Growth Outside As You Are Inside Spiritual Laws’ . . .

Ending big society via Aero-Nomadism . . .


Privacy is being turned into a privilege that only the rich and right-on may enjoy – by Brendan O’Neill Politics Last updated: May 21st, 2012 CCTV

Keep ’em trained on the council estates, never the suburban semis Is privacy being turned into a privilege that only the moneyed and the well-connected may enjoy? Two striking stories in the news last week suggest that it is.

In the first story, it was reported that activists and hacks are heaping further pressure on Mark Zuckerberg to improve the privacy settings on Facebook, so that they might update their statuses and post photos of their social shenanigans without having the world and its mother peering over their shoulders. In the second story, we were told that social workers, backed by much of the media, are calling on the prime minister to get rid of “red tape” so that they might more easily interfere in – I’m sorry, intervene in – so-called problem families. There are a lot of damaged families out there, the social workers hinted, and thus we need to rip up some of the rules governing when it is and isn’t okay to stick our snouts into their business.

That these two stories could appear in the same week, and not be considered contradictory, suggests we have a pretty screwed-up attitude to privacy today. Indeed, sometimes the very same members of the political and media classes who believe that their private lives must remain absolutely private will think it is perfectly logical that other people’s private lives – the lives of Them – should be thrown open to state snooping.

So ours is an era in which the media goes mental when it is revealed that Sienna Miller was once photographed in an alleyway, yet raises barely a peep of protest when David Cameron says he plans to interfere in the lives of 120,000 allegedly “chaotic” families. Indeed, liberal commentators say we should be “less squeamish about intervening in chaotic families”, especially “impoverished” ones. Ours is an era where we are expected to weep upon hearing that Steve Coogan’s bins were rifled through by a tabloid hack, yet we brand as Right-wing crackpots those who question the right of their local council to police their bins to make sure they are recycling correctly.

This is an age in which civil-liberties types go ballistic over the fact that they must click a button saying “Private” when they use Spotify, but there’s little controversy when every ordinary man or woman hoping to become a schoolteacher or a youth worker must first submit to an intrusive criminal-records check. Things have come to such a pretty pass that Labour MP Tom Watson can expect sympathy for the fact that he was once followed around by a tabloid reporter, despite the fact that Watson’s own political party introduced rafts of legislation that permit the following, filming and collar-feeling of ordinary people across the land. Meanwhile, the New Statesman provides space to Hugh Grant to bleat about the “egregious abuses of privacy” suffered by the likes of him (posh people), while its star columnist, in a debate about the right of parents to smack their kids, says: “I don’t think sovereignty in people’s own homes is something we should be striving for.” No, apparently it is only right-minded celebs, not plebs, who deserve personal sovereignty.

Today there are shrill demands for a privacy law to protect celebs and other decent folk from the prurient gaze of dumb tabloid readers, alongside constant calls for better policing of the antics and habits of “chaotic” people, the impoverished. We are witnessing the emergence of a privacy hierarchy, where it is assumed that the decent class deserve a proper private life but the impoverished do not. Why? Because where Our lives are important and good, Theirs are potentially bad, certainly unpredictable, definitely “chaotic”, and thus we must pry into their bins and send social workers ir ‘moral police’ or narrow communalists to rap on their front doors in order to sort them out.

Whatever happened to the outlook of the 16th-century jurist Edward Coke, who said, “The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defence against injury and violence as for his repose”? In other words, every man’s home, be it an actual castle or just a two-bedroom flat in Hackney, should be treated as a fortress that state snitches have no business barging into. These days, it seems you really do need to own a castle – or at least a plush flat in Kensington or Islington – in order for your privacy rights to be taken seriously.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This should be applied against plutocrats who send national monies to tax havens or sequestering funds that should be circulating in local communities instead of being used to prop up foreign commodities and foreign stock markets to the demise of the global supply chain system. THAT sort of nation destroying (think riots and occupy moements due to uncontrolled Capitalism) chaos propagated by plutocrats  is far more dangerous than the odd dogging couple or organic drugs grower or adult industry indulger, adult industry worker and organizer.


Internet voting still faces hurdles in US – Posted on 25 May 2012 – 05:33am

WASHINGTON (May 24, 2012): Shop online. Bank online. Why not vote online?

Pressure is building to make Internet voting widely available in the United States and elsewhere, even though technical experts say casting ballots online is far from secure. In the 2012 US elections, more than two dozen states will accept some form of electronic or faxed ballots, mostly from military or overseas voters, according to the Verified Voting Foundation. But there is a growing expectation that online voting will expand further.

“The number one question I’m asked is when we will get to vote on the Internet,” Matt Masterson, Ohio’s deputy election administrator, told a Washington forum this month. “When you are doing everything else on the Internet and your comfort level is high, people expect to do that… You can adopt a child online, you can buy a house online without ever seeing it.” But computer security specialists say any system can be hacked or manipulated, and that unlike shopping and banking, the problem cannot be fixed by giving the customer a refund. “You have computer systems such as those of Google, the Pentagon and Facebook, which have all fallen victim to intrusion,” said J. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist at the University of Michigan.

Halderman, who gained notoriety by hacking into a test of an online voting system in the US capital Washington in 2010 — forcing the system to be scrapped — said the technology is not yet secure enough. “It’s going to be decades, if ever, before we are going to be able to vote online securely,” he told the forum at George Washington University’s Cyber Security Policy and Research Institute.

Some other countries are forging ahead on Internet voting. French citizens living abroad will for the first time this year be able to vote in a parliamentary election over the Internet, an experiment that could be extended to other elections if successful. In Estonia, an early adopter, a record 25 percent of voters cast Internet ballots in 2011. But Halderman, who has consulted with European governments and studied other attempts at online voting, said: “I don’t believe any of them are secure.” In 2010 Halderman and his students accepted a challenge from the local government and were able to penetrate the Washington voting network, change all the votes and prompt the system to play the University of Michigan fight song.

Masterson said election officials are grappling with how to make voting more accessible and looking at the costs of the technology. Internet voting from that perspective makes some sense, he said. Masterson said online voting can also help boost participation and address the issue of voters who cannot get to a polling station. “It kills an election official to find out you can’t get a ballot back,” he said. “These people are being disenfranchised.” But Halderman counters that US elections provide a tempting target for hackers, nation-states and others who might want to destabilize or disrupt the US political system. “If everyone voted online today, I think the probability of substantial fraud would be 100 percent,” he said.

Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, of the Overseas Vote Foundation, works to make ballots more accessible, but remains uneasy with online voting. “It’s horrible to say this,” she said. “I come out of the software industry and push automation and technology for streamlining voting processes all day long, but right now, with the security issues that exist, there is no way I could advocate for Internet voting.”

GWU computer scientist Michael Clarkson said it’s not yet clear if online voting can be extended to national elections, where the risks of intrusion are high. “After 30 years of research, we don’t yet know how to do that in a way that scales to national elections, but we continue to make progress toward the goal,” he said.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, an arm of the Commerce Department, said this month its research had “concluded that Internet voting systems cannot currently be audited with a comparable level of confidence in the audit results as those for polling place systems. Additionally, malware on voters’ personal computers “poses a serious threat that could compromise the secrecy or integrity of voters’ ballots,” NIST said.

Richard Soudriette, head of the Colorado-based Center of Diplomacy and Democracy and a consultant on election issues, said he believes the technical and security problems of online voting have largely been resolved. “Over the past 10 years Internet voting firms have developed encryption and cryptography software tools that make voting much more secure,” he said. “I believe that within a decade most developed countries will conduct national elections via Internet.” – AFP

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

District by district, then a ‘monthly audit’ by publishing in the newspaper who voted and for who. Indiscrepencies can thus only last 1 month at most, at least for diligent voters.

3 Articles on Rethinking Society and the ‘Education’ method of Raising One’s Stature


Britain 2012: Masters degree graduate resorts to advertising himself with sandwich board after failing to find full-time work despite sending out 15,000 applications – By Emma Reynolds – PUBLISHED: 11:37 GMT, 22 May 2012 | UPDATED: 13:05 GMT, 22 May 2012

A desperate jobseeker who applied for 15,000 jobs with no success in the past ten years has resorted to advertising himself by wearing a ‘hire me’ sandwich board. Robin Norton, from Birmingham, has a Masters degree in history and several NVQs but has been overlooked by an endless slew of employers. He has now taken drastic action, spending an entire day wearing a sign reading ‘hire me please’ and walking up and down the M5 slip-road at Bromsgrove junction in Worcestershire.
Extreme move: Robin Norton stood by the motorway wearing a sandwich board for a day in the hope of finding employment

Mr Norton said: ‘I have applied for around 25 jobs a week for the past ten years without getting anywhere. ‘Sometimes I have applied for as many as 50 in one week. It is never-ending. Mr Norton, who worked for the Royal Mail for seven years, was a self-employed footcare technician until 2002 when his business went under. Since then he has had odd-jobs including cleaning, gardening and building work, but craves the stability of full-time employment.

Reaching his limits: Mr Norton has a Masters degree in history and several NVQs but has been overlooked by employers He said: ‘Things were bad before but have become worse since the recession. Now I don’t think there is any chance of me getting work. ‘It is partly down to the recession but also my age. Companies don’t want to hire anybody in their 40s. All the jobs go to the young up-and-coming jobseekers. ‘I’ve got the qualifications but I can’t get the work. As soon as they see how old you are, they don’t want to know. ‘It’s against the law to be ageist but in the real world, my world here today, it’s still here and it’s wrong.’ Despite all his efforts, Mr Norton has had no job offers – and only a handful of interviews – and he said hitting rock-bottom convinced him to try a new tactic.

‘Wearing the sign is a last-ditch attempt for me to get work, a real last resort. I spent a couple of months working up the guts to go down and do it. ‘It was not an easy step but things have become that desperate for me. I feel physically sick having to stoop to this but I have no other choice.’
Jason Fruen found a job after advertising his skills on a sandwich board beside the M60. Mr Norton has set up an email address – (sic) – so potential employers can get in touch. Latest statistics show unemployment in the UK now stands at 2.63million, falling by 45,000 in the three months to March this year.

Mr Norton is not the first recession-hit jobseeker to try such dramatic measures after struggling to find work. Earlier this month, unemployed Bennett Olson, from Minnesota, put his face on an electric billboard with the words: ‘Hire Me!’ He shelled out $300 for his face to rotate with other adverts for 24 hours. Last year, frustrated U.S. jobseeker Alisha Madkins, from Boston, walked around the city centre wearing a sandwich board saying ‘hire me!’ on one side and ‘college grad’ on the other. But the strategy did work for one lucky Briton, who managed to impress would-be employers with his spirit and dedication. Father-of-one Jason Fruen gained a job in 2009 by standing for four hours at Junction 9 of the M60 in Manchester wearing a sandwich board.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Money cannot buy breeding, but education cannot get either money or breeding. ‘Educated fools with money on their mind . . . ‘ (Coolio – Gangsta’s Paradise, 1995) should not spend money that has no guarantees and that indebts one in the first place. Add the age factor, and ALL young graduates had better prepare to retire by 40. That means not getting a loan for education, and focusing on that loan for housing which is already overpriced as is. Then consider against the response in Article 2 below.

Congrats to proud owners of a 30,000 to 500,000 loan for a TICKET THAT ALLOWS WORK but has no guarantees except to enrich the financial institution in collusion with the state education apparatus and their pro-party jobsworths.


‘Occupy Graduation’: Student activists broadcast debt owed with ball and chains – by Liz Goodwin | The Lookout – 3 hrs ago

Everardo Gonzalez protests his student debt at San Francisco State’s graduation ceremony. …A handful of student activists are expressing their displeasure at the rising cost of college by wearing inflatable ball and chain accessories over their graduation robes. The props state the amount of debt with which they’re graduating. The silent commencement protest, dubbed “Occupy Graduation” by its organizers, is taking place at seven universities around the country.

Ben Cohen, the co-founder of Ben & Jerrys ice cream, is helping pay for the protest and has raised about $400,000 to fund Occupy-related projects.

“A college education is so important and now it’s only available to people who have a lot of money or to people who end up going into debt for the rest of their lives,” Cohen told Yahoo News. The entrepreneur never completed college, but he thinks it’s crucial to job success today.

Everardo Gonzalez, a 23 year-old criminal justice graduate of San Francisco State University, said he received “a bunch of positive feedback” from parents and fellow students for his participation in the quiet protest last Saturday at the graduation ceremony.

Gonzalez is graduating with $26,490 in federal loans and another $10,000 in credit card debt that he racked up while trying to make ends meet. His parents couldn’t afford to help him pay for college, so he worked at a local IKEA, struggling to balance his class schedule with his job.

During Gonzalez’s college career, San Francisco State University cut faculty salaries across the board, laid off staff, dramatically reduced the number of classes offered, hiked tuition and trimmed enrollment, all in response to the reduction in California’s higher education budget. Gonzalez was forced to spend another year at school–and take out more loans to do so–after he couldn’t find a way into the classes he needed for his major to graduate. (The crowded classes would fill up online within seconds.) The experience spurred him to join a group of student protesters linked with the Occupy Wall Street movement, who demonstrated against the cuts and other issues this year.

Gonzalez has landed a paid internship for next year, and plans to get a master’s degree in political theory after that to become a teacher. Gonzalez’ debt load is actually about average for graduating college students who took out loans. By attending an in-state school, qualifying for grants and relying solely on federal–not private–loans, Gonzalez has a manageable amount of loans with comparatively low interest rates.

“I’m not the poster child of student debt,” he says, but adds that many of his friends are in a worse position. He believes college education should be free, and that existing student loans should be forgiven. Seeing his parents lose their home after the recession hit also made him passionate about advocating for more opportunities for middle class and poor people. “The entire system is set up for people to fail unless they’re privileged,” he says.

Ivonne Quiroz, another San Francisco State University protester who graduated with a degree in biology last weekend, was also forced to stay at college for an extra semester after the immunology class she needed to graduate filled up. She’s now walking down the aisle with about $21,000 in federal loans. Quiroz said the budget cuts also fueled her protest. “We’re paying so much more, but we’re getting so much less,” she said.

Various Occupy movements have advocated for changing the law so that student debt can be discharged in bankruptcy, forgiving student loans altogether, and having zero percent interest loans for education. Interest rates on subsidized federal student loans are expected to double to 6.8 percent this year, unless Congress passes a law to extend the grace period. (Private loans have higher interest rates.) Still, on average, college graduates make far more money and enjoy lower unemployment rates than their peers with only a high school diploma.

Student protesters at the University of Southern Maine. (Occupy Graduation)

Another protest is planned for Hunter College in New York at the graduation ceremony on Tuesday. Monica Johnson, a 35-year-old Hunter College graduate student who’s helping to organize the demonstration, borrowed about $15,000 in federally secured loans 15 years ago to pay for college. But in 2007, she decided to move to New York to get a masters of fine arts degree at Pratt, a private school. She took out an additional $60,000 in loans, which ballooned to $88,000 after she dropped out of the program, dissatisfied. She now has a full-time job at an arts non-profit and is enrolled at the much cheaper Hunter College, where she’ll receive her MFA in December.

Johnson recently paid off $18,000 of her debt over a period of eight months, by subsisting on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and only paying for things in cash, which she said helped her resist buying anything unnecessary. She’s encouraging indebted graduates to form a union and negotiate with lenders to get lower rates or income-based repayment.

“What really pisses me off is I should never have been given those loans,” Johnson said. “It honestly was the worst money I ever spent.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Some of us would look at the figures and decide not to bother with the aggravation of education and the debt caused. The clever would become estate owners or landlords instead, and have an income from sale of REAL PRODUCE and REAL GOODS cultivated from the land if not a slumlord via rental of properties to tenants. With that kind of money, one could buy several units of low cost housing (which do pay themselves off) and RETIRE at the ripe old age of 16 or 18 while those who opted for education would be indebted and if they do not ‘bend’ enough to their future bosses and toe ‘company lines’, pay monthly rentals instead of collecting rentals, will remain homeless and potentially could be bankrupt (depending on jobs market) instead. Consumerism is at an end, population growth cannot be sustained by the planet, meaning population growth cannot sustain consumerism.


The fashionable hostility towards social mobility is just another way of saying ‘know your place’ – by Brendan O’Neill Politics Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Loadsamoney: how the liberal elite view “social mobility”

Is there anyone the great and the good hate more than an upwardly mobile member of the working classes? A raft of abusive terminology has been created to diss these strange creatures. They’re seen as “yuppies” or “Loadsamoneys”, waving their wads of cash around with a sneering look of self-satisfaction on their faces. They’re always described as “grasping” and “ruthless”. They are treated like fish out of water, such as when The Guardian snottily said that wealthy working-class footballers labour under “the misapprehension that drinking champagne is a symbol of class”. And they are always depicted as soulless, as lacking in community spirit, as so selfish that they would rather escape the poor communities they grew up in rather than stay put and muck in. Watch the movies of Mike Leigh. Almost every one of them contains such a character: the grasping working-class man or woman who runs away from his or her council estate to live in a big but heartless house in the suburbs. How middle-class moviegoers love to laugh at such specimens!

Now Ed Miliband has weighed into the discussion about social mobility. It is always a pleasure to hear what someone who was brought up in Hampstead and babysat by professors thinks about “the assumptions behind social mobility”. According to Miliband, in a speech he gave yesterday, there is too much focus on creating the conditions to allow smart, ambitious working-class people to get ahead, and not enough focus on ensuring that inequality is not “handed down generation to generation, like the colour of our hair”. It sounds radical, but in truth Miliband is implicitly demonising, or at least problematising, the exercise of individual initiative to move on in life, since this leaves untouched the structural underpinnings of inequality. He is, in effect, playing off “grasping” members of the working classes against less fortunate members of the working classes, as if the social mobility of the former is somehow responsible for the social predicament of the latter.

His criticisms of social mobility have struck a chord with Leftists who have long felt uncomfortable with ambitious, materialistic working-class people (primarily because they don’t conform to the Full Monty model of less well-off people being hard-done-by but happy). One Labour blogger spoke for many when he applauded Miliband’s comments by saying, “The politics of social mobility has always left me cold”. Labour MP Hazel Blears has gone further, saying: “I’ve never understood the term social mobility because that implies you want to get out of somewhere… And I think there is a great deal to be said for making who you are something to be proud of.”

Blears’ comments cut to the heart of the modern Left’s discomfort with social mobility, whether it is expressed through crude, comical stereotypes of money-mad former council-estate dwellers or through seemingly radical speeches that ask “What about the rest of the working class?” What is really being expressed here is a disgust with poor people who don’t know their place, who aren’t proud of “who they are”, as Blears puts it, and who insist on leaping from one class into another. The reason these individuals make people like Miliband and Blears feel uncomfortable is because they are a stark reminder of the failure of the modern Left, and of Labour in particular, to make good on its 1960s promise to create an egalitarian, more prosperous society. The fact that working-class individuals who want to get ahead must play the same game as the upper classes of society – that is, be spectacularly self-possessed, individualistic, ruthless – is a powerful reminder of Labour’s failure to create a society in which all classes could equally pursue their ambitions. That is why so much bile is heaped on those “Loadsamoneys” who hail from working-class communities: their very existence, their attitudes and antics, expose Labour’s failure to improve the living conditions and raise the expectations of all sections of society.

And so the Left sneers at these socially mobile workers, because it would prefer that they stayed put rather than unwittingly shining a light on the fact that the Labour Left’s historic talk of boosting everyone’s fortunes has been so much flimflam. Their ambition is slated because it is too much of an uncomfortable echo of the kind of life and drive that Labour once promised to deliver to all. These people should stop focusing on “getting out of somewhere” and instead, in the embarrassing words of Leftist author Owen Jones, celebrate their “working classness”. That phrase suggests that being working class is an innate trait, like sex or hair colour. But it isn’t. It’s a social condition, or a social predicament if you like, and like all social conditions it can be overcome and transformed. Ambitious working-class people shouldn’t be made to feel bad about their material desires just because they make socially accomplished people like Miliband, Blears and Owen Jones feel awkward.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Clear definitions of social types and levels, clear methods of raising in stature are needed, AND incentives associated with values based instead of cash based social mobility (capitalist plutocracies are NOT ethical or moral societies incidentally) should counter the ‘hostility to social mobility (i.e. here is what needs to be abided by, these are the classes etc.. instead of money rules all which eventually degenerates into dirty money politics and hired hitmen of the materialist plutocrat method – a person who will bribe their way into power,  use the Judiciary as a weapon, will also kill their way into power, returning to the dark ages).


U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable – Mac Slavo – May 25th, 2012 –

You may have entertained the idea of an improbable civilization ending events such as a ‘global killer’ asteroid, earth crust displacement or massive solar storms, but what if there existed a situation right now that was so serious that it literally threatened our very existence?

According to a host of scientists, nuclear experts and researchers, were are facing exactly such a scenario – and current efforts may not be able to stop it.

When the Fukushima nuclear plants sustained structural damage and a catastrophic failure of their spent fuel cooling systems in the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, it left the government of Japan, Tokyo Power and nuclear regulatory agencies around the world powerless to contain the release of deadly radiation. A year on, the battle for control of Fukushima continues to no avail.

It’s estimated that tens of thousands of people in Japan and the whole of North America have been affected, with reports indicating that children in Japan and the U.S. are already being born with birth defects, as well as thousands who have already succumbed to radiation related illness. As we initially followed the breaking news during the first thirty days of the accident, we suggested the Fukushima disaster would be worse than Chernobyl. Not even we could have imagined how much worse it would be.

If current estimates are correct, Fukushima has already released as much radiation into the atmosphere and Pacific Ocean as Chernobyl, and the potential for a disaster at least ten times worse is highly probable in the event of another earthquake or accident that leads to a collapse of the cooling structures which are above ground and have already suffered significant damage. According to U.S. Army General Albert N. Stubblebine (ret.) of the Natural Solutions Foundation, the situation is extremely serious and poses a significant danger to our entire civilization. Since TEPCO and the Japanese government have refused the entombment option (as the Russians did with Chernobyl) the world is at the mercy of nature. A mistake here would cause the deaths of tens of millions of people across the globe. If there ever existed a threat that could cause the end of the world as we know it, it’s the ongoing and unresolved nuclear saga in Japan:

When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions releasing many times the amount or radiation released thus far. Bizarrely, they are stored three stories above ground in open concrete storage pools. Whether through evaporation of the water in the pools, or due to the inevitable further collapse of the structure, there is a severe risk. United States public health authorities agree that tens of thousands of North Americans have already died from the Fukushima calamity. When the final cataclysm occurs, sooner rather than later, the whole Northern Hemisphere is at risk of becoming largely uninhabitable.

Fact. On March 11, 2011, Fukushima Daichi nuclear power station with six nuclear reactors suffered cataclysmic damage that some believe was a man made event,and the resulting Tsunami. Hydrogen explosions…at least one nuclear explosion… and then subsequent deterioration of the visible plants at five of those reactors have created a threat situation unparalleled in human history.
Fact. Despite denial and cover-up, the reality has emerged, that enormous amounts of radioactive material has been spewing into the atmosphere, polluting the groundwater, and the food of Japan, and entering by the tens of millions of gallons the waters of the Pacific.

There’s no way to sugarcoat these facts. Denying them, blocking them out, pretending that they are not real is of no help to you and your family, and it leaves you totally unprepared for a danger that the Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning about since the first day. As of three weeks ago the levels of radiation inside of the spent fuel pools of unit no. 2 are too high to measure. Get that… too high to measure. And, the water there is evaporating, meaning that heat and radiation could easily build to very high levels.

Very simply put, if this much Cesium 137 is released, it will destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugulistic debate over nuclear power plants. This is an issue of human survival.

We can play the denial game all day long and pretend that, because the mainstream media is not reporting on it, there is no threat, but the facts are quite clear. This is, without a doubt, the most immediate threat faced by the world. It’s so serious, in fact, that the Japanese government has considered and put into place evacuation plans for the whole of Tokyo – some 40 million people. Reports are also emerging that suggest a collapse of the spent fuel pools would be so serious that the entire country of Japan may have to be evacuated. The entire country – that’s 125 million refugees that will cause an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. Before you argue that these are the ravings of just alternative media conspiracy theorists and fearmongers, consider the assessment put forth by Robert Alvarez , a senior policy adviser to the Secretary for National Security and the Environment for the US Department of Energy: The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above ground, is structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident. The infrastructure to safely remove this material was destroyed as it was at the other three reactors.  Spent reactor fuel cannot be simply lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine cargo.  In order to prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible explosions, it must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded structures into dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the removal of the spent fuel from the pools at the damaged Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will require a major and time-consuming re-construction effort and will be charting in unknown waters.

The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of  the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel). It is important for the public to understand that reactors that have been operating for decades, such as those at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site, have generated some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet. Regulatory agencies all over the world are warning of the potentiality of a further degradation of the Fukushima nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools, and the subsequent nuclear fallout that would follow. If these reactors go – and they could at any moment for any number of reasons – we’re looking at a situation for which you simply cannot stock enough food, or water, or supplies. Radiation would spread across the entire northern hemisphere and would be impossible to contain. While we’ve argued in the past that there is no place we’d rather be than in the United States of America in the event of a socio-economic collapse or global conflict, if these spent fuel pools collapse, then an international exit strategy may be the only option. Because details are sparse and research limited, it is difficult to predict what nuclear fall out from Japan may look like. The following map may be of some help, as it details the estimated fallout pattern resulting from a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. You’ll note that, while most of the world would be irradiated, the southern hemisphere would be your best bet to avoid the brunt of it:

Copyright Information: Copyright SHTFplan and Mac Slavo. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The capitalist-consumerist paradigm is over. The peoples of the planet are at a cultural-conservatism, wealth-redistribution phase. A report said that solar panels covering the size of Nevada can power the whole of the USA. To protect the environment, shut down all those nuke plants and decommission all nuke warheads, Bury all of the nuclear material in a NON-QUAKE ZONE and go non-GMO. Distribute the land equally to everyone for subsistence farming, end of the food stamp and distribution or labour and work problems.

As for financing . . . Need to eat? Grow own food. Need materials for house? Grow materials from trees and build your own with some carpentry, quarry your own stones or bag up compacted soil or even compacted TRASH. Education? Based from internet FOR FREE and marked on ability to think critically (a handful of questions on ethics and logic, nominally COMMON SENSE morality (not the length of skirt or sexual orientation, if they they gamble or drink or use organics, but if one will be a corporate raider, accept golden parachute bonuses – instead of amending company policy to be fair to stockholders – when a company collapses taking out ordinary 401K type stockholders, or write a law lowering election deposits instead of assigning taxpayer finds to one’s own funeral which has not occurred by sheer skewed sense of entitlement, raising bureaucrat salaries many times above GDP growth and inflation, holding on to power after 2 terms effectively preventing the rest of the nation from participating in policy making (sometimes generationally like so many Arab Spring type dictators) . . .

The above . . . will decide who has the ethical balls, rather than being a greedy, lazy and mob minded, yet cowardly pack of followers afraid to step out of line to make a point, or simply spineless and going along with ‘the flow’ (the fundo-psyche-politico-sycophant establishments decided to punish some of us ‘activists’ and critical thinkers for making a point and a stand . . . ), to insist on the need of TERM LIMITED bureaucrats) joins the army or police, or is best suited for research and trend studies law amending studies etc., or entirely unsuitable for anything – meaning subsistence sponsored by government or their family (mainly those who ask for near 2 times 401K for their funeral funds simply because they were some bureaucrat in the past) . . . not rote, learn, memorise and toe authoritarian political lines, there are no such lines, humanity is as free as the next bacterium excepting the civilising effect of laws that prevent abuse or parasitisation of others.

The earth belongs to everyone right (99%!~)? So everyone has the right to a piece of land enough for their own families (thats right no 2nd 3rd or 10th homes for plutocrats or law makers that allow vast swathes of arable or liveable land to be unusable while the homeless who could be growing their own food or building their own homes are stuck in cities disallowed from using that same land . . . or insisting that accreditation bureaucrats and boards and buildings, building materials suppliers, building contractors or stationary and book supply contractors, bureaucrats, then canteen suppliers and food preparers who want to value add to their profits (20% to 300% increases?) sweepers and gardeners and security guards (who all would possibly rather prefer to be growing their own food on land distributed from unused land banks of ‘state land’ if given a choice) to be needed to qualify an education, instead of anyone who doesn’t mind sitting in an empty parking lot to ‘educate’ then allow those who attended to claim a degree to start working . . . a degree could cost nothing well at most everyone collectively could give the lecturer minimum wage (100 students per open air class divided by 7.50 per x10 hours = 75 cents per student per day . . . 273.75 per year of ‘University’) . . . students do you know why your degree costs so much now? Because of Education-Financier Complex described above . . . ). The cities earlier built needn’t even be abandoned though different rules could apply (Capitalist non-distribution Zones?) since those are supposed to be ‘prime territory’. WTF is UN or NAM doing?

Earth has 36.48 billion acres. However, there are only 12 million square miles (7.68 billion acres) of arable land. In 2006, there were 1.15 acres of arable land per person, world-wide (i.e. 7.68 billion acres / 6.68 billion people). With irrigation and forestration work (think Gaddafi’s GMRP Nubian Aquifer system -, this could be 100 times more in as soon as 10-20 years.

Now, think 3 dimensionally in existing arable areas, where up to 3 to 20 times the amount of arable land could be created (with 15 storey high , or 50 perhaps added modularly, if needed, via the corkscrew form structures seen in link below) . . .

See Response to Article 7

See responses to Articles 3 and 4 :

3 Articles on Local Malaysian News, 1 Article on Indonesian Survivability/Innovation from a Spartan Landscape (among the highes rates of deforestration) : KYY’s Back and Forth (Commit to candidacy already . . . BN and PR in some districts are horrible . . . ), Abuse of Gambling Rights in Malaysia, Dr.Mahathir’s Disinfo and More Platitudes, 1 Acre Can Support 1000-4000 People If Need Be – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 4th March 2012

Finally,  voters should not vote self serving plutocrats, or fundos or undemocratic minded nepotists, into power who do not respect term limits or understand ethical prohibitions in creating blocs of relatives (much less term limitless ones) in government. Whats wrong with everyone? Too stupid? Who have you been voting for? Check the background or run for election yourselves!

Stars and Cults of Personalty Section


Chivalry isn’t dead! Jennifer Lopez holds hands with Casper Smart as the toyboy lugs bags – by Leah Simpson – PUBLISHED: 02:19 GMT, 21 May 2012 | UPDATED: 16:20 GMT, 21 May 2012

He may only be a spring chicken at the age of 25. But despite the wide age gap, Jennifer Lopez’s new flame has all the qualities of a traditional and perhaps older gentleman. The 42-year-old’s backing dancer beau, Casper Smart, accompanied his lady on a shopping trip to the Grove in West Hollywood today. Age gap love: Jennifer Lopez locked hands with her boyfriend Casper Smart as the pair shopped at The Grove in West Hollywood, California today. And while a retail outing with their partner sounds like a nightmare for many men, Smart seemed perfectly happy to be at Lopez’s beck and call as she picked out fashionable items.

They emerged from the celebrity-favourite shopping centre showing no signs of bickering between the clothing rails as they held hands and walked thought the parking lot.

The young man even lugged his partner’s bulging bags as she simply carried her bag over her shoulder.
Bagsy this one! Jennifer looked smug her man carried her Zara bags around

Bagsy this one! Jennifer looked smug her man carried her Zara bags around

Nothing but a number: The performer’s younger man is 25 while she is 42

Trendy boy: Smart dressed stylishly in a trilby hat and sunglasses

While trendy Casper donned a trilby hat and sunglasses with his white T-shirt and black trousers, his girlfriend stood out as they made their way to the car.

She drew attention to her shoulders as she wore her hair in a bun on top of her head and blue jumpsuit embellished with a waist belt.

Cream gladiator sandals graced her feet and white framed sunglasses shielded her eyes.
Making a fuss: He even opened the car door for his woman showing chivalry isn’t dead

Making a fuss: He opened the car door for his woman showing chivalry isn’t dead

Casper was quick to open the passenger door for his older woman as she approach the vehicle so it’s no wonder, she has been singing his praises recently.

She unleashed a cringeworthy PDA when she performed on American Idol earlier this season with her lover also on stage with her.

In a moment that saw Casper pick confetti out of J-Lo’s hair after the performance ended in a flurry of ticker tape, she immediately said to the audience: ‘He’s so cute!’

Additionally, last month People magazine reported that he sees the star as royalty.

A source said: ‘There is a lot of love between [them], he treats her like a queen.’
Passion for fashion: J-Lo looked great in a blue jumpsuit with light-coloured bag, shoes and belt

Passion for fashion: J-Lo looked great in a blue jumpsuit with light-coloured bag

what because no other man anywhere has ever carried his womans bags? tell ya what come take pics of me day to day, opening doors for women, carrying bags for my partner, women first etc etc but i dont have a news article do i?

– Michael Smith, Pontefract, 22/5/2012 10:47
Rating   3

wish my man would treat me like that! lol am i right ladies??

– jennyfromtheblock, Sheffield, UK, 22/5/2012 00:12
Rating   16

There is nothing like a hot, fit, young stallion for some fun and rejuvenation! 🙂 Enjoy it, JLO! good on you!

– a., England, 21/5/2012 23:58
Rating   24

Will she snap off his thing if he tries to leave?

– wondering, Canada, 21/5/2012 23:21
Rating   8

Same type of pictures as LeAnn Rimes, so is she pay DM too? lol ……….. selective indignation.

– Jullou, Glendale, AZ, 21/5/2012 18:35
Rating   5

Well, she’s his BOSS & his sole source of income, right? I’m not sure he’s such a fabulous gentleman, maybe just a good employee– sorry!

– jenisoutherngirl, Bham, USA, 21/5/2012 18:14
Rating   60

And man servant is all he really is. I give it one year. Meanwhile her two kids suffer all this and will be in rehab by the time they’re 18.

– Doug Smart, New York, USA, 21/5/2012 17:49
Rating   38

HA! I love it. One photo signifies his character and their relationship entirely. If he was snapped putting it down I wonder what the article would be about….zzz

– Michelle, London, 21/5/2012 16:23
Rating   17

It’s amazing what extensions can do to Jeniifers hair, but when they come off, theres litteraloy just a small amount of hair. love her though

– Tino, Brighton, United Kingdom, 21/5/2012 15:49
Rating   29

J-Lo is millions times better than Kim

– Genevieve, bristol, 21/5/2012 15:39

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Both of them should hire a footman, maid, or few for this sort of thing if Casper wants to raise his status to that of an equal.. IDK but some cynical feminists could well be thinking how they got all the guys under control. Carrying bags or opening doors is not chivalry, this is the work of footmen glorified as chivalry. Chivalry is a mindset and for the poor who cannot afford footmen, yes this would count. But to do a high profile MSM on a couple at this level of wealth who could hire an entourage of servants and footmen, this ends up potentially (I stress potentially, so will the psychoanalysts lay off whatever presumed smartsauce – theirs or others), as a farcical take on the concept of chivalry per se to manipulate the masses with a feminist agenda instead. In fact a PA designated as a PA who has any pride of self, would (especially if pointedly asked) REFUSE to carry bags, open doors, or carry umbrellas, these sorts of jobs are decidely menial in nature, money is one thing, but job description and the ability to REFUSE to do such work, is another. The bosses who do fire for such refusals are despots and no respectable members of society.

Of course if you want to say, these are your mere ‘Sudra entertainer’ class, and to not take them seriously, we could well just ignore all MSM (and MSM manipulation) as well.


Geri Halliwell hints of Spice Girls reunion in time to perform for Jubilee and Olympics – by Katie Nicholl – PUBLISHED: 01:56 GMT, 20 May 2012 | UPDATED: 01:56 GMT, 20 May 2012

Geri Halliwell has offered a glimmer of hope to Spice Girls fans desperate to see the Nineties group reform for the Olympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. ‘It would be unfair of me to reveal anything now,’ Geri, 39, hinted with a wink at the Heather Kerzner and Marie Curie Cancer Care dinner.

Melanie ‘Mel C’ Chisholm, 38, added to the intrigue, saying: ‘I think we need to get our skates on and do it before we are too old!’ Sparking rumours: Geri Halliwell has dropped a hint that the Spice Girls could reform in time for the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympics. Reunited: Fans of the 90s group the Spice Girls may not have to wait long to see them back on stage. Party girl Kate adds a twist of glamour. Kate Moss pictured with Heather at the event.

Hosting a glamorous fundraising party at Claridge’s in Mayfair last week for Marie Curie Cancer Care, socialite Heather Kerzner tried to persuade pal Kate Moss to get up and sing with music legends Ronnie Wood and Sam Moore. Kate, pictured with Heather at the event, has been known to have impromptu singalongs – once joining in with Primal Scream and on another occasion duetting with Boy George – but this time insisted her singing wasn’t good enough. But she did jump on stage to dance and help at the auction. ‘It was amazing to see her on stage with Ronnie and Sam,’ said Heather. Kate turned up with husband Jamie Hince and Heather said: ‘It was lovely seeing them so happy.’ The party raised more than £620,000. Charlotte Church is turning to Florence Welch for inspiration as she prepares to relaunch her singing career.

The 26-year-old is making her comeback next month at the philosophy and music festival How The Light Gets In, which is running alongside the Hay literary festival at Hay-on-Wye on the Welsh border. Charlotte, who rose to fame as a classical singer before crossing over to pop music in 2005, will perform live for the first time in two years. ‘Her sound is a cross between Florence and the Machine and Kate Bush,’ said a spokesman for the festival.

Charlotte said: ‘It’s a great festival and I’ve missed playing live. The music is different  to anything I’ve done before, so I recommend people come with an open mind.’ American Pie actress Tara Reid has been canoodling in Cannes with 60-year-old gems tycoon Fawaz Gruosi. The blonde Hollywood star, 36, was spotted at a Raffles boat party that the founder of de Grisogono luxury jewellery was hosting with Eva Longoria for the film festival. ‘Tara and Faraz could not keep their hands off each other,’ a source says. ‘She sat on his lap and he ran his hands all over her. They left together and he certainly seemed to be her sugar daddy.’ Fawaz counts Naomi Campbell among his many younger female admirers.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Has been ‘time out’ for a decade or more for these married mothers. Come on girls, look for and even FUND replacement lookalikes and give some younger kids a chance in the spotlight. Spicegirls can live on but don’t make a Mubarak or a Gaddafi out of the girl power. Some memes just don’t grow better when their creators get older. Burnt out vs fresh faced! Try the below charts for ‘rating’ stars :

Rating Stars (or any public figures like television hosts, though a programme with a target demogrphic that consists of married people can ignore the marriage factor)

+2    Unattached Bisexual
+1    Unattached Hetero
0    On and off with someone not too unpopular
-1    Attached (+1 for the ‘loves to break up relationships type’ but this isn’t exactly healthy to promote . . . )
-2    Married (+1 for the ‘cast eyes on wives type’ but this isn’t exactly healthy to promote . . . )
-3    Married with children (+2 for the ‘MILF chaser type’ but this isn’t exactly healthy to promote . . . )

+2    Plays typical heroes / real historical heroes (may backfire if entirely off casting expectations)
+1    Plays cartoon/fiction(cosplay)/fuzzy-animals(furries)/heroes
0    Plays typical characters
-1    Plays atypical characters/atypical-non-fuzzy animals
-2    Plays villians

+2    extreme good looks
+1    good looks
0    average looks
-1    bad looks (but if matched with the corrct film ideal for such looks can be +1 memorable)
+2    extreme bad looks (but if matched with the corrct film ideal for such looks can be +2 memorable)

+1    consistent character depictions/style type (i.e. ken-barbies stay ken-barbies, or goths stay goth, not turn into corporate types then switch again etc.
baldies stay bald, hairstyle types stay consistent (even if unsuitable which in itself can be an identifier and consistency)
0    average people do no stand out or perhaps have no chance to
-1    inconsistent character depictions/style type

+1    represents largest class of society
+1    ethnic appropriate / ethnic accurate or neutral modern
+1    regular job very high ranked (spouse is high ranked)
(not necessarily useful or helpful – robbers who got away without killing anyone)/popular or helpful-useful-luxury day job
(religious figures not part of scandlised faiths, military)
recreation related jobs, sports related (recreation) jobs
0    regular job
-1    unpopular, unpleasant or unhelpful day job (menial work, scavenging small business types, corporate raiders, robbers who were caught – those who don’t become ‘cool’)

7 Articles on ‘The West’ : 2 Articles Warning About Nepotism and 2 ‘Human Rights Subversive’ Feel Good Methods : ‘Political Wealth Distribution’ destroyed by nepotism, Bankers get liquidated, ‘Amma’ in Machine Form, English Tourism to Steal the Energy of Hope from the World, Attacking one nite stands with false flag articles (agenda feminists should stay at home and stop infiltrating organic fun venues), 3 Stooges raided by soulless generation, TSA abuses continue- reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 14th April 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, best practices, better judgments, criticism, cult of personality, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, education as a spiritual weapon, electronic weapons, Fat Cats, feminist saboteurs, Nepotism, neutral spaces, NLP, organic casting, Orwellian, Straw-women, TSA on April 14, 2012 at 3:10 am


The practice of hereditary ambition and home-grown royalty demolishes the basic premise of equality – by Walter Rodgers – Published: 00:00 April 13, 2012 – Gulf News

Political dynasties betray American values

Once again, America’s leading political dynasties are holding high the family standard in an election year.

In Massachusetts, another Kennedy is racing toward Congress. This time, it’s Democrat Joseph P. Kennedy III, the grandson of the late Robert F. Kennedy, hoping to fill the vacancy of retiring Representative Barney Frank.

“I’m very proud of my family’s record of public service to the Commonwealth and the country,” the young Kennedy has said. I don’t doubt his desire for service, but he’s also trading on the family name — and fundraising and other powers and privileges that go with it. That’s not what the Founders envisioned for the new republic.

Meanwhile, in Texas and Florida, the Bushes are using their endorsement clout in an attempt to wrap up the messy Republican primary. It’s time for “the party to get behind” Mitt Romney, former president George H.W. Bush says.

His wife, Barbara — who referred to her son George W. as “the chosen one” before he even became president — has recorded a robocall for Romney’s campaign. Jeb Bush, another son and a former governor of Florida, has also endorsed Romney. (A reasonable question: If Romney loses to Obama, will Jeb run in 2016? It’s a job he has said he has wanted since he was a kid.)

The US has seen its share of political families: the Adamses, at the beginning, and in modern times, the Browns of California; the Cuomos of New York; the Daleys of Chicago; Ron Paul and his son Rand, now a US senator from Kentucky; not to mention Romney and his late governor father, George.

Sense of entitlement

But over the past half century, no two families have been as powerful as the Bushes and Kennedys. They share deep New England roots and a seeming sense of entitlement to the White House.

The Kennedy taste for dynastic prerogative has at times been shameless. Senator Robert Kennedy challenged a sitting president of his own party and tried to seize the presidential nomination — seeking to recapture his brother John’s lost legacy and rekindle the myth of Camelot. (Parallels can be drawn with the younger Bush president in attempting to finish off his father’s war with Saddam Hussain’s Iraq.)

Even after the Kennedys suffered two assassinations, the family’s ambition continued to soar. Brother Edward tried (and failed) to unseat his party’s president, Democrat Jimmy Carter. So strong was the family’s belief that the White House belonged to them, that a defeated Teddy petulantly refused to shake hands with Carter at the 1980 Democratic convention.

The youngest Kennedy brother never made it to the Oval Office, but he helped Barack Obama get there, acting as kingmaker along with his niece Caroline, as they pointedly favoured Obama over Hillary Rodham Clinton (from a would-be dynasty).

This practice of hereditary ambition and home-grown royalty betrays a basic premise of the American Revolution, “that all men are created equal.”

Andrew Jackson’s defeat of incumbent John Quincy Adams swept away much of Americans earlier faith in ruling families, and successive waves of immigrants made a mockery of it.

The Europeans spent centuries, sometimes knee-deep in blood, eliminating czars and kings. Yet in the past 50 years, America has had to ride out allegations of rape, manslaughter, drug abuse, infidelity, and drunkenness in its ‘royal families’, overlooking all this on the medieval assumption that those with better bloodlines are somehow beyond reproach or the law.

And, like kings of old, today’s royals seek to maintain position and power by plying supporters, friends, and family with gifts, whether they be tax breaks or cabinet posts.

At their peril, they forget that stability in any kingdom involved a delicate balance between the crown and nobility, and the people.

The republic could again use the same disdain for pretence employed by an earlier patriot who once said he wished that “wadding of the cannon fired to salute President [John] Adams would hit him in the seat of the pants.”

The progeny of political families will likely ever seek political power — and the public may well respond with a certain star-struck awe and hope for favourable treatment. But in this country, we ought to judge a candidate on merit. That’s what we were raised on.

— Christian Science Monitor

Walter Rodgers is a former senior international correspondent for CNN.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Unlike some so-called cults of personality POSING as good Christians under the auspices of the Church, this is a truly good Christian response that does not embrace nepotism and extremist Christian attitudes. Good article by Christian Science Monitor that all faiths (more so Christian denominations) could do to learn from.


Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness in Best Recovery Story – by Omar R. Valdimarsso – February 28, 2012, 8:03 AM EST – Businessweek

Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) — Icelanders who pelted parliament with rocks in 2009 demanding their leaders and bankers answer for the country’s economic and financial collapse are reaping the benefits of their anger.

Since the end of 2008, the island’s banks have forgiven loans equivalent to 13 percent of gross domestic product, easing the debt burdens of more than a quarter of the population, according to a report published this month by the Icelandic Financial Services Association.

“You could safely say that Iceland holds the world record in household debt relief,” said Lars Christensen, chief emerging markets economist at Danske Bank A/S in Copenhagen. “Iceland followed the textbook example of what is required in a crisis. Any economist would agree with that.”

The island’s steps to resurrect itself since 2008, when its banks defaulted on $85 billion, are proving effective. Iceland’s economy will this year outgrow the euro area and the developed world on average, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates. It costs about the same to insure against an Icelandic default as it does to guard against a credit event in Belgium. Most polls now show Icelanders don’t want to join the European Union, where the debt crisis is in its third year.

The island’s households were helped by an agreement between the government and the banks, which are still partly controlled by the state, to forgive debt exceeding 110 percent of home values. On top of that, a Supreme Court ruling in June 2010 found loans indexed to foreign currencies were illegal, meaning households no longer need to cover krona losses.

Crisis Lessons

“The lesson to be learned from Iceland’s crisis is that if other countries think it’s necessary to write down debts, they should look at how successful the 110 percent agreement was here,” said Thorolfur Matthiasson, an economics professor at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, in an interview. “It’s the broadest agreement that’s been undertaken.”

Without the relief, homeowners would have buckled under the weight of their loans after the ratio of debt to incomes surged to 240 percent in 2008, Matthiasson said.

Iceland’s $13 billion economy, which shrank 6.7 percent in 2009, grew 2.9 percent last year and will expand 2.4 percent this year and next, the Paris-based OECD estimates. The euro area will grow 0.2 percent this year and the OECD area will expand 1.6 percent, according to November estimates.

Housing, measured as a subcomponent in the consumer price index, is now only about 3 percent below values in September 2008, just before the collapse. Fitch Ratings last week raised Iceland to investment grade, with a stable outlook, and said the island’s “unorthodox crisis policy response has succeeded.”

People Vs Markets

Iceland’s approach to dealing with the meltdown has put the needs of its population ahead of the markets at every turn.

Once it became clear back in October 2008 that the island’s banks were beyond saving, the government stepped in, ring-fenced the domestic accounts, and left international creditors in the lurch. The central bank imposed capital controls to halt the ensuing sell-off of the krona and new state-controlled banks were created from the remnants of the lenders that failed.

Activists say the banks should go even further in their debt relief. Andrea J. Olafsdottir, chairman of the Icelandic Homes Coalition, said she doubts the numbers provided by the banks are reliable.

“There are indications that some of the financial institutions in question haven’t lost a penny with the measures that they’ve undertaken,” she said.

Fresh Demands

According to Kristjan Kristjansson, a spokesman for Landsbankinn hf, the amount written off by the banks is probably larger than the 196.4 billion kronur ($1.6 billion) that the Financial Services Association estimates, since that figure only includes debt relief required by the courts or the government.

“There are still a lot of people facing difficulties; at the same time there are a lot of people doing fine,” Kristjansson said. “It’s nearly impossible to say when enough is enough; alongside every measure that is taken, there are fresh demands for further action.”

As a precursor to the global Occupy Wall Street movement and austerity protests across Europe, Icelanders took to the streets after the economic collapse in 2008. Protests escalated in early 2009, forcing police to use teargas to disperse crowds throwing rocks at parliament and the offices of then Prime Minister Geir Haarde. Parliament is still deciding whether to press ahead with an indictment that was brought against him in September 2009 for his role in the crisis.

A new coalition, led by Social Democrat Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir, was voted into office in early 2009. The authorities are now investigating most of the main protagonists of the banking meltdown.

Legal Aftermath

Iceland’s special prosecutor has said it may indict as many as 90 people, while more than 200, including the former chief executives at the three biggest banks, face criminal charges.

Larus Welding, the former CEO of Glitnir Bank hf, once Iceland’s second biggest, was indicted in December for granting illegal loans and is now waiting to stand trial. The former CEO of Landsbanki Islands hf, Sigurjon Arnason, has endured stints of solitary confinement as his criminal investigation continues.

That compares with the U.S., where no top bank executives have faced criminal prosecution for their roles in the subprime mortgage meltdown. The Securities and Exchange Commission said last year it had sanctioned 39 senior officers for conduct related to the housing market meltdown.

The U.S. subprime crisis sent home prices plunging 33 percent from a 2006 peak. While households there don’t face the same degree of debt relief as that pushed through in Iceland, President Barack Obama this month proposed plans to expand loan modifications, including some principal reductions.

According to Christensen at Danske Bank, “the bottom line is that if households are insolvent, then the banks just have to go along with it, regardless of the interests of the banks.”

–Editors: Jonas Bergman, Tasneem Brogger.

To contact the reporter on this story: Omar R. Valdimarsson in Reykjavik

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jonas Bergman at

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Hundreds more bankers are worth multimillions or even billions. Confiscate their wealth, leave them with a few million and every citizen gets their home back, Iceland becomes debt free. End of story. the ‘enemy (economic fifth columnists sabotaging and selling the nation to IMF by being in government in some cases) bankers’ who insist on retaining wealth can claim refugee status at the UN if they don’t like the ruling. Bravo Iceland!


Now, hug vending machine to get a drink – ANI – London, April 13, 2012 – First Published: 19:43 IST(13/4/2012)

Coca-Cola has come up with a very innovative and attention-grabbing publicity stunt in Singapore – a vending machine which gives out free cans of Coke in return for hugs.

The ‘hug me’ machine is part of the company’s ‘Open Happiness’ campaign designed to target young people in a gesture-based marketing stunt, which is currently being tested out in Singapore.

Students at the National University of Singapore were surprised to find that the soft drinks giant had installed the vending machine on campus overnight.

But instead of the drinks brand’s logo, the words ‘Hug Me’ are emblazoned across its iconic red-and-white logo.

Instead of paying money, customers have to squeeze the sides of the drinks machine to receive a free can of Coke.

Public displays of affection are uncommon and have long been discouraged in Singapore, but are on the rise amongst young people.

The move is part of a campaign created by advertising firm Ogilvy ‘n’ Mather, and is ntended to position the brand as a non-threatening ally to demonstrating youth.

In a statement as part of the company’s Open Happiness campaign, Leonardo O’Grady, Coke’s Asia Pacific Director for Sparkling ‘n’ Activation Platforms, said that through the campaign the company wanted to spread some happiness.

“Happiness is contagious. The Coca Cola Hug Machine is a simple idea to spread some happiness,” the Daily Mail quoted O’Grady as saying.

“Our strategy is to deliver doses of happiness in an unexpected, innovative way to engage not only the people present, but the audience at large,” O’Grady said.

Marketing gurus behind the innovative concept hope that it will encourage consumers to ‘bring positivity, optimism and fun into their lives’ and to ‘open a Coke and share a little happiness’.

The machines have been such a success that there are plans to roll them out across Asia.

“The reaction was amazing – at one point we had four to five people hugging the machine at the same time as well as each other! In fact, there was a long line of people looking to give hugs,” O’Grady added.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This is even worse but cleverer in some ways. Any person has ethnicity and gender so what more neutral than a machine eh? No gender, no race, no facial look to prefer (we can though identify scum from a look at times . . . ) or hate as well. BUT STILL same method. Singaporeans are the most Orwellian lot ever. meanwhile the Lee Dynasty gets to ‘lead’ and have term limitless nepotistic family blocs in government. Strawman AGAIN and when politicians resort to the inanimate to cheat the people, while retaining bad laws and making the world an increasingly difficult place to live in, we know the vicious dictatorship loving creeps are entirely out of touch with the people. Combined with neurotech and other methods of mind monitoring they have now, we are already finished unless we vote for a government that is not comprised of cronies, plutocrats and nepotists. This is neo-feudalism, especially when family blocs and family political dynasties occur.

Straw-woman Agent of the 1% :


Search on for ‘England’s biggest fan’ to travel the country, in a campervan – 04 April 2012 7:13 PM – EnglandfanCORBIS

Once upon a time, if a destination wanted to announce itself as the sort of place where you would really wish to spend some of your hard-earned holiday allowance, it would pay for a colossal billboard, slap a lovely colourful picture on it, and hope for the best.

But three years ago, the game changed when the Queensland tourism department decided to do things somewhat differently. Rather than design an advert showing a beach and a pretty girl, it offered up ‘the best job in the world’ – a year-long position as ‘caretaker’ of Hamilton Island, in the Whitsunday archipelago of eastern Australia.

All the successful candidate had to do was hang out, grab a suntan, and write a blog about their experiences. Cue a near-endless torrent of applications from hopeful types, and a self-promotional coup before the winner had even set foot Down Under.

Now something similar is happening again. Except that, this time, the venue is not a Pacific Ocean beach – and you have to be able to handle a campervan.

In short, VisitEngland is looking for someone suitably enthusiastic – ‘England’s biggest fan’, to quote their exact words – to spend 70 days driving the country in the build-up to the Olympics while writing a daily update on what they find on the way.

The itinerary will follow in the flame-steps of the Olympic Torch Relay as it cuts a swathe through the country during the pre-Games months of May, June and July.

Presumably, VisitEngland have weighed up the possibility of the search for ‘England’s biggest fan’ resulting in a large fellow with a bulldog and a grainy tattoo of Wayne Rooney on his back – and decided that such a person-hunt is still worth the effort.

The chosen wanderer will have their expenses paid as they trawl the country for titbits. Interested parties must be over 21, and should send 100 words on their favourite part of England, along with a photo, to, by April 9th.

The anointed one will be selected by May 8th, ready to hit the road on May 14th.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Soul harvesting time! Out of a potential 77,777 fifth columnists (one can say they seserve to be treated this way, but being a product of their environment and being the more powerful party, the onus is on the English to not behave in this manner to take advantage of people instead of educating them AFTER subverting them via neurolinguistics and other siubliminal symbolic languages etc..) among camper van owners, only 1 will win. 77,776 minds worth of effort, hope and consideration will be harvested when 77,776 mind’s worth of effort, hope and disappointment occur. This amounts to a very cynical holiday and inconsiderate promotion stint that will only muddy England’s tourist ‘energy’. Would be better to honestly get England’s 5 star hotels to offer 10 free rooms to 10 people who are declared blue collar workers and be done with the promotion. Not a moment’s thought or time for this lot or sort of promotional method. Who knows the ‘winner’ has already been selected so that the ‘hope energy’ can be collected for use in some nefarious reality bending intention! One does not even need to study Freemasonry to figure this out. Just look at that atrocious language! Anointed one? Very not *like* (both the noun and adjective)!


Woman impregnated at Motorhead concert seeks father on Craigslist – Helen A.S. Popkin – Craigslist

If you’re a dude with a red Mohawk who recently got lucky at a Motörhead/Megadeth concert in the bathroom at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago — or if you know a dude who matches such a description — you totally need to keep checking the Missed Connections section on Craigslist. The woman with whom you had an encounter has something that was left behind.

“Did we hook up at the Megadeth/Motorhead concert? – w4m – 28 (Aragon Ballroom),” reads the anonymous post that was live through Thursday:

Me: Blue hair, silver tube top, fishnets, Knee high black biker boots.
You: Red mohawk, black pentagram gauges, viper piercings.

The poster then goes on to describe in detail the passionate encounter — the NSFW reproduction you can find here via the Fuse website, which initially spotted the post. Suffice it to say, the couple did not qualify to post their encounter on the Where Did You Wear It? – Planned Parenthood’s Foursquare-of-condom-use website. So …

Anyway I’m pregnant. It’s yours. contact me if you want to be part of your child’s life.

Rather than judging this young woman —  and you know you are, jerk —  let’s help her out. Consider the near impossible odds of the Craigslist Missed Connections for reconnecting with any random encounter.

Take you, for example. The hottie you stared at a little too long at Starbucks this morning is not looking for you. Of that you can be 99. 9 percent sure.

What’s more, according to those same statistics I totally made up just now, if he or she is posting about you on Craigslist — the creep who stared at him or her a little too long at Starbucks this morning — it’s not in your city’s “Missed Connections” section. The hottie is doing it somewhere in the community or discussion forums in a post tagged FML, the NSFW  acronym used by texting teens with obtuse parents and Craigslisters bemoaning their unfornatuate — or in your case, creepy — life circumstances in the community and forums sections of the online classifieds site.

If we take blue hair/silver tube top at her word — because of course, nobody ever lies on Craigslist— she isn’t a creepy stalker, but a future mom looking out for her impending child. Like everyone else these days, she’s using social media of a sort to get things done. So spread the world so she never has to have this discussion with her young head banger: “It’s not that your daddy didn’t have a Facebook account, I just don’t know his name …”

Hat tip to @JediJon

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Do not respond. This sort of article is to ferret out the real party goers even fake some ‘rape charges’. Even as some party girls (some married but posing as unmarried) are little more than fakes and gold diggers, not here for the organic fun but some manipulative agenda like addicting people with synthetic drugs so their dealer boyfriends (or husbands) can get richer. Protect the sanctity of the basis of reality – randomness. Also this action will doubtless be studied for casual links to regulate society and reality. An orphan or million more could well be the way Orwellian society can be prevented. The choices made here will doubtless be paid for or accrue wealth. Let go you sick agenda poseurs fronting for fundo values, or try to trap further – we’re beginning to see now why random slayings occur . . . to rid the world of sick minded individuals brainwashed by Orwellian agenda peddlars, in the world of gross matter. Meanwhile do partake and enjoy but consider the above for preservation of this plane. The cynical thing of course could be a FBI brainwashed person who will be ASSIGNED some newborn dumped in a hospital ‘baby chute’ intent on feretting out jocks and studs who do fuck for fun while concerts occur and REAL fans flashing whatever. The militant feminists who throw about ‘chilling’ effect emasculating language are the one’s to watch. The policy they write and the advocacy of emasculation of males at every turn is a form of insanity.

Orwellian society is here, so careful of such articles and people who write such articles and their associates and families. V!


Say what you will about Hollywood’s lack of originality, but don’t you think the younger generation deserves a big-time introduction to The Three Stooges? “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) writers/directors Peter and Bobby Farrelly certainly believe so, and they’ve worked hard for the last 14 years to finally see that happen, as “The Three Stooges” opens wide this Friday the 13th. The Farrelly’s created this film as a tribute to their heroes, with the actors not so much acting as mimicking the original Stooges while terrorizing the modern world. We all know the Stooges will engage in plenty of nyuk nyuk nyuking, but here are five fun facts about the film you may not know.
[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Do a CGI version using the ACTUAL actors from the old films. They have the technology, and the 3 stooges are a classic that no existing ‘stars’ with that sort of immense wealth can properly depict. Alternatively, hold a lookalikes contest and make sure the actors are serious about being the new face of ‘slapstick’, meaning they best need to be humorous people in real life rather than ambitious careerists whp expect MILLIONS and to act in decades’ worth of films after this.

One off film types from th 99% would be perfect. The 1% actors can’t play fools, the fooling will be on the audience instead and the audience of today are no fools. Want to do a film about fools? Get REAL organic fools (that are smart enough to act). Maybe career clowns at very least who do like being the source of slapstick based laughter. Organic actors, not the plastic plutocrat chameleons, and of course another 1%ter gets to be modestly wealthy instead of the extrem wealth by actors who end up being chameleons who cannot set a role model for REAL society. These actors just teach duplicity . . . and are milking every last bit of ‘feel good factor’ accrued by these ‘old school method casting’ selected ORGANIC actors.


How the US uses sexual humiliation as a political tool to control the masses

Believe me, you don’t want the state having the power to strip your clothes off. And yet, it’s exactly what is happening – Naomi Wolf –, Thursday 5 April 2012 15.50 BST

Bagram airbase was used by the US to detain its ‘high-value’ targets during the ‘war on terror’ and is still Afghanistan’s main military prison. Photograph: Dar Yasin/AP

The discussion continues today at 12pm ET (5pm UK time) when Naomi Wolf takes your questions about her column. Join us for an hour long live chat about the supreme court, strip searches and sexual humiliation.

In a five-four ruling this week, the supreme court decided that anyone can be strip-searched upon arrest for any offense, however minor, at any time. This horror show ruling joins two recent horror show laws: the NDAA, which lets anyone be arrested forever at any time, and HR 347, the “trespass bill”, which gives you a 10-year sentence for protesting anywhere near someone with secret service protection. These criminalizations of being human follow, of course, the mini-uprising of the Occupy movement.

Is American strip-searching benign? The man who had brought the initial suit, Albert Florence, described having been told to “turn around. Squat and cough. Spread your cheeks.” He said he felt humiliated: “It made me feel like less of a man.”

In surreal reasoning, justice Anthony Kennedy explained that this ruling is necessary because the 9/11 bomber could have been stopped for speeding. How would strip searching him have prevented the attack? Did justice Kennedy imagine that plans to blow up the twin towers had been concealed in a body cavity? In still more bizarre non-logic, his and the other justices’ decision rests on concerns about weapons and contraband in prison systems. But people under arrest – that is, who are not yet convicted – haven’t been introduced into a prison population.

Our surveillance state shown considerable determination to intrude on citizens sexually. There’s the sexual abuse of prisoners at Bagram – der Spiegel reports that “former inmates report incidents of … various forms of sexual humiliation. In some cases, an interrogator would place his penis along the face of the detainee while he was being questioned. Other inmates were raped with sticks or threatened with anal sex”. There was the stripping of Bradley Manning is solitary confinement. And there’s the policy set up after the story of the “underwear bomber” to grope US travelers genitally or else force them to go through a machine – made by a company, Rapiscan, owned by terror profiteer and former DHA czar Michael Chertoff – with images so vivid that it has been called the “pornoscanner”.

Believe me: you don’t want the state having the power to strip your clothes off. History shows that the use of forced nudity by a state that is descending into fascism is powerfully effective in controlling and subduing populations.

The political use of forced nudity by anti-democratic regimes is long established. Forcing people to undress is the first step in breaking down their sense of individuality and dignity and reinforcing their powerlessness. Enslaved women were sold naked on the blocks in the American south, and adolescent male slaves served young white ladies at table in the south, while they themselves were naked: their invisible humiliation was a trope for their emasculation. Jewish prisoners herded into concentration camps were stripped of clothing and photographed naked, as iconic images of that Holocaust reiterated.

One of the most terrifying moments for me when I visited Guantanamo prison in 2009 was seeing the way the architecture of the building positioned glass-fronted shower cubicles facing intentionally right into the central atrium – where young female guards stood watch over the forced nakedness of Muslim prisoners, who had no way to conceal themselves. Laws and rulings such as this are clearly designed to bring the conditions of Guantanamo, and abusive detention, home.

I have watched male police and TSA members standing by side by side salaciously observing women as they have been “patted down” in airports. I have experienced the weirdly phrased, sexually perverse intrusiveness of the state during an airport “pat-down”, which is always phrased in the words of a steamy paperback (“do you have any sensitive areas? … I will use the back of my hands under your breasts …”). One of my Facebook commentators suggested, I think plausibly, that more women are about to be found liable for arrest for petty reasons (scarily enough, the TSA is advertising for more female officers).

I interviewed the equivalent of TSA workers in Britain and found that the genital groping that is obligatory in the US is illegal in Britain. I believe that the genital groping policy in America, too, is designed to psychologically habituate US citizens to a condition in which they are demeaned and sexually intruded upon by the state – at any moment.

The most terrifying phrase of all in the decision is justice Kennedy’s striking use of the term “detainees” for “United States citizens under arrest”. Some members of Occupy who were arrested in Los Angeles also reported having been referred to by police as such. Justice Kennedy’s new use of what looks like a deliberate activation of that phrase is illuminating.

Ten years of association have given “detainee” the synonymous meaning in America as those to whom no rights apply – especially in prison. It has been long in use in America, habituating us to link it with a condition in which random Muslims far away may be stripped by the American state of any rights. Now the term – with its associations of “those to whom anything may be done” – is being deployed systematically in the direction of … any old American citizen.

Where are we headed? Why? These recent laws criminalizing protest, and giving local police – who, recall, are now infused with DHS money, military hardware and personnel – powers to terrify and traumatise people who have not gone through due process or trial, are being set up to work in concert with a see-all-all-the-time surveillance state. A facility is being set up in Utah by the NSA to monitor everything all the time: James Bamford wrote in Wired magazine that the new facility in Bluffdale, Utah, is being built, where the NSA will look at billions of emails, texts and phone calls. Similar legislation is being pushed forward in the UK.

With that Big Brother eye in place, working alongside these strip-search laws, – between the all-seeing data-mining technology and the terrifying police powers to sexually abuse and humiliate you at will – no one will need a formal coup to have a cowed and compliant citizenry. If you say anything controversial online or on the phone, will you face arrest and sexual humiliation?

Remember, you don’t need to have done anything wrong to be arrested in America any longer. You can be arrested for walking your dog without a leash. The man who was forced to spread his buttocks was stopped for a driving infraction. I was told by an NYPD sergeant that “safety” issues allow the NYPD to make arrests at will. So nothing prevents thousands of Occupy protesters – if there will be any left after these laws start to bite – from being rounded up and stripped naked under intimidating conditions.

Why is this happening? I used to think the push was just led by those who profited from endless war and surveillance – but now I see the struggle as larger. As one internet advocate said to me: “There is a race against time: they realise the internet is a tool of empowerment that will work against their interests, and they need to race to turn it into a tool of control.”

As Chris Hedges wrote in his riveting account of the NDAA: “There are now 1,271 government agencies and 1,931 private companies that work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States, the Washington Post reported in a 2010 series by Dana Priest and William M Arken. There are 854,000 people with top-secret security clearances, the reporters wrote, and in Washington, DC, and the surrounding area 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2011.”

This enormous new sector of the economy has a multi-billion-dollar vested interest in setting up a system to surveil, physically intimidate and prey upon the rest of American society.

Now they can do so by threatening to demean you sexually – a potent tool in the hands of any bully.

© 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.

So which 1%ters are using their own private jets?

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Ironic that they make customers naked at the airport but disallow nudism or at least nudist districts, much less Red Light Districts. Where are those private airfields and private owned craft or small fleet private airlines (in every state? Lady Gaga, I am disappoint – heres a reminder – NY, LA private airstrips and smaller, cheaper maybe older aircraft for a start. Talk to Alec Baldwin or anyone who has had trouble with the TSA or airline, if plutocrat singers don’t care about the 99%ters, so how do they expect to stay popular or want to buy tickets to concert when they should be pooling cash to buy their own airstrips or their own private aircraft? Fakes.

Damn 1% mentality 1%ters . . . little wonder people like that Branson character have carte blanc to collude with government to abuse human rights to DIGNITY . . . USA fails, the ‘Stars’ also fail . . . )??? Meanwhile nudism is still illegal (at least for appropriate zones and perhaps not near declared non-nudist friendly schools or places of worship – no signages needed, but the responsibility should be on the nudist to study maps of where a nudist can or cannot be nude).

7 Articles on Malaysian Politics : Pretentious ‘Possum’ Strategy, Undemocratic DAP, Satrapy Loyalty is not Loyalty to Malaysia, DAP spin, The New Dalit Caste – Mental Labourers caught in tech hype, RPK outs himself via obvious lobbing of anti-minority NLPs innocuously posed as ‘examples’ of UMNO racism?, Dong Jiao Zhong’s declaration of ‘support’ for DAP and Helen Ang’s view – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 22nd March 2012

In 1% tricks and traps, amendments to law needed, best practices, checks and balances, conflict of interest, criticism, Democracy, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, education as a spiritual weapon, equitable political power distribution, Ethics, Fat Cats, Freedom of Expression, intent, Law, Malaysia, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media sabotage, media traps, media tricks, mental abuse, misrepresentation of facts, Pakatan, Pakatan Rakyat Coalition, PAP, political correctness, Political Fat Cats, politics, social class distinct programmes, social freedoms, specialisation, spirit of the law, spirit of the word, spiritual abuse, Strawmen, subculture persecution, subtle insults, technofascism, term limits, unkept campaign promises, unprofessional behaviour, waste of mandate on March 22, 2012 at 1:41 pm


Guan Eng: Pakatan can defend Kelantan, Selangor better than Penang – Thursday, 22 March 2012 17:31

KUALA LUMPUR— Lim Guan Eng has played down the strength of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in Penang, saying it is only the third safest state for the federal opposition to retain in an election that must be called by May next year.

The Penang chief minister told The Malaysian Insider in a recent interview the safest state for PR in its first federal polls as a formal coalition was Kelantan, which has been under PAS rule for 22 years.

“Then Selangor, then only Penang. (Tan Sri) Khalid (Ibrahim) is the smartest mentri besar or chief minister in the country and he is stronger than he appears.

“He makes sense in meetings and I think Selangor is stronger than it looks,” he said, dismissing the suggestion that Penang was a “safe deposit” for PR as “appearances are deceiving.”

Kedah is the fourth state controlled by PR and was recently rocked by a split in the state leadership of PAS, which heads the administration there.

The Bagan MP had come under fire from politicians and the public for suggesting last week that Barisan Nasional (BN) could “eat eggs (win zero seats)” in the state.

But he told The Malaysian Insider in a recent interview that “I did not say they will ‘makan telur’.”

“I said if we are vigilant and we work hard, and we get 90 per cent of the non-Malay support and 40 per cent of the Malay support, then they can ‘makan telur’. But it’s going to be hard,” the DAP secretary-general said.

He said reports of his speech at a fundraising dinner had taken his statement out of context as he had also told supporters not to “take for granted we will win as there is no guarantee in politics.”

“I’m giving a worst-case scenario and best-case scenario. Worst-case, we lose power. Best-case, we get that result (a clean sweep).

“But you think you’ll either get the best or worst? You won’t. It will be somewhere in the middle. But you must strive for the higher target,” he explained.

Penang has been repeatedly lauded by the international press for its economic growth and Lim has also praised its residents for attracting the most manufacturing investment of any state in Malaysia for two consecutive years.

But he said that “Selangor also has the same achievements” and dismissed Umno’s claim that Kelantan voters are tired of the lack of development under PAS.

“They are more tired of corruption,” he said, making specific reference to allegations that Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and her family had abused RM250 million in public funds meant for a national cattle farming scheme.

Despite the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) scandal that has stretched since October last year, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s approval rating surged by 10 percentage points to 69 per cent in a survey conducted last month.

But Lim said “I don’t deny Najib’s popularity but he cannot contest to be the MB of Kelantan, Kedah, Selangor or CM of Penang. He is contesting to be PM of Malaysia.”

–The Malaysian Insider

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Unlike what the article conveys, DAP’s position in Penang is quite safe actually, except for where nepotist family blocs and term limitless cliques or MPs refusing to amend laws are concerned. DAP as mentioned before, is a great party except for the DAP Central Committee and the DAP nepotist cliques. Continue to vote for DAP, but not the nepotists and oligarch, term limitless and undemocratic abusive MPs in DAP.


Karpal is DAP’s boss, says Guan Eng By Shannon Teoh – March 22, 2012

Karpal renewed his spat with Ramasamy after the latter was cleared by the DAP disciplinary board. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, March 22 — Lim Guan Eng moved today to cement the DAP’s backing for its chairman, Karpal Singh, insisting that the issue of who is more powerful in the party does not arise.

The DAP secretary-general had declared yesterday the protracted spat between Karpal and P. Ramasamy was resolved despite the Bukit Gelugor MP’s unhappiness with the Penang deputy chief minister II being cleared of any wrongdoing by the party’s disciplinary committee.

“That issue doesn’t arise,” the Penang chief minister told reporters when quizzed over how the party secretary-general could override his chairman.

“The most important thing is Karpal will be leading as chairman for this coming elections. We want every leader to lead, and Karpal will lead as chairman,” the Bagan MP said, adding that the senior lawyer’s willingness to end the dispute showed “the leadership of Karpal.”

Lim had said that Karpal agreed to bury the hatchet after they met with DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and party advisor Dr Chen Man Hin.

Last Sunday, Karpal reportedly lashed out during a press conference at the party’s disciplinary committee for clearing his arch-nemesis, Ramasamy, of breaching party discipline involving a demonstration against DAP leaders last December.

According to various media reports, Karpal said the four-man committee, led by its chairman Tan Kok Wai, was unfit to hear the case as it involved Ramasamy, who is also a panel member.

The veteran politician said the four should have excused themselves from the case and new members should have been appointed in their place.

Karpal and Ramasamy, who is also a DAP deputy secretary-general, first came to loggerheads last year when the latter purportedly listed himself and three others as candidates for the coming general election.

This riled Karpal, who shot back at Ramasamy for making such a decision when it was not his place to do so.

In the ensuing verbal exchanges between the duo, Karpal labelled Ramasamy a “warlord”, while the latter responded with a “godfather” tag on the former.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The pariahs faction within political parties claiming to champion of democracy have acted, shown they are no different from BN. The title should read, LGE turns back on democracy for racist/communal politics, refuses to be fair to Ramasamy. This is BN style exactly. Both LGE and Karpal should LEAVE the CC due to the closed clique judgments, and for this spat, only neutral parties should decide, NOT undemocratically say ‘Karpal is the boss.’ There is no such thing as a boss. This is a political party not a dual Lim-Karpal clan run family association or family business. Pity the Indian members in DAP, they have a Samy Vellu in the form of term limitless Karpal Singh.


I was born in M’sia and I shall die in M’sia – Kit Siang hits back at his May 13 accusers – Written by  Lim Kit Siang – Thursday, 22 March 2012 15:52

I was born in Malaysia and I shall die in Malaysia. I am proud I have stood by my statement of commitment and patriotism to Malaysia when I was 28 years old under my first ISA detention 43 years ago in 1969.

Recently, there has been a coarsening and vulgarisation of politics in Malaysia, even in this august House of Parliament, where lies and falsehoods are disseminated without conscience or compunction whatsoever.

May 13, 1969 – I wasn’t even in KL

During the present and past meetings of Parliament, the most irresponsible and despicable falsehoods had been made against me, accusing me of having instigated the deplorable May 13 riots 43 years ago in 1969.

For four decades, the police, the security forces and the government could not pinpoint who caused the May 13 riots in 1969, but suddenly, somebody knew who caused the May 13 riots – and I have been accused in this House of having caused May 13, through making the most racist slogans in the streets of Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969.

As a result, these lies and falsehoods that I had incited and sparked the May 13 riots, particularly in the streets of Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969 had been blazoned on the blogs of UMNO cybertroopers.

In fact, I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969. I contested in Bandar Melaka, was in the counting centre in Malacca until the early hours of May 11, 1969 for the results, returning to my family in Petaling Jaya later on May 11 (Sunday). On Monday, May 12, 1969, I returned to Bandar Melaka constituency for a thank-the-voters procession in the evening and a thank-the-voters public rally on Monday night, both of which were peacefully conducted.

I must have the signal honour of being the only elected representative in 1969 to have both a thank-you procession and public rally as I was booked to fly to Sabah on the morning on Tuesday, May 13, 1969 to help campaign for the Independent candidates as the Sabah and Sarawak polling days were to be held a week after the Peninsular election results.

I was speaking at a public rally in Kota Kinabalu on the night of May 13 when I first learnt of May 13 troubles in Kuala Lumpur.

To accuse me of inciting the May 13 riots with racist outbursts and abuses in the streets of Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13 are the most irresponsible and despicable of lies.

What I already foresaw way back then

In my first speech in Parliament on Feb. 23, 1971 after my release from my first Internal Security Act detention and the restoration of Parliament, on the Constitution Amendment Bill 1971, I called for the establishment of a Parliamentary Commission, which should include non-MP Malaysians eminent in their respective fields, to among other things, “find out the cause of the May 13 racial riots” and “to make recommendations as to how to prevent a recurrence of May 13 racial riots and arrest the racial polarisation in Malaysia”.

This was what I said in July 1969 in response to my detention under the Internal Security Act, record of which I am sure are still in the Home Ministry archives:

“My every public statement and stand was motivated by my sense of Malaysian nationalism and patriotism. I was born in Malaysia and I shall die in Malaysia. I have no other land as my home. I have children who are growing up in Malaysia and who are going to live in Malaysia. I feel it is my duty to do my part to build a multi-racial and harmonious Malaysia for, without such a society, all Malaysians will suffer.

“I believe that the policy followed by the Alliance is not producing or generating a sense of Malaysian consciousness and identity transcending all racial language and cultural differences. I believe that the only formula to build a Malaysian nation is to give every Malaysian regardless of his race, language or culture, a stake in the political economic social and cultural development of the country, where no group feels that ti is being discriminated against on racial, cultural, language or religious grounds. It is this philosophy which guided all my public actions and utterances.”

This was my statement of love, loyalty, commitment, nationalism and patriotism when I was 28 years old. I am proud to say that I have stood by this statement.

My children are all in Malaysia, making their contribution towards the building of a modern, progressive, competitive, democratic and just Malaysia.

The next general elections will be a great test for Malaysia whether we can become a normal democratic country, where Malaysians have the right and power to peacefully effect a change of power and government through the ballot box.

I invite the Prime Minister and all Barisan Nasional leaders to join Pakatan Rakyat to prove that we are all Malaysian nationalists and patriots who could work together by establishing a Joint Commission to ensure that the 13th General Elections is the most clean, free and fair in the nation’s history in the process to prove to the world and ourselves that we have graduated to become a normal democratic country.

Najib made many mistakes

In his campaign rounds, Najib recently extended an apology for past Barisan Nasional (BN) mistakes resulting in its loss of several states and electoral seats in the last general elections.

Some three weeks have passed but nobody knows what mistakes Najib was apologizing for.

There are many past UMNO/BN mistakes he needs to tender an apology, but there are also many of his own mistakes made during his 35-month premiership which he needs to apologise for.

Time does not permit me to enumerate these mistakes made by Najib. I will just mention one – his failure to restore public confidence in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of key national institutions, whether the judiciary, police, the Attorney-Generals Chambers, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Elections Commission.

The refusal of the Prime Minister to set up a judicial tribunal into grave allegations of abuses of power, subversion of the rule of law and the perversion of the course of justice, made against the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail and the former IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan, made by former top police officers, including former CCID Director Datuk Ramli Yusof and the former KL CID Director Datuk Mat Zain, going back to the fabrication of evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” incident, the Anwar trials in 1998, the Tajudin Ramli MAS bailouts, and the new information on the “ “bizarre five-year-old case allegedly involving the country’s most powerful police officer, the attorney-general and an underworld figure”, implicating even the Deputy Home Minister at the time, Datuk Johari Baharum, raises grave questions about the Prime Minister’s commitment to the rule of law.

Is the Prime Minister going to avoid taking a stand when it is seriously alleged that only very recently, the country’s topmost legal and police officers in the land, the Attorney-General and the Inspector-General of Police, were criminals – and the same AG is still in office?

Lim Kit Siang is the DAP adviser and MP for Ipoh Timur

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This sort of idiotic shouting makes the UMNO racist types want to kick people like LKS out of the country. How about UMNO let Chin Peng back in but kick Kit Siang out of the country instead citing racism? LKS has no loyalty to anyone but his own satrapy and term limitless shamelessness. LKS is bad for democracy as any UMNO warlords and will not even speak about ending APARTHEID, even colluding with BN via nepotist beneficary son LGE (the unvoted for but placed CM Of Penang who’s goons keep abusing rather than amending laws . . . ) to take 750K of tax payer funds WITH BN, their supposed enemy to pass tax payer dollar stealing bills. Who can trust a treacherous undemocratic person like LKS? 3rd Force should take over from here.

ARTICLE 4  (thats right **4**)

My Unwavering Commitment And Patriotism To Malaysia – Lim Kit Siang – Thursday, 22 March 2012 15:29

Recently, there has been a coarsening and vulgarisation of politics in Malaysia, even in this august House of Parliament, where lies and falsehoods are disseminated without conscience or compunction whatsoever.

During the present and past meetings of Parliament, the most irresponsible and despicable falsehoods had been made against me, accusing me of having instigated the deplorable May 13 riots 43 years ago in 1969.

For four decades, the police, the security forces and the government could not pinpoint who caused the May 13 riots in 1969, but suddenly, somebody knew who caused the May 13 riots – and I have been accused in this House of having caused May 13, through making the most racist slogans in the streets of Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969.

As a result, these lies and falsehoods that I had incited and sparked the May 13 riots, particularly in the streets of Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969 had been blazoned on the blogs of UMNO cybertroopers.

In fact, I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969. I contested in Bandar Melaka, was in the counting centre in Malacca until the early hours of May 11 , 1969 for the results, returning to my family in Petaling Jaya later on May 11 (Sunday). On Monday, May 12, 1969, I returned to Bandar Melaka constituency for a thank-the-voters procession in the evening and a thank-the-voters public rally on Monday night, both of which were peacefully conducted.

I must have the signal honour of being the only elected representative in 1969 to have both a thank-you procession and public rally as I was booked to fly to Sabah on the morning on Tuesday, May 13, 1969 to help campaign for the Independent candidates as the Sabah and Sarawak polling days were to be held a week after the Peninsular election results.

I was speaking at a public rally in Kota Kinabalu on the night of May 13 when I first learnt of May 13 troubles in Kuala Lumpur.

To accuse me of inciting the May 13 riots with racist outbursts and abuses in the streets of Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13 are the most irresponsible and despicable of lies.

In my first speech in Parliament on Feb. 23, 1971 after my release from my first Internal Security Act detention and the restoration of Parliament, on the Constitution Amendment Bill 1971, I called for the establishment of a Parliamentary Commission, which should include non-MP Malaysians eminent in their respective fields, to among other things, “find out the cause of the May 13 racial riots” and “to make recommenjdations as to how to prevent a recurrence of May 13 racial riots and arrest the racial polarisation in Malaysia”.

This was what I said in July 1969 in response to my detention under the Internal Security Act, record of which I am sure are still in the Home Ministry archives:

“My every public statement and stand was motivated by my sense of Malaysian nationalism and patriotism. I was born in Malaysia and I shall die in Malaysia. I have no other land as my home. I have children who are growing up in Malaysia and who are going to live in Malaysia. I feel it is my duty to do my part to build a multi-racial and harmonious Malaysia for, without such a society, all Malaysians will suffer.

“I believe that the policy followed by the Alliance is not producing or generating a sense of Malaysian consciousness and identity transcending all racial language and cultural differences. I believe that the only formula to build a Malaysian nation is to give every Malaysian regardless of his race, language or culture, a stake in the political economic social and cultural development of the country, where no group feels that it is being discriminated against on racial, cultural, language or religious grounds. It is this philosophy which guided all my public actions and utterances.”

This was my statement of love, loyalty, commitment, nationalism and patriotism when I was 28 years old. I am proud to say that I have stood by this statement.

My children are all in Malaysia, making their contribution towards the building of a modern, progressive, competitive, democratic and just Malaysia.

The next general elections will be a great test for Malaysia whether we can become a normal democratic country, where Malaysians have the right and power to peacefully effect a change of power and government through the ballot box.

I invite the Prime Minister and all Barisan Nasional leaders to join Pakatan Rakyat to prove that we are all Malaysian nationalists and patriots who could work together by establishing a Joint Commission to ensure that the 13th General Elections is the most clean, free and fair in the nation’s history in the process to prove to the world and ourselves that we have graduated to become a normal democratic ountry.

In his campaign rounds, Najib recently extended an apology for past Barisan Nasional (BN)mistakes resulting in its loss of several states and electoral seats in the last general elections.

Some three weeks have passed but nobody knows what mistakes Najib was apologizing for.

There are many past UMNO/BN mistakes he needs to tender an apology, but there are also many of his own mistakes made during his 35-month premiership which he needs to apologise for.

Time does not permit me to enumerate these mistakes made by Najib. I will just mention one – his failure to restore public confidence in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of key national institutions, whether the judiciary, police, the Attorney-Generals Chambers, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Elections Commission.

The refusal of the Prime Minister to set up a judicial tribunal into grave allegations of abuses of power, subversion of the rule of law and the perversion of the course of justice, made against the Attorney-General, Gani Patailand the former IGP Musa Hassan, made by former top police officers, including former CCID Director Ramli Yusof and the former KL CID Director Mat Zain, going back to the fabrication of evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” incident, the Anwar trials in 1998, the Tajudin Ramli MAS bailouts, and the new information on the ” “bizarre five-year-old case allegedly involving the country’s most powerful police officer, the attorney-general and an underworld figure”, implicating even the Deputy Home Minister at the time, Johari Baharum, raises grave questions about the Prime Minister’s commitment to the rule of law.

Is the Prime Minister going to avoid taking a stand when it is seriously alleged that only very recently, the country’s top most legal and police officers in the land, the Attorney-General and the Inspector-General of Police, were criminals – and the same AG is still in office?


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

A real patriot would not have started the May 13 riots which LKS doubtless had a part in. A real patriot would not be a term limitless nepotism supporting political party or MP. A real patriot would not coarsely PLACE LGE (LKS’s son) in a blatant show of nepotism as CM in a state where LGE could not even win any seat at assemnly or MP level. This should be titled : Lim Kit Siang’s Unwavering Commitment And Patriotism To The DAP Satrapy (or whats left of the DAP). Firings, unkept campaign promises, state level corruption-abuse of power, Xian fundamentalism??? Time does not permit me to enumerate these mistakes made by Lim Kit Siang. I will just mention one – the failure to restore Local Council Elections as promised.

There are many past DAP/Pakatan mistakes Kit Siang needs to tender an apology, but there are also many of his own mistakes made during his 35-year Gaddafi style MP-ship (complete with family members) which Kit Siang needs to apologise for. 3rd world minded leader of the past needs to be kicked out of DAP even the country . . . had 2 terms? So GFTO of the Dewan and take your products of nepotism and cliques out with you. DAP’s term limitless internally constitution is a FARCE and needs to be rewritten. Cabinet and the ROS should have deported LKS or any other MP who stayed more than 2 terms or installed their kids in any posts LONG ago. Shameless undemocratic lot. They may say the spat is over but cover ups like these will fester and destroy the party’s already undemocratic culture for ALL new members. During my time less than 10 years ago, they already feared the unaffiliated academics enough to close them out, now it seems DAP is very much  like Singapore’s PAP. There is no way Malaysian Chinese can move forward or be represented by a party like DAP, even as Gerakan and MCA’s acceptance of UN illegal Bumiputra-Apartheid policy has damned these other 2 so-called Chinese parties, that leaves PCM in 3rd Force or perhaps SAPP (if SAPP leaves BN), both which have been not been particularly active or democratic either. Vote for 3rd force or run for candidacy as independents for the REAL ISSUE as listed in below 3 items Malaysians! Malaysia does not need DAP and DAP’s undemocratic term limitless liars, clique factions and nepotists!

Subramaniam: Malaysians must prepare for life without maids – By Yow Hong Chieh – March 21, 2012

The minister said a day may come when foreign maids will no longer “want to come and work here.” — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, March 21 — Malaysians must be prepared to “do their own work” should the time come when foreigners no longer wish to work as domestic help here, Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam said today.

The human resources minister said while foreign maids were readily available now, economic growth in source nations may mean foreigners will one day prefer to work in their home country instead.

“We have to learn how to do our own work. We have opened it so long as there is availability, it’s fine.

As countries evolve, we may not need maids or maids may not want to come and work here

“But… as countries evolve, we may not need maids or maids may not want to come and work here,” he told reporters at Menara Perkeso here.

He was responding to questions about the ongoing talks with Indonesia to send maids to Malaysia.

Jakarta banned its citizens from working as maids in Malaysia in June 2009, after numerous cases of maids being abused by their Malaysian employers.

Indonesia withdrew the moratorium on December 1 last year.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak met with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Bali at the end of last year as part of efforts to resolve the issue amicably.

But Jakarta has yet to start allowing the return of Indonesian domestic helpers to Malaysia despite rescinding the moratorium, leading to confusion here.

Subramaniam added today that the government was strengthening “support mechanisms” for Malaysians now with an eye to a possible maid supply crunch in the future.

However, he did not elaborate on the support mechanisms in question.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

This maid thing could well be the unedifying monopoly of darker skinned races at worst (lighter skinned maids being unemployable) or some form of mask (perhaps like a fencer’s mask or rubber latex mask depicting a typical servant’s face, maybe even with a voice filter so that they cannot be identified later on the street) and uniform that removes entirely the racial and identifying issue. The danger in such a system is of course abuse, trafficking and must be very well monitored perhaps with electronic bracelets and 360 degree cams to protect these now faceless (though probably prominently numbered) people on work contracts from abuse and yet who also do not wish to be identifiable a the same time.

Privacy while working as a maid could be a good incentive for many needing work but not wanting the stigma and later recognition, though records could still be leaked. Faceless masses of menials if anything. Otherwise develop menial AI with robotics that can be managed by a single ‘Menial Manager’ that would have been the maid in earlier days – the drudgery of studying IT or what not Tech based RUBBISH in universities will be the work of mental peons, so that machines can be maintained and repaired in equally peon like work. Here’s your new menial class, tech workers and tech maintainers, thanks to the intentionally poorly written computer languages that do not afford the mainstream society use without corrupting delicate thought processes with convoluted flow charts and doubtless occult paradigms that have no reality in the material or spiritual world except in a destructive and unnatural manner.


An example of bad damage control – NO HOLDS BARRED – Tuesday, 20 March 2012 Super Admin Raja Petra Kamarudin

This is just like how Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa talk.

(Caution to minorities, NLPs up ahead . . . ) Who are you? You are nothing. You Chinese and Indians are pendatang. This country belongs to the Malays. Don’t be so sombong. If you don’t like it you can go back to China or India. Don’t try to demand this and that. Stop asking to be treated equal. You are not equal. Malays are first-class citizens. Chinese and Indians are second-class citizens.

The PKR people are embarking on some serious damage control. And to cover their arses they are distorting what really happened in the hope that they can confuse the people. See what Chua Jui Meng, N Surendran, and S I Tan said below. These were all carried in Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, Harakah, as well as pro-opposition Blogs, Din Merican’s included.

Here we are screaming about the lies and distorted news from Umno and the government- and Umno-controlled mainstream media. Then we find the opposition doing exactly the same as what they accuse Umno and the government- and Umno-controlled mainstream media of doing.

This is what I mean when I say that the opposition must walk the talk. How can a priest stand up in the pulpit during Sunday mass and scream that you must be a good Christian and then go and bugger the choirboys and bonk the nuns? Wouldn’t this be called hypocrisy?

Chua Jui Meng is allegedly a Born Again Christian. I don’t know when he died (maybe when MCA kicked him out) but he got born again when he joined the opposition and decided to fight corruption. Considering he was the most corrupted Health Minister Malaysia has ever seen, I can appreciate that he, of all people, would be the expert when it comes to corruption. Would you not employ the best robber to advise you on how to prevent robberies?

The only problem is when he decided to become born again and then join the opposition to fight corruption he refused to give back all the money he robbed when he was the Health Minister. Aiyah! How can you keep all those millions and then whack others for being corrupted? You must first give back all the money you stole before talking about how corrupted other people are.

Chua Jui Meng, N Surendran, and S I Tan are from Chinese and Tamil schools or what? How come they can’t understand a simple thing like the difference between a debate and an interview?

‘Debate’ means two or more people take opposite positions on an issue and they argue and defend the position they have taken. ‘Interview’ means one person asks another person questions and you reply to those questions.

So, Chua Jui Meng, N Surendran, S I Tan, don’t get confused. More importantly, don’t try to mislead others. That is something Umno and the government- and Umno-controlled mainstream media are supposed to do. The opposition people are supposed to be honest, sincere and trustworthy. If you all also act just like Umno people then why the need to vote opposition? We might as well just vote Barisan Nasional. We want to vote opposition so that we can get something different and something better. But now you all are acting just like Umno — lying and distorting things.

How many times must I repeat the same story before you can understand? Aiyah! Chinese and Tamil schools so bad one or what? Anyway, let me for the umpteenth time tell you what happened.

Wikileaks is producing a documentary and they are interviewing many people for the documentary. Many people mah! Two of these people are Anwar Ibrahim and me. The issue is, do they interview Anwar and me in separate sessions or can they kill two birds with one stone and interview us both at the same time?

When they asked me I said no problem, can do both at the same time. When they asked Anwar he said big problem, must do separate interviews. So the decision was it would be two separate interviews. When they asked me who shall go first, I told them to interview Anwar first and I will take the next session.

So, where got debate one? Why do you keep saying I invited Anwar to a debate? I never invited Anwar! Wikileaks invited Anwar. And it is not a debate between Anwar and me. It is an interview. Julian Assange asks questions and you reply. Simple!

Anyway, whether it is a debate or interview is one issue. But why so sombong one? Why are you all talking like Umno and Perkasa?

Wah! Garang! Who is Raja Petra Kamarudin? He is nobody. Anwar is somebody, a great man. How can Raja Petra want to share the same stage with Anwar? Anwar is way up there. Raja Petra is way down there. Raja Petra is not the same level as Anwar. Raja Petra is just a Blogger. Anwar is the opposition leader.

Imagine if I talk like that.

Who are Chua Jui Meng, N Surendran, and S I Tan? They are just Chinese and Indians. They are pendatang. They are not even Bumiputeras. I am from the Selangor Royal Family. My cousin is the Sultan of Selangor. My uncle was the Agong. My grandfather was the Governor of Penang. Why you call me RPK? Bad manners mah! You must address me as Yang Mulia, not RPK.

Is that the way to talk? Sound sombong or not?

Now the NFC directors refuse to appear before the PAC. They have snubbed the PAC Committee. Who are you? You are just a Committee. Why must we appear before your Committee? We are Directors of the NFC. We are bigger than you. You are nothing. We are orang besar. We have Umno backing. We can walk in to the PMs and DPMs office any time. No need to even make an appointment. We no need to layan you one. We can just snub you.

Can you see how many Malaysians have this same attitude?

Siapa awak? Awak ni rendah. Awak tahu saya siapa? Saya Datuk. Saya Tan Sri. Saya Tun. Saya wakil rakyat. Saya Yang Berhormat. Saya ada kuasa. Saya orang besar. Awak apa? Awak ni Blogger saja. You are nobody. I am somebody.

When I walked into the police station in 2001, Bakri Zinin, the current CID Chief whacked me for no rhyme or reason (he just likes whacking people). When I stood up and asked him why he beat me up, he charged at me and wanted to beat the shit out of me. Luckily three of his officers held him back while my wife held on to me. If not I would have killed him.

“I am the OCPD here!” Bakri Zini screamed.

That’s right. Another case of who are you? I am the OCPD here. I am a big man. You are nothing!

Later, when they looked at my IC, they discovered who I was. To cover their mistake, they arrested and handcuffed me and threw me into the lockup. When I demanded to know under what charge, they replied that they are going to arrest me first and then decide later what to charge me with.

So you see how this ‘who are you, I am a big man’ works?

No lah. Don’t act like this. This is a very sombong attitude. Umno also talks like this. In March 2008, the voters punished Umno for talking like this. So don’t make the same mistake like Umno or else the voters might also punish you like they punished Umno in 2008.

This is just like how Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa talk. Who are you? You are nothing. You Chinese and Indians are pendatang. This country belongs to the Malays. Don’t be so sombong. If you don’t like it you can go back to China or India. Don’t try to demand this and that. Stop asking to be treated equal. You are not equal. Malays are first-class citizens. Chinese and Indians are second-class citizens.

Sound sombong or not? Well, this is exactly how you also sound. So be careful how you talk. If everyone also talks like you, you don’t like it. You will scream that we are all equal. We are all Malaysians. Where got first-class and second-class citizens?

Got! Raja Petra Kamarudin is second-class, maybe even third-class. He is just a Blogger. He not the same taraf as Pakatan Rakyat leaders. Pakatan Rakyat leaders are higher class. How can Raja Petra Kamarudin share same stage as Pakatan Rakyat leaders?


Chua Jui Meng: Raja Petra bukan taraf Anwar untuk di ajak berdebat

“Bukan takut rahsia bocor tapi bukan taraf Anwar (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim). BN (Barisan Nasional) cuba ubah isu kerana orang yang sepatutnya berdebat dengan Anwar adalah Najib (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak),” kata Pengerusi PKR Johor, Datuk Chua Jui Meng.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas berkenaan kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yang melabelkan Anwar sebagai penakut kerana keengganannya berdepan dengan pengendali portal Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamarudin.

“Saya yakin BN sengaja mengubah topik kerana mahu mengelak kerana khuatir banyak rahsia mereka bakal terbongkar sekiranya menerima pelawaan itu.

“Sekarang kita cabar pula sama ada Najib berani menyahut cabaran untuk berdebat dengan Anwar. Kenapa pula mengubah isu Raja Petra dengan Anwar? ini bukan soal keberanian tetapi kita mahu individu yang layak,” katanya semalam.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Jui Meng enggan mengulas sama ada beliau akan bertanding di Parlimen Gelang Patah kerana menganggap ia masih terlalu awal, selain menyerahkannya kepada kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat untuk memilih.

“Sama ada DAP atau PKR yang bertanding di kerusi itu bukan masalahnya. Hubungan kami masih mesra seperti dulu, malah terus bekerjasama erat untuk menang dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang,” katanya.


Anwar shouldn’t debate Najib by proxy, says PKR

PKR vice-president N Surendran is bemused by the flap arising from his party supremo’s imputed refusal to debate maverick blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK).

“I’m amused as to how the controversy has enabled two escape artists to evade the more pressing compulsions for debate,” allowed the busy lawyer-politician in remarks made to Malaysiakini.

“One, of course, is RPK himself: Has there been a more compelling need for the two diametrically opposed parts of him to debate each other, seemingly absurd as that may sound,” offered Surendran.

“On the one hand, the public had for years seen the part of him prior to February last year, just before the Sarawak state elections, when he was a significant voice in the medley that was for reform and change in the country,” he continued.

“After an astonishing statement he made last February, the man struck an about-face, a turnaround which he has sustained to this day, thus showing a face radically different to the one he held up to Malaysian netizens prior to February 2011,” observed Surendran.

Surendran, a likely PKR candidate for the 13th general election, argued that since there has been no distinct change to the political structures of the nation, RPK’s volte-face – its mystery, its puzzle – is prime material for a public airing.

“Seriously, a public debate between the two sides of RPK’s persona is a way to dispel that mystery, though I’m afraid it would give political ventriloquism a bad name.

“But can that be any worse that what he has given to the crusading reformist spirit on the net with his astonishing somersault of the last year,” queried Surendran.

The PKR veep held that the other escapee from the contretemps over Anwar Ibrahim’s imputed refusal to debate RPK was Prime Minister Najib Razak.

“The PM has chosen to ride pillion in this matter by imputing cowardice on Anwar’s part but it is he who is ducking out of a debate with Anwar,” charged Surendran.

“His remarks to foreign correspondents yesterday had plenty of allusions to the American political scene but he missed the elephant in the room which is the prevalence of public debates between leading contestants,” he asserted.

“He wants Anwar to debate his proxy, RPK, which is typical of the rentier culture he represents,” quipped Surendran. — Malaysiakini, 20 March 2012


Why the hell should Anwar debate RPK? — S I Tan

Why should the Leader of the Malaysian Opposition debate a discredited blogger?

In any democracy, the incumbent PM debates the leader of the Opposition, not some blogger who has illusions about his own influence.

Raja Petra Kamarudin may think that he is worthy of acclaim but he is not. He has not stood for elections and is not representing any constituency. In fact, he is just another blogger who owes his loyalty to himself and whoever gives him the time of day.

If you layan him, he is very happy and will be friendly towards you. But if you don’t listen to his advice, then he gets all worked up.

Of course, some people argue that he has crossed over to BN and that is his choice. Maybe they find him more useful in bringing down the Opposition but he is nothing more than someone who puts his views across on his blog.

He is not the Leader of the Opposition, an Opposition which has managed to shake BN’s hegemony. Anwar is the leader and therefore the PM should show some spine and debate him.

But asking Najib Razak to show some spine would be asking too much. So Najib now takes this side issue of Anwar not debating the blogger as his escape route.

After more than 50 years, this is what Malaysia has been left with: a prime minister unable to act prime ministerial and constantly looking for his script from public relations advisors. — The Malaysian Insider, 19 March 2012

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]

Nice bunch of NLPs lobbed Raja faux-Jew. Inside-outside man eh RPK? If you are so YM, then return to Malaysia. Otherwise it’s RPK till then for hiding in a whiteman’s land. Besides the YM only counts in Malaysia unless on official recognized visits elsewhere. Meanwhile the readers can enjoy the counter version of RPK’s NLPs below :

Who are Malays? Malays are less than nothing. The Malays are pendatang. This country belongs to the Indians and Chinese (northern part Chinese) (southern part indian). Don’t be so sombong. If Malays don’t like it Malays can go back to Yunnan or Indonesia. Don’t try to demand this and that. Stop treating non-Malays less than equal. Malays are not even equal. Indians and Chinese are first-class citizens. Malays are second-class citizens.

Hope that ‘heals up’ the NLP unaware who were subtly insulted. Now Malaysia knows why RPK isn’t here, RPK is playing all sides against each other (guess for who?), and are not interested in the well being of nation at all. A pretend runaway working against equality at the end of everything. I still have hopes for those 20 candidates in MCLM, and am glad that Dr.Tengku Haris Ibrahim has left the movement. RPK, you’re as treacherous as they are subverted by. We’ll see if the 20 MCLM candidates can endorse with intent to grant :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

Otherwise RPK will eventually be remembered as the strawman within 3rd Force.


Guan Eng As Dong Jiao Zong’s Linguistic Role Model – by Helen Ang – Wednesday, 21 March 2012 13:51

Perhaps the Dong Jiao Zong decision to align with DAP comes from a belief that some of Lim Guan Eng’s “shine” could rub off on the Chinese education movement.

To understand why the Chinese educationists should think so, we need to revisit the Chua Soi Lek-Lim Guan Eng debate on Feb 18 that was organised by the Asian Strategic Leadership Institute (Asli).

As everyone knows, the great debate on our two-race system was held in Mandarin. Asli director Michael Yeoh told a press conference that the language medium “was changed to Mandarin following Lim’s request”.

On Feb 23, Guan Eng released the English translation of his debate speech.

Speaking to the packed hall and televised audience nationwide, Guan Eng accused BN of dividing the rakyat into Malays and non-Malays.

Guan Eng also told his listeners: “In BN, Umno only takes care of the Malays, MCA only takes care of the Chinese, MIC only takes care of the Indians, Gerakan… I don’t know takes care of who???…. That’s BN with their “you take care of your race, I take care of my race”. That is a two-race system! Conversely, in a two-party system, we are all brothers and sisters, we take care of each other; every Malaysian is part of one big family!”

Guan Eng’s claim that Malays, Chinese and other ethnicities “are all brothers and sisters” is the type of vocabulary reflecting his party’s Christian evangelist thrust. As is his preaching “every Malaysian is part of one big family!”

Never mind that the family members attend different schools, eat in different places (halal / pork served here), practice different religions (ummah / kafir dzimmi*), possess different psyches, etc. etc.

Guan Eng’s self-proclaimed success

Replying to a participant during the debate’s Q & A session, Guan Eng told the floor: “After March 2008, everyone can see, touch and feel the changes that have happened. In Peninsular Malaysia, the first dual lingual road signs in Chinese were erected in Penang.”

Please applaud Guan Eng’s achievement for “the first dual lingual road signs in Chinese [that] were erected in Penang” after Pakatan took over the state.

If we were to go by Guan Eng’s yardstick, countries like Germany, France and the rest that do not have bilingual signs for their road names would be disgracefully lacking in national ‘Firstness’. [In Berlin, I saw road names carrying the word ‘Strasse’ (Jalan) monolingually and in Paris I saw they are ‘Rue’ (Jalan) monolingually too.]

Guan Eng, unlike “Umno only taking care of Malays” made his sales pitch that “we [Malaysian Firsters] take care of each other” in the Astro live telecast. According to our country demographic, three-quarters of television viewers would not have understood the language in which he spoke.

The DAP secretary general could have elected for the debate to be in Mandarin because he speaks bahasa kebangsaan rather poorly. The MCA president, on the other hand, is a fluent speaker of Malay and hence either BM or English would not have been an obstacle for Dr Chua.

What takes the cake is Guan Eng’s logic-defying challenge to his opponent: “Chua Soi Lek’s refusal to release his own debate transcript in Bahasa Malaysia and English will only prove to non-Chinese speaking Malaysians that he focused on making personal attacks, lies and adopted divisive tactics during the historic Mandarin [debate].”

In the first place, if only Guan Eng had not insisted that the debate be conducted in Mandarin, then his quibble about Dr Chua failing to translate – in order to “prove to non-Chinese speaking Malaysians” – would have been a moot point.

So why didn’t Guan Eng remember about the “non-Chinese speaking Malaysians” to begin with?

In truth, Guan Eng’s nimble antics surrounding the above debate is merely characteristic of his party’s duplicitous approach to policy and political affairs.

He makes the accusation that “BN divides the people into Malays and non-Malays” but his own party since obtaining power has been boasting non-stop that it gave the bumiputera a larger quota than the ruling party ever did.

Aren’t the categories of bumiputera and non-bumiputera similarly “dividing the people” into two separate categories akin to the BN coalition formula that Guan Eng criticizes?

Yet DAP refuse to acknowledge their own adherence to the ‘bumiputera and non’ concept which is not dissimilar to the ‘Malays and non’ cleavage Guan Eng slams Umno for practising.

This bipolar personality disorder of the DAP is obviously a necessary playacting to reassure Malay voters that the privileges they’ve been enjoying would not be threatened in the event the community hands over Putrajaya to Pakatan.

DJZ hooking up with DAP

I had posted earlier in my blog that Dong Jiao Dong allowing DAP’s involvement in their March 25 rally would only serve to politicize the gathering as confrontational. I also noted that DAP’s unerring combativeness is not likely to yield a negotiated remedy to the DJZ requests.

A reader of mine commented in response that DJZ being confrontational now does not deviate from how this Chinese education movement had always been in the past and even when they had the backing of MCA and Gerakan who are the Chinese representatives within the establishment.

Going back to Guan Eng’s debate speech, he complained that “MCA only takes care of the Chinese, MIC only takes care of the Indians”.

Since he and his party – unlike the “racist” MCA, the “racist” MIC, the “racist” Umno and the “racist” everybody else seen through their DAP speck-free eyes – consider themselves to be Malaysian par excellence, it’s quite strange, isn’t it, why we’ve never heard them promoting the Malaysian First language.

Or is DAP unaware that Article 152 of the Federal Constitution spells out the national language? By the way, this 152 is that very same language that is the least and the one most minimally used by Guan Eng if you were to look at all his public speeches uploaded to YouTube.

Hanyu is the medium of instruction in ‘Chinese school’. [Alongside is the mainline education stream called Sekolah Kebangsaan.]

Various official sources cite the particular statistics that more than 90 percent of Chinese parents send their children to Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina).

DJZ’s data say also that 90 percent of SRJK (C) enrolment comprises Chinese pupils. Taken together, these facts indicate that the vernacular schooling system is a communal vested interest of the Chinese.

Thus it’s perfectly understandable that MCA – the Malaysian ‘Chinese’ Association – should be concerned about Chinese schools.

When Hindraf voice their grievances about Tamil schools and other race-specific (i.e. Indian) issues, the DAP camp is quick to vilify them as “racists” and “extreme” in possessing such a communal mindset. When Malays just mention the word ‘race’, they’re immediately branded “supremacists” by Chinese opposition supporters.

DAP take pride in positioning themselves as ‘beyond race’ and above the pettiness of the communalists (i.e. those who do not appear to object to the race label).

Previously Guan Eng had declared: “The time has come for all Malaysians to look at each other as fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and children faced with similar problems and filled with common hopes and aspirations. For this reason, whilst I will meet with any group seeking a dialogue, I am not keen to initiate discussions on my own with organisations based on a purely communal instead of a Malaysian agenda.” (see ‘BN’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde‘ in Malaysiakini)

Err, what is it again that DAP defines as the “Malaysian agenda” — be it in the field of national education, national integration and what not?

How is it that DJZ has been led to believe that DAP, which places paramount emphasis on a “Malaysian agenda”, can be of much help to the education movement’s communal demands being met?

Can anyone refresh our memory on what DAP has ever done for Chinese culture and education?

But more pertinently, what does DJZ expect DAP to be able to achieve on March 25 and thereafter?

The writer blogs at


* Kafir: Non-Muslims in Malaysia have been categorized as ‘kafir dzimmi’ by the country’s religious authorities in the prepared text of a national Friday sermon, viz. “Berdasarkan pemerhatian mimbar status orang bukan Islam di negara ini digolongkan sebagai ahli Dzimmi kerana pada prinsipnya mereka mentaati dan mengakui untuk tunduk kepada perjanjian kontrak sosial yang diwujudkan di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan.” Source: Jakim, e-Khutbah (22 Jan 2010)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Helen Ang argues semantics without addressing the 3 REAL ISSUES while LGE is working for himself in a scorced earth policy for the minorities he purported fronts.

Can anyone refresh our memory on what DAP has ever done for Chinese culture and education? Classic.

Thank you Helen Ang for making so much clear in a single sentence. DAP is nominally after all no longer  Chinese being Xian (and hence loyal to the Xian Capitals nominally Aramea if not the Vatican) , and a potential Zionist lobby like PAP under the Lee Clan is ASEAN’s same version. DJZ would be better off fielding their own independent candidates than associating with the nepotistic oligarchs of DAP which cannot keep campaign promises and has abused power and refused to amend laws and has limitless terms and family blocs. Even in the corporate world of private companies nepotistic family blocs are frowned on, in a political party accountable to the people of a country, limitless terms nepotistic  behaviour or oligarchy is just shameless and unacceptable.

The social inbreeding in companies and political parties . . .

Ethics, especially in publicly accountable outfits like political parties determines propensity for corruption and abuse of power (DAP has abused power extensively the last time and currently while in power . . . ), DAP is not a safe choice where the nepotists and family blocs are MPs, BUT where all other DAP MPs or assemblymen not nepotistic, part of cliques, family blocs  or term limitless, keep voting them in! To remind, the REAL ISSUES again below :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

Any race or faith and any party believing in the above 3 items and condemning nepotism, condemning oligarchy, condemning limitless terms is votable. If there is no such candidate, run for candidacy yourself voters.

2 Articles on Human Rights Issues – Airport Opts out of TSA, Corporeal Punishment Opt Out Options Needed in 19 States – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In Abuse of Power, Education, education as a spiritual weapon, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, Informed Consent, intent, Invasive Laws, political correctness, social freedoms, TSA, USA on March 16, 2012 at 3:04 pm


Major US Airport To Evict TSA Screeners – Orlando Sanford International could prompt stampede of other opt-outs – Paul Joseph Watson ( – Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One of America’s busiest airports, Orlando Sanford International, has announced it will opt out of using TSA workers to screen passengers, a move which threatens the highly unpopular federal agency’s role in other airports across the nation.

“The president of the airport said Tuesday that he would apply again to use private operators to screen passengers, using federal standards and oversight,” reports the Miami Herald.

With Sanford International having originally been prevented by the TSA from opting out back in November 2010 when the federal agency froze the ability for airports to use their own private screeners, a law passed by the Senate last month forces the TSA to reconsider applications.

Larry Dale hinted that the move was motivated by the innumerable horror stories passengers have told of their encounters with the TSA, noting that the change was designed to provide a more “customer friendly” operation.

The agency has been slow to reissue the guidelines on the the rule change, prompting Republican Representatives John Mica of Florida, Darrell Issa of California and Jason Chaffetz of Utah to press TSA head John Pistole to implement the mandate.

Appearing at Orlando Sanford International yesterday, Mica said he had written to 200 airports advising them of the opportunity to op out of using TSA screeners.

Orlando Sanford is in the top 30 busiest airports in the world, with large numbers of takeoffs and landings.

The TSA has been keen to downplay the opportunity for airports to dispense with their screeners, fearing a mass exodus that could undermine the justification for the agency’s continued existence, especially given the fact that its reputation has been repeatedly savaged by a number of scandals.

The most recent controversy involved a viral You Tube video created by engineer Jon Corbett which demonstrated how the TSA’s body scanners were virtually useless because they are unable to detect objects carried on the side of the body carried in a pocket.

The TSA responded by threatening the media not to cover the issue while putting out a blog statement that completely failed to rebut the claims made by Corbett.

A November 2010 poll found that the TSA’s “enhanced pat downs,” some of which include touching genitalia, angered 57% of regular adult fliers.

West Yellowstone Airport in Montana has already replaced its TSA screeners with private security. Bert Mooney Airport, also in Montana, is attempting to do the same.

However, when Texas lawmakers attempted to pass a bill last year that would have outlawed invasive TSA pat downs, the feds threatened to implement a blockade that would have imposed a defacto “no fly zone” over the lone star state.

Kicking out the incompetent, criminally-inclined and abusive TSA across the nation will not only encourage millions of peeved Americans to start flying again, pumping much needed money into the travel industry, it will also create thousands of new private sector jobs.

TSA Harasses and Gropes Quadruple Amputee

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars

Nightly News.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

How many years before this airport decided to opt out? Better late than never, so good work on leading the pack Orlando Sanford International . . .


Should your child be spanked at school? – by Yunji De NIES – Good Morning America ABC News)

It is one of the most controversial methods of child discipline, but spanking in school — usually with a wooden or fiberglass paddle — is still allowed by law in 19 states. The practice is most prevalent in the Midwest and South. According to a report from the Juvenile Information Exchange, more than 28,500 students in Georgia were spanked in 2008, mostly in rural counties. The number is much smaller in Florida — around 3,600 last year — but that’s where the issue is getting new attention.

For the second year in a row, a Florida lawmaker is trying to ban corporal punishment in schools there; last year the measure never made it to the floor for a full vote.

Opponents of the ban say spanking is matter of tradition and good old-fashioned discipline. But at least one Florida mom is suing to stop the practice. Tenika Jones says the principal at the Joyce Bullock Elementary School in Levy County paddled her 5-year-old so severely last April that he cried for hours, triggering an asthma attack, which in turn required a trip to the emergency room.

The boy was spanked for roughhousing with another student on a school bus. Jones said her son had welts on his buttocks, missed a week of school and still has nightmares about the incident.

“That’s child abuse to me,” the 32-year old told reporters, “If they don’t want us to hit our kids, they shouldn’t either.” Principal Jaime Handlin declined to comment, citing the on-going legislation, but she did tell the Willston Pioneer newspaper that “nothing was violated.”

She added, “I disciplined out of love, not anger.”

Researchers have found that spanking can increase aggressiveness in children and can even hurt the mental development of young children.

“Corporal punishment doesn’t get us the results we want,” said Deborah Sendek, program director of the Center for Effective Discipline, a group that advocates against corporal punishment. “You can get the same result from an intervention – simply telling and teaching children to stop the behavior.”

Sendek says the practice is not only ineffective, it can also teach children that hitting is acceptable. Sendek, who has worked in with abused and neglected children for three decades, says children who are hit ultimately learn to avoid the punisher, not the behavior.

She cited a number of instances in which children were seriously injured and asked why so many American children are subject to this type of punishment.

“We’re not allowed to hit a prisoner. We do not hit in the military,” Sendek said, “Why do we give prisoners more protection than we give our schoolchildren?

Even if parents do not agree with corporal punishment, there is little they can do, if a school district permits it, to guarantee that their child will not be hit by an administrator if she or he misbehaves. Sendek says her group suggests that parents who want to opt out of that type of discipline should send a letter to the principal and school administrators at the beginning of each school year, and make sure that their concerns are put in the child’s permanent record. She also recommends reviewing the school district’s disciplinary policies and voicing any concerns at parent/teacher conferences or school board meetings before a child is ever hit.

States That Allow Spanking (Source: Center for Effective Discipline) Alabama Arizona Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Wyoming

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Beating of children if allowed by school should be the parent’s choice not the state’s choice and separate schools should be built for parents who opt out in these states. Opt out options are a sign of civilised law writing, not for a mob minded ‘majority’ to impose upon parents who do not want their kids to be beaten by the school. Then there is the issue of a child reaching sufficient cognisance to opt out regardless of age but rather by a psyche test to determine if that child is socially mature enough to CHOOSE to opt out. A child is also a person, and though not yet biologically mature, may be mature enough to decide what ANOTHER PERSON does to their body. Classes could be held to inform children on their rights to opt out for a start if the 19 states involved in beating kids at schools wish to be U.N. Charter’s Child Rights compliant.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie

In dhimmi, dhimmitude, education as a spiritual weapon, Fundamentalism, hegelian dialectic, Islam, media tricks, Muslims, political correctness on February 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm

Did you know that today scientists are actually producing mice that tweet like birds, cats that glow in the dark, “monster salmon”, “spider goats”, cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids?  The very definition of life on earth is changing right before our eyes.  Many scientists believe that genetic modification holds the key to feeding the entire planet and healing all of our diseases, but others are warning that genetic modification could literally transform our environment into a desolate wasteland and cause our world to resemble a really bad science fiction movie.  For decades, scientists around the globe have been fooling around with DNA and have been transplanting genes from one species to another.  But now technology has advanced so dramatically that just about the only thing limiting scientists are their imaginations.

The things you are about to read about below are truly bizarre.  In recent years, science has really “pushed the envelope” and scientists all over the planet are quite eager to push it even farther.

But is genetic modification really safe?  Just because we have discovered that we can do something does that mean that we should rush forward and do it?

Recent films such as “Splice” have highlighted some of the potential dangers of genetic modification, but most scientists don’t see any reason to be concerned.

In fact, in most countries scientists seem very eager to push regulators to allow them to go farther and farther.  In quite a few countries there are very few boundaries left.

This is a point that I made in an article I authored for another blog called The Future….

At this point there are very few restrictions remaining on fields such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, synthetic biology, cloning and genetic modification.  All over the world, scientists are feverishly combining different kinds of animals together, adding plant genes to certain animals, and even putting human DNA into plants and animals.  Life as we know it is literally changing, and it is very hard to tell what the future is going to look like if all of this continues.

Sadly, most people have no idea what is going on out there.  Most people believe that scientists only have our best interests at heart and that they would never do anything “weird” or “dangerous”.

Well, read the following examples of genetic modification below and decide for yourself whether or not things have gotten out of control.

The following are 10 signs that our world may be destined to resemble a really bad science fiction movie….

#1 In China, scientists have inserted human genes into the DNA of dairy cow embryos.  At this point, approximately 200 hybrid cows have been successfully produced.  These cows can produce milk that is virtually identical to human breast milk.  The scientists hope to have huge herds of these cows producing an alternative to human breast milk soon, and they hope to have this “milk” sold in global supermarkets within 3 years.

#2 In Canada, scientists at the University of Guelph in the province of Ontario have produced what they are calling “enviropigs”.  These “enviropigs” have had genes from mice spliced into them, and according to the scientists they produce less phosphorous in their poop so they are being touted as environmentally friendly.  Authorities in both the U.S. and Canada are evaluating whether or not to allow these “enviropigs” into the food supply.

#3 Scientists in Japan have created a genetically modified mouse that tweets like a bird.

#4 One U.S. corporation can now produce a very muscular “monster salmon” which can grow up to three times as fast as normal salmon do.

#5 Science can now produce cats that glow in the dark.  A genetically modified cat created by scientists named Mr. Green Genes was the very first fluorescent cat in the United States.  But Mr. Green Genes was not the first “glow in the dark cat” in the world.  That honor went to a cat created by a team of scientists in South Korea.

#6 In Japan, scientists have discovered that they can grow rat organs inside of mice.  The researchers hope to use the same technology to grow human organs inside of pigs.

#7 But Japan is not the only one doing this kind of research.  In Missouri, entities that are part pig and part human are being grown with the goal of providing organs for human transplants.

#8 Scientists at Rockefeller University have injected human genes into mice.  These “humanized mice” are being used to study the spread of the hepatitis C virus.

#9 U.S. scientists have discovered that they can actually “grow” new human organs from scratch.  The following is a quote from a recent Newsweek article….

It might sound like science fiction, but growing new organs from scratch has already become reality. In addition to bladders, scientists have engineered new skin, bone, cartilage, corneas, windpipes, arteries, and urethras.

#10 Believe it or not, a company in Canada known as Nexia has actually taken goats and has genetically modified them to be part spider. The genetic modification process causes these “spider goats” to produce spider silk protein in their milk.  This spider silk protein is collected, purified and spun into incredibly strong fibers. These fibers are apparently more durable than Kevlar, more flexible than nylon, and much stronger than steel.

As frightening as all of those examples may sound, the truth is that the genetic modification of plants has gone even farther than the genetic modification of animals has gone.

Today, approximately 93 percent of all soybeans and approximately 80 percent of all corn in the United States have been genetically modified.

Considering the fact that corn is literally in thousands upon thousands of our food products, there is a really good chance that you consumed some genetically modified food today.

Are you certain that it was safe?

Genetically modified crops have been linked to organ disruption in at least 19 different studies.

In addition, there is also an increasing body of evidence that suggests that genetically modified food actually alters our digestive systems.

Do we really know everything that we need to know about genetically modified food?

Perhaps we should have investigated all of this sooner.  The truth is that once genetically modified crops get out into the wild it is just about impossible to put the genie back into the bottle.

A while back, a genetically modified strain of maize that was banned in the EU was accidentally sown all across Germany.


But once it got out there was no way of totally eliminating it.  In fact, in many areas of the world genetically modified crop strains are breeding natural crop strains out of existence.

We are permanently changing the natural order of things.

Is that really a great idea?

Sadly, things are only going to become much more bizarre in future years.

DARPA’s current budget actually includes money that is allocated for the development of this kind of technology.  Apparently the goal is to someday produce “super soldiers” with “edited DNA” and implantable microchips.

In this article I have only talked about the stuff that we know about and that is admitted in the mainstream media.

So what is going on out there that we don’t know about and that the mainstream media is not admitting?

In past decades, genetic engineering was extremely expensive and it was only done by top scientists.

Today, even college students are transplanting genes and creating new lifeforms.  There seems to no longer be any taboo on monkeying around with the fabric of life.  The field of “synthetic biology” is extremely hot right now and very small companies are “creating” new plants, new animals and even new microorganisms in garages and basements all over the globe.

So what will the future bring?

Will genetic modification enable us to feed the entire world and will it enable us to heal all of the horrible diseases which afflict us? Or will genetic modification result in a nightmarish world where “man-made life” and twisted human-animal hybrid creatures are free to roam and breed? Will our bizarre experimentation destroy the environment and turn this planet into a bizarre wasteland?

Only time will tell.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Heavily modified food animals COULD be viable IF there are clear GMO and non GMO sections in super markets (if not entirely separate super markets) for eating.

Such GMOs if not to influence the Human gene pool, should only be for married couples who do not intend to reproduce or have reproduced and do not intend to reproduce further (i.e. sperm and eggs from such persons will no longer be allowed to be carried to term – or if carried to term must be properly indicated – note that the GMO Human could be as dangerous or more so than HIV and could like the African wasp destroying Honeybees be like GM Humans breeding out non-GMO eating Humans). This would set tha age of consent for eating such heavily modified GMOs at around early 20s.

The wealthy or those growing their own non-GMO food would certainly decline though.

One could see elephant sized pigs, super mutant soldiers, furries or what not, with people ‘growing’ breast and whatever body part implants, but interactions with those useing these would be quite difficult to manage especially among the LC minded given the profligate views on sex these days.

A whole new cootie/glove wearing/prophylactic culture would need to be prepared long in advance, and new forms of racism and discrimination between GMO Humans (or demi humans), and non GMO Humans would be even harder to deal with.

Try telling a half-spider to be friends with a whole man when whole men merely a shade of colour or faith different, vene different sects within a faith who have warred for 1000s of years. Conversely the sheer differences could bring non-GM humans closer together, but at the expense of GMOs as well. This is something those writers and purveyors of bestiality and ‘furry’ culture have alluded to in their nonsense, but will need to formalise education about, even as they willingly butcher massive beings like whales who’s brains are many times the size of mankinds’ for meat, while they poison the environment?

Alot of serious work needs to be done but all we hear is about the next war or how a plutocrat has destroyed the lives of entire nations. Where are the qualified and enlightened these days? Languishing selfishly in their enclaves or cynically plotting overthrows of nations?

July 14th, 2011 at 5:57 pm

If this is offensive, please inform me, I don't exactly know Muslims closely nor have access to people educated enough to appreciate the nuances of this caption with. I will remove the picture if requested . . . though this intended to be thought provoking rather than insulting . . .

Textbooks taken back before SPM – The Star Paper – 13th November 2011

In Abuse of Power, children, Education, education as a spiritual weapon, Malaysia, soul, soul binding, soul theft, spiritual abuse, spirituality on January 16, 2012 at 10:21 am
Students from a school in Bandar Sri Damansara, Selangor who will be sitting for the SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) examination, which starts tomorrow, have been without their textbooks for over two weeks. The students were required to return their textbooks a fortnight ago as the school authorities had claimed that the teachers would be too busy during the exam to ensure the return of the books. As a parent, I am upset with the school for demanding the return of the books as surely students would need to revise and look up facts for a major public exam like the SPM. The reason given for the return of the textbooks was, to say the least, unreasonable and self-centred.
Obviously, the schools want to get back the books early so that there will be less paperwork. Teachers find this procedure convenient for them. Now my son has to surf the Internet for vital information as he cannot consult his textbooks which to him and fellow students are badly needed either for reference or revision. Is the measure taken merely for the convenience of schools at a time when teachers are in the holiday mood? Is it a policy made by schools or is it a directive from the Education Ministry? All told, it is a silly, irrational step.
One does not have to be a genius to determine that textbooks can be returned a few days before the school holiday starts or during the week of the exam. Why can’t this be done in the interests of students and not for the convenience of schools or the Ministry which will probably want to know the status of the returned textbooks? We keep talking about Vision 2020, but we do not seem to have the mentality to move forward. The Education Ministry seems to be making decisions without reflecting over the consequences. – Kenny
[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]
This case is quite similar to the below : 2 Articles On Possible Mass Attempts on Theft of Soul/Spirit (late May 2011)
Here is how soul theft works *IF* this was an attempt. The taking back of the textbook attempts to steal the Chakra of Mind which considers the textbook as part of itself. This chakra of the student follows the textbook and gets STOLEN by the Ministry of Education then given to mediocre students of ‘a certain race’. That is why you have students of a  tender or at least fairly young age committing suicide out of the soul loss, the soul has followed the original textbook and since mentally the child understands that their future depends on education and by extension the textbook – when the texbook is traken away their soul is also taken with the textbook, or in Foxconn’s case workers who are purposely overworked that their soul becomes tied up in the machinery at the factory and becomes so fearful the physical form is sacrificed so that the soul can escape. If not simply neurotech actions from satellite cell tech ordering the suicides of course.
The stronger ones return to the original owners on their own to their owners, the weaker ones do not. In extreme cases, death can result. Buy your own textbooks or photostat the textbook they give you and study from that photostated version instead. End of story and note that the powers used here are not of Islam but the older Malay Animism, which should be revered for holy purposes instead of being used to deprive others of their future via taking their Mind Chakra (concentration).
The alternative version is that neurotech will be used under cover of false flag spiritualism. Take your pick but photostatting the textbook and exclusively using that photostat version (entirely leaving the ‘original’ textbook alone), is the best way to avoid the nuisance actions in all instances. Meanwhile do remember to vote for candidates that believe in :
1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.