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4 Articles on Xians : Mormons and Adventists, Cultic Xians and Caffeine, Xianity and Satanism, Insanity identified in various guises – repostedby @AgreeToDisagree – 26th March 2012

In Abuse of Power, Apartheid, Christian fifth columnists, Church, corruption, dhimmitude, dishonest clergy, Equality, Ethics, freedom of choice, Freedom of Expression, Fundamentalism, if not contrived, Informed Consent, intent, Malaysia, media, media collusion, Media Neutrality, media sabotage, mental abuse, misrepresentation of facts, non-Muslim rights, non-Xian rights, politics, preventing vested interest, privacy, proselytization, psychiatry, public spaces, racism, separation of powers, social freedoms, soul, spirit of the law, spiritual fifth columnists, spirituality, technofascism, Technology, vested interest on March 26, 2012 at 1:26 am


Park Romney: Why he turned against the Mormon church – by John Sweeney BBC News

The Mormon Candidate is part of the latest series of This World, broadcast on Tuesday 27 March at 19:00 BST on BBC Two    Special report: US 2012

Mitt Romney, the front runner in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination for the White House, is a devout Mormon, but his cousin, Park Romney, also in the past a committed member of the church, now denounces it as a cult.

“I became convinced that it’s a fraud,” Park Romney told the BBC, explaining his reason for leaving the Mormon fold.

The two visions of Mormonism the Romney cousins present could not be more starkly opposed. Park Romney, 56, is a former Mormon high priest, who turned against the church. On the stump Mitt Romney, 65, has avoided mentioning Mormonism, instead talking generally about his faith, but he has been an active lifelong member of the church. [[[ *** Park Romney, those fundies are aiming for you. At Park Road recently, but it made it to Talca . . . if not contrived to sabotage via article, some help here with the lawsuits please? Some people here need a long stint of re-education and that includes entire medical institutions and even portions of the psyche establishment . . . *** ]]]

“If that is what they believe, it’s probably a good thing they leave, because we’re not a cult”

Jeffrey Holland Mormon Church Elder

He was a Mormon missionary to France in the 1960s, studied at the almost-exclusively Mormon Brigham Young university and rose to become first bishop, then “Stake President” (diocesan leader) in his home state of Massachusetts.

He led Sunday services, ran Bible classes for children and looked after a 4,000-strong congregation in Boston for five years in the 1980s.

Like all Mormons, he is expected to give 10% of his annual income – no-one knows how much he is worth, but it is estimated at anywhere from $150 million to $1 billion – to the Church and not drink tea, coffee or alcohol.

Committed Mormons wear special under-garments, and Romney is believed to follow this tenet of his faith too.

Park Romney’s criticisms of the church are fundamental.

Along with other ex-Mormons, he questions founder Joseph Smith’s prophecies – for example Smith’s translation of an Egyptian scroll, part of the Mormon book of Abraham, which Egyptologists say is a fraud.
The Mormon faith

The church was founded in the 1820s in New York State before moving to Utah in 1860
Mormons believe their founder Joseph Smith found golden scripture plates buried by an angel
The church is estimated to have 14 million followers and to be worth $30bn (£18.9bn)
A recent poll said one in four Americans would be less likely to vote for a Mormon candidate

“There’s compelling evidence that the Mormon Church leaders knowingly and wilfully misrepresent the historical truth of their origins and of the Church for the purpose of deceiving their members into a state of mind that renders them exploitable,” says Park.

Such accusations are rarely heard in the US, a nation founded on the principle of freedom of religion.

“It’s not something you’re supposed to talk about,” says Prof Robert Putnam of Harvard Kennedy School.

“Whenever the issue of Romney’s Mormonism has come to the surface, there’s been lots of condemnation across the political spectrum for raising the issue of his religion,” says Putnam.

“I’m not saying it’s not relevant, but it’s not talked about in polite company.”

Mitt Romney’s biographer, Scott Helman, agrees.

“There are plenty of ways in which people try to cause alarm among some voters over it, but it’s not something you’re allowed to say explicitly,” he says.

“But a certain function of reminding voters who might have some predisposed notion about Mormonism that maybe it is strange, maybe it’s weird.”

Ex-Mormons tend to be the church’s most outspoken critics.

One thing that particularly agitates them is “shunning” – allegations that former church members are denied access to family members who remain in the church.

Park claims this has happened to him.

“I am alienated from my family,” he told the BBC.

“Their doctrine, their protocol and their culture as enforced by bishops encourages the families to disassociate themselves from the apostate.”
Mormon worshippers at annual conference – file pic 2009 The Church has its headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah

Mormon Church elder Jeffrey Holland denies shunning occurs.

“We don’t use that word and we don’t know that practice.

“If I had a son or a daughter who left the Church or was alienated or had a problem, I can tell you I would not cut that child out of family life,” he states.

The Mormon Church maintains that it does a great deal of good. Its leaders say they have given more than $1bn in aid around the world since 1985.

The allegation that the Church is a cult, made by Park Romney and other ex-Mormons, is denied by Elder Holland.

“If that is what they believe, it’s probably a good thing they leave, because we’re not a cult.

“I have chosen this church because of the faith that I feel and the inspiration that comes, but if people want to call us a cult, you can call us a cult,” Elder Holland says from behind his desk.

“But we are 14 million and growing.”

Why Mormons Don’t Drink Coffee or Tea – by Lura Lee

Have you noticed that most followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) commonly called Mormons, don’t drink coffee or tea? You’ll see them enjoying herbal teas (tisanes), hot cider, and many true believers even drink caffeinated soda. The casual observer may jump to the conclusion that this is 1) a law, 2) must have something to do with caffeine. Neither is accurate. This article goes into detail to explain the historical significance, context, and modern interpretation of the prohibition/exhortation against coffee and tea for Mormons.

The Word of Wisdom

Followers of the LDS church believe in a book of scripture called The Book of Mormon, and the concept of continuous revelation. They believe that the Holy Spirit continues to communicate with humans. Thus, the prophet Joseph Smith received a spontaneous manifestation of God’s insight for living correctly on February 27, 1833. This insight was written down and incorporated into the Doctrines and Covenants of the Church; specifically, these insights are referred to as the Word of Wisdom. It may be an apocryphal story, but it is said that Joseph Smith was moved to ask for God’s insight on the matter of tobacco, and the revelation that resulted included guidance related to the use of tobacco, “warm drinks”,”strong drinks”, wine, meat, herbs and grains.

A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion-
To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days
Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.
Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation-
That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him.
And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make.
And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies.
And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill.
And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.
And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man-
Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

The common hot drinks of the time were coffee and tea. But this was a dietary shift for Joseph Smith’s contemporaries, the generation of Mormon Pioneers.

No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith by Fawn M. Brodie – Mormon Pioneers

Mormon pioneers had a relatively high literacy rate compared to other people around the world in the 1830s – 1850s. To a large extent, this can be attributed to the fact that they had

Protestant roots and they needed to read Scripture in order to properly practice their religious beliefs. Keep in mind that the United States at this time had no federal program of education for its citizenry. Most states and municipalities didn’t either. Compulsory, standardized, universal education was a reform of the early 1900s. Still, many of the middle-class pioneers were literate, kept diaries and read guide books prior to embarking on the overland journey west to Utah, which came to be known as the Mormon Trail.

The most popular books of the time were: William Clayton’s The Latter Day Saint’s Emigrant’s Guide (1848), and Joseph Ware’s The Emigrant’s Guide to California (1849). All of the guides of the time included recommendations for provisioning the wagons. For example, Andrew Child’s Overland Route guidebook included foodstuff recommendation for three men to include 50 pounds of coffee and 2 pounds of tea, even the LDS leadership recommended packing coffee, tea, and alcohol for the 1846 overland journey. But while they were packing the wagons, they may have contemplated the advantages of quitting any coffee or tea habit they had acquired while living in Illinois. They were fleeing religious persecution, after all, so they intended to minimize contact with non-believers, and coffee and tea won’t grow in Utah. So, to some extent, the rejection of tea and coffee amongst the Mormon Pioneers was a mechanism for building Mormon identity at the most basic, formative, constitutive level.
Next to Godliness?

The current debate over coffee, tea, caffeine, and other “hot drinks” boils down to a difference in interpretation about whether this particular portion of the Doctrines and Covenants is an outright prohibition or merely counsel. During the Temperance movement years, the Mormons referred to the Word of Wisdom to eschew alcohol consumption, and became associated with strict Prohibition reform. Around 1921, the Mormon Church switched from the use of wine in religious ceremony to water. Today, it seems that full participation in the Church (participation in the Mormon Temple) is granted to those who are strict adherents to the Words of Wisdom. But there is still room for debate on the specifics of what it means to “strictly” adhere to the tenets of the Words of Wisdom. Even today, there is a lot of discussion about whether it is just coffee and tea, whether cola is ok, whether decaf coffee and tea are ok, etc.

Essentially, the Church leaders recommend the rejection of any drink that might be habit forming. “With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided.”(Clifford J. Stratton, “Caffeine–The Subtle Addiction,” Tambuli, Mar. 1990, 25)

Now, coffee is seen as part of that slippery slope that leads away from God. Coffee, booze, marijuana, cocaine… all a defilement of the temple that God gave us.
If Not Coffee — What?

So, in lieu of coffee, what hot beverages do Mormons enjoy? Well, they used to drink Postum. They were crazy for Postum. Postum was a roasted grain and molasses drink produced by Kraft foods. It was discontinued from production in 2007. Mormons also favor the following drinks served both warm and cold: herbal tinctures, milk, and non-alcoholic apple drinks. They also enjoy Italian sodas, fruit drinks, and milkshakes.

Will the Next President Drink Coffee?

Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney isn’t interested in highlighting the differences between the LDS Church and other Christians. So he holds meet-n-greets in coffee shops where no one bothers to ask what’s in the coffee mug.

Does Mitt Romney drink coffee?

2011 Update: The site posted a photo of Mitt Romney at a Tampa coffee shop in front of a coffee mug. Did he drink coffee? The author of this article contacted Buddy Brew Coffee and spoke to a barista working duirng his visit. It was confirmed that Mitt Romney did not drink coffee during his visit.

Separate but Together

To a large extent the Mormon decision to not drink coffee or tea is born out of a desire to separate from the common, everyday world. Mormons separate from worldly temptations in order to be closer to God. They also separate from other Christians, Muslims, and Jews in order to bind to one another and establish identity as a group. One tangible way in which they are separate but together is through the tradition of abstaining from coffee and tea.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

The occult significance if remembered accurately, (restating is NOT complete and blind belief – this is to remind any psycho-psyche DULLARD uncool people who are ready to ‘report’ ‘insane’ people . . . ) is the access to Satan’s face (lowest chakra point located) based on earlier postulations I made on this. With the aid of psychiatry and neuro suppressive drugs, various implants, control can be established by non-caffeine users against caffeine users? Perhaps tea in fact is another form of suppressant as well, NOT to be used among the working classes, and would appear to have effect on thetans? Is that why the Americans used to cut off the ears of Vietnamese? Do not use tea or coffee in the presence of the psychiatric establishment (who might be popping with psycho-active meds to increase their edge over everyone else etc..)?

Example of helpful medical implants used as instruments of control by the psychiatric and fundo religious establishment.

VNS and Me


1966 or should we say…19666? by  – Texe Marrs

The year 1966 was a banner year for the Prince of Darkness. Approaching the dog days of summer in that momentous year, Anton LaVey, a decadent, ex-circus entertainer, also a Jew, formally founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco. The date: June 6, 1966, or 6-6-66.

Across the nation, in New England at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, a young man spent the year 1966 in his somber new residence, the Tomb. The Tomb is a gothic, mausoleum-like stone building just off campus, adjacent to an ancient cemetery complete with Masonic tombstones, odd-shaped crypts, and what is called the “garden of the dead.”

A New Name for a Jewish Bonesman

The young man’s name was John F. Kerry (really John F. Kohn, Jewish). The Tomb, in fact, is the home of Chapter 322 of the Order of Skull & Bones, a satanic, clandestine lodge of Freemasonry first organized in 1832. Each year, fifteen (15; 1+5=6) carefully chosen young men of preferred bloodlines take up residence inside its thick walls. At their initiation into The Order, each man lies naked inside a coffin and “bonds” with his fellow bonesmen by confessing his sexual thoughts and deeds from birth. Then, each initiate is given, as a memento, a human bone with his new name “inscribed” on it.

Most of the names given the bonesmen are either pagan or else blatantly satanic. The late Averell Harriman, who went on to become Governor of New York State and U.S. Ambassador to Stalin’s USSR, was named “Thor,” after the Viking deity. Henry Luce, prime controller of Time, Life, and other publishing interests, became “Baal,” and McGeorge Bundy, foreign advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson, was tagged “Odin.”

The senior George Bush, at his initiation into Bones, was bequeathed the revealing title, “Magog,” a name identified in the Holy Bible as a chieftain of devils who plays a key role in prophetic events. Strangely, the name given his son, George W. Bush, by the Bonesmen was “Temporary.” I wonder why?

John Kerry speaks to the vicious, anti-Christian group, the Jewish ADL, May 6, 2004. Kerry has said that, if elected President, he will send 40,000 additional troops to Iraq.

It is a certainty that Kerry will fully execute the Illuminati’s agenda to conquer all Arab oil nations and turn over the rich assets of these countries to neighboring Israel. (Order revealing audiotape report, Hidden Agenda: Ten Awful Goals of the Illuminati’s World Zionist Council; $9 postpaid; phone toll free 1-800-234-9673.)

Long Devil Takes The Lead

My sources tell me that John Kerry’s occult, Bones’ name is none other than “Long Devil.” “Long Devil!” Of course, the man’s sizeable height might account for the “Long,” but what of “Devil?” Why did the influential alumni of Skull & Bones decide on this grotesque identity for John Kerry? What did—and do—they know?

Kerry (Yale, Class of ’66) went on to serve in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam, a nation then ravaged with bloodshed and war. Though in-country only four months, young Ensign (later Lt.) John

Kerry played a part in that bloodletting. Some say his refusal to release all his military personnel records indicates Kerry’s desire to cover-up ugly war crimes he personally helped commit.

On April 22, 1971, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a hippie-like, long-haired John Kerry, by then a civilian, told the Senators he had evidence of horrific atrocities and war crimes by Americans—soldiers, sailors, and marines—who had “personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires to human genitalia and turned up the electric power, razed villages reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, and poisoned food stocks…”

Was Kerry himself a perpetrator of some of these satanic crimes?

I use the term “satanic” advisedly, yet, that description is fitting, for truly, Satan was the mastermind behind the tortures, torments, and murders committed in Vietnam, both by Americans and by the Vietnamese.

Christianity to Vanish and Shrink

Yes, ’66 was a classic year for the old Devil. That was also the year that Beatle John Lennon assured the world that Christianity was on the way out:
“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink… I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now.”

Lennon, McCartney, and the other Beatles promptly went over to India to worship Hindu gurus, and they introduced their gurus and other vestiges of Eastern mysticism to western culture.

All done in a haze of marijuana, LSD, and cocaine.

The Illuminati-supervised CIA helped things along. The U.S. intelligence agency put Satanist Jerry Garcia and his Grateful Dead band (Al Gore’s favorite rock group, says Rolling Stone magazine) on its payroll. The CIA, according to Gerald Heard and SRI International, distributed tons of LSD to a spaced-out youth generation. This was a mind control experiment of the Illuminati elite.

The 60s saw Hollywood’s satanic sex classic, Rosemary’s Baby, hit theaters, a movie for which Church of Satan High Priest Anton LaVey acted as a consultant. Actor John Cassavettes, who played Rosemary’s Satan-worshipping husband in the movie, also played in a role in the movie, The Dirty Dozen.

By the end of the indulgent decade of the 60s, America had borne witness to blood murder, sexual kinkiness, and other Satanic mayhem on a truly epic scale, culminating in 1969’s Manson Family murders.  Satanist Charles Manson was inspired by Anton LaVey.

Others, too, were inspired by LaVey. Famous black actor/singer Sammy Davis, Jr., became both a religious Jew and a practicing Satanist, joining LaVey’s macabre congregation of devil cultists. Blonde bombshell Jayne Mansfield also joined the cult, as did scores of other Hollywood and Las Vegas types.

As far as Satan was concerned, ’66 was a very good year. Anton LaVey, a Christ-hating Jew, shown here performing a ritual with disciple, actress Jayne Mansfield, founded the Church of Satan in ’66. Meanwhile, John Kerry (Yale, Class of ’66) was enjoying the benefits of residence at The Tomb, headquarters of the Order of Skull & Bones.

But, let us again return to the subject of our essay: Long Devil, John Kerry.

Joining Hands with Mr. Chappaquiddick, Ted Kennedy

John Kerry has been, as we all know, richly rewarded for his faithfulness to Lucifer’s cause. Pretending to be an Irish Catholic, Kerry first became Massachusetts Lt. Governor, serving under a fellow occultist, super-liberal Governor Michael Dukakis. Then he joined “Mr. Chappaquiddick,” Ted (Catholic and Rosicrucian) Kennedy as a U.S. Senator, being elected from the state popularly known as The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts.

John Kerry seems to like things “Red.” Here he is sitting atop his bright, fire-red motorcycle (Insight magazine, April 13, 2004). He reportedly once took a $10,000 bribe from Johnny Chung, a lobbyist for Red China, and a Communist museum in Vietnam today proudly displays a picture of Senator John Kerry embracing Red Communist leaders. Kerry’s wife, Teresa, is a funder of numerous Red Communist causes. She originally hails from Mozambique, in Africa, a Marxist-led country. Insiders believe that during the Vietnam War, USN-Lt John Kerry aided in Operation Phoenix, whose symbol, or logo, was the red dragon!

All along, Kerry has kept his ties to various Communist front groups. At virtually every campaign stop today, you’ll see Kerry flash the old Communist clenched-fist salute, an enduring symbol of one’s devotion to Marxism/Leninism philosophy.

“Communism is Jewish,” the late Rabbi Stephen Wise proudly proclaimed. Indeed, Gus Hall, the man honored as the Chairman of the Soviet-funded Communist Party U.S.A. for so long, was a Jew. Like Kerry, he had changed his name to hide his Jewish race.

Comrade John Kerry frequently gives the Communist clenched-fist salute. The late Bella Abzug, Communist Congresswoman from New York and feminist gal-pal of Hillary Clinton, also loved displaying the Leninist/Stalinist salute.

The Lubavitchers and Kerry

Kerry’s brother, Cameron, is likewise a Jew, and proud of it. Recently, he marched side-by-side with a leader of the Lubavitcher sect in New York City. The occasion was the “Israel Day

Parade.” The Lubavitchers are a radical Jewish Orthodox sect. Many of them believe their late fuhrer, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, will rise from the dead to become the Jewish Messiah, Dictator of the World. They affectionately call Schneerson their “Rebbe.”

Cameron Kerry (right) sporting a “Pro-Israel, Pro-Kerry” t-shirt, attends an Israel Day Parade with friend, Yankel Wice, influential Lubavitcher leader and lawyer for the National

Association of Jewish Legislators.

If, however, the departed Schneerson does not show in time, John Kerry, the Jews’ new hero, may be just what their Master, the devil, orders. After all, Kerry is not only Jewish, his very name, albeit covert in nature, is “Long Devil.” How very appropriate a name for the antichrist. The Lubavitchers would likely not know him as antichrist. To them, he would probably be received as their beloved “Rebbe.”

Christians to Have Heads Chopped Off

The antichrist, the Bible prophesies in Revelation 13, “will make war against the saints” of God. He will have Christians and other resisters to his New World Order beheaded, say the scriptures.

Not surprisingly, the Lubavitchers—and many other Jewish groups—are big advocates of the Noahide Laws. They once actually got President George H.W. Bush (the senior Bush) and the U.S.

Senate to pass a resolution praising both their beloved Rebbe, Menachem M. Schneerson, and the Noahide Laws. And what, do tell, do the Noahide Laws say?

Well for one thing, the Noahide Laws require all Gentiles (Yes, Gentiles) to be “righteous.” Being righteous is defined as not worshipping idols. And Jesus is declared in the Talmud to be an idol!

In summary, under the Noahide Laws, all Christians who worship Jesus Christ are idolaters and will be duly punished by beheading!

Shouldn’t John Kerry’s Jewish brother, Cameron Kerry, a lawyer and pro-Israel activist and fanatic, be asked about his association with the Lubavitchers and other Jewish Talmudists?

Especially in light of Cameron Kerry’s recent trips to Israel, where he was wined and dined by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the bloodthirsty Butcher of Lebanon?




The United States is a country of many religions. The first words of the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution say: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Therefore, state does not establish, or endorse, or favor a particular form of religion and citizens are free to practice the religion they choose.

This tradition of religious freedom runs deep in America. Many of this nation’s early settlers were religious communities fleeing persecution in Europe; they were seeking a place where they could practice their own religion far from the state-sanctioned religions of their native countries.

America supports over 2000 different religious denominations, and in which more than 60 percent of the citizens can be found at least once a month in one of the almost 500,000 churches, temples and mosques.

Islam is considered one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States today. There are over 1,200 mosques in the United States – more than 60 percent founded in the last 20 years. The typical American mosque is ethnically diverse; nearly 90 percent have some Asian, African-American, and Arab members.

Early in their history, Americans rejected the concept of the established or government-favored religion that had dominated, and divided, so many European countries.

One of the first permanent settlements in what became the North American colonies was founded by English Puritans, Calvinists who had been outsiders in their homeland, where the Church of England was established. The Puritans settled in Massachusetts, where they grew and prospered.

The state of Rhode Island, is well known as a place where everyone enjoyed religious freedom throughout history. Two other states originated as havens for people being persecuted for their religious beliefs: Maryland as a refuge for Catholics and Pennsylvania for the Society of Friends (Quakers), a Protestant group whose members believe in plain living.

Even after the adoption of the Constitution in 1787 and the Bill of Rights (which includes the First Amendment) in 1791, Protestantism continued to enjoy a favored status in some states.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) were jailed in the 19th century for practicing polygamy (subsequently the Mormon Church withdrew its sanction of polygamy). More recently, parents have been convicted of criminal negligence for refusing to obtain medical help for their ailing children, who went on to die, even though the parents’ religious beliefs dictated that they refuse treatment because faith would provide a cure.


Liberal American Protestantism in the 19th century was allied with similar trends in Europe, where scholars were reading and interpreting the Bible in a new way. They questioned the validity of biblical miracles and traditional beliefs about the authorship of biblical books. There was also the challenge of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to contend with. If human beings were descended from other animals, as most scientists came to believe, then the story of Adam and Eve, the biblical first parents, could not be literally true.

What distinguished 19th-century liberal Protestants from their 20th-century counterparts was optimism about the human capacity for improvement. Some of the early ministers believed that the church could accelerate progress by trying to reform society. In the spirit of the gospels, they began to work on behalf of the urban poor. Today’s liberal clergymen — not just Protestants but Catholics and others, too — may be less convinced that progress is inevitable, but many of them have continued their efforts on behalf of the poor by managing shelters for homeless people, feeding the hungry, running day-care centers for children, and speaking out on social issues.

Evangelical Christians favor an impassioned, participatory approach to religion, and their services are often highly charged, with group singing and dramatic sermons that evoke spirited responses from the congregation. The South, in particular, became a bastion of this “old-time religion,” and the conservative Baptist church is very influential in that region. In recent decades some preachers have taken their ministry to television, preaching as “televangelists” to large audiences.

The trend toward removing religious teaching and practices from public schools has prompted some parents to send their children to religious schools and others to educate their children at home.


By the time of the Civil War, over one million Irish Catholics had come to the United States. In a majority Protestant country, they and Catholics of other backgrounds were subjected to prejudice.

Although Catholics were never denied access to public schools or hospitals, beginning in the 19th century they built institutions of their own, which met accepted standards while observing the tenets of Catholic belief and morality. On the other hand, the Catholic Church does not require its members to go to church-run institutions. Many Catholic students attend public schools and secular colleges. But Catholic schools still educate many Catholic young people, as well as a growing number of non-Catholics, whose parents are attracted by the discipline and quality of instruction.


Like Catholics, Jews were a small minority in the first years of the American republic. Until the late 19th century, most Jews in America were of German origin. Anti-Jewish prejudice was not a big problem before the Civil War. But when Jews began coming to America in great numbers, anti-Jewish groups appeared.

Usually, Jewish children attended public schools and took religious instruction in special Hebrew schools. The children of Jewish immigrants moved rapidly into the professions and into American universities, where many became intellectual leaders.

To combat prejudice and discrimination, Jews formed the B’nai Brith Anti-Defamation League, which has played a major role in educating Americans about the injustice of prejudice and making them aware of the rights, not only of Jews, but of all minorities.

By the 1950s Americans were described as coming in three basic varieties — Protestant, Catholic, and Jew. The order reflects the numerical strength of each group: In the 1990 census, Protestants of all denominations numbered 140 million; Catholics, 62 million; and Jews, 5 million.

Today the three-faith formula is obsolete. The Islamic faith also has 5 million, Buddhism and Hinduism are growing with the arrival of immigrants from countries where these are the majority religions. In some cases, inner-city Christian churches whose congregations have moved to the suburbs have sold their buildings to Buddhists, who have refitted them to suit their practices.


America has been a fertile ground for new religions. The Mormon and Christian Science Churches are perhaps the best-known of the faiths that have sprung up on American soil. Because of its tradition of noninterference in religious matters, the United States has also provided a comfortable home for many small sects from overseas. The Amish, for example, descendants of German immigrants who reside mostly in Pennsylvania and neighboring states, have lived simple lives, wearing plain clothes and shunning modern technology, for generations.

Some small groups are considered to be religious cults because they profess extremist beliefs and tend to glorify a founding figure. As long as cults and their members abide by the law, they are generally left alone. Religious prejudice is rare in America, and interfaith meetings and cooperation are commonplace.

Most Americans think religion is a personal matter not usually discussed in everyday conversation. The vast majority practice their faith quietly in whatever manner they choose — as members of one of the traditional religious denominations, as participants in nondenominational congregations, or as individuals who join no organized group. However Americans choose to exercise their faith, they are a spiritual people. Nine out of ten Americans express some religious preference.


The term “cult” is used to describe certain religious groups outside of the mainstream of Western religion. Social scientists divide religious groups into three categories: churches, sects, and cults.

“Churches” are the large denominations with an inclusive approach to life and include such groups as the Roman Catholic Church, the United Methodist Church, the American Baptist Church, the United Church of Christ and the Protestant Episcopal Church.

“Sects” are groups that have broken away from the main church. Sects follow the same pattern as mainstream religion but are more strict in behavioral demands placed upon members and emphasize their separation and distinctiveness from the larger culture.

“Cults” follow a very different religious structure. When social scientists began their discussion of cults in the 1920s, they were aware of only a few cult groups. A survey of religion in America (1949) listed twenty-seven cults.

The Christian approach to cults would include every group which has departed from orthodox Christianity (such as the Church of Christ, Scientist, the Latter Day Saints, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses) as well as those groups which have never made any claim to be Christian.

More recently there have been many debates on cults since the 1970s. The debates involved speaking to parents of people who were concerned with changes in their sons and daughters who had joined particular religious groups. These “cults”–The Children of God, the Church of Armageddon, the Unification Church, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and the Church of Scientology–had, they claimed, radically altered the personality of their children.

Anti-cult groups began to speak of “destructive cults,” groups which hypnotized or brainwashed recruits, destroyed their ability to make rational judgments and turned them into slaves of the group’s leader. Marcia Rudin, a popular anti-cult writer, listed fourteen commonly accepted characteristics of a cult:

Members swear total allegiance to an all-powerful leader who they believe to be the Messiah.
Rational thought is discouraged or forbidden.
The cult’s recruitment techniques are often deceptive.
The cult weakens the follower psychologically by making him or her depend upon the group to solve his or her problems.
The cults manipulate guilt to their advantage.
The cult leader makes all the career and life decision of the members.
Cults exist only for their own material survival and make false promises to work to improve society.
Cult members often work fulltime for the group for little or no pay.
Cult members are isolated from the outside world and any reality testing it could provide.
Cults are antiwoman, antichild, and antifamily.
Cults are apocalyptic and believe themselves to be the remnant who will survive the soon-approaching end of the world.
Many cults follow an “ends justify the means” philosophy.
Cults, particularly in regard to their finances, are shrouded in secrecy.
There is frequently an aura of or potential for violence around cults.

Anti-cult literature reflects a great concern with approximately 15 groups, though as many as 75 to 100 have received passing mention. Only five groups–the Unification Church, the Children of God, the Church of Scientology, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and The Way International–have received consistent coverage over the years of the anti-cult movement’s existence. Everyone who has looked at the cults agrees that the number of alternative religious groups has grown significantly during the twentieth century.

Only a few of the older cults–the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints–have attained a broad membership throughout the nation. Of those groups formed in the twentieth century, only a few, such as the American Muslim Mission (found in 1930), can count their membership in the tens of thousands. The more famous of the contemporary cults, such as the Unification Church (with 5,000 to 7,000 members) or the Hare Krishna (with approximately 2,500 initiated members), can count their membership in the thousands.

The large immigration of Asians in the last half of the nineteenth century brought the first Buddhist and Hindu teachers to the United States and threatened many West Coast residents. California could have become like Hawaii, which is one third Buddhist

The nonconventional religions also vary widely in their recruitment processes. Some, particularly those with Evangelical Christian roots (and a few which are Eastern, but reacting to Christian missionary activity) have an aggressive program of membership enlistment. Most others rely upon the distribution of literature or the sponsoring of introductory classes to which a potential convert must make the initial effort and attend.

Life in a Cult – Once a person joins a nonconventional religious group, he or she must begin to adapt to group life. New recruits will go through a program of education in group beliefs and practices.

Evangelical Christianity has been the mainstream of religion in America. In its attempts to be true to traditional Protestant Christian affirmations, it has been among the most conservative of religious forces and has commanded the largest segment of the religious public.


The Problem of Religion: During the 1970s several trends in American religion came together. Since the American Revolution, this country has been shaken by periods of social protest followed by national religious revivals in which the entire population, regardless of religious affiliation, gave a heightened attention to religious concerns. During such periods, new and alternative religions have been born or given surges of growth while the more traditional churches reaped the bulk of the harvest. Such a national revival occurred in the early 1970s on the heels of the social protests of the 1960s.

The first anticult association was called the Parents’ Committee to Free Our Children from the Children of God (later shortened to “Free the Children of God,” and popularly called “FREECOG”).

From its beginning, the anticult movement focused upon a single problem, the distress of parents whose young adult sons and daughters (to whom the literature typically refers as “children” regardless of age) had abandoned home, career, college, and a “normal” future for membership in a demanding nonconventional religion (i.e., a cult).

The anti-cult movement can point to one clear success. In its first decade of activity it has impressed upon the popular consciousness a negative image of cults. The media gave the anti-cult movement widespread coverage in both magazines and newspapers, which have featured accounts of life in and out of the cults by former members.


Because of its espousal of spiritual healing and its affirmation that Christian Science is incompatible with reliance upon materia medica, the Church of Christ, Scientist has been one of the most important of the nonconventional religions in America as well as a matter of intense controversy from the day of its founding.

The Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1919) who as a young woman had been continually hobbled with poor health. In 1862 she learned of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, a mental healer in Portland, Maine. In October of that year she traveled to Portland and placed herself under his care. She soon experienced some relief of her symptoms which she ascribed to his efforts. She became his student and took the opportunity, when offered, to pass them on to others.


The most successful of the many groups which have been labeled “cult”, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has over two million members and dominates the religious life of the Rocky Mountain area from Boise, Idaho, to Phoenix, Arizona. Started in the early nineteenth century, it has grown steadily worldwide.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, popularly called the Mormons, was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. (born December 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont). As a youth, Smith had moved from Vermont to western New York, near the town of Palmyra.

In 1839 the Mormons established the community at Nauvoo, Illinois which soon grew into the largest city in the state. A new temple was begun, and the Church entered a growth phase. During this period the first of the European mission efforts (later a major source of members) was launched.

They introduced the practice of polygamy and began by setting an example for the other Church leaders. The exact number of Smith’s plural wives is still a matter of conjecture (estimates range from 27 to 84), but there is little doubt that polygamy caused immense problems for the Church.

In 1852 they announced the practice of plural marriage as public doctrine and began a battle with the United States government that was to last for the rest of the century. In 1862 the first federal anti-polygamy bill was passed, and efforts were increased to prevent its practice. These efforts were strengthened in 1882 with the passage of the Edmunds Bill, which disenfranchised all people living in polygamy, and the 5-member Utah Commission established to enforce the provisions.

During the twentieth century polygamy was eradicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but it continued in Mormon territory, especially in Mexico where it was not illegal. A large Fundamentalist (polygamy-practicing community) still exists in the Western United States and Northern Mexico.

Members of the church are expected to refrain from the use of tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol.


Jehovah’s Witnesses are interested in you and your welfare. They want to be your friends and to tell you more about themselves, their beliefs, their organization, and how they feel about people and the world in which all of us live.

The name Jehovah appears almost 7,000 times in the original Hebrew Scriptures. Most Bibles do not show it as such but substitute “God” or “Lord” for it.

In just a century and a half the Seventh-day Adventist Church has grown from a handful of individuals, who carefully studied the Bible in their search for truth, to a world-wide community of over eight million members and millions of others who regard the Adventist Church their spiritual home. The name “Seventh-day Adventist” was chosen in 1860.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Put 1 and 1 together, and beware of Xian fundo-leaning factions in DAP who’s agenda is not betterment of the Rakyat but self serving parasitisation of the people with a fundo slant, and even PAS’s fundo factions (God knows what these 2 top cliques leaders get up to talking about the Rakyat as if we had no choice in how we should live – DAP and PAS need to amend laws not plot and carve up Malaysia) – that may never want to end apartheid (again kudos to Hadi for sticking to distribution of power principles by not running for MB and sticking to the MP’s posts onlyb (though term limitles issue does arise), very rare this day separation of powers unlike others who hold multiple posts and undemocratically and unethically hold multiple posts (i.e. PM and Finance Minister, Council Chair and CM, MP’s seat and Assemblyman’s seat, etc.. – this is compoiunded by family members in the same position . . . ) . . . but the stand on other things is somewhat unclear to a degree and the public has no access to ask . . . ). Groups like Dong Jiao Zhong should field their own candidates, and those in DAP not of the nepotistic clique, or fence sitters, had better leave DAP if the nepotistic central committee’s family blocs cannot be displaced and join PCM or any 3rd Force parties (BN being too apartheid to vote for).

Does the UN know what is going on here in 3rd world Malaysia? Does this warrant Peacekeepers? An audit and withdrawal (also name and shame to vindicate so many victims) of offending psyche establishment ‘professionals’ degrees, or even other degree disciplines may be needed to keep some of our more ‘vocal activists’ safe from abuse? Some of us want to be among neutral citizens, live in a neutral agenda free world, not among cultists and religious fundos posing as politicians or regular citizens while claiming people they don’t like or who have different beliefs from them as being seriously mentally ill and needing to be put away, while the fundos and psyches themselves need to be put away.

I am sure this whole near 2 decades long episode has exposed a wider network of abuse and abusers that Interpol and even UN can act upon, the good guys and bad guys and their methods are now clearer outlined than ever . . . does the UN do lawsuits on behalf of peoples oppressed or abused in the 3rd world? Otherwise racists and corrupt 3rd world political warlords? Whatever citizens not of the above fundo-psyche abuse-racist types, please make sure you know why you vote for and only by the below criteria :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy. (anyone favouring any faith is no safe choice)
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

Seven phwoar seven! Secret VIP customer buys Boeing’s latest jumbo and plans to pimp it out as a sky palace – by Graham Smith – Last updated at 3:53 PM on 29th February 2012

In air cruise, concepts, cruises, holidays, Technology on March 1, 2012 at 3:16 pm

No expense spared: Falling asleep on a plane has never looked as easy as it does in this rendering

Boeing has handed over the first passenger version of its upgraded 747 to a secret VIP customer, who immediately sent the plane along to a modification centre to transform it into the ‘jewel of the sky’. The delivery of the 747-8 Intercontinental – Boeing’s largest and most recognisable commercial airplane – caps a development delay of more than a year.

Seven phwoar seven! Secret VIP customer buys Boeing’s latest jumbo and plans to pimp it out as a sky palace

Delivery of the 747-8 Intercontinental caps a development delay of more than a year
Anonymous VIP customer now has to wait 2.5 years for custom modifications to be made

Boeing has handed over the first passenger version of its upgraded 747 to a secret VIP customer, who immediately sent the plane along to a modification centre to transform it into the ‘jewel of the sky’.

The delivery of the 747-8 Intercontinental – Boeing’s largest and most recognisable commercial airplane – caps a development delay of more than a year.

Boeing, the world’s second-largest plane-maker, marked the milestone with an understated ceremony, keeping the media at arm’s length to safeguard the identity of its customer.

On the move: A Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental airliner taxis before taking off at Paine Field in Everett, Washington, yesterday. It will undergo extensive modifications before it is delivered to an undisclosed VIP customer

Expensive toy: Boeing has taken 36 orders – nine from non-airline customers – for the aircraft, which lists at $332.9million

Jim Albaugh, president and chief executive of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said: ‘The 747 is the most iconic airplane in the world, and I know customers are going to love what we’ve done to enhance its performance.

‘The Intercontinental is fast, efficient and quiet, offering real savings and a great flying experience.’

Boeing, which competes for orders with rival Airbus, has taken 36 orders – nine from non-airline customers – for the aircraft, which lists at $332.9million.

Boeing does not identify VIP customers, but past buyers of customised planes have been multi-millionaires and heads of state.

The airplane is more than 12 months behind its initial delivery schedule and some experts say the order book is puny.

VIP customers for planes as large as the 747 often request extensive modifications such as bedrooms or bathrooms to accommodate the special needs of the primary passengers and their entourages.

These modifications typically are done outside of Boeing, but the company must sign off on the changes.

Playboy’s paradise: An artist’s impression of how a potential customer might want the jumbo’s interior to look

No expense spared: Falling asleep on a plane has never looked as easy as it does in this rendering

Conference in the sky: A more business-minded owner might want to include a state-of-the-art conference room aboard the 747-8

Boeing Business Jets president Steve Taylor, who was set to fly the airplane from Paine Field near Seattle, Washington, said it will spend about six months at Boeing’s Wichita facility – the plant that modified Air Force One – for basic modifications.

From there it goes to a facility in Hamburg where it will spend two years receiving customer-specific outfitting like bedrooms, dining rooms and galleys, he said.

Mr Taylor said the unnamed customer wants the new Intercontinental to be the ‘jewel of the sky’.

The Intercontinental is an elongated, upgraded version of the classic 747, which first flew more than 40 years ago. The 747 was the world’s largest airplane until 2005, when Airbus unveiled its A380.

Alex Hamilton, an aerospace analyst and managing director at EarlyBirdCapital, said: ‘The 747-8 has been slow to take off, and the success of the aircraft is still questionable given so few orders.’

Boeing had delayed the delivery to 2012 from the fourth quarter of 2011. The company blamed delays in flight testing and the time required to incorporate flight-test driven changes.
Confidential: Boeing does not identify VIP customers, but past buyers of customised planes have been multi-millionaires and heads of state

Front-on: The Intercontinental is an elongated, upgraded version of the classic 747, which first flew more than 40 years ago

The first airline set to receive the plane is Germany’s Deutsche Lufthansa AG, which has ordered 20. Boeing has not set a delivery date for Lufthansa’s first Intercontinental.

The Intercontinental incorporates some of the technology of the lightweight, carbon-composite 787 Dreamliner.

It can seat 467 passengers, 51 more than the current version of the 747, but fewer than the competing 525-seat A380.

By some estimates, the new 747-8 is 8 to 10 tonnes overweight.

Elizabeth Lund, 747 program manager, acknowledged the plane is heavier than originally planned. But she said a redesigned wing makes up for the weight in terms of performance.

Additional weight can reduce the distance a plane can fly or the amount of cargo it can carry.

The freighter version of the 747-8 was first delivered in October. Orders for the freighter have been strained by an economic downturn that has dampened cargo markets.

Boeing made first delivery of its 787 Dreamliner last year after three years of delays. The 787 represents a bigger leap in technology than the 747-8.
Off to a new home: The 747-8 takes off for Boeing’s Wichita facility – the plant that modified Air Force One – where it will spend about six months for basic modifications

Off to a new home: The 747-8 takes off for Boeing’s Wichita facility – the plant that modified Air Force One – where it will spend about six months for basic modifications

The Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental can seat 467 passengers, 51 more than the current version of the 747, but fewer than the competing 525-seat A380

Commercial plane: The first airline set to receive the plane is Germany’s Deutsche Lufthansa AG, which has ordered 20

Watch video of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental’s test flight here:

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Numerology and false flag article intended to elicit a response not withstanding  . . .  Palatial LUXURY is an open air deck and not rushing at a few hundred miles an hour to keep afloat. That means VTOL style engines and air craft carrier sized decks, or a blimp moving slowly enough so the wind won’t buffet. Otherwise it’s not much of a Jewel of any Sky.

If you can’t step outside and enjoy the sun, scenery or even breathe fresh air, which is rushing past at 100s of miles an hour, it’s a glorified and misnamed meme that ‘jewel’, much like Branson’s misnamed ‘commercial spaceport’ which is on the ground and has no craft that can reach space though reaching sub-orbital and not ‘commercial’ because it carries passengers and does not have cargo capacity but does carry passengers, has little relation to.

If I were said VIP, I’d either develop VTOL based Fusion energy powered craft, or to save money, invest in an extra large blimp or few at a fraction of the price as the below company in formation is doing, that hosts as large an ‘on top’ (instead of below hanging) high tech light weight material platform as possible so the passengers can catch some beams – sea cruise style . . .

Palaces are leisurely like the pace a balloon gives (not too much like the one in Æon Flux (2005 Karyn Kusama), that Boeing (and all other) planes (the larger the worse) are just another metal box with seat or a office-like lobby inside, rushing to certain doom. Cheers instead, from balloon platform twice the size of that narrow cabin, as the countryside floats by . . .  who needs to get to any major capital in 16 hours? 2 weeks (or 80 days?) is fine by the wealthy with time to burn . . .  try that for real phwoar !

This is an ‘Aircruise Concepts International’ ™®  – no cybersquatting – company and concept in formation. A series of ‘Aircruise Concept International’s’ ‘TSA FREE Cruise Balloon Airfields’ perhaps with docking towers featuring retractable walkways which are being identified internationally is being considered. We get you to any major destinations worldwide, slow and pleasant (sails perhaps?) instead of hurtling in metal cylinders (much like MiGo Brain cylinders, who knows what neuotropic gases could be introduced in such enclosed places . . . )  powered by equally dangerous engines . . .

In any case, a ‘jewel of the sky’ does not rush past at 100s of mph, but drifts close enough, not ‘Costa Cruise’ close though . . . so probably there are no flying ‘Ice Banks’ to crash into or ‘Cloud Banks’, especially when close enough for earthbound spectators to see the ‘whites of their eyes’ – no racism intended  . . .  for all to appreciate and admire.

Whats so paradisical about being in a ‘bullet’ (those passengers mights as well be grains of gunpowder), about not being able to feel the sunlight on your skin, breathe air that has not been filtered through half a dozen venting systems and filters – recycled even? . . .

Enough with the cooped up, low ceilinged death trap cabins of aircraft and seacraft of the day – do we really need that sort of speed? –  . . . ditch the TSA for private seaports, private airports or private airstrips (no spaceports yet though?) and there you go – real luxury – looks like USA needs private roads as well too, TSA is targeting roads now. No USA congressmen or governors or senators ready to end TSA yet huh? If I were Russia, I’d build a TSA free replica of NY, Manhattan, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Florida and Texas then ask the citizens of USA to migrate there WITH preferred autonomous zone type laws based on preferred parts of the US constitution (i.e. no TSA, no Food Bill, no Federal Reserve etc..).

Meanwhile Muslims ready to martyr themselves (MRTMTs???), don’t ever target or accidentally kill civilians because the Islamophobia does not exist in your average citizen  – it’s a sin to target the innocent (especially non-Muslims who are free to commit Haram acts who have nothing against Islam and are minding their own business, living their Haram lives . . . ), but only comes from a very small minority who are influencing your typical Western politicians – who are still full of bad judgment for allowing what goes in in some parts of the West. I’m not referring to non-Muslim stuff like alcoholic drinks or legalized gambling (other than 4D or Lottery, the whole gamut of games rather) or legalized prostitution, but humanitarian or Abu Gharaib type abuses . . .

Immortality through Role Consistency, Specialisation in Genre Makes for Better Characterization – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – Last updated at 9:08 PM on 22nd February 2012

In critique, gentrification, Hollywood, meatball, moving up, overkill, preserving chav culture, shelf life of personalities, social class distinct programmes, Technology, tongue in cheek, unwanted gentrification on February 23, 2012 at 4:37 pm


From guidette to glamour! Snooki and JWoww get a classy makeover… but they show some skin in revealing mini skirts – by Eleanor Gower – Last updated at 9:08 PM on 22nd February 2012

We are more used to seeing them in over-the-top make-up and revealing animal print ensembles.

But Jersey Shore stars Snooki and JWoww ditch their more familiar guidette guises for a more glamorous look for a new photo shoot.

Snooki tweeted the new pictures which show them both dressed in more sombre black outfits with  sophisticated make-up.

Glamming up: Snooki tweeted a picture of herself and JWoww posing for a new photo shoot on her Twitter page earlier this week

Snooki looked stunning in smoky make-up and red lips, with her brown hair looking glossy in a loose style.

However, she still flashed the flesh in the photograph which showed both stars in their usual mini skirts, with Snooki revealing a black bra.

The pose JWoww struck was also pure Jersey Shore, as she bumped Snooki with her behind.

Big hair: Snooki looked stunning with smoky make-up, red lipstick and her hair in a glossy brunette long style

Thinking pink: Despite the sophisticated appearance, Snooki still sported her favourite leopardskin – posing with a pair of pink heels, and large hooped earrings

Usual dress: Snooki and JWoww moved away from their usual distinctive style

JWoww’s one shouldered dress was also suitably clingy,and was won with subtle make-up, dangling earrings and a side ponytail.

But Snooki clearly could not resist the lure of her favourite leopardskin for the shoot, and posted another picture of her holding bright pink heels in the familiar animal print.

‘Looveeeee big earrings,’ she wrote alongside a photograph of her in large silver hoops, before adding: ‘And my fabulous shoe collection,’ next to a picture of her holding the pink heels.

Snooki and JWoww are joining forces for a special spin-off show which was due to start shooting this week.

However, according to recent reports, filming has yet again been delayed.

It is another setback to the show following The Mayor of Hoboken Dawn Zimmer denying the film crew a permit last month.

But Snooki and JWoww were eventually given the green light to film their new Jersey Shore spin off show in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Cooking up a storm: Snooki and cast mate Deena Cortese tried their hands at making meatballs for a photo shoot for In Touch magazine

Tucking in: The diminutive duo happily sat down to tuck in to their meaty creation

Stars: The duo appear in this week’s issue of In Touch magazine

Meanwhile, Snooki appears in a very different outfit in this week’s In Touch magazine.

The star is pictured dressed in a chef’s hat and apron, joining cast mate Deena to cook up some meatballs in New York.

Both Snooki and Deena have been labelled ‘meatballs’ by Jersey Shore cast mate Ronnie.

‘We were fighting and he said: “You guys look like meatballs,”‘ Snooki recalls to the magazine. ‘We decided to turn it around and make it positive.’

However, now, the diminutive duo say they actually want to be called ‘meatballs,’ as they got stuck into some old fashioned cooking at Brooklyn’s The Meatball Shop.

‘Who doesn’t love meatballs?’ asked Deena.

‘It feels like an old lady breast,’ said Snooki as she kneaded the raw meat, although she claimed to be an old hand at whipping up a few culinary concoctions.

‘I used to cook with my mom and grandma,’ she said.

Form more information on JWoww and Snooki, log on to In Touch Weekly’s website

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

It is totally impossible for these two to be classy, you can put a dress on a pig… it’s still a pig! Are their 15 minutes almost over?? Oh please say yes!

– sahara, Portland, Oregon, 23/2/2012 01:45
Rating   21

Ah I love this show. When is season 5 airing in the UK?

– Beck, Norfolk, 23/2/2012 00:43
Rating (0)

jenny and nicole are looking truly beautifull deena looks amazing wow

– sarah, surrey, 23/2/2012 00:38
Rating   3

In the immortal words of Ron White, “You can’t fix stupid.”

– Captain Reynault, Georgia, USA, 22/2/2012 23:55
Rating   19

“Classy” is not a word I would use to describe these two trasholas. I can’t understand their popularity – but I put them on a level with the Kardashians. You know, their appeal is for the uneducated masses in America. Snooki does look better, but you’d need a chisel to scrape off all that makeup. But she will always be short and chunky.

– Katie, Scottsdale, AZ , 22/2/2012 23:44
Rating   13

The hairdresser in the 2nd pic is very attractive.

– Gerry, Wales, 22/2/2012 23:42
Rating   4

I really cannot see what anybodys stature has to do with it .She is a very beautiful woman, and deserves a lot of respect. For those who insult her, take a good look in the mirror and hold the picture of Snookie next to it. I think it is called envy!!!!!!!!

– Lord Draper, Chepstow South Wales, 22/2/2012 23:24
Rating   9

Girls in short skirts doing nothing – the tedium continues.

– Seen it all, Purfleet uk, 22/2/2012 23:18
Rating   17

Snooki….Jwoww. For god’s sake, who are they????

– Just an ordinary bod, UK, 22/2/2012 22:52
Rating   10

Snooki and Deena would be an entertaining show, Jenni is too boring.

– lollipop, candyland, 22/2/2012 22:39
Rating (0)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

They tend to gentrify with age (shelf-life of 1 to very most 2 decades) but I”d rather the media network did not feature that post gentrification phase – perhaps a semi-retirement phase and phase out WHILE IN CHARACTER!!! Welcome to more lost Haarlems (the historical NY neighbourhood) of possibly already contrived characters on the media. Those organic non-rich types were best fun when they had distinct stye, Lets get another ‘meatball’ or series of meatballs!!!

Ya really gotta see this teen tranny (. . . dead ringer for Snooki . . . perhaps a meet up and photoshoot together?)

Where’s the chav/punk factor or representation on TV? So everyone is a 5 star cook in a cocktail dress now? Great fun pandering to the 1% eh? Wheres the leather and spikes and micros . . . (and no, don’t have them traipsing around town buying ‘branded’ goods or spending 100 times what 401K Joe can afford. ORGANIC. Wheres that ‘reality’ bum? Or busker? Where’s that reality ‘chick’ who gets banged up all the time LC style par excellence? Where’s the semi-faux fist fight? Where are all the grease monkeys forever slicking up their greasier hair discussing motoring tips that actually work? or barely scrapping by bean counters that occasionally commit suicide or go on a Columbine style spree? None?

What we do see on TV is Tamara Ecclestone wearing an overpriced dress and holding a mocking cardboard that says ‘will work for diamonds’ . . . really asking for the 99% to retaliate. That milkshake looks like it belongs on the windscreen of a ‘Tamara’ type 1% person’s car . . . NOT FUNNY. Dya know how many people ‘can’t haz chezburger’ EVERYDAY?!?

Fake petrol bombs on Towie stars’ really dull businesses?

Lets have Towering Inferno(s) (1974 John Guillermin) instead, or how about a REAL organic inferno in the form of a volcano coming back to life . . . Osama would say, ‘been there done that’ (and a DOUBLE), but there are SOOOO many buildings in the world!!! Who’s up for a ‘Turkey’ or a ‘Bagger’? Yahtzee (or ‘Hambone’ – depending on your denom-nom-nomination, homophobes don’t read this too fast . . . )? . . .  get out those bowling balls with classic fuses you lazy pigs . . . <JK>

Can't catch and throw at the same time . . .

One, Joo, Free, Four . . . Yahtzee ! ” Cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.” Gisele Caroline Nonnenmacher Bündchen . . .

Eli (Damaskinos?) owns your husband <JK>. . .

Or semi scripted stuff that if you watch long enough will allow you to become a half ass mechanic/restauranteur/handyman-housebuilder (this won’t make the service providers happier though they really shouldn’t focus on penny pinching from the LC types. A base of MC, too proud or mech-phobic won’t be watching the LC channel. The MC and above types should be their main business target – teaching garage skills IS a form of wealth distribution via media . . . LC types who are too poor to go to garages/restaurants/toolshops(for wealthier hobbyists mostly) will be hanging on the the garage scenes to pick up some real tips (not the farcial pro-1% ‘Home Improvement’ type of series 1991-1999 Matt Williams, Carmen Finestra and David McFadzean though) etc..

Say goodbye to the LC bunch in society represented in media otherwise? More skewed reality? These 2 girls at 1.0 stages were better, should’ve kept them in character and phased them out to be organic (the day they change will be the day they lose interest to the audience) – I suspect too many featured people are too quickly worth MILLIONS so it’s all 1% AGAIN . . .

Whoever heard of, or respected a wrestler who owned a 10s of millions worth house and spent 100s of millions in his career? Now a wrestler/boxer who retired in his 30s from injuries and set up a tiny gym somewhere (for happy ending) or another who died in a barfight fighting groups of people – the more the merrier – and more respectable (this should be in the ratio of more people who died pissing off the same types of tough guy sportsman than the sportmen dying) – THATS organic and close to reality, not some multimillionaire non-99%ter that the 99% will never be able to relate to.

These days it’s all 1%ters, hagelian dialectic politicians talking nonsense while being ilthy rich, or metrosexuals (where are those campy tutu clad burlesque people running semi-naked down the street with flame throwers? All hiding because the police have turned into hall monitors dishing out demerits?), the occasional fundo or consumerist shill otherwise . . .

‘Modern society’ fails and costs are ‘Too Damn High’ even if every other star big brother or not broke their ankles (as if) – that 0.99 cent chezburger will still be unavailable (as mentioned in another post, get or set up a F&B that can take on the challenge of bring back the 1993 era prices (the insane profiteer franchises of the day have prevented this, now lets have this new franchise chain wipe out all other franchise chains – a Fast Food Chain to End all Fast Food Chains, much like Tata-Nano looks set to destroy the car industry – if QC issues and durability is solved . . . ) . . . but kudos for regaining the ‘Rudegirl’ to Rihanna (how many ‘Rudegirls’ or ‘Rudeboys’ are there this day???), if Rihanna went all ballroom on us, it would be meme suicide and socio-type genocide on a Hitleresque scale . . .

Thats the rant of the day (possibly the decade who knows) . . .

I'm starting to get annoyed . . .


They CAN do demure! Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry dress to impress in elegant gowns at Elton John Oscars bash – by Iona Kirby – Last updated at 9:24 AM on 28th February 2012

While a host of glamorous celebrities donned their Sunday best to walk the red carpet at tonight’s Oscars, others opted to watch the event at a viewing party. And the hottest ticket in town was to Sir Elton John’s bash, which he holds annually in a bid to raise money for his AIDS Foundation.

Shining in silver: Miley looked beautiful as she cosied up to boyfriend Liam Hemsworth

Katy wore a shimmering silver and black sequinned dress. The glittering gown, which had a sheer neck, was the perfect complement for the 27-year-old singer’s blue tresses. And while Katy Perry was less colourful than usual, Miley Cyrus also shone in silver as she ditched her boho style for a demure dress.

The starlets in attendance at the event all opted for classic and elegant gowns as they posed on the red carpet before making their way in to the plush party

I want it! Katy bids on a lot at the fundraising event

Doting Dad: Guests at the party gushed over Elton and David’s son Zachary

Her canary yellow beaded dress had a cut-out back and the …-year-old swept her blonde locks into a bun to show off that extra bit of flesh.

Furry friend: Actress Fran Drescher chose a very interesting guest as her plus one for the event

And True Blood star Anna Paquin wore a chic black and gold long-sleeved dress as she cuddled up to her husband and co-star Stephen Moyer. They weren’t the only vampire stars on hand at the event as Nina Dobrev wore a plunging black dress while her hunky boyfriend Ian Somerhalder donned a black tuexedo. Meanwhile actress and model Brooklyn Decker opted for a simple yet sophisticated taupe dress with a black lace overlay.

Memoirs of a Geisha star Ziyi Zhang opted for a dusty blue gown complete with sequins, while The Wonder Years star Danica McKellar chose a strapless monochrome dress. Actress Paz Vega also wowed on the red carpet in a white frock with several layers of chiffon on one hip, as she chatted to red hot model Petra Nemcova. Also in attendance at the bash was Gossip Girl Chace Crawford, Glee stars Matthew Morrison, Chris Colfer and Ashley Fink, and American Idol judge Steven Tyler.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.  The comments below have not been moderated.

katy is getting too old for the cartoon look. and from the looks of it, this was no a list event. anyone could come.
– carolrules, san francisco, ca, 28/2/2012 12:51
Rating   2

wow… Miley looks GORGEOUS! I think this is the best I’ve ever seen her look. The dress, the make-up, the hair… it’s just all beautiful and classic. Diana Agron and Maggie Grace look beautiful as well. I think Katy’s hair and Mena’s dress both look ridiculous.
– Ty, Seattle, WA, USA, 28/2/2012 09:49
Rating   6

Feeling very sorry for the dog and the baby who both looked like they’d rather be anywhere else.
– Mrs Britain, Wilts, 28/2/2012 08:46
Rating   6

Who let all the Americans on this British newspaper……
– John Bull , London, 28/2/2012 07:58
Rating   7

Ian Somerhalder…wearing a bit too much blush there.
– Elixir, Bangalore, India, 28/2/2012 04:42
Rating   2

EW, every time I see the Kardashians I want to gag. Will they just go away????
– lynn, ca, usa, 28/2/2012 03:41
Rating   15

I find the Oscars and it’s media coverage so bizarre. And why are there so many mucians at an awards show for actors? Hollywood; just a bunch of pretty looking weirdos.
– jay, usa, 28/2/2012 01:09
Rating   9

Is Mena Suvari channeling Bjork?
– That Girl, USA, 27/2/2012 23:50
Rating   9

I thought Ian Somerhalder (who is he?) was Rob Lowe!! And when I look again, it still is Rob Lowe, albeit a younger version…anyone else see this???
– Serena, Irrelevant, 27/2/2012 23:05
Rating   26

It’s nice to see Miley Cyrus wearing something nice for a change. Lately she has been dressing like trailer park trash.
– Lynn, Salt Lake City, Utah, 27/2/2012 23:01

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Don’t ‘do’ whatever, much less demure. If you’re naturally a rowdie, stick to that. Be authentic and original, find a ‘best’ or most believable personae or setting, and stick to that. Age in that setting and character. Die in that setting and character. Some of us had no luxury of such choices or have been manipulated through our lives into something else, but take a look at the overall works and characterizations. What stands out strongest?

Then there is also the environmental factor, and the worthiness and overall value of the investment. That’s what makes film so interesting and diverse. A trailer trash acting specialist could appear in character alongside any pirates or 1800s era Presidents or sci-fi aliens and Victorian toffs. If everyone is ‘harmonized’ and ‘gentrified’ (especially in a film awards ceremonies) towards 1% style conventional bowtie and gown, it becomes a 1% thing (despite the generally diverse values).

Especially since most of these ‘stars’ actually live 1% type lives and are usually plutocrats despite the generally LC work of panto(glorified though) they do, few Joe Publics would warm up to or want to identify with them. Not organic and quite contrived. Rather cynical even. It’s hard to respect a character for authenticity when playing ‘raw characters’ when they’re worth millions, or in a reverse case,  some strait laced professional type that tend to drug up or drunk up or punch up all weekend and between acting stints – for the ‘rowdie’ this is absolutely acceptable, but for the professional character player, forget it – out of character again and weakens the characterisation, destroys the immortality of the meme.

Good for dazzling of kids and generally uneducated, unstudied people, but the 99%ters are not going to be very impressed when Chuck Norris for example says he’s a domesticated type, or when Arnold Terminator starts acting in ‘male prego’ films replete with vomiting babies, or Karate-mentor Miyaga becomes a gay waiter – tsk tsk tsk (shoot the producer and scriptwriter then Miyagi as well in this case), I’m not even Japanese and feel bad for the Japs, or Cliff Eastwood becomes gay after Heath Ledger ‘dies’ (false death?) playing a gay Cowboy – possibly? to die of old age soon after Cliff wins, – moral of the story? Gay ‘winners’ die = Gays die = LGBTs die = subtle couched exhortation of hate someone gets away with . . . see if Cliff passes on soon after this film from old age . . . . consistency and freedom from agendas PLEASE.

This flip-flop much like so many actual flip-flops in real life gets thrown at hated politicians, kills Hollywood no end. We’d rather they remain immortalized in film, in character (like Bela Lugosi was Dracula right to his death – much respects), WITHOUT ‘manipulative imprinting’ agendas, and not dandified plutocrats in real life who also remain in character in real life.

Quite a let down. Now those one-off types or picky actors who stay in character are truly special and memorable. There are private lives but if film is all about keeping up the illusion then get some dedicated sorts, not plutocrats, like that mullet wearer who becomes a geezer unchanging with the same mullet . . . has more respect than someone that won’t pin down a specialty character or is ACTUALLY in the relative appropriate wealth range of the character than a plutocrat – good living shows and they lose their edge FOREVER when that happens – shelf life y’know? Finally remakes are the sh1t . . . more inconsistency and Orwellian rewrites. F that. Film is almost biblica (hence the term ‘cult’ fiction) and you don’t have Judas turn into Christ, or make Christ gay or bisexual in the ‘Newest’ Testament, frankly though I am not a Xian, I find the New Testament an affront to the Old Testament as much as, a Tripod (Christopher Barry 1984-1985) speaking another language in a French or Italian accent, Banquo becoming ‘Toilet Hanako’s’ BF, or Shakespeare being played by Mugabe.

Just inconsistent . . . all those inconsistent films should be ‘Bush Jr’ style ‘flip-flopped’ by any real connoisseurs of the ‘drama art’. Yer bunch of fakes. Would ‘Chinawood’ or ‘Russiawood’ or ‘Brazilwood’ perhaps build a proper series of stars based on character memes thorough the Industrial and Post Industrial modern era that stay in character? This ‘bunch’ of ‘plutocrats without fixed identities’ thing is not organic nor soul-affirmative at all, especially harmful to the morass of mobs trying to stabilize a personae. As some of us get older and more discerning, it’s not just the moment of the 2-3 hrs in a film but something more permanent that holds value, the dichotomy simply becomes an exercise in establishing the cynical and mutability of non-institutions like ‘stars’ who cannot stay in character. Now that’s the spirit of true APPRECIATION which is being disavowed and abused every time some chameleon’s face/personae melts off.

A minority of 1 – by Robert Ringer (A Voice of Sanity Blog from World Net Daily) – Posted: May 21, 2010 1:00 am Eastern Standard Time

In abstention options, advice, Apartheid, checks and balances, conscientious objection, Conscription, critical discourse, criticism, Democracy, domestic terrorists in the political sphere, dress code, drugs, electronic weapons, electrosmog, Equality, Equitable Distribution, Ethics, food prohibition, Forced Conscription, Forced Military Conscription, Freedom of Expression, freedom of speech, halal zone, halal zones, Hindu sumptuary law, Informed Consent, intent, Law, luddite, luddites, neutral spaces, one level up, organic psychedelics advocacy, political correctness, politics, privacy, psychedelics, separation of powers, social freedoms, technofascism, Technology, unique on February 20, 2012 at 2:20 pm

As BHO (FOX News Refers To Obama as “BHO”) continues to transform the United States into a socialist hell, yet another poke in the eye is the National Mediation Board’s proposal to make it easier for airline and railroad workers to unionize.

For 75 years, the rule has been that for any class of workers (e.g., pilots) employed by an airline or railroad to unionize, a majority of all employees in that class have to vote for unionization. But the proposed new rule would require only that a majority of employees who actually vote on the question of unionization would be needed to unionize.

All Democrats love unions; Republican progressives love unions; and even many conservatives believe that a worker should be allowed to join a union voluntarily, so long as those who do not want to join the union are not forced to do so.

Which probably makes me a minority of one. Why? Because not only do I believe that workers do not have a right to unionize a company through tyranny of the majority, I don’t believe that any worker has a right to join a union without the consent of his employer.

What would it look like if the federal behemoth were severely cut down to size? Read Wayne Allen Root’s prescription for the nation in “The Conscience of a
Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts”

It is a basic tenet of libertarian-centered conservatism that without property rights, no other rights are possible. Unfortunately, most people do not understand this fundamental concept. They view property only as inanimate matter, separate and apart from a person’s life.

In actual fact, they are so connected that one is virtually an extension of the other. If you took everything an individual owned, the fact is that he would not own his own life, because whenever he attempted to create something for his personal gain, the fruits of his labor could again be confiscated.

The same is true of purchasing property. The money used to make a purchase presumably was earned through the purchaser’s efforts. That makes the money an extension of his life, and, therefore, the same would be true of anything purchased with that money.

A libertarian-centered conservative believes that no one has a right to any other person’s property, which includes both his body and everything he owns. When people make “humanitarian” statements about human rights being more important than property rights, they are, in a sense, correct. That’s because human rights include property rights, as well as all other rights of man.

A man has the right to dispose of his life and his property in any way he chooses, without interference from anyone else. By the same token, he has no right to dispose of any other person’s life or property, no matter what his personal rationalizations may be.

As explained in “Fundamentals of Liberty,” there are only three possible ways to view property:


Anyone may take anyone else’s property whenever he pleases.


Some (select) people may take property of other people whenever they please.

No.3 DEMOCRACY (One-man, one-vote) / Republicanism (Lesser Representative Democracy)

No one may ever take anyone else’s property without his permission.

It is self-evident to anyone who believes in individual liberty that the only morally valid way of viewing property is No. 3. Likewise, no one has a right to tell a property owner (property being land, buildings, a business, or anything else that a person may own) what he can or cannot do with his property.

Take a business, for example. It belongs to the owner, whether he started the business himself or bought it from someone else. No one has a right to take any part of someone else’s business, nor do they have a right to tell him what he can and cannot do with his business.

If a business grows large and has millions of shareholders, the business is the property of many people – the shareholders. Thus, size is irrelevant when it comes to property rights. When property rights are violated against a multinational corporation as opposed to a “mom-and-pop” business, it simply means that far more people become victims of government aggression. It is a moral absurdity to believe that bigness validates aggression.

Therefore, as a minority of one, I am compelled to say that regardless of the size of a business, the only way unionization is morally valid is if the owner of that business voluntarily agrees to it. Why? Because it’s his business! It’s his property! And it is his human right to set the rules for his own property!

In a truly free society, a worker has one inalienable, overpowering right with regard to his job: He can quit at any time. He is not a slave, so his employer cannot chain him to his work. If he wants to belong to a union, he is free to search for employment with a company that allows workers to unionize.

The fact that so many people reading this article will find my comments to be extreme speaks only to how far down the road toward socialism we have traveled. We no longer respect property rights, especially when the property is a business. Generations have been brainwashed into believing that abstract notions such as “the good of society” and “social justice” are more important than private ownership.

The proposed new ruling by the National Mediation Board opens a debate that is nothing more than a distraction. The real debate should be over whether or not employees should be allowed to unionize at all without the consent of the owner.

This is precisely the kind of issue that has caused conservatives to lose their way over the years. Until politicians have the courage to confront an issue such as unionization head on and stop buying into debates about whether to move further to the left or stick to what has become the status-quo left, America will continue its acceleration toward total collapse – both morally and economically.

It will be interesting to see if anyone reading this article has a strong enough belief in the absolute sanctity of property rights to agree with what I’ve said here. That would be nice, because it would instantly elevate me to the status of being part of a minority of two.

“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.” Mahatma Gandhi

(The truth propounded in this site being, that Malaysia’s Laws and Constitution as currently standing ARE institutionalised APARTHEID from the Colonial era which neither BN nor PR, (much less the Bar Council or Judiciary of which both groups should have their degrees revoked, the earlier 2 coalitions mentioned unvotable,  for the tacit approval of APARTHEID via silence, lack of address and mention) have yet to honestly address and mention or discuss openly . . . )


MahatmaGandhi    Robert Ringer (article author)

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Try considering the above issue on property to social freedoms now. Even for a minority of 1 (being rhetorical here, generally such uniqueness is extremely rare), no matter how rarefied/antipathetic the meme or preference, equitable space reasonable to ‘life and liberty’ as considered against the UNHCR AND access to NEUTRAL spaces must be given, must be protected. In this the district by district concept of living space earlier discussed is the best way to apply unique and diverse mosaics of disyricts (preferably with the most incompatible districts being as seperate from the least compatible ones as possible).

Try the below groups for example in order of ease of implementation for closed districts, though with access to neutral spaces, such as traveling spaces etc.. :

i) Luddites/Anti-technology types (this district being ENTIRELY free of Electrosmog, ELF or EMF emissions)
ii) Smokers-Tobacco users/Coffee users (this district will allow use of tobacco throughout/the other coffee throughout – as we know Coffee is disallowed to Xians etc..) For more information on coffee use, see :
iii) Fundo-religionists (wearers of Burkha to any dietarily limited persons)
iv) Conscientious military objectors (refusers of military culture, who must be offered abstention options and not punitive fines and jail terms to allow them to make a choice without being punished for making a choice)
v) LGBT (non-binary gender types – as sexual-energic exchanges appear to exceed beyond a street or neighbourhood at anytime, separate districts should be considered or dedicated living spaces in generally closed districts at night may be dedicated to these persons at a quantum suitable to the number of such persons)
vi) Red Light Districts (sex workers and sex worker patrons (nominally atheists) without religious injunctions to follow)
vii) Nudists (wearers of nothing, again the psychic-vibrancy issue arises, so dedicated places for nudists could be ensured)
viii) Organic psychedelic users (again the psychic-vibrancy issue arises, so dedicated places for organics users could be ensured)
ix) advocates of right to bear arms (they could live with others fine with the preference, though perhaps with high and thick walls to prevent any accidental misfirings – this should be at cost to the users of this district IF not a majority to warrant use of tax funds)
x) Synthetic psychedelic users (due to the sometimes permanent and undesirable mental effects synthetics cause, these persons could be required to distance themselves from certain groups again, physically or otherwise – with the very most toxic and debilitating drugs left entirely illegal unless a euthanasia or consensual waiver staying awarness of potential permanent mental debilitation is considered)
xi) Neurotech/Cybernetic/Electrosmog-causing-device Areas (the enhanced or debilitating effects may require inhibitants to give signed waivers and for service providers to give accurate readings of ionising radiation and EMF or ELF emissions on a street to street basis)

All these groups or combinations thereof should have dedicated districts or spaces appropriate to their community size for expression of self,self determinism etc.. and not be subject to discriminative disenfranchising and punitive laws or uncivilised harassment by citizens with differing preferences.

This must be assured WITH government awareness, formal recognition ofthe group, guarantees (administrators of government MUST be entirely neutral and non-judgmental and have no personal preferences or if they do have such prefeerence are very aware of the need to remain neutral in applicatio of thje law as oer professional administrators) of protection from discimination by other citizens, to ensure at least civilised treatment of the person is assured as per a responsible government.

The above suggested typifies an ideal First World Country’s conditions where any disparate group’s Human Rights may not be infringed on, via illegal electronic surveillance, secret druggings, theft of tangible or intangible property, tangible or intangible spiritual property, general harrassment or bullying by the mob-minded among the majority of citizens without consent or awareness in the most abusive cases.

Note : Building space issues notwithstanding, the above concept of separate districts was extrapolated from the ‘Nudist Colony’ and ‘Red Light Districts’ concept. So I thought why not specialised districts for every other disparate and diverse group? I have hence advocated closed districts based on a single street to a few streets (for example) since . . . with the narrow minded having condemened and smeared this one’s reputation no end with all forms of indirect retaliations from neurotech implantations/NLPs that have left some of us with no privacy, our human rights invaded upon, contrived car accidents (the last one being particularly serious), psychiatry-pharma neuro-poisonings to manipulative public reactions from people unknown no end. This world does not belong to any mob minded group, the world has enough space for everyone, the selfishness, hatred, unreasonable insularism and intolerance is a sign of a very vicious, sick, uncivilised and fundamentalist minded society. Hopefully the next generation of MPs and Senators or what not will have the presence of mind to develop a conscience and mental flexibility to appreciate the rarer mosaic parts that make up any and all societies . . . diversity is strength.

2 Articles on Mobile Phone and Electrosmog Dangers- reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 12th February 2012

In Abuse of Power, checks and balances, Health, Informed Consent, Invasive Laws, Neurotech, Radiation, social freedoms, soul binding, soul theft, spirit of the law, technofascism, Technology on February 10, 2012 at 4:44 pm


Mobiles warning for mums-to-be: Using phone while pregnant ‘can lead to behavioural problems in children’ By Jenny Hope Last updated at 8:27 AM on 7th December 2010

Pregnant women who regularly use mobile phones could increase the risk of their children behaving badly, claims a startling survey.

If their offspring then start using the devices at an early age, the chance of problems climbs to 50 per cent, according to researchers.

They found those exposed to mobile phones in the womb had a 30 per cent rise in behavioural difficulties at the age of seven.
Pregnant pause: Researchers suggest that pregnant women who regularly use mobile phones are putting their babies at risk of developing behavioural problems

Pregnant pause: Researchers suggest that pregnant women who regularly use mobile phones are putting their babies at risk of developing behavioural problems

But those exposed before birth and in their childhood, were 50 per cent more likely to have behavioural problems than those exposed to neither.

Children who used mobiles, but were not exposed in the womb, were 20 per cent more likely to display abnormal behaviour.

The findings by researchers in California are likely to reinforce warnings that children should not use mobile phones.

However, some British scientists were sceptical, saying the findings may be due to lifestyle factors rather than mobiles.

In the study of 29,000 youngsters, mothers provided details of their lifestyle, diet and environment during and after pregnancy.

Information on their children’s health and mobile phone use was also recorded. Around three per cent of children scored abnormal on behavioural issues, with another three per cent ‘borderline’.

The study found that more than ten per cent of children exposed to mobile phones in the womb had mothers who spoke on them at least four times a day.

Nearly half of the mothers had their phones turned on at all times while around a third of children were using a mobile phone by the age of seven.

The findings published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health mirrored an earlier study by the survey team.

Researcher Dr Leeka Kheifets said both sets of results ‘demonstrated that cell phone use was associated with behavioural problems at age seven years’.

The scientists said social factors, such as mothers paying more attention to mobiles than their children, were only partly to blame. Dr Kheifets added: ‘We are concerned that early exposure to cell phones could carry a risk.’

Safety Tips

In Britain, Professor Lawrie Challis, a leading government adviser on the radiation effects of mobile phones, has gone on record saying children should not use them until aged at least 12. But more than half of under-tens own a mobile.

Patricia McKinney, emeritus professor of paediatric epidemiology at the University of Leeds, said it was difficult to see how mobile use could affect an unborn baby.

She said: ‘Exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phones is highly localised to the part of the head closest. There is no evidence to suggest that other parts of the body are affected.

‘We also have no evidence that a pregnant mother’s behaviour is related to her mobile phone use and thereby affecting her baby.’

Professor David Spiegelhalter, from the University of Cambridge, was also ‘sceptical’ of the results.

He said: ‘One finding is that very young children who use mobile phones show more behavioural disorders. But is it plausible that the first causes the second?’

Professor David Coggon, from the University of Southampton, said: ‘The pattern of results suggests the increase in behavioural problems may have been caused by factors other than mobile phone use.’

In May, the largest study of its kind said that using a mobile does not appear to increase the risk of certain types of brain cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer analysed data for more than 10,000 people and found no link between years of use and risk.

Original article can be read here :




Would a dramatic change in the Earth’s magnetic field affect creatures that rely on it during migration? – 01/03/2011 02:18 PM –

Late on a January night in 1993 I found myself on a beach on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, kneeling in the sand beside a leatherback sea turtle. Like a giant mango with wings, the huge black turtle had hauled herself up the beach in great stentorian gasps of air and was laying her eggs in a pit she had laboriously scooped out with her hind flippers.

Knowing basic facts about her ecology and physiology, I was in awe. How her kind, the largest living reptiles, had been around for 120 million years. How she lived solely on jellyfish, a thing more water balloon than animal. How she could collapse her lungs and dive to depths that would cause you or me to implode. How she had traveled thousands of miles around the Pacific Ocean, only to return there to the very beach she was born on years before.

That navigational and homing ability astonished me more than any other. How did she navigate around a trackless wilderness larger than the world’s total land area and find her way back to that same short ribbon of sand? One hypothesis was just starting to be floated in those days: that to aid their long-distance migrations leatherbacks and other sea turtles appear to use the Earth’s magnetic field (see Figure 1).

When I learned recently that our planet’s magnetic shield is rapidly weakening and may be ready to reverse its polarity, causing compasses to point south, I immediately wondered what that would mean for leatherbacks and the many other species that use the magnetic field to orient themselves and find their way around. Could they withstand a significant dwindling of the field’s strength or even a reversal? Or might extinctions, perhaps mass extinctions, be in the offing?

Animal magnetism

One of the first concrete signs that animals can tap into the magnetic field was observed, as in many a great discovery in science, by chance. It was the fall of 1957, and Hans Fromme, a researcher at the Frankfurt Zoological Institute in Germany, noticed that several European robins he kept in a cage were becoming restless and were fluttering up into the southwestern part of the cage. Nothing unusual there: it was known that migrating birds in cages become edgy at that time of year, and European robins in Germany migrate southwestwards to Spain to overwinter.

What made it striking was that the birds were in a shuttered room. They could see neither visual landmarks, nor their fellow, non-captive robins, nor the sun or stars, which were known to serve them as navigational aids. Clearly they were acting on something invisible, and Fromme deduced it must be the Earth’s magnetic field.

Numerous experiments undertaken by him and others since then have shown that many living things avail themselves of the magnetic field. Organisms as diverse as hamsters, salamanders, sparrows, rainbow trout, spiny lobsters, and bacteria all do it. “I would go so far as to say that it’s nearly ubiquitous,” says John Phillips, a behavioral biologist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University who himself has detected this ability in everything from fruit flies to frogs. (There’s no scientific evidence that humans have this “sixth sense,” though curiously, our brains do contain magnetite, the mineral thought to aid other animals’ brains in detecting the field.)

How do we know organisms have this ability? A standard method to test for it is to throw a magnetic curve ball, as it were, at experimental subjects. In an effort, for example, to determine if the blind mole rat, a subterranean rodent that builds a home of branching tunnels with no exits to the surface, can sense the magnetic field, Tali Kimchi and Joseph Terkel of Tel Aviv University built an eight-armed maze within a device in which they could alter the magnetic field. They then tested two groups of rats—one in the Earth’s magnetic field and the other in a field shifted by 180°—to see whether they had directional druthers for siting their sleeping nests and food chambers. The first group showed a significant preference to build their beds and pantries in the southern part of the maze, while the second group opted for the northern sector.

So they can sense it, but can they use it like we do a compass, to orient themselves? In another experiment, Kimchi and Terkel trained 24 blind mole rats to reach a goal box at the end of a complex labyrinth. Then, when all had mastered the task, they had half the rats do it again under the natural field and half under a reversed field. Lo and behold, the latter rats’ performance fell far short of that achieved by their magnetically unmanipulated fellows.

Undersea superhighways

Other animals take things a step further than the blind mole rat, using the magnetic field like we do the Global Positioning System, to determine their location on the surface of the Earth and using that to negotiate unseen pathways during migration.

Kenneth and Catherine Lohmann of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and their team have shown through many experiments that during their 8,000-mile migration around the Atlantic Ocean, young loggerhead sea turtles can detect not only the field’s intensity but its inclination, the angle at which magnetic field lines intersect the Earth. The turtles use these two pieces of information, which vary at every point on the planet’s surface, as navigational markers that help them advance along their migratory route (see Figure 2).

Sometimes this navigational ability can serve its practitioners only too well. A mystery long bedeviling marine biologists is why otherwise healthy whales beach themselves, often in large groups. In the early 1980s, a British biologist named Margaret Klinowska first noticed a correlation between where whale strandings tended to occur along the coasts of England and where magnetic lineations written into the seafloor intersect those coasts. (These lineations, or anomalies, are different from those produced by the main magnetic field.) Joe Kirschvink of the California Institute of Technology and his colleagues later showed a similar association on the east coast of the U.S.

Whales, it seems, follow these magnetic lineations during migration (see Figure 3). “If that’s your game plan, and you get off track, and you follow a sharp magnetic anomaly that curves and runs into the coast, bang, you end up on the beach,” says Kirschvink. Because whales are very social, if the leader makes this mistake, so does its entire pod, hence the mass strandings.

Rising to the occasion

If whales can run into trouble when the field is reasonably strong, what might happen to them and other creatures that rely on it if the field becomes feeble or even flips? Hans Fromme had found in Frankfurt that when he placed his European robins into a steel chamber and reduced the strength of the ambient magnetic field by a third, the birds’ flutterings were no longer directional. This suggested that the birds needed the magnetic field to be a certain intensity to be of use. But Fromme’s colleague F. W. Merkel later showed that the birds were able to acclimatize to the new magnetic field within a number of days.

Indeed, the researchers I spoke with all thought that organisms would be able to adjust to an acute weakening or even complete reversal of the magnetic field. “My gut reaction is it’s not going to have an impact,” says Frank Paladino, the Indiana-Purdue University leatherback researcher whose project I was visiting that night in 1993.

History seems to back this up. There is no firm evidence that the many magnetic field reversals that have taken place throughout our planet’s history (see When Compasses Point South) have coincided with or triggered extinctions. Reversals take hundreds if not thousands of years to complete, and because for any one type of animal that represents hundreds or thousands of generations, species have time to accommodate to the change. Moreover, Kirschvink notes that even if the main dipole field were to collapse—an event that can last for up to 10,000 years during a reversal—residual fields 5 or 10 percent as strong as the main field would remain on the surface, and animals would be able to use those quite well for migration.

So as I watched that leatherback in Costa Rica use her oar-like front flippers to expertly disguise her newly laid nest with sand and then begin dragging her massive bulk back to the surf, I needn’t have worried, it seems, that she and others like her might lose their way and thus rupture the cycle leatherbacks have maintained since the Age of Dinosaurs. That’s a relief considering how many threats she and other wild animals already face today.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Think the smart meter issue ( and various EMF/ELF/Satellite Cell Phone Tech and the effects on Human Brains as well . . . read the below on the EU’s concept of ‘white zone’ districts where no WiFii is allowed and no ELF or EMFs as well.

Electrosmog free / EMF/ELF Cellphone-Wireless Free Zones for Electro-Sensitives – Posted on February 7, 2011 by James Heddle

This is a human right if anything and also prevents invasion of MENTAL privacy with high tech devices in countries that have not yet chosen (intentionally so they can download people’s thoughts for their own financial and social advantage) to acknowledge the  abuse of minds with Neurotech.


Protection Money and Extortion – ONLY after paying a fee, PG&E customers can opt out of SmartMeters — for $75, plus $10 a month – by Dana Hull Posted: 02/01/2012 11:51:12 AM PST Updated: 02/01/2012 08:54:16 PM PST

In Abuse of Power, electronic weapons, social freedoms, spirit of the law, Technology, word of the law on February 4, 2012 at 9:49 am

Despite a chorus of complaints by SmartMeter opponents, state regulators voted Wednesday to give PG&E customers the right to opt out of having a SmartMeter and keep their old meters — for a fee.

The decision, which is being closely watched by smart grid advocates and utilities across the country, came after a year of highly organized protests by consumers who oppose SmartMeters, primarily because of alleged health effects.

PG&E customers who want to opt out of SmartMeters will be required to pay a one-time $75 fee and a monthly charge of $10. Low-income customers would pay an initial fee of $10 and a monthly charge of $5.

The fees are to cover the costs of installing analog meters on homes that have SmartMeters but want to switch back, as well as the cost of paying workers to read the analog meters each month. PG&E and others have argued that if one house on a block chooses an analog meter instead of a SmartMeter that automatically reports electricity usage, it is not fair to expect neighbors who keep their SmartMeters to have to pay for the cost of the meter reader.

The opt-out decision is widely viewed as a compromise on the part of state regulators and PG&E, who have been flooded with consumer complaints.

“The standard for metering has been transitioning worldwide from the older technology of analog meters to today’s smart meter technology,” said Michael Peevey, president of the California Public Utilities Commission, who crafted the decision. “We are not reversing that transition by allowing for an analog opt-out, but we are recognizing that certain customers prefer an analog meter.”

But the fight is far from over. Many PG&E customers are adamantly opposed to paying the fees, which they say amounts to extortion. Nearly 60 people, some from as far away as San Luis Obispo, attended the meeting Wednesday, speaking for more than an hour during the public comment portion of the proceeding. Speaker after speaker talked about their personal health issues and wider concerns about the growing use of wireless technology.

While many California residents regularly use cellphones, laptops, iPads and other devices, a small but vocal group of people do not. SmartMeters have become a flash point because of worries among some people that electromagnetic signals from the meters’ wireless mesh network cause migraines, nausea and other health issues.

“Obviously, PG&E’s SmartMeter rollout has been controversial, and I know that this proposed decision is also controversial,” PUC Commissioner Mark Ferron said before

casting his vote. “But this decision strikes a fair balance, and provides a choice without further delay. I recognize that there have been a number of health and privacy concerns raised, but I suspect that some may never be satisfied.”

As the opt-out vote passed 4-0, SmartMeter opponents erupted in anger and dismay.

“This is a crime against humanity!” screamed one woman. “Shame! Shame!” chanted another. Peevey had to ask security guards to clear the room.

“We’re not going to stop. We’re not going away,” said Josh Hart, a Santa Cruz County resident and organizer of a grassroots group called Stop Smart Meters. “People are going to refuse to pay these fees. You’re going to see personal injury lawsuits and class-action lawsuits.”

Hart does not use a cellphone and says his computer is connected to the Internet via landline; he tries to avoid wireless technology.

PG&E moved quickly Wednesday to begin the opt-out process. The utility estimates that 145,000 to 150,000 of its customers will opt out. About 90,000 customers have already indicated that they do not want SmartMeters and are on a “delayed installation” list.

“We know personal choice is important to our customers when it comes to the meters on their homes,” said Helen Burt, PG&E’s senior vice president and chief customer officer. “This final decision in support of analog meters is a positive step forward for those who have concerns over wireless technology. We understand some customers have been waiting for this decision, and we are actively reaching out to those who have expressed their desire for a SmartMeter alternative.”

Burt said PG&E will begin the opt-out process immediately, and will work as quickly as possible.

PG&E customers who have a SmartMeter and want it removed can let PG&E know by going to PG&E’s website, calling the dedicated SmartMeter hotline (866-743-0263) or visiting one of PG&E’s 74 local offices. PG&E customers who still have an analog meter will receive a letter from PG&E explaining the opt-out option and the fees

Smart meters have been widely heralded as a way to bring greater efficiency to the nation’s aging electrical grid and give consumers greater insight into how they use electricity.

But as utilities across the country have installed them, the consumer backlash has taken the industry by surprise. Organizations like the SmartGrid Consumer Collaborative have sprouted up to educate the public about the benefits of the smart grid.

“We’re pleased that the California Public Utilities Commission took a definitive step forward today in the regulatory process to address the issue of smart meter opt-outs,” said Laura Hernandez of the collaborative?. “The ruling will pave the way for the strong and equitable continuation of PG&E’s SmartMeter rollout, a project that represents a critical first step in the process of modernizing the electric grid.”

Contact Dana Hull at 408-920-2706. Follow her at

PG&E customers who want to opt out of having a Smart Meter can call PG&E’s SmartMeter hotline at 866-743-0263. Consumers who want to keep their analog meters will have to pay a $75 fee and monthly charge of $10. For more information about SmartMeters and how to opt out, go to

Swarming their way (gracefully) to a warzone: Amazing flying display by robotic choppers that could one day help our troops – by Julian Gavaghan – Last updated at 5:18 PM on 2nd February 2012

In Technology, War on February 4, 2012 at 9:27 am

Like some epic computer-generated movie scene, futuristic aircraft swarm around in synchronised fashion and perform impressive mid-air stunts.

But the spectacle is real and the robotic nano quadrotors – despite being not much bigger than your hand – could one day revolutionise warfare.

The miniature helicopters, which have four propellers, are still in their infancy in development but have been extensively trialled in carrying items and manoeuvre through small gaps.

Intelligent: The nano quadrotors, developed by a University of Pennsylvania team, perform a display

Tricky: The mini choppers, each fitted with four propellers, fly through the window and maintain the formation

It is hoped they may be useful in locations where construction is hazardous for humans, such as in war zones, oil rigs or on extremely tall skyscrapers.

Now, a team from the University of Pennsylvania, which is well known for its quadrotor research, have programmed the mini choppers to carry out autonomous swarm behaviour.

This means they can fly like birds or bees, moving en masse in a synchronised fashion in one direction or another without be programmed to perform individual manoeuvres.

A video, posted on the web by Alex Kushleyev, Daniel Mellinger, and Vijay Kumar  of the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception, demonstrates this feat.

Up to 20 nano quadrotors swarm around in multiple formations that echo the Red Arrows – except that these craft can get much closer to each other.

Figure of eight: The quadrotors loop around without bumping into each other

Very clever: A nano quadrotor close up

The swarm is sufficiently intelligent that it can take into consideration obstacles while on a formation flight.

The video shows how each autonomous quadrotor manages to hold its position perfectly during movement while gracefully transitioning between different 3D shapes.

At one point they are able shrink the formation, fly through a window and produce the exact same size shape on the other side.

Trickier yet, they can perform a figure of eight with each craft looping around without bumping into each other.

Whether or not the craft can be used to perform functions in the outside world remains to be seen.

But, although little has been revealed about their technology, robotic nano quadrotors are clearly off to a flying star.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

Great toy, wonder when they’ll be available in the gadget shop?

– almost sane, nowhere in particular UK, 03/2/2012 12:27
Rating (0)

DM, do you spend half your lives trawling through

– Zidznot, Telford, 03/2/2012 12:25
Rating (0)

Why am I suddenly hearing ‘Ride of the Valkyries’? 😉

– Space Monkey, Planet Starbucks, 03/2/2012 12:16
Rating (0)

Ah! how cute! Mini versions of what was used to hit the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre towers!!!

– Mags, Northern Ireland, 03/2/2012 11:51
Rating   2

Wont the batteries only last for an hour!!!

– Morpeth Andy, Morpeth, 03/2/2012 11:42
Rating   1

Wont the batteries only last for an hour!!!

– Morpeth Andy, Morpeth, 03/2/2012 11:41
Rating   2

While we’re playing with our nano quadrotors, China’s got a blue-eyed kid with cat-like night vision. Imagine soldiers with night vision, enhanced hearing, bulletproof skin… Wars in the future will be fought by genetically engineered super soldiers. They’ll be faster, stronger… Human bioweapons, not weighed down by heavy body armor and tactical equipment. Your worst paranormal nightmare on two legs. Go take a look at that kid. – Branda, AZ, USA, 02/2/2012 23:28 What is wrong with you? You just copy and paste the same comment onto different articles, do you simply not have the brain power to construct a unique response to multiple articles? I assume not as you are talking about warfare…sigh…

– Anon, UK, 03/2/2012 11:34
Rating   7

Also attack our troops

– Joe, Dagenham, 03/2/2012 11:27
Rating   6

These developments have terrible implications.

– Dr Melvin T Gray, huddersfield uk, 03/2/2012 10:52
Rating   1


– PK, Camden, 03/2/2012 09:55

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Hey idiot boffins, read up on ‘grey goo’ and write that convention that ensures weapon drones never reach smaller than handgun size (in fact they should never have allowed projectile weapons to begin with), and electronics are disallowed from frying brains as well as biological genetic or radioactive weapons used. There is no honour or dignity or meaning when it’s all about mass producing drones to swamp your opponent to to become a hegemon. If you ask me, I believe that Earth may have had more than 1 era of civilisation, with the grey goo scenario amoeba survivers evolving into humanity in the form it is today. Are single celled organisms some kind of machine that evolved into humanity AFTER those Atlantean giants and minotaurs, other fantastic creatures which were ‘natural’? Grey goo~wooo0ooo0000OOOO000oooo . . . it will be far scarier than ghosties . . .

3 Articles On Structural Problems in USA, Crime, Bad Laws, Geopolitics and Education – reposted by @AgreeToDisagree – 1st February 2012

In Corexit, Education, Fukushima, GMO, Radiation, Russia, Technology, USA, War on January 28, 2012 at 3:09 pm

Obama to give US missile defense secrets to Russians Posted by Matt Lacy • January 10, 2012 • Printer-friendly

Decision comes amidst massive Russian military modernization while US faces upwards of $1 trillion in cuts U.S. SM-3 by Matt Lacy –

Coming on the heels of massive troop drawdowns and massive cuts to the U.S. military, the Obama administration is planning on sharing U.S. missile secrets with the Russians. The military could face cuts of close to $1 trillion in cuts over the next 10 years. Currently the Pentagon is expected to cut $490 billion over the next 10 years, however another $500 billion in cuts could come because of the congressional deal reached last year during the debt ceiling debate.

As part of the cuts, for the first time since World War II, the U.S. will not have the ability to fight on two fronts at the same time. Colorado Congressman Mike Coffman has said he wants the two war posture kept and believes it can be done even with the defense cuts. Coffman is a Marine Corps combat veteran who served in Iraq.

“I’m all for making cuts so long as they don’t compromise our national security.  I’m afraid from what I’ve seen so far of the direction that the Obama administration wants to go, it does just that by signaling to our adversaries that we are incapable of simultaneously fighting two conflicts at the same time.”

On top of the cuts, president Obama has signaled Congress that he is considering sharing U.S. missile defense secrets with the Russians.

During the signing of the controversial Defense Authorization bill into law, Obama issued a signing statement indicating that he felt restrictions aimed at protecting top-secret data on the U.S. Standard Missile-3 could impede his foreign policy authority.

The Washington times reported several weeks ago that U.S. officials were planning to provide Moscow with the data from the SM-3. The SM-3 is part of America’s missile defense program that was begun under President Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s program was ridiculed in the press who called it Star Wars. The plan called for America to develop a missile shield to shoot down incoming nuclear missiles.

The Star Wars program has been credited as the beginning of the end of the Cold War as Moscow realized they could not keep up with American know-how.

Security officials have expressed concern that the technical data provided to the Russians could compromise the system’s effectiveness and allow Russian technicians to counter the missile. The SM-3 is considered to be some of the most highly effective missile interceptors in the U.S. inventory.

The proposal to share our top secret technology while we are facing upwards of $1 trillion in defense cuts comes at a time when the Russians are doing the exact opposite.

DefenseTech has revealed that Russia is currently in the process of a 10 year, $640 billion military modernization.

The modernization will include 600 new aircraft, 1000 new choppers and an additional 100 vessels added to the Russian Navy including 20 submarines.

Section 1227 of the Defense Authorization bill prohibits spending any funds that will be used to give Russian leaders access to our top-secret missile defense technology as part of any agreement until Congress is sent a report identifying the secrets to be shared, steps to protect the data from being compromised and how the secrets will be used.

Additionally, the president must certify to Congress that the technology will not be shared by the Russians to any other countries.

During the signing ceremony, Obama indicated he did not feel bound by the requirements of section 1227, saying while he intends to keep Congress informed, he also intends to implement the section “in a manner that does not interfere with the president’s constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs and avoids the undue disclosure of sensitive diplomatic communications.”

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Pre-emptive appeasement. In case an Iran-USA war flares up, Russia has it’s word of honour to lose as well if it hits the USA. National pride in the eyes of all winners and survivors will have a bitter taste if the USA fell only because Russia broke it’s word by striking when they were fighting. With this tech transfer, Russia probably has promised not to attack USA if Iran is attacked. Don’t worry the WH is on the problem, no Mad Max, Waterworld scenario yet, though that BP and Corexit spill along with Fukushima type radiation could lead to ‘Predator (1987 John McTiernan) Mandibled’ Whales and gills on horny ‘Mutos’.


Once upon a time, cheating was something only pupils did. They would secretly take notes into their exams, copy each other’s homework and get a little too much help from their parents while doing their coursework. But over the last twenty years, cheating has spread. Now the teachers cheat too. In fact, I would argue that so much “cheating” goes on that the teachers themselves don’t even realize they’re doing it. Kingsdale School in Southwark has been fingered by whistleblowers who say that teachers unfairly helped pupils with GCSE and AS-level exams and coursework. The school has been rated “outstanding” by Ofsted and David Cameron said it was “brilliant”. Certainly the word on the street is that Kingsdale is an excellent school. It was once a place where security guards with dogs roamed, but the Head, Steve Morrison, turned the place around. Parents are keen to get their children into the school and children are proud to go there. Whistleblowers say that marks for non-existent coursework were sent to the exam boards. The coursework system works like this:
i) teacher collects in the work and marks it
ii) teachers in the department moderate the coursework by sample marking the work of others
iii) all marks are sent to the board
iv) the board asks to see a sample of the coursework, and if the marks on these few pieces are accurate, all of the teachers’ marks are approved.
It is a good system. While it respects the teacher enough to trust him to submit proper marks and to have followed the rules, it is able to ensure that teachers who are not skilled at marking accurately get the required support. But without the certainty of teachers’ professionalism, the system falls apart. One can see how a teacher, under pressure to get in all of his coursework, with kids who are lazy and refuse to do it, simply makes up a mark that he thinks the kid is likely to get and then submits it, with the intention of getting the coursework from the child at a later date. Kingsdale is also accused of allowing pupils to correct their exam papers after the exam had finished. It is also alleged that pupils who were late to their exams were not quarantined and were in fact allowed to sit the exams after other pupils had finished. Apparently, teachers would go to a pupil’s home if they did not turn up for an exam and would let them sit the exam there instead of at school. Who knows how much of this is true. But it is clear that teachers all over the nation are under so much pressure to produce results that a culture of cheating has taken hold of our schools. I have known countless teachers go to great lengths to “help” pupils with their work.
The problem always lies in knowing where the line should be drawn. I remember once taking a boy into my office, sitting him down with a pen and paper, demanding he write something for his coursework, knowing that by just forcing a few lines out of him, his chances of a C would be possible, but without those lines a C was out of our grasp. When he begged me to tell him what to say, I refused. I could easily have hinted at what he should say. But I didn’t. I wasn’t about to “cheat”. But did I? Once upon a time, quite simply, the deadline would have been set, he would have missed it, and he would have failed. That experience would have taught him that in life, without effort, one fails. And the next time he may have behaved differently. As it is, that boy wrote some 6 or 7 lines and managed to get a few marks more than he would have done otherwise. In the end, he missed a C grade by one mark – just one.
And to this day, I blame myself for that miss: I always think to myself, if only I had insisted on 8 lines instead of 7, he would have got that C… That’s our system. The teacher is responsible for the grades and the teacher is judged by them. This leaves the pupil without any responsibility for himself, and it has our system in tatters, where teachers are actually sent on courses that tell them how to bend the rules of the exam board in order to maximise exam results. Children no longer take deadlines seriously, and “help” has come to mean something entirely different. It’s easy to point the finger at Kingsdale. But in doing so, we’re missing the bigger picture. (Katharine Birbalsingh is the teacher who exposed the failings of the comprehensive school system at the Conservative Party conference last year. Katharine has been teaching in inner London for over a decade and plans to set up a Free School in south London to help to serve underprivileged children. Her book, To Miss with Love, is out now.
Follow @Miss_Snuffy on Twitter to see what Katharine’s doing now. Katharine’s personal website is
[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]
Just one of the symptoms of collusion from the ‘Feminist Agenda’ of NWO control and, an unethical promoting a poisonous oestrogen drenched environment rather than the ethics exuded from a testosterone drenched natural one. Yang = Structure and Ethics, Yin = Filler and Flavour. If you reverse that or miss out either ingredient, all the results would be chaos. In general only societies that function without an agenda are the only ones that will evolve and grow. the rest will stagnate and fall apart – try USA and it’s Sudra caste/military/plutocrat dominated zeitgeist. No future and no wonder, it’s Nero and his violin while the ‘West’ or Capitalist nations burn.
15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Become So Desperate That They Will Do Just About Anything For Money
More Americans than ever are desperate for money and many of them will do just about anything to get it.  The crumbling U.S. economy has pushed millions of ordinary Americans to the brink of utter desperation.  When it comes time to choose between being able to survive or breaking the law, many people are choosing to break the law.  These days it seems like Americans will do just about anything for money.  All over the country, there are areas where just about anything that is not bolted down is being stolen.  A lot of people have resorted to making money however they can – selling drugs, selling their bodies, shoplifting, invading homes, taking bribes, running credit card scams and even stealing from their own family members.  You will have a hard time believing some of the things that you are about to read below.  When people have their backs pushed up against the wall, often they find that they are willing to do things that they never imagined that they would do.  Things are getting crazy out there on the streets of America, and as the economy continues to decline things are going to get a lot crazier.The following are 15 examples that show many Americans have become so desperate that they will do just about anything for money….

#1 In Utah, one unemployed 28 year old man is offering to be “human prey” for hunters for the bargain price of $10,000.  For an additional $2,000, he will let people hunt him down while he is running around naked.

#2 The Huffington Post is reporting that there has been an epidemic of air conditioning thefts all over the United States….

Across the country, in states like Illinois, Texas, Arizona, Georgia and Florida, there have been reports of thieves stealing unsecured air conditioning units weighing as much as 125 pounds.

#3 In Corpus Christi, Texas thieves have actually been breaking into funeral homes in order to steal the embalming fluid.

#4 Even police officers are committing desperate acts these days.  Just check out what one police officer in Chicago is charged with doing….

A Chicago Police officer stole $50,000 from his ailing elderly father to pay off his bills and gambling debts and unsuccessfully attempted to swipe his dad’s retirement savings by impersonating him

#5 Nothing is off limits to thieves these days.  Criminals recently broke into a southwest Atlanta beauty supply store and took off with $30,000 in hair extensions.

#6 In another area of Atlanta, thieves have been breaking down walls and busting bathroom fixtures with sledgehammers in order to get their hands on copper, brass and steel….

Kids in two Atlanta communities won’t have their neighborhood pools to help beat the summer heat, at least for now. Thieves used what is believed to be sledge hammers to bust walls and break fixtures in bathrooms at Adams and South Bend parks to steal copper, brass and steel.

#7 One grandmother in Florida has been accused of trying to sell her newborn grandson for $75,000.

#8 In Antioch, California a total of approximately 300 power poles were recently knocked down by thieves and stripped of their copper wiring.

#9 In Minnesota recently, a mob of teen girls brutally pummeled a mother and her two daughters until they were black and blue.  Apparently the mob of teen girls was enraged over a pair of missing sunglasses.

#10 In Asheville, North Carolina thieves recently took off with 4 metal tables and 16 metal chairs that were sitting outside a pizzeria.

#11 In Florida, thieves have actually been stealing storm drain covers.

#12 In Oregon, thieves recently broke into a Salvation Army community center and stole 3 large air conditioning units.  Now all the people that come to that facility for help and for community programs this summer will be absolutely sweltering.

#13 In the Cleveland area, two young boys that had set up a lemonade stand were robbed in broad daylight.  The crooks got away with approximately 12 dollars.

#14 In Oklahoma, thieves recently broke into a church and stole “arts and crafts supplies meant to help teach bible stories to children”.

#15 A 59 year old man from North Carolina named Richard James Verone was so desperate for money that he actually robbed a bank and got caught on purpose so that he could be put in prison and be given free health care.

One day Verone walked into an RBC Bank in North Carolina, handed a clerk a note demanding exactly one dollar and sat down and waited for the police to arrive and arrest him. Verone has a growth on his chest and two ruptured disks but he does not have any health insurance.  He is hoping that in prison he will get the medical treatment that he needs.

As society continues to unravel, prison is going to look like an appealing option for more and more people. At least in prison you get fed, you have a roof over your head and they will take care of your medical needs. For a whole lot of Americans, that would be a major step up. Have you noticed that the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is starting to disappear? America is becoming a cold, cruel place and lawlessness is everywhere.

For ages, Americans have looked down on the crime and the depravity that goes on in other areas of the world. Well, now America has all of the crime and depravity it can handle and it is going to get a lot worse as millions of formerly middle class Americans descend into poverty. A regular commenter on my website who identifies himself as “El Pollo de Oro” recently described the kind of chaos that he believes is coming to the streets of America….

I live in Philadelphia, a city that used to have a ton of blue-collar manufacturing jobs as well as a great deal of white-collar employment, but the blue-collar manufacturing jobs have disappeared–and on the white-collar side, a college degree isn’t necessarily the ticket to prosperity it once was. Philly has its share of nasty, dangerous ghetto areas as well as ritzy, upscale areas like Rittenhouse Square. But then, there are parts of Mexico City that look like Beverly Hills except that the signs are en español. A minority of Chilangos are filthy rich, which is what you expect in a Third World country: an uber-rich minority and a poor majority. And when The Banana Republic of America (formerly the USA) signed on for globalism and ignored Ross Perot’s warning, it opted to become a Third World country—which means that you can kiss the American middle class goodbye.

But there will be some growth industries in The Banana Republic of America: kidnapping, drug smuggling, murder for hire, carjacking, armed robbery. And if you want a taste of what life will be like in American cities in the future, just spend a few weeks in Guatemala City, Johannesburg or Caracas—all of which have the type of horrible crime rates that BRA cities can look forward to in the future. Desperate people do desperate things, and hardcore desperation will be in the norm in the BRA. It won’t be fun (unless, of course, being robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight is one’s idea of a good time).

Welcome to life in a rotting, decaying Third World hellhole. Welcome to the collapse of the Roman Empire. Welcome to life in The Banana Republic of America, formerly the USA. America is changing.  The safe, secure environment that we all used to take for granted is dying.  The number of truly desperate people rises by the day, and many of those desperate people are willing to do just about anything for money. The United States used to have a thriving middle class, but our economic system has been so manipulated over the decades that now almost all of the economic rewards go to the very top of the food chain. 25 years ago, the wealthiest 12 percent of all Americans controlled 33 percent of all the wealth.  Today, the wealthiest 1 percent of all Americans control 40 percent of all the wealth. In the United States today, we are actually witnessing the death of the middle class.  Our jobs have been shipped overseas, the banks have enslaved us to debt, the government keeps finding more ways to tax us and the Federal Reserve keeps debasing our currency. Everywhere you go, despair is in the air.  According to a brand new Reuters/Ipsos poll, 63 percent of Americans believe that the nation is on the wrong track. Fortunately, many Americans are responding to these signs of trouble by preparing.

One local Oklahoma newspaper recently did an article that profiled a few of the growing number of Americans that are preparing for hard times….

Rod and Lauretta Smith estimate they could survive a year without going to the grocery store. A large garden on their 5-acre property in south Tulsa produces hundreds of quarts of canned and frozen beans, tomatoes and other vegetables. Chickens provide eggs. The Smiths are among a small but growing number of people stocking up on food to become more self-reliant in a time marked by natural disasters and economic uncertainty.

The truth is that all of us should try to become less dependent on the system.  The Democrats, the Republicans, the Federal Reserve and the big corporations are not there to help you.  They are not going to come riding to the rescue if you lose your job and your home.

We all need to do what we can to become more independent and to prepare ourselves and our families for the incredibly difficult economic times that are inevitably coming.  Those that have faith that their jobs will always be there or that the government will always take care of them will be deeply disappointed.

The system is dying and society is coming apart.

The only rational thing to do is to prepare for what is coming.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Here’s a solution that will not need a single cent.

Offer each person on food stamps or ‘council housing’ (not working or homeless), land for subsistence farming and make them live in a tent. Very Soviet era-esque, but when American citizens begin herding their own animals, composting rather than buying fertilisers, burning firewood rather than using electrical heaters and begin growing their own food, collecting rainwater/digging wells, weaving cloth for making their own clothes from home grown cotton, ALL FOR FREE, USA will finally be rid of the debt caused by sequestration of land by the state and dependence on food stamps or funding of state funded homeless shelters (See below link on this group as well for homelessness solutions . . . ).

Is Ending Homelessness Just a Dream? – Joel John Roberts – 13th June 2011

As for education. Education does not need a millions worth elementary school, 10s millions worth high school, 10s billions worth University, do it like they did in the past – in a Warehouse-Barn and do not allow ‘Professor’ to charge exhorbitant fees (i.e. no more than allows him to retire in comfort or with some dignity, not extreme wealth) simply because he groups up with other Professor’s and calls a bunch of buildings a University.

Ditch those cars and vehicles, use draft animals which can also be eaten. Or use bicycles as in China, with ‘sidecar’ attachments if carrying goods. No more spending on fuel. You want to get there, you jolly well PEDDLE with your own legs (than charge fuel costs to the taxpayer if you’re in government).

The other thing of course would be to END ALL EXPENSIVE WARS and shut down all WMD silos of any and every type. How much does a silo or nuke cost to maintain yearly? How many nukes does USA have that it may NEVER use? All just to enrich military contractors.

Whos up for life in 1800s America? Better than post millenial decay as we see now for certain while USA indulges in wars without end.

For everyone else with some assets, liquidate EVERYTHING excess you have in fiat for precious metals, buy land to cultivate your own food, do not fuel ANY ‘Suit or Electricity using Industries’ and live like a Hillbilly. Grow biofuel crops for your electricity, grow your own cotton, get the wife to learn to use the loom, dump the car for a donkey or bullock and cart (no more road tax!), live in a Yurt made from your own skinned domestic animals instead of paying for construction, make your own beer, wine and yoghurt. Burn dung and firewood for warmth.

If enough people do all of this,the  ‘duopolist bilderberg stooge potus’ and government itself is finished. We will be out own militia, so army guys don’t worry about invasions, but do distribute those weapons. Ordinary folk should buy some gunz and bibles (or whatever religious text or kama sutra . . .).

And finally remember to vote ONLY for the POOREST candidate on the list. In the event every candidate is rich, then it is your duty to run for candidacy as a non-plutocrat.

Rand Paul in TSA showdown after refusing pat down – By Stephanie Condon – January 23, 2012 10:48 AM

In Abuse of Power, Democracy, Invasive Laws, Technology, USA on January 23, 2012 at 9:34 pm

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky on Monday found himself in a showdown with the Transportation Security Administration in Nashville, Tennessee after refusing to undergo a full-body pat down. Paul was later re-screened and booked on a subsequent flight.

The senator went through the scanner at the airport but was told there was some sort of “anomaly” with the scan and would have to get a full-body pat down, Paul’s chief of staff Doug Stafford told CBS News. Paul did not consent to this and offered another scan, but the TSA insisted on the pat down.

According to the Associated Press, Paul said he was “detained” in a small cubicle in the airport, which is about an hour from his Bowling Green, Kentucky home, and missed his flight to Washington for a Senate session.

The TSA disputed the characterization that Paul was “detained.” The TSA told CBS News that Paul wasn’t detained at any point, though he triggered an alarm during a routine screening and refused to complete the screening process.

Passengers who refuse to comply with security procedures are denied access to the secure gate area. In this case, Paul was escorted out of the screening area by local law enforcement, according to the TSA.

“When an irregularity is found during the TSA screening process, it must be resolved prior to allowing a passenger to proceed to the secure area of the airport,” the TSA said in a statement to CBS News. “Passengers who refuse to complete the screening process cannot be granted access to the secure area in order to ensure the safety of others traveling.”

Paul’s father, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, quickly tweeted about the incident Monday morning: “My son @SenRandPaul being detained by TSA for refusing full body pat-down after anomaly in body scanner in Nashville. More details coming.”

Ron Paul left a similar message on Facebook, and Rand Paul’s communications director Moira Bagley also tweeted the news.

Around midday, a TSA official told CBS News that Rand Paul was re-booked on another flight and re-screened without incident.

Both Rand Paul and Ron Paul are known for their libertarian policy positions, and last year, Rand Paul blasted the TSA for conducting unnecessary pat downs.

In a June 2011 hearing, Paul told TSA administrator John Pistole, “I think you ought to get rid of the random pat-downs. The American public is unhappy with them, they’re unhappy with the invasiveness of them.”

After reports surfaced of young children getting intense, random pat-downs, Paul said in the hearing, “It just really just shows that no one is thinking… We need to be doing better police work and doing less of the universal giving up of our freedom to live our life the way we would like to live our life.”

He suggested there should be a “trusted traveler” program in which people who travel frequently and are known to be not a threat, like congressmen, don’t have to be searched.

Monday afternoon, Ron Paul released a statement decrying the dispute, noting that as president, he would eliminate the TSA.

“The police state in this country is growing out of control,” he said. “One of the ultimate embodiments of this is the TSA that gropes and grabs our children, our seniors, and our loved ones and neighbors with disabilities. The TSA does all of this while doing nothing to keep us safe.”

Stephanie Condon is a political reporter for

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

‘Paul was later re-screened and booked on a subsequent flight.’

A capitulation of sorts! Re-screened? Paul should have challenged the TSA legislation at Congress on the basis of ciy to city or congressional district to congressional district removal of TSA from local airports and congressional districts, demanding to be let through under some obscure bureaucrat law – some plutocrat congressman should be doing this by putting lawsuits on all TSA guys (TSA guys how about earning your money in a different manner by quitting and joining a less controversial and more useful government department – you’re becoming the face of American failure and security excesses and the ‘American face of hate’ more than or at least as much as Muslim Terrorism already is) to kick up a fuss instead of allowing oneself to be screened and getting on another flight.

Remember voters, plutocrat mayors, congressmen or gubernatorial and senatorial politicians level have allowed this – with sad to say President Obama for all the good he might be doing elsewhere, tacitly approving by not making a sound on TSA either. Those who want to keep TSA would doubtless make their districts a$$hole districts where people would give a miss, much like the Internet Kill Switch States (Rand, your dad Ron needs to drop this one . . . ) or the pro-Fiat/Anti-Gold States, etc..

Snoop Dog should have done the stronger version of this for all the organics smokers in his own court case. Though the sum was small, Snoop chose the lazy way out and paid the fine rather than pull an MLK on the legislation as Rand Oaul is pulling half an MLK  (i.e. half a$$ed attempt) on the TSA here. Come on Snoop, maybe you could try to demand that fine you paid back and still pull an MLK to legalise organics drugs the way Nethelands has. Show Rand Paul how it’s done. Surely you can’t be satisfied with making cash from music alone. YOu want to look back and say, I, Snoop Dog MADE legislation of pot possible, got the avalanch started, and freed so many suffering souls from prison or fear of growing their own patch. Why don’t you do it Snoop? On the back of Rand Pauls trail blazing on TSA . . . or one day you will look back and regret it and struggle like mad to reclaim what was almost lost when one was directly relevant and having an immediate reason to. This will set you apart from all other rappers who do smoke pot but lack the courage to do this even though they do have the money! USA is the ‘Fisr World’ now show the rest of the world how the organics issue and by extension all other issue should be treated.

Burglar broke into house, raped student as she slept by her boyfriend, and attacked two other women the same night By Suzannah Hills Last updated at 3:24 PM on 20th January 2012

In better judgments, cyborg, film, if not contrived, synchronicity, Technology on January 22, 2012 at 6:23 pm

Rape victim briefly woke up and ‘felt a man’s arms around her and thought it was her boyfriend’ Boyfriend awoke to find the rapist still in bed next to them and chased him out the flat before calling police. Cat burglar sexually assaulted three women in one night after creeping over roofs to break into houses

Rapist: Travis Gotting was branded ‘unpredictable and volatile’ by a judge after sexually assaulting three women

A cat burglar sexually assaulted three young women in a night of terror after creeping along rooftops to break into their homes, a court heard.

Travis Gotting, 20, broke into two different student houses where he sexually assaulted the young women and stole items from around their apartments.

Reading Crown Court heard he even started having sex with one of the women as she lay sleeping with her boyfriend lying next to her in bed before the couple awoke and chased him from their home.

Gotting was yesterday told by a judge that he was ‘unpredictable and volatile’ and will serve a minimum of four years in prison for the public’s protection before he can be considered for release.

The court was told Gotting, from Shinfield, Reading, who admitted burglary, rape and sexual assault, had been seen clambering over the rooftops of homes in an area popular with students studying at Reading University.

He then climbed into one flat through an unsecured window and sneaked into the second floor bedroom of a 20-year-old student as she slept following a heavy night out.

Jailed: Travis Gotting, 20, was imprisoned for a minimum of four years by Judge Stephen John at Reading Crown Court

Prosecutor Sandra Beck said:

‘She became aware of someone saying to her “hello baby”. [[[ *** bwah haha . . . ooo I can’t resist . . . – lemme repeat the script from – Mortal Kombat I (1995) *** ]]]

Sonya Blade (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras) : Wheres’s Kano?

Kano (Trevor Goddard d.2003) : Uh, hurr durr, Hello baby . . . did you miss me?”

The Movie wasn’t on so ‘Entity’ (Not Auntie . . . ) replies instead : In Nigeria !

Islamist insurgents kill over 178 in Nigeria’s Kano

Back to the article . . .

She had gone to bed alone. ‘She felt hands upon her, she felt the person touch her under her pyjamas.’

The startled victim woke up and ordered Gotting out of her room. Gotting then crept into the room of her 20-year-old flatmate, who lay asleep in bed with her boyfriend.

Miss Beck added: ‘She awoke and felt a man’s arms around her and thought it was her boyfriend.

‘She was half asleep and thought no more of it.

‘She had a recollection of having sex from behind and at some point she fully woke up and her recollection was that there was a stranger between them.

‘Gotting got up and said something about being in “Dave’s house”. Her boyfriend chased him out and called the police.’

Gotting escaped with a number of items stolen from the property, in Earley Road, Reading, and half an hour later struck at another home just 100 yards away in nearby Donnington Road.

He then entered a room where two sisters were sleeping and when one awoke he told her that the landlord had given him permission for him to stay.

But when the 21-year-old woman bent down to get him a sleeping bag, Gotting touched her bottom, so the sisters ordered him to leave.

After he’d left they noticed items were missing – including cash, an iPod and a mobile phone.

Miss Beck said both women from the first house targeted by Gotting no longer felt safe in their own homes.

The first of Gotting’s victims had been so traumatised by her ordeal that she had abandoned her studies altogether and moved back in with her parents.

In a statement read to the court, she said: ‘I could no longer continue living in Reading. I had to quit university, all the effort that I put into my degree has been abandoned.’

The second victim, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, said: ‘I am paranoid about open windows, I suffer from anxiety and I am constantly on edge.’

Judge Stephen John said Gotting displayed a ‘limited understanding’ of his sexual offending.

He told him: ‘You are unable to explain your motivation for the serious and repeated sexual offending behaviour, your victims being vulnerable and unknown females.

‘You were not deterred by being confronted by your victims when they woke up, going on to commit further offences.’

Judge John jailed Gotting for a minimum of four years – and he will not be released until he can prove he is no longer a risk to the public.

He said: ‘This is the minimum period you must serve before you can even be considered for release.

‘It may be much longer, and it will be unless you can prove you are not a danger to the public.

‘Unless you can do so you may never be released.’

FOUR YEARS?!!! castrate then hang him

– YUMMY MUMMY , KENT, 20/1/2012 14:58
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Looks like a photograph of the Royal Berks hospital to me. Clearly hospital food is the latest thing in criminal deterence.

– Baz, Shropshire, 20/1/2012 14:58
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Our judges would seem to prefer to keep US in fear in our homes – justifying more represssive laws etc – than deal with crime by actually putting the criminals in jail for periods that reflect the seriousness of their crimes.

– Eric Murphy, London, UK, 20/1/2012 14:57
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Bizarre sentence. Judge must be sober on the job

– zakhaj, rhyl, 20/1/2012 14:51
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FOUR YEARS?!!! Four flaming years for Rape, Burglary and Sexual Assault? What in the name of God do you have to do to get punished properly in this country? My sympathy to the poor girls who’s lives and personalities are now completely changed thanks to this scum.

– Sharron, Yorkshire, 20/1/2012 14:49
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Pearl, Brighton: “For all the outraged commentators – this offender has been given an Indeterminate sentence – to serve no less than 4 years. He cannot be released before the 4 years is up and *then* only if he can demonstrate his risk to the public is significantly reduced” – Yes we understand that, thank you. the point is not that he was given an indeterminate sentence, but that he should have got at least 20 years before being considered for release. It’s not about risk, it’s about punishment. Should be, anyway.

– David Bourke, Rochester, Kent., 20/1/2012 14:49
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4 yrs ? he should have got 30 yrs !!!! sack the judge !!

– robert, stockport, 20/1/2012 14:48
Click to rate Rating 68

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4 years FOUR YEARS !!! castrate then hang him evil scum he will do it again definitely. scumbags like these deserve the death sentence

– YUMMY MUMMY , KENT, 20/1/2012 14:48
Click to rate Rating 56

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Will some one start a petition, TO BRING BACK THE BIRCH, This scum should have 20 lashes PLUS 4 years, the only way to stop them

– daleabb, Nottingham, 20/1/2012 14:48
Click to rate Rating 40

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Should be flogged and castrated.

– Fang, uk, 20/1/2012 14:48

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Look at all the violent inequitable feminist suggestions. Whipping or flogging the women is not what the attacker did so why whip or flog the offender. Nor did the offender cut off the genitals of these women, so how could the above women be so vicious as to suggest castration? Whats this FGM nonsense? (Little wonder Nigeria . . . )

I say determine if that rapist is not someone who enjoys anal sex first (if he does get something he doesn’t want to rape him by – there must be something even a rapist hates) get some feminists to put on dildos and do the same rape with the 3 victims as an audience to help collect their dignity (if it can even help). This saves the taxpayer 4 years of paying for this guy’s prison costs. Eye for eye tooth for tooth, – so a rape for a rape and maybe repairs for anything broken during the break in.

Next sentencing! (BTW a Mortal Kombat ‘House’ or series where all characters are alive and well and friendly had better be set up with a pleasant script otherwise Kano will become as taboo a word as Voldemorte . . . Harry Potter the series didn’t work in any good measure against the astral/ethereal AT ALL IMHO- *TEP*!)