
Posts Tagged ‘abuse of bylaw powers’

Workshop Operator (Demolished by Power Mad Council) Fails In Bid To Embarrass YB Chief Minister of Penang Guan Eng Thursday, 12 January 2012 06:38

In Uncategorized on January 13, 2012 at 10:35 am

GEORGE TOWN — An operator of a workshop which was allegedly torn down by the Municipal Council of Penang Island failed in his attempt to present a replica of the workshop, a toilet and a bulldozer to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on the first anniversary of the alleged incident in Jelutong here.

Mohd Yacoob Mohd Nor, 23, arrived at the lobby of the state government office on the third floor of the Tun Abdul Razak Complex (Komtar) at 2.40 pm, yesterday accompanied by several members of the Penang branch of the Malay right-wing group Perkasa.

Security guards denied them permission to enter the office and they left after waiting for 45 minutes, leaving the items wrapped in red cloth at the counter of the guards.

Mohd Yacoob said he was unhappy with the alleged demolition of his workshop, Mega Xtreme Motor, claiming that he had a licence to operate the facility located on his own land.

“The demolition should not have taken place, and prior notice should have been given,” he told reporters.

He said that following the alleged demolition on Jan 11 last year, he wrote to the council president requesting the reason for its action but said he has yet to receive a reply.


[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

DAP has a habit of destroying people’s livelihoods or harrassing people about their property. Though racism and apartheid typify PERKASA, I am on Nor’s side here. It’s his private property and he’s just making a simple living you Gambier Threat, KOMTAR Lockdown, Beachboy harrassing, gas tank confiscating, Condominium staircase trashing political party! Whats wrong with DAP? Mentally ill? Want to control which people are allowed to make a living?

Even if someone was supportive of apartheid and racist (which DAP did not address in any clarity with intent to end so far), a political party cannot invade their property and destroy their livelihood.

Take heart Nor, though most of us equal minded citizens detest you for being associated with PERKASA, we sympathise with what you faced, and this news is already embarrassment in itself. Your bid to embarrass DAP succeeded simply because most people detest such behaviour by political parties, regardless of race, and with the nepotism and limitless term issue, DAP is as bad a guy as PERKASA this day.

A LISTING OF DAP’s Council Abuse Shenanigans (DAP is unviotable! Try 3rd force!)

Illegal structures in a high-end apartment project in Batu Lanchang, Penang, have been removed by the developer.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s political secretary Ng Wei Aik said an illegally built staircase, which acted as a private entrance to the roof in four of the five penthouse units, had been removed after it was found that it was not in the approved plan by the Penang Municipal Council.

“The door between the staircase and the roof was also removed. The roof terrace has also been demolished.

“Basically they (the developer) are complying with the requirements. The amended building plan has already been submitted and it is pending approval,” he said when contacted on Sunday.

Ng added that he would send an observation report to the council, Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi and State Tourism Development and Culture Committee chairman Danny Law following his visit to the apartment on Friday.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

For every bit of opportunity these DAP guys would act out.

1) Was the staircase a help or hinderance overall?

2) Did the door prevent anyone from accessing the roof?

3) Was the staircase or roof built in an unstable manner that would cause danger?

If the above are all negative in reply, then the creeps should use their discretionary power to APPROVE whatever was built than tear down like the destructive power mad politicians they are.

The Gambier Threat – Mid 2010

Invasive By-Laws Against Sovereignty of Title/Land Owners

12 people were sacked by DAP by April 2011, and at least another 12 more prior to this, mostly Indian members. If they believe in ending APARTHEID and are willing to sign a contract to support the end of APARTHEID, any independent, even Malay candidates should be voted over power mad and nepotistic DAP.

DID NOT DECLARE ASSETS as promised (however pretend to declare to CM Guan Eng like BN Mps pretend to declare to PM – don’t insult the voters’ intelligence Pakatan . . . )

Failed the EXCO Election Quorum at 0.002% / Failed to Keep Promise of Local Council Elections

Kampung Buah Pala compensation lies

Sunset Bistro / Sabre Tours Destruction of 49 stalls – Traders plan to sue Teratai assemblyman for demolishing shop lots …

Ronnie Liu sand mining case

300 million (86 billion) sPICE fallout BUNKER

Various spats involving Malicious Compliance against Indian Muslim Traders Association,

Effectively ‘Robbing’ Gas Tanks from Small stall owners (this was overseen by Ng Aik Wei)

Watersports Facility owners (this is their Island too, who needs a DAP government that will not amend by-laws, kick them out take power and write your own laws Beach Boys . . . ) Quiet beaches due to water sports ban | theSundaily

Sponsorship and support (planning???) of Kitten Killer? Fate will extract the appropriate number of pure hearted kittens slain (as opposed to evil hearted humans) – with interest applied.

So many petty minded and nepotistic, self serving law writing abuses. Well simple. Identify those unvotable in DAP and keep voting for those votable or uninvolved in the abuses as highlighted above. About 50% of DAP is unvotable because of limitless terms and nepotism via undemocratic self serving family blocs. Below is a link to a list and considerations that might help. And take note, DO NOT vote plutocrats or racists either.

The structures may not be approved or legal but the discretionary power to benevolently approve something useful is true application of law in spirit rather than in word that DAP has in all above cases refused to use. In this case the manner in which the consideration was applied, amounted to being trigger happy in looking for something to demolish within word and not spirit. DAP fails ! Word of law without spirit of law is simply  abuse of power, display of power madness.