
Demerit system mulled by Josephine Jalleh and Tan Sin Chow – 16th September 2011 (

In Uncategorized on January 20, 2012 at 10:49 am

THE Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) is working on a set of conditions that beach operators would have to comply with before the ban on water sports activities in Batu Ferringhi can be lifted. State Local Government and Traffic Management Committee chairman Chow Kon Yeow said one of the conditions was the implementation of a demerit system whereby operators who violate the rules and regulations would have their license revoked and their equipment confiscated. This move was among the proposals raised at meetings that the MPPP held separately with the operators, hoteliers and the police, with the aim of creating tighter regulations for water scooter and parasailing activities at the beach.

Since Sept 6, all water scooter and parasailing activities in Penang were temporarily banned with immediate effect following a recent spate of accidents where a number of tourists were injured along the Batu Ferringhi-Tanjung Bungah tourism belt.

Remedial action: Chow and MPPP reaction, tourism and international affairs director Mohamed Akbar Mustapha showing the signs that will be displayed for public awareness at the benches in Batu Ferringhi.

In January, the council had also imposed a permanent ban on commercial horse-riding and quad bikes along the beach. Chow told a press conference in Komtar yesterday that one of the proposals was for an enquiry body to be set up to investigate accident cases and violation of regulations.

“Another suggestion is to give operator companies identification numbers and require beach boys to wear uniform with serial numbers,” he said. Chow added that suggestions included setting up buoys to identify zones for swimming and for water sports, and signboards displaying instructions and prohibitions in various languages to make tourists aware of the risks involved. There were also suggestions that the MPPP assist the operators in setting up the Association of Watersports Operators, and that a patrol team would be on duty at the popular spots on the beach. “We will hold more meetings with the quarters involved to look into the finer details of all the suggestions and conditions,” he said, adding that there were 30 operators with 80 water scooters in Batu Ferringhi.

The latest incident which sparked the ban was on Aug 20 when five tourists from Malaysia, Singapore, Britain and Australia claimed they were attacked by about 10 beach boys in Tanjung Bungah over a water scooter accident. On Sept 6, police picked up four beach boys aged between 18 and 30 in connection with the brawl. When contacted, George Town OCPD Asst Comm Gan Kong Meng said police were still waiting to record statements from the tourists. “Their statements are vital. We need information from them to help us wrap up investigations,” he said. ACP Gan added that the suspects were now out on police bail pending investigations. It was earlier reported that the case was being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt. Police have since reclassified it as rioting under Section 147.

[[[ *** RESPONSE *** ]]]

Rubbish and arrogance by DAP’s TERM LIMITLESS Chow Kon Yeow and gas tank stealing, 750 funeral law cohorts. It is the voters who will mull which MP to remove that dares that intends to impose such INSULTING demerit laws – does DAP think this is school? The voters will put DAP in detention and remedial instead. The voters will permanently give demerits to fallen politicians who presume to ‘mull’ anything as if they ‘controlled’ society.

They will vote these abusive ‘mulling’ CITIZENS posing as politicians out of power, who dare presume IMPOSING a demerit point system. Tour operators, Horse ride operators, Beach Boys and Buah Pala residents, Gambier Threat affected citizens, Muslim Traders, KOMTAR Traders etc.. – Penang need only rally 13 MPs, to run for candidacy for Penang to become independent, and ALL so-called demerit systems (even taxes, rent assessments etc.. in entirety) could be REMOVED permanently.

How dare DAP presume to mull anything? DAP will be removed along with all APARTHEID racists and bad law (Vehicular AP, Toll Concession, Forced Military Conscription, GAT/VAT Proposers ) promulgators. You had your 15 mins Mr. 6 term (unlimited term) Chow, pack up and leave Penang to the real citizens who are not PAP style oppresso-Zion-stooges. Mull this – EITHER amend those laws, and stop presuming to ‘mull’, or be voted out of power. Put uneducated morons in a suit (rote learning degree educated types) and they begin to think they are really in charge . . . Meanwhile the 3 items again :

1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

Vote 3rd Force!

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